Krause 1 47
Krause 1 47
Krause 1 47
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Dietary Reference Intakes of Energy and Protein From Birth to 18 Years of Age per Day*
Age Estimated Energy Requirement Protein (g)
Infants 0 to 3 months (89 3Weight [kg] 2 100) 1 175 kcal 9.1
4 to 6 months (89 3 Weight [kg] 2 100) 1 56 kcal 9.1
7 to 12 months (89 3 Weight [kg] 2 100) 1 22 kcal 11
13 to 36 months (89 3 Weight [kg] 2 100) 1 20 kcal 13
Boys 3 to 8 years 88.5 2 (61.9 3 Age [yr] 1 PA 3 (26.7 3 Weight [kg] 1 903 3 Height [m]) 1 20 kcal 19
9 to 18 years 88.5 2 (61.9 3 Age [yr]) 1 PA 3 (26.7 3 Weight [kg] 1 903 3 Height [m]) 1 25 kcal 34 to 52
Girls 3 to 8 years 135.3 2 (30.8 3 Age [yr]) 1 PA3 (10.0 3 Weight [kg] 1 934 3 Height [m]) 1 20 kcal 19
9 to 18 years 135.3 2 (30.8 3 Age [yr]) 1 PA 3 (10.0 3 Weight [kg] 1 934 3 Height [m]) 1 25 kcal 34 to 46
*PA, Physical activity level. Data from the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein,
and amino acids (macronutrients). Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2002.
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Recommended Dietary Allowances and Adequate Intakes, Total
Water and Macronutrients*
Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies
Life Stage Group Total Watera (L/d) Total Fiber (g/d) Linoleic Acid (g/d) a-Linolenic Acid (g/d) Proteinb (g/d)
Birth to 6 mo 0.7* ND 4.4* 0.5* 9.1*
6-12 mo 0.8* ND 4.6* 0.5* 11.0
1-3 yr 1.3* 19* 7* 0.7* 13
4-8 yr 1.7* 25* 10* 0.9* 19
9-13 yr 2.4* 31* 12* 1.2* 34
14-18 yr 3.3* 38* 16* 1.6* 52
19-30 yr 3.7* 38* 17* 1.6* 56
31-50 yr 3.7* 38* 17* 1.6* 56
51-70 yr 3.7* 30* 14* 1.6* 56
.70 yr 3.7* 30* 14* 1.6* 56
9-13 yr 2.1* 26* 10* 1.0* 34
14-18 yr 2.3* 26* 11* 1.1* 46
19-30 yr 2.7* 25* 12* 1.1* 46
31-50 yr 2.7* 25* 12* 1.1* 46
51-70 yr 2.7* 21* 11* 1.1* 46
.70 yr 2.7* 21* 11* 1.1* 46
14-18 yr 3.0* 28* 13* 1.4* 71
19-30 yr 3.0* 28* 13* 1.4* 71
31-50 yr 3.0* 28* 13* 1.4* 71
14-18 yr 3.8* 29* 13* 1.3* 71
19-30 yr 3.8* 29* 13* 1.3* 71
31-50 yr 3.8* 29* 13* 1.3* 71
Source: Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (2002/2005) and Dietary Reference Intakes for Water,
Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate (2005). The report may be accessed via www.n
*Note: This table (taken from the DRI reports, see presents Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) in boldface type and Adequate Intakes (AIs) in ordinary type
followed by an asterisk (*). An RDA is the average daily dietary intake level; sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97-98%) healthy individuals in a group. It is
calculated from an Estimated Average Requirement (EAR).
If sufficient scientific evidence is not available to establish an EAR, and thus calculate an RDA, an AI is usually developed. For healthy breastfed infants, an AI is the mean intake.
The AI for other life stage and gender groups is believed to cover the needs of all healthy individuals in the groups, but lack of data or uncertainty in the data prevent being able to
specify with confidence the percentage of individuals covered by this intake.
Total water includes all water contained in food, beverages, and drinking water.
Based on grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for the reference body weight (e.g., for adults 0.8 g/kg body weight for the reference body weight).
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To the residents and patients at Providence Mount St. Vincent who remind
me every day why I chose to work in a health care field devoted to older people.
To my grandparents who helped raise me and taught me the value of listening
to and learning from our elders. Thank you to my husband, Greg, who has
become an enthusiastic chef and did most of the cooking while I was busy
editing. And to Kathy Mahan, who is the reason this book has existed for over
60 years and has always been cutting edge. Thank you for the inspiration.
Diane M. Anderson, PhD, RDN, FADA Jean T. Cox, MS, RDN, LN Laith Ghazala, MD, FRCP
Associate Professor Patient Educator Fellow
Pediatrics Maternity and Family Planning Program Respiratory Institute
Baylor College of Medicine University of New Mexico Hospital; Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Houston, Texas Volunteer Faculty Cleveland, Ohio
Department of OB/GYN
Christine Avgeris, RDN, CD University of New Mexico F. Enrique Gómez, MSc, PhD
Clinical Dietitian Albuquerque, New Mexico Researcher
Nutrition Nutritional Physiology
Seattle Children’s Hospital Sheila Dean, DSc, RDN, LDN, CCN, National Institute of Medical Sciences and
Seattle, Washington IFMCP Nutrition, Salvador, Zubiran
Adjunct Professor Mexico City
Cynthia Bartok, PhD, RDN, CD Health Sciences and Human Performance Mexico
Associate Professor University of Tampa
Nutrition and Exercise Science Tampa, Florida; Co-Founder Michael Hahn, BA
Bastyr University Integrative and Functional Nutrition Health Science Policy Analyst
Kenmore, Washington Academy All of Us Research Program
Palm Harbor, Florida National Institutes of Health
Britta Brown, MS, RDN, LD, CNSC Bethesda, Maryland
Clinical Dietitian Ruth DeBusk, PhD, RDN
Nutrition Services Family Medicine Residency Program Jeanette M. Hasse, PhD, RDN, LD,
Hennepin Healthcare Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare CNSC, FADA
Minneapolis, Minnesota Tallahassee, Florida Transplant Nutrition Manager
Simmons Transplant Institute
Lindsey Callihan, MS, RDN, CSG Judith L. Dodd, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND Baylor University Medical Center
CVS/Coram Assistant Professor Dallas, Texas
Boise, Idaho Sports Medicine and Nutrition
University of Pittsburgh – SHRS Ginger Hultin, MS, RDN, CSO
Karen Chapman-Novakofski, PhD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Registered Dietitian
RDN, LDN Nutrition
Food Science and Human Nutrition Lisa Dorfman, MS, RDN, CSSD, CCMS, Bastyr University
University of Illinois LMHC, FAND Seattle, Washington
Urbana, Illinois CEO/Director
Sports Nutrition & Performance A. Christine Hummell, MS, RDN, LD, CNSC
Ashley Contreras-France, MA, MS, Food Fitness International, Inc Clinical Dietitian
CCC-SLP Miami, Florida Advanced Practitioner I
Director of Rehabilitation Therapy Center of Human Nutrition
Covenant Living at the Shores Lorena Drago, MS, RDN, CDN, CDE Cleveland Clinic
Mercer Island, Washington Diabetes Education Cleveland, Ohio
Hispanic Foodways LLC
Mandy L. Corrigan, MPH, RDN, CNSC, Forest Hills, New York Carol S. Ireton-Jones, PhD, RDN, LD,
Clinical Manager, Home Nutrition Support L. Karina Díaz Rios, PhD, RDN Nutrition Therapy Specialist
and Center for Gut Rehabilitation and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Nutrition Good Nutrition for Good Living
Transplantation Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources Dallas, Texas
Center for Human Nutrition University of California, Merced
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute Merced, California Jessica Jones, MS, RDN, CDE
Cleveland, Ohio Founder
Sharon A. Feucht, MA, RDN, CD Private Practice
Sarah Couch, PhD, RDN Nutritionist LEND Program (Retired) Jessica Jones Nutrition
Professor Center on Human Development and Richmond, California
Rehabilitation, Exercise, and Nutrition Disability
Sciences University of Washington Veena Juneja, MSc, RDN
University of Cincinnati Seattle, Washington; Senior Renal Dietitian
Cincinnati, Ohio Nutritionist Nutrition
Holly Ridge Early Intervention Center St. Joseph’s Healthcare
Bremerton, Washington Hamilton, Ontario
Martha Kaufer-Horwitz, MSc, DSc, NC, Mary Demarest Litchford, PhD, RDN, Kelly Morrow, MS, RDN, FAND
FTOS LDN Associate Professor
Researcher in Medical Sciences President Nutrition and Exercise Science
Obesity and Eating Disorders Clinic Executive Bastyr University
National Institute of Medical Sciences and CASE Software & Books Kenmore, Washington
Nutrition, Salvador, Zubiran Greensboro, North Carolina
Mexico City Diana Noland, MPH, RDN, CCN,
Mexico Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RDN IFMCP, LD
Associate Professor Owner
Rachel E. Kay, MS, RDN, CD, CNSC Nutrition and Foods Integrative & Functional Medical Nutrition
Clinical Dietitian Fullerton College Therapy
Gastroenterology Fullerton, California FoodFAX
Seattle Children’s Hospital Burbank, California
Seattle, Washington Lucinda K. Lysen, RDN, RN, BSN
Nutrition Consultant in Private Practice Patricia Novak, MPH, RDN
Bette Klein, MS, RDN, CSP, LD Orland Park, Illinois Nutrition Consultant
Advanced Practice II Pediatric Dietitian Feeding and Nutrition
Pediatric Gastroenterology L. Kathleen Mahan, MS, RDN, CD Professional Child Development Associates
Cleveland Clinic Children’s Functional Nutrition Counselor (PCDA)
Cleveland, Ohio Nutrition by Design; Pasadena, California
Clinical Associate
Lauren Kruse, MS, RDN, CNSC
Department of Pediatrics Kim Nowak-Cooperman, MS, RDN, CD
School of Medicine Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Home Nutrition Support, Center for Human
University of Washington Clinical Nutrition
Seattle, Washington Seattle Children’s Hospital
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Seattle, Washington
Cleveland, Ohio
Gabriela E. Mancera-Chávez, MSc, NC
Glenn Kuz, BSP, PharmD Professor Beth Ogata, MS, RDN, CD, CSP
Clinical Pharmacist College of Sciences and Humanities Lecturer
Harborview Medical Center Autonomous University of Mexico City; Department of Pediatrics
University of Washington Medical Center Independent Consultant University of Washington
Seattle, Washington Mexico City Seattle, Washington
Camille Lyn Lanier, RDN, CD Constantina Papoutsakis, PhD, RDN
Pediatric Dietitian Laura E. Matarese, PhD, RDN, LDN, Senior Director
Nutrition CNSC, FADA, FASPEN, FAND Nutrition and Dietetics Data Science Center,
Seattle Children’s Hospital Professor Research International Scientific Affairs
Seattle, Washington Brody School of Medicine and Department Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
of Nutrition Science Chicago, Illinois
Nicole Larson, PhD, MPH, RDN, LD East Carolina University
Senior Research Associate Greenville, North Carolina Mary H. Purdy, PhD
Division of Epidemiology and Community Professor
Health Mari O. Mazon, MS, RDN, CD Communication Disorders
University of Minnesota Nutritionist Southern Connecticut State University
Minneapolis, Minnesota Center on Human Development and New Haven, Connecticut
Tashara M. Leak, PhD, RDN University of Washington Janice L. Raymond, MS, RDN, CSG
Lois & Mel Tukman Assistant Professor Seattle, Washington Clinical Nutrition Director
Division of Nutritional Sciences Thomas Cuisine Management
Cornell University Kelly N. McKean, MS, RDN, CSP, CD Providence Mt. St Vincent
Ithaca, New York; Clinical Pediatric Dietitian Seattle, Washington;
Assistant Professor of Nutrition Research in Nutrition Affiliate Faculty
Medicine Seattle Children’s Nutrition
Division of General Internal Medicine Seattle, Washington Bastyr University
Weill Cornell Medicine Kenmore, Washington
New York, New York Maggie Moon, MS, RDN
Author Rickelle Richards, PhD, MPH, RDN
Maureen Lilly, MS, RDN
The MIND Diet Associate Professor
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Nutrition Communications Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science
Los Angeles, California Brigham Young University
Chicken Soup Brigade
Provo, Utah
Seattle, Washington
Dorene Robinson, RDN, CDN Lisa I. Shkoda, RDN, CSO, CSP, CNSC, Kelly A. Tappenden, PhD, RDN, FASPEN
Editor FAND Professor and Head
website Owner Kinesiology and Nutrition Nutrition for Health RDN Consulting, LLC University of Illinois at Chicago
Seattle, Washington Charlottesville, Virginia Chicago, Illinois
Corporate Regional Dietitian
Justine Roth, MS, CEDRD Medical Facilities of America; Christina Troutner, MS, RDN
Clinical Nutrition Director Founding Dietitian Research Dietitian
Columbia Psychiatry Ketogenic Diet Therapy Program Nutritional Genomics & Digital Health
New York State Psychiatric Institute University of Virginia Health System GB HealthWatch
New York, New York Charlottesville, Virginia San Diego, California
Rebecca Rudel, MPH, RDN, CNSC Jamie S. Stang, PhD, MPH, RDN Solenne Vanne, MS, RDN
Graduate Teaching Fellow Director, Leadership, Education and Nutrition
DrPH Program Training Program in Maternal and Child Chicken Soup Brigade
Boston University School of Public Health Nutrition Seattle, Washington
Boston, Massachusetts Director, Center for Leadership in Maternal
and Child Public Health DeeAnna Wales VanReken, MS, RDN,
Mary Russell, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND Associate Professor CD, IFNCP
Medical Science Liaison II Division of Epidemiology and Community Clinical Nutrition Specialist -
Medical Affairs Health Gastroenterology
Baxter Healthcare Corporation University of Minnesota Nutrition Services
Deerfield, Illinois; School of Public Health Swedish Medical Center
Lecturer Minneapolis, Minnesota Seattle, Washington
Chicago Medical School Catherine S. Sullivan, MPH, RDN, LDN, Katy G. Wilkens, MS, RDN
North Chicago, Illinois IBCLC, RLC, FAND Manager
Director, Assistant Professor Nutrition and Fitness Services
Janet E. Schebendach, PhD, RDN Maternal and Child Health-Carolina Global Northwest Kidney Centers
Assistant Professor Breastfeeding Institute Seattle, Washington
Psychiatry University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Columbia University Medical Center Chapel Hill, North Carolina Martin M. Yadrick, MBI, MS, RDN,
New York, New York FAND
Kathie Madonna Swift, MS, RDN, LDN, Director of Nutrition Informatics
Elizabeth Shanaman, RDN FAND Sales & Marketing
Lead Dietitian Co-Founder Computrition, Inc.
Nutrition West Hills, California
Northwest Kidney Centers Palm Harbor, Massachusetts
Seattle, Washington
Michael Hahn, BA Cristen L. Harris, PhD, RDN, CSSD, CD, Marion F. Winkler, PhD, RDN, LDN,
Health Science Policy Analyst CEP, FAND CNSC, FASPEN
All of Us Research Program Senior Lecturer, Core Faculty Associate Professor of Surgery and Surgical
National Institutes of Health School of Public Health, Nutritional Sciences Nutrition Specialist
Bethesda, Maryland Program Brown University School of Medicine and
University of Washington Rhode Island Hospital
Seattle, Washington Providence, Rhode Island
When I was first asked to revise this text in 1975, I said no. Why would rewarding occupation after four and a half decades, and yet thrilled to
I want to take on this herculean task? Times were good. We were wear- leave it in the capable hands of Janice Raymond and Kelly Morrow.
ing miniskirts, bell bottoms, and platform shoes; the Vietnam war was Janice has been co-editor and author for the previous two editions.
over, and a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had just been She is experienced in ensuring the information is evidenced-based
established. The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program for and logical, and because she continues to work as a clinical dietitian,
maternal and child nutrition was beginning, and total parenteral nu- she ensures it remains relevant. Kelly, who has been a Krause author,
trition (TPN), the new “wow” therapy, had just entered the scene. TPN will now add her influence as a leader in integrative and functional
was a powerful tool, and nutritionists knew it. Now we had a way to nutrition in her role as editor.
feed patients with nonfunctioning guts so that they could heal and Using an integrative and functional approach to nutritional care
survive. Feeding a very sick person could be targeted, scientific, and means considering nutrition status as a reflection of not only the
aggressive. TPN enabled premature infants to survive as I would learn nutrient intake of the individual but also the environmental influence
with my own preemie a decade later. It was an exciting time for a young on that nutrient intake. For example, what is the influence of the mi-
dietitian. And then to be able to take over the authorship of this already crobiome in the gut on nutrient absorption? Where is the individual’s
reputable text—well, wow! It couldn’t have been a better entry into a food grown? How is it grown and how does this affect its nutrient
career. I said yes. content? During processing, are chemicals added to the food, either
Marie Krause first penned this text in 1952, revised it for several with or without intent? What is the effect of lifestyle or culture on the
editions and then handed it over to me for the 6th edition. Since that individual’s food choices? It is exciting and intriguing to think about
time other co-editors (Arlin, Escott-Stump, and Raymond) and I, adding this content to the text.
along with many, many contributors, now considered family, have We plan that the Krause and Mahan text will continue to be the
sought to keep this text in the forefront of nutrition and dietetic edu- go-to resource for professors and students to learn not only the science
cation. We have navigated it through the waters of expanding nutrition of nutrition but also the art of nutrition care. We envision that
science and changing clinical care, aiming to offer it as a beacon of new learners will turn to it to gain the skills of dietetic/nutrition
learning for students and a reliable reference for clinicians and practi- practice—relating to the individual by asking the right questions,
tioners. Our goal has been to dispel myths and illuminate the truth. learning the person’s story, assessing nutritional needs, and providing
Over the 45 years that my team has been writing and editing this text, nutrition care and learning in a way that the individual and the family
we have been honored to hear it referred to as the “nutrition bible.” can respond to and use.
Many of our contributors are nationally acclaimed specialists in their I hope the writers of future editions will include content with a
fields and have gone on to write their own books as well as lead major consciousness toward sustainability and planet renewal as we deal with
professional nutrition organizations. This tome has become the nourishing an ever-growing population on our limited planet. How
students’ link to these leaders in nutrition. will we, the human global population, do that? How and when will we
During its almost 70 years, this textbook has changed considerably. stop contaminating the water and air that provides for life? What
It has been streamlined; content that can more efficiently be found in changes will need to be made in our food systems to ensure they are
other texts was omitted. More importantly, new content reflecting cur- sustainable? How will we continue as a species without causing the
rent science was added: chapters covering medical nutrition therapy extinction of other species? Going forward I hope these questions and
(MNT) for HIV and AIDS and nutrition for sports and performance hopefully many of the answers will be kept in mind as Krause and
appeared with the 8th edition (1992), a chapter on nutrigenomics and Mahan is written and revised. It is important work, and I would like to
integrative medicine and herbal therapy in the 10th edition (2000), a see this text at the center of its progress.
chapter on MNT in psychiatric disease in the 12th edition (2008), and It has been an honor to work with all our wonderful, committed
one on inflammation and chronic disease in the 14th edition (2017), authors and editors as well as the students and teachers who use the
just to name a few. book. I am blessed, and it couldn’t have happened without you. Thank
This edition has a new name—Krause and Mahan’s Food and the you from the bottom of my heart. You certainly made it a great ride!
Nutrition Care Process—and I leave as senior editor and author. L. Kathleen Mahan
My feelings are mixed. I am sad to say goodbye to such a fulfilling and January 6, 2020
Over its 15 editions, this classic text has continued to change in re- bioactive substances and integrative medical nutrition, education,
sponse to the ever-dynamic field of nutrition. And because it remains counseling, and referral when needed.
the most comprehensive nutrition textbook available, it is the reference Part 3, Nutrition in the Life Cycle, presents in-depth information
students take into their internships and careers. on nutrition for life stages for conception, pregnancy, and lactation.
Chapters on infancy, childhood, and adolescence highlight the impor-
tance of nutrition through critical periods of growth. A chapter on
AUDIENCE adult nutrition highlights risk factors for chronic diseases that usually
Scientific knowledge and clinical information is presented in a form start appearing in adulthood. Finally, nutrition for the aging adult is
that is useful to students in dietetics, nursing, and other allied health discussed in detail because of the growing need for nutrition services
professions in an interdisciplinary setting. It is valuable as a reference in this rapidly expanding population.
for other disciplines such as medicine, dentistry, child development, Part 4, Nutrition for Weight Management, provides a review of
physical and occupational therapy, health education, and lifestyle nutrition concepts for the achievement and maintenance of health and
counseling. Nutrient and assessment appendices, tables, illustrations, prevention of disease. Topics include weight management, disordered
and clinical insight boxes provide practical hands-on procedures and eating, dental health, bone health, and sports nutrition.
clinical tools for students and practitioners alike. Part 5, Medical Nutrition Therapy, reflects evidence-based knowl-
This textbook accompanies the graduating student into clinical edge and current trends in nutrition therapies including integrative
practice as a treasured shelf reference. The popular features remain: approaches. All of the chapters are written and reviewed by experts in
having basic information on nutrition in the life cycle all the way their field who present MNT for conditions such as cardiovascular
through to protocols for clinical nutrition practice in one place, disorders; cancer; diabetes; liver and digestive diseases; renal disease;
clinical management algorithms, focus boxes that give detailed in- pulmonary disease; HIV; endocrine disorders (including thyroid dis-
sight on emerging topics, sample nutrition diagnoses for clinical ease); and rheumatologic, neurologic, and psychiatric disorders.
scenarios, useful websites, and extensive appendices for patient edu- Part 6, Pediatric Specialties, describes the role of nutrition therapies
cation. All material reflects current evidence-based practice as con- in childhood. Chapters provide details for low-birthweight, neonatal
tributed by authors who are experts in their fields. This text is the intensive-care conditions, genetic metabolic disorders, and develop-
first choice in the field of dietetics for students, interns, educators, mental disabilities.
and clinicians.
ORGANIZATION The chapter on food–drug interaction was eliminated this edition.
This edition follows the Conceptual Framework for Steps of the Nutri- Input from our educators and readers indicated that this chapter was
tion Care Process. All nutritional care process components are not as useful as in the past due to the rapid changes that occur in the
addressed to enhance or improve the nutritional well-being of indi- pharmaceutical industry and because computer applications are now
viduals, their families, or populations. The chapters flow according to in widespread use. We have, however, continued to include a food–
the steps of assessment, nutrition diagnosis, intervention, monitoring, drug appendix.
and evaluation with the separation of the pediatric medical nutrition • New appendices on choline, biotin, the Mediterranean diet, and the
therapy (MNT) chapters into their own section to assist with that International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI).
specialty practice. • Updated and expanded integrative nutrition approaches.
Part 1, Nutrition Assessment, organizes content for an effective • Expanded section on pregnancy and lactation.
assessment. Chapters here provide an overview of the digestive system, • The chapter titled “Planning the Diet with Cultural Competence”
as well as calculation of energy requirements and expenditure, macro- has a new co-author and expanded international nutrition
nutrient and micronutrient needs, nutritional genomics, and food guidelines.
intake. A thorough review of biochemical tests, acid–base balance • All chapters were updated with an emphasis on cultural diversity.
issues, and medications promote the necessary insight for provision of • Many new authors have provided new insights to chapters on
excellent care. A chapter titled “Inflammation and the Pathophysiology cancer; GI; HIV; neurology; weight management; analysis of the
of Chronic Disease” addresses the latest knowledge about inflamma- diet; anemia; nutritional genomics; pulmonary, psychiatric, and
tion as a cause of chronic disease and the necessity of assessing for it. cognitive disorders; critical care; and intellectual and developmen-
The final chapter in this section addresses the behavioral aspects of an tal disabilities.
individual’s food choices within the community, a safe food supply, • New content highlight boxes on CRISPR, the Indigenous food
and available resources for sufficient food access. movement, hearing assessment, Health At Every Size, health
Part 2, Nutrition Diagnosis and Intervention, describes the critical disparities, and a tribute to Dr. George Blackburn.
thinking process from assessment to selection of relevant, timely, and
measurable nutrition diagnoses. These nutrition diagnoses can be re-
solved by the registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) or trained health
professional. The process is generally used for individuals but can be • Unique pathophysiology algorithms and flow charts present the
applied when helping families, teaching groups, or evaluating the cause, pathophysiology, and the medical nutrition management for
nutritional needs of a multicultural community or population. A a variety of disorders and conditions. They equip the reader with
nutrition diagnosis requires an intervention, and interventions relate an understanding of the illness as background for providing opti-
to food and nutrient delivery (including nutrition support), use of mal nutritional care in a variety of healthcare settings.
We sincerely thank the reviewers and especially contributors for this edition who have devoted hours
and hours of time and commitment to researching the book’s content for accuracy, reliability, and
practicality. We are greatly in debt to them and realize that we could not continue to produce this
book without them. In particular, we would like to acknowledge Ronona Crowder-Woods for her help
with the Diabetes chapter, Hillary Nason on the Mediterranean Diet appendix, Amanda Fredrickson
on the Diabetes Exchange List appendix, Linden Hale on the Biotin appendix and Maya DiTraglia on
the Choline appendix. Thank you!
We also wish to acknowledge the hard work of Sandra Clark, Senior Content Strategist, who keeps the
vision, and Danielle Frazier, Senior Content Developmental Specialist, who can get the “hot off the press”
items we’d like included, and Tracey Schriefer, Senior Project Manager, who amazingly keeps the manu-
script moving forward as she juggles between us and all others. Thank you!
Food provides energy and building materials for countless substances that are essential for the growth and survival of
every human being. This section opens with a brief overview of the digestion, absorption, transportation, and excretion
of nutrients. These remarkable processes convert complex molecules in food into individual nutrients ready to be used in
metabolism. Macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) each contribute to the total energy pool, but ultimately the
energy they yield is available for the work of the muscles and organs of the body. The way nutrients become integral parts
of the body and contribute to proper functioning depends heavily on the physiologic and biochemical processes
that govern their actions. It is now known that these metabolic processes are altered in the presence of acute and chronic
inflammation. Understanding the biomarkers and other indicators of inflammation is a critical component of nutrition
For the health provider, nutrition assessment is the first step in the nutrition care process. To implement a successful
nutrition plan, the assessment must include key elements of the patient’s clinical, medical, and social history, anthropo-
metric measurements, biochemical and laboratory values, information on medication and herbal supplement
use for potential food–drug interactions, plus a thorough food and nutrition intake history. Genetic research is rapidly
clarifying how genes and nutrition are interrelated. Nutrigenomics is the study of the effects of foods and nutrients on gene
expression and thus nutritional requirements. Thus the chapters in Part I provide an organized way to develop the skills
needed to make an assessment in the nutrition care process.
Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion,
Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients
Kelly A. Tappenden, PhD, RDN, FASPEN
amylase, pancreatic ghrelin pepsin
amylase, salivary glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) peristalsis
brush border membrane gut–brain axis prebiotic
chelation isomaltase probiotic
cholecystokinin (CCK) lactase proteolytic enzymes
chyme lipase, gastric secretin
colonic salvage lipase, pancreatic segmentation
crypts lipase, salivary somatostatin
diffusion, facilitated lipolytic enzymes sucrase
diffusion, passive maltase synbiotic
dysbiosis micelle transport, active
enterocytes microbiome transport, passive
enterohepatic circulation microbiota trypsin
enterokinase microvilli trypsinogen
enzymatic hydrolysis motilin unstirred water layer (UWL)
epithelial cells mucosa villi
gastrin parietal cells
One of the primary considerations for a complete nutrition assess- The GIT is designed to (1) digest the macronutrients protein, car-
ment is to consider the three-step model of “ingestion, digestion, bohydrates, and lipids from ingested foods and beverages; (2) absorb
and utilization.” In this model, consideration is given to each step fluids, digested macronutrients, micronutrients, and trace elements;
to identify all areas of inadequacy or excess. If there is any reason (3) provide a physical and immunologic barrier to pathogens, foreign
why a step is altered from physical, biochemical, or behavioral- material, and potential antigens consumed with food or formed dur-
environmental causes, the nutrition provider must select an appro- ing the passage of food through the GIT; (4) coordinate a response
priate nutrition diagnosis for which intervention is required. Intake to microbes and antigens with the systemic immune system, resulting
and assimilation of nutrients should lead to nutritional and overall in controlled levels of tolerance or inflammation; and (5) provide
health. regulatory and biochemical signaling to the nervous system, often
involving the intestinal microbiota, via a pathway known as the
gut–brain axis.
THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT The human GIT is well suited for digesting and absorbing nutrients
The GIT is one of the largest organs in the body, has the greatest sur- from a tremendous variety of foods, including meats, dairy products,
face area, has the largest number of immune cells, and is one of the fruits, vegetables, grains, complex starches, sugars, fats, and oils.
most metabolically active tissues in the body. The unique structure of Depending on the nature of the diet consumed, 90% to 97% of food
the GIT enables ample nutrient-processing capacity in healthy is digested and absorbed; most of the unabsorbed material is of plant
humans. The human GIT is about 9 meters long, extending from origin. Compared with ruminants and animals with a very large
the mouth to the anus and including the oropharyngeal structures, cecum, humans are considerably less efficient at extracting energy
esophagus, stomach, liver and gallbladder, pancreas, and small and from grasses, stems, seeds, and other coarse fibrous materials. Humans
large intestine (Fig. 1.1). lack the enzymes to hydrolyze the chemical bonds that link the mole-
cules of sugars that make up plant fibers. However, fibrous foods and
any undigested carbohydrates are fermented to varying degrees by
Sections of the chapter were written by Peter L. Beyer, MS, RDN for bacteria in the human colon; this process can contribute 5% to 10%
previous editions of this text. of the energy needed by humans.
CHAPTER 1 Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion, Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients 3
Salivary glands:
(mucus and digestive enzymes)
Epiglottis (open)
Liver ducts Pancreas
(digestive enzymes
Cystic duct
and insulin)
Gallbladder (bile)
Duodenum Pancreatic duct
Bile duct opening
(Large intestine)
Transverse colon
(small intestine)
Descending colon
Ascending colon
Ileum Cecum
Sigmoid colon
Fig. 1.1 The digestive system.
The structure of the small intestine is carefully designed to allow absorptive capacity are all reduced). Resumption of food intake
for a very large surface area that permits the adequate digestion stimulates epithelial cell proliferation and return of normal GI
and absorption of the nutrients from food. The lining of this hollow function after only a few days. This knowledge justifies the clinical
tube, called the mucosa, is configured in a pattern of folds that practice of feeding an individual orally and/or enterally (via tube),
contains invaginations called crypts and fingerlike projections called as opposed to intravenously (or parenterally), when adequate GIT
villi (Fig. 1.2). These crypt-villus units are lined with a single layer of function is present (see Chapter 12).
epithelial cells, many of which are enterocytes that contain even
smaller cylindrical extensions called microvilli. The epithelial cells BRIEF OVERVIEW OF DIGESTIVE AND ABSORPTIVE
lining the intestinal tract have a life span of approximately 3 to 5 days,
and then they are sloughed into the lumen and “recycled,” adding
to the pool of available nutrients. As the cells migrate from the crypt The sight, smell, taste, and even thought of food starts the secretions
along the villus, they mature and develop greater digestive and absorp- and movements of the GIT. In the mouth, chewing reduces the size of
tive function. food particles, which are mixed with salivary secretions that prepare
The health of the body depends on a healthy, functional them for swallowing. A small amount of starch is degraded by salivary
GIT. Because of the unusually high turnover rate and metabolic amylase, but digestion in the mouth is minimal. The esophagus trans-
requirements of the epithelial cells, gastrointestinal functions are ports food and liquid from the oral cavity and pharynx to the stomach.
particularly susceptible to impairment due to micronutrient defi- In the stomach, food is mixed with acidic fluid that contains proteo-
ciencies, protein-energy malnutrition, and damage resulting from lytic and lipolytic enzymes. Small amounts of lipid digestion take
toxins, drugs, irradiation, food allergy reactions, or interruption of place; some proteins change in structure due to denaturation and
its blood supply. Approximately 45% of the energy requirement partial digestion. When food reaches the appropriate consistency
of the small intestine and 70% of the energy requirement of cells lin- and concentration, it is now called chyme and passes from the stomach
ing the colon are supplied by nutrients passing through its lumen. into the small intestine, where most digestion takes place.
After only a few days of starvation or intravenous feeding (parenteral The first 100 cm of the small intestine is highly active, resulting in
nutrition), the intestinal mucosa atrophies (i.e., the surface area the digestion and absorption of most ingested food (Fig. 1.3). Here the
decreases and secretions, synthetic functions, blood flow, and presence of food stimulates the release of hormones that stimulate the
4 PART I Nutrition Assessment
GIT lumen each day—far more than the 2 L ingested through dietary
Oropharyngeal area
intake each day. All but 100 mL of the total fluid entering the lumen is
reabsorbed: about 7 L in the small intestine and about 2 L in the large
Esophagus Along the remaining length of the small intestine, almost all the
macronutrients, minerals, vitamins, trace elements, and fluid are
absorbed before reaching the colon. The colon and rectum absorb
Digestion most of the remaining fluid delivered from the small intestine. The
Secretion colon absorbs electrolytes and only a small amount of remaining
Absorption nutrients. The movement of ingested and secreted material in the
GIT is regulated primarily by hormones, nerves, and enteric muscles.
Most nutrients absorbed from the GIT enter the portal vein for
Stomach transport to the liver where they may be stored, transformed into other
substances, or released into circulation. However, end products of
most dietary fats are transported into the bloodstream via the
lymphatic circulation because they are not water soluble prior to
lipoprotein metabolism in the liver (see Chapter 28).
Gallbladder Nutrients reaching the distal small intestine and large intestine,
most notably fermentable dietary fiber and resistant starches, are
fermented by the microbiota located within the lumen of these intes-
tinal segments. Fermentation produces short-chain fatty acids
Duodenum Pancreas (SCFAs) and gas. SCFAs provide a preferred fuel source for cells of
the intestine, stimulate intestinal cell renewal and function, enhance
immune function, and regulate gene expression. In addition, some
carbohydrates have “prebiotic” functions that induce the growth and
activity of beneficial microbes within the intestinal microbiota. The
large intestine also provides temporary storage for waste products.
Jejunum The distal colon, rectum, and anus control defecation.
Enzymes in Digestion
Humans digest food using the chemical process called enzymatic
hydrolysis. Cofactors such as hydrochloric acid, bile, and sodium
bicarbonate facilitate these processes. Digestive enzymes synthesized
Ileum in specialized cells of the mouth, stomach, and pancreas are released
into the GIT lumen, whereas digestive enzymes synthesized in en-
terocytes of the small intestine remain embedded within the brush
border membrane. Except for fiber and resistant carbohydrates,
digestion and absorption of food is completed essentially in the
small intestine. Table 1.1 summarizes key enzymes involved in
human digestion.
Regulators of Gastrointestinal Activity:
Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms
Multiple layers of smooth muscle contract in coordinated patterns
to optimize nutrient digestion along the GIT. These smooth muscle
movements are regulated by the enteric nervous system and entero-
Fig. 1.2 Structure of the human intestine showing crypt-villus architec- endocrine hormones and facilitate mixing of chyme and digestive
ture and blood and lymph vessels. secretions (segmentation) or propulsion of luminal contents along
the length of the GIT (peristalsis). To enable such coordinated
actions, the enteric nervous system is integrated throughout the
production and release of powerful enzymes from the pancreas and lining of the GIT and responds to mucosal receptors that sense the
bile from the gallbladder. Starches and proteins are reduced to small- composition of chyme and distention of the lumen (i.e., fullness)
molecular-weight carbohydrates and small to medium-size peptides. and send impulses that coordinate the processes of digestion, secre-
Dietary fats are reduced from visible globules of fat to microscopic tion, absorption, and immunity.
droplets of triglycerides, then to free fatty acids and monoglycerides. Neurotransmitters from the central nervous system interface with
Enzymes located on the brush border membrane of the enterocytes the enteric nervous system to coordinate gastrointestinal functions
further reduce the remaining carbohydrates to monosaccharides such as motility, secretion, and blood flow. The GIT then largely regu-
and the remaining peptides to single amino acids, dipeptides, and lates its own motility and secretory activity. However, signals from
tripeptides. the central nervous system can override the enteric system and affect
Large volumes of fluid are used to digest and absorb nutrients. GIT function. Hormones, neuropeptides, and neurotransmitters in
Together with salivary and gastric secretions, secretions from the the GIT not only affect intestinal function but also have an effect on
pancreas, small intestine, and gallbladder secrete 7 L of fluid into the other nerves and tissues in many parts of the body. Some examples
CHAPTER 1 Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion, Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients 5
Goblet cell
Enteroendocrine cell
Lamina propria
Paneth cells
Muscularis mucosae
Lymph vessel
of neurotransmitters released from enteric nerve endings are listed making it the largest hormone-producing organ in the body (Rehfeld,
in Table 1.2. In people with gastrointestinal disease (e.g., infections, 2014). Gastrointestinal hormones are involved in initiating and termi-
inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome), the enteric nating feeding, signaling hunger and satiety, pacing movements of
nervous system may be overstimulated, resulting in abnormal secre- the GIT, governing gastric emptying, regulating blood flow and
tion, altered blood flow, increased permeability, and altered immune permeability, priming immune functions, and stimulating the growth
function. of cells (within and beyond the GIT). Ghrelin, a neuropeptide secreted
Autonomic innervation is supplied by the sympathetic fibers that from the stomach, and motilin, a related hormone secreted from the
run along blood vessels and by the parasympathetic fibers in the vagal duodenum, send a “hungry” message to the brain. Once food has been
and pelvic nerves. In general, sympathetic neurons, which are activated ingested, hormones PYY 3-36, CCK, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1),
by fear, anger, and stress, tend to slow transit of intestinal contents oxyntomodulin, pancreatic polypeptide, and gastrin-releasing poly-
by inhibiting neurons affecting muscle contraction and inhibiting peptide (bombesin) send signals to decrease hunger and increase
secretions. The parasympathetic nerves innervate specific areas of satiety (Rui, 2013). Some of the GI hormones, including some of
the alimentary tract and contribute to certain functions. For example, those that affect satiety, also tend to slow gastric emptying and
the sight or smell of food stimulates vagal activity and subsequent decrease secretions (e.g., somatostatin). Other GI hormones (e.g.,
secretion of acid from parietal cells within the stomach. The enteric motilin) increase motility.
nervous system also sends signals to the central nervous system that The signaling agents of the GIT also are involved in several meta-
are perceived as pain, nausea, urgency or gastric fullness, or gastric bolic functions. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP)
emptiness by way of the vagal and spinal nerves. Inflammation, dys- and GLP-1 are called incretin hormones because they help lower blood
motility, and various types of intestinal damage may intensify these sugar by facilitating insulin secretion, decreasing gastric emptying,
perceptions. and increasing satiety. Several of these hormones and analogs are
used in management of obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea,
Gastrointestinal Hormones diabetes, GI malignancies, and other conditions. This area of research
Regulation of the GIT involves numerous hormones that are secreted is critically important.
by enteroendocrine cells located within the epithelium lining of Some functions of the hormones that affect gastrointestinal cell
the GIT. These hormones can regulate function of the cell from growth, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, inflammation, prolif-
which they were secreted (autocrine), on neighboring cells (paracrine), eration, secretion, movement, or metabolism have not been fully iden-
or distant cells by traveling through the blood to their target organs tified. Knowledge of major hormone functions becomes especially
(endocrine). important when the sites of their secretion or action are diseased or
More than 100 peptide hormones and hormone-like growth factors removed in surgical procedures, or when hormones and their analogs
have been identified. Their actions are often complex and extend well are used to suppress or enhance some aspect of gastrointestinal func-
beyond the GIT. Some of the hormones (e.g., of the cholecystokinin tion. Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is an example of a hormone
[CCK] and somatostatin family) also serve as neurotransmitters secreted from the distal GIT that increases intestinal surface area and
between neurons. The GIT secretes more than 30 hormone families, enhances nutrient processing capacity. An analog of GLP-2, named
6 PART I Nutrition Assessment
teduglutide, recently has become available for treatment of patients for intestinal and pancreatic enzyme activity. The human receptor is
with short bowel syndrome who are dependent on parenteral nutri- found in the stomach and ductal and acinar cells of the pancreas. In
tion to meet their nutrient and fluid requirements (Seidner et al, different species, other organs may express secretin, including the liver,
2013; see Chapter 27). The key GIT hormones are summarized in colon, heart, kidney, and brain (Chey and Chang, 2014).
Table 1.3. Small bowel mucosal “I” cells secrete CCK, an important multi-
Gastrin, a hormone that stimulates gastric secretions and motility, functional hormone released in response to the presence of protein
is secreted primarily from endocrine “G” cells in the antral mucosa of and fat. Receptors for CCK are in pancreatic acinar cells, pancreatic
the stomach. Secretion is initiated by (1) impulses from the vagus islet cells, gastric somatostatin-releasing D cells, smooth muscle cells
nerve, such as those triggered by the smell or sight of food; (2) disten- of the GIT, and the central nervous system. Major functions of CCK
tion of the antrum after a meal; and (3) the presence of secretagogues are to (1) stimulate the pancreas to secrete enzymes, bicarbonate, and
in the antrum, such as partially digested proteins, fermented alcoholic water; (2) stimulate gallbladder contraction; (3) increase colonic
beverages, caffeine, or food extracts (e.g., bouillon). When the lumen and rectal motility; (4) slow gastric emptying; and (5) increase satiety.
gets more acidic, feedback involving other hormones inhibits gastrin CCK is also widely distributed in the brain and plays a role in neuronal
release (Chu and Schubert, 2013). Gastrin binds to receptors on pari- functioning.
etal cells and histamine-releasing cells to stimulate gastric acid, to Motilin is released by endocrine cells in the duodenal mucosa
receptors on chief cells to release pepsinogen, and to receptors on during fasting to stimulate gastric emptying and intestinal migrating
smooth muscle to increase gastric motility. contractions. Erythromycin, an antibiotic, has been shown to bind
Secretin, the first hormone to be named, is released from “S” cells to motilin receptors; thus analogs of erythromycin and motilin have
in the wall of the proximal small intestine into the bloodstream. been used as therapeutic agents to treat delayed gastric emptying
It is secreted in response to gastric acid and digestive end products (Wijeratne et al, 2016).
in the duodenum, wherein it stimulates the secretion of pancreatic Somatostatin, released by “D” cells in the antrum and pylorus,
juice and inhibits gastric acid secretion and emptying (the opposite is a hormone with far-reaching actions. Its primary roles are inhibi-
of gastrin). Neutralized acidity protects the duodenal mucosa from tory and antisecretory. It decreases motility of the stomach and intes-
prolonged exposure to acid and provides the appropriate environment tine and inhibits or regulates the release of several gastrointestinal
8 PART I Nutrition Assessment
hormones. Somatostatin and its analog, octreotide, are being used to the performance of sphincters. Certain foods and beverages may alter
treat certain malignant diseases, as well as numerous gastrointestinal LES pressure, permitting reflux of stomach contents back into the
disorders such as diarrhea, short bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, esophagus (see Chapter 26).
dumping syndrome, and gastric hypersecretion (Van Op den Bosch The stomach continuously mixes and churns food and normally
et al, 2009; see Chapters 26 and 27). releases the mixture in small quantities into the small intestine through
the pyloric sphincter. The amount emptied with each contraction
Digestion in the Mouth of the antrum and pylorus varies with the volume and type of
In the mouth, the teeth grind and crush food into small particles. The food consumed, but only a few milliliters are released at a time. The
food mass is simultaneously moistened and lubricated by saliva. Three presence of acid and nutrients in the duodenum stimulate the regula-
pairs of salivary glands—the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual tory hormone, GIP, to slow gastric emptying.
glands—produce approximately 1.5 L of saliva daily. Enzymatic diges- Most of a liquid meal empties from the stomach within 1 to
tion of starch and lipid is initiated in the mouth due to the presence 2 hours, and most of a solid meal empties within 2 to 3 hours. When
of amylase and salivary lipase, respectively, in saliva. This digestion is eaten alone, carbohydrates leave the stomach the most rapidly, fol-
minimal, and the salivary amylase becomes inactive when it reaches lowed by protein, fat, and fibrous food. In a meal with mixed types
the acidic contents of the stomach. Saliva also contains mucus, a pro- of foods, emptying of the stomach depends on the overall volume
tein that causes particles of food to stick together and lubricates the and characteristics of the foods. Liquids empty more rapidly than
mass for swallowing. solids, large particles empty more slowly than small particles, and
The masticated food mass, or bolus, is passed back to the pharynx energy-dense foods empty more slowly than those containing less
under voluntary control, but throughout the esophagus, the process of energy. These factors are important considerations for practitioners
swallowing (deglutition) is involuntary. Peristalsis then moves the food who counsel patients with nausea, vomiting, diabetic gastroparesis,
rapidly into the stomach (see Chapter 39 for a detailed discussion of or weight management concerns (see Chapters 26 and 20).
Digestion in the Small Intestine
Digestion in the Stomach The small intestine is the primary site for digestion of foods and nutri-
Food particles are propelled forward and mixed with gastric secretions ents. The small intestine is divided into the duodenum, the jejunum,
by wavelike contractions that progress forward from the upper portion and the ileum (see Fig. 1.2). The duodenum is approximately 0.5 m
of the stomach (fundus), to the midportion (corpus), and then to the long, the jejunum is 2 to 3 m, and the ileum is 3 to 4 m. Most of the
antrum and pylorus. In the stomach, gastric secretions mix with food digestive process is completed in the duodenum and upper jejunum,
and beverages producing a semiliquid slurry called chyme, which is and the absorption of most nutrients is largely complete by the time
50% water. An average of 2000 to 2500 mL of fluid is secreted daily the material reaches the middle of the jejunum. The acidic chyme from
in the stomach. These gastric secretions contain hydrochloric acid the stomach enters the duodenum, where it is mixed with secretions
(secreted by the parietal cells), pepsinogen, gastric lipase, mucus, from the pancreas, gallbladder, and duodenal epithelium. The sodium
intrinsic factor (a glycoprotein that facilitates vitamin B12 absorption bicarbonate contained within these secretions neutralizes the acidic
in the ileum), and gastrin. The protease, pepsin, is secreted in an inac- chyme and allows the digestive enzymes to work more effectively at
tive form, pepsinogen, which is converted by hydrochloric acid to its this location.
active form. Pepsin is active only in the acidic environment of the The entry of partially digested foods, primarily fats and protein,
stomach and acts to begin the process of protein digestion. stimulates the release of CCK, secretin, and GIP, which, in turn, stimu-
An acid-stable lipase is secreted into the stomach by chief cells. late the secretion of enzymes and fluids and affect gastrointestinal
Although this lipase is considerably less active than pancreatic lipase, it motility and satiety. Bile, which is predominantly a mixture of water,
contributes to the overall processing of dietary triglycerides. Gastric bile salts, and small amounts of pigments and cholesterol, is secreted
lipase is more specific for triglycerides composed of medium- and from the liver and gallbladder. Through their surfactant properties, the
short-chain fatty acids, but the usual diet contains few of these fats. bile salts facilitate the digestion and absorption of lipids, cholesterol,
Lipases secreted in the upper portions of the GIT may have a relatively and fat-soluble vitamins. Bile acids are also regulatory molecules; they
important role in the liquid diet of infants; however, when pancreatic activate the vitamin D receptor and cell-signaling pathways in the liver
insufficiency occurs, it becomes apparent that lingual and gastric li- and GIT that alter gene expression of enzymes involved in the regula-
pases are not sufficient to adequately digest fat from food and prevent tion of energy metabolism (Hylemon et al, 2009). Furthermore, bile
lipid malabsorption. acids play an important role in hunger and satiety.
When food is consumed, significant numbers of microorganisms The pancreas secretes potent enzymes capable of digesting all
are also consumed. The stomach pH is low, ranging from about 1 to 4. of the major nutrients, and enzymes from the small intestine help
The combined actions of hydrochloric acid and proteolytic enzymes complete the process. The primary lipid-digesting enzymes secreted
result in a significant reduction in the concentration of viable micro- by the pancreas are pancreatic lipase and colipase. Proteolytic
organisms. Some microbes may escape and enter the intestine if con- enzymes include trypsin and chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, ami-
sumed in sufficient concentrations or if achlorhydria, gastrectomy, nopeptidase, ribonuclease, and deoxyribonuclease. Trypsin and chy-
gastrointestinal dysfunction or disease, poor nutrition, or drugs that motrypsin are secreted in their inactive forms and are activated
suppress acid secretions are present. This may increase the risk of by enterokinase (also known as enteropeptidase), which is bound
pathogenic infection in the intestine. within the brush border membrane of enterocytes within the small
The lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which lies above the en- intestine. Pancreatic amylase eventually hydrolyzes large starch
trance to the stomach, prevents reflux of gastric contents into the molecules into units of approximately two to six sugars. Disacchari-
esophagus. The pyloric sphincter in the distal portion of the stomach dase enzymes bound in the enterocyte brush border membrane
helps regulate the exit of gastric contents, preventing backflow of further break down the carbohydrate molecules into monosaccha-
chyme from the duodenum into the stomach. Obesity, certain food, rides before absorption. Varying amounts of resistant starches and
gastrointestinal regulators, and irritation from nearby ulcers may alter most ingested dietary fiber escape digestion in the small intestine
CHAPTER 1 Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion, Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients 9
and may add to fibrous material available for fermentation by Absorptive and Transport Mechanisms
colonic microbes. Absorption is a complex process involving many distinct pathways for
Intestinal contents move along the small intestine at a rate of specific nutrients and/or ions. However, the two basic transport
approximately 1 cm per minute, taking from 3 to 8 hours to travel mechanisms used are passive and active transport. The primary differ-
through the entire intestine to the ileocecal valve; along the way, ences between the two are whether (1) the nutrient being transported
remaining substrates continue to be digested and absorbed. The ileo- is moving with a concentration gradient or (2) energy in the form of
cecal valve, like the pyloric sphincter, paces the entry of chyme into ATP is required because the nutrient being transported is moving
the colon and limits the amount of material passed back and forth against a concentration gradient.
between the small intestine and the colon. A damaged or nonfunc- Passive transport does not require energy, and nutrients move
tional ileocecal valve results in the entry of significant amounts of fluid from a location of high concentration to low concentration. With
and substrate into the colon and increases the chance for microbial passive transport a transport protein may or may not be involved. If
overgrowth in the small intestine (see Chapter 26). the nutrient moves through the brush border membrane without a
transport protein, this is termed passive diffusion, or simple passive
THE SMALL INTESTINE: PRIMARY SITE transport. However, in cases in which a transport protein assists the
passage of the nutrient across the brush border membrane, this pro-
cess is termed facilitated diffusion (Fig. 1.4).
The primary organ of nutrient and water absorption is the small intes- Active transport is the movement of molecules across cell mem-
tine, which has an expansive absorptive area. The surface area is branes in the direction against their concentration gradient and there-
attributable to its extensive length, as well as to the organization of fore requires a transporter protein and energy in the form of ATP.
the mucosal lining, wherein there are characteristic folds in its mucosal Some nutrients may share the same transporter and thus compete for
surface that are covered with fingerlike projections called villi and absorption. Transport or carrier systems also can become saturated,
invaginations called crypts (see Fig. 1.2). Enterocytes, a cell type that slowing the absorption of the nutrient. A notable example of such a
does much of the digestion and absorption are covered by microvilli, carrier is intrinsic factor, which is responsible for the absorption of
or the brush border membrane, which increases the surface area even vitamin B12 (see Chapter 26).
further. The combination of folds, the crypt-villus axis, and the brush
border membrane creates an enormous absorptive surface of approxi-
mately 200 to 300 m2—a surface area equivalent to a tennis court.
The villi rest on a supporting structure called the lamina propria. The large intestine is approximately 1.5 m long and consists of the
Within the lamina propria is connective tissue, immune cells, cecum, colon, rectum, and anal tract. Mucus secreted by the mucosa
and the blood and lymph vessels that receive the nutrients produced of the large intestine protects the intestinal wall from excoriation
during digestion. and bacterial activity and provides the medium for binding the feces
Each day, on average, the small intestine absorbs 150 to 300 g of together. Approximately 2 L of fluids are taken from food and bever-
monosaccharides, 60 to 100 g of fatty acids, 60 to 120 g of amino acids ages during the day, and 7 L of fluid is secreted along the GIT. Under
and peptides, and 50 to 100 g of ions. The capacity for absorption normal circumstances, most of that fluid is absorbed in the small
in the healthy individual far exceeds the normal macronutrient and intestine, and approximately 2 L of fluid enters the large intestine. All
energy requirements. Approximately 95% of the bile salts secreted but 100 to 150 mL of this fluid is absorbed; the remainder is excreted
from the liver and gallbladder are reabsorbed as bile acids in the distal in the feces.
ileum. Without recycling bile acids from the GIT (enterohepatic circu- The large intestine is also the site of bacterial fermentation of re-
lation), synthesis of new bile acids in the liver would not keep pace maining carbohydrates and amino acids, synthesis of a small amount
with needs for adequate digestion. Bile salt insufficiency becomes of vitamins (particularly vitamin K), storage, and excretion of fecal
clinically important in patients who have resections of the distal small residues. Colonic contents move forward slowly at a rate of 5 cm/h,
bowel and diseases affecting the small intestine, such as Crohn’s dis- and some remaining nutrients may be absorbed.
ease, radiation enteritis, and cystic fibrosis. The distal ileum is also the Defecation, or expulsion of feces through the rectum and anus,
site for vitamin B12 (with intrinsic factor) absorption. occurs with varying frequency, ranging from three times daily to once
High nutrient Low nutrient
concentration concentration
High nutrient
Energy concentration
Facilitated ATP
Simple diffusion diffusion
Fig. 1.4 Transport pathways through the cell membrane, as well as basic transport mechanisms. ATP,
Adenosine triphosphate.
10 PART I Nutrition Assessment
every 3 or more days. Average stool weight ranges from 100 to 200 g, fiber, resistant starches, remaining parts of amino acids, and mucus
and mouth-to-anus transit time may vary from 18 to 72 hours. The sloughed from the intestine are fermented by the microbes present.
feces generally consist of 75% water and 25% solids, but the propor- This process of fermentation produces gases (e.g., hydrogen, carbon
tions vary greatly. Approximately two-thirds of the contents of the wet dioxide, nitrogen, and, in some individuals, methane) and SCFAs
weight of the stool is bacteria, with the remainder coming from gastro- (e.g., acetic, propionic, butyric, and some lactic acids). During the
intestinal secretions, mucus, sloughed cells, microbiota, and undi- process, several nutrients are formed by bacterial synthesis, such as
gested foods. A diet that includes abundant fruits, vegetables, legumes, vitamin K, vitamin B12, thiamin, and riboflavin.
and whole grains typically results in a shorter overall GIT transit time, Strategies to stabilize and fortify the beneficial microbes within the
more frequent defecation, and larger and softer stools. microbiota in an attempt to maintain or improve health include the
consumption of prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics.
Intestinal Microbiota: The Microbiome Probiotics are live microorganisms, which, when administered in
The intestinal microbiota, also called the microbiome, is a dynamic adequate amounts, provide a health benefit to the host. Probiotics can
mixture of essential microbes that develops under key influences of be found within fermented food products (such as yogurt, miso, or
genetics, environment, diet, and disease. Bacterial population profiles sauerkraut) or as a nutritional supplement (Hill et al, 2014). Knowledge
differ along the gastrointestinal tract, from the lumen to the mucosa, of their role in preventing and treating a host of gastrointestinal and
and among individuals. The total microbiota population outnumbers systemic disorders has expanded tremendously in recent years (Floch,
the cells in the human body by a factor of 10 and accounts for 35% to 2018). However, when recommending a probiotic, practitioners must
50% of the volume of the colonic content. Key physiologic functions ensure that the specific microbial species has been shown in properly
of the commensal microbiota include (1) protective effects exerted controlled studies to provide benefits to health (see Chapter 11).
directly by specific bacterial species, (2) control of epithelial cell prolif- Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that act as a sub-
eration and differentiation, (3) production of essential mucosal nutri- strate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a
ents, such as short-chain fatty acids and amino acids, (4) prevention health benefit. Prebiotics typically require the following three attri-
of overgrowth of pathogenic organisms, (5) stimulation of intestinal butes to benefit “beneficial” microbes, such as Lactobacilli and Bifido-
immunity, and (6) development of the gut-brain axis (Kostic et al, bacteria spp.: (1) be able to escape digestion in the upper GIT, (2) be
2014; see Chapter 40). Reduced abundance or changes in the relative able to be fermented by the microbiota to SCFA(s), and (3) be able to
proportions of these beneficial bacteria, a state called dysbiosis, is as- increase the abundance and/or relative proportion of bacteria known
sociated with various diseases in both children and adults (Buccigrossi to contribute to human health. Good dietary sources of prebiotic
et al, 2013; Fig. 1.5). carbohydrates include vegetables (including onions, garlic, and as-
Normally, relatively few bacteria remain in the stomach and proxi- paragus), fruits (especially bananas, apples, stone fruits, and mangos),
mal small intestine after meals because bile, hydrochloric acid, and grains, legumes, chicory, Jerusalem artichokes, soybeans, and wheat
pepsin work as germicides. However, decreased gastric secretions bran. Strong evidence exists that consumption of specific prebiotics
can increase the risk of inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis), benefits the GIT including inhibition of pathogens and immune
increase the risk of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, or stimulation, cardiometabolic support (e.g., reduction in blood lipid
increase the numbers of microbes reaching the colon. An acid-tolerant levels, effects upon insulin resistance), mental health benefits (e.g.,
bacterium is known to infect the stomach (Helicobacter pylori) and metabolites that influence brain function, energy, and cognition) and
may cause gastritis and ulceration in the host (see Chapter 26). bone health (e.g., mineral bioavailability) (Gibson et al, 2017).
Bacterial abundance is the greatest and action is most intense in Synbiotics are a synergistic combination of both probiotics and
the distal small intestine and the large intestine. After a meal, dietary prebiotics in the same food or supplement.
Colonic Salvage of Malabsorbed Energy Sources 1-6 linkages. Most of the dietary starches are amylopectins, the branch-
and Short-chain Fatty Acids ing polysaccharides, and amylose, the straight chain–type polymers.
Normally, varying amounts of some small-molecular-weight carbohy- Dietary fiber also is made largely of chains and branches of sugar
drates and amino acids remain in the chyme after leaving the small molecules, but in this case the hydrogens are positioned on the beta
intestine. Accumulation of these small molecules could become (opposite) side of the oxygen in the link instead of the alpha side. Hu-
osmotically important were it not for the action of bacteria in the co- mans have significant ability to digest starch but not most fiber; this
lon. The disposal of residual substrates through production of SCFAs exemplifies the “stereospecificity” of enzymes.
is called colonic salvage. SCFAs produced in fermentation are rapidly In the mouth, the enzyme salivary amylase operates at a neutral
absorbed and take water with them. They also serve as fuel for the or slightly alkaline pH and starts the digestive action by hydrolyzing
colonocytes and the microbiota, stimulate colonocyte proliferation a small amount of the starch molecules into smaller fragments
and differentiation, enhance the absorption of electrolytes and water, (Fig. 1.6). Amylase deactivates after contact with hydrochloric
and reduce the osmotic load of malabsorbed sugars. SCFAs also may acid. If digestible carbohydrates remained in the stomach long enough,
help slow the movement of GI contents and participate in several other acid hydrolysis could eventually reduce most of them into monosac-
regulatory functions. charides. However, the stomach usually empties before significant
The ability to salvage carbohydrates is limited in humans. Colonic digestion can take place. By far, most carbohydrate digestion occurs in
fermentation normally disposes of 20 to 25 g of carbohydrates over the proximal small intestine.
24 hours. Excess amounts of carbohydrates and fermentable fiber in Pancreatic amylase breaks the large starch molecules at the 1-4 link-
the colon can cause increased gas production, abdominal distention, ages to create maltose, maltotriose, and “alpha-limit” dextrins remain-
bloating, pain, flatulence, decreased colonic pH, and diarrhea. Over ing from the amylopectin branches. Enzymes from the brush border of
time, adaptation occurs in individuals consuming diets high in fiber. the enterocytes further break the disaccharides and oligosaccharides
Current recommendations are for the consumption of approximately into monosaccharides. For example, maltase located at the enterocyte
14 g of dietary fiber per 1000 kcal consumed each day. This recom- brush border membrane breaks down the disaccharide maltose into
mendation can be met by consuming ample fruits, vegetables, two molecules of glucose. The brush border membrane also contains
legumes, seeds, and whole grains and is aimed to (1) support cardio- the enzymes sucrase, lactase, and isomaltase, which act on sucrose,
vascular health, (2) maintain the health of the colonic epithelium, lactose, and isomaltose, respectively (Fig. 1.7).
(3) prevent constipation, and (4) support stable, health-promoting The resultant monosaccharides (i.e., glucose, galactose, and fruc-
microbiota. tose) pass through the enterocytes and into the bloodstream via the
capillaries of the villi, where they are carried by the portal vein to the
liver. At low concentrations, glucose and galactose are absorbed by ac-
Digestion and Absorption of Specific Types of Nutrients tive transport, primarily by a sodium-dependent active transporter
Carbohydrates and Fiber called the sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT1). At higher luminal
Most dietary carbohydrates are consumed in the form of starches, concentrations of glucose, the facilitative transporter GLUT2 becomes
disaccharides, and monosaccharides. Starches, or polysaccharides, a primary route for transport of glucose from the lumen into the
usually make up the greatest proportion of carbohydrates. Starches enterocyte. Fructose is absorbed from the intestinal lumen across
are large molecules composed of straight or branched chains of the brush border membrane using the facilitative transporter, GLUT5.
sugar molecules that are joined together, primarily in alpha 1-4 or All three monosaccharides—glucose, galactose, and fructose—exit the
Salivary amylase
Pancreatic amylase
STARCH DEXTRIN Maltose molecules
MOLECULE MOLECULE Smaller dextrin molecules Intestinal maltase
Fig. 1.6 The gradual breakdown of large starch molecules into glucose by digestion enzymes.
12 PART I Nutrition Assessment
GLUT2 GLUT2 membrane
Fig. 1.7 Starch, sucrose, maltotriose, and galactose are digested to their constituent sugars. Glucose and
galactose are transported through the apical brush border membrane of the enterocyte by a sodium-
dependent transporter, glucose (galactose) cotransporter; fructose is transported by glucose transporter 5
(GLUT5). Glucose, fructose, and galactose are transported across the serosal membrane by the sodium-
independent transporter, GLUT2.
basolateral membrane of the enterocyte into portal circulation using supply. In general, animal proteins are more efficiently digested
the facilitative transporter, GLUT2. than plant proteins, but human physiology allows for very effective
The active transporter, SGLT1, is key to the ability of the small in- digestion and absorption of large amounts of ingested protein
testine to absorb 7 L of fluid each day and provides the basis for why sources.
oral rehydration solutions, rather than water or sugary drinks, should Protein digestion begins in the stomach, where some of the pro-
be used to treat dehydration. In addition to transporting sodium and teins are split into proteoses, peptones, and large polypeptides. Inactive
glucose, SGLT1 functions as a molecular water pump. For each mole- pepsinogen is converted into the enzyme pepsin when it contacts
cule of glucose absorbed by SGLT1, two molecules of sodium and 210 hydrochloric acid and other pepsin molecules. Unlike any of the
molecules of water also are absorbed. Given that this is a major path- other proteolytic enzymes, pepsin digests collagen, the major protein
way for water absorption in the small intestine, to facilitate water ab- of connective tissue. Most protein digestion takes place in the upper
sorption, sodium and glucose also must be present in the right portion of the small intestine, but it continues throughout the GIT.
amounts. This explains why the most effective oral rehydration solu- Any residual protein fractions are fermented by colonic microbes.
tions often include both sugar and salt, in addition to water. Contact between chyme and the intestinal mucosa allows for the
Some forms of carbohydrates (i.e., cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, action of the brush border–bound enterokinase, an enzyme that
gum, and other forms of fiber) cannot be digested by humans because transforms inactive pancreatic trypsinogen into active trypsin, the
neither salivary nor pancreatic amylase has the ability to split the link- major pancreatic protein-digesting enzyme. Trypsin, in turn, activates
ages connecting the constituent sugars. These carbohydrates pass rela- the other pancreatic proteolytic enzymes. Pancreatic trypsin, chymo-
tively unchanged into the colon, where they are partially fermented by trypsin, and carboxypeptidase break down intact protein and continue
bacteria in the colon. However, unlike humans, cows and other rumi- the breakdown started in the stomach until small polypeptides and
nants can subsist on high-fiber food because of the bacterial digestion amino acids are formed.
of these carbohydrates that takes place in the rumen. Other resistant Proteolytic peptidases located on the brush border also act on poly-
starches and sugars are also less well digested or absorbed by humans; peptides, breaking them down into amino acids, dipeptides, and tri-
thus their consumption may result in significant amounts of starch peptides. The final phase of protein digestion takes place in the brush
and sugar in the colon. These resistant starches and some types of di- border, where some of the dipeptides and tripeptides are hydrolyzed
etary fiber are fermented into SCFAs and gases. Starches resistant to into their constituent amino acids by peptide hydrolases.
digestion tend to include plant foods with a high protein and fiber End products of protein digestion are absorbed as both amino ac-
content such as those from legumes and whole grains. ids and small peptides. Several transport molecules are required for the
different amino acids, probably because of the wide differences in the
Proteins size, polarity, and configuration of the different amino acids. Some of
Protein intake in the Western world ranges from approximately 50 to the transporters are sodium or chloride dependent, and some are not.
100 g daily, and a good deal of the protein consumed is from animal Considerable amounts of dipeptides and tripeptides also are absorbed
sources. Additional protein is added all along the GIT from gastroin- into intestinal cells using a peptide transporter, a form of active trans-
testinal secretions and sloughed epithelial cells. The GIT is one of the port (Wuensch et al, 2013). Absorbed peptides and amino acids are
most active synthetic tissues in the body, and the life span of entero- transported to the liver via the portal vein for metabolism by the liver
cytes migrating from the crypts of the villi until they are shed is and are released into the general circulation.
only 3 to 5 days. The number of cells shed daily is in the range of The presence of antibodies to many food proteins in the circulation
10 to 20 billion. The latter accounts for an additional 50 to 60 g of of healthy individuals indicates that immunologically significant
protein that is digested and “recycled” and contributes to the daily amounts of large intact peptides escape hydrolysis and can enter the
CHAPTER 1 Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion, Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients 13
portal circulation. The exact mechanisms that cause a food to become of bile acids may circulate from 3 to 15 times per day, depending on
an allergen are not entirely clear, but these foods tend to be high in the amount of food ingested.
protein, to be relatively resistant to complete digestion, and to produce The cellular mechanism(s) whereby fatty acids traverse the brush
an immunoglobulin response (see Chapter 25). With new technology, border membrane include both passive diffusion (a form of transport
it is possible to map and characterize allergenic peptides; this eventu- that does not require energy), and active transport processes. Tradi-
ally will lead to better diagnosis and development of safe immuno- tionally, the absorption of lipid was thought to be passive, wherein
therapy treatments (Melioli et al, 2014). lipid molecules would solubilize through the brush border membrane
Almost all protein is absorbed by the time it reaches the end of the in a manner driven by diffusion down the concentration gradient into
jejunum, and only 1% of ingested protein is found in the feces. Small the enterocyte. The inwardly directed concentration gradient was
amounts of amino acids may remain in the epithelial cells and are used thought to be maintained in the fed state by the high concentration of
for synthesis of new proteins, including intestinal enzymes and new fatty acids within the intestinal lumen and the rapid scavenging of free
cells. fatty acids for triglyceride reformation once inside the enterocyte. Cur-
rent theories indicate that both passive diffusion and carrier-mediated
Lipids mechanisms contribute to lipid absorption. At low fatty acid concen-
Approximately 97% of dietary lipids are in the form of triglycerides, trations, carrier-mediated mechanisms take precedence with little pas-
and the rest are found as phospholipids and cholesterol. Only small sive diffusion occurring. However, when free fatty acid concentration
amounts of fat are digested in the mouth by lingual lipase and in the in the intestinal lumen is high, absorption of fatty acids via passive
stomach from the action of gastric lipase. Gastric lipase hydrolyzes diffusion becomes quantitatively important.
some triglycerides, especially short-chain triglycerides (such as those In the enterocyte, the fatty acids and monoglycerides are reas-
found in butter), into fatty acids and glycerol. However, most fat diges- sembled into new triglycerides. Others are further digested into free
tion takes place in the small intestine as a result of the emulsifying fatty acids and glycerol and then reassembled to form triglycerides.
action of bile salts and hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase. As in the case of These triglycerides, along with cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins, and
carbohydrates and protein, the capacity for digestion and absorption phospholipids, are surrounded by a lipoprotein coat, forming chy-
of dietary fat is in excess of ordinary needs. lomicrons (see Fig. 1.8). The lipoprotein globules pass into the
Entrance of fat and protein into the small intestine stimulates the lymphatic system instead of entering portal blood and are trans-
release of CCK, secretin, and GIP, which inhibit gastric secretions and ported to the thoracic duct and emptied into the systemic circulation
motility, thus slowing the delivery of lipids. As a result, a portion of a at the junction of the left internal jugular and left subclavian veins.
large, fatty meal may remain in the stomach for 4 hours or longer. The chylomicrons then are carried through the bloodstream to several
In addition to its many other functions, CCK stimulates biliary and tissues, including liver, adipose tissue, and muscle. In the liver, triglyc-
pancreatic secretions. The combination of the peristaltic action of the erides from the chylomicrons are repackaged into very-low-density
small intestine and the surfactant and emulsification action of bile lipoproteins and transported primarily to the adipose tissue for me-
reduces the fat globules into tiny droplets, thus making them more tabolism and storage.
accessible to digestion by the most potent lipid-digesting enzyme, Under normal conditions approximately 95% to 97% of ingested
pancreatic lipase. fat is absorbed into lymph vessels. Because of their shorter length and
Bile is a liver secretion composed of bile acids (primarily conjugates thus increased solubility, fatty acids of 8 to 12 carbons (i.e., medium-
of cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids with glycine or taurine), bile chain fatty acids) can be absorbed directly into colonic mucosal cells
pigments (which color the feces), inorganic salts, some protein, choles- without the presence of bile and micelle formation. After entering
terol, lecithin, and many compounds such as detoxified drugs that mucosal cells, they are able to go directly without esterification into the
are metabolized and secreted by the liver. From its storage organ, the portal vein, which carries them to the liver.
gallbladder, approximately 1 L of bile is secreted daily in response to Increased motility, intestinal mucosal changes, pancreatic insuffi-
the stimulus of food in the duodenum and stomach. ciency, or the absence of bile can decrease the absorption of fat. When
Emulsification of fats in the small intestine is followed by their undigested fat appears in the feces, the condition is known as steator-
digestion, primarily by pancreatic lipase, into free fatty acids and rhea (see Chapter 27). Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have fatty
monoglycerides. Pancreatic lipase typically cleaves the first and third acids 8 to 12 carbons long; MCTs are clinically valuable for individuals
fatty acids, leaving a single fatty acid esterified to the middle glycerol who lack necessary bile salts for long-chain fatty acid metabolism
carbon. When the concentration of bile salts reaches a certain level, and transport. Supplements for clinical use normally are provided in
they form micelles (small aggregates of fatty acids, monoglycerides, the form of oil or a dietary beverage with other macronutrients and
cholesterol, bile salts, and other lipids), which are organized with the micronutrients.
polar ends of the molecules oriented toward the watery lumen of
the intestine. The products of lipid digestion are solubilized rapidly in Vitamins and Minerals
the central portion of the micelles and carried to the intestinal brush Vitamins and minerals from foods are made available as macronutri-
border (Fig. 1.8). ents and are digested and absorbed across the mucosal layer, primar-
At the surface of the unstirred water layer (UWL), the slightly ily in the small intestine (Fig. 1.9). Besides adequate passive and
acidic and watery plate that forms a boundary between the intestinal transporter mechanisms, various factors affect the bioavailability of
lumen and the brush border membranes, the lipids detach from the vitamins and minerals, including the presence or absence of other
micelles. Remnants of the micelles return to the lumen for further specific nutrients, acid or alkali, phytates, and oxalates. The liters of
transport. The monoglycerides and fatty acids thus are left to make fluid that are secreted each day from the GIT serve as a solvent, a
their way across the lipophobic UWL to the more lipid-friendly mem- vehicle for chemical reactions, and a medium for transfer of several
brane cells of the brush border. Upon release of the lipid components, nutrients.
luminal bile salts are reabsorbed actively in the terminal ileum and At least some vitamins and water pass unchanged from the small
returned to the liver to reenter the gut in bile secretions. This efficient intestine into the blood by passive diffusion, but several different
recycling process is known as the enterohepatic circulation. The pool mechanisms may be used to transport individual vitamins across the
14 PART I Nutrition Assessment
Bile salts
LIPID Intestinal
Bile salts
Pancreatic lipase
mucosa. Drugs are absorbed by a number of mechanisms but often by and oxalates from plants impair the absorption of iron and zinc,
passive diffusion. Thus drugs may share or compete with mechanisms absorption is generally better when animal sources are consumed. Fer-
for the absorption nutrients into intestinal cells. menting, soaking, sprouting and pretreatment with phytase enzymes
Mineral absorption is more complex, especially the absorption of improves the bioavailability of iron and zinc from plant based foods
the cation minerals. These cations, such as selenium, are made available such as grains, legumes, nuts and seeds (Gupta et al, 2015). The absorp-
for absorption by the process of chelation, in which a mineral is bound tion of zinc is impaired with disproportionately increased amounts of
to a ligand—usually an acid, an organic acid, or an amino acid—so that magnesium, calcium, and iron. Calcium absorption into the entero-
it is in a form absorbable by intestinal cells (see Chapter 11). cyte occurs through channels in the brush border membrane, where
Iron and zinc absorption share several characteristics in that the it is bound to a specific protein carrier for transportation across the
efficiency of absorption partly depends on the needs of the host. They basolateral membrane. The process is regulated by the presence of
also use at least one transport protein, and each has mechanisms vitamin D. Phosphorus is absorbed by a sodium phosphorus cotrans-
to increase absorption when stores are inadequate. Because phytates porter, which also is regulated by vitamin D or low phosphate intake.
CHAPTER 1 Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion, Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients 15
amylase Mouth
Gastric juice
• Pepsin
• HCl Alcohol
• Intrinsic Factor
Pancreas Duodenum
Pancreatic secretions Cl–, SO4=
• Bicarbonate Iron
• Enzymes
Gallbladder Bile Zinc
Glucose, galactose, fructose
Intestinal brush Amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides
border enzymes Vitamin C Heart
Thiamin Water-
Riboflavin soluble
Pyridoxine vitamins Lacteals
(lymphatic Left subclavian
Folic acid and left internal
Vitamins A, D, E, K jugular veins
Ileum Bile salts and vitamin B12
Na, K
Vitamin K formed by
bacterial action
portal vein Liver
Fig. 1.9 Sites of secretion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
The GIT is the site of important interactions among minerals. Toxicity from minerals usually results only after this buffering capacity
Supplementation with large amounts of iron or zinc may decrease is exceeded.
the absorption of copper. In turn, the presence of copper may
lower iron and molybdenum absorption. Cobalt absorption is
increased in patients with iron deficiency, but cobalt and iron
compete and inhibit one another’s absorption. These interactions Assessment of the function of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is
are probably the result of an overlap of mineral absorption essential to the nutrition care process. Several nutrition diagnoses
mechanisms. can be identified when assessing GIT function. Common or possible
Minerals are transported in blood bound to protein carriers. The nutrition diagnoses related to digestion or metabolism include:
protein binding is either specific (e.g., transferrin, which binds with Altered GI function (NC-1.4)
iron, or ceruloplasmin, which binds with copper) or general (e.g., al- Imbalance of nutrients (NI-5.4)
bumin, which binds with a variety of minerals). A fraction of each Increased nutrient needs (NI-5.1)
mineral also is carried in the serum as amino acid or peptide com- Altered nutrition related laboratory values (NC-2.2)
plexes. Specific protein carriers are usually not completely saturated; Inadequate or excessive fluid intake (NI-3.1 and NI-3.2)
the reserve capacity may serve as a buffer against excessive exposure. Food–medication interaction (NC-2.3)
16 PART I Nutrition Assessment
Hylemon PB, Zhou H, Pandak WM, et al: Bile acids as regulatory molecules,
USEFUL WEBSITES J Lipid Res 50:1509, 2009.
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Kostic AD, Xavier RJ, Gevers D: The microbiome in inflammatory bowel dis-
NIH Digestive Diseases ease: current status and the future ahead, Gastroenterology 146:1489, 2014.
Melioli G, Passalacqua G, Canonica GW: Novel in silico technology in combi-
NIH Human Microbiome Project
nation with microarrays: a state-of-the-art technology for allergy diagnosis
and management? Expert Rev Clin Immunol 10:1559, 2014.
Rehfeld JF: Gastrointestinal hormones and their targets, Adv Exp Med Biol
817:157, 2014.
REFERENCES Rui L: Brain regulation of energy balance and body weight, Rev Endocr Metab
Disord 14:387, 2013.
Buccigrossi V, Nicastro E, Guarino A: Functions of intestinal microflora in
Seidner DL, Schwartz LK, Winkler MF, et al: Increased intestinal absorption in
children, Curr Opin Gastroenterol 29:31, 2013.
the era of teduglutide and its impact on management strategies in patients
Chey WY, Chang TM: Secretin: historical perspective and current status,
with short bowel syndrome-associated intestinal failure, JPEN J Parenter
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Enteral Nutr 37:201, 2013.
Chu S, Schubert ML: Gastric secretion, Curr Opin Gastroenterol 29:636, 2013.
Van Op den Bosch J, Adriaensen D, Van Nassauw L, et al: The role(s) of soma-
Floch MH: The role of prebiotics and probiotics in gastrointestinal disease,
tostatin, structurally related peptides and somatostatin receptors in the
Gastroenterol Clin North Am 47:179, 2018.
gastrointestinal tract: a review, Regul Pept 156:1, 2009.
Gibson GR, Hutkins R, Sanders ME, et al: The International Scientific Associa-
Wijeratne T, Patel AM, Jowhari F, et al: Erythromycin and related macrolides
tion for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on the defi-
for gastroparesis, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4, 2016
nition and scope of prebiotics, Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 14:491, 2017.
Wuensch T, Schulz S, Ullrich S, et al: The peptide transporter PEPT1 is ex-
Gupta RK, Gangoliya SS, Singh NK. Reduction of phytic acid and enhance-
pressed in distal colon in rodents and humans and contributes to water
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Hill C, Guarner F, Reid G, et al: Expert consensus document. The Interna-
tional Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics consensus
statement on the scope and appropriate use of the term probiotic, Nat Rev
Gastroenterol Hepatol 11:506, 2014.
Intake: Energy
Carol S. Ireton-Jones, PhD, RDN, LD, CNSC, FASPEN, FAND
activity thermogenesis (AT) facultative thermogenesis obligatory thermogenesis
basal energy expenditure (BEE) fat-free mass (FFM) physical activity level (PAL)
basal metabolic rate (BMR) high-metabolic-rate organ (HMRO) respiratory quotient (RQ)
calorie indirect calorimetry (IC) resting energy expenditure (REE)
direct calorimetry kilocalorie (kcal) resting metabolic rate (RMR)
estimated energy requirement (EER) lean body mass (LBM) thermic effect of food (TEF)
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption metabolic equivalents (METs) total energy expenditure (TEE)
(EPOC) nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)
Energy may be defined as “the capacity to do work.” The ultimate but it is not a reliable indicator of macronutrient or micronutrient
source of all energy in living organisms is the sun. Through the process adequacy. In addition, because body weight is affected by body compo-
of photosynthesis, green plants intercept a portion of the sunlight sition, a person with a higher lean mass to body fat mass or body
reaching their leaves and capture it within the chemical bonds of fat mass to lean mass may require different energy intakes compared
glucose. Proteins, fats, and other carbohydrates are synthesized from with the norm or “average” person. Obese individuals have higher
this basic carbohydrate to meet the needs of the plant. Animals energy needs because of an increase in body fat mass and lean body
and humans obtain these nutrients and the energy they contain by mass (Kee et al, 2012).
consuming plants and the flesh of other animals.
The body makes use of the energy from dietary carbohydrates,
proteins, fats, and alcohol; this energy is locked in chemical bonds
within food and is released through metabolism. Energy must be Energy is expended by the human body in the form of basal energy
supplied regularly to meet the needs for the body’s survival. Although expenditure (BEE), thermic effect of food (TEF), and activity thermo-
all energy eventually takes the form of heat, which dissipates into the genesis (AT). These three components make up a person’s daily total
atmosphere, unique cellular processes first make possible its use for energy expenditure (TEE).
all the tasks required for life. These processes involve chemical reac-
tions that maintain body tissues, electrical conduction of the nerves, Basal and Resting Energy Expenditure
mechanical work of the muscles, and heat production to maintain BEE, or basal metabolic rate (BMR), is the minimum amount of
body temperature. energy expended that is compatible with life. An individual’s BEE
reflects the amount of energy used for 24 hours while physically and
mentally at rest in a thermoneutral environment that prevents the
ENERGY REQUIREMENTS activation of heat-generating processes, such as shivering. Measure-
Energy requirements are defined as the dietary energy intake that ments of BEE should be done before an individual has engaged in
is required for growth or maintenance in a person of a defined age, any physical activity (preferably on awakening from sleep) and 10 to
gender, weight, height, and level of physical activity. In children and 12 hours after the ingestion of any food, drink, or nicotine. The BEE
pregnant or lactating women, energy requirements include the needs remains remarkably constant on a daily basis.
associated with the deposition of tissues or the secretion of milk at Resting energy expenditure (REE), or resting metabolic rate
rates consistent with good health. In ill or injured people, the stressors (RMR), is the energy expended in the activities necessary to sustain
have an effect by increasing or decreasing energy expenditure. normal body functions and homeostasis. These activities include
Body weight is one indicator of energy adequacy or inadequacy. respiration and circulation, the synthesis of organic compounds, and
The body has the unique ability to shift the fuel mixture of carbohy- the pumping of ions across membranes. REE, or RMR, includes the
drates, proteins, and fats to accommodate energy needs. However, energy required by the central nervous system and for the maintenance
consuming too much or too little energy over time results in body of body temperature. It does not include thermogenesis, activity, or
weight changes. Thus body weight reflects adequacy of energy intake, other energy expenditure and is higher than the BEE by 10% to 20%
18 PART I Nutrition Assessment
(Ireton-Jones, 2010). The terms REE and RMR and BEE and BMR can but methodology related to measurement of body fat may cause
be used interchangeably, but REE and BEE are used in this chapter. inaccuracies in body fat and REE (Wang et al, 2012).
Climate. The REE is affected by extremes in environmental tem-
Factors Affecting Resting Energy Expenditure perature. People living in tropical climates usually have REEs that are
Numerous factors cause the REE to vary among individuals, but body 5% to 20% higher than those living in temperate areas. Exercise in
size and composition have the greatest effect. See Chapter 5 for discus- temperatures greater than 86°F imposes a small additional metabolic
sion of methods used to determine body composition. load of approximately 5% from increased sweat gland activity.
Age. Because REE is highly affected by the proportion of lean The extent to which energy metabolism increases in extremely cold
body mass (LBM), it is highest during periods of rapid growth, espe- environments depends on the insulation available from body fat and
cially the first and second years of life. Growing infants may store as protective clothing.
much as 12% to 15% of the energy value of their food in the form of Gender. Gender differences in metabolic rates are attributable
new tissue. As a child becomes older, the energy requirement for primarily to differences in body size and composition. Women,
growth is reduced to approximately 1% of TEE. After early adulthood who generally have more fat in proportion to muscle than men, have
there is a decline in REE of 1% to 2% per kilogram of fat-free mass metabolic rates that are approximately 5% to 10% lower than men
(FFM) per decade (Keys et al, 1973). Fortunately, exercise can help of the same weight and height. However, with aging, this difference
maintain a higher LBM and a higher REE. Decreases in REE with becomes less pronounced (Cooper et al, 2013).
increasing age may be partly related to age-associated changes in the Hormonal status. Hormones affect metabolic rate. Endocrine
relative size of LBM components (Cooper et al, 2013). disorders, such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, increase or
Body composition. FFM, or LBM, makes up most of the metaboli- decrease energy expenditure, respectively (see Chapter 30). Stimula-
cally active tissue in the body and is the primary predictor of REE. tion of the sympathetic nervous system during periods of emotional
FFM contributes to approximately 80% of the variations in REE excitement or stress causes the release of epinephrine, which pro-
(Wang et al, 2010). Because of their greater FFM, athletes with greater motes glycogenolysis and increased cellular activity. Ghrelin and
muscular development have an approximately 5% higher REE peptide YY are gut hormones involved in appetite regulation and
than nonathletic individuals. Organs in the body contribute to heat energy homeostasis (Larson-Meyer et al, 2010). The metabolic rate
production (Fig. 2.1). Approximately 60% of REE can be accounted for of women fluctuates with the menstrual cycle. During the luteal phase
by the heat produced by high-metabolic-rate organs (HMROs): the (i.e., the time between ovulation and the onset of menstruation),
liver, brain, heart, spleen, intestines, and kidneys). Indeed, differences metabolic rate increases slightly (Ferraro et al, 1992). During preg-
in FFM between ethnic groups may be related to the total mass of these nancy, growth in uterine, placental, and fetal tissues, along with the
as well as musculature and presence of obesity (Wang et al, 2012). mother’s increased cardiac workload, contributes to gradual increases
Relatively small individual variation in the mass of the liver, brain, in BEE of around 15% (Chapter 14).
heart, spleen, and kidneys, collectively or individually, can significantly Temperature. Fevers increase REE by approximately 7% for each
affect REE (Javed et al, 2010). As a result, estimating the percentage of degree of increase in body temperature above 98.6°F or 13% for
energy expenditure that appendages (arms and legs) account for in each degree more than 37°C, as noted by classic studies (Hardy and
overall daily energy expenditure is difficult, although it is presumably DuBois, 1937).
a small amount. Other factors. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol stimulate metabolic
Body size. Larger people generally have higher metabolic rates rate. Caffeine intakes of 200 to 350 mg in men or 240 mg in women
than smaller people, but tall, thin people have higher metabolic rates may increase mean REE by 7% to 11% and 8% to 15%, respectively
than short, stocky people. For example, if two people weigh the same (Compher et al, 2006). Nicotine use increases REE by approximately
but one person is taller, the taller person has a larger body surface 3% to 4% in men and by 6% in women; alcohol consumption
area and a higher metabolic rate. Obesity is a major confounder in increases REE in women by 9% (Compher et al, 2006). Under condi-
the determination of energy needs. Determination of body fat per- tions of stress and disease, energy expenditure may increase or
centage may be helpful in increasing the preciseness of an equation, decrease, based on the clinical situation. Energy expenditure may be
higher in people who are obese (Wang et al, 2012). Energy expenditure
may be depressed during starvation and chronic dieting (Volp et al,
100 2011). A case study demonstrated decreased energy expenditure in
Residual people with bulimia that was improved when intake increased consis-
Heart tently (Sedlet and Ireton-Jones, 1989).
Thermic Effect of Food
Percent of Total
60 Liver The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the increase in energy expendi-
ture associated with the consumption, digestion, and absorption of
40 Brain food. The TEF accounts for approximately 10% of TEE (Ireton-
Jones, 2010). The TEF may also be called diet-induced thermogen-
20 esis, specific dynamic action, or the specific effect of food. TEF
Muscle can be separated into obligatory and facultative (or adaptive) sub-
0 components. Obligatory thermogenesis is the energy required to
REE digest, absorb, and metabolize nutrients, including the synthesis and
Fig. 2.1 Proportional contribution of organs and tissues to calculated
storage of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Adaptive or facultative
resting energy expenditure. (Modified and used with permission from thermogenesis is the “excess” energy expended in addition to the
Gallagher D et al: Organ-tissue mass measurement allows modeling of obligatory thermogenesis and is thought to be attributable to the
REE and metabolically active tissue mass, Am J Physiol Endocrinol metabolic inefficiency of the system stimulated by sympathetic
Metab 275:E249, 1998. Copyright American Physiological Society.) nervous activity.
CHAPTER 2 Intake: Energy 19
The TEF varies with the composition of the diet, with energy in muscle mass. AT tends to decrease with age, a trend that is associated
expenditure increasing directly after food intake, particularly after with a decline in FFM and an increase in fat mass. In general, men have
consumption of a meal higher in protein compared with a meal higher greater skeletal muscle than women, which may account for their
in fat (Tentolouris et al, 2008). Fat is metabolized efficiently, with only higher AT. The measurement of physical activity is very difficult
4% waste, compared with 25% waste when carbohydrate is converted whether related to children, adolescents, or adults (Mindell et al, 2014).
to fat for storage. The macronutrient oxidation rate is not different However, this remains an important component of the overall energy
in lean and obese individuals (Tentolouris et al, 2008). Although the intake recommendation suggesting that low-cost quantitative assess-
extent of TEF depends on the size and macronutrient content of the ment methods are needed (e.g., heart rate monitoring) along with the
meal, TEF decreases after ingestion over 30 to 90 minutes, so effects on typical questionnaire and estimate.
TEE are small. For practical purposes, TEF is calculated as no more
than an additional 10% of the REE. Spicy foods enhance and prolong Additional Considerations in Energy Expenditure
the effect of the TEF. Caffeine, capsaicin, and different teas such as Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is influenced
green, white, and oolong tea also may increase energy expenditure and by the duration and magnitude of physical activity. In a study of
fat oxidation and suppress hunger (Hursel and Westerterp-Plantenga, high-intensity intermittent exercise, there was an increase in energy
2010; Reinbach et al, 2009). The role of TEF in weight management is expenditure during activity, although the effect on metabolic rate
discussed in Chapter 20. post-activity was minor (Kelly et al, 2013). Habitual exercise does not
Enteral nutrition (tube feeding) as well as parenteral nutrition exert cause a significantly prolonged increase in metabolic rate unless FM
a thermic effect on energy expenditure, which should be considered in is decreased and FFM is increased, and then this increase in energy
patients receiving nutrition support. Leuck and colleagues found that expenditure is mostly during the activity itself.
energy expenditure of patients receiving enteral nutrition intermit- Amputations resulting from trauma, wounds, or disease processes
tently vs. continuously was increased at night and increased in associa- affect body size; presumably then, they would affect activity energy
tion with each intermittent feeding (Leuck et al, 2013). A case study of expenditure. However, a study of energy expenditure related to level
a long-term home parenteral nutrition patient showed an increase in of amputation (partial foot to transfemoral) at various speeds of
energy expenditure when the intravenous nutrition was being infused walking was done in unilateral amputees, and no differences in energy
(Ireton-Jones, 2010). These are important considerations when pre- expenditure were found between levels of amputation or speed when
dicting overall energy needs for patients receiving enteral or parenteral walking (Göktepe et al, 2010).
nutrition (see Chapter 12).
Measurement of Energy Expenditure
Activity Thermogenesis The standard unit for measuring energy is the calorie, which is the
Beyond REE and TEF, energy is expended in physical activity, either amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 mL of
exercise-related or as part of daily work and movement. This is water at 15°C by 1°C. Because the amount of energy involved in the
referred to as activity thermogenesis. Activity thermogenesis (AT) metabolism of food is fairly large, the kilocalorie (kcal), 1000 calories,
includes nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), the energy is used to measure it. A popular convention is to designate kilocalorie
expended during activities of daily living, and the energy expended by Calorie (with a capital C). In this text, however, kilocalorie is ab-
during sports or fitness exercise. breviated kcal. The joule (J) measures energy in terms of mechanical
The contribution of physical activity is the most variable compo- work and is the amount of energy required to accelerate with a force
nent of TEE, which may be as low as 100 kcal/day in sedentary people of 1 Newton (N) for a distance of 1 m; this measurement is widely used
or as high as 3000 kcal/day in athletes. NEAT represents the energy in countries other than the United States. One kcal is equivalent to
expended during the workday and during leisure-type activities (e.g., 4.184 kilojoules (kJ).
shopping, fidgeting, even gum chewing), which may account for vast Because various methods are available to measure human energy
differences in energy costs among people (see Appendix 10). TEE expenditure, it is important to gain an understanding of the differ-
reflects REE, TEF, and energy expended for exercise, as depicted in ences in these methods and how they can be applied in practical and
Fig. 2.2. research settings.
Individual AT varies considerably, depending on body size and the
efficiency of individual habits of motion. The level of fitness also af- Direct Calorimetry
fects the energy expenditure of voluntary activity because of variations Direct calorimetry is possible only with specialized and expensive
equipment. An individual is monitored in a room-type structure
(a whole-room calorimeter) that permits a moderate amount of activ-
Percent of daily energy expenditure
0 Indirect Calorimetry
ig. 2.2 The components of total energy expenditure: activity, thermic
F Indirect calorimetry (IC) is a more commonly used method for mea-
effect of food (TEF), and basal or resting metabolic rate. suring energy expenditure. An individual’s oxygen consumption and
20 PART I Nutrition Assessment
Fig. 2.3 A, Measuring resting energy expenditure using a ventilated hood system. (Courtesy MRC Mitochon-
drial Biology Unit, Cambridge, England.). B, Measuring resting energy expenditure using a handheld system.
(Courtesy Korr.)
carbon dioxide production are quantified over a given period. The TABLE 2.1 REE Measurement Protocol
Weir equation (1949) and a constant respiratory quotient value of (Adults)
0.85 are used to convert oxygen consumption to REE. The equipment
varies but usually involves an individual breathing into a mouthpiece REE Measurement Preparation
(with nose clips), a mask that covers the nose and mouth, or a venti- • Food – fast for 7 hours or 4 hours if , 300 kcal intake
lated hood that captures all expired carbon dioxide (Fig. 2.3). • Caffeine – none for 4 hours
Ventilated hoods are useful for short- and long-term measurements. • Nicotine – none for 2.5 hours
IC measurements are achieved using equipment called a metabolic • Exercise – none for 4 hours
measurement cart or an indirect calorimeter. There are various types of Simplify: Rule of 4’s – no food, caffeine, nicotine, exercise for
metabolic measurement carts, varying from larger equipment 4 hours before the REE measurement
that measures oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production
only, to equipment that also has the capability of providing pulmonary REE Measurement Conditions
function and exercise testing parameters. These larger carts are more • Rest period pre-REE: healthy adult 20-30 mins
expensive because of the expanded capabilities, including measure- • Gas collection device:
ment interface for IC measurements of hospitalized patients who are • Ventilated hood/canopy, mouthpiece & nose clip, facemask
ventilator dependent. Metabolic carts often are used at hospitals to as- • Ambient room temp 72-77°F
sess energy requirements and are found most typically in the intensive • Quiet and dim light
care unit (Ireton-Jones, 2010). Individuals and patients who are • Continue for 10 mins or as per individual protocol
breathing spontaneously may have their energy expenditure measured Used with Permission: Ireton-Jones, C. Good Nutrition Good Living
with smaller “handheld” indirect calorimeters designed specifically for (Adapted)
measuring oxygen consumption while using a static value for carbon
dioxide production. These have easy mobility and are relatively low
cost (Hipskind et al, 2011). conditions of measurement should be used for these patients as well
A strict protocol should be followed before performing IC mea- (Ireton-Jones, 2010). When these conditions are met, IC can be applied
surement. For healthy people, a minimum of a 4-hour fast after meals for measuring the energy expenditure of acute or critically ill inpa-
and snacks is recommended. Caffeine should be avoided for at least tients, outpatients, or healthy individuals.
4 hours, and alcohol and smoking for at least 2 hours. Testing should
occur no sooner than 2 hours after moderate exercise; after vigorous Respiratory Quotient
resistance exercise, a 14-hour period is advised (Compher et al, 2006). When oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are
To achieve a steady-state measurement, there should be a rest period of measured, the respiratory quotient (RQ) may be calculated as noted
10 to 20 minutes before the measurement is taken. An IC measurement in the following equation. The RQ indicates the fuel mixture being
duration of 10 minutes, with the first 5 minutes deleted and the re- metabolized. The RQ for carbohydrate is 1 because the number of
maining 5 minutes having a coefficient of variation less than 10%, in- carbon dioxide molecules produced is equal to the number of oxygen
dicates a steady-state measurement (Compher et al, 2006). When the molecules consumed.
measurement conditions listed here are met and a steady state is RQ 5 volume of CO2 expired/volume of O2 consumed (VCO2 /VO2)
achieved, energy expenditure can be measured at any time during the RQ values:
day. A suggested protocol for REE measurements is found in Table 2.1. 1 5 carbohydrate
Energy expenditure can be measured for ill or injured individuals 0.85 5 mixed diet
as well (Cooney and Frankenfield, 2012). Equipment used for the 0.82 5 protein
patient who is ventilator dependent may be different from that used 0.7 5 fat
for the ambulatory individual; however, a protocol specifying the #0.65 5 ketone production
CHAPTER 2 Intake: Energy 21
RQs greater than 1 are associated with net fat synthesis, carbohy- ESTIMATING ENERGY REQUIREMENTS
drate (glucose) intake, or total caloric intake that is excessive, whereas
a very low RQ may be seen under conditions of inadequate nutrient Equations for Estimating Resting Energy Expenditure
intake (McClave et al, 2003). Although RQ has been used to deter- Over the years several equations have been developed to estimate
mine the efficacy of nutrition support regimens for hospitalized the REE. Equations are available that allow the estimation of REE as
patients, McClave found that changes in RQ failed to correlate to derived from measurement using IC in adults. Until recently, the
percent calories provided or required, indicating low sensitivity Harris-Benedict equations were some of the most widely used equa-
and specificity that limits the efficacy of RQ as an indicator of over- tions to estimate REE in normal and ill or injured individuals (Harris
feeding or underfeeding. However, use of RQ is appropriate as a and Benedict, 1919). The Harris-Benedict equations have been found
marker of test validity (to confirm measured RQ values are in physi- to overestimate REE in normal-weight and obese individuals by 7% to
ologic range) and a marker for respiratory tolerance of the nutrition 27% (Frankenfield et al, 2003). A study comparing measured REE
support regimen. with estimated REE using the Mifflin-St. Jeor equations, Owen equa-
tions, and Harris-Benedict equations for males and females found
Other Methods of Measuring Energy Expenditure that the Mifflin-St. Jeor equations were most accurate in estimating
Alternative methods of measuring energy expenditure remain in the REE in both normal weight and obese people (Frankenfield et al,
research setting because of the need for specialized equipment and 2003). The Mifflin-St Jeor equations were developed from measured
expertise. REE using IC in 251 males and 247 females; 47% of these individuals
Doubly labeled water. The doubly labeled water (DLW) tech- had a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 42 kg/m2 (Mifflin et al,
nique for measuring TEE is considered the gold standard for 1990). Mifflin-St. Jeor equations are used today to estimate energy
determining energy requirements and energy balance in humans. expenditure of healthy individuals and in some patients and are as
The DLW method is based on the principle that carbon dioxide follows:
production can be estimated from the difference in the elimination
Males kcal/:day 10 (wt) 6.25 (ht) 5 (age) 5
rates of body hydrogen and oxygen. After an oral loading dose of
water labeled with deuterium oxide (2H2O) and oxygen-18 Females: kcal/day 10 (wt) 6.25 (ht) 5 (age) 161
(H218O)—hence the term doubly labeled water—is administered, Weight actual body weight in kilograms
the 2H2O is eliminated from the body as water, and the H218O is Height centimeters; age years
eliminated as water and carbon dioxide. The elimination rates
of the two isotopes are measured for 10 to 14 days by periodic sam- Although the Harris-Benedict equations have been applied to ill
pling of body water from urine, saliva, or plasma. The difference and injured people, these equations, as well as those of Mifflin,
between the two elimination rates is a measure of carbon dioxide were developed for use in healthy individuals, and their application
production. Carbon dioxide production then can be equated to to any other population is questionable. In addition, the database
TEE using standard IC techniques for the calculation of energy from which the Harris-Benedict equations were developed no longer
expenditure. reflects the population, and therefore use of these equations is not
The caloric value of AT can be estimated by using the DLW recommended.
method in conjunction with IC and can be used to determine adher- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT),
ence to recommended intake and body composition longitudinally and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) have been investigated
(Wong et al, 2014). The DLW technique is most applicable as a as methods to evaluate REE from determination of LBM and fat mass
research tool; the stable isotopes are expensive, and expertise is in humans (Gallagher et al, 1998). While body weight, age, height,
required to operate the highly sophisticated and costly mass and gender may be similar among individuals or groups, body cell
spectrometer for the analysis of the isotope enrichments. These mass differs, and this creates the variations in REE that may confound
disadvantages make the DLW technique impractical for daily use weight loss, gain, or maintenance when predicting REE. Although REE
by clinicians. is usually estimated from statistical equations, using imaging tech-
niques to estimate the REE from organ-tissue mass components allows
Measuring Activity-Related Energy Expenditure for distinct individuality of REE (Heymsfield et al, 2018). This will
Triaxial monitors. A triaxial monitor has also been used to mea- provide greater accuracy in determining REE by assessing energy ex-
sure energy related to activity. It more efficiently measures multidirec- penditure in relation to body cell mass and body composition.
tional movement by employing three uniaxial monitors. In a review of Energy expenditure of ill or injured patients also can be estimated
numerous articles, Plasqui and Westerterp (2007) found that a triaxial or measured using IC. Energy expenditure may be affected by illness
monitor correlated with energy expenditure measured using DLW or injury; however, several studies have shown this increase to be vari-
technique. Application of an easily accessible and useable monitor al- able from a significant increase to little to none over “normal” energy
lows determination of real activity levels, thereby reducing errors re- expenditure. Stable dialysis patients have not been shown to have
lated to overreporting or underreporting of actual energy expenditure an increase in REE compared with healthy adults (Dombrowski and
for weight management. Heuberger, 2018). In patients receiving home parenteral nutrition,
measured REEs were related to energy expenditures predicted using
Physical Activity Questionnaire 20 kcal/kg or the Ireton-Jones equations (Ławiński et al, 2015). There-
Physical activity questionnaires (PAQs) are the simplest and least ex- fore assumptions of REE are often inaccurate—measurement of REE
pensive tools for gaining information about an individual’s activity is best even in nonacute patient care. For energy requirements for
level. Reporting errors are common among PAQs, which can lead to critically ill patients, see Chapter 37.
discrepancies between calculated energy expenditure and that deter-
mined by DLW (Neilson et al, 2008). For healthy individuals, this may Determining TEE
account for slowed weight loss or gain and, as such, a need to modify The equations for estimating or measuring energy expenditure begin
caloric intake. with REE. Additional factors for TEF and activity must be added. As
22 PART I Nutrition Assessment
BOX 2.1 Estimated Energy Expenditure Prediction Equations at Four Physical Activity Levels
EER for Infants and Young Children 0-2 Years PA 5 1.12 (Low active)
(Within the 3rd to 97th Percentile for Weight-for-Height) PA 5 1.27 (Active)
EER 5 TEE 1 Energy deposition PA 5 1.45 (Very active)
0-3 months (89 3 Weight of infant [kg] 2 100) 1 175 (kcal for energy deposition)
4-6 months (89 3 Weight of infant [kg] 2 100) 1 56 (kcal for energy deposition) EER for Pregnant Women
7-12 months (89 3 Weight of infant [kg] 2100) 1 22 (kcal for energy deposition) 14-18 years: EER 5 Adolescent EER 1 Pregnancy energy deposition
13-35 months (89 3 Weight of child [kg] 2 100) 1 20 (kcal for energy deposition) First trimester 5 Adolescent EER 1 0 (Pregnancy energy deposition)
Second trimester 5 Adolescent EER 1 160 kcal (8 kcal/wk 1 3 20 wk) 1 180 kcal
EER for Boys 3-8 Years (Within the 5th to 85th Percentile Third trimester 5 Adolescent EER 1 272 kcal (8 kcal/wk 3 34 wk) 1 180 kcal
for BMI)§ 19-50 years: 5 Adult EER 1 Pregnancy energy deposition
EER 5 TEE Energy deposition First trimester 5 Adult EER 1 0 (Pregnancy energy deposition)
EER 5 88.5 2 61.9 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (26.7 3 Weight [kg] 1 903 3 Height [m]) 1 Second trimester 5 Adult EER 1 160 kcal (8 kcal/wk 3 20 wk) 1 180 kcal
20 (kcal for energy deposition) Third trimester 5 Adult EER 1 272 kcal (8 kcal/wk 3 34 wk) 1 180 kcal
EER for Boys 9-18 Years (Within the 5th to 85th Percentile EER for Lactating Women
for BMI) 14-18 years: EER 5 Adolescent EER 1 Milk energy output 2 Weight loss
EER 5 TEE 1 Energy deposition First 6 months 5 Adolescent EER 1 500 2 170 (Milk energy output 2 Weight loss)
EER 5 88.5 2 61.9 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (26.7 3 Weight [kg] 1 903 3 Height [m]) 1 Second 6 months 5 Adolescent EER 1 400 2 0 (Milk energy output 2 Weight loss)
25 (kcal for energy deposition) 19-50 years: EAR 5 Adult EER 1 Milk energy output 2 Weight loss
in which First 6 months 5 Adult EER 1 500 2 70 (Milk energy output 2 Weight loss)
PA 5 Physical activity coefficient for boys 3-18 years: Second 6 months 5 Adult EER 1 400 2 0 (Milk energy output 2 Weight loss)
PA 5 1 if PAL is estimated to be 1 , 1.4 (Sedentary)
PA 5 1.13 if PAL is estimated to be 1.4 , 1.6 (Low active) Weight Maintenance TEE for Overweight and At-Risk
PA 5 1.26 if PAL is estimated to be 1.6 , 1.9 (Active) for Overweight Boys 3-18 Years (BMI .85th Percentile
PA 5 1.42 if PAL is estimated to be 1.9 , 2.5 (Very active) for Overweight)
TEE 5 114 2 50.9 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (19.5 3 Weight [kg] 1 1161.4 3 Height [m])
EER for Girls 3-8 Years (Within the 5th to 85th Percentile in which
for BMI) PA 5 Physical activity coefficient:
EER 5 TEE 1 Energy deposition PA 5 1 if PAL is estimated to be 1.0 , 1.4 (Sedentary)
EER 5 135.3 2 30.8 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (10 3 Weight [kg] 1 934 3 Height PA 5 1.12 if PAL is estimated to be 1.4 , 1.6 (Low active)
[m]) 1 20 (kcal for energy deposition) PA 5 1.24 if PAL is estimated to be 1.6 , 1.9 (Active)
PA 5 1.45 if PAL is estimated to be 1.9 , 2.5 (Very active)
EER for Girls 9-18 Years (Within the 5th to 85th Percentile
for BMI) Weight Maintenance TEE for Overweight and At-Risk
EER 5 TEE 1 Energy deposition for Overweight Girls 3-18 Years (BMI .85th Percentile
EER 5 135.3 2 30.8 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (10 3 Weight [kg] 1 934 3 Height for Overweight)
[m]) 1 25 (kcal for energy deposition) TEE 5 389 2 41.2 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (15 3 Weight [kg] 1 701.6 3 Height [m])
in which in which
PA 5 Physical activity coefficient for girls 3-18 years: PA 5 Physical activity coefficient:
PA 5 1 (Sedentary) PA 5 1 if PAL is estimated to be 1 , 1.4 (Sedentary)
PA 5 1.16 (Low active) PA 5 1.18 if PAL is estimated to be 1.4 , 1.6 (Low active)
PA 5 1.31 (Active) PA 5 1.35 if PAL is estimated to be 1.6 , 1.9 (Active)
PA 5 1.56 (Very active) PA 5 1.60 if PAL is estimated to be 1.9 , 2.5 (Very active)
EER for Men 19 Years and Older (BMI 18.5-25 kg/m2) Overweight and Obese Men 19 Years and Older
EER 5 TEE (BMI 25 kg/m2)
EER 5 662 2 9.53 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (15.91 3 Weight [kg] 1 539.6 3 Height [m]) TEE 5 1086 2 10.1 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (13.7 3 Weight [kg] 1 416 3 Height [m])
in which in which
PA 5 Physical activity coefficient: PA 5 Physical activity coefficient:
PA 5 1 (Sedentary) PA 5 1 if PAL is estimated to be 1 , 1.4 (Sedentary)
PA 5 1.11 (Low active) PA 5 1.12 if PAL is estimated to be 1.4 , 1.6 (Low active)
PA 5 1.25 (Active) PA 5 1.29 if PAL is estimated to be 1.6 , 1.9 (Active)
PA 5 1.48 (Very active) PA 5 1.59 if PAL is estimated to be 1.9 , 2.5 (Very active)
EER for Women 19 Years and Older (BMI 18.5-25 kg/m2) Overweight and Obese Women 19 Years and Older
EER 5 TEE (BMI 25 kg/m2)
EER 5 354 2 6.91 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (9.36 3 Weight [kg] 1 726 3 Height [m]) TEE 5 448 2 7.95 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (11.4 3 Weight [kg] 1 619 3 Height [m])
in which where
PA 5 Physical activity coefficient: PA 5 Physical activity coefficient:
PA 5 1 (Sedentary) PA 5 1 if PAL is estimated to be 1 , 1.4 (Sedentary)
24 PART I Nutrition Assessment
BOX 2.1 Estimated Energy Expenditure Prediction Equations at Four Physical Activity Levels—cont’d
PA 5 1.16 if PAL is estimated to be 1.4 , 1.6 (Low active) PA 5 1.54 if PAL is estimated to be 1.9 , 2.5 (Very active)
PA 5 1.27 if PAL is estimated to be 1.6 , 1.9 (Active)
PA 5 1.44 if PAL is estimated to be 1.9 , 2.5 (Very active) Normal and Overweight or Obese Women 19 Years
and Older (BMI 18.5 kg/m2)
Normal and Overweight or Obese Men 19 Years and Older TEE 5 387 2 7.31 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (10.9 3 Weight [kg] 1 660.7 3 Height [m])
(BMI 18.5 kg/m2) in which
TEE 5 864 2 9.72 3 Age (yr) 1 PA 3 (14.2 3 Weight [kg] 1 503 3 Height [m]) PA 5 Physical activity coefficient:
in which PA 5 1 if PAL is estimated to be 1 , 1.4 (Sedentary)
PA 5 Physical activity coefficient: PA 5 1.14 if PAL is estimated to be 1.4 , 1.6 (Low active)
PA 5 1 if PAL is estimated to be 1 , 1.4 (Sedentary) PA 5 1.27 if PAL is estimated to be 1.6 , 1.9 (Active)
PA 5 1.12 if PAL is estimated to be 1.4 , 1.6 (Low active) PA 5 1.45 if PAL is estimated to be 1.9 , 2.5 (Very active)
PA 5 1.27 if PAL is estimated to be 1.6 , 1.9 (Active)
*EER is the average dietary energy intake that is predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy adult of a defined age, gender, weight, height,
and level of physical activity consistent with good health. In children and pregnant and lactating women, the EER includes the needs associated
with the deposition of tissues or the secretion of milk at rates consistent with good health.
†PAL is the physical activity level that is the ratio of the total energy expenditure to the basal energy expenditure.
‡TEE is the sum of the resting energy expenditure, energy expended in physical activity, and the thermic effect of food.
§BMI is determined by dividing the weight (in kilograms) by the square of the height (in meters).
BMI, Body mass index; EER, estimated energy requirement; PA, physical activity; PAL, physical activity level; TEE, total energy expenditure.
From Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board: Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol,
protein, and amino acids, Washington, DC, 2002, The National Academies Press,
The prediction equations include a physical activity (PA) coeffi- Estimated Energy Expended in Physical Activity
cient for all groups except infants and young children (see Box 2-1). PA Energy expenditure in physical activity can be estimated using either
coefficients correspond to four physical activity level (PAL) lifestyle the method shown in Appendix 10, which represents energy spent
categories: sedentary, low active, active, and very active. Because PAL is during common activities and incorporates body weight and the
the ratio of TEE to BEE, the energy spent during activities of daily liv- duration of time for each activity as variables, or using information in
ing, the sedentary lifestyle category has a PAL range of 1 to 1.39. PAL Fig. 2.3, which represents energy spent by adults during various inten-
categories beyond sedentary are determined according to the energy sities of physical activity—energy that is expressed as metabolic
spent by an adult walking at a set pace (Table 2.3). The walking equiv- equivalents (METs) (IOM, 2002; 2005).
alents that correspond to each PAL category for an average-weight
adult walking at 3 to 4 mph are 2, 7, and 17 miles per day, for low ac- Estimating Energy Expenditure of Selected Activities
tive, active, and very active (IOM, 2002; 2005). All equations are only Using Metabolic Equivalents
estimates and individual variations may be wide and unexpected METs are units of measure that correspond with a person’s metabolic rate
(O’Riordan et al, 2010). during selected physical activities of varying intensities and are expressed
as multiples of REE. A MET value of 1 is the oxygen metabolized at rest
(3.5 mL of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute in adults) and
can be expressed as 1 kcal/kg of body weight per hour. Thus the energy
TABLE 2.3 Physical Activity Level expenditure of adults can be estimated using MET values (1 MET 5
Categories and Walking Equivalence* 1 kcal/kg/hr). For example, an adult who weighs 65 kg and is walking
PAL Walking Equivalence moderately at a pace of 4 mph (which is a MET value of 4.5) would
Category PAL Values (Miles/Day at 3-4 mph) expend 293 calories in 1 hour (4.5 kcal 3 65 kg 3 1 5 293) (Table 2.4).
Estimating a person’s energy requirements using the IOM’s EER
Sedentary 1-1.39
equations requires identifying a PAL value for that person. A person’s
Low active 1.4-1.59 1.5, 2.2, 2.9 for PAL 5 1.5 PAL value can be affected by various activities performed throughout
Active 1.6-1.89 3, 4.4, 5.8 for PAL 5 1.6 the day and is referred to as the change in physical activity level
5.3, 7.3, 9.9 for PAL 5 1.75 (D PAL). To determine D PAL, take the sum of the D PALs for each
Very active 1.9-2.5 7.5, 10.3, 14 for PAL 5 1.9 activity performed for 1 day from the DRI tables (IOM, 2002; 2005).
12.3, 16.7, 22.5 for PAL 5 2.2 To calculate the PAL value for 1 day, take the sum of activities and add
17, 23, 31 for PAL 5 2.5 the BEE (1) plus 10% to account for the TEF (1 1 0.1 5 1.1). For
example, to calculate an adult woman’s PAL value, take the sum of the
*In addition to energy spent for the generally unscheduled activities D PAL values for activities of daily living, such as walking the dog
that are part of a normal daily life. The low, middle, and high miles/day
(0.11) and vacuuming (0.14) for 1 hour each, sitting for 4 hours doing
values apply to relatively heavyweight (120-kg), midweight (70-kg), and
light activity (0.12), and then performing moderate to vigorous activi-
lightweight (44-kg) individuals, respectively.
PAL, Physical activity level. ties such as walking for 1 hour at 4 mph (0.20) and ice skating for
From Institute of Medicine, The National Academies: Dietary reference 30 minutes (0.13) for a total of 0.7. To that value add the BEE adjusted
intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, for the 10% TEF (1.1) for the final calculation:
protein, and amino acids, Washington, DC, 2002/2005, The National
Academies Press. 0.7 1.1 1.8
CHAPTER 2 Intake: Energy 25
TABLE 2.4 Intensity and Effect of Various 30-year-old active woman who weighs 65 kg, is 1.77 m tall, with a
PA coefficient (1.27):
Activities on Physical Activity Level in
Adults* EER 354 6.91 Age (yr) PA (9.36 Weight [kg]
Physical Activity METs† D PAL/10 min‡ D PAL/hr‡ 726 Height [m])
Daily Activities EER 354 (6.91 30) 1.27 ([9.36 65]
Lying quietly 1 0 0 [726 1.77])
Riding in a car 1 0 0 EER 2551 kcal
Light activity while sitting 1.5 0.005 0.03
Vacuuming 3.5 0.024 0.14
Doing household tasks 3.5 0.024 0.14
(moderate effort) Energy spent during various activities and the intensity and impact
Gardening (no lifting) 4.4 0.032 0.19 of selected activities also can be determined for children and teens
(see Box 2.1).
Mowing lawn (power 4.5 0.033 0.20
Leisure Activities: Mild
Walking (2 mph) 2.5 0.014 0.09 The total energy available from a food is measured with a bomb calo-
rimeter. This device consists of a closed container in which a weighed
Paddling (leisurely) 2.5 0.014 0.09
food sample, ignited with an electric spark, is burned in an oxygenated
Golfing (with cart) 2.5 0.014 0.09 atmosphere. The container is immersed in a known volume of water,
Dancing 2.9 0.018 0.11 and the rise in the temperature of the water after igniting the food is
used to calculate the heat energy generated.
Leisure Activities: Moderate Not all of the energy in foods and alcohol is available to the body’s
Walking (3 mph) 3.3 0.022 0.13 cells, because the processes of digestion and absorption are not com-
Cycling (leisurely) 3.5 0.024 0.14 pletely efficient. In addition, the nitrogenous portion of amino acids is
Walking (4 mph) 4.5 0.033 0.20 not oxidized but is excreted in the form of urea. Therefore the bio-
logically available energy from foods and alcohol is expressed in values
Leisure Activities: Vigorous rounded off slightly below those obtained using the calorimeter. These
Chopping wood 4.9 0.037 0.22 values for protein, fat, carbohydrate, and alcohol (Fig. 2.4) are 4, 9, 4,
Playing tennis (doubles) 5 0.038 0.23 and 7 kcal/g, respectively. Fiber is an “unavailable carbohydrate” that
Ice skating 5.5 0.043 0.26 resists digestion and absorption; its energy contribution is minimal.
Although the energy value of each nutrient is known precisely, only
Cycling (moderate) 5.7 0.045 0.27
a few foods, such as oils and sugars, are made up of a single nutrient.
Skiing (downhill or water) 6.8 0.055 0.33 More commonly, foods contain a mixture of protein, fat, and carbohy-
Swimming 7 0.057 0.34 drate. For example, the energy value of one medium (50 g) egg calcu-
Climbing hills (5-kg load) 7.4 0.061 0.37 lated in terms of weight is derived from protein (13%), fat (12%), and
Walking (5 mph) 8 0.067 0.40 carbohydrate (1%) as follows:
Jogging (10-min mile) 10.2 0.088 0.53
Protein : 13% 50 g 6.5 g 4 kcal/g 26 kcal
Skipping rope 12 0.105 0.63
Fat : 12% 50 g 6 g 9 kcal/g 54 kcal
*PAL is the physical activity level that is the ratio of the total energy Carbohydrate : 1% 50 g 0.05g 4 kcal/g 2 kcal
expenditure to the basal energy expenditure.
†METs are multiples of an individual’s resting oxygen uptakes, defined Total 82 kcal
as the rate of oxygen (O2) consumption of 3.5 mL of O2/min/kg body
weight in adults. The energy value of alcoholic beverages can be determined using
‡The D PAL is the allowance made to include the delayed effect of the following equation:
physical activity in causing excess post exercise oxygen consumption
and the dissipation of some of the food energy consumed through the Alcohol kcal amount of beverage (oz) proof 0.8 kcal/proof/oz.
thermic effect of food.
MET, Metabolic equivalent; PAL, physical activity level. Proof is a description used for alcoholic beverages. It is the propor-
Modified from Institute of Medicine of The National Academies: Dietary tion of alcohol to water or other liquids in an alcoholic beverage. The
reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, protein, standard in the United States defines 100-proof as equal to 50% of
and amino acids, Washington, DC, 2002, The National Academies Press. ethyl alcohol by volume. To determine the percentage of ethyl alcohol
in a beverage, divide the proof value by 2. For example, 86-proof whis-
key contains 43% ethyl alcohol. The latter part of the equation—
For this woman, the PAL value (1.8) falls within an active range. 0.8 kcal/proof/1 oz—is the factor that accounts for the caloric density
The PA coefficient that correlates with an active lifestyle for this of alcohol (7 kcal/g) and the fact that not all of the alcohol in liquor is
woman is 1.27. available for energy. For example, the number of kilocalories in 1½ oz
To calculate the EER for this adult woman, age 30, use the of 86-proof whiskey would be determined as follows:
EER equation for women 19 years and older (BMI 18.5-25 kg/m2);
see Box 2.1. The following calculation estimates the EER for a 11 2 oz 86% proof 0.8 kcal/proof/1 oz 103 kcal
26 PART I Nutrition Assessment
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Carbohydrates 4.0
Energy lost in feces Stomach Fat 9.0
Protein 5.20
Alcohol 7.10
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