Chapter 9 Emotional Intelligence Handouts
Chapter 9 Emotional Intelligence Handouts
Chapter 9 Emotional Intelligence Handouts
Amygdala (Dr. Joseph LeDoux, 1992) 1) Knowing one’s emotions or self Self-
o become the center of action, the awareness
Self-awareness brings with it the
emotional sentinel that can take
skill for self-reflection
control of our actions even before
It is about a person who
the neocortex could assess what
recognizes an emotion being felt,
to do.
and is able to verbalize it.
o keeps a memory bank of previous
This is about knowing how we
experiences related to emotions
feel and the thought behind the
o pulses coming from the thalamus
escape to the amygdala, which
According to Mayer, when one
triggers what we know as our
recognizes this emotion, there is
knee-jerk reaction to a situation,
also a desire to get rid of it or get
happening even before the
out of that situation. When this
information was processed by the
happens, this is seen as a sign
rational part of the brain. This
that the neocortex is gaining
phenomenon is also known as
some control over the amygdala.
"hijacking of the amygdala."
2) Managing emotions
Pre-frontal cortex Goleman points out that we often
o controls emotions so we can deal have very little or no control when
better and more effectively with an emotion occurs and what this
the situation emotion will be, but we can have
o can take control of the amygdala control on how long an emotion
and modulate its impulses and will last.
puts it on hold while it allows the It is important to recognize an
processing of the information for emotion and experience it, but
dwelling on it, particularly if it is
negative, is not healthy. usually have this natural tendency to
relate to others.
3) Motivating oneself 4) Social Analysis- is the talent to step
Research studies have shown out of a situation and objectively form
that hope is a major indicator of insights about the way people feel
emotional intelligence. and behave. Therapists are gifted
Hope is the element present with this talent.
when one is fighting some
overwhelming anxiety, a defeatist
Goleman also gave some attention to Howard
attitude, or depression.
Gardner's multiple intelligences saying that
Goleman points out that optimism
emotional intelligence could be part of the
is a great motivator, and like
seven key varieties namely;
hope, it provides a person with
expectations that things will turn verbal-linguistic,
out better or right, when faced mathematical-logical,
with adversity. spatial,
4) Recognizing emotions in others musical,
'Sympathy' is when you share interpersonal, and
the feelings of another; intrapersonal
'Empathy' is when you
kunderstand the feelings of Robert Plutchik
another but do not necessarily o another psychologist who
share them. It is the capacity to theorized that emotions are multi-
recognize the emotions in other dimensional, or having various
people intensities, identified these as:
The root cause of our capacity to adoration,
empathize is self-awareness. It is ecstasy,
about putting yourself on anticipation,
someone’s shoe rage,
Empathy is important in disgust,
maintaining relationships as this grief,
also taps on the caring capacity surprise, and
of people. fear
o Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions
5) Handling Relationships Each of these eight basic
Emotional intelligence is also emotions have varying
evident in the way we manage intensities, starting with the
our relationships with others. most intense at the center of
Howard Gardner and Thomas the circle with the most
Hatch: the proponent of multiple intense colors to the least
intelligences; came up with four intense of emotions within that
components of social intelligence (or category
interpersonal intelligence)