(Woodcarving) E.J. Tangerman - Complete Guide To Woodcarving-Sterling (1984)
(Woodcarving) E.J. Tangerman - Complete Guide To Woodcarving-Sterling (1984)
(Woodcarving) E.J. Tangerman - Complete Guide To Woodcarving-Sterling (1984)
Complete Guide to
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Complete Guide to
Wfood Carving
Complete Guide to
Wfood Carving
-» — *-
E. J. Tangerman
Includes index.
1. —
Wood-carving Technique. I. Title.
TT199.7.T345 1984 731.4'62 84-2756
ISBN 0-8069-5532-5
ISBN 0-8069-7922-4 (pbk.)
Review. Sharing that carver's sentiments, I My effort in this volume is to capture not
have spent whatever time I have had avail- only examples of American folk art but
able for fifty years, seeking out what for me those typical of faraway places, to give you
were new ideas for carvings, simple or com- a source for new and different ideas upon
plex. I have less interest in the familiar and which to build. This volume is devoted to
traditional European patterns, and much subjects quite familiar to most primitive
more in the things that primitive, and often carvers but less familiar to Americans the —
self-taught, carvers make purely for the world of mammals, birds and fishes, and
love of it. Somehow, such carvings are less even a saurian or two. Ancient man re-
rigid, less standardized, and far more imag- spected, feared and admired the inhabi-
inative — verve and of life. I bought
full of tants of that world; the development of
those carvings I could afford and that were cities and highways has tended to take us
for sale, and photographed or sketched out of it, even to destroy it, at an accelerat-
others. Retirement has made it possible for ing rate.
me to visit many of the less well-known I have tried to maintain logical groupings
parts of the world where carving is still of the designs presented here. The first few
respected and admired. sections include carvings that can be made
with the knife alone, while most of the re-
Prepackaged vs. hand carvings mainder can be done with relatively few
In recent years relatively high incomes and inexpensive tools. This grading is
and early retirement have provided many based upon my own experience in carving
people with leisure time as well as the fi- them; indeed, many of my own designs
nances to do with it what they want. Out of and carvings are scattered through the
this and an increasing disaffection with pre- book. I have provided such patterns as are
be gotten from carving than with possible how good and free many primitive designs
income from it, and who whittle or carve as are, and how well they are executed, usu-
an avocation or leisure-time pursuit. They ally without the tools and equipment we
understand the Tahitian carver's reluctance consider necessary. You do not need a fancy
to turn himself into a production machine. shop to be a good woodcarver which is —
If you are also reluctant, this book was writ- one of its attractions for me.
ten for you. This book includes extensive summaries
All this tends to obscure the fact that of basic information on tools, sharpening,
woodcarving and whittling can be and are finishing in color or natural wood, and
being done with very limited numbers of changing drawing size. It has some simple,
tools and no other equipment what- but different, projects for beginning whit-
soever. The carver in Bali or Easter Island, tlers and carvers, then some more ad-
in both of which woodcarving is the only vanced ones, first for whittling with the
industry, rarely has more than four or five knife alone, then for carving with a variety
tools and probably uses a shaped club for a of tools. I have added Appendix II on
mallet and his knees for a vise. His tools are sharpening. The sections on knives and
Carving personality
Call someone an artist and the layman What to carve
will ask, "Oil or watercolor?" He forgets that In Kowloon one day, I asked a salesman
there were nine Muses, and the so-called in a carved-ivory shop what he carved.
fine arts include sculpture, poetry, prose, "Elephants," he said.
and dance, among others. Use the word "Horses are selling better," I offered.
"portrait" and your listener will ask, "Of "Have you ever tried to carve one?"
whom?" Even Webster's supports this view He shook his head. "No," he replied, "I
What this book deals with are individual an effort to assemble a number of attractive
likenesses, representations of specific ani- and unusual ideas in materials, subjects,
mals, flora and inanimate objects so that techniques and treatments that I have
they are distinct and recognizable. found refreshing alternatives to typical
We have a chapter or two on depicting woodcarving and predetermined commis-
the general shape of things other than peo- sions. Finish is indicated piece-by-piece,
ple,then progress to attaining likenesses of and I have also provided traceable patterns
such diverse subjects as a house, a barn, for a number of them. Because many of my
other models, a hobby, a dog or two, and carvings are unusual, I have already sold
ultimately portraits of people. Included are some, and could have sold more.
such ideas as how to copy a statue in mini- Many of the designs are not American,
ature and how to make masks of animals because some of the most unusual of carv-
and people. ings are foreign in origin. Most are, how-
In short, I've tried to explain how to carve ever, folk art rather than formal art, because
a likeness of just about anything. This is a the latter usually follows traditional pat-
frequent to any woodcarver,
challenge terns available from many sources, and
whether he be amateur or professional, mostly utilitarian in application. These de-
neophyte or skilled. Many of the examples signs are largely for fun and "for a change."
here described were commissions, because Go to it!
— —
Ancient man carved the materials he had should be pen, spear or an equivalent. Be
with whatever tools he could devise. His sure blades open and close easily, yet do not
incentives were undoubtedly to placate the wobble, and do open out straight and
gods or worship them, to make a tool easier firmly.
to hold and to make an image for himself or
his children. Wood was abundant in most Fixed-blade knives
areas and could be cut by stone, so the Ifyou find carving a particular material or
stone knife and chisel found early use, fol- subject preferable, you can branch out and
lowed by the axe and the adze when some- get specially shaped fixed-blade knives to
one discovered how to make and bind on a suit what you're doing. These are easier
handle. The point is, that ancient man got —
and safer to use at home the blade won't
along with relatively few tools. So can you, —
snap shut on your finger but they aren't
until you know what you need. as portable. However, I know tool enthusi-
asts who have made their own knives from
The carver's pocketknife old saw-blades or straight razors and have
The most universal tool is the knife, par- special cases to carrythem in, just as I carry
ticularly the pocketknife, because it is so a roll with a number of chisels. Mine in-
portable and adaptable. A good one can cut cludes sharpening aids, and so should
a wide variety of materials, certainly those yours. Have at least one narrow and thin
mentioned in this book. Because man is so blade to get into concavities and tight cor-
inventive, he has developed an extraordi- ners, and one wide, heavy blade for rough-
nary number of variations on the knife, ing. I also find that a blade with a concave
each with its own special purpose and ad- cutting edge (which I call a hook), originally
vantages. You can buy any number of blade developed for leatherworking, is helpful in
and handle shapes, even blades with blank carving details. Blades should be short
handles you can carve to fit your hand. But not over IV2 in (3.8 cm) long for most work
it is better to start with a good pocketknife, kept sharp, and oiled to avoid rust.
with a maximum of two or three carbon- Many sources are eager to sell you a set of
steel blades (stainless won't hold an edge as carving tools, a mixture of types sup-
well) and no belt clips, can openers or cork- posedly put together by an "expert" that
screws to chafe your palm. Because the includes some you may never use, as was
knife will change position in your hand for the case with the 9-tool set I bought origi-
various cuts, it should have an essentially nally. Further, you don't have to buy the
smooth and uniform handle, comfortable finest tools available; buy cheap ones until
to grip. Blades should include at least one you find out what you really need, then
with a sabre point, usually the big one supplement with better quality. With a little
known as a B-clip The other one or two care, you'll find that cheap tools work al-
HAN&U covl « *
. Vhf
most as well as expensive ones. They do for sharp point (sabre or B-clip) and a smaller
me. one with a stubbier tip (pen) is the basic
answer. It can have three blades, but
How to choose knives shouldn't have more than that or the knife
If you are just starting to carve, you can't becomes too clumsy. I usually carry two
beat a and a piece of pine or
knife —
knives one with pen, spear, and B-clip,
bass wood. The great convenience of the the other with pen and B-clip. The three-
pocketknife or clasp knife is that you can bladed knife is larger and has wider blades,
take it with you and set up shop whenever so will take heavier cuts; the small blade
you're so inclined. A knife with a fixed handles the delicate and hard-to-get-at
handle is safer for cutting (the blade won't spots and shallow concavities. The small
snap shut on your finger) but a nuisance to blade is more likely to break and harder to
carry; its edge must be protected against all control, as well as slower, but the big blades
things hard or soft. Its handle is bigger and get in their own way on occasion.
more comfortable, but you need a sheath to
carry it. The knife should be of good quality Grain
and have a carbon-steel blade, rather than Wood has grain and tends to splinter and
stainless. It will rust if you don't keep it split along it. It is much easier to cut with the
lightly oiled, but it will also hold an edge grain than across it, of course (those long
longer, which is important unless you long curling chips are cut with the grain), but a
to carry a hone and a lap with you as well. tree is a living thing and its grain may not be
As to blade shape and size, you'll find straight, or it may veer around damage or a
that you seldom need a blade longer than knot. The
first thing you must learn is to
IV2 in (4 cm); a longer blade will bend and keep the grain in mind at all times. If you
your hand is too far back to control it as cut with it, it's easy; if you cut squarely
well. A knife with one long blade with a across it, it's harder work but no problem
cjrea+er pressure Chip carving -qood Close control - must cut u) ith 5<zries of hand pushaj, Tip cuts concave.
Q\osq. confrol- across gram- Arm force qrain. Arm rotation r fore? Danger of blade closing Watchcjrain!.'!
Arm force
Fig. 4. Typical knife cuts done with one hand.
FLAT 600«-
Woodcarving tools have a long history
and, thus, a vocabulary all their own. The
straight chisel, like a carpenter's chisel but
lighter, is called a firmer. It is sharpened
from both sides so it doesn't dig in. If the
edge is at an angle to the blade length it is
called a skew, and is used for getting into
corners, much as a knife would be (I use the
knife). The rounded chisels are called
gouges, as in carpentry, but come in a wide
range of widths and curvatures or sweeps
from almost flat to U-shaped. The very U-
shaped ones are called fluters, particularly
in small sizes. One of the most useful of
gouges is a very small half-round one called
Fig. 9. Special shapes:
A, 1-in (25.4-mm) long-bent
No. 9 gouge; B, %-in (19-mm) spade V-tool; C, a veiner, because it's used to carve veins,
short-bent No. 5 gouge. hair and any other very small grooves. Its
alternate is the V-tool (or parting tool, from There are also dog-leg tools, in which a dou-
wood-turning), also used for grooving. ble bend offsets the cutting edge from the
This is essentially two firmers put together line of the shai|k. (Fig. 6)
in a vee; it is sharpen because of
difficult to Carving tools may be driven by the hands
this, but it cuts two sides
at once. There are alone on small work in soft woods. On
also more specialized tools such as the hand-held work, the palm tools are easy
macaroni, which cuts a 3-sided groove with because they require only one hand. But
a flat bottom and square corners, and a they are very slow in material removal (as is
fluteroni, which cuts a similar groove with a pocketknife), though they work well on
rounded corners. These are very difficult to ivoryand bone. If the piece can be held or
sharpen and of almost no use to amateur secured in any way, the long-handled tools
carvers. are preferable, since one hand can supply
You may have a choice of handle on the push while the other guides and restrains
chisels. Usual ones are round or octagonal, the tool. The method I use is to hold the
tapering towards the cutting edge, the bet- chisel in one hand and drive it with a mallet
ter ones with brass ferrules at the tang end of suitable weight for the work being done.
Round ones are usually
to inhibit splitting. This way, I get more precise control of the
maple, ash, beech or boxwood. The oc- cut with less danger of splitting a problem —
tagonal ones may be dogwood (preferred in with hand pushing because it is difficult to
Germany). Octagonal handles are less control arm-muscle force accurately.
likely to turn in your hand or roll off a
bench. There are now plastic handles also, Mallets and adzes
but I prefer the octagonal wood ones with Mallets can be designed to your specifica-
ferrules. (You can, incidentally, turn your tions, or bought ready-made. I prefer the
own handles and use short sections of pipe traditional potato-masher type, and in re-
for ferrules.) Some tools, particularly short cent years have used those with plastic or
ones, are available with palm-fitting
handles, like an engraver's burin. I prefer
the longer handle because it gives more
clearance for the mallet and less chance for
barked knuckles.
The rear of a chisel ends in a tang, a
pointed end that goes into a hole in the
handle as far as its collar will allow, while a
ring on the handle prevents it from splitting
under the wedging action of the tang. Ob-
viously, larger chisels must have tapered
shanks to end in a tang, which leads to the Student Professional Old English rVim.ttVe Cooper's
mm) to % in (9.5 mm) in sixteenths, on up Gouges are usually numbered also by the
to 1 in (25.4 mm) in eighths, and in larger "London" system that measures arc or ra-
steps to the maximum, usually about T-h in dius of the sweep. A firmer is No. 1, a skew
No. 2, a flat gouge No. 3 and a U-shaped
one No. 11 or 12, with the other arcs in
Some suppliers use other numbers for
the special tools, from this series or their
own catalogue numbers. Charles M. angle of the tool as you cut so it doesn't run
Sayers, who taught panel carving, sug- in and stick or run out and slip. You start
gested four tools with which to start: Yi-in cutting at an edge and work towards the
(13-mm), or 3
to /s-in (9.5- to 16-mm V-tool middle; you cut to an edge, the chisel will
or parting tool [No. 39]); 5/s-in (16-mm) No. break out and tear the wood.
5 straight gouge; 1-in (25.4-mm) No. 3, or As cutting begins, necessary to ad-
it is
%-in (22-mm) straight gouge; and a /s-in just the angle of the tool so it cuts through
(9.5-mm) No. 7 straight gouge. For relief the wood at the desired level too high an —
carving, he added a 3/s-in (9.5-mm) No. 5 angle will cause it to cut deeper and deeper,
straight gouge. (See Figs. 7, 8, 9) too shallow an angle will cause it to run out.
H. M. Sutter, who has taught panel carv- This is particularly important with the
ing for over 30 years, starts his students high-sweep or U-shaped gouges. If the cut
often teachers themselves —
with five tools: is too deep, the edges of the gouge can get
/8-in (9.5-mm) No. 3 and 5/8-in (16-mm) No. below the wood surface and cause edge
5 straight gouges (these two preferably fish- tearing of fibres.
tail); %-in (9.5-mm) No. 9 straight gouge; In relief cutting, it is important to outline
V32-in (.79-mm) No. 11 veiner and a 3/s-in the desired shape by "setting in" —driving
(9.5-mm) No. 41 parting or V-tool, plus an the firmer or gouge into the wood to the
all-purpose carver's knife. Note that neither desired depth along the line, so that cuts
suggests fancy shapes or skew chisels, at made to remove background wood will
Begin small, then buy with the
least to start. stop at the cut line instead of splitting or
guidance of an experienced carver or — running into the design. When a chisel is
you're likely to end up with heavy pattern- driven vertically into wood, it obviously
makers' chisels or worse. must wedge the fibres aside, so it will cause
To carve the harder materials included in crushing and splintering of fibres along the
this book, try small chisels, particularly the edge of the outline. This can be avoided by
veiner and V-tool. I find engraver's burins cutting a groove just outside the outline
(solid chisels) of little help, though en- with a veiner, fluter or V-tool, so the edge of
graver's palm tools can work well. Riffler the groove touches the line. Then, when
files will help on occasion, as will power the firmer or gouge is driven in along the
grinders; Eskimo and German ivory carvers line, the groove provides relief for the tool
are both using these now. Also of help will wedge at the surface. As a matter of fact, in
be a chamois-skin or leather pillow filled shallow-relief carving, particularly in green
with sand. The work can be nestled in it wood, it is often possible to get the required
with less danger of rolling and slipping. depth of background (called "bosting")
Further, most of the hard materials are diffi- with a deep fluter alone, leaving a desirable
cult to hold in a vise or clamp because they small arc at the bottom edge of the upstand-
are rounded in shape and brittle. ing portion.
Your constant challenge will come from
Chisel vs. knife the grain of the wood. In any diagonal cut,
I FIND chisels easier to learn to use than the for example, one edge of the gouge will cut
knife. The cutting edge is narrower and less cleanly, the other will drag and tear the
versatile and it is pushed directly instead of wood slightly because it is cutting into the
being used in an arc by finger or arm power. grain. You'll learn how to cope with this
If you use a mallet, you must obviously and soon will be adjusting automatically for
learn to watch the chisel edge, not the head it. The other major point is to keep your
of the mallet. You must learn to take it easy tools razor-sharp, particularly for cutting
and not try to remove all the waste wood on soft woods — so you'll have to learn how to
the first pass. You must learn to adjust the sharpen.
Close control -more force
Adds force, at blade tip.
Left inAt*-nn«er-ortnurnbpush
Heavy & straight cuts Light ©.curving cats Side cut* & \Mbol cuts
Heel of b»ck hand pushes handle end Back. ha*vd prtjtes forward I steers Backhand presacs
Near hand a« ides, prevents evtrcuts&l.pi Wear K*nd re strains, rests onwork Kieif nana pulls, r<st» on work
Bosti'nq or
^ Grounding
How to relieve
a stickino, cjouqe
electrical insulation; all these destrov the opens and stays open, without wobbling.
cutting edge. The old professionals laid Beware of excrescences like corkscrews and
their chisels out with the edges towards clevises (for belt hooks); they will cause
themselves, so they could select the right sore palms and blisters.
chisel easily I find this hard to do because it As you progress, add fixed-blade knives
requires reversal of the tool when you pick for protracted use —avoid the straight blade
it up and when you lay it down. Some and rounded tip of some such knives. Or
carvers put distinguishing marks on han- add a chuck handle with several shapes of
dles for rapid identification of frequently blades, but be certain the handle fits your
before you attempt to make a cut to that exists in that case. In general, when it is
point with the grain. The harder the wood necessary to whittle across the grain or
or the greater its tendency to split, the around knots or other likely grain vari-
smaller the chips should be. Also, chip size ations, it is advisable to make very light cuts
should be reduced as you approach finish- and observe the action of the blade con-
ing dimensions. stantly to determine when cutting direction
Rough all areas before any one is fin- should be changed. (In this kind of situa-
ished; this way a gash or nick can still be tion, the woodcarver reaches for a riffler
wedged out; wedging may break the blade you keep your knife sharp and cut ac-
tip and will certainly bruise or dent the curatelyand cleanly, sanding should not be
wood fibres against which the knife is necessary. With occasional exceptions, a
pressed. whittled piece is the better for having the
slight planes left by the knife; they catch the
when finished, so they have actually used carving concave surfaces and shaping de-
at least three tools, but they only count the tails.
stick, is safebut not very effective, except are also the primary tool for in-the-round
for roughing, because it is hard to control; a roughing; the gouge cuts a trench and does
draw cut, in which you hold the knife like a not normally cause splitting at the edges, as
stiletto and draw it towards you, is good for a firmer may if in deep. The gouge is very
outlining, but tends to run with the grain, versatile in such shaping. The firmer is pri-
This tendency can be reduced by holding marily a finishing tool, used to obtain a flat
the knife the opposite way, with index fin- surface or a curved surface without tool
ger extended along the blade heel and the marks and scallops. The rough shape of the
knife sloped in the direction of the cut, subject is obtained with
gouges; final
rather than vertical. I find that I often use modelling of convex surfaces is done with a
either thumb on the back of the
or a finger firmer.
blade to apply greater force to a cut, and use Particularly on backgrounds, it may be
a thumb or forefinger of the opposite hand desirable to texture the surface — this breaks
on the heel to combine force and control on up impinging light and makes that surface
precise cuts. look darker and more remote. There are
many ways to texture, but I usually do it
The usual tool for hosting or grounding edge and work in; do not work towards the
(cutting away) the background is a rela- edge or you will split it off. Keep your tools
tively flat gouge, because it does not catch very sharp, particularly on soft woods, do
or stick at the corners as a firmer does, not pry out chips or you will break the tool,
(Some carvers intentionally round the cor- and do not use chisels to open paint cans or
ners of the cutting edge on firmers to avoid strip insulation; that is what screwdrivers
this,but such a bullnosed tool cannot cut are for. Protect the edges, particularly when
square and flat surfaces so well.) Gouges tools are stored.
Sharp Tools Are Vital
fSSk) rrrnuis
Slight roundinq Onfiro^riix bulLost. 4 sparf
mini poiWt of Y, T lat<jouo«s, alis firmer to avoid
KEEP EDGE SQUARE reduces drag flexibility diqq'mg connars
edge backwards. This aligns the tiny feather the angle behind the cutting edge is less
edges on the blade. than it should be, reducing drag. It is also
Nowadays, most tools are sold ground claimed to make the cutting edge stay sharp
and whetted, and with a proper included longer, which may be true on soft woods
angle, generally speaking. (It will be worth- but I doubt it on hard ones; my experience
while for you to eventually experiment is that it may make the edge turn or nick. I
with an included angle, particularly if you should point out, in all fairness, that these
get into carving very hard woods, bone, are matters of opinion, and "experts" differ.
ivory and stone, as I do frequently.) Knives I have tried to sketch the motions used in
are ground so that the blade itself has the sharpening tools, both to maintain their
proper angle; firmers have an included an- edges and to keep from wearing hollows in
gle of 30 degrees, 15 each side of center; and the stones. (Many stones become chan-
gouges have a straight interior and 30-de- nelled from excessive center wear and this
gree bevel ground on the outside. (Beware of may result in dullness in the center of the
patternmaker's chisels with the bevel on the cutting edge on a firmer as well as rounding
inside they tend to dig in and are very or "bullnosing" of the outer corners, which
difficult to resharpen by hand.) All that you we will discuss a bit later.)
should have to do is a little honing and Stones should be kept lubricated with
stropping. thin machine oil, or even a 50:50 mixture of
Some by the way, swear by a
carvers, machine oil and kerosene. This coating
hollow-ground edge, one that repeats the should be wiped off and replaced when it
curvature of small-diameter grinding
a turns grey and gummy from included
wheel, the sort of edge that is exaggerated metal particles. Periodically, also, natural
in a straight razor. They claim that this stones should be washed with benzine or
makes honing and whetting easier because gasoline, or boiled in water containing a
LINl ,f llfcHT
G 0F\
warming them in an oven, then wiping bitharder as the edge is moving forward
them off; the heating causes the oil to exude and lifting the handle a bit for part of the
and bring the grit with it. time to be sure I touch up the tip, which
The Right Size
amount of detail you plan to include is too ments that your hand, and your eye, cannot
great for the grain or texture of the wood. execute. Be sure the wood you have chosen
Further, a miniature is hard and dangerous is sufficiently dense and fine-grained for
to handle, as well as fragile. Similarly, a the detail you plan to include, and that the
piece that is overly large adds to the prob- grain is not so prominent that it will over-
lems of handling and removal of excess power the detail, or distort the appearance
wood you may find it difficult to hold the of the entire design. And, at least initially,
work as well as find a place to display it don't make hard to
the piece so big that it is
square?) y^ squares
Fig. 20.
Fig. 21.
Plastic er cardboard
To double size, place a
un.us* *qr. ,
^ ^^ Uwhhall WaU me-ftlWlO
Three methods of enlarging.
To double j|Z«.,doubta Unqih of each, pr
pieces (nowadays usually 34 or IV2 in [1.9 or when completed? Is it destined for a par-
3.8 cm] as planed) to get the needed third ticular location, or is it going to take up
dimension more houseroom and be in the way if large?
Another factor in selecting size is to con- What sizes of tools have you? How steady is
sider whether you plan to use tools or just a your hand and how good your eye?
knife. Whittling is most comfortable with In these mechanized days, it is easy to
hand-sized pieces, of course, while wood- make direct (same-size) copies on a Xerox-
carving is easier on larger ones, even heroic type machine, but the old photostat ma-
sizes, because the work need not be an- chine, which was capable of enlarging or
chored so securely if it is large. reducing is less widely available except in
For transferring dimensions
Fig. 23.
Fig. 24.
art studios, which also often have photo- block with the pencil and stretch the band
graphic enlargers. If you can take, or have as you draw to keep the ink line aligned
taken, a negative or positive of the drawing, with the lines of the sketch. (This is much
you can either have a print made of proper more difficult to describe than it is to do.)
size, or put the negative in an enlarger and (Fig. 22)
sketch the outlines to size, either on a sheet For triple size, the ink mark should be at
of paper or directly on the wood. Or you one-third the distance from tack to pencil,
can make a rephotograph and project it and so on. For any enlargement, in fact, all
onto the wood. For three-dimensional carv- you need is the ratio. Thus, for V/i scale,
ings, this is really all you need: a guide to divide the rubber-band length by 3 and put
saw away waste wood. the ink mark at 2; for 2Vi scale, divide the
But let's say none of the above is avail- band length by 4Vi and put the ink mark at
able, and you have a two-view sketch that 2. This method is in fact a crude pan-
must be made double size. For a rough tograph, which most of us do not have.
shape, the simplest method is to take a If higher accuracy is necessary, you can
the wider sketch and the wood on which it have found it easier to transfer dimensions
is to be traced. (If you haven't one band that by one of two methods.
long, link several together.) Tie a pencil at
one end of the band and make a small loop Enlarging by squares
for a thumbtack at the other. Mark with ink and point-to-point
a line one-half the distance from the tack to The traditional method of enlarging is by
the pencil. Then tape the sketch towards the method of squares. Draw a grid of Vs-in
the left edge of a large breadboard or other (3.2 mm) squares on transparent paper,
flat surface that can take a thumbtack. Put larger than the original sketch you have.
the piece of wood beside it on the right. Set Draw a similar grid on the wood blank or on
the thumbtack into the baseboard at the a plain sheet of paper, butmake the squares
left, mark on the band is just
so the ink as much larger as you need, that is, for
short of the closest line on the sketch. Now double size use Vi-in (6.4 mm) squares, for
stretch the band so the ink mark aligns with triple size %-in (9.6 mm) squares. Now lay
a point on the sketch, and move the wood the transparent grid over the sketch and
blank until the pencil point is on the corre- copy the design on the block square by
sponding point on its surface. Draw on the square. Save the grid, by the way; it can be
and 2 in (5.1 cm) in from the side, and the If the original is three-dimensional and
copy is to be V/i times the original, the there is no time to take photos, you must
dimensions are transferred as 4'/2 in (11.4 use the proportioning dividers or calipers
cm) up and 3 in (7.6 cm) in from the side. in transferring dimensions. (They can, by
Locate as many such key points as you con- the way, also be used in the point-to-point
sider necessary, then sketch in the enlarged method to avoid the computation if the en-
outline, as a child does in following the largement is some odd ratio.)
numbered dots in the comic pages. This
method I find to be accurate and faster for
me— simple arithmetic is my dish.
When early man developed his first crude heaviest twice the weight of the lightest.
cutting edges he found wood to be an And none of these is lauan or lauanda, now
amenable and plentiful material and soon the usual surface veneer of "mahogany"
discovered differences in the characteris- plywood, or primavera, a white wood
tics of the various species available. There which when stained looks like good ma-
was so much work involved in his shap- hogany. The best mahogany is still that
ing of increasingly sophisticated things from Honduras, which is fine-grained al-
whether they were tools, idols or toys that — though relatively soft. Cuban mahogany is
he had to learn which wood was good and dense and varies in hardness; South Amer-
which was not, depending upon the final ican varieties tend to be grainy and splinter
purpose of the piece. easily; Philippine commonly available is
In rural and remote areas this is still true coarse and the poorest of the lot.
carve lumber rather than trees and are lim- These tend to be soft, readily carved and
ited towoods that are commercial locally. sanded, and straight-grained with few
Furthermore, even in remote areas, a per- knots or other areas of difficulty. Carvings
wood may be discarded
fectly suitable local made from them will have little distinction
in favor ofsomething that must be bought inmost cases. Because of their lifeless color
even sight unseen from a catalogue; the and lack of any distinctive grain, they need
resulting work is, therefore, limited by the tobe tinted with stains, acrylic or oil paints,
particular block bought. although the common tendency to stain
One example that leaps to mind
"ma- is them a standard color or paint them with
hogany," a word used to describe an in- solid colors is unfortunate. Of the so-called
creasingly divergent group of imported and white pines, ponderosa is good ifyou avoid
expensive woods. There are mahoganies the strongly colored pieces. Sugar pine
from Africa, Mexico, Cuba, Central and (commonly called "white pine") is a bit
South America, and the Philippines. I have more porous. Avoid yellow pine, which is
six samples from the Philippines, all pre- hard, often knotty, and resinous.
sumably mahogany, that vary from almost Among other soft woods are poplar,
white to a darkish red-brown, with the which bruises easily and tends to grip tools,
wood. It has a fine, tough grain and good
color and finishes beautifully, but may turn
quite dark
oiled. (This
as the
may be as much of
whiteness of
WfcWfE^ A
basswood or holly.)
Old-time whittlers used whatever they
had: willow for whistles, fruit woods for
small figures, ash or hickory for tool han-
dles, and so on. Nowadays, most whittlers
begin with woods such as white pine,
basswood and jelutong (a recent import
from Indonesia) that are fairly soft and
readily available at the local lumberyard.
Local availability
The woodcarver, unlike the whittler,
tends to use harder woods like cherry and
black walnut, even oak and maple, or im-
ports like mahogany, which will support
more detail, take a better finish, and have
some grain to give them variety. All of these
are much harder to cut than pine or Fig. 28. One of the distinctive African woods is
basswood, but that is not particularly im- vermilion or amboina. It is a brilliant dark red in
color. I carved this panel, about 12 x 19 in (30.5 x
portant when you use chisels.
48.3 cm), in vermilion to go outside a door on a
There is also considerable variety in the modern brown-stained house. The wood is
woods used, because of their local avail- spectacular when finished, but tends to splinter
ability as trees. Thus, red alder and myrtle when carved to such detail as this.
are carved on the West Coast, ironwood
and osage orange (both dense and quite
hard but prone to splitting) in the South-
west, buckeye and basswood in the North-
east, walnut in the Central States, tupelo stringy but can be carved quite successfully.
(cottonwood) and cypress among others in Eastern white oak is inherently strong and
the South. Eastern mountaineers use holly will take detail, but should be carved with
and fruit and nut woods like pecan. South tools. Swamp or red oak has a very promi-
of the border, Mexican carvers work an end- nent grain and coarse structure: avoid it.
less variety of woods because Mexico has Dogwood is very dense and hard and can
more varieties of wood than any other stand shock without spitting, but it is diffi-
country, some 2,800. cult to carve. Holly, our whitest wood, is
There are many woods used for carving hard and tends to check, but it holds detail
in the areas where they grow, like buckeye, well. You may know or have heard of oth-
cypress, cottonwood, poplar (gum), ers; the best advice I can give is to try them.
chestnut, willow, birch, maple, butternut I have carved macadamia from Hawaii, ker-
and myrtle. Maple is much harder than the osene, garamut and kwila from the
others, but takes a good finish and sup- Trobriand Islands just for tryouts.
ports detail. Look out for warping and split-
ting with chestnut. Hickory, sycamore, Imported woods
beech and magnolia are hard to cut and Among the imports, rosewood, which
good primarily for shallow carving. Ash is comes from many Latin-American coun-
from rosy red to brown; I have a Mexican pervious to water, rot and insect attack. It
piece that includes suggestions of purple can be carved easily with chisels and mal-
and green. It is hard, but not as hard as let, but does often contain silica, which
cocobola or lignum vitae. These woods are takes the edge off tools despite the decep-
very expensive, and should not be used for tive smoothness of cutting created by the oil
casual carvings. Most of the African woods, in the wood. This is true also of some kinds
like beef, bubinga, zebra, thuya and the of rosewood, which (like mahogany) can
like, tend to split and are a nuisance to come from many sources and vary widely
carve. This is true of purpleheart, green- in color and characteristics. I have pieces
heart (from Brazil), and vermilion (Fig. 28) ranging from red to dark reddish-brown
as well, but these three woods have dis- and even containing purple, green and
tinctive colors and therefore make fine pen- yellow. Chinese teak is not brown, but red
dants, for example. There are dozens of and harsh-grained, which is why the Chi-
other woods, some with extremely elabo- nese enamelled it black and most Amer-
rate "figure" (that may interfere with your icans think of teak as a shiny black wood,
carving) like harewood and satinwood, for just as they assume that all black African
example. Then there is pink ivory, the most carvings are ebony.
~ cn -
Lime (Fig. 31) and boxwood, both used to split and splinter, among other things.
extensively in Europe (and boxwood in Lacewood, satinwood and sandalwood are
China), are not readily available in the U.S. scarce nowadays, but can be useful. There
Both are hard and good cutting wood. Eu- are also such woods as zebrawood, beau-
ropean linden is like our bass wood. English tiful in grain but as hard to carve as Amer-
of them in making up fish and dinosaur Africa which is the world's most expensive
mobiles each with 16 or more units of a wood, something like $300 a pound at this
different wood, but have found thev tend writing. It has been described, apoc-
ryphally, I think, as the private wood of the much information on available woods.
Zulu kings; anyone else found with it was Considering, however, that there are some-
beheaded. It varies from pinkish white to thing like 7,000 species of wood in the
dark pink, is relatively hard and tends to world, identifying the odd foreign piece is
Fig. 34 (left). Windswept, carved in a section of
branch distorted by a vine. It is about 15 in (38 cm)
tall, with actual carving only around the face.
them into Indian heads, with American from apparently sound to noticeably soft-
Sioux headdresses from the distorted ened and crumbly. If the wood is dried, the
areas, and other designs, depending upon decay stops; but the fungi can remain dor-
shape. In a sense, this is the same idea as mant for years. Thus, if the wood again
that of American carvers of driftwood, dia- achieves a moisture content of 20 percent or
mond willow and rotted wood. so, the fungi may develop again and con-
The toad in Fig. 36 was suggested by the tinue the process. This dry rot cannot occur
shape of the piece I was given, and by the except in the presence of moisture; thus, it
beauty of the wood itself. The top had a is really wet rot.
slope like a seated frog or toad, but the
patterning of the wood definitely sug- You can carve
gested a warty toad rather than a smooth thick bark
frog; the greyed creamy color also sup- The essential here is a tree that produces a
ported this choice. While Americans collect fairly thick bark, such as the catalpa, black
frogs in many materials, and abhor toads, cottonwood or ponderosa pine. There are
Orientals consider toads lucky. I have a also harder and denser barks, like that of
toad carved cryptomeria (Japanese
in the pochote in Mexico, which is dense
"cedar" finished by sandblasting to make enough to use as patterns for casting pre-
growth rings stand out), a netsuke in ivory cious metals, or show a village facade in
from Japan these were once used as thong miniature. I first encountered such work
buttons on purse strings and a red-stone — many years ago in Mexico, and found the
toad from China, atop a stamp with my carving of ponderosa pine bark more re-
name in Chinese characters and the symbol cently there. (Figs. 39, 40)
with which I sign carvings. Ponderosa is carved by the Tarahumara
This kind of wood is often so beautiful in Indians, a primitive tribe living in the state
itself that carving detracts rather then of Chihuahua, Mexico, whose idea of sport
helps. I felt this was true of the maple block includes running down a deer for food.
used for the toad carving, so most of the Their pine carvings are crude, though they
surface uncarved and serves as a pillar or
is do make quite good guitars and violins! I
base. I finished the toad with satin varnish, got some of the bark and found I could
and the base with gloss to stress its ap- make complete carving in 20 min-
a fairly
pearance. The varnish also reinforces the utes or a half hour because the bark is so
areas of the wood crumble at a
that tend to soft. It is laminated and quite brittle, but is
touch. I from
originally carved bulging eyes more satisfactory for an exercise wood than
the wood, but replaced them with small balsa, for example, and far less expensive
grey-pearl-finished glass pendants for because it's free. Catalpa bark is similar, but
more gleam. Black-enamel spots were pochote is dense, dark red with a greyed
painted on for pupils, and then the pen- exterior, and is not at all brittle nor noticea-
dants set in so only oval shapes are visible. bly laminar when carved. Also, it tends to
These pendants, incidentally, can be found be in "domes" rather than strips, and has an
at any notions store, and cost less by the inherent design that frames a carving.
dozen than would one set of glass eyes. Bark can be finished with sprayed matte
Dry-rotted wood, incidentally, is wood or satin varnish to increase surface strength
that has been infected by decay fungi to an and combat the tendency to crumble.
extent sufficient to cause discoloration, Nebraska carvers, who cut faces in the solid
creating in the better pieces a marbled ap- wood of a slab beneath catalpa bark, use a
pearance on smooth surfaces. Because de- heavy and shiny multi-coat, plastic-based
terioration of the cell structure by the fungi finish to contrast with the rough bark exte-
is progressive, condition of the wood varies rior.
made for the Day of the Dead, November 1, like the American
Halloween the night before.
The assembly of parts made from separate peach-pit carving, plus a little imagination
nuts or other materials is also very unusual. to see what the surface convolutions sug-
In Mexico, walnut and coconut-shell seg- gest.
ments are assembled into various animals
as decorative units, some of which can be
opened to reveal scenes assembled from
paper and wood, painted. In Chile I
bits of
found about ten varieties of animal shapes
F«a1ur«s sulfated, (j
rattles- in ha
Surface skafxd,
then channelled
at skeickd
23' high
Cap«-b«<:k detention
donf with iNm
channelling by a small gouge, the plume headdress, cape and apron, with the apron
dancer with scallops produced by a larger, practically blended into the lines of the
flatter gouge. Neither face is detailed, al- body. The cape, however, in real life or-
though the deer dancer's has a nose shape nately embroidered, is smoothed and pat-
and a fortuitous placement of channels to terned with stain. The headdress is reg-
suggest the mouth and eyes, both on the ularly patterned with larger gouge scallops
dancer and on the deer. Texturing covers to suggest rows of feathers, but has an es-
most of the body surfaces of the dancers, sentially smooth surface, while that of the
except for the feet (which are presumably real-life headdress is much rougher.
solidly supporting the figure), and a few This particular carver, by the way, used a
other details. In the deer dancer, these are finishing technique that preserved, but
the ears and horns of the deer head (this is partially obliterated, the lines of his carv-
an assumption on my part because I had to ing. He apparently poured melted beeswax
replace missing parts) and the gourd rattles over the entire surface, so that it congealed
(maracas) in the hands. The gouge lines are and collected in all the hollows. Over the
not all parallel, but in some cases suggest years, this clouded and collected dust, so it
lines of movement or of stress, as across the was necessary to scrape off larger ac-
shoulders and the chest. cumulations, then alternately heat and
The plume dancer wears the familiar wipe to get rid of most of it. No solvent
Figs. 52, 53.These trays suggest the variety of forms and treatments in woodenware. From Takamatsu they
are sanded smooth to show the fairly prominent grain. The circular tray (left) has an iris tinted with real
gold, the floral group on the square tray (right) is untinted. They are finished in clear lacquer, without
available would dissolve this hard wax as — effect of aging (we have done it by sand-
chemists who use hydrofluoric acid know, blasting), and has recently been "dis-
because they store it in beeswax bottles. covered" by tyro carvers. Another texturing
There are a number of other surface tex- technique is pyrography, used commonly
tures, like lining for hair, cross-hatching for by bird carvers to simulate the veining of
roughness, and so on. They are worthy of a feathers. A pyrographic needle can make
little thought and may give your work more the equivalent of veiner cuts with a dark-
real "polish" than can gloss varnish. brown surface burned on, and can be quite
There are many other aspects of textur-
ing, of course, including effects obtained by
utilizing the figure or grain of the wood
itself. In most cases, the carver positions his
work, or modifies his design, to take advan-
tage of surface irregularities or imperfec-
tions, like knots or color changes, or selects
the piece of wood because its shape sug-
gests the ultimate carving. In other cases,
the carver must adapt his design to the
shape of the available wood, so he makes a
virtue of necessity.
The Japanese have long used the grain in
stillanother way. They carve turtles,
badgers, frogs, toads, goldfish and drag-
ons in cryptomeria with alternating hard
(dark) and soft (lighter) stripes in the grain,
and then erode the soft wood so that the
surface has a series of ridges. Fig. 54.This textured tray with two gingko leaves is
The same
the famous red-lacquered kind from Kamakura. It
technique has been used in this countrv on can be cleaned with a damp cloth, and withstands
pine, redwood and cypress to create the moisture. It is one of many designs.
paintings as they are carvings. But this was of fashion, local or worldwide.
also true in Egypt and Greece, where most Actually, the density, grain, color and
carvings, even in stone, were painted origi- other characteristics of the wood; the sub-
nally. In Indonesia, statues have been pro- jectand proposed treatment; the skill of the
vided with seasonal or festival costumes carver and the eventual disposition of the
which are changed regularly, and some of piece must all be considered from the be-
the ancients in Europe did the same thing. ginning if a happy marriage of modelling,
In many countries, careful carving of a sur- texture and finish is to be attained. If the
facewas followed by lacquering in color to wood has a strong figure and dense struc-
make the surface smooth again. Thus pre- ture, it will combat any texturing or color-
cedents can be found for whatever any par- ing, unless the coloring is opaque.
decides to do; the weight, if
ticular carver Many people once thought teak is black,
anywhere, being on the side of coloring. because the Chinese, in particular, lac-
Only in sculpture has color been banned in quered it to destroy the grain, and possibly
favor of the natural texture of the wood to suggest ebony. Grain may also distort
and even there the surface may be textured modelling lines and even a silhouette. I
in areas, and inconspicuous and artful tint- once carved an Arab stallion head in ma-
ing may be done. hogany which the grain enhanced the
Thus it is difficult to lay down rules about arch of the neck, and shortly thereafter a
amount of modelling or detail, texturing madonna in pine who wore a perpetual
and finishing. Authorities disagree at every grin because of a grain line passing through
level, as do artists and clients. It eventually the modelled mouth. (She had to be tinted.)
support it. If the wood is still green or its one, and carved surfaces should not be
sanded before finishing unless the risk to
carved lines is justified; it should then be
r done with care. Finally, and perhaps most
important, all of the factors of modelling,
texturing and finishing should be kept in
mind when the design is selected or
Turned pannier*
qjued in -*x
juirfac« is
reiner <«X-
what were once hand carvings, often not "sudden sculpture," often crude in details
because of economic necessity but because and finish.
we have been imbued all our working lives In Oberammergau, West Germany, a tra-
with the importance of time. Many ama- ditional woodcarving town, carvers strug-
teurs who try woodcarving find it to be gle against continually rising costs by pro-
hard and painstaking work, so use machin- filing most duplicates of larger work, and
ery, as do many professionals, who find abandoning familiar pieces which do not
that hand work can be a low-priced com- lend themselves to machine roughing or
are too easily duplicated in plastics or Fig. 65 (below).
Market woman of Bali
moulded compositions. isvery graceful and
In Israel, which gains a high percentage has a flower-pattern
of itsincome from the tourist business, cen- texturing around the
hips. Note irregular
tral "factories" rough out small figures like
the camels shown here (Figs. 57, 58) then
hand-finish them. They are sold in shops in
the souk of Jerusalem, for example, some
even equipped with the stage dressing of a
lathe or other machines, a few hand tools
and shavings on the floor. The proprietor
may or more likely may not be a carver. —
But carvings are somewhat cheaper in the
factories themselves, where I got these.
The traditional wood in Israel is olive,
which is slow-growing, hard, an attractive
yellow and brown, and highly figured. It is
fairly common because some olive groves
are being replaced by housing, but it isby
no means plentiful or self-replacing, and
there is very little other wood in the area.
However, among the emigres who come to
Israel are artists and craftsmen from many 3i£
other countries, and these are trying to con- Fig. 59 (above). Girl in
another. The base will give his standing the foregoing remarks may indicate. On
figure stability, but it often also detracts —
good carvings meaning that they take
because of its size or rigid shape. On the —
some time, effort and skill I tend to in-
other hand, a base provides the woodcarver clude a base, but it may or may not be of the
with a means of holding the piece during same wood as the original. Thus, for exam-
carving. It offers him a choice between ple, my squash player has a separate base or
screw and vise, and gives him the
carver's can grow out of one. (Fig. 62, above)
freedom to suggest rough or smooth
Sketch (below) and photo (above) of
Figs. 62, 63.
ground, rocks, sea, or however he ul- "Squash Player," 6 in (15 cm) high over the base.
Designed from frontal photo.
To mount, drill
Rf\CQUET PLMER nah oq anv-wlutb a « SttLw
From the owner's standpoint, the base original block. That is faulty. If there is a
makes life much simpler. It suggests the base, it should look can and does
like it
amount of space that must be allotted to the support the figure, but not be so obtrusive
carving, gives evidence of one-piece con- that the figure dare not move off it. A larger
struction in the cases where that is of im- base may give more solidity and save wood
portance, reduces the likelihood of injury and time if added later; but often a figure is
to a leg, contrasts with the supporting sur- more dramatic if an elbow or foot projects
face, even gives a convenient place for a over the base (however, increasing the risk
labeland/or the carver's signature. But a of damage when displayed).
massive base may check and split the carv-
ing, which of itself would adjust to humid- Let the wood show
ity changes. Finishing is so much a matter of personal
A base can,
and should, be considered as preference that I hesitate to make sugges-
either a help or a hindrance, depending tions. mention, project by project through
upon the carving. If contact between figure this book, how I finish my own pieces and,
and base is minimal, as in the squash when I know, how other carvers finish
player, an integral base is a constant nui- theirs. This, and general observation
sance during carving, but a base is essential through the years, have led me to some
for display, so it can be added later. general conclusions.
For some figures, a base of contrasting or The cabinetmaker strives to attain
exotic wood can enhance the value of the a high gloss on his pieces by sanding in
carving. A rosewood base, for example, many steps and applying many coats of
suggests that what's above is worthwhile. finish. So do some sculptors. But many pro-
In a figure, the grain normally should be fessional woodcarvers try to achieve in-
vertical and adding a horizontal-grained stead a soft glow, unless the carving is in-
base may provide a pleasing contrast. But, corporated in a piece of furniture or there is
in general, the thick, squared-off base for a some special reason for high gloss like a —
light and lithe figure is anathema; the base carving of a supposedly wet seal.
should also be light and thin, or very tall, With the rise of plastic, the tendency has
not just a block. If it is integral and massive, been to avoid sanding to a high polish and
itshould be hollowed out somewhat under- to avoid using fillers; instead, some tool
neath to inhibit checking and rocking. marks are left and the texture of the wood
Balinese carvers often use a triangular preserved so the piece looks hand-
itself is
base which provides one corner for each made. This is particularly true of the harder
foot and a third for the base of a net, or a woods. For white pine and basswood, for
background stump, or a larger area to sup- example, the skilled carver applies thin
port the buttocks of a seated figure and a tints of color to give variety without de-
narrow one extended feet. An oval or a
for stroying the feeling of the wood. He does
circle or a free-form shape can be as effec- not apply a dark stain in the vain effort to
tive. The base can contribute rather than make wood look like what it is not.
confine. My own method for soft wood without
The sides of the base can help as well, if visible grain is with matte or satin
to spray
properly treated. They can suggest the ter- varnish to inhibit end-grain absorption of
rain or carry a simple design anything to— color. Then I apply tints lightly and wipe
avoid a flat and uninteresting block, unless them down immediately so the color re-
the carving is of itself so interesting that the mains in cut areas but is removed from
block will not be noticed. higher surfaces and planes, thus suggest-
Lastly, there is the matter of base size. ing the color but not denying the handwork
The conventional base is the size of the or the wood. To prevent color from soaking
in and over-coloring cross-grain areas, I will weather quite well. The only problem is
flat-spray varnish first. Then I use oil pig- that they do tend to fill in the carved areas
ments thinned with flat varnish or drier, but and will eventually almost obliterate the
acrylics can be thinned and used the same carving as well as make the surface look
way. grey. My solution to that has been to use
I also use colors or stains to get an "an- teak for outdoor pieces whenever possi-
tique" or darkening effect in cut areas of any ble — it can be maintained with semiannual
carving as well as to darken backgrounds, coats of oil alone.
thus making the carving appear deeper It is dye or stain soft-
also possible to
than it is. Some of these stains include wax, wood pieces; I have done both with pleas-
and thus are really single-coat finishes, but ing results. I recently dyed the small birds
I usually use either a good furniture wax or of a mobile with cloth dyes in the absence of
neutral Kiwi® shoe polish to provide final anything else; the colors were vivid at least.
finish on interior pieces. For exterior ones, I also have a series of German sal-am-
there are both gloss and satin varnishes that moniac-based stains called "Beiz," de-
veloped particularly for wood. These in- Danish finish and tung-oil finish to be bet-
clude wax, so color and polish are applied ter than boiled linseed, though more ex-
in a single operation, as with some Amer- pensive; they're all that's needed on teak,
ican oil-and-wax stains. With the latter, and for example, even for constant exposure.
contrary to instructions on the can, it is Teak will retain its color and finish with
usually preferable to give the piece a coat or such oiling semiannually. (Kiwi® shoe po-
two of flat (satin) spray varnish before stain- lish is the "wax finish" used in such diver-
ing; this prevents the stain from over-soak- gent places as Bali and Sri Lanka.)
ing in end grain and causing overemphasis
There are, of course, a host of special
Panel carvings can often be improved by
situations that require special finishing.
antiquing, the application of a slightly
Objects to be handled a great deal must be
darker stain and immediate rub-off, so the
protected more than those which are not
darker color is retained only in crevices.
handled at all; this usually means varnish.
This is what happens anyway as a panel
Objects like bowls or ladles to be used with
food should not be varnished. Some carvers
ages dirt collects in crevices and darkens
them, thus giving the panel color contrast
use lacquers; I use a salad oil that will not
and greater apparent depth. If you plan to
turn rancid. Such carvings as coats of arms
antique, give the panel a couple of coats of
or basswood doors finished to resemble
spray matte varnish first; it helps seal the
bronze require special finishing, such as
pores and prevents instant absorption of
gold leaf and antiquing.
the darker stain in cross-grain areas.
For hardwood carvings, I prefer not to
There are a great many ways to finish
use fillers or much of the other parapher-
carvings, of course. Outdoor signs, and
nalia and procedure of cabinetmaking
panels, usually in pine, basswood or possi-
unless the carving is on a piece of furniture
bly oak, should be painted in most cases,
and must have a similar high gloss. There
but may be "antiqued" on an instant basis
are two schools of thought on this, and all
by beating with chains, scorching slightly
the variations between. Some sculptors like
with a blowtorch or sandblasting to take off
a high gloss on their work, so they sand and
sharp edges. (Some carvers start with old
polish and fill and varnish or shellac, and
boards to get authenticity; in that case the
rub downwith steel wool just as furniture
poorer the finish the more authentic. Poor
makers do. (There is now a plastic foam
finish goes with splintered ends and rotten
impregnated with grit, to replace steel
wool.) The opposite school, of which I am a
spots and poor carving. I've known of
carvers who buried their products for a
member, prefers texture, so uses sand-
paper sparingly if at all, preferring to let
week or two to give them antiquity —or
dealers who did it after them. an outdoor
) If
tool marks show. Also, the wood is left
panel is not painted, it should probably be
without fillers or coloring, unless it be an-
tiquing for depth, and finished with flat
marine-varnished which — means high
gloss; matte and satin finishes simply will
varnish and wax, oil and wax, or wax alone,
not hold up in the weather.
depending upon wood and subject. We
don't want a high polish, but a soft glow.
There are now also several kinds of one- Gold-leafing
coat finishes, but they tend to create too Outdoor signs, nameplates and liturgical
high a gloss for me. carvings are quite common in relief carv-
You can obtain good results in a natural ing, and may require gilding or gold-leafing
finish on hardwoods simply by oiling and of anything from lettering to the entire sur-
waxing. I have found processed oils such as face. Gilding is actually just another kind of
how look synthetic. If used, they must be applied just like a decal, the tissue peeled
covered with some sort of finish, such as a off after it is applied. It avoids a great deal of
polyurethane varnish. fussing with brushes and specialized trans-
The ultimate in such work is to apply fer devices, but is somewhat less econom-
gold leaf, which is ridiculously expensive ical because parts of sheets may be lost or
today. Real gold leaf is about one three- incorrectly applied.
hundredth as thick as a human hair! There If you plan to use real gold leaf, the carv-
is, of course, imitation gold leaf just as there ing should be suited to it. This means se-
is silver leaf, also an imitation. Imitation lecting a wood that is not too coarse in
gold is readily available in paint and hobby grain —basswood is ideal —and without un-
stores, comes in packets containing 5.2 dercuts or extremely complex or difficult-
sq ft m) as 25 leaves, each 5V2 in
(.468 sq to-reach areas. The gold may bridge over
(14 cm) square. The imitation gold is thicker such areas or not adhere properly. (See Ap-
than the real thing, harder to pick up, han- pendix II for further details on gold-leaf-
dle and cover an area with, and usually ing)
Small Pieces
Fig. 68. Fig. 69.
Figs. 67-73. Grains for the Oriental Gnomes run grain first. Draw the knife along the bottom of the
with the beards. (68) After the blanks are sawed and arm from
of the seated figure, so slices can be cut
roughed to shape, point the hat and beard by the coatup to them. (70) Some cuts are best made
paring cuts where possible, and thumb-push cuts by pushing the knife edge, rather than paring;
otherwise. (69) Make outline or stop cuts across however, they are difficult to control. So the left
hand is used to provide thumb force behind the of cutting the arm free is shown on the seated
blade. (71) For the paring cut, wear a thumb stall to figure. If outlining is done thoroughly and cleanly,
protect the ball of the thumb. (72) The stooping the modelling of arm, umbrella and nose is rapid.
figure is completed, and details on the other figure Eyes are formed by cutting slits with the knife;
have been sketched but not cut. (73) The procedure pupils will be painted black spots.
Neckerchief slides and the like
Probably the most popular whittling
project among Boy Scouts has been the
neckerchief slide. The designs can also be
used for pendants, pins and bolos, and
many can be carved extensively or simply
be painted silhouettes, depending upon
the maker. The primary shape is provided
by the silhouette itself, and modelling is
minimal, so the designs are very practical
for beginning whittlers.
I have sketched about 40 of H. M. Sutter's
Girdfft elephant
Kenya Lion
Original 7iqur«j
qroova £ —
CROSS fclfctf
Scallop surface to
Suc^«»T stone f lakmo
Chip- i
- r<arv«d
A favorite Indian de-
Siqn &wid«(y varied
Fig. 76. Some typical bolo patterns.
can also be carved into several quite com- The owl and covered wagon are just for
plex shapes, like the lobster, fish and duck. fun; both aresomewhat more complex. The
The same is true of the canoe paddle, which thunderbird is one of the most used and
with a little interpretation becomes a snow- most significant of Western Indian designs,
shoe, fiddle or tennis racket. often changed in detail to suit the whim of
ing the findings into the wood without
splitting. He usually makes the buckle of
wood alone, while Mr. Phillip backs the
wood with a metal frame to which the find-
ings are soldered.
The basic ingredient is an interesting
piece of wood cut to a blank of the desired
shape —round, oval, square, rectangular,
petiolate or free form. should be lA to 3/s in
couple of inches.
Least complicated is stapling the clip to
the back of the blank. You can make suitable
staples by bending brads into U's after
sharpening both ends. The brads should
not be long enough to go through the blank
and in brittle or very hard wood, or in cross-
grain pieces, they should be driven into
predrilled holes. A more secure design in-
volves routing or grooving a slot of the de-
sired shape into the wood, then glueing the
clip in securely. However, Mr. Phillip usu-
ally solders the clip onto a plate of thin
stainless, brass or copper of the blank
shape and contour, roughens the face of the
backing and glues on the wood. The back-
ing plate should not be more than Vu> in (1.6 Fig. 82.
Fig. 83. The owl is tinted and has inlaid eyes.
sufficiently oversize to crimp it around the dust from the wood (be sure it is the same
wood as a jeweller sets a gem into a bezel, wood) all around the edge and mixes it with
but this is normally unnecessary because the adhesive. Then he taps the insert all
there is little on the facing.
stress over with a small mallet or hammer, if it is —
Mr. Neustadt uses no backing. His find- —
metal to fill any gaps or small breakouts.
ings are just the C-shaped clip and a pin, He folds a small piece of waxed paper over
both forced by a jig into predrilled holes. the glued assembly to prevent sticking, on
The findings have grooves near the ends, so top of which is laid a block of hard wood,
glue will hold them in place. sawed to the same radius as the buckle top,
Finish can suit your taste. I usually use a with a gap to clear any projecting surface.
spray coat or two of matte varnish, followed He then sets three small clamps at ends and
by waxing. Mr. Neustadt has been using his center and allows at least 48 hours drying
own mixture for 20 years on all of his craft- time. When the assembly is dry, he re-
work, including furniture, bowls and plat- moves block and paper, sands and fine-files
ters. It is a 50-50 mixture of polyurethane the surface, then paraffin-buffs.
Carving Animals
on a theme
Variations craftsman. It is the innovator who wins
Throughout history and in every field or prizes at art shows and exhibits, the crafts-
profession, there have been two schools of man who wins ribbons at fairs.
thought, one stressing innovation, the Famous artists have said repeatedly that
other improvement. One worships there is no shortcut to art; it takes an enor-
creativity, newness, difference in short,— mous amount of practice, of trial and error.
strives to produce or do something that has Only when the basics are mastered can the
not been produced or done before. The artist strike out on his own successfully.
other worships perfection, accuracy, intri- There are many ways in which to be origi-
cacy — in short, strives to make a familiar nal, in which to vary even a familiar design;
thing better. One
concerned with ideas
is not innovation must be total in concept.
and dreams, while the other is concerned There may be newness in pose, in detail, in
with reality. overall silhouette, in arrangement or con-
There have been, and always will be, trast, in texture, even in finish, for innova-
both kinds of craftsmen, both kinds of art- tion is largely the meeting of a challenge
ists. Few of us are at the poles of this dif- adjusted to the abilities of the individual. It
BULL h«xico Granadillo +4" lone
Fig. 86.
Fig. 87.
are reinforced quite frankly with fo-— For contrast, study the Zapotec Indian
liage, and the heads with crest and snake, (Mexico) effort to reproduce the national
without robbing a particle from the overall symbol: an eagle on a cactus with a snake in
effect. The entire composition is fitted to its mouth. (Fig. 88) The carver was not very
the available wood but without being inhib- skilled, but he achieved something which
ited by it; there is no blocky and angular became part of a national exhibit. One
look. The composition flows upwards from worked almost entirely (except for the
the base in lines that are not at all reminis- snake) from a single block, while the other
cent of the original block. was content to carve the bird, then mount it
in recognition. However, the carver legs, tail and ear added. It is from Oaxaca, Mexico.
avoided the ungainly effect of the over-tall
giraffe by eliminating the troublesome legs. fronts against a common background, or
There can be much originality in a amorphous human or animal figures that
frankly comic figure that brings a smile to can be arranged in various ways on a base,
the observer, as in the American goat and are examples. One possibility of this sort is
the Japanese owl (Figs. 90, 91) with attached to provide flat elements with magnetic-tape
and rolling eyes. These, like the napkin
rings, are made for sale, hence are simple in Fig. 90.
design, but they are different from run-of-
the-mill objects. Another example of the
Owl h»J 1C(>4-
same thing is the Noah's ark from Israel
r»te («T set
(Fig. 92), which, like the owl, is assembled
from unit carvings. This design has the ad-
vantage that the stylized ship can be as-
sumed to have no deck, so that the body of
each animal is either within the cabin or
below the bulwarks. The carvings are only
Joe Roth rock, ifkr Bob HorbiMi
the heads and necks of the animals, and
they can be arranged as you wish about the
composition, but the effect is unique and
different. The same idea could be carried
out in a fully 3-dimensional ark, with ani-
mals on both sides. The reed roof could
yield to a single-piece one of textured or
grooved wood, and so on, so that every ark
could be an individual composition.
This suggests another idea that is rela-
tively uncommon, that of using the same
elements in a variety of arrangements, or
betterstill —
allowing the ultimate owner to
vary the composition at will, as children COMIC OUL Japan C.dar
build with blocks. A series of building Fig. 91. Plastic inserted tits hive rellinq pupils
semblage of more than 150 bugs although ar\qlddown
4spla^«d^ -"
Black winq
ft fell-
Fig. 94. A heroic (2f fall) cancaiur-e
the cardinal is a seed eater, not a bug eater.
Some of my neighborhood "birders" were
upset. After ten years, when the cardinal
dry rot and the ministra- 6Uck mask
had succumbed to
tions of friendly woodpeckers, I replaced
him with a scarlet tanager, although I
haven't seen one in my neighborhood in
the more than 40 years I've lived here. My
point is that you can cut loose and do as you
like. You, after all, are the carver, the artist,
and you have some license. Also, the bird Foot(bdJ<) ,
is about 6*fc
need not be anatomically accurate unless it
is being produced as a portrait. The car-
Fig. 98. (above). Various ways of treating a stylized Biblical miracle of the loaves and fishes. The
deer. Fig. 99 (below). Granadillo stylized bird and fish are not very realistic, although still rec-
deer, each about 10 in (25.4 cm) high from Guerrero,
ognizable. Ihave adapted the group for a
barrette or pendant and modified it still
further. This can be done, and, again, it is
artistic license.
As a final example of variations, consider
the doe and fawn (ayelet in Hebrew). I felt
thought. You will not have the same inhibi- with little fear of the nit-picking criticism
tions or freedoms as I do, so your designs that any carver of the human form is likely
will inevitably be different. That is not nec- to get. We usually cannot distinguish indi-
essarily bad. The point is that you can and viduals within an animal species, and in
should vary designs to suit your purposes fact we do not know
anatomical details.
or inclinations, and have no compunction This is borne out by general animal and bird
about doing so. Sometimes, you'll improve —
books in which sketches often widely dis-
the original idea in the process. agree.
I have carved many kinds and many
"Different" subjects, poses, poses of animals in recent years, some
small, some large, but most of them not the
textures and finishes
familiar domestic animals nor the familiar
Animals, birds and fish offer a tremendous
variety of designs. There are so many spe-
poses. These form a mixed grouping,
poses, techniques, surface textures, and woods. Most effective in terms of observer
finishes are far greater than they are in carv-
comments has been the pair of long-tailed
weasels. (Fig. 101).
ing figures of people. (We are one very
limited species of animal ourselves, al-
The stylized Pekingese (Fig. 102) and the
toucan caricature (Fig. 103) were both made
though we tend to forget it.) What's more,
the typical observer has far less intimate
from the butts of timbers discarded as scrap
knowledge of animal anatomy than he does by a nearby piano company. The weasels
of human anatomy, so he is less inclined to
were a serious effort at animal portraiture,
be critical of minor errors, or even of the and the musculature and poses were care-
fully checked with available references. The
exaggerations of caricature. All in all, this is
Pekingese, on the other hand, exploits the
a rich field for the carver.
texture of the surface and the great plume of
There are specialized books on carving
tail as well as the pug nose that charac-
decoys, eagles and birds, but they are de-
voted to copying the living bird (or animal) terizes the breed. Because the grain is ver-
Fig. 101. Two long-tailed weasels in mahogany. The
weasel on all fours twists around the standing one.
The polished finish suggests the slick coat of the
animal. 4 x 10 x 10 in (9 x 25 x 25 cm).
Mahogany 4»7^*H'
Grjm vertical Finish
is o,ouq» fluting
Fig. 102.
Walrvut.tmW Z\<*W
Fig. 105.
ing.) This piece is in butternut, a wood easy
Ear holes drilled to carve, capable of taking the limited de-
Eyas inlaid bone, tail, and with a pleasing natural color.
Wood centers
$eak bone Somewhat similar in nature but consider-
ably smaller are the pieces whittled by oth-
ers (Figs. 106-109). They include four car-
icatured birds in granadillo wood, made in
Mexico, with copper wire legs and bone
eyes and beak inset. The eyes are unusual
•Wire flattened
in that they are drilled rings with black
wood centers, inlaid in the wood of the
Fig. 106. OWL (6ranadifo wood) head. Granadillo wood (also called gra-
nadito) is a mixture of dark brown and light
Ev«s X beak
y«s E bca inlaid as in owl tan, so pleasing effects can be obtained by
proper selection of the piece of wood and
carving the bird so that contrasts are ob-
tained on wings and/or tail.
The puffin poses (Fig. 110) I originally
made in ivory, but they can be made in
wood just as readily and lend themselves to
tinting. These are fairly accurate depic-
tions, but the bird looks much like a car-
cs dre black crescents
Fig. 107.
Details as on owl
Pass or pine with
C&d holder by
Fred C lark
Fig. 111.
Lea leno/fh
,to suit
s \
Fig. 108. Fig. 109.
Fig. 112.
Background pierced
between figures-
Eyes iluc
was designed exceptionally
also for the rearing stallion
distorted but very dramatic pose (Fig.
well. This
Bali, a
Fig. 120. Stylized lion has exaggerated musculature
and mane. It is about 18 in (46 cm) long.
Original 21 hiqh, in a white hardwood
Fig. 117.
Fig. 118.
Core of spiral
i » depressed
Ears are (juairtVrs of
A hole, with
t^ % fumed balls ,<^lu«^ on
hollow to
seat head
Accordion is Notc^rd in
inserted wtdqe
turned nojt
t&rs qlued on
stained, +hen
for toes
with snout- held in
socket by a
rubber band
Leg unit 314" notched douqhnut
j hows astembl
F«&th«r pattern 'u rnidf
with y^ semi- circle stamp
or qoo<(«.. 0jckC|round
(Sunk.yg") is stippled witti
punch or v«in«r. Details
4rt vo'ncr or V-too| lines,
One finds pieces in Israel like the bear, a time. (This is not the way the original was
hedgehog and fox made by a German im- made. It bears all the signs of being hand-
migrant and the ibex (Figs. 120-123) in cow textured.)
bone, made by a Russian emigre. (The lat-
ter has produced a number of other pieces
in the same material, some quite complex, woo
but his market is limited because tourists Goose & swan
tend to buy souvenirs rather than art. Bone are other variants
duction as is wood.)
The German emigre has designed his
pieces so that most of the heavy work is
done on a lathe. The hansa carving (Fig.
124) from Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), can
also be turned in a lathe, including the shal-
low V of the outer border and moulding
circles, always difficult to hand carve. Then
the background can be bosted (sunken)
with a small router, leaving the carving of
the two-headed bird and the leaves as the
hand work. It it also possible to do some
Neck variations m<i l«q knqths
portions of the feather-texturing with a
stamp that makes several of the small arcs at Fig. 125.
This is true of the very blocky cat card-
holder which is square in cross-
(Fig. 126)
section and obviously sawed to shape, then
sanded. Carving is minimal, because not
even the features are outlined, but the sil-
houette, plus the slight narrowing at the
nose, creates an unmistakable cat, even
though its tail is the full width of the body
and no modelling is done. Such a piece can
be turned out by the dozen on a band saw,
and be finished with a sander and staining.
Sometimes, detailed modelling is neces-
sary to a design, as in the Celtic bird brooch
where the various levels are sepa-
(Fig. 127),
rated by texturing and modelling, and im-
portant elements are emphasized in this
CAT CARD HOLDE.K case by textural lack. Incidentally, this par-
Styl'uad, stainad bUckor mahogany ticular design emphasizes another point:
Fig. 126. You don't have to stick to the letter of the
original design if you are changing me-
The ibis and the duck (Fig. 125) are inter- dium. The original was a small cast-brass
esting because of another shortcut. Body brooch; mine was a 6-in (15-cm) bird carved
shape is the same, but various species are in low relief on vermilion wood, where it
suggested by altering neck and leg lengths was the subject of view, not primarily a
and positions. This standardization makes decoration. So I intensified some elements.
preparation of blanks quite simple. Also, vermilion takes a high polish from the
Because some animals are so familiar in cutting tool, so some texturing and model-
general outline, it is possible to conven- ling was necessary to make the carving
tionalize or even alter or distort that outline stand out. I could, of course, have sanded
slightly and produce a recognizable an-
still the whole thing and blurred the lines.
imal. It is, perhaps, a form of caricature. Contrast the Celtic bird with the animal
Fig. 127.
Gouqe dots
in trench
Vermilion -EJT-^
Mexico and haven't attempted to carve
them as yet. The panels and the cardinal
(Fig. 95), incidentally, provide an answer to
that perennial question of tyro carvers,
"Where can I get new ideas?"
Another example of careful use of textur-
ing to obtain a pleasing effect is the owl Fig. 129.
nsertad hornji 'tail -Cops
Fig. 131.
By Aqostino Cruz, in copal
Oaxaca (opal, with k.n>fe arooving
Fig. 135.
Gouac cut*
as scales
rljh ~
Guerrero, M<?x.
Fig. 134. Fig. 136.
Strangely, he provided scales on the 133). The carving is simple and strong, and
monkey body with random crisscross lines, only resembles people by coincidence. Ac-
as well as on the bell of the trumpet-shaped tually, these faces represent spirits, and are
object the monkey is holding, and drilled highly colored in consequence.
holes at dog head and slots in
the base of the Another example of this is the little fish
the bell of the trumpet. The result is a con- from Guerrero, Mexico (Fig. 136). It is deco-
versation piece, if nothing more and one — rated with gouge cuts, but also has stylized
that was snapped up by a Mexico City col- color to suggest the trout that inspired it.
Fig. 137
Red in mouth & around h«ad for KiqKligKts
Fig. 138
the gods (Fig. 138). It is made in parts and ily adaptable for any purposes you may
carved in very great detail, then highly col- have.
ored and gilded. There is no likelihood that First, there are those odd scraps of wood,
it will not be noticed regardless of location, too small to be useful and too big or of too-
because the original is life-size! Designed good wood to throw away. An enterprising
for religious purposes, it has become a spot Indian in Michoacan evidently had some,
of color in American and other homes far as well as imagination and a band saw or
from Bali, largely because it contrasts in scroll saw. The wood is a hard and dense
boldness with most moderate present-day red-colored one, unknown to me. From
decoration. It also contrasts sharply with those scraps he made a number of amusing
most modern Balinese figure carving, birds and animals, none more than 2 in tall.
which relies on flowing lines for its effects. They sold very rapidly in a smart shop a
long way from Michoacan. (Fig. 139)
I don't usually buy waste wood; I use it.
Fig. 139 (right). Five birds,two
rabbits and a fox were obviously
made from scraps of hardwood. They
are Mexican tourist items, so as much
as possible of the "carving" has been
done with a saw, but designs are one-
of-a-kind to fit the scrap and quite
3V4 x 5 x 7-in maple intrigued me, but it anyhow — with finishing nails supplement-
was weeks before I saw the swan in it. The ing the glue and such finish as I could ob-
maple, incidentally, was so near rotted that tain over wax, which is a finish in itself.
Ted "stabilized" it by soaking it in hot paraf- Mexican examples come from Apaseo el
fin, which gives it body and makes it cut Alto, Guanajuato, where I visited a family
easily, but utterly defies glue and finish "carving factory," Tonala, Jalisco, which has
when you make an assembly. I made one recently produced a number of very color-
Fig. 142. Korean wedding drake
(see "Carving Birds in Wood" for
details). This was probably the
inspiration for the swan, which
has now been equipped with a
double gilt tassel.
/lefual \anqth~/C="
White <C/> black S brow»i
Fig. 148. One of a series of
large (16-in-long) ceramic
birds, this stylized
kingfisher particularly
appealed to me as a
woodcarving design.
Compare it with a picture of
an actual kingfisher in a
guide book to learn the
elements of caricaturing
other, more common birds.
recognizable by species,
ful stylized birds uncovered three birds which are not part of
and two very ancient examples in pottery the family's regular production of carousel
that I copied in wood — the originals are in horses of all sizes from 4 in to 4 ft tall. As
the Rockefeller Wing of the Metropolitan nearly as I could discover, all were experi-
Museum of Art in New York City. The two, mental designs, and one of a kind, prac-
interestingly, were both ducks, indicating tically speaking, although I did find two
that the current rage for decoys has ancient similar ducks, both only slightly stylized.
ancestry Incidentally, do not dismiss pot- The dove (Fig. 150) has an inflated body and
tery as a source of carving patterns; the tiny small head, a stylized wing and an ex-
V/i-in owl and bobwhite (Figs. 143, 144), as
well as the stylized kingfisher (Figs. 145,
148),were also originally in pottery, the first
two in New Mexico and the third in Mexico.
These three are the only ones for which I
have suggested color, although the Olmec
OriQi'nal i * ceramic
and Colima ducks undoubtedly once had
color too over their pottery.
Mexicans are adept at substituting cow
bone for ivory in such pieces as the owl and
bird pendants (Fig. 147). The owl pictured is
VA in tall, the flying bird twice that in
length. Bone can be bleached and polished
by buffing until it looks very much like
ivory, and can be carved with similar detail.
In a visit to a "factory" in Apaseo el Alto, I
Fig. 149.
These pieces (except frog) from Apaseo el Alto, Gfo. Fig. 150.
Fig. 151 (left). I thought this Olmeo river duck, Fig. 152.This puff-cheeked and ball-bodied
originally a ceramic jar with a hole in the top of the duckling is from Colima and dated the second or
head, was quite an interesting design so I copied it third century A.D. Note the stub tail and the merely
in available Honduras mahogany 7 in tall. The suggested feet, plus a bell-shaped mouth. The
original is dated 1200 to 900 B.C.— so this is a 3,000- original was a container with a hole in the top of
year-old decorative decoy. the head.
tended trefoil tail. The eagle (Fig. 146) has road runner an obvious conces-
(Fig. 153),
completely stylized feathering and a sion to ease of quantity manufacture from
lengthened head which contributes to his sawed planks, because his body is 5 x 13 in
morose or doleful look. but only TVi in thick. The eye is a double
Also apparently from Michoacan is the inlay of ebony within a lighter-colored
Fig. 153. Also a Mexican tourist item is this life-size road runner. Eyes are inlaid and decoration is
a series of cuts with a circular saw on crest, wings and tail. A base replaces the normally difficult
creation of feet and legs.
SW7\l\|-3*x9>/0' Ebony ins«rt These slabs become iai I
An assembly of Scrap.
^ ->
Fig. 154
Fig. 155. Potential "factory" designs are these three birds from Apaseo el Alto, Mexico, the dove
in a local mahogany, and the other two in woods unknown to me.
Fig. 156.
Figs. 157, 158 (left and
ibelow). Stylized armadillo
sfrom Mexico. Tail is
•inserted, as is typical.
general shape and form at the expense of has rough or hard edges.
Fig. 160.Monolithic and stylized, this life-size duck Fig. 161. Heraldic lionby Domingo Fernandez
was shop in Java. The body is fine-lined all over,
in a Rimachi, self-taught Indian carver of Cuzco, Peru.
with a few ruffled wing and tail feathers projecting. Wood is cedar, and the piece is about 18 in (46 cm)
Eyes are carved, not glass, and the entire bird is tall,a decorative boss. Note that the mane is
tinted in soft colors. elaborately detailed although stylized, and that six
front-leg claws are shown instead of eight.
carver is still quite familiar with nature and
unaffected by the artificiality and sophis-
The owl and cat caricatures in Figs. 162, the suggestion of a smile —a smile, but not a
163 have painted-on comic features. The horse laugh. Remember: Something must
other animals in Fig. 166, from Argen-
all be left to the observer's imagination, some-
tina, also have painted eyes and pupils thing that will repay his observation by stir-
black for a male, red for a female and a — ring an emotion (usually humor). The stir-
silhouette effect enhanced by using a ring should not be done with a club, as is so
thicker block for the body. The cat even has often the case.
Bull and fawn (Figs. 167 and 168), from
Spain, show excellent stylizing. The bull
breathes power, the fawn airiness. Both rely
Vtont in5«rts on simple sawn silhouettes convey their
characteristics; the bull is thick, with horns
ready, while the fawn is carved thin and
leaping. Very little shaping has been done
on the fawn, and none on the bull. And
both abandon rigid reliance on wood. You'll
notice that the fawn's tail is a bit of rough
cord, frayed, and that the bull has inserted
silver-strip horns and tail. Now compare
these to the penguin in Fig. 169, which uses
sharp contrast for its effectiveness. The
simple form is painted to simulate the
Fig. 166. Three
Argentinian animal
caricatures have the same
painted-in eyes, the cat's
with blue lids! They are
assembled sawed pieces,
but could readily be
Figs. 169 (above, left
to right). Penguin by Ted
Haag is a simple form,
with no detailing except
the black painting to
simulate the darker
feathering. It is 4 in (10
cm) high.
Fig. 170. This
spreadwing bird in
ironwood has only a
suggestion of
feathering and a
streamlined body.
darker feathers; again, there is no detailing, as well as real animals. They are very defi-
not even an eye. nitely stylized, particularly in the fantastic
The Seri-Indian-carved birds and fish in waves and ground growth, but also include
ironwood (Figs. 170, 171) are unusual and much more detail than anyone would use
compelling because they are readily identi- nowadays, even the Japanese. It is hard to
fiable. The shapes are realistic, but only a —
avoid over-detailing take it from an ex-
minimum of detail is included so that form engineer!
and the beauty of the polished wood be- With a little experience and effort, you
come most important. can do your own stylized carvings and have
What is considered over-detailing in one fun at them. The primary requirement is to
country is often the essence of stylizing in study your subject to find out what is dif-
another. Americans think 30 to 50 percent ferent or dominant about it, and then to
of a surface is enough carving, the Italians combine those elements in a pleasing de-
go to 80 percent or thereabouts, and the —
sign with smooth, long curves and lines.
East Indians go to 100 percent. Consider the The little variations are eliminated, and
Japanese temple carvings in Figs. 172, 173. geometric shapes can then be substituted.
They are 200 years old and include fanciful
and below). Extremely elaborate stylizing is evident in these two sections of temple
Figs. 172, 173 (above
carving in Honso, Akita, Japan. Done about 200 years ago, it includes dragons in stylized waves and a
tortoise amid mushrooms and reeds, all originally tinted. Photographs are by Donald P. Berger, an
American teaching in Tokyo.
from the
Fig. 175 (above). Sitting cats
Southern Highlands. The one on the right
is abetter-proportioned, more-natural
pose. Both are in cherry, whittled and
is the fact that a cat is very difficult to carve
well, although this argument breaks down
in the face of the number of carvings of
other members of the cat tribe: lions, leop-
ards, jaguars, tigers, mountain lions. All
offer the same basic problems in carving, so
why the big cats in greater profusion? This
is understandable in countries where lions
are almost worshipped, as in Africa, or jag-
uars, as in parts of Mexico.
The fact is that if you can carve a good cat,
you can carve any of the others. The lion
has a larger nose, a bigger head, and heav-
ier forelegs than any of the others. The
leopard has a longer nose, as does the
puma. Our domestic cat carries its tail high
when prowling; all the other cats carry
theirs low — but these are minor differences
Fig. 180.This caricature was turned out in quantity in shape, just as are the male lion's mane
some years back in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). The tail and
and the leopard's spots.
ears were carved separately and inserted, as were
moonstone eyes and nose, although the cat is only The cat's hind legs appear to be longer
about 2 in tall. Also see Fig. 163. than the forelegs and are much heavier in
musculature. The fur is usually thick
enough to hide and round the skeletal
shape, yet fine enough that it cannot be
suggested successfully except in very large
carvings. On
any small carving it is best to
consider the cat's shape as a series of curves
and its fur is best depicted by a smooth,
even glossy, surface. Body lines at best are
indistinct, and there is danger that they will
be overemphasized as most carvers over-
emphasize the wrinkles on a human face.
The cat head is quite round in back, but
from the front it has a distinctly triangular
shape, with the point of the chin and the
ears forming the angles. The ears are quite
frc>™ pert usually, but are not pointed at the tips;
The final problem in depicting a cat are here. "Honey Girl" (Fig. 183) was in ma-
those long whiskers. I have tried to suggest hogany and mounted on walnut. Note how
them by incised lines on the upper lip (Fig. the grain helped show the swell of the neck.
178), but this is a subterfuge at best. The "Bill" (Fig. 184) was also in mahogany and
Mexicans have done better. They actually similarly mounted. Both had leather addi-
drill small holes in the upper lip and insert tions, the harness finished with silver
individual horsehairs. They can also thus buckle and snaffle, and the collar a section
suggest the feeler hairs projecting from a of an actual dog collar with brass nameplate
cat's eyebrows. That's what the skilled and chain. I think the leather harness
Figs. 185-187. Mamselle, a female St. Bernard, was carved in basswood and painted with oils. Some knife
lines were and some paint rubbed thin to retain the idea of wood. Fig. 185 shows one of a series of
photos I took to try to get the lifted foot and tail the owner wanted. Dog was carved integrally with base,
which was then appliqued on a rosewood base block.
Fig. 188.
Fig. 189.
setter was carved by a student who pre- had adapt that from a magazine picture
viously had used the knife almost ex- of another dog. Also, he had normal ears,
clusively, while this carving was done not lopped ones, and he carried both ears
mostly with palm gouges. and tail down because of his concern over
Although a St. Bernard and a schnauzer the photography. I decided on myrtle wood
(Figs. 190-196) should be relatively alike in because of its grey-white color, very much
difficulty,hence in time to carve, I found like that of the dog, instead of painted
the schnauzer twice as difficult. One factor white pine or basswood, so that added
was size, another the wood, and hence the complications. As completed, the carving
texture and finish. I had photographs of required only a slight tinting around the
both dogs, and each pattern had to be a jowls to get the characteristic head colora-
composite of elements in several pho- tion and likeness, and is much more real-
tographs. But the schnauzer, cowed by the istic and natural than the St. Bernard por-
camera, never did strike the basic "show" trait.
imagined distinctions that the owner sees, These elements are essential to a likeness
particularly those he or she considers im- because the client sees his animal ideally.
portant. Thus a schnauzer is supposed to You, as a stranger, will rarely see all these
have a hollow under his belly that accentu- things together, and are even less likely to
ates his chest curvature, coloration around capture them in photographs. Also, photos
are two-dimensional; you have a third di- fluter and took almost a day and a half. The
mension to recreate, usually by trial and eyes, set deeply behind shaggy brows, and
error. In this case, the block was half of the the feathery character of the lower legs, also
original 7-in-diameter (17.5-cm) tree trunk, took extra time to achieve.
so I had to guess at the proper thickness to I mention all these things to draw the
Ctaryy -Jack Hall
Fig. 203.
Fig. 204.Cherry prancing horse Fig. 205. Small size breadboard in cherry with stylized horse
sketched in Fig. 198, an original by the motif. By the author.
late Jack Hall.
Fig. 206. Commemorative relief panel in walnut, based — in part—on an old silhouette.
IC dowel
( La rq est- 50 tons)
Some of the figures were carved in the
round, but some were flattened to catch
vagrant breezes and because only thin
Fig. 207. GLYPT0DONT
scraps were available.
I used vermilion for the stegosaurus, test these woods comparison with the
jelutong for the man, rosewood for the teak of the triceratops, the maple dowel that
pteranodon, mansonia for the sabre-tooth gives a starting shape for the egg, and pur-
tiger, and an unknown wood from a Viet- pleheart for the big diplodocus, largest of
namese crate for the trachodon. This was to the dinosaurs.
Flat-qouqe scallops
IGUANODON W5.ooo.ooo
(Olcitsl Known Wrd)
ANAT05AURU5 45,000.000^.
Fig. 208.
tle —and has occasional checks and faults. of approximately equal weight, one tall and
These secrete a black dust which must be one wide, and differing in color if possible.
cleaned out before gluing or filling. The The wide one must clear the support thread
wood itself an ordinary brown, but
is for the tall one, or be hung below it. Leave
lengthy exposure to the sun turns it lav- the threads long and double-knot or slip-
ender. Heating it in the oven can turn it knot them at the whiffletree, because single
anything from lavender to a dark purple, knots will promptly loosen and come free.
with thinner sections darkening first. Man- Considering that the whiffletrees are rela-
sonia, by contrast, is a tannish-brown wood tively heavy compared with the figures,
that splits and splinters easily, somewhat they will actually make balance easier. This
like some mahoganies, but it finishes very is important, because even the usual postal
then should be filed smooth on the ends sions to make the mobile more compact.
and bent with gooseneck pliers. Eyes This is a matter of taste, location and
should be small and closed tight, or you —
strength of likely breezes the longer the
will be plagued with nylon threads slipping threads, the more likely they are to tangle if
out during adjustment and assembly. the wind is fresh. My mobile is about 14 in
(35 cm) wide by 2 ft (61 cm) deep. You may additional elements in my
mobile. Just
even have to change the length of a about that time, there was an extensive
whiffletree, particularly if you have many story in the National Geographic about recent
elements in the mobile. When everything is dinosaur discoveries. So I added two more
adjusted, glue the knots and spray the as- arms to the mobile (one long whiffletree) to
sembly with varnish to inhibit rusting of accommodate an additional nine elements.
whiffletrees. Also trim off loose ends of the These were in additional woods: ankylo-
nylon threads. saurus in Virginia cedar 8,000 years old,
After about a year, I felt that I wanted iguanodon in maple, plateosaurus in red-
LnOLL I (Bast taper* to back & is l«ft unpolished)
PELICAN (6»«|eftrouqh)
Struthiomimus, by the way, apparently from Indian portraits through religious fig-
lived off eggs laid by other dinosaurs, so ures to animals, particularly the llama. Both
what he is clutching is such an egg, which in-the-round and relief work are done, and
was simply a long oval. mahogany is the preferred material. The
Mobiles can be quite simple. To make a exact duplication of design and availability
"hostess present" in Mexico, I found a A x l
in several sizes suggests profiler roughing
1 x 15-in (0.63 x 2.5 x 38-cm) slat of pine for quantity production, but sellers insist
on the and whittled five birds from
street, this is not true.
it, entirely freehand and of no particular Shown here are typical animal designs.
species. They were suspended from white Surprisingly, there are no birds. Included
sewing thread through holes drilled with a are a typical pair of primitive carvings an —
knifeblade tip. The whiffletrees were thin —
anteater and an armadillo from the Ama-
copper wire from a nearby electric-motor zon basin in Peru. Drawings of three an-
repair shop. Birds and their suspending cient house posts —
over 1,000 years old
threads were dyed in bright colors red, — from lea and Paracas, Peru, offer very
blue, green, brown and gold in the dye — sharp contrast to the more refined mod-
vats at a weaving plant across the street. ern pieces.
The llama is the traditional beast of bur-
den, and the source of wool for cloth and
Animals of South America
meat for food. There are three species, the
Folk carvings in wood tend to result from
llama, the alpaca, and the guanaco. An-
a happy pairing of forests and skill; either
other familiar figure is, of course, the bull.
alone is not enough. Thus, in all of South
All of these designs appear to be the
America, there is little folk carving except in
products of woodcarving tools, except pos-
the Andes Mountains of western Bolivia,
sibly the Amazon animals and the bull, and
southern Ecuador, and northern Peru
they show gouge marks. The Amazon ani-
(which was also southern Ecuador until
Peru won it, as south Tyrol was once part of
Austria). Carvings from this high terrain, BULL SEAL
regardless of country of origin, are well- Slight Iff t tilt of head (from
formed and smoothly finished; they are not r«ar) As sKownat right. All
primitive but are obviously made by skilled lines round «d. Base left
mals are painted, then carved, so the natu- (Also see Fig. 159.)
ral color of the wood is recovered a tech-—
nique that I have seen previously in Fiji and
among Australian Bushmen. It is, of
course,now in use in the United States and
elsewhere for routing name signs in lami-
nated or "sandwich" plastics. It offers ideas
for carvers as well
LLAMA Ecuador
Cross-hatched ar«s d«
w 4 if^o>,
Doth from Amazon Jur\qU, Peru
rower-carved with deep
rBored IV *3^deep
Olive wood
common, and practically all of that is copied The jointed fish suggests a number of
from classical models. The explanation that possibilities for other designs,although it
Greeks give is that wood is scarce, but in does involve the problem of small-diameter
tail —
every feather is not delineated; the
lines suggest only general areas and direc-
wood a coat or two of flat (matte or satin) color, particularly if exotic woods are used.
varnish before the stains are applied, to It is possible also to make butterflies simply
reduce the tendency of the stain to soak in of two wings glued together at an angle
and run. The same is true if you decide to with no body at all. The wings can be thin
paint butterflies in their approximate natu- slices of burl or other figured areas, and
ral colors. Over varnish, color where you backed with a pin. However you make
don't want it can be removed by wiping or them, butterflies are very pleasing.
Because the wings are heavy compared Making a design your own
with the body, you may have problems with Years ago, I was fascinated by the study
any support for hanging. Balancing the in- of gravestone rubbings that showed how a
sect fore and aft is difficult unless the wings had gone from
skilled itinerant stone carver
are mounted relatively flat. The bent-pin town town westward from New En-
method sketched is neat if you can find a gland. His designs and techniques were
precise center of balance and put the pins readily recognizable from those of both his
well out on the wings; otherwise it is easier contemporaries and his imitators. The
to make a 4-point suspension, with a hole same thing is true of familiar woodcarving
in each wing, so the insect can be posed at designs; they may be "standard" but, un-
the desired angle front and back as well as less they are turned out on a duplicator,
side to side. Whiffletrees (balance beams) there will be slight but identifiable vari-
for the mobile are made of No. 18 or No. 20 ations piece to piece. This is true whether it
piano wire for the longer one, No. 10 for the is all the work of one carver or that of several
shorter. Each whiffletree need be only long in turn. have seen copies of my designs
enough to clear half the width of the but- that are better than my originals because
terfly to be suspended at the higher level. If the carver has more skill or took more
monofilament nylon is used for suspen- pains. I have also seen copies that are so
sion, it is advisable to double-knot and glue painstaking that they have somehow lost
when balance is achieved; nylon will loosen verve and fire. Making a given design over
and slip if you don't. and over should obviously lead to improve-
were made
All parts for these butterflies ment, but sometimes it leads only to
by hand, but wings can be band- or jig- change because the individual is not capa-
sawed, of course, and Vs-in (3-mm) wing ble of further improvement or becomes
thickness obtained by planing or sanding. bored with the repetition.
The best tool for shaping holes and veining To illustrate facets of this question, I have
I found to be a knife with hook blade. It is selected two groups of designs (Figs. 224
stiff enough to work any wood and is read- and 225), one with Indian variations on a
ily interchangeable with a standard blade bird profile, the other showing variations in
for normal knife cutting. the design of an American eagle for the top
If be used singly, you
butterflies are to or splat of a wooden clock-case.
may want add
These can simply be
to legs. The and don't
bird designs are symbolic,
copper wire put through straight holes in to my knowledge attempt to depict any par-
the thorax. If the butterfly is to stand, glue ticular species. They are shown in a 1916
the legs in position and splay them out to book, Evolution of the Bird in Decorative Art,
support it. If it is to hang on a curtain or by Kenneth M. Chapman; all are suitable
drape, sharpen the two forward leg tips so for incising, inlaying, or similar applica-
they will penetrate the material, and bend tions. They show how can far stvlizing
them into tiny hooks. You will find that stray from the near-exact reproduction of
many variations are possible in wing posi- the decoy-carver.
tion and angle of suspension, as well as in The second group of sketches depicts re-
^. Marsh-Gilbert frddy.
makers had more than one design, and There are relatively few left-facing eagles.
some occasionally had unique ones. As (I seem to recall that left-facing was thought
wood-movement clocks lost out to brass- to be unpatriotic by some purists.) Right-
movement ones, some makers went to in- facing ones are essentially alike, suggesting
creasingly unique, often one-of-a-kind cas- a common ancestor or source design. In
ings with splats to match, featuring coats of fact, some of the carving conventions, for
arms, stylized birds and beasts or what- feathers to name one, are repeated. Some
have-you (sometimes to order). designs have crests, others do not.
Mountain Goat
Fig. 227. These unusual and powerful woodcarvings include panels in pioneer and Indian motifs, newel
posts (recycled cedar utility poles) with animal-motif caps and beam-ends with animal heads. These are
true folk art, made by tyros of Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, Oregon. All motifs are readily adaptable to
smaller carvings. Such work calls for bold and deep cutting, with very limited detail.
How to suit a client's needs tion was a silhouette panel of the "business
Mention has been made of the infinite vari- end" or head of a hockey stick (Fig. 229A),
ety of designs that can be based upon a —
about actual size 7 in (18 cm) wide. Upon
particular animal or bird. Here's a case in it was carved a beaver and the suggestion of
point. Ithas to do with an unlikely ani- a dam, as well as the name of the man and
mal — the beaver. My experience with it de- the season. It was in /4-in (19-mm) ma-
rives from the fact that a particular client hogany, natural finish, and was made so it
has sons who are members of a hockey club could be a wall plaque, or a stand-up or lie-
having the unusual name of Beaver Dam. flat desk ornament.
She has had need at one time or another for The next request was for Christmas tree
Christmas tree decorations, pendants and decorations. I made a number, including a
awards with some tie-in to the group. On series of miniature skates of various eras,
occasion, she has given me carte blanche to miniature shoe skates and typical skaters;
provide what is necessary. Here are some of but of most interest here were a hockey
my designs, which may suggest ideas if you goalie (C), a player (D), and two other
have a similar need. Many other designs beavers. These were 3 or 4 in (7 or 10 cm)
and func-
are possible, of course, their form tall, the teak beavers textured with a veiner
tion depending upon the animal and the and finished in natural color, the hockey
need. players tinted to suggest the colors of the
The beaver is not a particularly pre- club.
possessing animal, but he is appealing in A further request, a year later but also for
thathe goes his own way and lives a some- short-term delivery, was for a somewhat
what distinctive life. He is also rather easy more ornate award, this time for a single
to caricature because of his distinctive tail volunteer coach who had led the team to
and bulky shape. the championship and also conducted
The first request I had was for awards for them on an 8-day, hockey-playing visit to
two volunteer hockey coaches and they — Finland. The championship was to be men-
had to be produced in 24 hours! My solu- tioned prominently, the Finnish visit some-
1976-77 /%"*
Stick inserted
h w»«J
what less so, because some members of the beaver was carved with cap and turtleneck
team had been unable to make the trip. My sweater. On one upper arm was a miniature
solution was a larger beaver in mahogany, Finnish flag. Flag and cap were lightly
mounted on brass skates of the latest tinted with oils in appropriate colors. On
hockey style, on a Mexican mahogany the base was incised the single word
base. Base dimensions were 6 x 12 in (15 x "Champions" and the date. The base edge
30 cm), and the beaver was about 10 in (25 was carved with a random pattern suggest-
cm) tall, with separate tail inserted. The ing the logs of a dam.
r while tn«y dry
shape & numbar, & '
For "mu.nr\i -
shave up 8 down
ar\q I* forward or backward
h> make thin carls
Suited to tht species
Fig. 230. Simple flowers made from single pieces of wood. These require wood that can be split or shaved.
Fig. 231
elsewhere. They offer fascinating pos- cessity, entirely imaginary. For typical de-
sibilities, among them the pragmatic one signs I have provided step-by-step pho-
that exact portraiture —either of foliage or of tographs, with hints for the solution of
mythical heroes — is not required because knotty problems. For most, there are front
we don't observe foliage that closely, and and side patterns; suggestions for your
authentic portraits of the ancient gods and own designs, for finishing, for wood, tool
heroes do not exist. Even a tyro can achieve selection, and for size, are all included as
creditable results. well.The tedious research has been done,
Many of the pieces shown here are my leaving theway open for pleasant, fascinat-
own originals, sometimes adapted from ing and rewarding carving.
traditional sources, and sometimes, of ne-
Kan dart or
pin badcs
Forqet-m«-nof 6 cowjW
5traridad cappxe
Can be reversed*
' iuspendod rrom sTam-
Composite (W metal Two Dc si'qns -% me blank
Fig. 232.Pendants carved from colorful hardwoods. The lily is in vermilion, the other two from the same
blank of purpleheart.
the cutting edge, and to bind the blade Most of these were used in essentially for-
securely into the handle. A blade that wob- mal carving, and usually were carved in
bles or tends to snap closed is likely to cut rather high relief. However, many whittlers
you wood.
rather than the have also made flowers, some of them as
A Band-Aid® or tape on the middle joint one-piece "tricks" — variations of the puff of
of your index finger will be helpful; it pre- curled shavings or the fan. In recent years,
vents blisters if you haven't built up a callus the flower produced by multiple shavings
there. When you whittle, you must keep has been particularly popular as a demon-
your mind on what you're doing; you can't stration and low-priced commodity at
watch TV or converse. Many whittlers have woodcarving shows.
remarked that they only cut themselves To make a curled-petal flower, the only
when demonstrating or teaching, because requirements are wood that shaves well
they talk when they should be intent on with the grain (like white pine or
carving. Learn to be careful with the knife. basswood), a sharp knife, and a good eye.
series of collars of shavings, each one with which has the bloom at right angles to the
progressively shorter shavings. (That's the stem, the stem itself must be carved across
way we Boy Scouts made "fuzz sticks"
also grain or added later, either ofwhich is a
to act as core tinder when we started a fire.) nuisance. However, if the flower is formed
Once formed, it can be
the flower is parallel to the main stem, as in the violet
trimmed to a special shape with scissors, if (Fig. 231), the stem itself can easily be
desired; then the core on the top is cut off carved later. Again, the petals can be
and the stub shaped into a dome like a shaped by knife or scissors and the flower
daisy eye, and the bottom is thinned into a head tinted as desired.
fairly thick stem. It is also possible to cut Flowers like the tulip can be carved from
the solid blank by drilling a core hole in the Somewhat more elaborate and difficult is
end of a stick (of any wood) so that the flat the carving of flowers for pendants and
sides are fairly thin, then sawing down in pulls. These can be in the round, of course,
the middle of the flat sides almost to the or they can be in low relief like those shown
base of the core hole. Each corner can then (Fig. 232) —
either single flowers or groups
be whittled into a petal with a projecting depending upon the shape desired. I've
point (Fig. 230), and the leaves and stem usually made such flowers in brilliantly col-
carved below the bulbous head. ored woods like vermilion, purpleheart, or
Figs. 237, 238. Exercise #3, a stylized tulip, requires a more careful cutting of lines.
Figs. 239, 240. Exercise #4, a floral pattern, requires bosting or grounding out.
Figs. 241, 242. Exercise #5, a stylized lily, incorporates more intricate detail.
ferent types of cuts. It is called the Eternal the way I learned —except that I had no
Knot, and the student must work in all di- book for reference until several years later.
rections, so that he or she learns about grain The virtue of this method is that the indi-
immediately. vidual is immediately challenged and never
His designs are carved in basswood bored by repetition and tedious detail.
/4 x 7 x 8V2 inches (1.9 x 17.5 x 21 cm) with a
The second panel is the ancient diaper or
beginner's set of short chisels and no mallet. allover pattern, for which Mr. Sutter pro-
Tools include a firmer, a V-tool, and 3 or 4 vides only a basic outline. Each individual
small gauges plus a knife. can work out his or her own detail design;
It is quite possible for a deft beginner to Mack says that no students have ever made
teach himself by this method; it is actually exactly the same design. These designs are
Figs. 245, 246. Exercise #7 is a flower group combining previous problems and veining.
Figs. 247, 248. Exercise #8 is a traditional pattern of the kind used for door panels.
large and open, so they are basically not Mack figures that the basic course should
difficult to carve in soft wood and can be consist of about ten 2-hour lessons. How-
done with hand pressure alone. Also, the ever, when a student has tools he can con-
opportunity to vary the design in the sec- tinue carving between lessons, of course,
ond project provides the individual with so more material is required. Thus Exercise
the opportunity to adjust the intricacy to No. 3, the tulip pattern, is expected to be
his own natural ability; he can make some- completed as well. (Figs. 236 and 238 are
thing as simple as mounded diamonds or as adapted from designs in "The Book of
complex as the pattern in Fig. 250. Neither Wood Carving," by Charles Marshall
design requires the setting-in or back- Sayers, recently reprinted by Dover Pub-
grounding that takes added competence, lications, Inc., New York. Exercise No. 8 is
yet either can be shown with pride when adapted from Sayers' Design No. 8. They
completed. are reproduced here by special permis-
Two artifical roses on a store-bought birthday cake inspired me to copy them on a panel (Fig. 250,
Fig. 249 (left).
appropriately, of rosewood, about 1 x 6 x 12 in (2.5 x 15 x 30 cm). Elements were drawn on it, then
right). It is,
the background was routed Vi in (12.7 mm) deep and the units were modelled. Background was scalloped with a
flat gouge.
The intermediate series of lessons begins Advanced classes usually undertake in-
with Exercise No. 4, the flower group, and dividual projects that require specific ad-
this is the only required panel, because to vice and instruction, or may broaden out
learn setting-in and bosting, or grounding into general carving.
(cutting away the background), takes some
time. However, those who complete No. 4 Variety in florals
may go on to projects of their own or select Flowers and foliage are a traditional part
from No. 5 the lily, No. 6 the dogwood, No. of, or decoration on, many other works:
7 a circular flower group, and No. 8 a reg- plaques, coats of arms, doors, frames,
ular design involving precise curves. nameplates, boxes, bowls, vases, even han-
Again, the middle of No. 8 can be any of dles, chairs and seats. They have been
many patterns. carved as decorations on robes, dresses and
Fig. 254. T. E.
Haag, of Tualatin,
Oregon, carved
this grape design
into a cherry-wood
other, and so on. These all evolved from my "Golden Mean" calls for a width 60 percent
so-called "bug tree," which was a polyglot of height), which, with a reasonable self-
group of insects, worms and spiders carved border all around, left a 9 x 16-in (23 x 40-
in heroic size on the 12-ft (3.6-m) trunk of an cm) working area. The panel thickness was
apple tree they had conspired to kill. Units 1 in (2.5 cm). I decided on a background
were placed where they fitted and as whim depth of only 54 in (3.2 mm), with limited
dictated, without regard to relative scale or modelling of elements. Birds and flowers
viewing aspect. This stele, or column, was drawn from field guides were laid out di-
in reality a carved panel wrapped around a rectly on the wood. I tried to select birds
tree. and flowers that are familiar and have dis-
This panel (Fig. 257) is a lineal descen- tinctive silhouettes, and I altered scale to
dant —a commission for one panel featur- make the subject fit and
the space. Layout
ing flowers and birds. I had available a carving were done simultaneously from
plank 12 in (30 cm) wide, of English syc- one corner. Slight overlaps are advisable to
amore (harewood) which is very white and avoid gaps and the stringy look of straight
dense, with a crossfire figure in fiddle pat- stems, of course, and care must be taken
tern, enough to give the wood interest not to "carve oneself into a corner." As my
without being obtrusive. It is amenable to panel worked out, it included 62 flowers
both chisel and knife, does not split or and five birds
crumble, and will support a great deal of Because the carving was relatively shal-
detail. (It is customarily a veneer, used as an low and the wood so white, I darkened the
alternate to American holly, and as the cli- background with a light-tan, German, sal-
ent was English, the wood was a happy ammoniac stain to make the elements stand
choice.) out. This was preceded by a spray coat of
Panel width was about 10Vi in (26 cm), so I matte varnish to avoid overabsorption of
selected a length of 1756 in (44 cm the — stain in cross-grain areas. The carved sur-
face was also coated with the same stain, cial verses written by the client about the
but in small areas at a time, so the stain treeand the growing child, so it had to be
could be wiped off again at once, leaving personal and whimsical in feeling.
high spots almost white, with darker lines. Obviously, it was impractical to depict
You probably won't want to make an ex- every needle, or even every little branch.
actly similar panel. The designs are flexible, As in making a portrait of a person, it was
so you can make another arrangement or advisable to idealize, not caricature, the
use them individually. subject a little. Thus
was helpful to fill out
because there was no need for that kind of a breakout is reduced.) I selected a ground
record or guide, and I used pine because it depth of Vi in (12.7 mm) as most practical.
was relatively soft and because it was the For setting in, I lined in with a veiner, and
same material as the subject. The step-by- set in with a Vi-in (6.3-mm) firmer, Vi6-in
step pictures tell the rest of the story (Figs. (1.6-mm) flat gouge (No. 3), Vi-in (6.3-mm)
258-261). medium gouge (No. 5), plus knife and hook
Of the seven pictures taken, one photo knife. Grounding required the same tools,
was helpful to attain general shape, includ- plus a %-in (9.6-mm) deep gouge (No. 7).
ing the masses of needles and the slight
curve of the trunk as well as the disfigure-
(Fig. Grounding could be left quite
ment where the fork had broken years ago.
rough and cleaned up as modelling pro-
However, the needle masses obscured the
ceeded. To suggest the needle structure, I
actual branch positions. The brush around
used parallel cuts with the veiner, or vees
the tree base and a neighbor's shed beyond
with the knife, depending upon the size of
the fence, as well as the trees in the back-
the area. Each branch was first modelled to
ground, were out of the final composi-
a general shape, and the branch itself sug-
tion primarily confusing factors, al-
gested by cutting a vee on each side of it,
though the fence and an adjacent bush and
usually with the knife to avoid breakouts. A
small hemlock were included. (Fig. 261)
V-tool might have been used, but it would
have caused trouble because of narrow sec-
(Fig. 258)The tree was drawn directly on
tions and cross-grain cuts. Even the veiner
the block by the point-to-point method.
caused some trouble, although it was razor-
Fortunately, the carving was to be exactly
sharp. As carving progressed, I modified
three times the size of the key photo, so
the original sketch here and there to sug-
transfer ofdimensions was relatively easy,
gest branches on the face that had been
although detailed. Some branches could be
stripped. Also note that the branches are
placed by eye, others modified slightly in
quite visible at the top of the tree but are
the interest of better composition. It is also
obscured lower downbecause of the point
important to remember that extremely
of view of an observer. Needles are not con-
small openings between branches and else-
tinuous lines in one direction; they vary
where should be avoided when possible
across a branch to suggest multiplicity. The
because of the difficulty in carving them.
lines are also carried down the set-in sides
The fence is cross-grain and difficult, but
to the ground, to break the solid look of the
unavoidable. The sketch was modified by
edge as much as possible.
direct observation of the tree, then blocking
outlines were inked in.
(Fig. 261) A bird to scale on a tree of this size
and grounding-out are
(Fig. 259) Setting-in would be almost invisible, and a bird flying
extremely tedious and painstaking in this in the sky would be both a nuisance and
case, but essential to retain the character of somewhat trite, so I carved a slightly over-
Fig. 262.
Fig. 264.
(Fig. 265) About this time,it became appar- tucked under the chest, would of necessity
ent that the head pose was complex, so it not cross as far as I had originally drawn it.
was worked out in detail, including the The new position was easy to estimate by
mane, neck garland, throat, and ear and using the dimensions of the visible left fore-
horn locations. Reference to horse pho- leg as a guide.
tographs gave head details but no example
of a head turned back. I remembered two
sets of Chinese horses I had, each with one
horse with its head reversed. Neither
turrted out to be particularly helpful, be-
cause the Chinese had simply swivelled the
head 180°, and in the case of the ivory head,
the carver had depicted the mane running
straight down so it ended between the fore-
legs! Also, wanted to avoid a prosaic, flat
Fig. 268.
the mouth and/or ears, a spiky backbone holes; they would be stronger and better,
any case I would suggest a harder wood to ple-forked tail. I also reduced the labor con-
repay the effort involved as well as to pro- siderably by showing scales only along the
vide greater strength in thin sections. If you back. This, too, makes the design less com-
must have tendrils and elaborate poses, I
plex, as is the second (Fig. 271).
Longest of the dragons is a 27-in (68.6- wood —because that what I had. Given
cm) snakelike pose in walnut (Fig. 272), thicker wood, the wings could be extended
with undulating body and loop-the-loop more, but would be fragile.
tail. He has no scales, but scales are sug- If I were to make this particular carving
gested by the texturing, which is done by again, I would make the back ridge like that
scalloping the body surface with a flat on the elongated dragon; its slightly greater
gouge. The effect is almost as good as elaboration would go well there. This
scales, and takes less than half the time. dragon, 16 in (40.6 cm) long, took 33V2
The and most elaborate of my drag-
final hours, of which 15 were spent carving
ons is a winged variety (Figs. 273, 274) with scales (including the difficult areas under
looped tail and folded wings so he would fit the body and in the tail loop), as compared
the piece of walnut I had available. I have, with 21 hours spent for the elongated
incidentally, frequently compressed the dragon, of which only 5 hours were scaling.
third dimension of subjects to stay within Whether or not your dragon has scales is
the limitations of commercially available a decision you will have to make based on
wood. The two latter in-the-round drag- the amount of effort you want to put into
ons, for example, are carved in 2 3/4-in (7-cm) the carving. The answer, of course, lies in
Fig. 273. The winged dragon requires a more complex blank. It can be bandsawed, but then must be drilled
and shaped under the belly and the tail and inside the curve of the tail. Some of the complexity could be
avoided by eliminating the integral base. It is walnut, 3 x 5 x 16 in (7.6 x 12.7 x 40.6 cm) long. If thicker
wood were available, the wings could be spread more widely.
Three Back-ri
HeadiTa,! Only
Fig. 274.
the areas difficult of access. It would be far require use of a small V-tool to extend the
easier to scale the long dragon despite his ends of each scale until they meet the pre-
double-whirled tail. The winged dragon ceding loops. Once the stop cuts are made,
has an integral base, so it is difficult to reach the scales are shaped individually by shav-
his chest and belly, as well as the inner ing off the inner end of each, so the
curve of his looped tail. The difficulty is, as rounded ends of scales in the preceding
always, that texturing must be done over all row apparently stand above it. I do this
visible areas, and the eye can see where no with a Vfe-in (3.2-mm) firmer so I can work
tool will go. around the loop, except where I cannot
The scale pattern of itself is simple. I reach with it and I must use a knife. The
create the rounded-end scales with half- knife and V-tool may be necessary to rough-
round gouges of three sizes, 3/i6, 5/i6 and % in shape scale outlines in such areas as the
(4.8, 7.9 and 9.5 mm), so scale size can be inner part of the top of the tail loop. (If the
graduated down towards the tail and figure is carved without an integral base,
underbelly and on the upper legs. (Large there is more clearance for tools, but the
fluters, which have a U-shaped cross sec- piece is harder to hold while shaping and
tion, would make longer scales faster, but I there is constant danger of breaking off
have none sufficiently large.) If the gouges legs.)
are set in so the ends of one meet the tops of One problem with making a patterned
the two below it, the gouge itself completes texture, such as scales, is that extra scales
the setting-in, but the scales will be very must be added on the outside of a curve, if
closeand inflexible in pattern, so going the added spacing between rows is exces-
around curves and the like will be compli- sive. This can be done easily by forking the
cated. scale pattern at the sides. This is easier to do
I prefer to make the scales slightly longer, than it is to describe. Another problem is
so the loops of onerow stand away from the presented by the necessity of bringing the
loops of the preceding one. This will often scale pattern up to an edge, such as the
Fig.276 (left). A comparison of heads and skin textures of the major dragons. Both are in walnut, the
winged one somewhat more detailed in head and body. Fig. 277 (right). Both larger dragons were made
from pieces of walnut plank about 2% in (7 cm) thick, so bandsawing of the blank made sense and saved
time. The only complicated parts of the long dragon are the head and looped tail.
ridged back; every other line of scales will
require a half scale there. This can be han-
dled by using a shorter gouge of the same
radius if one is available, or by simulating
the half curve with a V-tool — which is often
easier and quicker.
The third problem is with grain on such
surfaces as the looped tail; one must be
Fig. 279 (left). The mouth is formed by drilling between the teeth with a tongue visible between.
The tongue could be extended at the front. Fig. 280 (right). The double loop of the tail can be
confusing. I made it as simple as possible by showing the loops parallel on top and making the
entire crossings underneath. The ridge is also carried down onto the tail-tip wedge ultimately.
Fig. 281. A large gouge is the fastest way to clear off excess wood around head and tail, and will
be useful as well in removing the wood on the far side of the upraised left foreleg. Don't forget
the curvature of the tail!
Fig. 282. Sawing is an alternative to gouging away wood around head and tail, and will be useful
as well in removing the wood on the far side of the upraised left foreleg. Once again, don't forget
the curvature of the tail!
Fig. 283. Graduated scaling done with three sizes of gouge covers the body, tail and upper legs. (This took
two days!)Lower legs and toes are covered with cross-hatching rather than scales; it goes quite well with
the more exact design elsewhere. Claws are delineated and long. Difficult areas to scale are the inside of the
tail loop, under the belly and bottom of the tail, and the inside of the raised foreleg; they are visible but
hard to reach with tools. Note that the wings are treated to look leathery, like bat wings.
during setting-in, particularly if the set-in is ward angle (with the handle ahead of the
across grain. The problem is accentuated by cutting edge). This relieves the stress on the
driving in the gouge at a backward angle, or entrapped wood.
even by driving it in straight. It is easier to When scales are cut, there may be tiny
bullnose the gouge-cutting edge slightly splinters here and there. Cut them off as
(so the ends of the arc are slightly behind you go, and clean up the job; they will be
the center), then drive it in at a slight for- hard to find later.
Fig. 284. Heracles vs.
the Nemean Lion, a
walnut statuette 4x7
x 10 in (11x 18 x 24
cm) tall, including
I've made, the confrontation between Od- carving of the small figures relatively easy,
ysseus (Ulysses) and Polyphemus, a permits insertion of the soldier's arm in the
Cyclops, illustrates several additional giant'shand so that he appears to be
points in design and carving. It is not one squirming, and the like. In a solid carving,
piece, but an assembly of several. The two all of these decisions must be made in the
small figures are individual carvings (Figs. original design and wood must be allowed
287, 288), asis the spear in the hand of one for them thereafter. Also, sawing and carv-
ofthem. The giant figure is built up as well, ing are complex because of obstructions
the arms giving the necessary shoulder and grain problems. If the carving is com-
width while saving wood thickness by al- missioned, carving in parts saves time and
most half, reducing carving time and cost, —
wood and the client's money. Overall
and making it possible to alter arm position effect is not harmed, and only the careful
in final assembly. Even the base is in two observer will note that the work is not a
sections of 1-in (2.5-cm) walnut, one across single unit.
grain of the other to combat any tendency The original Greek myth had it that
to warp, utilizing wood that had a bevelled Odysseus and his men were captured on
edge the natural surface of the trunk from their way home from Troy by Polyphemus,
which the plan was cut. Incidentally, the chief of the Cyclops, the one-eyed giants.
added base-piece made it possible to pose Polyphemus imprisoned the Greeks in his
the spear thrower more accurately and cave. In any case of man versus giant, the
dominantly. ostensible hero dwarfed. To counter this
whitened (pigment rubbed in and wiped extended straight forward but slightly to
off), the only "color" on the carving, so that the right; this again is natural. Also, his left
the observer's eye would be attracted to the foot is forward to balance his throwing arm
smaller figure. and give maximum force to the throw.
The Cyclops is about to push Odysseus Polyphemus' single eye can be a prob-
over with a contemptuous kick. This adds lem.It is centered in the brow, but does it
action, difficult in such carvings because of protrude or is it recessed as ours are? What
the diminutive size. Figures in a composi- happens occupied by our
to the facial areas
tion should not just pose; rather, they eyes? What of the point where eye and nose
should be under stress, suggesting that meet? Obviously, the eye is not shaped, but
some action is taking place, or about to take symmetrical, and normal eye sockets must
place. The carving should, in effect, tell a not even be suggested although the cheek
story. Initially, the angle of Odysseus' spear shape must be retained. I decided to bulge
was not exactly correct (if the Cyclops' one the eye and use what would normally be
eye is and I didn't want solid
the target) eyebrows to provide an underemphasis,
contact between the figures (which would leaving a flat area below them that rounded
throw off Odysseus' cast), so poses could be up into the cheek; the nose is normal, as is
Fig. 287. Ulysses fighting Polyphemus is a statuette in walnut about 6 x 8 x IOV2 (15 x 20 x 27 cm). The
giant's arms, the two smaller figures and the base are separate pieces which have to be assembled.
the elbow anyway to allow his upper arm to pads on the arms and on the body as well.
go in of the hole in the giant's hand
one side Both sets of shoulder pads should, by the
while his forearm goes in the other. It is way, be cut too large initially and not cut to
obvious that Odysseus' feet should be flat size until the arms are applied, so the pec-
on the bottom mounting.
to provide secure toral and deltoid muscles can be faired in as
I increase security of such mounts by insert- they should be. I made the arms alike in
ing a steel pin made from a finishing nail in silhouette, so they could be sawed together
each, and the same for the giant. These from the scrap triangle behind the head of
supplement gluing. A pin could also be the Cyclops, then cut into two half-thick-
used between Odysseus' chest and the ness sections. (Allow extra wood around
giant's toe, but a spot of glue is probably the hands also, because the right fist must
enough. be larger than the left to allow for gripping
Because the arms are made separately, the Greek soldier.) And don't forget that the
they can be set wide at the elbows to make arms are a pair— a right and a left and —
Polyphemus appear very brawny and carve them accordingly.
wide. This is done by sloping the shoulder After the arms and body are rough-
them slightly differently Figs. 287 and
288.) Check the bevels on the shoulder
pads to be sure they are flat and mate prop-
erly, remembering that there are natural
clefts at the inner edge of the pectoral and
deltoid muscles which can mask the joining
line. The shoulders for a burly person
should be about three head-widths, so the
space from head to bevel on the body and
bevel to outer edge of the shoulder should
each be about half a head. This can, of
course, be adjusted after assembly, but it is
preferable to get them approximately right
When you are satisfied with the arm Fig. 288. The planned base was a section of 1-in
(25.4-mm) walnut with one edge tapered as it came
poses, make sure that you've done what from the tree. It seemed better to place Ulysses on a
carving you can in the tight area under the slight rise, both to reduce foot contact with Cyclops
arms, then glue and pin the arms in place. and to aim spear, so a cross-grain block was added.
Portraying Buildings
may be out far enough that drawing some the wood, and enlarged the photograph by
of the lines will be difficult, let alone carv- the point-to-point method, including win-
ing them so they look right. I have in this in- dow and door locations. I had no later use
stance, however, undertaken such a plaque for the drawing, so I did not make it on
as a step-by-step project, to illustrate the paper first; you may prefer to have a draw-
method. A carving like this will provide ing of exact size for reference. It is conve-
nient, by the way, to enlarge from the pho- grounding-out. The depth of carving is
tograph in direct ratio. I had a 3 x 5-in (7.5 somewhat arbitrary. I decided in this in-
x 12.5-cm) print and enlarged it exactly stance to lower the background 1 in (2.5 cm)
three times. I left framing branches on both and to self-frame the carving. Setting in the
sides, stylizing them to soften the edges of lines is not too vital because any crushing of
the carving. the upper fibres will be cut away anyhow,
including the edges of the foliage swags.
Step-by-step carving (Foliageswags are stylized from those in
of a house "portrait" the photo to reduce the obscuring of the
(Fig. 291) The sketch should be strength- house and to permit convenient carving of
ened on the outer outlines to guide in the the background.) Only major outlines are
Fig. 291.
necessary at this juncture. To permit the ing was done with Vs-, Vi-, and 1-in (3.2-,
house corner itself to be at the surface, 6.3-, and 25.4-mm) flat gouges, 54-in (6.3-
small blocks were glued on at the eave and mm) round gouge and Vs-, Vi-, and Vi-in
for the corner bush at the base. These sim- (3.2-, 6.3-, and 12.7-mm) firmers. Depth
plify carving and give a desirable projection was checked with a machinist's 6-in (15-cm)
to the near point of the finished piece. Bost- scale with a slider that could be set to 1 in
(2.5 cm). Any pin with a 1-in (2.5-cm) mark
on it will do, but the scale is convenient.
second-floor windows, which is unob- house itself. Eaves can be shaped and chim-
structed, then work outward from this neys cut back to shape, then scored to sug-
base. Tools must be kept very sharp, and gest bricks. (I actually carved vees with a
can be the same as those for grounding-out, knife to outline bricks, which is perhaps
plus a knife for tight corners. excessive detail.) A V-tool can be used for
(Fig. 293) Once the general wall surface is some of this, but it is likely to tear wood
carved, window surfaces can be cut back to across grain unless unusually sharp at
it is
the same slope. Remember to allow wood the tip. Window mullions are not projec-
for the projecting sill and capital on each tions, but V-grooves. You can show sash
window, as well as for the eaves of the outlines, but such detail is unnecessary.
Fig. 294.
Fig. 295.
(Fig. 294) The frontis roughed in the same which in actuality are alike in size and posi-
manner as the end wall was. It is more tion. In this case, the photograph is the best
complex than the side, particularly at the guide for perspective. Once wall and win-
outer end, where contouring is deep and dow slopes are attained, details can be
windows are small and close together. carved, including various capitals on col-
Also, the central pillar of the front door and umns and mouldings. The far-right win-
the decorative windows over it make it im- dow has been antiqued; compare the effect.
possible to get a continuous surface except Note dentate moulding under the eaves
at the eave. Immediately cut down the level and over the door. Texturing of the yew is
of the windows at far right for tool clear- done with a V-tool, cutting out small chips.
ance, unless you have short-bent tools. Al- Maple leaves are an approximation of 5-
low extra width at a major projection like lobed leaves, much larger than scale. The
the front door to get later slope and mould- wall is textured, as are the porch steps and
ings depictedon it, as well as a small porch other elements. The carving was not
and simulated steps in front. abandoned
(I sanded. It was given two coats of spray
the stair rail as unnecessary and not par- matte varnish to seal end-grain areas and
ticularly attractive.) I worked out varying avoid stain buildup there. Then a teak oil
textures for the nearby trees and for the stain was painted over the surface and im-
bushes, actually carving stylized maple mediately wiped off with a cloth, so it is
leaves on the tree areas and using gouged retained largely in depressions. Final sur-
surfaces with enhancing lines on the facing was to polish with neutral shoe po-
bushes, all done with fluter and veiner. The lish.
flared capitals on the windows can be
carved originally. Doors and entrances
Doors have always been symbolic as well
(Fig. 295) Note the difference in the widths as functional: they bar the world or invite it
of the left and right windows caused by to enter, but in either case they are the focus
perspective, also the difference in the of the building and, as result, have received
heights of the yews flanking the porch, special attention from architects, builders,
Fig. 298
Fig. 299. Traditional leaf patterns are combined with Arabic letters on a Moorish carved door in
Toledo, Spain.
Carving Models
The accompanying step-by-step pictures 30 x 46 cm), with abit of the scrap glued on
(Figs.302-307) show my solutions, some of to extend the top of the hull where it
them compromises. I tried the waves in bulges, thus effectively increasing the
various forms and techniques, and ul- panel depth to 254 in (5.7 cm).
timately simply stylized them. I added a
front block to make the boat project still (Fig. 303) An hour's roughing withand!4-
more from the background, and I decided '/2-in and 12.7-mm) firmers and a 1-in
upon music wire rather than silver because (2.5-cm) flat spade gouge, produced this
and resistance to ca-
of its greater stiffness blank. Background was lowered V-A in (3
sual mistreatment. Teak or walnut would cm) on a tentative basis, and left with gouge
have been a better wood, particularly for marks plainly visible. Fortunately, grain
the figures except their color would prob- was largely parallel with the surface, so
ably have been too dark. Pine or basswood only in one or two spots (upper left, for
would have been too soft, at least in my example) was it necessary to change the
opinion. There is no tinting or color. direction of the cut.
Fig. 302.
Fig. 303.
Fig. 304.
now. Tools are Vs- and Vi-in (3.2- and 6.3- ing on the windscreen (which determines
mm) gouges and a veiner. its location and slope exactly), then sloped
other surfaces in accordance. She is in par-
(Fig. 305) The later wave form on the right is
tial profile, which adds complications, par-
a simple series of loops suggesting the solid
ticularly in carving the face so close to the
waves created, with little effort to
part of the
background, but the male is full-faced,
simulate spray. The hull shape was also re-
which makes only the ears a problem. Fig-
fined and the decision made to retain the
ures were done with knives.
glued-on portion, at least for the time
A power cruiser is extensively decorated
with chrome-plated gadgetry: vents, fun-
(Fig. 306) Getting the proper slope and an-
nels, chocks, mooring lights, rails and stair-
gle to the superstructure an exercise in
ways all over the place. In this "pose," most
forced perspective. This is not an in-the- of the deck appurtenances are fortunately
round carving, so the third dimension must not visible, but the rails are, and in forced
be foreshortened. In this case, the super- perspective at that. With an action picture
(Fig. 300) as a guide, the railings could be
structure cannot be carried all the way back
to the background at the left (as viewed)
distorted to suit. I began with the simple
because this would not allow enough wood ones at the stern, and left the main rail until
for the female figure, and the forward slope
last. Almost all of the metal work here is
of the front of the boat must be faked as
#18 music wire (0.041 in [1 mm] diameter),
well. This can be done by eye, using the
which is stiff and difficult to cut, but will
right front (as viewed) of the superstructure
stay in position once it has been placed. The
as the high point. It was finished with burgee is copper mounted on a straight
firmer and flat gouge. pin, which in turn is bent around the rail
and glued with "magic" glue, as are the
(Fig. 307) How close the left-hand edge of joints of the supports. To reduce bulk, the
the superstructure can come to the back- wire is flattened before being formed into
ground depends upon the female figure on the loops on the supports.
that side. I carved her practically against the The background was too light and pat-
background and with her right hand rest- terned, and the block glued on the front
Fig. 307.
Fig. 308. Iceboat (with red-and-white Manhasset
Yacht Club burgee) and Dyer Dink® 10, a sailing
dinghy. The iceboat, tallest of the models, has
aluminum runners and is sloop-rigged (has two
sails). They are of sen wood.
Fig. 310. Burgees are uniform in size, 2Vt x 4 in (7 x 10 cm), with Vi-in (6.4-mm) gilded dowels
for stub masts, but differ —
widely in coloration as would be expected. They are more painted
than carved. Colors are red, white and blue pigments mixed with gloss marine varnish, two coats
for opacity. Identification names were lettered on the lower edges.
• ::: * .:." :
Fig. 311. Before World War II, I photographed this model of the 1746 shop of "Thos. Shaw,
Cabinet Maker & Turner." It was complete with working lathe (belt-driven), stain-mixing and
painting area, tools, fireplace and products.
Figs. 312, 313.Miniature toilet and wash basin for the bathroom of a dollhouse, which I made to
standard 1:12 scale and painted white. Toilet seat and cover are hinged.
— —
woodcarvers all over the world have solved you are carving an animate or inanimate
the problem, or have tried to solve it. subject, to be able to see how that individ-
We who have always had trouble carving ual subject varies from what the observer
the human form can take heart from the expects,and to stress those variations
knowledge that we are not alone. A few of enough so that you have a likeness. Regret-
us, gifted with a second sight, are able to tably, a great many carvings of such sub-
carve the human form or face with little jects are inaccurate, and hence
lose what I
difficulty. For the rest, it is a slow and pain- might term a sympathetic treatment. You
ful process. But that is no reason to aban- can put a trunk on a post and call it an
don the effort; the way to make a good elephant, or add a forked tongue to a grub
human body, or a good human face, is to and call it a snake, and perhaps get away
make one after another until they approach with it. But the keen observer sees the dif-
what our inner eye sees. ference and rates your carving accordingly.
initial stages. One can memorize facial pro- center) a fifth of the distancefrom nose to
portions and a series of steps in carving and chin. The ears are roughly as long as the
still not produce memorable faces for a very nose and aligned with it front to back. They
long time. This may be, in fact, one area in are just behind the center of the skull.
which there is no alternative for appren- The most common mistake in face carv-
ticeship; that is, for long and painful prac- ing is have the cheeks too far forward.
tice. You must carve a thousand faces, as The angle formed by nose tip and cheek-
Michelangelo said, to carve one good face. bone is roughly 90° and the nose projects
Initially, it is important to understand from the egg shape of the head when
your goal and the steps towards it. What viewed in profile. The chin also projects
kind of face do you want to carve? Is it to be from the same viewpoint, but not as
grotesque, caricature, formal face, or por- —
much only the classic witch has chin and
trait? (see Fig. 316) Is be in the round or
it to nose tip aligned vertically, and even vertical
in low relief? If you are shooting
at formal alignment of brow and chin is rare (and
faces or portraits, endless carving of car- makes for a very pugnacious face).
icatures, for example, will be of little help. All of these ratios are averages, of course;
And once you abandon the profile depic- any face varies from them. That's what
tion to carve faces at various angles, low- makes us individuals. The face is not sym-
relief carving can be most difficult of all, metrical, even if it looks that way; the small
because actual proportion must be replaced differences from side to side account for the
by a simulation of proportion in the third abnormal look of a mirror image. Also,
dimension. The smooth, well-rounded hairdos, beards, jowls and fleshiness tend
cheek may actually become almost angular to obliterate the egg shape, so the basic
in cross section, and eyes and mouth are no proportions are merely takeoff points for
longer uniform. The Egyptians, for exam- carving. (The Spanish caricature carver cap-
ple, spent centuries learning how to carve a italized by making Don Quixote's
on this
relief head other than in profile. face much longer than an egg shape and
making Sancho Panza's almost pear-
The head is an egg —
shaped see Figs. 317, 319 and 320.)
The head is roughly like an egg set on its To me, there are two vital elements in
point on the neck which is half a head long making an in-the-round head in repose.
in front for a male, thinner and longer for a One is the eye size, shape and positioning;
female. The neck is like a tree growing out the other the profile, which includes brow,
of the shoulders and leaning forward, so mouth and chin. The profile is particularly
that the head is set forward, more so in the important in portraiture because it estab-
female than in the male. The face forget- — lishes the basic structure of the face to a
ting for the moment any receding hair- considerable degree. (Typical profiles be-
line — is the length of the hand and about longing to certain races or even tribes are
two-thirds as wide as it is high. A most being obliterated by intermarriage, par-
important fact is that the eyes are almost ticularly in the United States, so that chil-
a considerable period of such inter- Notch the corner at the eye line (Step II),
marriage, Mexico and Latin America for ex- cutting from both above and below. Also
ample, many mestizos are a mixture of mark notch-outs for the ears, the bottom
Spanish or other European blood and one one in line with the bottom of the nose, the
or more Indian tribes, and their precise ori- upper above the eye by an eye width. (It is
gins are almost impossible to establish visu- convenient at this point to draw in a "refer-
ally) ence eye" on the eye line, about a third of
The basic face, whatever its eyes and pro- the block width in length and shaped like
file, is distorted by expression. Surprise the oval of the complete eye, not just of the
shoots the eyebrows up, anger pulls them "open" part between the lids: Step II in
together and down, joy widens the mouth sketch.)
and lifts its outer ends, thus partially clos- Begin to round up the head on top,
ing the lower eyelids, while pique and de- notching over the ears to make this easier,
spair draw mouth corners down (tending and splitting off the wood above the eye
to narrow the mouth). The face is also af- notch to flatten the brow (Step III). Also
fected by age: vast networks of wrinkles, notch below the ears and rough-form the
crow's-feet at eye corners, deep lines neck. Draw in eyebrow lines on the brow as
around the mouth, hollowing of cheeks, arcs meeting at the center of the eye notch
bulging of the nose, possibly greater promi- and rising to Vh. eye widths over the eye line
nence of the chin from loss of teeth, sagging at each side.
jowls. It is also affected by corpulence the — Markin a nose triangle with its apex in
fat face is wider in the jowls and has few line with the top of the eyebrow arcs (so
wrinkles. These are refinements of face there is some width of nose at the eye line).
carving, but are essential if the face is to be Cut V-notches along the nose line to meet
representative and alive, rather than static perpendicular notches cut in along the eye-
and frozen. Try a single head, starting with brow line (also Step III). Mark in the mouth
the nose at one corner of a squared stick. line again, and extend the lines on each side
This automatically leaves wood for the ears of the nose to the lower edge of the jaw. Cut
and gives a reasonable slope to the cheeks, a small notch to denote the mouth-center
an idea which the Mayans used on cornice line, then cut away the sharp point of the
ends a thousand years ago. chin and round the chin and mouth area to
notches extending down from the nose.
Carve a step-by-step head Now begin to rough-shape the eye (Step
Start with a squared block. Mark off IV),remembering that the eyeballs and lids
from one corner, both ways, a line down are about an eye width apart and that each
from the top IV2 times the width of the eye about a fifth of the finished width of
block; i.e., if the block is 1 in (25.4mm) the head. Making these shapes involves
square, put the line VA in (38.1 mm) down deepening the grooves between eye and
from the top. This is the chin line (Step I, nose, and carving grooves between brow
top left, Halve the distance
in Fig. 323). and eye, and eye and cheek.
from this line to the top and put in the eye This completes rough-forming, and
line. Now, a third of the wav down from you're ready for the shaping of Step V.
nose to chin, put in the mouth line. (Some Form the eyeball more accurately and slope
authorities make this two-fifths of the wav; the line below the brow. (Here we're carv-
the difference is not too vital.) Now cut in ing an inset eye. Many people have eyes
perpendicularly across the corner at the with folds or laps in this area, but let's leave
chin and nose lines, and notch out wood that for a later head.) Rough-form the
Carving the eyes fine points
The eyes are normally just above the me-
dian line of the head, but setting them at the
median line is fairly accurate. There is an
eye width between normal eyes, two eye
widths between the pupil centers. There is
one open-eye width between the eye and
eyebrow, and the eyebrow is highest and
widest over the outer third of the eye. Eyes
may be larger, or smaller, open wider or
less, be wide apart or close. The forehead
ends in the outer rim of the orbital (brow)
must be considered in
All of these factors
laying out and carving eyes. Some other
factors are sketched. These include: The
upper lid normally covers the upper edge of
the cornea; the lower lid is at its lower rim or
below. (When the eye looks down, the up-
per lid lowers with it; the lower lid does not.
When the eye looks up, the space between
the lids is increased and usually the eye-
brow is lifted as well.) The upper lid ex-
tends over or outside the lower at the outer Fig. 321. Step-by-step carving of a head.
upper lid extends below the center of the the outer edges.
globe of the eye. Now lay out the lines for the upper and
The canthus major, the eye muscle next to lower lids. The upper lid is normally up
the nose, must be shown if eye shape is to above center a bit more than the lower lid is
be right. So must the bulge of the cornea below it, and the canthus major muscle at the
and the bulge of the upper lid over it. Eye- inner edge points slightly downwards to-
cavity position and shape are very impor- wards the nose; this is actually a slight ex-
tant; whether eyes bulge or are recessed, tension of the eye oval. Cut along the eyelid
whether the line where brow meets nose is lines and bost or ground out wood between
above or below the eye center, and the exact them, retaining the curvature of the ball
shape of the folds below the upper eye- (which isn't a ball but a long oval, as we see
brow, all are important if a likeness is to be it). If you want to be accurate, carve the
upper lashes, which cover the lower. Also, the upper lid extends just beyond the
Lowering the upper lid therefore creates a lower at the outer edge. In small figures the
brooding or sleepy look; raising can sug-
it pupil can be just a hole drilled (again very
gest, successively, attention, or alarm and carefully to avoid splitting off wood above
fright. In this last emotion, the cornea may and below) deep enough to appear black in
practically disappear upwards. normal light. Final shaping of the lids is the
A wink is not just a closed eye, unless the last operation, with perhaps a slight accent-
winker is an expert. The normal person ing of the cornea edge by V-grooving.
winks by pulling up the cheek muscle be- There are many simpler ways to make
low, so the whole side of the face, including eyes, beginning with the rough V-notch
the mouth, is pulled up. The crease be- and painted dot of quick caricatures. I have
tween cheek and eye is intensified and the sketched a number of conventions (Figs.
lower lid pushed up. Wrinkles radiate from 321, 322); suit yourself, depending upon
the eye corners. figure size and your abilities. Ifyou really
I begin an eye by shaping the oval of the want to be meticulous, don't drill the pupil
eyeball, taking care to make it large enough but carve it out, leaving a tiny regular or
to include the lids and allowing for any arcuate triangle at the top to simulate the
bulge between eye and brow or anything "glint."
— —
abnormal like a puff beneath it. The
eyes may actually slope upwards or down-
wards slightly at their outer corners, and Carving the nose and profile
they may be slightly above or slightly below When statues, ancient or modern, are
the normal eye line. (For rough purposes, damaged, always the nose that bears
it is
the eye line is the center of the skull; actu- the brunt of The same can be said for
ally, for most of us the eyes are just a bit prizefighters and caricatures. The nose is
above that, the skull center line running often considered to be a major factor in
along the center of the lower lid.) Once the determining race and disposition. Nose
eyeball shaped, be sure the eyeballs are
is shape is inherited, so we have Roman
roughly parallel with each other, because noses, Semitic noses, retrousse noses . . .
the eyeballs are basically in line from the you name it. Actually, much of the lore
side. The brow and the cheek slope back, so about noses is untrue. They have certain
I cemu
er, cornea,
^Jwmu ^ |€ ^ lW
<32S^ (ZS2?
Upper lid erches unifbrm-
ly ever tV| € cy« globe,
cluding 1he projedino.
2^?- Bulging Deep-set HtejV* Lo*
Ey«-fo Id peculiarities. Top often
Armrican, bottom Scots or Irish Variovo cya-a/ea ih*pes 8 location*
Oval' incised »r mound Htxmd Loicinqe Outline Mounded Upper lid onkf half hounds Round Round
Veiner iris Veiner lash Gouqed iris Lidded blank lrii?\ pupil Glirinn iris
Fig. 321. Typical eye conventions: upper line simple, lower line more complex. Sculptured t\Z^
Nose profiles
Average" profiles- woman, man, child, oldster (After Vvm Rimmer, 1876) Child, woman Xmaiyamt ancestry
Noses- simple (cuiceture) 1b formed Ears- simple to detailed & formed MoutHs* simple (h>ft to full-formed
physical shapes, but to translate that into the shape and structure of the skull. If the
disposition and the like is folly. skull is rounded in front, the nose tends to
Be that as may, the nose is a key element
it be wide and flat, the forehead receding,
in carving a face, and the shape it is given and the mouth and chin profile both reced-
can be vital. Actually, the nose, forehead ing and longer than the norm. If the skull is
and chin are interrelated, and are based on squared off, the forehead and chin tend to
mistake. As a matter of fact, make the nose much of the frontal forming of lips, chin
genteel and you have a poor caricature, so and nose is simplified. Thus it pays to study
the rules work both ways. the various profiles in which I have tried to
Nose width is primarily a frontal ele- show the variations, and perhaps have
ment, but it does influence nose shape and overemphasized them slightly (Fig. 322).
projection. A wide nose is usually flat, tilt- The nose itself can be a simple tapered
ing the nostrils andmaking the flesh out- wedge in quick studies, but can be very
side them appear wider than from the detailed in faces expressing a particular
front. A retrousse nose makes the nostril emotion, or in a portrait. Even more impor-
openings more visible from the front and tant, however, in portraiture or emotion is
Fig. 326. Fig. 327.
Figs. 326-329.These male and female heads of Bolivian Indians offer interesting contrasts despite
having the same basic look. Note the wider eyebrows and thicker lips of the woman, and the
prominent Adam's apple and stronger neck of the male, for example.
the mouth, which actually is the biggest establishes the thinning of the head bulge
single element in expression. changed It is behind the ears, which in turn has to do
in shape to express an emotion, and the rest with the shaping of the back of the head. It
of the face must accommodate itself. Also, must always be kept in mind, even when
we have come to associate full lips with you carve a bushy-haired and bearded
sensuousness, thin lips with severity, re- head.
straint, even parsimony.
the top of the upper lip. (It is very rare in there a problem.
nature, but even the Egyptians knew it en- The men I mentioned above are public
hanced the face of Queen Nefertiti.) I al- figuresand have been cartooned so often
ways seem to have trouble with the subtle that the eccentricities of their faces are well
curves at the end of the mouth, and be- known. The cartoonist and the caricaturist
tween it and the chin, because a slight accentuate these eccentricities, of course,
change alters the expression so much. but often so does the portraitist, although
his accentuation is more subtle. Indeed, the
Shaping the ears and jaws line between portrait and caricature may be
volutions inside. I have drawn, and usually Some of us seem to have been born with
carve, a somewhat more exact shape, be- the ability to distinguish and depict subtle
cause it is quite visible in the full head. differences in countenances. This is true of
Also, the jaw line comes up tomeet the most portrait artists; the rest of us can ap-
middle of the ear lobe. It can be quite prom- proach portraiture only with much effort,
inent in a square-jawed male, almost indis- time and difficulty. Also, the portrait artist
tinguishable in a soft-faced female, and seems to get some of the personality, the
shape varies widely with individuals. But it inner feelings, of his subject into his ren-
does establish the beginning of the neck, dering. It may be a special position of the
and the position of the Adam's apple in head, a quirk of an eyebrow or the lips, a
male necks with prominent ones. It also "look" around the eyes. This is especially
The faceless, highly stylized girl (left) is, surprisingly, from Ecuador,
Figs. 330, 331. as is
"Madonna and Child," a simple treatment that is carved both left- and right-handed to be
mounted in pairs.
difficult to accomplish in wood because the frontal flash photos are almost useless be-
material is solid and opaque, while flesh cause they flatten shadows.)
may vary subtly in tint or tone, even, occa- Portraitists have told me that they look
sionally, in translucence. Also, it is difficult for and record, either mentally or by quick
in sculpture to reproduce the eye, to dis- sketches, the slight abnormalities we've
tinguish between pupil and iris, as well as been talking about, and then exaggerate
to show the paleness of the eyeball around them slightly in producing the portrait. It
the iris, and the color and density of the can be a lengthy process of trial and error,
eyelashes. which is difficult when the base material is
Another difficulty is to express the fleet- wood. Even the meticulous transfer of
ing expression caused by muscle move- physical dimensions may not work, par-
ment and the interrelationship of muscle, ticularly if the wood
has grain or imperfec-
bone and skin. This is particularly hard tions, or is difficult to carve. This suggests
when the subject is a child or a fleshy adult, walnut or mahogany, or teak if you can get
because of the absence of the lines and it, all of which have enough inherent color
wrinkles that personalize a mature face. In to create an initial disadvantage. Maple and
my own limited efforts at portraiture these holly are better for color, but much more
elements have caused extreme difficulty, so difficult to work. Pine or basswood are
it is with complete bewilderment that I scarcely worth the time for anything but a
watch portraitists capture a likeness. They quick caricature supported by tinting. And
have an inner "eye" which I do not, appar- texturing —
the development of tiny flat
ently, possess. I have had some success in planes or an overall roughened surface,
working from photographs, which "freeze" which delights the sculptor in clay and
an expression, particularly when they in- gives his work a personal touch — is doubly
clude strong light and shadow. (The usual difficult in wood because such effects are
in all, if you attempt portraiture, I wish you catures, of course; some are simply crude
luck. You'll need that, as well as skill and and some result from mistakes; some are
patience both for yourself and your sub- simple and some quite sophisticated; some
ject — because a fairly sure way of losing any are original, while many are copies of tradi-
likeness you may have achieved is to fiddle tional patterns. The
line between realism
with it in the absence of the subject. and defined and caricature is
caricature is ill
South American versions of cowboys: "gaucho" in Argentina, "huaso" in Chile. They are
Fig. 333.
unpretentious and powerful, and often primitive in design.
their humor upon a gross distortion of one ter, from religious figures to animals, par-
facial feature, usually the nose. Such a face ticularly the llama. Mahogany seems to be
can be carved rapidly, with little practice, the preferred wood. There is evidence of a
and its deficiencies in detail are compen- kind of mass production: the same figure
sated for by judicious touching up with will be available in several sizes, with larger
paint or ink. To the serious carver, such a sizes showing more detail. Exact duplica-
face eventually becomes trite. He seeks ex- tion of form and detail suggests profiler
pression, likeness, normalcy, and comes to roughing, although sellers insist this is not
realize, as a sculptor friend remarked, so.
"Caricature is a cop-out." But it doesn't have Peruvian carvings are less regular and
to be. include a number of individual pieces made
It is possible to personalize an object in by Amazon Indians and other remote
order to create a character from a particular tribes. There is less of the Spanish and
calling or to suggest a personal charac- church influence in the work there, and still
teristic. Thus, an identifiable caricatured less in Bolivia, where favorite subjects ap-
human be put on the body of an
face can pear to be the Indians themselves, although
animal or drawn within the outlines of an the technique and finish suggest consider-
object such as a kettle, a pot, a bottle, or able training and direction atop inherent
whatever. One example of this kind of car- The Argentine figures, on the other
icature is the bass-fiddle player I carved in hand, lean heavily to gauchos and horses,
jelutong (Fig. 325). In point of fact, the pos- but each figure differs in pose and other
sibilities in caricature are almost endless details from its fellows. In Chile, there is
and there is little reason to repeat the same relatively little woodcarving, probably be-
one, unless it is done simply for commercial cause much of the country is treeless or
reasons. nearly so. The emphasis appears to be on
the carving of other materials, except on
South American heads Easter Island, which is Chilean only by
InSouth America, as on other continents, agreement and treaty.
there are concentrations of woodcarvers. Most interesting of the carvings shown
The contiguous
largest, at present, is in a here, at least to me, are the Bolivian Indian
three-country southern Ecuador,
area: busts (Fig. 326). They have similarly "fierce"
northern Peru (which not too long ago was faces, but they are precise in facial detail,
southern Ecuador), and western Bolivia. and I have tried to point out in my sketches
This is a high-altitude, wooded region. some of the elements that distinguish the
Carvings, regardless of the country of ori- feminine head and face from the masculine
gin, are generally similar in type and sub- one. They are superficially alike, but the
ject, well formed and
rounded, well subtle differences between the sexes are
smoothly finished (in contrast, for example, quite clear upon close inspection. How
with those of Argentina, which tend to be many times have you carved a face that
angular, rougher in finish and stained a somehow was of the wrong sex? (The cop-
fairly uniform black). These are not primi- out is of course to put on a moustache or
tive carvings —
they are obviously made by beard, or to rely upon the difference in
skilled carvers to familiar patterns and are hairdo to distinguish between them, but
designed for sale to tourists. that's not sure-fire either.)
chain or cord and so on. The idea is merely the ball cupped in the gypsy's hands, the
a variation of the familiar inlaying with entire figure of the gypsy thus becoming a
shell,metal or other woods for contrast. In silhouette and a support for the ball (Fig.
example, however, my inten-
this particular 334). This effect was accentuated by the de-
tion was to provide some form of display cision not to detail the figure and, further,
mounting for a 4-in (10-cm) crystal ball I to cover with a scalloped texture pro-
have owned for over 40 years. duced with a relatively flat %-in (19-mm)
The original thought was merely to carve gouge. I had a block of well-seasoned ma-
a pedestal covered with cabalistic symbols, ple 4V4 x 16!/2 x 16V4 in (11 x 42 x 42 cm).
primarily a pillar with the ball at the top. It The final decision was simply drawn on
seemed more interesting, however, to carve the block and sawed out on a band saw.
a gypsy woman with the ball, so that the
(Fig. 337)Lay out the silhouette on a planed the head; then the profile is roughed to
side, using a template or carbon paper, and shape with a (25-mm) flat gouge or
reinforce the lines with a soft-tip pen. If equivalent. Roughing should be about Vs in
possible, lay out the back as well. If you (3.2 mm) outside guidelines at crucial
have a band saw, you can now saw out the points. The parallel-faced base can be
shape. I used a carpenter's crosscut saw clamped in a vise for this.
and ripsaw, sawing straight lines to salvage
the wood at upper corners. A coping saw (Fig. 338) A double template will prove
can be used, but it is extremely slow and helpful in the next few steps. The interior
somewhat inaccurate on a 4-in (10-cm) template or pattern will provide the base
thickness. Shorter cuts can be made about line of the figure itself and makes early
Fig. 345.
Fig. 349.
solid in back.)Shape the face, chin, and
neck and carve the face, remembering that
her mouth should curve down at the cor-
ners to show dejection. Be sure the line of
the right shoulder is low enough as it joins
the hairline so a bit of the neck shows on the
right. You probably have to thin the
neck. I did all of this work with knives, one
of which had a concave edge.
ti ikti
Fig. 352. This immense carving of Paul Bunyan, at Bangor, Maine, is 31 ft (9 m) tall. Peavey and ax
heads are steel; base is built up of native stone. Paul Bunyan is the legendary lumberjack. Stories
have it that Paul weighed 50 lbs (22.5 kg) at birth, and soon outgrew houses and had to sleep out-
of-doors. Another legend claims that rocking his cradle caused the high tides on Penobscot Bay,
and that the Maine lakes are in the footprints of Paul and Babe, the blue ox. (Maine Department of
Commerce and Industry photo.)
«• Squared off
Bnoh insrrtrd
Fig. 353.
Lonq pllne »,
Jimptt Xirloce,
Fig. 354.
Figs. 353, 354. Three old Danish caricatures of country people include a seated couple and a chimmey
sweep. Such figures were formerly carved by farmers as a wintertime occupation, and were usually colored
with dull tints.
Figs. 355, 356. Michelangelo made his males 8 heads high, but his females TVi heads tall.
(From "Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life.")
hence wider hips. The narrower shoulders The male body averages 1?A heads for the
combine with shorter and straighter collar- neck and trunk (Vi head for the neck, or
bones to make the neck longer and more less), and 3 3A heads for the legs and feet.
graceful, but put more slope in the shoul- The feet are a head long and half a head
ders. Also, the female neck tends to have a wide. From the ground to the crotch is
greater forward angle, so there is a greater roughly half the height, as is the distance
tendency to look round-shouldered, par- from the pit of the throat to the tip of the
ticularly in older women. The female has a outstretched middle finger. Upper and
shorter upper arm, hence a higher elbow lower legs are equal in length. The dis-
location and shorter overall arm length. tances from the sole to the top of the
kneecap, from the kneecap to the point of center of the figure is the top of the hip-
the iliac (farthest forward part of the thigh bone. It moves down steadily as the child
bone), and from the pit of the throat to the matures, until it is with the pubic bone
lower line of the rectus abdominus (front ab- in an adult male and slightly above it in the
dominal muscle) are equal. Roughly speak- female (because of her shorter leg length).
ing, the body can be divided into three The child of one to two years is about 4
parts: neck to hips, hips to knee, and knee heads high, at three years is 5 heads high
to sole. The distance from the sole to just and at six years, 5Vi heads. The child of
below the knee is a quarter of the height, three is about half the adult height, of ten,
and the distance from top of head to pit of about three-quarters adult height. The gain
throat multiplied by 5Vi is the total height. in height is about one head between ages 1
In the male figure, the elbow is at the top of and 4, 4 and 9, and 9 and 14 and re- —
the hipbone and the fingertips are halfway member that the head
growing larger as
between crotch and knee. The female torso well. The small child's head is almost
is proportionally as long as the male, but round; lengthens in proportion as the
the breastbone is shorter, so the abdomen is skull enlarges. Lack of knowledge of these
deeper and the legs are likely to be shorter. relationships is the reason so many primi-
However, in females the leg length varies so tives carve a good Madonna but a very ma-
greatly that it is difficult to estimate the ture Child.
standing height of a woman who is sitting While only the stoop is commonly recog-
or kneeling. nized, both male and female figures change
Proportions of the figure vary widely with age and posture. The female figure
with age, of course. At birth the center of tends to become broader and thicker
the figure is above the navel; at two years through the abdomen and hips as a result of
the navel is the center; but at three the childbearing. Both sexes tend to develop a
"pot" as well as the stoop, with advancing ian ones. Most of them show the subject
age. Women become noticeably round- with a smile or a grin, in many cases self-
shouldered as a result of added flesh be- deprecating because of the smiler's dilapi-
tween the shoulders. Compression of car- dated condition. We have developed a style
tilage between the spine segments and be- similar to the Scandinavian in our so-called
tween joints reduces overall height, and "Western," "mountain," or "Ozark" car-
loss of muscle tone causes general sagging. icatures. The cowboys and In-
subjects are
The early-adult balance of the forward pro- dians, tramps or workmen, but the stump
jection of the chest with the rearward pro- or over-thin figure, the ill-fitting clothes
jection of the buttocks is lost, allowing the and the V-notch wrinkles are characteristic.
chest to be less prominent and the buttocks Better figures have strong planes, light or
more so. no tinting,and some emotion expressed in
Scandinavian carvers have for many faces which are generated with relatively
years produced angular, blocky figures that few cuts.
are very well done. (Fig. 353) They are al-
most formulaic: three creases at elbow and
knee, saggy breeches, wrinkled coats, Torsos
slightly battered hats. Tyrolean carvers pro- In terms of planes, the male torso is a
duce rounded, chubby figures. African rough trapezoid from the line of the shoul-
carvers produced lampoons of the white ders to the nipples, almost at right angles to
men and women who bought them; these The abdominal plane
the sides of the body.
tended to attenuation, as do modern Hait- extends downwards from the nipples as a
plane rising from the buttocks. The front affected by change of position also, but the
planes tend to have a convex curve, the surface effects are not nearly so evident.
back ones a slightly concave one, which is These comments, of course, are intended
divided centrally by the groove denoting to apply to formal and properly propor-
the backbone. tioned, as well as somewhat idealized,
The female figure is basically similar in youthful figures; older people are rarely
structure, except that the plane of the depicted in the nude anyway.
shoulder extends farther outward to the Artists me that it is
tell not possible to
nipples and meets the planes of the side in a sculpt the human figure without a live
gentler curve. (Figs. 355 and 356) The model and some training in anatomy, but
frontal planes are divided by the groove of this is not necessarily true. It is possible to
the breastbone. Note that the breasts are set create creditablenudes without formal
atan outward angle to the front of the torso training, although working with models is
because of the curvature of the breastbone a distinct help in locating muscle positions
and rib cage. In the female, also, the upper- and the like. (One difficulty is that many
back plane slopes outward more to the models are nowhere near ideal in their pro-
lower line of the shoulders, then inward to portions.)
the waist, giving greater curvature to the Nudes made as panels are quite difficult
backbone and a greater stoop to the shoul- because the third dimension must be flat-
ders. While the male neck is short and thick tened, and there is the ever present pos-
and rises firmly from the square shoulders, sibility that the figure will look flat as a
the female neck is longer, more slender and consequence. Meticulous care must be
more graceful, and rises at a greater forward taken to produce continuous curves on sur-
angle. Thus, in both sexes, the line of neck faces. Also, the method of mounting is very
to head is not vertical, but slopes forward. important, unless the figure is a silhouette.
Also, the neck is not simply a cylinder. It
tapers like a tree growing from the shoul-
ders, more so in the male than in the female Musculature is vital
because of his normally greater shoulder- in a male figure
muscle development and heavier neck When Jupiter and his brothers rose up
muscles. In addition, the male has the against their father, Saturn, and overthrew
Adam's apple at the top. The female figure him, the Titans, a race of giants, were on the
also commonly has a considerably greater wrong side. Therefore, Atlas, a Titan leader
outward slope to the planes of the lower who surpassed all men in bulk, was con-
back, caused by the thicker thighs and more demned to support the heavens on his
rounded abdomen, which creates a larger shoulders forevermore, or so goes the
diameter at the buttocks and proportionally Greek myth. But Atlas also grew fabulous
wider hips. golden apples, so Hercules took over the
Greek and Roman artists glorified the support job on one occasion while Atlas
male nude, but European artists since that picked him some apples, and on another,
time have preferred the female and consid- Perseus came for some. When Atlas re-
ered it the ultimate in artistic achievement. fused him, Perseus showed him the
Instincts aside, I find the female torso Gorgon head, which he was still carrying,
particularly a male in the strained position sphere itself, because they may distort its
of Atlas, and muscle bulges change radi- shape so much that it looks grotesque. I
cally with each change of pose. It is advisa- chose the safe way and did the sphere deco-
ble to have at hand some standard text on ration with a V-tool and knife as a final
anatomy or any reliable source in which carving operation. I showed a series of con-
muscles are delineated. The familiar statue stellations, each with stars indicated with
of Atlas in Naples shows him as a some- silver wire. I held the figure on my knees,
what streamlined figure, not at all bulky, both to do the incising and to make the
and with no strain evident in muscles or holes for the silver-wire inlay.
face. If he is to embody the myth properly, In any carving of this sort, it is advisable
he must be modified. to stop periodically, as any good sculptor
I chose walnut for the wood, partly be- does, for an overall inspection. For exam-
cause of its color and partly because I ple, on one carving I discovered I was care-
wanted tool marks to show, at least to a fully carving a six-fingered hand. Your eye
degree. They emphasize the strength and will pick up such errors if you give it the
shaping of ankles. If sex organs are to be shown, contours. Points of elbows and knees are formed
leave wood for them. and wrist and ankle bones located.
jLo! Uotth SW
were selected largely to fit the surface, though they do include the Pole Star and
Fig. 373. Constellations
immediately surrounding figures in proper relationship.
Figs. 375, 376. Rough blocking locates shoulders, hips, and limb position. Face, shoulders, feet,
and hands are detailed, the right hand being shaped after the hole for the racket is drilled (right).
taken from dead front, which of itself is far across grain that it would be too fragile
rather difficult to find. (Squash courts have to withstand ordinary dusting. Thus, this
side walls, so most photos are taken from figure is held to its base with a steel pin
above, foreshortening the figure.) Because running up through the ankle at an angle
the player was obviously in contact with the designed to provide maximum support,
floor only on the ball of one foot, with his and the racket was separately made and
body tilted well to the side in a turn, it inserted.
seemed inadvisable to make figure and A major problem was to provide a match-
base integral. By making the base separate, ing side view, because the legs are spread
I could gain both strength and contrast with much wider than the frontal view suggests,
the figure itself. Also, the racket projects so and the elbow positions are not obvious
either, nor is the twist in the back which deal of roughing. By the same token, the
makes the right shoulder appear narrower figure was difficult to hold in any conven-
than the left in the front view. (This will not tional way while cutting was done, and I
be a problem for those who elect to dupli- found it necessary to whittle much of it.
cate this figure; I mention it for those who Also, I made the figure somewhat heavier
elect to depict some other sportsman in in build than the drawing, because the cli-
some other pose.) ent, asquash player, is sturdy in contrast to
Because there was no base, the entire sil- the thin and willowy Pakistanis who are the
houette could be sawed out to avoid a great champions in this sport. It was obviously
VII. ^^
Figs. 382-389. The Stations of the Cross, designed and executed by Eleanor Bruegel of Broomall,
Pennsylvania, at the suggestion of Mons. Richard J. Simons, pastor of St. Anastasia Church, Newtown
Square, Pa.
Figs. 390-395. Stations of the Cross (continued). The stations are I. Jesus before Pilate, who washes his
hands. II. Jesus takes up the Cross. III. Jesus falls for the first time. IV. Jesus meets His Mother. V. Jesus
helped by Simon of Cyrene. VI. Veronica wipes Jesus' face. VII. Jesus falls a second time. VIII. Jesus meets
the women of Jerusalem. IX. Jesus falls a third time. X. Jesus stripped of His garments. XI. Jesus nailed to
the Cross. XII. Jesus dies on the Cross. XIII. Jesus taken down from the Cross. XIV. Jesus laid in the tomb.
Fig. 396.
lows her own, which are unique both in her designs, and have pictured some that I
design and technique. All of her designs copied as well as two of her originals. When
are children or child angels. All are whittled I finish this, I'm going to try again (I just
(she uses only a knife) from holly Vs to /i6 in haven't quite gotten the faces right, to say
(3.2 to 4.7 mm) thick. And all are low relief, nothing of the hair and hands). And I hope
meticulously detailed in contrast to the someday to get my hands on one design
usual Campbell in-the-round figures. They that is totally unique —a satanic
imp in little
are in theory Christmas-tree silhouette or- mahogany or some other dark wood, which
naments, but are usually snapped up by I suspect Ruth carved once when her own
collectors for year-round display. kids were belying her images of them!
Fig. 400.
Portraits are probably the most exacting bottom — all three are defects that cannot be
task for a carver, particularly self-portraits, corrected. His modelling around the
because we don't see ourselves as "others mouth and chin is very good, and the slight
see us," to quote Robert Burns. The expres- conventionalizing of the ears is also good. I
sion we get, even if taken from a pho- would have softened the eyelids and bulges
tograph, may not be the one that our below the eyes with wrinkle lines and dril-
friends see most often, and our view of led shallow holes to suggest pupil and iris.
ourselves is always a mirror image, hence When the face form is generally correct,
reversed. the liningand texturing can be done. Note
The self-portrait pictured here (Figs. 405, that Mr. Minton has achieved a facial tex-
406) is particularly interesting to me be- ture that is smooth, yet still shows tool
cause it is the first attempt at a likeness of a lines, a very suitable treatment. The
person by the carver, Hugh C. Minton, Jr., wrinkles from the nostrils are also well han-
of Aiken, South Carolina. It is in buckeye dled, but the crow's-feet near the eyes are
(somewhat like basswood in reaction to too wide, hence too prominent. This is
Figs. 405, 406.The finished self-portrait, undeniably a wood carving. Eye treatment would be enhanced by
delineating pupils and iris and softening the upper-lid line, but facial contours in general capture the
subject's personality and make the bust easily recognizable.
Figs. 402-404. —
Three photos of the subject both sides and dead front. Photos need to be enlarged or
reduced to the exact size of the planned carving to provide precise guidance. Note hairline, crow's feet at
eye corners, Adam's apple, deep lines at sides of nose and mouth and deep-sunken eyes all distinctive
featural elements.
most important, because overemphasized Because of perspective and possible
wrinkles convert a portrait into a caricature shifts in pose, such as a lowering or
if one isn't careful. In addition, many raising of the mallet, the patterns should be
carvers make the mistake of cutting away aligned, compared and adjusted before
the eyebrows and the usual bulge beneath being traced on the wood.
them. Mr. Minton has handled them and If you are starting with a
the center of the brow very well, not lacing block, the views may be transferred with
the forehead with worry lines as so many carbon paper; but if you start, as I did, with
carvers do. The hairline is suggested but a log, it is necessary first to produce
not emphasized; I would have softened it squared surfaces at the top and on three
still more by texturing along the edges. I sides, at least (for the area of the carving
would also have textured the eyebrows only), so that the pattern can be traced. It is
slightly, so the treatment of moustache, also advisable to square up the base at this
eyebrows and hair would be similar. point, so it can be used as a starting point
The flow of the neck into the base is quite for measurement; the top will
smooth, and the base itself is relieved in promptly be cut up. Squaring up will also
front, then chamfered geometrically, thus reveal checks and flaws that may interfere
contrasting with the rounded contours of with the carving. Small cracks can be rein-
the head. forced immediately with thinned glue (like
Elmer's®, half and half with water), so they
The self-made man won't cause breaks during roughing out.
A woodcarving of a carver is quite rare. I Also, as you rough, any cracks revealed
recallonly two among the thousands of should be glued and/or filled before they
designs I've seen. This is surprising, be- cause trouble.
cause the carver can be his own model and As usual, carving should begin at the top,
the material is a natural. Thus, I decided to with the base used for holding the piece.
make Self-Made Man from a section of 6-in (On this particular log, the spongy growth-
(15.2-cm) walnut log and to follow the wood made clamping in a woodworking
methods used by such eminent painters as vise quite simple and flexible.) Waste wood
Maxfield Parrish, Norman Rockwell and can be cut away around the head and the
Andy Warhol: I took photographs from mallet of the figure with a crosscut saw and
three sides to provide patterns. Further, I flat chisel, then the back and far side are
Fig. 407. Fig. 408.
Figs. 407, 408. Two of the three photos taken 90° apart that
were the basis for the pattern. The
photo without sleeves was show forearm musculature. The finished pattern is also the source
of front and side working patterns. The templates (Figs. 409, 410) can be cut from light but sturdy
cardboard or plastic.
Fig. 411. Fig. 412.
Figs. 411-414. First cuts aremade at the top with hand saw and heavy chisels to clear the head and
right arm; then the open area under the arm is roughed out. Removal of the waste wood between
the arms is the next step, followed by a rough-shaping of the figure. The finished work is shown
below right.
the rest of the carving. The body and arms makes carving of the face easier, but does
can then be shaped. In carving the arms, be add an element that is foreign and may
certain you retain proper lengths and pro- cause dusting troubles later. If your figure is
portions for the forearm and upper arm; to include a cigar, the mouth and left cheek
obviously the carving will be more lifelike if must be slightly distorted for it. The cigar
the two arms match in actual length and the should be made separately and inserted in
fists are the same size. Legs can also be a drilled hole; otherwise it is across grain
rough-shaped at this point, and final deci- and will cause both carving and mainte-
sions made about how much of the carver's nance difficulties.
body is to project from the log. I chose to experiment with a different
At this point, I got my nerve up to try the method of depicting hair, because mine is
difficult portions of the carving —the right cut quite short and the usual veiner lines
hand and the head, really the face—be- would suggest I put a thin
greater length.
cause if these two are not well done, the rest layer of Elmer's glue in the major hair areas
of the carving won't matter. and sifted walnut sawdust on top of it until
The hand is less important, but
left no more would stick. Then I added glue
should be done next. This hand grips the and more dust where needed. It worked
chisel, which must be straight when out quite realistically, taking a slightly
viewed from its side, so it is essential to darker tone when finished!
position the chisel on the leg and in the A friend who, like several observers,
hand before the hand is finally shaped, oth- missed the fact that the carver is carving
erwise you may have insufficient finger himself, suggested the extension of the
thickness on one side or the other. Also, it is right leg. This was a happy thought, be-
difficult to produce a believable chip at the cause it not only suggests that the figure is
chisel end, particularly if the chisel is cut- emerging from the log but also breaks the
ting at a slant into the grain, as it is in this rigid line of the log edge. This edge can
pose. Further, the head must be tilted so show chisel marks all around if you prefer; I
that the eyes are watching, or appear to be showed them in front only, where he is
watching, the cutting edge of the chisel —so obviously working, leaving the back of the
chisel shape and position are quite impor- figure quite rough in shape. (After all, how
tant. (Ifound it necessary to vary a bit from would he reach his back with the tools?)
my sketch at this point; you may, as well.) Finish was several coats of spray matte
Remember that, as you carve, you must varnish (satin) followed by two coats of
leave wood for such things as the collar on wax. I had originally intended to remove
the shirt, the eyeglasses and the hair, un- the growth wood as a final operation, but
less you plan to add them later. Shape the decided to leave it, complete with nicks and
shirt and legs, using the photographs to wormholes, to strengthen the impression
locate the wrinkles in their proper places. of a figure emerging from a log. As you
Finish the face, carving the glasses in probably know, the lighter growth-wood
place and the hair (such as it is). The darkens when varnish is applied, so it is not
glasses, if you wear them, can be made disconcertingly light in the piece.
separately from wire and installed; this
well, and is not abrasive on the face if well more commonly, in the crease between eye-
finished inside. The usual woods are brow and eye. Also, nostrils are pierced to
straight-grained and relatively soft, like our make breathing within the mask a bit easier.
white pine and basswood, and even balsa In the case of grotesques or animal masks,
and ash. placing sight holes may be extremely
It is strange that so few American carvers difficult.
have made masks, because they provide Because a mask is often a caricature, sides
excellent training in face carving, par- do not have to balance; eyes and cheeks can
ticularly caricature. Furthermore, if they are be higher or lower, the mouth can be
not copies, they require the carver to study —
twisted things that would not be done in a
features and expressions, so he can depict formal portrait. Also, because a great many
tinted. It is of balsa!
(Old priest, with movable jaw)
(This is a larq«r-than- life sue. If it is to be worn, r«duce scale)
overestimate as I did. If you photostat the
Step-by-step carving
outside dimensions to A
in (19 mm) or 1 in
Lay out a vertical centerline on both
(25 mm) wider than the width of your face at
front and back of the piece. Lay out the
the cheekbone level, you should come out all
basic mask shape on the flat back, using the
right. All templates and sketches must be in
template on both sides of the centerline.
proportion to the basic half-outline you use
Fig. 422 shows the layout, and how you can
first. (See Fig. 424 below.)
saw off the corners with a straight saw to
Fig. 422
Fig. 425.
half-log shape.
Then lay out the cross lines for the low
1 r J
spots below the brow, the nose and the lips,
and begin to cut away the wood until you
have achieved almost the desired depth
(Fig. 423). Shape the face profile until the
along the centerline,
profile template fits
then re-establish the basic vertical cen-
terline (Fig. 424).
Begin to hollow around the eyes and
nose, leaving the eyeball and cheek at their *_J^H
original level (Fig. 425). Note that the nose
template goes across at the nostril line, and
that the wood is not cut away above the
Fig. 427.
nostrils nor at the outer edges. However,
the wood is cut away at the outer edges
beyond the lip template, which is almost an off the sides of the mouth and chin and
extended half-circle. It is also cut away out- locate the mouth template and draw
side the chin template. As you cut, refer to around it (Fig. 427).
the photograph showing the templates in At this stage, decided to rough-hollow
place (Fig. 426). At this point you can round the interior, using straight and short-bent
Fig. 428
Fig. 429
behind them. This can be made from a
toothpick or splinter of pine.
The rosettes at each side of the forehead
are about V/i in (4 cm) in diameter. They are
made from fibres of coarse cord or light
rope, sisal or hemp, sewn into a disc and
trimmed to shape. The disc should be quite
thick, so it bunches, and is simply tacked in
place. Coarse cord (I used a handmade
Mexican 3-strand cord) for the ties, and to
hold the jaws together, seems correct and
looks good. (If you hang the mask, tack the
support cords in place near the top, or the
mask may hang out at the top.)
Before these finishing steps, you may
want to round the mask at top and bottom
in back; it fits the face of the wearer better
that way and looks less rigid when hung.
Also, pressure on the back lower edge of
the chin forces the mouth closed. You will
also want to clean up the inside of the mask
and thin it down so it fits your face comfort-
ably. I finished simply with oil and wax, but
the proper Noh mask has a wax-like surface
Fig. 433.
produced by filler and several coats of a
thick paint-like enamel. Color is slightly
off-white all over, with a faint tinge of red
Essential work on the mask is now com-
around the lips.
plete, but it will need some cleaning up and
shaping, as well as decoration. The
moustache is painted on vertical stripes of
black —but the beard Three small
is real.
Relief Carving
For over fifty years, I have been fasci- show the tremendous range and pos-
nated by the infinite possibilities of relief sibilities in this form. Also included are the
carving, ranging from geometric patterns basics of wood, tools, sharpening and fin-
general project. Depending upon your ex- plastic-faced mallet. They are lighter,
perience with a wood, you may want to cheaper and less fatiguing to hold, par-
simplify the proposed design, or alter the ticularly when compared to some Amer-
arrangement to put a knot or flaw in an ican tools, which are much too thick in
unimportant spot. smaller sizes.
For any larger panels these days, it is H. M. Sutter has recently found a com-
usually necessary to assemble the panel mercial company willing to make his style
from milled boards. On darker woods with- of tool, so beginner sets are now available.
out conspicuous grain walnut, —ma- Each consists of six tools: a firmer A in (6.4 l
hogany, teak the joining lines can be mm) wide, and gouges of Vu>-, Vs-, 3/ie-, A- l
for good joints, and should preferably be No. 7 %- to %-in (9.5- to 16-mm) gouges and
dowelled, glued and clamped to assure a %-in (16-mm) firmer.
tightness. The wood should also be rela- He rounds off the heel on each gouge and
tively thick; Vi- and 1-in (13- and 25.4-mm) increases the length of the bevel on the
panels of pine, walnut and mahogany tend firmer to make true thin blades, which al-
to warp and move with the weather re- low for deeper cuts without crushing. He
gardless of finish. If you anticipate or en- also reports that such tools have made a
counter appreciable warpage, brace the considerable difference in the quality of the
back of the panel with screwed-on battens work done by his students, as well as the
across grain, or with angle irons or alumi- complexity they can handle. The pine-cone
num have used the latter in a
angles. I design was a real challenge, even for an
number of instances, even to assemble a advanced student, but can now be done
walnut mailbox of ^-in (13-mm) wood, with relative ease. The same is true for the
carved on surfaces and edges. It has held more difficult orchid design. Large curves
for ten years, completely exposed (with are cut with an all-purpose knife or with
marine-varnish finish). I have also seen larger chisels if they are available. Students
thick relief carvings a hundred or more have also found that this kind of tool is
KM. Suiter
Figs. 435
by T.E.
Fig. 436 (right). Panel
Haag with textured background
which clarifies the silky
smoothness of the figure itself.
quite satisfactory for carving in-the-round as-j S*2 *S-3 *S>4 «5 F,r-meh
Several of Mr. Sutter's patterns and fin-
X. X X. 'A' ?V 'Mr"
carving of single subjects; the only prob- used —such familiar ones as lemon, or-
lems are with making the elements ap- ange, honeydew melon, parsnip and celery
proach or overlay each other. It does not are not included.
require lengthy planning, sketching and Here, the client selected panel wood and
designing, because the design develops as shape. She liked the growth- wood color
you carve. (I design or draw only one set of contrast and the sloping bevelled edge that
subjects ahead of my carving.) You can resulted from the natural shape of the tree.
trace or otherwise copy all the elements Wood is black walnut, 1 x 7 3A x 16 5/s in
without change of scale, providing there (2.54 x 20 x 42 cm) which is not par-
are enough potential subjects in the theme ticularly inclined to split, able to support
you select. And your selection of subjects considerable detail, and finishes well.
and theme will also determine the level of My source for almost all of the 63 designs
difficulty you encounter. Further, this kind was a handbook of fruits and vegetables
of carving provides a great deal of training from the local library. I altered scale in some
in grounding out, shaping forms, and in cases because a watermelon and peppers
texturing. The results are often unique. create rather sharp size contrasts, and I
In my first polyglot, I was immediately used sliced sections in others because the
faced with legs and antennae in profusion. whole fruit or vegetable would repeat a
Fortunately, scale was large. This fruit and shape and be monotonous. A peach, a
vegetable panel (Fig. 447) is an easier way to plum, and an apricot are basically alike ex-
start. The individual designs are familiar to —
cept for color and color is not available in a
allof us, with many distinctive shapes. You panel like this unless you use a light wood
can avoid difficult forms or texturing, such and tint it. Also, the interior of some fruits
is much more interesting than the exterior All through the panel, I overlapped
from a design standpoint. drawings of subjects, and then decided
It unnecessary to lower the back-
is which was to appear above the other when I
ground more than about Vs in (3.2 mm) in a was carving. In most instances, this deci-
small panel of this type. You don't have to sion is surprisingly easy because one sub-
undercut, either. There can be a border or ject has the overlap portion near the sur-
frame if you wish, the entire panel can be face, while the other will curve away. The
trenched, or the edges cut away. I trenched principal problem is to keep the back-
at the sides because of the squared edges, ground areas small and irregularly shaped,
and cut the border away at the top. Initially, and to select subjects of contrasting shape
I had planned to leave pristine the irregular and texture to go side by side. With a whole
top edge created by the natural curvature of guide to pick from, that task is easy.
the tree, but I ultimately put condiments Tools required can be few and simple. I
—parsley, pepper,
there dill and cin- used a hook or pull knife, a V-tool, two
namon—and carved them in intaglio to veiners (one very small), Vs-in (3.2-mm)
leave the dark grooved surface and add to and Vi-in (3.2- and 6.4-mm) flat
firmer, Vs-
the contrast with the rest of the panel. gouges, and a i4-in (6.4-mm) half-round
One virtue of this sort of design is that gouge. Larger half-round or semi-half-
you can make such alterations as they occur round gouges could be used to form
to you. It is not even necessary to balance rounded shapes like those of currants,
the two sides of the panel unless you wish grapes and cranberries, but I shaped them
to do so. I created a rough balance by put- with a hook knife and left them slightly
ting the head lettuce on one side and the irregular. (A pro would use the gouge of
cauliflower on the other, and balancing the proper size and shape to speed the work.)
long diagonal line of the sugar beet at one Practically all of the setting-in was done
top corner with that of the asparagus at the with the Vs-'m (3.2-mm) firmer, and ground-
other. The fairly large and complex bunch ing with the same tool in two steps: one
of grapes was placed near the center to roughing, one finishing. A light mallet con-
dominate the composition. trolled depth of setting-in and roughing,
a pocketknife my favorite tool— was un-
necessary. Except for veining, designs on
the bevelled edge were carved in intaglio
entirely with the knife. The peppercorn
shapes were "drilled" by rotating a Vs-in
(3.2-mm) half-round gouge. It is important
in such work to avoid destroying the edge
Fig. 449. Small oak picture frame from Italy shows
of the carving, which removes the patina floridand deep-relief formal style of the past
or in this case, the dark veined surface. century. It combines several motifs and is made to
appear even heavier with black stain.
Finish was two coats of sprayed matte
varnish to seal the surface, followed by a
coat of walnut color Minwax®,
special makes the carving appear deeper and sets
brushed and wiped off the surfaces in the
in off the designs.Sandpaper was not used,
dark areas, and carefully painted into the except for a worn piece of very-fine grade
background and lines in the light areas to rubbed over the top surfaces before var-
avoid darkening them. This "antiquing" nishing to add a little gloss.
1 |H JH pipl
Raul wood
damaged by bumping or abrasion. This is are cookie and butter moulds. When a pat-
not to be confused with intaglio, which is tern is pressed into sand to create a mould
most easily described as reversed relief. for metal, the mould itself is an intaglio.
In intaglio carving, the design is hol- This is not a cameo, which is normally lim-
lowed out so that material pressed or ited to a head or bust carved in multilayered
poured into it comes out as an image in stone or shell so that the carving is in one
relief. The most familiar objects in intaglio color, the background in another. However,
a head or bust carved through a surface foreground figures cut free of the back-
layer of one color into a differing color be- ground; they may be in the round them-
neath, so that not only color change but selves but are still part of a relief carving.
reversal of the depths is attained, is an in- I have done relief carving on trees, bowls,
horse carved in silhouette but flattened in is possible to have two relief carvings on
body thickness is still relief carving, as is opposite sides of the same silhouetted
pierced carving, regardless of whether it piece of wood, with either the same or dif-
contains in-the-round elements. The same ferent subjects. It is also possible to inlay
is true of high relief, which often contains relief carvings, particularly very shallowly
Low*r-j«w \tvtn to-
Liver reverses
movement & jm-
plifieVit 2:1
Fig. 458. Northwest Coast Indians are skilled at relief carving on totem poles.
Figs. 459, 460. Articulated totem pole 17 in (43.2 cm) high and "sleeps" normally (left), but eagle's
wings can lift and alleyes and mouths open when a back lever is moved (right). The miniature
pole is basswood, a quarter of a log, painted with oils.
west Coast Indians, inlay many of their core of the log is towards the front, thus providing a
natural shape for beaks. Step 2 (below right). Eagle
carvings with shell as a matter of custom.
is blocked out with wing stubs instead of wings.
So do some furniture makers, particularly —
Raven shape has been drawn below it the eagle
in France. will stand on the raven's head.
Fig. 461
Fig. 462
Fig. 464.
Fig. 463.
Fig. 465.
Figs. 476, 477. A traditional Northwest Indian this aremade there by Ainu carvers for less than
carving is thisblack bear with a salmon in its they could be made in Alaska. Design can be
mouth. Now imported from Japan, bears like either in-the-round or relief.
Fig. 479.
Figs. 480, 481 (above and right). This miniature of a Tlingit oil bowl was made by J. O. Rowan of Ketchikan,
Alaska. It is a sea otter on its back, with paint spots replacing the shell inserts used on full-sized carvings.
Stylizing makes it practically a shaped panel.
Fig. 485.
Fig. 483.
Eskimo or Indan
Economy may result from mounting a ple group. And therein often lies basic trou-
carved or uncarved silhouette against a ble, because creating an artistic composi-
contrasting background that may be glass, tion or scene requires at least a little
reduced. Look around you and you'll see distance, cats don't have whiskers, birds
that at a relatively short distance the nails in don't have feathers and men have no lines
a fence and the veins in leaves disappear. At in their faces. If you put such details in, you
greater distance, the fence palings or rails create a sort of cartoon or caricature rather
begin to blur and the leaves themselves than a picture.
merge into a green tree silhouette. At a little It is also unnecessary to show every
Depth of grounding
When laying out a panel, use pencil
rather than pen unless the wood is dark and
you are sure all lines will be cut away. I have
had cleanup problems with soft-tip pen
lines, particularly in coloron light woods
where the ink may penetrate and stain. On
most panels, it is not necessary to sink the
background very deeply. I have one in
Fig. 494. This seems like in-the-round carving ebony in which the background is so shal-
but is actuallymedium relief on the surface of
low that it is by its
really distinguished only
a log. By Bogosav Zivkovic, now in a gallery in
Svetozarevo, Yugoslavia. surface pattern. Depth
grounding (cut-
ting down the background) is, of course, a
matter of choice. The deeper you go, the
more modelling you can do (and the more
like in-the-round carving it is); but you will
It is very easy to design a panel so that an also encounter proportionately more
object in the background looks too large undercutting and lateral-view problems. It
compared one nearer your eye, to at-
to is easier, and much faster, to learn some-
tempt to put an essentially tall object in a thing about perspective and panel carving
wide frame or to have a free-form object in a before you attempt a piece like The Last
rigid panel (or vice versa). Supper for your church and find, when
There such a thing as deliberate distor-
is you've finished, that the minister or priest
tion for emphasis, but it is a weak defense decides it will hang best in some dimly lit
for a beginner. You've got to learn first how alcove.
to do it right, something many "modern On small panels, I often do not sink the
artists" have never learned. background more than V& in (3.2 mm); on
One good way to incorporate perspective larger pieces I may ground to a depth of Yz
and composition into a carving is to take in (13 mm) or more. Several factors will
Firmer \
)u1 lining Setting -\n Groundma 2r\& Jct-in 5attinq-in narrow j«cti'&»\s
Far-Eastern reliefs
India, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Nepal and
Tibet all have a tradition of woodcarving
some areas, buy wood in a thickness neces- the old days is very competent and ornate,
sary for the panel and glue scraps on top in and is usually religious in tone. The mod-
the areas that must be thicker. I've done this
for a coat-of-arms on a panel, the bulge of a
hull and for a special element on the front
corner of a house. The same technique can
be used to take care of a rotted, discolored
or worm-eaten area. Just cut out the rot or
knot and replace it with a selected piece of
the same wood carefully fitted to the hole.
It may prove better to have an irregular
Edq« of
Edge of top panel
-^ Elements are modelled
*- Hinged joint
Fig. 503.
^Note that flovoer
has 7 petals
- Background stippled
with punch or v/eineK
Fig. 506. This Nepalese scene is in sisso, an antiqued light wood, and depicts village and city
with adjacent countryside. Dominant is a stupa (temple) with "paper" prayer streamers from its
peak, surrounded by typical multi-storey brick and stucco buildings. Stylized rural area in
foreground and at left includes rice paddies. Size is % x 6V2 x 11 in (2.2 x 17 x 28 cm).
Fig. 508.
Fig. 509.
Fig. 512.
Fig. 518.
Actual sue of boar<\ %*^*\0'i
*v A<+
Fig. 521.
Fig. 520.
Fig. 522.
Fig. 523. Flower panel is 1-in (2.54-cm) teak, tree panel comprises two glued pieces lVi in (3.2 cm)
thick, and fish panel is Vt x 9 3/s in (1.9 x 24 cm) wide.
Fig. 526. Step 2. It may be advisable to alter poses of individual animals to improve the balance. In this
closeup of the lower right-hand corner are two such changes, one lowering the head of the ewe at left
towards the lying-down lamb, and the other to attain a more compact grouping at center, leaving a larger
area of open grass. Legs must be sloped back towards the feet so they apparently are behind an irregular
pattern of grass spears. Units have been outlined with soft-tip pen.
Fig. 530. Tool Note: Very few tools are required for the cloud-sheep composition. Here are those I
used (except for the router): left to right are a Vi-in (6.4-mm) V-tool; Vi-in (12.7-mm) wide gouge,
Vi-in (12.7-mm) radius; Vi-in (12.7-mm)-wide gouge; 3/8-in (9.5-mm) radius; Vi-in (12.7-mm)-wide
gouge; W-in (6.4-mm) radius; %-in (9.5-mm)-wide gouge, and a whittling knife. The knife took
care of details around the head, like the eyes and mouth, and was useful in general modelling.
Even the clouds were left unsanded. Colors were oil pigments in varnish, and the finished job
was given a spray coat of satin varnish to reduce the gloss. Then I made a sketch on paper for the
include water and clouds, and can be ex- had seated him too far forward; I had
pected to achieve at least approximate like- changed the point of view from that in the
nesses. The usual in-the-round treatment pictures, raising it slightly so more of the
of such a subject tends to be a caricature, legs of both people were visible; I'd made
and a very stiff one at that. A relief panel the paddles too short; instead of the flat
offers better prospects, but can be difficult shoreline I'd drawn, there should've been a
as well. Thus, it is advisable to make a series curved one, with a bluff and rocks, and
of compromises, possibly arriving at an un- over the bluff a tangle in which birch, an
usual solution or depiction. apple and an oak could be distinguished at
This panel (Fig. 531) will serve as an ex- designated points; there were no pines,
ample. It was a commission, a birthday and at the left, there should've been an
present for the lady of the carving from her edge with an overhang. There should also
husband. was to depict them in their
It have been a slight bow wave and a small
canoe, not on Long Island Sound where wake as well, he suggested.
they commonly paddle, butan island in
at These alterations were put on the sketch,
northern Maine. No pictures were available which was then adapted to a piece of old
of the island, the canoe or its occupants, but mahogany % x 12 x 19 in (1.9 x 30 x 48
the canoe is a standard Grumman® 17 and cm). I arbitrarily decided to lower the
the occupants are friends, so there was a ground Vi in (13 mm) around the canoe,
starting point. leaving wood for the bow wave and wake,
jN for
Fig. 531. Mahogany panel, }A x 12 x 19 in (1.9 x 30 x 48 cm), is made from a century-old table leaf, so
patina is preserved in framing and brush on the shore at top.
jects as a house and the ground in front of crotch. This worked out quite well, and
it, are a common error in low-relief panels. saved a great deal of time, energy and likely
Here, the curvature of the canoe itself disappointment.
makes the solution obvious. The canoe sur- The finished piece was given a spray coat
face brought down to the water; there is
is of satin varnish as a sealant, followed by
no step between. two coats of Kiwi® neutral shoe polish.
When rough shaping of figures and ca- (Conventional waxes tend to load open-
noe were completed, it was possible to go grain woods like mahogany and eventually
back and do the shoreline, indenting it ir- create grey speckles, unless the entire sur-
regularly and establishing the rocks along face is filled.)
r y
^Hmli J ^^F
Figs. 532, 533. Philippine women, in mahogany and 2 in (5 cm) thick, are almost half-relief. Each
has an integral-carved earring. Because of the depth, modelling is relatively easy.
The most famous English carver, Grin- appear florid and overdone by modern
ling Gibbons, who commonly carved swags standards.
of flowers and fruit, was, in fact, criticized Ken Evans, Oregon, owns
of Portland,
(and still is) for occasionally carving his the unsigned carving (Fig. 535) and has
subject in the round and appliqueing it to a made extensive inquiries about it. It is prob-
panel. This permitted him to work from ably a copy of the painting made in Austria
both back and front, and lessened the prob- by Franz DeFregger (1835-1921), but the
lem of how much undercutting was neces- painter was originally a carver who didn't
sary a problem which still plagues any- study painting until he was 25 years old,
one who undertakes a high-relief carving. and the painting was made nine years later
His favorite material was limewood, al- inMunich. Did DeFregger make the carv-
though he also worked in other woods, ing, then copy it later in oils, or did some
bronze and stone, and his work has never
been surpassed in Europe. Some of his
swags, in St. Paul's, London, and other En-
glish buildings, tremble at the slightest
vibration —and have been trembling for al-
most 300 years.
The vulnerability of high-relief carving
(both during and after carving) may be one
of the factors that led to its decline.Others
are: changing tastes in decoration, reduced
availability of thick wood, and greater con-
sciousness of time. In high-relief carving, a
relatively enormous amount of wood must
Fig. 534. Toreador and bull from Ecuador, was
be cut away, unless frontal figures are appli-
pierced and silhouetted, and looks deeper than it is.
qued. Also, the completed work is fragile, a The 10-in long (25-cm) panel only Vi in (12.7 mm)
real dust-catcher, and has a tendency to thick.
comes from an actual occurrence in 1809. the wood itself. This makes modelling and
Josef Speckbacher, the central figure, was a forced perspective extremely important; so
leader under the Tyrolean patriot, Andreas important, in fact, that many carvers make
Hoffer. He was meeting with others at an mistakes and their panels have a "wooden"
inn when some of his men discovered that look (forgive the pun). Others are ex-
his eight-year-old son, Anderl, was actively tremely intricate, containing so much de-
participating in the fight for Tyrolean free- tail, plus efforts to undercut, that they be-
dom against the French and Bavarians, ob- come fussy and overdetailed, losing their
viously without the advice or consent of his strength in more ways than one.
father. In the picture, a Schutze (marksman) Here I have attempted combine a great
of the Freedom Fighters is returning the many widely differing subjects and tech-
son to his father (Fig. 537). Note, in the niques to provide a sort of index of low and
carving, the almost free-standing figures, medium relief, and of modelling, and to
the complexity of the wall decorations, the show how and where they differ from in-
detail in the "wall painting" of the Madonna the-round, which is quite similar to high-
and Child and the fully carved
(Fig. 536) relief carving. Consider, for example, the
little wagon at upper right. Which was first, two silhouette panels in mahogany from
painting or carving? And who
carved the the Philippines (Figs. 532, 533), typical of
panel? The carving is 4 x 24 x 20 in (10 x the technique commonly in use there. Each
61 x 51 cm), and weighs 37 lbs (16.6 kg) is 10 x 13 in (25.4 x 33 cm), but carved
with its wide and elaborate frame (not from 2-in (5-cm) wood. This thickness, com-
shown). The wood is cembra pine. The bined with the silhouetting and modelling,
carvershows textures on the deer horn and makes the carvings appear almost in-the-
wrinkles on the faces, as well as defining round, except for a flat back. The carver
hair and other details. actually achieves considerable depth in
This is an excellent example of the use of modelling the face around the eyes and
high relief to tell a story, rather than being neck, which gives the face a natural look.
limited to the depiction of an individual or Further, he carved the earrings free, using
group, as a three-dimensional single figure the old "chain trick" to achieve an effect.
normally shows a familiar subject, and
is. It The high modelling of medium relief is
the carver was therefore able to base his obtained in the woman-and-child panel
work on —even his
fact if "fact" is only a (Fig. 489) and the bullfighter panel from
painting —and he wasn't forced to stylize Ecuador (Fig. 534), as well as in the series of
because his knowledge did not extend to Indians and other figures from the Pa-
precise details. tzcuaro area of Mexico (Fig. 538). The Mex-
ican carver was not nearly so skilled in tech-
Lower relief and modelling nique, but these figures have a crude
Ifhigh-relief carving is accompanied by strength, nonetheless. The carver let his
problems in deciding how much undercut- imagination run free. Some of the full fig-
ting is necessary, lower-relief carving ures are 6 ft tall (1.8 m); all are at least 1 in
brings similar problems in modelling. (25.4 mm) thick, in soft wood. Sharply con-
Most present-day relief carving is quite trasting in size is the small head of a girl
- ,<^--
L c^&
stylized face (accented nose and eyebrow thickness is reduced, so that planes and
outline), which is actually in the round in apparent relative elevations become in-
wood 1 in (25.4 mm) thick, framed by the creasingly important. Familiar handlings of
hair at the top and brought to a pointed and thisproblem are depicted in the little In-
thin tress below to provide delicate, bal- dian-head pendant from Peru (Fig. 539)
anced support on the base. and the copy of an antique candle sconce
In all modelling is not
of these carvings, from Spain (Fig. 542). Ruth Hawkins in
much of a problem because the third di- Brasstown, North Carolina, contrasted her
mension is deep. The difficulties increase as two angels in holly (Fig. 540) by mounting
Fig. 544.
areas where stability is needed. A flat tab- modelled? Should it be trenched, leaving
letop saw in Bali had large and flat floral
I the background high around it, self-
designs at the points where service and framed, or have the background bosted
salad plates, saucers and centerpiece would away? Should the lowered visual effect of
normally be placed, while the rest of the shallow relief carving be compensated for
surface was actually deep-relief and pierce-
It is not always necessary to work over an
entire surface and to blend lines and
worse still, a chair seat minimal carving
will be appreciated by any sitter.
In addition to the questions raised in the
preceding paragraphs, there are those hav-
ing to do with technique. Should the de- Fig. 545. This head of an American Indian was
sign have crisp, sharp edges, or should it be trench-carved by Ted Haag.
coarser lines suggest a pelt or coarse hair, as heads on the right. To separate the figures
in a lion's mane. Tilting a V-tool away from from the background, and to control the
one edge, thus lengthening the other side visible grain to a degree, the background is
of the groove, tends to make the sharper lowered and textured with roughly parallel
side rise visually above the wider one. As shallow gouge cuts. Another breadboard
the depth of relief is reduced, the effect of (Fig. 547), also of cherry, shows two skate
even slight variations in surface level and dancers, slightly more modelled. Both ex-
modelling becomes greater, so hollow amples approach outlining rather than re-
cheeks and the like can be obtained with lief carving at all.
very shallow shaping. Also, with very shal- The essential in any work like this is a
low relief, crisp edges will stand out, steady and sure hand, as well as a clear and
rounded edges will disappear (an argu- clean design, because every line will show
ment against sandpaper also). Trenching in the finished piece. When used on wood,
does not take away from the carving see — it becomes more difficult because of the
the Indian and Juarez (Figs. 543, 544). It wood grain. Also, because wood is likely to
saves a lot of fussing over background and be dark, the filler color should be a white oil
paint, which is applied in the lines as far as which requires the carver to think —and
possible, then allowed to dry and sanded carve —in reverse. It is particularly valuable
off. The problem with wood is that it has as training for carving smooth hollows or
surface pores, so the pigment may fill them concavities with gouges; a knife is almost
as well as the carved lines, and may tend to useless as a tool for such work. A power
weaken the design. rotary tool can be used, but it tends to leave
a rough surface onto which the moulded
Intaglio carving is "inside-out" material will stick, as well as to create unin-
Nearly a century ago, it was quite com- tentional undercuts and make what should
mon to mould designs in relief on the sur- be straight lines irregular.
face of butter, cookies, cakes and gelatine Older cookie and butter moulds had sim-
desserts. This was done with moulds of ple geometric patterns, and were usually
wood which had the design in reverse; the flat boards which were pressed against the
high spots of the moulded design were the material to be moulded; but as time went
low spots of the mould, and vice versa. In on, all sorts of elaborate designs were pro-
industry, similar moulds were used for rub- duced, including coats of arms, initials, and
ber, plaster, celluloid (somewhat similar to even scenes. For cookie dough, in par-
modern plastics), and other materials. Such ticular, designs were ultimately carved into
designs were achieved by intaglio carving, a roller similar to a rolling pin, which made
the impression more uniform. These rollers and V-tool. Short-bent gouges are helpful
decorate springerle, a lightly spiced German but not essential for spherical cuts. Best of
Christmas cookie. all, designs really don't have to be too pre-
Designs are carved, largely in single cuts, cise, and
so you can learn to swing the tool
with small, deep gouges, and detailed with cut from various angles to accommodate
the veiner (itself a very small, deep gouge) grain. Also, the designs can be put on a flat
usually background or secondary to a principal the surface is sealed, stain can be applied
figure depicting an ancestor. White spots are paua and wiped off the surface before it dries, so
shell; size is % x 15 3A x 15 3/4 in (1.9 x 40 x 40 cm).
shading of the color is possible.
Brt™ 4 mJk 4«u-r«Xi0t
i M n'i'*"if «KIS<4 l*WJ
1o*qi* 'i4drj..'i<
loof, H* jkif Ran (yf. J
>,p '-ir-ti Tfi*-(I M -"'
Almond {fV^fr^^M-^l
r>aq»*-fc.oth(i.erto»i«)A '
. ii..«-,m-«!
-I J" H 0«rUfP«i f
MASKS ^«(<i •« DT9 * A ' lin«A
^m Redman)
FfOm muStiCnj POURANGAWUu.i Cort-»S S- X
Not* r«du«d
Flying from rtiwaikl on PANEL (fadmar,)
detail On f.sk-
tn« macj.cb>rd (n\&«»'»?) Roforui stylt-sw
hook a1 Top
PllWR-7i.il PllAAR-B«lH Note KnucWtd fm«trj.Wj knucklo Soodqcd
Black 15 sneJI (Sourtt of ouTtripKf tales) djf<itj ^ folk*)
LIZARD -an unusual form (itandj vertical) PlE RC t"V\MAIA moval-nok bird moult,
FROG orTOAD-3 Forms
Fig. 552. Low-relief designs for trays. Amphibians are a favorite gift between Japanese families,
wishing long life and good luck. On earlier trays the carving may be tinted and even be partially
Much more elaborate designs can be work.) Note, incidentally, that ridges are
carved this way. You've undoubtedly seen difficult because of the problems of smooth-
some, such as the "gingerbread men" from ing the surfaces around them. The small
Williamsburg, Virginia. Incised lettering, lines suggesting feathers on a bird or veins
trade-marks, logotypes, even inverted por- in a leaf are all incised (cut in). This makes
traits, such as those carved in shell in Italy, leaf veins stand out in a cookie as they do in
are also possible. (For shell, a rotary tool real life, but the feather divisions will stand
with grinding wheels does the heavy out rather than being depressed. Optically,
Fig. 553. A three-dimensional copy of a detail of Picasso's "Dora Marr Seated." This is a low-relief carving
in walnut, Vtx 11 x 12 in (1.9 x 28 x 30 cm). David Peters was the carver.
this is not unpleasant, and therefore course, be formed by a series of small cuts
nothing to worry about; but if you do tend with a somewhat flatter gouge. It doesn't
to worry, such elements as feathers can, of affect the taste of the cookie.
cursive (script) and flowing, thus lends it- surface to form the letters. If you undertake
self toendless variations and is easy to in- that, be prepared for trouble, and expect no
corporate in a design, but our Roman al- sympathy from me. It is my firm belief that
phabet is rigid and much more difficult to much lettering on carvings, particularly ti-
use. Once it consisted only of capitals, and tles, is unnecessary and looks crude, even
before that simply incised strokes, but the if the carving itself is well done. If you must
addition of lower-case letters for ease of have elegant lettering, have it engraved or
reading, and of the running-hand, cursive etched on a brass or silver appliqued plate.
or script forms for easier handwriting, tre- Even the simplest lettering is difficult to
mendously complicated the job of the carve. The difficulties include line width,
carver. Today we have vertical letters and spacing and depth, and increase with
sloping letters and many alphabets
(italics), smaller size and more complex letter forms,
have weighted lines and curves and lines to such as serifs and swashes, as well as if the
end each basic stroke. These letter termi- letters must project rather than be incised,
nals are called serifs and are a major prob- because the eye picks up very small vari-
lem in relief carving, particularly across ations in the curve, spacing or width of a
grain. Also, letterers add flourishes called line. Further, calligraphy —
the design and
swashes to the tails of letters —as some pen- execution of ornamental lettering —
is rising
men do —or make elaborate tails and loops in public favor, so many people are more
called uncials. conscious of letter forms.
All this does not mean that any lettering It is a paradox that the typewriter and
you do must be elaborate —or boring. You most other forms of commercial type place
can vary the designs to suit your purpose, each letter in a block of uniform width and
as long as the letters are recognizable and height, while the calligrapher and the
legible, and you can finish them in many handsetter consider a great many spacing
ways. The effect of raised lettering can be variations essential. Small wonder that
achieved by stamping or otherwise textur- carvers go to templates and routers to pro-
ing the background around it; letters can be duce passable lettering!
outlined (if they are large enough), inlaid or There are an endless number of rules that
even carved with channels or grooves in the the sign painter and the hand typesetter, as
wider verticals of capital letters. But the well as the calligrapher, follow. Some of the
Fig. 554. Gothic letters in relief, Spanish, 14th or Fig. 555. Incised letters from the Forum at Rome.
15th century. Fig. 556.Elizabethan lettering from an incised
inscription at North Walsham, Norfolk, England.
English sycamore
Fig. 557 (left). Panel in
(harewood), about 12 x 16 in (30 x 41 cm), has
incised lettering combined with a trenched low-
relief of a bird impaled on which also
a thorn,
provides an initial letter C. Thorn grows from a
Celtic interlaced potted-tree design forming the left
border. The alphabet is Celtic, with some additions
to make it understandable today.
simpler ones are: The lettersand require i 1 that the carving might well be meaningless
only Vi m and w
space, while the letters to most people, and the legend itself should
require Wr, a punctuation mark requires Vi, be included. This suggested that the plaque
with a single space between words and at take the form of an illuminated manuscript,
least a double space between sentences. with the bird as the ornamental initial. It
Letters that are very boxy, like capital H, seemed advisable to include some other
need V2 space between, but rounded ones decoration for the "page" as well, so the
like O, P and Q can be crowded closer to idea of including a side band combined
adjacent letters. Letters like o and c actually with the thorn branch was born. For-
look smaller in a line of type than do many tunately, the ancient Celts were fond of de-
others, so they can be made slightly taller. signs of vines growing from pots, so the
A letter like t, particularly a capital T, can be branch could simply be an extension. It
crowded slightly closer to adjacent letters could also incorporate some of the complex
like o or a because of the projecting crossbar patterns the Celts used in the bird itself, so I
on top. This is also true of the letter f on its braided the extended tail.
right side. Interline spacing can vary
widely, from one-half the total line width to Pick a simple alphabet
more than twice the line width, but line Pick a simple alphabet, at least initially.
spacing should be widened as line length or Gothic and flowery lettering is not de-
letter weight increases, for ease of reading. signed for the carver but for the penman
There are many other rules, some of and and most woods won't take
which will vary with the particular alphabet the detail, even if your eyes and tools will.
being used. For example, in the large And incise your lettering, unless you have
plaque pictured (Fig. 554), the t, 1, and f are endless time and patience. Incised letters
special forms requiring a full space in can be tinted easily for legibility, by simply
width. My best suggestion for the beginner putting on a stop coat of varnish and flow-
at carving letters is to use a simple sans serif ing a paint or stain into the lettering then
alphabet. Gothic, script, italic and archaic wiping off the excess as a scrimshander
alphabets are much
harder to carve well. does on ivory. (If the surface of the piece is
There are occasions when all these sug- tinted by the coloring, it can be lightly
gestions must be abandoned, as in design- sanded to clean it up, but you can't do that
ing and carving the legend of the bird with raised lettering!)
(Fig. 557). This is the old Celtic story, so it Because thin plastic sheet can be molded
seemed appropriate to design it with an to almost any form and will pick up even
alphabet from The Book of Kelts, and to use a surface roughness and grain lines, some
decorative band from that book as well. carvers have had commissions to produce
My first idea was a simple carving of the patterns for such work. These patterns are
bird suspended from a thorn, the whole often in woods that will display a decided
composition "white on white" except for a grain, like oak, particularly with a little
vermilion drop of blood. Then I realized sandblasting after carving. Sign carvers
also make use of this characteristic of wood, tally or diagonally, but the calligrapher in-
sandblasting their lettering after comple- terlocks them in one way or another, even if
tion to give it a weathered look. It is also he or she must modify the letter form to do
quite common to batter the sign a bit with a it.
tal lines, this is relatively easy. A dominant use only the heads of the Princeton tiger
circular letter like c or o can enclose the and the Columbia lion, and only the torch
others, or one with a space at top and/or from the circa-1952 NYU symbol, an Olym-
bottom, like m, n, or w, can do the same. pic runner carrying a torch. (NYU and Pru-
Sometimes one letter can serve to com- dential now use stylized symbols, but the
plete another, as in the initials AGA, in torch I carved, as well as the Prudential
which the G can tie together the two A's, Insurance Rock of Gibraltar, are both older
one over the other, by forming the crossbars —
designs and were in use at the time my
as it cuts through both. Of course, modern subject was there.)
printers avoid the entire problem by put- An essential in the design of an award,
ting the letters in order, vertically, horizon- unless the overall shape is to be symbolic, is
Fig. 561 (below). Finished panel, showing elements glued in their proper locations. All but Goldilocks are
mahogany; she is pine. Finish is matte varnish and wax. (See Figs. 629, 630, page 318.)
OCTOBER *6,t»25-
VWXYZ& 1234567890$
Fig. 564. Caslon Old-Style alphabet, the basis for
numerous modern type faces.
tvxyz 1234567890$
Fig. 565. Ultra-Bodoni Italic; note slant and extra-fat
WXYZ& 1234567890$
Fig. 566. Sans Serif, which must be carefully spaced
between letters for ease in reading.
tiger and a practically tail-on view of a bear, the sides and discolor the surface. (I had
My family crest is a lion head with tongue this problem in one or two places, which
out, and this seemed appropriate to the later required scraping of the surface in
occasion because the subject had attended those areas and respraying.) I used, inci-
Columbia, but was forced to leave after a dentally, a German Beiz sal-ammoniac,
few months (as a result of his father's water-based stain, walnut in color,
death), so did not earn his intended law Once all done, the emblems, sepa-
this is
degree there. (Hence the lightning bolt rately spray-varnished, are glued in place,
and the displaced final letters of LLB.) the assembly given a third coat of varnish,
To lay out the bear group involved draw- then two coats of wax or clear shoe polish,
ing silhouettes of the bear pose in three Sign it, add ring hangers on the back, and
sizes and shuffling them one over the other it's ready to go.
as being rapid and simple, but the client and background. The roll and
levelling the
wanted raised lettering. I had some pieces the curl were done by hand, as was textur-
of maple from which I could squeeze out ing of the background with a small gouge
three % x 3 x 12-in (1.9 x 7.6 x 30.5-cm) cutting random scallops. (I use a plastic-
blanks, so I designed a sort of scroll with 2- headed light mallet for setting-in and much
in (5.1-cm) block capital letters. This left of thiswork; I can control the tools better
room for a roll at the left but merely a curled this way than with the thrust of an arthritic
edge at the right, particularly after a second shoulder.) The numerals '82 were placed
telephone call that increased the number of one above the other in the space created by
panels to four and used the last suitable the final L, and the surface matte-var-
piece of maple. nished. Then walnut stain was brushed on
I decided to make the letters Va in (6.4 and immediately wiped out, to create an
mm) deep and to rout the backgrounds as —
antiquing effect and we were done.
much as possible. This was followed by set- The plaques were a great success. In fact,
ting-in around the letters with small chisels the director of the show, another teacher
that she had not gotten one. My client, who with the word "Godspell" on it as well? The
is very fast on her feet, explained that a result was a holly carving with curved top
special plaque was being made then
. . . and the word "Godspell" angled across it
confessed to me what she had done. At the and "1982" incised in the upper right-hand
same time, she asked if I couldn't make corner. They were received with acclaim.
another plaque as well as a remembrance End of commission.
for her son, who had starred in the school Simple lettering can solve many prob-
production. lems. I would suggest, however, that it be
There was no maple of proper size, but I done in a fairly hard and dense wood to
found a piece of cherry and one of oak, and reduce the problems of splitting. Incising
made slightly more elaborate plaques, the letters with a V-tool is faster, but raised
one for the son including a star in the space letters are more dramatic.
Man has revered ivory as a symbol of slightly yellow, with a honeycomb or peb-
opulence, purity and innocence for over bly pattern, because that's where the blood
15,000 years. Ivory is still perhaps the finest vessels and nerves were. (The polar bear is
carving material for miniatures, but it is mounted on the jaw end of such core mate-
unlikely to remain that much longer, for rial, which is quite dark there.)
now all of its sources are numbered among Elephant ivory also tends to separate as it
the endangered species. grows older, just as some woods do, par-
All ivory is essentially like your own ticularly if the carving is kept in a thor-
teeth. has an outer layer of very hard
It oughly dry place. Large blocks of elephant
enamel, then a much thicker layer of den- ivory are sensitive to sudden heat changes.
tine, and finally a core of much softer mate- A high-intensity lamp too close to the
rial that looks like slightly discolored clot- block, too much concentration with a
ted cheese pressed solid. Usual practice is power burr or a grinder, or even sudden
to chip or grind off the enamel, both to change from a cool storage room to a warm
remove surface defects and discoloration room may cause cracking. (Also, carving
and to expose the softer and whiter den- ivory with power tools may cause burning,
tine. This is not necessary, however wit- — and is likely to cause a smell like that of old
ness the low-relief animal poses I carved in bones burning.)
the enamel layer. Enamel is harder to carve The usual way to work ivory is to saw a
than dentine, but a design of any depth blank, then to shape it as much as possible
goes through it anyway. with drills, files and sanding sticks. But
Ivory has so little grain that this is unim- surface designs must be put in with an
portant. It has very little tendency to split, edged tool. For lines, an engraver's burin
although old ivory does tend to separate in will work, as well as a V-tool or veiner if the
layers as it dries out. Thus, for example, my piece can be securely held. (If the tool slips,
carvings of the polar bear and puffins (Figs. you'll find that your hand is much softer
569, 570) are mounted on the butts of wal- than ivory.) A hand vise or a sandbag may
rus tusks; partially separated portions of be helpful, depending upon shape. But I
the dentine layer I sawed through and split find a pocketknife works very well, or a
off.On a conventional walrus tusk, the den- hook blade, such as is used for leather. The
tine layer will be perhaps /s in (9.5 mm)3
included angle of the edge should be in-
thick at the base and go clear through near creased, however; sharpening must be fre-
the tip. Larger pieces, like the walrus (Fig. quent. Even then, chips are appallingly
571) are carved of cross-slices, so will in- small.
SKscitd f iqurt*b«|ow
Insert wory kcjs art in mr panal
^\fvft\WM-\im J.
panels or
ARCTIC lay«rs
of «rving
PUFFINS- lvo,y
For habitat mount LLAI lOnLLL Frames a 3-pan«l scene m»ide China Ivory
(from Shishmar<zf)
sure to work only small areas and wipe off even a miniature violin or guitar.
the surface fast! This leaves darker tones in My intent in mentioning all these mate-
the crevices. It is also possible to draw in rials is merely to suggest options.
lines with India ink or to fill grooves with
ink or pigment. This has a tendency, how- Bone is cheaper than ivory
ever, to give the carving a harsh look. A Animal-bone carving is relatively little
lighter-colored ink of the transparent kind known in the United States, although it has
will work better to define detail carving or been done for centuries by primitive peo-
important lines, but even this must be used ples elsewhere in the world. The Balinese
with care. In scrimshaw, of course, which is are particularly adept at it, carving cow
really a form of etching, the technique was shoulder and leg bones into intricate, usu-
to smoke or otherwise darken the surface, ally Hindu, designs. Other South Pacific
then scratch the design in with a knife peoples have carved bone some of it —
point, sharpened nail or awl, fill in with human, regrettably. Mexicans in and
ink, then sand or scrape off the surface around Guanajuato make a variety of bone
discoloration, leaving the lines filled. This carvings from cow bone, ranging from stat-
is possible because ivory does not absorb
uettes to small finger rings and pins. It is
the ink, as wood would, so it has no ten- likely that American carvers will be doing
dency to blur or spread. But beware the more carving of bone as the controls on
mistaken line! The ink will reveal all lines ivory increase, or the supply itself dimin-
and depressions. ishes because the animals that provide it are
hunted to extinction. Even the Eskimos in
Bone, stone, shell and nuts Alaska, who still have access to walrus tusk
Once possessed of tools, man carved (at inflated prices), are carving whalebone
anything that came to hand, from stone on occasion.
and shell to bone, horn, nuts and bark. The Such bone as I have carved cow and —
principal problem with most of these mate- —
sheep is harder than most woods but
rials is that they are harder and more brittle softer than ivory. It can be whittled with a
than wood, so tools must have a greater knife, or carved with chisels if it can be held
included angle and be sharpened more fre- (beware of hand-holding when you use
V'cuts in whalebone
Alaska jade
Fig. 576.
Fig. 578
"•Chas Kokuluk
by man, ranging from the soft ones such as are softer when first mined and harden
soapstone, onyx and alabaster through with exposure to air. It is dense and fine-
harder ones such as pipestone, jade, mar- grained, and will support a great amount of
ble and granite on to very hard ones that detail.
include emerald, ruby and sapphire. The The Turks seem to have a practical mo-
soft stones can be carved or whittled like nopoly on another and quite different pipe
Fig. 584.
Fig. 589.
Fig. 590.
Fig. 593. Two shell figures from Italy. The larger appears
tobe the core of a conch shell; the small head of a girl is
from a cameo-shell core.
• ^«S
m •
•Jtt *yA>^
9*u >#&
Fig. 597. Two birds and a fish carved from semi-precious stones by Indians in Mexico. The
central bird is about 5/s in (16 mm) long; the fish at right is a fire opal.
This double
Fig. 599 (left).
walrus head is in soapstone,
with walrus-ivory tusks. It was
carved in Alaska back in the
about 10 in (25 cm) long and dark brown, with lighter scratched decoration.
HORN 307
Drilled hole length v
From St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, comes this ivory assembly, with
Fig. 612 (above, left to right).
a 2-in (5.1-cm) Eskimo drawing a red-tinted sledge of walrus meat. Both are mounted on a piece of
fossil ivory 6 in (15 cm) long.
Fig. 613. —
The Japanese have long produced netsuke small pieces of wood or ivory once used to
pull the drawcords on purses men carried in their kimono sashes. Though many are now made
primarily for well-heeled American collectors, they are delightful miniature in-the-round
subjects. These are ivory.
Belt buckles
Fig. 614. Varied buckle-back arrangements by John Phillip include soldered clips on stainless (top
left)and brass (lower left). At upper right is a clip secured with staples made of 1-in (2.54-cm)
bent brads. At lower right, the clip has been glued into a groove. (Neither of these has a backing
of metal.) At top center is a two-part clip, while at bottom center the backing of thin stainless has
been crimped like a bezel around the wood front. Here, a separate pin and clip are soldered to
the backing.
0. 1/ "
Bend tip back 90H
l 5olcter IS
Bend up ^\ to clear bdt
fe h
jC\\p is beltvndth ft" inside, /^i wire
Pin is /i'lonq wift rounded
°] top. #wi« Fig. 615 (left) How to make belt clips
Fig. 619 (left). "His" and
"Hers" matching buckles of
walnut, curved, with inlaid
stainless initials. By John
Fig. 621. More walnut buckles by John Philip. Inserts are brass for upper one and
steer head, stainless for fish.
Fig. 622. These silhouette pins of 3/i6-in (4.8-mm)
boxwood are deeply carved and finished in clear
lacquer with a shine. They are relatively
inexpensive and quite modern in styling. These
and other pieces on these two pages were made
in Japan.
Fig. 624 (right). Torii, or gate, against a
scenic background adorns the face of this rice-serving
paddle of a wood like our basswood. This carving is on
a 4 x 5V2 in (10.2 x 14.0 cm) surface, and overall height
is about a foot (30.5 cm). The mountains and buildings
Fig. 625 (left).The short-handled tea scoops,
used toput loose tea into pots, and other small
pieces may be stained and carved afterward so
the base color of the wood contrasts with the
stain, or they may simply be clear-lacquered.
The lion-head spoon at left and the larger tea
scoop at right have no finish, while the tea
scoop and butter spreader at bottom are red-
lacquered in the traditional way.
Ethel HoqsT
LAMBS Hape 6 ro wn
Fig. 628. Simplicity in animal carvings, typical of the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, North
Figs. 631, 632. Farrier's shop and
below, sculptor's house and
travelling magic show —three of a
number of models made from
hollow tree trunks by my grandson
Robin at age 14-16. Scale is less
than 1:12.
Fig. 631.
Fig. 632.
Skate history decorates
a Christmas tree
The particular group shown below was a
commission from a lady who is a skate
dancer, who has four sons who play
hockey, and who wanted something decid-
edly different for Christmas-tree decora-
tions. The people were made in basswood,
jelutong, or Alaska red cedar and tinted (Tai 8ab\!oni& & PAIR SKATING
Randy Gardner U5.
with one pair of skates is
oils; of mahogany, '6 K\
the other of cherry; all were finished with
(Inna Rodnma & Aleksandr
Zait s «v, USSR, 1976 cWpiona)
Fig. 636.
Figs. 640, 641.Crossed hockey sticks with puck (left) are 4 in (10 cm) long; puck is 5/s-in (16-mm)
dowel. Sticks are varnished and trimmed, with tape-wound handles. At right, for contrast, are
crossed "shinney" sticks whittled from twigs, with miniature soup can for puck the poor-boy
version of hockey.
Fig. 643. Ladies' skates circa 1910 came high above the ankle. Beside them is a pair of
all-wood skates, the commonest homemade farm variety both here and abroad for
Figs. 648, 649. A rather elaborate skate used well into this century is the Frisian (left), with wood
body and metal runner. Straps formed a sort of sandal when laced on. These are mahogany, with
gilt beads. Shoe horns at right in the shape of shoe soles are of maple, with incised lettering.
About 6 in (15 cm) long, they are mementos for a skaters' committee.
Figs. 650-652. Here are whittled boots in various sizes, two with mice peering through
holes in the soles. The small ones and the loafers at top and above were made into
Figs. 656, 657. Girl and boy are enlarged from
a skating print of about 1860 set in Central
Park, New York. She 9 in (23 cm) tall, he 10
Circus wagons and carousel horses Models were carefully scaled from the orig-
A number of carvers have been making inals or from photographs over a 25-year
models of circus wagons and carousel period, largely as the hobby of one man,
horses in recent years, recalling the golden with the assistance of four others at various
age of the circuses in America from 1870 to times. It includes five bands; 53 band-
about 1915. In 1880, there were more than wagons, tableaux and cage wagons; 400
50 circuses on the road, each trying to draft, riding and driving horses; 90 ponies,
outdo its rivals in the splendor of its parade, mules and donkeys; 30 elephants, 33 cam-
which was relied upon to attract crowds to els, 14 zebras, 80 animals in cages, 60 lead
the circus grounds. Larger circuses had ex- animals, 20 clowns, 83 musicians, 170
tremely ornate and elaborate wagons, spec- riders, and over 130 other personnel. Wag-
tacles and regalia for the parade, at least one ons are hand-carved and painted; no two
wagon reputedly costing $40,000 alone in horses are alike. Pictured here are the Old-
those years before inflation. Woman-in-a-Shoe tableau wagon and the
Biggest and most elaborate of the circus- African crocodiles in a tank-cage wagon,
parade models is that at Shelburne Mu- both drawn by buckskin horses, and a
seum in Vermont, which incorporates over group of the carousel horses which are part
300 ft (91 m) of 1-in (2.5 cm) scale models, of the same display. The parade is housed
the equivalent of a 2-mile (3-km) parade in a 500-ft (152 m) arcuate building built for
which no circus could ever mount alone. it in 1965.
Fig. 660. Wagon with "Old Woman in a Shoe" tableau.
Fig. 663. Elaborate drum of garamut wood is 4 x 26V2 in (10.2 x 67.3 cm), plus the projecting
handle, which is integral. The drumhead is edged by a braided grass collar. Handle
lizard skin
and with varicolored tassels and inlaid nacre on the
collar at right are patterns of incised lines,
collar. The pattern near the head is a pair of snakes in low relief, surrounding circles, two with
nacre inlays, the other two with cat-eye opercula inlays. The maker said the hardest job was
boring the wood end to end.
Black M*
Lmes white
&«« color <jnj
Fig. 665. Seagoing canoes are quite large and fitted with outriggers and a woven reed sail. The
formal ones have carved prows (above) backed by a double-eared shield. This prow is IV2 x 8 x
24 in (3.8 x 20.3 x 61.0 cm).
Fig. 668(above left). The two statuettes are ebony, one-piece and I6V2 and 20 in (42.0 and 50.8 cm)
tall.That at left shows two men riding a snake, with a squirrel on top. The second shows three
women graduated in height, stylized, each holding what may be a loop of cloth. There are nacre
inlays where the hands meet the cloth. Fig. 669 (above right). The walking stick at right is ebony,
carved with a series of back-to-back mythical figures. The cane at left is from Palu, Celebes
(Suawesi) and is of macassar ebony, with a dragon's head.
Fig. 672 (left). with pierced portions is a familiar way to decorate flat surfaces.
Intricate scrollwork
The salad but hard wood, the comb and the lime spatulas or spoons in
set is in a light-colored
ebony. Pieces range from 12 to 16 in (30.5 to 40.6 cm) and are V« in (4.7 mm) thick at most. The
lime spatulas and comb are used on the island; the salad set was made to sell to tourists. Fig. 673.
Coconut shells are made into lime carriers like the two end ones, or small baskets like the one in
the middle. The end ones are scrimshawed and tinted, the middle one only incised.
Appendix II
T2 0.8 1 1 0.039 TT
1.6 n 2
0.118 1
8 3.2 3 8
6 1
4.8 5 4 0.157 32
4 6.4 6i 5 0.196 1 6
h 7.9 8 6 0.236 1
I 9.5 '2 7 0.275 4
6 t
11.1 11 8 0.314 1 6
1 6
17.5 171 30 1.181 1A
4 19.1 19 40 1.574 1*
1 6 20.6 201 50 1.968 1-^
i 22.2 22 60 2.362 2|
1 6 23.8 24 70 2.755 2f
1 25.4 80
2 50.8 51
3 76.2 76 100 3.936 3-^
J 6
11 279.5 2791 800 31.488 311
12 304.8 305 900 35.424 35^
18 457.2 457 1,000 39.360 39|
24 609.6 6091
36 914.4 9141
Note: The imperial and metric sizes given for tools and joint parts, etc., cannot work out
exactly, but providing you work to one or the other there is no difficulty. In the timber
trade it is accepted that 1 in =
25 mm.
Make your own D-adzes of the modern D-adze, one of several
Carvers in Egypt, almost 5,000 years ago, shapes still in use by carvers in his area. His
are shown in an ancient wall decoration discussion led me to make a couple of D-
reproduced by The Metropolitan Museum adzes, which I have found to be excellent
of Art, New York, already using the chisel, tools, easy to control and rapid in chip re-
the wood was soft enough to permit it. They also use the elbow-type (regular) adze
What is most interesting, however, is the as well, but the D-adze has been favored for
use of the adze, which is relatively un- many years because it is easier to master
known to most American carvers. and control. Blades are made from old mill
In various forms (see sketches), the adze files and rasps, smaller sizes from 6-in (15
was the basic woodcarving tool, not only of cm) files and larger ones from 10-in (25 cm)
the Egyptians, but also of the Africans, and 12-in (30 cm) files. But let Wahnadagee
American West Coast Indians, Eskimos, tell the story:
Polynesians and New Guinea carvers, "Handles can be plain, or quite ornamen-
among others. It is also familiar among Ital- tal, shown in the sketches, and should be
ians, but not among the Germans and Eng- made of a hard, shock-resisting wood like
lish. Some years ago, when attempted to
I rock maple. A channel is cut on the striking
buy an adze for demonstration purposes, face (the vertical bar of the D) to fit the
the suppliers in New York were out of stock blade, a section of old mill file or rasp —for
(although several forms of the tool were smaller adzes from 6-in files and larger
shown in their catalogues) and unworried ones from 10- or 12-in ones. The file is
about it, because their specialists felt that bolted in so it has light bearing at the bot-
the adze was much too dangerous a tool for tom towards the direction of impact. Such a
"amateurs." tool just can't be beat for totem carving or
Early adzes had heads of the hardest milling and sculpting of cedar wood in gen-
stone available, and it should be pointed eral. With a little practice, it can do all the
out that they had many applications other shaping of something even as small as a
than carving wood. They were also used for spoon up to the point of final detail. I have
tilling the ground and for squaring timbers; one that is metal except for the grip and is a
the former need disappeared with the de- real work-horse.
velopment of the plow and the latter with Whileuse a hand axe for some rough-
the ready availability of planed lumber. ing, I prefer the D-adze because you face
When bronze, and then steel, became avail- the surface you're working on, rather than
able for blades, the adze became a much viewing it from one side. Also, I've always
more productive tool, although it should be made my own tools, many of them from old
pointed out that even in the early days, saw steel. I now have many tools, but I still
work with the adze was often primarily the prefer the old ones, as well as the old ways
removal of charcoal the interior shape of a for curing and preparing native woods such
canoe, for example, was roughed out by as cedar. (I make sewn-leather sheaths for
burning. Some adzes had interchangeable all cutting edges for the sake of safety as
blades, others were double-bladed. John well as for edge preservation.)
E. Hendricks (whose Indian name is D-adzes are easy to make to suit the user.
Wahnadagee) of Bellingham, Washington, The only question that may trouble some
wrote to explain to me the making and use makers is how to drill holes in a file or rasp. I
Potlatch hone rifHjs
JO] /UU^
Wtalf cr«t^
Fig. 673.
have two methods: On small files, I put a The temper is tested with a file at the
plumber's-torch flame on the exact spot to cutting edge; it should file about like a good
be drilled, and hold it there until the spot axe does. One doesn't want a flint-hard
turns bright red —about 30 seconds. Then I edge, which is likely to shatter or break off.
let it cool in air (don't quench it in water or If the blade is too soft, it can be re-tempered
you'll hardenagain). It will then be soft
it before sharpening. I do that, on the few
enough with HSS bits. If the file is
to drill occasions when it is necessary, with the
smaller, or a fragment for a knife or firmer, I plumber's torch, heating the cutting edge
wrap a wet cloth around the knife end be- untilit is bright red and quenching in bear's
fore heating. [A setup for controlling an- grease or old cylinder oil. (If old cylinder oil
nealing is sketched — Author.] is used —which is more readily available
I anneal larger files or rasps in my trash- than bear grease for most of us —
be sure it is
burner stove, putting the piece to be an- free of gasoline by pretesting a small quan-
nealed on top of the ashes and building my tity of it for flare-up.) Actually, in this case,
regular morning woodfire on top of it. I the blade is slightly case-hardened.
take the annealed piece out the next morn- Some
tribes do not bolt the blade, but
ing before I re-start the fire, and drill as bind on as on the knife pictured. This is
before. This is followed by grinding off the somewhat harder to do than bolting, and in
serrations or file pattern, and cutting the my opinion not worth the trouble. It is also
blade to desired length.
I in can or waTar
Sub merge )+j
V ^r Fig. 674.
possible to install a screw-clamp arrange- To secure a blade into the handle, grind a
ment, but that is usually bulky and clumsy. slot in the handle end, then put epoxy glue
With the bolt method, the holes in file and (I use Elmer's®) into that slot and the slot
handle can be matched, and the only prob- sawed in the handle, assemble in position,
lem is some wear on bolt holes after a lot of and bind temporarily with cord. When the
hard use. By the way, the bolts should be of glue has set, replace the cord with a
the countersunk type, so they don't project rawhide, bearhide, or fishline wrapping.
from the face of the blade. Coat the wrapping with a mixture of two-
I make blades for carving knives from thirds spar varnish and one-third turpen-
worn-out carpenter's handsaws, partic- tine or equivalent. This preservative pre-
ularly Craftsman® (Sears) or Disston 15
vents fraying or chafing. (In the old days,
brands. To use such steel, remove the han- the preservative was a special pitch.) I pre-
dle, then clamp the blade in a wide-jaw fer to sharpen such blades from one side
machinist's vise so about a 3-4-in. (19 mm) only; this lengthens edge life and the tool
width of the blade is between the jaws. cuts more like a draw-shave.
Start at the front or outer end of the saw. The beads and colors on knives and
Now, beat along the blade at the top of the adzes have definite traditional meanings.
vise with a heavy ballpeen hammer. This Black is the decorative color for tools, which
will start abreak along the vise line. Move are not ceremonial. Ceremonial colors are
the saw along a vise width and reclamp, related to the spirit language.Red denotes
then hammer it to continue the crack. The blood, the life and fish.
giver for animals
resulting strip can be ground or broken into Blue denotes the Great Spirit and the Sky
desired lengths and shaped by grinding. People, the Thunderbird's house and other
The toothed-edge strip, by the way, can be spiritual things. Dark blue denotes bravery
made into short saws for rough-shaping and courage; the voice of horror is in its
soapstone (steatite), bone or other carving tone. Green, yellow and brown honor our
materials. The steel can also be formed into Mother the Earth; they suggest gracious
so-called "crooked knives" by beating a sec- giving to sustain life and the rhythm and
tion carefully on and over an iron rod, pipe beauty of growing things. They suggest an-
or mandrel. nual renewal, the chain of life.
Handle Wnq\h as desired
Branchvrvq \irnb
Thumb recesi
Sewed Wathijj-
Fit WW &
recess to hand
Flat-head bolt* -
recessed nufj;
recess also
Ward. A series of backing blocks is added few drops of detergent have been added.
justabove the table, the shape conforming Another is to use the very fine abrasive
to the sweep or curvature of the tool being used in polishing eyeglasses, or to use very
ground. For rough grinding, Mr. Sutter fine rouge or some other abrasive oxide.
uses a 60-grit belt. He finish-shapes with a Both sides of the cutting edge should be
150-grit, and does final whetting with a 320- polished to a mirror finish it reduces —
grit or crocus cloth. He feels that this pro- drag. The final operation is further polish-
duces a better and straighter edge than ing with a cloth-buffing wheel and tripoli
most people can obtain on handstones. wax. In normal carving of soft woods, the
He produces the micro-bevel on the in- buffing operation will usually keep the tool
side of gouges with a slip, by hand, and sharp. Incidentally, a fine-grit 6-in (15.2-cm)
finishes it with a leather or plastic wheel wheel on slow-speed mandrel will
and tin oxide. These wheels are mounted grind straight edges on firmers and V-tools
on a ball-bearing arbor mounted vertically without the danger of burning created by
and operated at 250-300 rpm. He has an the typical high-speed modern grinder it —
assortment of wheels 6 in (15.2 cm) in diam- acts like an old-fashioned grindstone.
Fig. 676. Commercial belt sander adapted to
include a short arbor that will take a buffing
wheel. It is, in effect, an extension of the belt-
driving pulley.
edges towards you so you can select your able, usually in 2-ft (61-cm) lengths, from
next tool easily. Store them in slots so their stores such as Sears. They also sell lag
sharpened edges touch nothing, and when screws of various sizes. If you have the tools
you carry then, put them in a roll that available, you can drill and tap the end of a
covers but does not touch the ends. It is piece of threaded stock to take a A- or 5/i6-in
advisable to strop each tool after you have (6.3- or 8-mm) lag screw with the head cut
carried them in a roll — in fact, some pros off and the shank threaded. Even simpler is
strop each tool before they use it, as a bar- to get a long lag screw of the desired diame-
ber does; a tool can lose feather-edge align- ter, cut off the head and thread the shank.
ment just from sitting. Keeping tools from Either of these designs can be equipped
rusting goes without saying, but I will say it with spacers cut from pipe ( 3/s- or Vi-in [9.6-
anyway. or 12.7-mm] diameter) washers and double
nuts. The double nuts are necessary to
screw the screw into the wood blank, but
Make carver's screws after that only a single one is needed.
Through all my years of woodcarving, I Beyond that, all you need do is to drill a
have never used a carver's screw; clamps or hole of suitable diameter in your bench or
a wood vise have always served my pur- other work table, and you're ready to go.
poses. Besides, carver's screws are not It is even simpler, in the absence of
stocked by some suppliers and are now threading tools, to buy a lag screw of suit-
very expensive, at least for this one-time able length (about 4 in [10 cm] for the usual
machinist. However, my boyhood friend, 2-in [5-cm]-thick bench top), and simply
John Phillip, now of Whittier, California, use it directly as a carver's screw. If it is too
presented me with several screws of his long, washers can be added beneath the
own design recently. They are simple, inex- bench top.
and 679 (below). Leather and plastic wheels (above) are homemade and
Figs. 677, 678 (above)
used on an arbor made by connecting an old washing-machine motor to a pulley-driven shaft, as
shown below. Discs are shaped to fit the interiors of various gouges and the V-tool.
Fig. 679.
Fig. 680. Mr. Phillip made this knife from a cut-off high-speed-steel lathe tool bit. It is
unusual in thatit is sharpened on both sides and on the end, so it can be used as a
Fig. 681.Small carver's screws can be made from lag bolts either by cutting off the head
and rethreading the shank for standard hex nuts (top and bottom) or by using the lag
screw without change. Pipe spacers (top) should be flanked by washers to increase
bearing surface.
Fig. 682.Threaded stock, in this case V2-in (12.7-mm), can be drilled and tapped for Vt-
in-(6.3-mm)-diameter lag screws with heads cut off and shanks threaded. It may also be
possible to get wing nuts to fit. The screw shown was cut in half to make two.
sealer like Prime®, following the directions is lightly sanded when dry. Because of the
on the can. When it dries, sand lightly with texturing, it is obvious that the application
very fine or worn sandpaper to get rid of would cause bridging and holes
of gold leaf
any raised wood fibres. Then cover the sur- that would show the black surface. To avoid
face with gold size, available from the gold- this, sprayed with
the textured surface is
leaf supplier and most paint stores. It is a bronze or another tone. Then gold leaf is
slow-drying, oil-base size (one brand is applied, rubbed in and burnished. It will
Swift's®), and should be brushed on in a leave some voids because of the texturing,
thin coat and left overnight. The surface is but these create an antiqued look.
ready for application of the leaf when Gold leaf alone tends to be flat and uni-
tacky when a dry finger touched to it form, so it may be desirable to antique it to
comes away with a pinging sound, and bring out depths and shadows. There is
without picking up any size. (The surface heavy paste called Rub'n Buff®
available a
will stay in this state for a day or more (American Art Clay Co., Inc., PO Box
under normal conditions.) The gold leaf is 68163, Indianapolis, Indiana 46286) avail-
simply laid over this tacky surface and able in many art-supply stores in 18 tones of
pressed down with dry fingertips. Transfer brass, bronze, copper and gold. The paste
sheets have a blank corner, so the sheet can will stick to any surface, and can be applied
be picked up without touching the gold. by rubbing or by thinning with turpentine
When rubbed down, the transfer tissue can and using a brush in difficult areas. Various
then be readilv lifted off. Inevitablv, some tones can be applied one over the other to
gold will be wasted, and some missed areas get special effects. It is particularly effective
will have to be filled in. To prevent gold over textured areas, and the more the sur-
adhesion in unwanted areas, dust them face is rubbed the better it gets. The virtue
with a little talcum powder; to remove it, of such texturing is that the surface color
just use an ordinary ink eraser. can range from a yellow gold to a green in
When covered, the surface must be bur- recessed areas. As before, the treated sur-
nished to remove jeweller's rouge that held face should be protected with a good poly-
the gold to the transfer sheet and to seal it. urethane varnish if subjected to frequent
This is best done with balls of combed cot- handling or other unusual wear. Other-
ton rubbed over the surface in a circular wise, gold leaf will stand years of at-
polishing motion. If done properly, the sur- mospheric wear, requiring only occasional
face will immediately show a higher gloss. washing with water and a mild soap to re-
Following burnishing, any areas that are move smog and grime deposits.
likely to be abraded —
such as the shank of a On old gunstocks you will find a form of
candlestick or the pushing surface on a inlay that could be more widely used be-
door —should be protected. A finish like cause it is relatively simple to do. It can be
McClosky® Heirloom varnish will do the done with silver, brass or copper flat wire or
job nicely. strip, or combinations, and usually takes
Fig. 683. Horse and elephant are of teak, decorated with brass inserts. The horse, for example, is
Vt x 3 x 3 in(1.9 x 7.6 x 7.6 cm), and wire inserts are Vm x Vk-in (.40 x .79-mm) ribbon. Even
the larger spots are made from bits of the same wire, curled up.
M, •
Fig 684. Camel and two bullocks are also of teak with brass inserts. Pieces such as these, as well as those in
Fig. 683, were made in India years ago, but are probably too costly to produce at today's tourist prices.
Anteater, 114 Bolivia, 113
Antiquing, 55, 55, 56 Bolo patterns, 60, 61
Apple (wood), 33 Bone, animal, 298-300,
Argentina, 91, 93, 186 299-301
INDEX "Arkansas, "24 Book of Kells, The, 289
(Numbers in italics refer to Armadillo, 82, 83, 90, 91,114 Bosting, 23
illustrations) Ash, (wood), 13, 34 Bowls, 134, 249, 254
Ashtray, fish, 110 Boxes, 265, 316
Action figures, 206-209, Atlas, 201-206, 203-206 Boxwood, 36
207-209, 321 Austria, 180 Brasell, Austin, 284
Adzes, 15, 16, 336-338, 339 Award plaque, 124, 124-125 Brazil, 90, 209, 305
Angels, children as, 214, Bass viol player, 181 Bunyan, Paul, 196
214-215 Basswood, 13, 32, 34, 54 Burgees, 168, 169
Angling cut, 21 Bears, 66, 67, 73-74, 73, 78, Burins, 16, 18
Animal bone, 298-300, 79, 248, 297 Busts, 199, 241
299-301 Beaver award plaque, 124, Butterfly mobiles and
Animals, carving, 65-125 124-125 ornaments, 117-120,
birds, see Birds Bebek (dragon duck), 83-84, 118-119
butterfly mobiles and 84 Butternut, 33, 34, 74
ornaments, 117-120, Beech, 34
118,119 Beef wood, 35
caricaturing, 71, 72-73, 72, Bee tree, 32 Cabinet maker's shop model,
73, 90-93, 91, 93, 97, Belt buckles, 62-64, 63-64, 170, 171
105 313-315 Calipers, 31
cats, 95-98, 96-98, 334 Belt sander, 340 Camels, 51, 91, 93, 345
dinosaur mobile, 106-112, Benches, 16-17, 17 Cameo, 242, 304
107-108 Berruguete, Alonso, John the Candle sconce, 279
dogs, 67, 71-72, 72, Baptist, 252 Canoe, 331
98-104, 99-103 "Bill," 98, 99 Card holders, 74, 75, 80, 80
fish, see Fish Birch, 34 Caricatures
gold-leafing, 345 Birds animal, 71, 72-73, 72, 73,
horses, 77, 98, 99, 104-106, designs, 121, 122 90-93, 91, 93, 97, 105
110, 345 panels, 262 human, 181, 185, 185, 187,
in ivory, 296, 297, 310, 311 varieties of, 33, 68-69, 68, 297
miniature, 35, 84, 85, 86, 69, 70, 71, 72-73, 73, Carousel horses, 328, 328
87, 317, 318, 332 74-76, 74-76, 84-90, Carver's bench, 16-17, 27
in owndesign, 120-122, 84-90, 94, 94,111, 297, Carver's screws, 340, 342, 343
121, 122 306 Carving personality, 9
panels of, 81, 81, 106, 123, see also specific bird Carving tools, see Tools
262 Black bear, 248 Catalpa, 40
in relief, 106, 266, 267 Black cottonwood, 40 Cats, 91-92, 93, 95-98,
of South America, 112-114, Black walnut, 33-34, 33 96-98, 334
112-114 Blinding wood, (blind-my- card holder, 80, 80
in stone, 305, 306 eyes), 35 Cavo-relievo 240
Chapman, Kenneth M., Dance mask, miniature, 248 Faces and heads, carving,
Evolution of the Bird in Dancers, 46-47, 47 172-188
Decorative Art, 120 Decoys, 71 caricatures, 173, 174, 185,
Charms, 250, 297 Deer, 70 185, 187
Checks, wood, 37-38
in "Deer Dancer," 45 ears, 183
Cherry wood, 33, 34 DeFregger, Franz, 275-276 eves, 178-179
Chess knight, 77 Denmark, 197 face, 173, 175
Chestnut, 34 Designs, original, 120-122, and facial variations, 177
Child angels, 214, 214-215 121, 122 head, 172, 175-176, 178
Chile, 42, 90, 186, 241, 307, Devil head, 309 jaws, 183
309 Dinosaur mobile, 106-112, nose and profile, 177,
China, 105, 146, 265, 308, 317 107-108 179-183
Chips, 21 Disk, 264 portrait, 183-185
Chisels, 14-15, 16, 18 Dog-leg tools, 15 South American heads,
shapes, 13, 14 Dogs, 67, 71-72, 72, 98-104, 186, 187
sharpening, 27 99-103 Fawn, 92, 93
using, 19 skeleton, 82, 82 "Feather Dancer," 46-47, 47
vs. knives, 18-20, 19 Dogwood, 34 Figa, 209
Christmas tree decorations, Doors, 160-162, 161, 162, 251 Fiji, 161
124, 168-169, 169 relief carving on, 239, Finishing pieces, 44-57
Circus wagons, 328, 329 268-269 with antiquing, 55, 55, 56
Clark, Fred, 74, 75 Doorstop, 72 with a base, 53-54, 52, 53
Clasp knife, 11 Doves, 87, 87, 89 with gold-leafing, 56-57,
Clouds and sheep panel, Dragon duck, 83-84, 84 344-346, 345
270, 270-272 Dragons, 68, 146-151, with machine-roughing,
Cocobola, 35, 36 146-151 51-52, 51
Coconut shell, 41, 43 Draw cut, 12, 19 with modelling, 49-50, 50
Coelanglyphic sculpture, 240 Driftwood, 45, 46 and surface textures,
Comb, 334 Drill cut, 12 44-49, 44-48
Constellations, 206 Drums, 82, 83, 330 with texturing, 48-50, 50
Conversion tables, 335 Dry rot, 33, 38 with wood showing, 54-56
Cookie roller, 282-283, Ducklings, 88 Firmer chisel, 14, 14
282-283 Ducks, 90
79, 80, 86, 87, Fish, 69-70, 69, 83, 83, 94,
Coppering, 57 "Praying
Diirer, Albrecht, 94, 112, 116-117,
Costa Rica, 253 Hands," 210, 210 116-117,306
Cottonwood, 34 ashtray, 110
black, 40 jointed, 115-116, 115
bone, 87 Eagles, 66-67, 66, 75-76, 75, spoon, 120
skeleton, 82, 82 76, 86, 88, 121, 122, Fixed-blade knives, 10-11,
"Cowboys," South 122 12, 20
American, 186 Eaglets, 111 Flaws, in wood, 33, 37,
Crane, 66 Earrings, 69 38-40, 38, 39
Creatures Easter Island, 8, 254 Fleming, Peggy, 209
dragons, 68, 146-151, Ebonv, 36, 37, 332-334 Flowers, carving, 126-140
146-151 Ecuador, 41, 42, 50, 83, 113, door panel, 268-269
statuettes, 152-155, 114, 184, 253, 275 exercises in, 129-134,
152-155 Elephants, 345 131-134
unicorns, 141-145, 141-145 Elephant tusk, 296 pendants, 227
Cryptomeria, 40 English oak, 36 and pine tree, 138-140,
Crystal ball, in carving, 188, English sycamore, 36 137-138
188 English walnut, 36 and polyglot panels,
Curl cut, 12 Enlarging methods, 29, 135-138, 135-136
Cutting with knife, 12, 13-14, 30-31 in relief, 236,268
19, 20, 21 Eriksen, Edvard, 189, 190 simple, 126-127, 128-131
Cypress, 33, 34 Eskimos, 250, 298, 310, 311, tools for, 128
312 variety in, 134-135,
D-adzes, 336-338, 339 Eternal knot, 129, 132 234-235
Daisy, 22 Evans, Ken, 275 whittling, 22, 128
Dance drum, 330 Fluteroni chisel, 15
Forness, Bruce T., 37 Hedgehog, 78, 79 Jade, Alaskan, 298, 299, 304
Fox, 78, 79, 84, 85, 110 Hendricks, John E., 336 Jaguar, 65
Frogs, 39, 40, 74, 75, 297, 317 Hercules vs. the Nemean Japan, 40, 48, 67, 95,
Frame, picture, 239 Lion, 152-153 224-226, 248, 285, 312,
Fruitwoods, 33, 34 Hickory, 34 316, 317
Furniture, miniature, 170, 171 Hickory nuts, 41, 43 Jelutong, 32, 34
Galapagos Islands, 71, 83 High relief,239, 240, 241, Jewelry, 69, 316
Garamut, 34 242, 274-276, 275, see also Pendants
Gibbons, Grinling, 274-276 Juarez, Benito, 223, 280, 281
36, 128,
275 Hoch, Sheldon, 121 "Justice," 257
Adder and Eve, 91, 92 male musculature, an award panel, 290, 292,
Cat and the Fiddle, 91, 92 201-206, 203-206 293
relief carvings, 233, 240,
proportions of, 197-200, on plaques, 293-295, 294
262, 280, 281
198 and selecting an alphabet,
stvlized animals, 91, 92,
stvlized, 213, 213 288, 289-290, 289, 292
92, 93, 94
torso, 198, 200-201 Lignum vitae, 35, 36
Hutchings, Roy, 337 Lime, 36, 36
stvlized human figures,
Linden, 36
Haiti, 45, 253, 279 Ibex, 79, 79
Lions, 76, 77, 91, 92, 220, 307
Half head, 38
relief, 240, 241 Ibis, 79, 80
Little Mermaid, 189, 290
Hand axe, 16 India, 104, 260
Hand routers, 16
miniature, 189-195,
Insect panel, 269
Hands, 210 292-295
Insignias, 61
Hansa, 79, 79 Intaglio carving, 241-242,
Llamas, 90, 91, 92, 223
Hard woods, 33, 54 Log, carved, 255, 256
282-286, 282-283
see also specific wood Lohs, Martin, 210
Intaglio-relevato, 240
Harewood, 35, 36 International Wood Low relief, 227, 240, 250, 262,
Hatchet, shingling, 16 284-286
Collectors Society, 37
Hawkins, Ruth, 214, 214-215 Ironwood, 34, 36, 94
Headdress, 41 Israel, 52, 68, 70, 78, 79, 234 Macadamia, 34
Heads, 41, 309 Italy, 304 Macaroni chisel, 15
caricatures, 173, 174, 185 Ivorv, whittling Machine-roughing, 51-52, 52
carving, 172, 175-176, 178, animals, 296, 297, 310, 311 Madonna and Child, 39, 184
182 miscellaneous examples of, Magnolia, 34
relief carving of, 235, 275, 308-312 Mahogany, 13, 32, 34, 36
279, 280 types of, 296 Mallets, 15-16, 25
see also Faces and heads, working with, 296, 298 Maple, 34
carving Ivorywood, pink, 35, 36-37 Martin, Wade, 8
Masks, 222-230 Neustadt, Harrison, 62-63, Pelicans, 111
African, 222 64,323 Pendants, 69, 76, 77, 86, 87,
Japanese, 224-226, Newel posts, 123 127,279,304,311,317,
224-225 New Guinea, 45, 330, 333
Mexican, 223 330-334 Penguins, 73, 73, 92, 93, 94,
miniature dance, 248 New Zealand, 284 224
relief carving, 254, 264, 265 Nighthawk, 33 Penknife, 22, 22
step-bv-step carving, Noah's ark, 67, 68 Personality of carver, 9
226-230, 226-230 Noh masks, 224-226, Peru, 43, 91, 113, 114, 161, 279
tools for, 223-224 224-225 Philippines, 76, 77, 199, 275
Meerschaum, 301, 303 Nudes Phillip, John
Mexico, 37, 40, 41, 46, 66, 67, Atlas, 201-206, 203-206 belt buckles, 62, 63-64,
70, 71, 77, 81-90, 96, female, 200, 233 323, 325
105, 110-112, 223, 298, Little Mermaid, 189-195, knife, 342
304, 306 191-195 Picasso, Pablo, "Dora Marr
Mezzo-relievo, 240 male, 202 Seated," 286
Michelangelo, 198 relief carving, 240 Picture frame, 239
Miniatures Nuts, carving, 41-43, 42, 298 Piercing, 50, 50, 242
animals, 35, 84, 85, 86, 87, Pig, 332
317, 318, 332 Pine
Austrian, 36
carving, 28 ponderosa, 40
Eastern white, 34
dance mask, 248 sugar, 32
English, 36
furniture, 170, 171 white, 13, 32, 34, 54
red, 34
of Little Mermaid, 189-195, yellow, 32
Oil bowl, 249
191-195 Pine cone panel, 234
Oiling, 55
oil bowl, 249 Pine tree panel, 137-138,
"Old Man of the Sea," 45-46,
totem pole, 243-247 138-140
see also Models; Small Pink ivorywood, 35, 36-37
Olive pits, 41, 42
pieces; specific piece Pins, 326'
Olive wood, 52
Minton, Hugh, Jr., 101, 101 Pipe, 303
Onyx, 300, 306
Minton, Hugh C,
146 Pipestone, 300, 302
Osage orange, 34
self-portrait, 216-218, Pits, carving,41-43, 42
Owls, 67, 67, 81-82, 81, 86,
216-217 Place card holder, 74, 75, 80,
Mobiles 80
butterfly, 118, 119 Panels, 33, 34, 52 Planes, 16
dinosaur, 106-112, 107-108 of animals, 80, 81, 106, 123, Plaques
Modelling, 49-50, 50 262 award, 124, 124-125
and low relief, 275, boat, 163-168, 164-167 floral, 235
276-282, 277-280, 282 of clouds and sheep, 270, letters on, 293-295, 294
Models, 319, 320 270-272 Pochote, 34
boat, 168-169, 169 door, 251, 268-269 Pocketknife, 10, 11, 22, 20
of cabinet maker's shop, floral, 135-138, 135-136, Pointing cut, 22
170, 171 236, 268-269 Polyglot panels
of carousel horses, 328, 328 insect, 269 floral, 135-138, 235-236
of circus wagons, 328, 329 lettered, 293-295, 294 relief carving, 237-239,
Monkey, 82-83, 83 pine tree, 137-138, 237, 238
Moonstone, 260 138-140, 234 Ponderosa pine, 32, 40
Moorish carved door, 161, polyglot, 135-138, 135-136, Poplar, 32-33, 34
162, 251 237-239, 237, 238 Portraits, 183-185, 216
Morgan, Neil, 7 of scenes and people, and self-portraits, 216-220,
Motifs, 123, 250, 284 273-274, 273 216-217 ,219-220
Myrtle wood, 34, 101 Pantographs, 30, 31 Power tools, 16, 18
Quail 222 Saws, 16 South American
Quixote, Don, 173, 174, 175, Savers, Charles M., 18 animals, 112-114, 212-214
185 The Book of Wood Carving, "cowboys," 186
133 heads, 186, 187
Scrapers, 16 see also specific country
Rabbits, 42, 84, 85
Seal, 112 Spain, 93, 162, 252, 279
Raddha, 259
Seeds, carving, 41 Speckbacher, Josef, 276
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 202
Self-portraits Spoons, 110, 317, 332
Red alder, 34 Tangerman,
of E. J. "Squash plaver," 53
Red oak, 34 218-221, 219-220 Sri Lanka, 79, 97, 258, 259,
Reed, Charlie, 302
of Hugh C. Minton, 260, 261, 264, 265, 347
Relief carving, 231-286
216-218, 216-217 Stab cut, 12
animals, 106, 266-267
Serifs, 287 Stains, 55-56
clouds and sheep panel,
"Setting-in,"23, 232 Stations of the Cross, The,
270, 270-272
Sharpening tools, 24-27, 25, 222-222
door panels, 268-269
26, 339-340, 340, 341 Statue, 348
Far-Eastern, 258, 260-261,
Shavings, 8 Statuettes, 152-155, 152-155,
Sheep and clouds panel, 270, 208, 333
flowers, 236
270-272 Stiacciato, 240
grounding in, 255-257, 255
Shellac, 44, 55 Stones, carving, 298, 300-301
half relief, 240, 241
Shells, carving, 41, 43, 298, animals, 305, 306
high relief, 240, 241,
299, 300-301, 304 Stones, for sharpening tools,
274-276, 275
Shingling hatchet, 16 24, 25-26
hints on, 257-260
Shoe, wooden, 242 Stool, 55, 267
hollow relief, 240-241
Shoe horn, 115 Stop cuts, 29, 20, 21
and inlaying, 242-243
Silhouetting, 50, 50, 254, 275, Street orchestra, 280
intaglio, 241-242, 282-286,
276 Stropping, 24, 26
Silvering, 57 Stylizing
lower relief, and
Simons, Richard J., 211 animals, 90-95, 92, 94
modelling, 275,
Sisso, 262 human figure, 213, 223
276-282, 277-280, 282
Siva, 35 Sugar pine, 32
low relief, 127, 240, 250,
Size of piece, 28-31 Surface textures, 44-49,
262, 284-286
and enlarging methods, 44-48
miscellaneous examples of,
29, 30-31 Sutter, H. M.
233-236, 248-257, 277
miniatures, 28 designs for neckerchief
painting on, 250
and reducing methods, 31 slides, 60, 62, 62
polyglot panels, 237-239,
Skates and skaters, 322-324, flower carving lessons,
237, 238
326-327 229-233,131-134
of scenes, and people,
Skeletons, 42, 82 tool sharpening method,
273-274, 273
Skew chisel, 14, 14 339
and "setting in," 23, 232
Skin diver, III tools, 18, 232-233, 233
tools for, 18, 23,
on totem pole, 242-247
Skowhegan Indian, 348 Swamp oak, 34
Slicing cut, 12 Swans, 42, 84-85, 85, 89, 90
wood for, 231-232
"Slips," 24 Swashes, 287
Riffler file, 16, 18
Small pieces Swedish sloyd, 22
Rimachi, Domingo
gnomes, 58-59
58, Sycamore, 34, 36
Fernandez, 91
miscellaneous, 316-319
Road runner, 88, 88, 89, 90
neckerchief slides, 60-62, Tagua nuts, 42, 42
Rocking cut, 12
60, 61 Tahiti, 7
Rooster, 76, 76
skates and skaters, Tangerman, E. J.
Rosewood, 34-35, 36
322-324, 326-327 Carving Birds in Wood, 84
Rowan, J. 0.,249
see also Miniatures; specific self-portrait, 218-221,
Russian bowl, 254
piece 219-220
Snail, 76, 77 Whittling and Woodcarving,
Salad bowl, 234 Snake, 66 98
Salad set, 334 Soapstone, 298, 299, 300, Teak, 13, 35, 35, 55
Sandalwood, 36 302, 306 Temple carvings, 94, 95
Sanding, 21-22, 44, 55 Soft woods, 32-33, 54-56 Textures, surface, 44-49,
Satinwood, 35, 36 see also specific wood 44-48
Complete Guide to
Wbod Carving
With 50 years of experience behind him, E. J.
Tangerman, the famous dean of
master woodcarvers, has taken the finest projects from nine volumes of his work to
create this all-encompassing guide for the woodcarver.
A how-to book from start to finish, the compendium begins with tools and wood
selection,and continues with hundreds of projects and designs ideas of —
astounding variety. What you can produce by following the hundreds of hints and
almost 700 drawings and photographs in this volume are carvings that you will be
proud to call your own.
your working drawings to get the right filial result, to capturing personality. He
seeks out the unique character of an object and guides you in finishing your work
in a multitude of ways, such as gilding, roughing and antiquing. He includes relief
carving, and tells how to start with small pieces and work up to doors and statues.
Mr. Tangerman has produced an A-to-Z of woodcarving projects that every carver
will find indispensable.
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ISBN 0-fl0bT-7<122-M