DIFFUSION: spreading of particles of a substance due to thermal motion.
FICK'S FIRST LAW: the flow of particles per unit time across a unit area (flux) is proportional to the concentration drop,
i.e. J D c , where coefficient D is the diffusion coefficient.
DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT (D): gives the amount of material diffused across a unit area in a unit time driven by a unit
concentration drop. The unit of the diffusion coefficient is m2/s. It depends on the size and shape of the molecule, on the
interaction with the solvent and on the viscosity of the solvent.
FICK'S SECOND LAW: describes the spatial and temporal changes of the concentration as
x c ,
x t
the spatial change of the concentration drop is linked to the temporal change of the concentration.
BROWNIAN MOTION: the random uncorrelated motion of particles due to collisions with the surrounding molecules.
MEAN SQUARE DISPLACEMENT (MSD): a measure of the differences of the positions of particles from a reference
(starting, x0) position:
1 N
MSD x 0 xi
N i 1
PIXEL: a point in the image. A digital image is a grid of points, each holding the digital value of the light intensity of the
blue, green and red colors in a given spot.
GRAY SCALE: a brightness scale, where the brightness of each pixel is represented by a number between the maximum
(the brightest spot) and the minimum (completely dark spot) value. An example would be 1024 for the maximum and 0 for
the darkness.
The main question according to the diffusion process is what parameters determine diffusion coefficient
the "strength" of diffusion. To characterize this, we define the flow density of Diffusionskoeffizient
particles per second (also called in general: flux): diffúziós együttható
J , (1)
t A
that gives the amount of chemical material that passes through a unit area in unit diffusing particle medium D
time. Its unit is mol /(m2∙s). (molecular weight) (m2/s)
H2 (2) air 6.4·10 –5
The answer to the previous question is given by Fick's first law (for stationary O2 (32) air 2·10 –5
diffusion), which sounds in its simplest form as: CO2 (44) air 1.8·10 –5
c H2O (18) water 2.2·10 –9
J D , (2)
x O2 (32) water 1.9·10 –9
where c/x is the concentration change along a unit distance (along the x axis), or Glycine (75) water 0.9·10 –9
the concentration drop (concentration gradient). Thus, the flow density of Serum albumine water 6·10 –11
(69 000)
particles per second is proportional to the concentration drop (see Fig. 1). The Tropomyosine water 2.2·10 –11
coefficient of proportionality D is called the diffusion coefficient. D gives the (93 000)
amount of material that diffused through a unit area, in a unit time driven by a unit Tobacco mosaic virus water 4.6·10 –12
concentration drop. The SI unit of the diffusion coefficient is m2/s. The diffusion (40 000 000)
coefficient depends on the size and shape of the diffusing particle and on the
Table 1. Diffusion coefficients of some
viscosity and temperature of the medium. For spherical particles the diffusion
substances at 20 ºC.
coefficient can be calculated from the Einstein-Stokes formula as:
D , (3)
6 r
where r is the radius of the particle, is the viscosity and T is the temperature of
the medium. The inverse proportionality of D to the size (r) (or molecular weight,
to which the size is proportional) can be seen in the examples of Table 1.
a b c
x c
D . (4)
x t
It can be seen that the change of the concentration over the next short time depends
on the actual distribution of the concentration over space at the given time-point.
This is a rather difficult equation, which can not always be solved analytically to
Fig. 2. Agar-agar gel used as a two- give a formula for c(x,t). In general cases numerical (computerized) methods are
dimensional diffusion surface. used, in which we take small Δt time-steps, and step-wise calculate the change of
the concentration over time and space.
We will apply Fick's second law to determine the diffusion coefficients of K + and
colorful (lila) MnO4- ions (together with their hydration shells on a two-
dimensional surface of a gel (Fig.2.). The prepared agarose gel (0.5% m/m%)
provides a hydrated surface, on which the free diffusion of the ions will take place.
t=1 min
The solution of Eq. (4) in a special case when at the beginning of the experiment
the material is concentrated into a very small (practically negligible sized) point
yields a bell-shaped curve, which is broadening over time (See Fig. 3.). The
relative concentration (%)
concentration profile is rotationally symmetric, which means only the distance (r)
from the center is the important spatial parameter:
4 Dt
c(r , t ) (5)
t=1.5 min This equation describes the average spreading of the molecules over time from
their initial position. The broadening of the profile is rapid at the beginning of the
diffusion experiment, and then gradually slows down.
The σ parameter describing the width of the bell-shaped curve is given by:
2D t (6)
t=3 min
width at half-maximum (mm)
t=5 min
t=10 min
t=20 min
We can see from the graph that the width of the bell-shaped curved concentration
profile generally follows a square-root function. From this function it is possible to
determine the diffusion coefficient (D). To make the determination easier, we will
measure the width of the curve as the width at half-maximum, FWHM, (w). This is
the distance of two points where the concentration of the permanganate is half of
the maximal concentration at the center.
Medical biophysics practices 29. 4 29. DIFFUSION
w 2 ln( 4) 2 D t , (7)
It is convenient to linearize the equation, by taking the square-root of the time as
the independent variable (x):
w 2 ln( 4) 2 D x , x t (8)
This is the equation of a straight line, from the slope of the w-x graph the D
diffusion coefficient can be determined. As can be seen, the unit of the diffusion
coefficient is length squared over time (m2/s). It can be seen that the FWHM is
directly proportional to the σ parameter of Eq.(6).
The average distance covered (R) by diffusing particles over time can be calculated
by using the D diffusion coefficient: (in three dimensions)
Raverage 6 D t (9)
A sample series of images taken over the diffusion can be seen in Fig.5.
During the lab we will use the ImageJ open-source scientific image processing 5mm
software to analyze the images. Each image needs a separate calibration, which
can be done by noting that the grids under the petri-dish have a 0.5 cm sized
2. Use the “set scale” function to calibrate the camera image to the known
distance (in this example 30mm).
Set the correct scale and unit (here 15 mm) 3. Draw a line through the visible viola spot. Make sure the line crosses at
By ticking the “global” the same calibration the center of the spot.
can be used for all subsequent images.
The „gray value” is the gray-scale value of a pixel (point of the image).
The gray-scale value represents the brightness of the pixel on a numeric
scale. These are recorded by the digital camera for every pixel. (In a
colored image the red, green and blue intensities are separately recorded,
the actual color is a mixture of these values)
0 (black)
5. Use the difference of the „x” data pairs obtained from each image as the 8bit gray scale
width of the curve in the calculations.
Time after Actual time of Left side half- Right side half- Width
crystal is the snapshot maximum “x” maximum “x” (mm)
placed on the (min) position position
surface (min) (mm) (mm)
0 - - - 0
1. Start the image capture software.
2. Align the Petri-dish under the camera.
3. Make sure that the calibration grid is clearly visible on the image on the
computer screen.
4. Take a test-snapshot image.
5. Prepare a timer on your mobile phone or use the stopwatch.
6. Open the Eppendorff tube, and slide the little viola KMnO4 crystal to the
approximate center of the gel surface. Make sure the spot is visible on the
camera image.
7. Start the timer as soon as the crystal is on the surface.
8. At approximately the prescribed time-points take a snapshot with the
camera software and save it on the desktop of the computer.
9. After the last image is acquired, do the image analysis steps and extract
the width data.
10. Make the appropriate graph, fit the theoretical function
11. calculate the diffusion coefficient of KMnO4 on the gel surface.