Synthesis of WS2CNT Hybrid Nanoparticles For Fabri
Synthesis of WS2CNT Hybrid Nanoparticles For Fabri
Synthesis of WS2CNT Hybrid Nanoparticles For Fabri
1. Introduction
Hybrid metal matrix composites (HMMCs) are the next generation of metal matrix composites that are
reinforced with two or more reinforcing phases whit different type, morphology or size. The combination of
different reinforcements in a hybrid composite leads to better properties than conventional composites with
single reinforcement [1]. Hybrid aluminum matrix nanocomposites have been considered to increase strength
and toughness simultaneously, controlling the corrosion and lowering the costs in recent years. Some of the
nano and micro particles used as a reinforcing agents in aluminum matrix are (SiC, Al2O3), (graphite, SiC),
(graphite, Al2O3), (WS2, SiC) and (CNT, Al2O3) [2–5]. Various methods have been used for fabricating the
aluminum hybrid nanocomposites. One of the most common methods of preparing these nanocomposites is
mechanical grinding. In this method, due to the low processing temperature, the destructive reactions in the
structure are prevented and the particles exhibit a more uniform and homogeneous distribution in the structure
[6]. In the last decade carbon nanotube and tungsten disulfide have been used individually as the reinforcement
for aluminum matrix. Kuzumaki et al [7] have shown that tensile strength doubles with the addition 10 vol% of
CNT to the aluminum matrix. Researchers have attempted to add up to 6.5 vol% of CNT into aluminum matrix
by powder metallurgy. The maximum tensile strength increment of 129%has been reported to be for addition 5
vol% of CNT. At higher volumes fraction of CNT, agglomeration areas appear and these weak joint segments
reduce mechanical properties. Tungsten disulfide nanoparticles have also been used in recent years to enhance
the mechanical and tribological properties of metal matrices such as magnesium [8, 9], copper [10] and
aluminum [11, 12]. Ranjifo et al [11] investigated the effect of adding tungsten disulfide nanoparticles to the
aluminum on tribological behavior at ambient temperature and 200 °C. The relative density of nanocomposites
was reported 99% whit addition of 2 vol% of tungsten disulfide. This is due to the filling of the cavities between
the aluminum particles by tungsten disulfide nanoparticle. Wear test results show a 50% reduction in friction
coefficient at room temperature and 200 °C. In order to improve the wear properties of aluminum for use in
automobiles, Neustadt et al [12] have added microplates and fullerene-like tungsten disulfide to the aluminum
matrix up to 20 wt% The results show that tungsten disulfide flakes have improved the hardness and wear
resistance of aluminum compared to fullerene-like particles. The reduction of the friction coefficient for the
fullerene-like nanoparticles and microplates were 20% and 30%, respectively.
WS2/CNT hybrid particles have been considered recently [13–15]. CNT is highly regarded for hybridization
with other materials. The internal cavity of nanotubes is a good place to encapsulate other compounds and
structures. In addition, the surface of CNT is a proper site to connect to other materials [13]. CNT, cannot be
well distributed in metal matrix. The hybridization of CNT with other reinforcements such as WS2 results in its
better distribution in metal matrix [14]. Li et al [13] used CVD process for producing hybrid particle. they
dispersed CNT in a para-tungsten solution and synthesized tungsten oxide nanoparticles on CNT. The
sulfurization of hybrids made in a quartz reactor using H2S gas. Eventually WS2/CNT hybrid synthesized
successfully by this approach. CVD is a general method for the production of CNT, fullerenes-like and nanotube
of tungsten disulfide and WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticle. H2S gas as a source of sulfur has been used in CVD
process in many research [13–20]. But H2S is very toxic and some researchers tried to remove it from the process
The main aim of this work is to remove the H2S from the process and to develop an easy, safe and
inexpensive route for the production of WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticle. In this route, the toxic hydrogen sulfide
gas is replaced with the sulfur powder in the sulfidation process. In this research Al/WS2-CNT hybrid
nanocomposite is produced by employing mechanical milling and hot pressing. Finally, the microstructural and
mechanical properties of the hybrid nanocomposite are investigated. To the best knowledge of the authors, the
addition of WS2/CNT hybrid particles to aluminum matrix and the study of its mechanical properties have
never been reported in the literature.
2.1. Materials
The Aluminum powder with 99% purity was purchased from Khorasan Powder Metallurgy Co.Ltd The
aluminum powder had a spherical morphology whit a particle size <20 mm. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes had
an over 95% purity (outer diameter=10–20 nm, inner diameter=5–10 nm and length =10–30 μm) provided
by Iran Research Institute of Petroleum Industry. Tungsten three oxide nanoparticles with particle size below
50 nm, Sulfur powder, Ethanol and Acetone with purity of 99% was supplied by Merck. The chemicals were
used as received with no further purification.
Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 025034 H S Vaziri et al
Al 0 0
NC0 1 0
HNC0.25 0.75 0.25
HNC0.5 0.5 0.5
HNC0.75 0.25 0.75
NC1 0 1
argon atmosphere at 250 rpm. The solution was then extracted from Ball Mill and dried in a vacuum oven at
80 °C. The resulting composite powder was transferred to a metal mold for hot pressing. Hot pressing process
was operated under vacuum environment and at pressure, temperature, heating rate and pressing time of
150 MPa, 500 °C, 15 °C min−1 and 40 min, respectively. Tablets with 10 mm height and 25 mm diameter was
extracted from mold. Composition of samples is shown in table 1.
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Figure 2. XRD patterns of (a) synthesized WS2 (b) WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticles by various CNT content.
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Figure 3. Raman spectra of the synthesized WS2 and WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticle.
Table 3. The Raman characteristic peaks (cm−1) and peak shifts in WS2, WS2/CNT and CNT.
Bulk WS2 [33] WS2 Shift WS2 in WS2/CNT Shift CNT [14] CNT in WS2/CNT Shift
Figure 4. FTIR spectra of the synthesized WS2 and WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticle.
respectively. The peaks at 1392.2 and 1632.4 cm−1 represent hydroxyl groups and peaks at 2920.2 and
3433.8 cm−1 are related to the O–H bond [39, 40]. Differences in spectra of hybrid particle compared to the pure
sample are due to the presence of carbon nanotubes and their interactions at the surface. This difference leads to
reflections in the range of 650 to 850 cm−1, which is related to the C–S bond [41]. Of course, there are also C–S–
S–C, H–C–S and C–S (780 cm−1) bonds in this range [42]. There is a weak peak at 1445 cm−1 that refers to
multi-walled carbon nanotube [43]. According to these FTIR spectra, it can be easily proved that the interaction
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Figure 5. FESEM image of the synthesized WS2 (a), TEM image of the synthesized WS2 (b), FESEM image of the synthesized WS2/
CNT hybrid nanoparticle (c) and TEM image of the synthesized WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticle (d).
between carbon nanotube and tungsten disulfide has successfully occurred, this observation is consistent with
the results of the Raman spectroscopy results.
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Figure 6. TGA curve of the synthesized WS2 (black line) and WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticles (red line).
Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 025034 H S Vaziri et al
Figure 8. Optical micrograph of hybrid nanocomposite samples (a) HNC0.25 (b) HNC0.5 (c) HNC0.75.
researchers [48, 49]. This phenomenon indicates the ability of these particles to prevent grain boundary
movement in the sintering process to reduce the grain size [48, 49]. The microstructures of all samples are
similar. It seems that HNC0.5 sample has more uniform structure with better dispersion of WS2-CNT
reinforcements compared to others samples.
Figure 9, is the FESEM image of polished surface of hybrid specimen containing 50% carbon nanotubes.
This image shows the presence of carbon nanotubes and tungsten disulfide alongside each other in a compressed
structure. Remaining the primary structure of the reinforcement intact in the final structure is particularly
important for the carbon nanotube. Because desirable properties of nanoparticles can be effective in composite,
if the primary structure and size of the particles is maintained unchanged during the manufacturing process of
the composite. Generally, with particle size less than 200 nm, an acceptable interface is formed between the
matrix and the reinforcement, which will increase the mechanical properties. In addition, with the proper
distribution of nanoparticles in the matrix due to the wide nanoparticle surface, the amount of interface in the
structure will increase sharply, which will lead to better load transfer from the matrix to the reinforcement [50].
According to figure 9, morphology and the size of the reinforcements have remained in the primary form and
there is perfect interface between aluminum matrix and reinforcements. Therefore, the production process used
in this research, is suitable and improves the mechanical properties.
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Figure 10. Effect of wt% of CNT in hybrid nanoparticle on (a) relative density of the hybrid nanocomposite (b) micro hardness of the
hybrid nanocomposite (c) compressive strength of the hybrid nanocomposite.
Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 025034 H S Vaziri et al
nanoparticles to the aluminum matrix generally increases the hardness of the nanocomposite. Various factors
contribute to the hardening the nanocomposites, which include preventing of migration of the grain boundaries
and dislocations that affect the strengthening mechanisms such as Orowan, Hall-Petch and dislocation density
mechanisms. In fact, nanoparticles which are embedded inside the grains or at grain boundaries will affect the
mechanisms associated with the load transfer from the matrix to the reinforcements. Uniform distribution of
nanoparticles in the matrix reduces the inter-particle distance in the structure, which prevents the dislocation
movement. The surface of the nanoparticles is very active so it creates a large surface area and motivates the
formation of hard phases in the matrix such as aluminum carbide that may also be effective in enhancing the
hardness of the samples [48, 49, 51]. Hardness behavior of the nanocomposites is similar to the relative density
behavior mentioned above. The hardness of all hybrid specimens is higher than samples with 1 wt% CNT and 1
wt% WS2, which suggests that hybridization has a positive effect on the hardness of the nanocomposite.
To investigate the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites, samples were subjected to compressive test.
The compressive strength of the specimens is shown in figure 10(c). The behavior of the hybrid nanocomposites
in compressive test is similar to their behavior in hardness and relative density evaluation. The compressive
strength versus the carbon nanotube content has maximum value at equal proportions of reinforcements
(WS2/CNT 1:1). Nanoparticles can increase mechanical strength of the samples by at least four reasons. The first
reason is difficulty in motion of the dislocations in presence of reinforcing nanoparticles due to the stress field
created around them. The second reason is increase in dislocation density due to the presence of nanoparticles
caused by the mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients of the matrix and reinforcements or the creation
of the Orowan rings. The effect of nanoparticles on grain size reduction and the locking of cracks by
nanoparticles are other reasons. The interface between the reinforcement and matrix transfers the load from the
matrix to the reinforcement and controls the strength of the nanocomposites. The non-uniform distribution of
the nanoparticles can lead to the formation of agglomerates in the structure that severely affect the mechanical
properties. Agglomerates create stress-focused areas in the structure, that in turn, they increase the cavities and
accelerate separation in structure and crack formation [48, 49, 53]. The effect of the carbon nanotube on the
mechanical properties of aluminum composites depends on three factors: distribution, volume fraction, and
interfacial bonding between aluminum and carbon nanotubes [51]. Good dispersion of reinforcements, high
relative density indicating very low porosity content of the structure of the specimens, impeding the crack
growth, reducing the grain size and preventing dislocation movement are the effective factors in increasing the
compressive strength of the hybrid nanocomposites. By increasing the load, these specimens converted to barrel
form, eventually turned to a complete disk with no cracks on surface or side. It seems that the hybrid
nanoparticle have a high potential in preventing crack growth in the nanocomposite.
s = s0 + µM t Gbr 1 2
That σ, σ0, ∝, Mτ, G, b, ρ are stress, frictional stress, constant, Taylor factor (in polycrystalline materials equal to
3), shear modulus, Burgers vector, and dislocation density of aluminum respectively. According to this equation,
by increasing the amount of the carbon nanotubes, the composite strength increases as well. However, in higher
carbon nanotube contents, due to the formation of clusters and agglomerates this mechanism does not work.
Lahiri et al [56, 57] confirmed this mechanism in aluminum matrix. In this study, thermal expansion coefficient
for carbon nanotubes, tungsten sulfide and aluminum are equal to 2×10−5 K−1, 14.8×10−6 K−1,
24×10−6 K−1 respectively [58, 59]. There is a significant difference between the thermal expansion coefficient
of the reinforcements and matrix, which causes the thermal stress in the reinforcement interface area in matrix
and around the reinforcement themselves. They prevent dislocation movement and dislocations accumulation
around them.
The third reason is grain-boundary strengthening mechanism, according to the Hall-Petch equation
[60, 61], nanoparticles located at grain and nanosized sub-grains boundaries inhibit sticking the grains together
and forming larger grains during heating [62]. Hybrid reinforcing nanoparticles cover the whole surface of the
aluminum powders and its presence at boundary between powders prevents the grain boundary movement. The
pressure in the hot-pressing process as well as the residual stress in the powder due to milling process make new
grains in the structure by nucleation in the nanosized range. Hybrid nanoparticles near the new nucleuses,
prevent them from bounding together and thus controls grain growth.
Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 025034 H S Vaziri et al
4. Conclusion
A simple, safe and low-cost method for fabrication of the WS2/CNT hybrid nanoparticles via CVD process was
developed without using H2S gas in which the WO3 synthesis stage was removed from the processing steps.
XRD, Raman and FTIR analyzes confirmed the successful fabrication of pure and homogenous WS2/CNT
hybrid nanoparticles. TGA analysis of the hybrid nanoparticles indicated the total weight loss of about 30% up to
900 °C. The thermal stability of the hybrid nanoparticles was more than tungsten disulfide and carbon
nanotube. FESEM and TEM images revealed tubular structure for tungsten disulfide located on the carbon
nanotube surface. The synthesized hybrid nanoparticles with various WS2/CNT ratios in 1 wt% were added to
aluminum matrix. OM and FESEM analyses of hybrid nanocomposite samples clearly showed the good
dispersion of hybrid nanoparticles in Aluminum matrix. The maximum relative density more than 99.5%,
maximum hardness and highest compressive strength were obtained for the nanocomposite with 1:1 WS2/CNT
ratio. Hardness was reached to 99 micro Vickers. The value of the compressive strength represented more than
60% increase compared to pure aluminum. Orowan mechanism, preventing dislocation movement, hindering
the crack growth and reducing the grain size are the main reasons for the enhancement of mechanical property
of the obtained hybrid nanocomposites.
The authors are grateful for the kind supports received from Khajeh Nassir-Al-Deen Toosi University of
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