Struct AFM 20191002
Struct AFM 20191002
Struct AFM 20191002
Atomic models
Structure of matter, matter waves, atomic and
molecular interactions. Atomic force microscopy.
Balázs Kiss
[email protected]
Nanobiotechnology and Single Molecule Research Group, • Democritus (~400 BC): proposition of atomic structure („atomos”: indivisible)
Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, • Dalton (1803): stoichiometric law: elements consist of identical constituents
Semmelweis University • Thomson (1897): discovery of electron (cathode rays)
gravitation every particle infinite (~1/r2)
165 000 000 000 x
charged particles infinite (~1/r2) 10-2
strong nuclear nucleons 10-15 1
weak nuclear every particle 10-18 10-13
Coulomb-interaction Gravitation
repulsion attraction
macroscopic scale: Atomium nanoworld: face-centered cubic lattice of Fe F F
Governing principle: QA
mA r
r attraction
repulsion electrons e-
Qtotal,e Z e
potential energy: d~0.1 nm
E pot W r
QA QB 1 2
QA QB Etotal < 0: bound electron
E pot k Ekin
mv Epot
r attraction Etotal > 0: free electron
the negative (integral calculation)
charge is
Q A QB Etotal E pot Ekin
transported into Wr k
infinite r 5 6
The energy states of the electron Particle-wave duality of the electron
cf. particle-wave duality of the photon
position of a classical object can be determined exactly the state function of the electron
The state function of the electron:
Δ(1/λ) ≥ 1/Δx
The Heisenberg uncertainty relation repulsion equilibrium attraction
the uncertainty of the momentum (Δp) in the (inner shells and nuclei) attraction = repulsion (outer shells)
case of a free electron:
”one-dimensional H-atom”
Δx Δp h
Δt: uncertain, so E can be certain:
ΔE Δt h discrete energy levels
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Atomic interactions Primary bonds
intramolecular intermolecular
E pot Eattraction Erepulsion strong weak
primary secondary
E pot • covalent: common electron state around the
rn rm participating nuclei, strong: Eb>1eV type depends from
repulsive electronegativity
• metallic bond: multi-atomic system, Eb>1eV (EN)
A, B: interaction-specific constants
• ionic bond: Coulomb-forces between ions, Eb>1eV EN = │Ei │+ │ Eea │
ionization electron-
n (attraction) < m (repulsion) energy affinity
r0: binding distance
• Important biological role: formation of organic structures • Partially (+) and (-) segments
• Weak: (Eb ~ 0,02 eV) are held together by
electrostatic interactions
fluctuation ion-dipole induced dipole (Coulombic forces)
Eattraction = p * E
• Intra/intermolecular
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2. bending of a tiny
1. Van der Waals
• H-bond: the H-atom interbridges two other cantilever is
between the
measured with a
atoms (F, O, N) of high electronegativity atoms of a
laser projected
sample and a
• r ~ 0.23-0.35 nm onto it
sharp tip
• E ~ 0.2 eV
DNA water
AFM operating modes
Contact mode AFM
• Contact: the tip touches the surface, the
deflection of the cantilever (i.e. the force
cantilever exerted on the sample by the tip) is held
tip • Z-feedback system: deflection is
maintained at a constant value
sample (setpoint) by lifting or lowering the
• topography data (i.e.: height) in each
x;y point is calculated from these Z
sample surface movements
• Non-contact: the cantilever is oscillated
without contact with the surface: resonant contact
contact frequency (f0) and the amplitude of the
oscillation changes with surface
• Z-feedback: maintains the amplitude
non-contact by lifting or lowering the oscillating
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Practice: Resonance
d ~ force
F = force = D d
force / elasticity
d: deflection measurement on
D: spring constant biological samples
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• fo ~ 50-500 kHz
Position (mm)
0 20 40 60 80
Amplitude (mm)
-30 1 D
-40 f0
2 m
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Principle of scanning: piezoelectricity AFM - properties
• Main advantages:
• 3D surface profile.
• Images are collected with ~10 pm vertical and somewhat worse horizontal
• Any surfaces (conductors, insulators and semiconductors) can be imaged.
• Works in ambient air, special gas or in fluid environment as well.
• Usually does not require fixation or staining of the sample.
• Biological samples can be examined in their native state and physiological
• direct piezoelectric effect: deforma on → voltage environment.
• inverse piezoelectric effect: voltage → deforma on • Main disadvantages:
• Samples must adhere to a substrate. Surface adhesion may lead to distortion.
• X, Y, Z axis piezo: e.g. 150 V → 40 µm 0.1-nm-accuracy
• Slow scan speed.
• Scan height limited to few microns („the flatter the better”).
• Scan size limited to few tens of microns.
• High cost.
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500 nm
AFM cantilever
AFM tip
for your attention!