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Engineering Management in Production and Services

Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

received: 30 May 2019

accepted: 10 November 2019

Classification of forecasting pages: 23-33

methods in production engineering

Cezary Winkowski

Business management is a continuous decision-making process. It is difficult to imagine
a company that does not use forecasting techniques. Even small enterprises without
relevant forecasting departments more or less consciously anticipate future events,
forecasting the volume of production and setting directions for development. Today’s
production companies must quickly adapt to changing customer requirements,
implementing structural and technological changes and delivering projects related to
the production of new products. Under the dynamically changing conditions, the
functioning and effective management of modern enterprises depend on future-
oriented information. This increases the validity of forecasting. This article aimed to
identify forecasting methods and areas of their use in production engineering. The
publications on this subject were reviewed in the Scopus database, using the time
frame from January 1970 to June 2018. An original classification of research subareas
was created using VOS viewer software, and then, a bibliometric map was developed
to visualise the results of the word coexistence analysis. The analysis of the
co-occurrence and co-classification of words made it possible to indicate research
subareas of forecasting in production engineering and related emerging research areas
and issues.
Corresponding author:

forecasting, forecasting methods, production engineering, manufacturing company Cezary Winkowski

DOI: 10.2478/emj-2019-0030 Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

e-mail: [email protected]

the area of production. As forecasting is one of the
For manufacturing companies, forecasting is part key elements during the decision-making process in
of the decision system. It is a future-oriented activity production, it was decided to conduct a bibliometric
based on data from the past. It makes it easier for analysis to assess the dynamics of interest in this
managers and planners to make decisions. The right subject, reflected by the number of publications in the
choice means that an enterprise generates profits, analysed period. The review of the publications was
reduces the risk of errors and losses. Forecasting is made in the Scopus database. The database was cho-
one of the basic elements when making decisions in sen because of its size and availability. Prognostic

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

methods and subareas of their use in production analysed series and determining their mutual
engineering were identified. In the next stage, the relations;
classification of research subareas was created using • statistical methods, in which forecasting is based
VOS viewer software, and then, a bibliometric map on past regularities, regardless of the reason for
was developed to visualise the results of the word their formation;
coexistence analysis. • analogue methods, in which with the future value
The article aims to identify the areas of research of the variable is estimated based on data with
analysed in the literature concerning forecasting in similar variables that are causally unrelated to the
production engineering. This measure represents the projected variable;
first stage of the research process, aiming to identify • methods of cause-and-effect prediction, in which
research problems in the field and a solution, which model parameters are determined based on
would constitute a theoretical and practical contribu- a sample containing time series, cross-sectional
tion to the development of production forecasting or time-cross-sectional variables occurring in the
model. All the considerations and research in the model;
field of discussed issues are covered in the following • heuristic methods (expert), in which opinions
four chapters. The first chapter presents the topics from several to several dozen experts are based
addressed by authors in the context of production on their experience and intuition.
forecasting. Next, the methodology used for biblio- According to the above classification, several
metric analysis is described. The third chapter pre- forecasting methods are available with some being
sents the results of the conducted bibliometric less and others more universal. Therefore, the identi-
analysis. The final part analyses the obtained results fication of prognostic methods and subareas of their
and presents the conclusions. use in production engineering was made. Based on
the review of the literature, topics presented by the
authors in the context of production forecasting was
1. Literature review presented.
The production of oil and gas is the dominating
According to the definition of a Polish-language area, in which production forecasting is used. Crude
dictionary, “method” is a way to scientifically exam- oil, referred to as “black gold”, is crucial for the global
ine things and phenomena, and a set of rules used to economy as a raw material of the chemical industry,
examine reality (Słownik Nowy Języka Polskiego, but primarily, as one of the most important energy
2002). One of the frequently used definitions of resources (Ejdys et al., 2014). Among all the articles,
“research method” was proposed by A. Kamiński: the majority concerned this subject. An example of
“A team of theoretically justified conceptual and a publication that discusses the production forecast-
instrumental measures that broadly cover the whole ing of both these raw materials is the study by Clark,
of the researcher’s investigations, aimed at solving Lake and Patzek. The authors recommend using a
a specific scientific problem” (Kamiński, 1974, p. 65). logistic trend model in this type of forecast (Clark et
The current collection of forecasting methods is al., 2011). This model belongs to the group of analyti-
incredibly rich. It contains methods derived from cal methods, in which the estimation is calculated by
many scientific disciplines. Forecasting methods can calculating the value of the appropriate function for
be divided into the following categories (Korol, 2010; the future moment of time. This assumes the invari-
Nazarko, 2004; Cortez et al., 1995; Box and Jenkins, ability of the model until the forecast is determined
1970): (Maciąg et al., 2013). In turn, Wickens and De Jonge
• methods of analysis and forecasting of time presented the process of forecasting oil production
series, in which data regarding the current devel- using the IAM model (Integrated Asset Model),
opment of the forecasted variable and informa- which is used in the oil industry. This model includes
tion are used in relation to current and future probabilistic forecasts of plant performance and pro-
factors affecting the course of its development. duction, enabling an analysis of decision risk for
Data analysis allows determining the correctness strategic and operational decisions (Wickens and
of development of the forecasted variable. The Jonge, 2006). In their article, Zhang, Orangi, Bakshi,
choice of the right model is based on the decom- Da Sie and Prasanna described the design and imple-
position of the time series, which makes it possi- mentation of a prototype set of tools that demon-
ble to isolate the existing components in the strated the functionality of the IAM model thanks to

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

the integrated production and forecasting process ple, Xu, Chen, Tang, and Li addressed the problem of
(Zhang et al., 2006). In most studies, SSN was used to forecasting energy production for a generation sys-
forecast production. The artificial network is a collec- tem connected to the BIPV (Building Integrated
tion of interconnected elements called neurons (Ejdys Photovoltaic) network. The authors stated that artifi-
et al., 2015). To predict oil production, Zhou and Liu cial intelligence methods, such as artificial neural
used the BPNN (backpropagation neural network). networks, were the developmental direction for the
The reverse propagation algorithm consists of such modelling of energy production forecasting used for
a change in the weight of the input signals of each generation systems connected to the BIPV network
neuron in each layer so that the error for the next (Xu et al., 2012). Theocharides, Makrides, Georghiou
learning pairs is as small as possible (Guanwu et al., and Kyprianou used artificial neural networks
2017). Model verification yielded satisfactory results (ANN), regression of the support vector (SVR) and
because of the network training process, which regression tree (RT) to predict photovoltaic (PV)
resulted in predicted values that were very good for production with different parameters and properties.
real values (Zhou and Liu, 2009). In turn, Zhao, Their main goal was to assess the performance of
Huang, Li, and Zhang expanded BPNN based on the various machine learning models to determine the
genetic algorithm (GA-BPNN), which allowed to output power of PV systems. The output prediction
obtain lower MAPE results than using BP neural efficiency of the models was tested on actual PV pro-
networks. The authors used GA-BPNN to predict duction data and evaluated based on absolute per-
water abstraction and gas production in the process centage error (MAPE), and normalised core mean
of optimising the anaerobic treatment of wastewater square error (nRMSE). A comparative analysis
fermentation (Zhao et al., 2018). In contrast, Yang, showed that artificial neural networks were the best
Lin, Gong and Zhou combined the classic BP model because of the smallest errors (Theocharides et al.,
with the dynamic particle swarm method to accu- 2018). To predict PV production, Gligor, Dumitru
rately predict the production of methane from coal and Grif used artificial intelligence, which predicted
seams. They developed a novel model of the neural and managed the production of a PV power plant
network (DPSO-NN), which found application and located in the central part of Romania. Its main task
efficiency in engineering prediction (Yang et al., was to develop a solution that forecasted electricity
2018). In one of their earlier articles, Meling, Morke- production in real-time based on historical and cur-
seth and Langeland used a stochastic and analytical rent solar radiation data (Gligor et al., 2018).
model to predict gas production (Meling et al., 1988). Wasilewski proposed the ARIMAX model for short-
Sagheer and Kotb dealt with the limitation of tradi- term forecasting of electricity production (Wasilewski,
tional prognostic methods in the machine learning 2014). It is an extension of the ARIMA model that
process. They proposed an approach to deep learning, includes additional exogenous variables “X” in the
which allowed to eliminate the limitations associated model (Chunyan and Jun, 2009). Jones applied
with traditional methods of forecasting. The proposed a combination of the ARIMAX model and hypothesis
approach was a long-term short-term memory testing to forecasting in the power sector. Hypothesis
(DLSTM) architecture, an extension to the traditional testing refers to formal procedures used by statisti-
repetitive neural network. The genetic algorithm has cians to accept or reject the statistical hypothesis
been used to optimally configure the DLSTM archi- (Jones, 2004).
tecture. For verification purposes, production data of The next area that uses production forecasting is
two oil fields were given. The proposed DLSTM the production in industrial agriculture. For example,
model had better results than traditional prognostic Rahmat et al. used an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
methods (Sagheer and Kotb, 2018). Aizenberg et al. system (ANFIS) to predict the production of rubber
presented multilayer NN with multivalent neurons milk (Rahmat et al., 2018). Qader, Dash and Atkinson
capable of predicting oil production based on time attempted to predict the production volume of wheat
series. This model is built based on a neural network and barley in arid and semi-arid regions, which were
with a complex structure with a derivative-free back- the main cereal crops in many parts of the world and
propagation algorithm (Aizenberg et al., 2016). their production influenced local food safety. The
Another area covered in the production forecast- authors used remotely sensed primary productivity
ing publications is the forecasting of energy produc- and crop phenology (Qader et al., 2018). In turn,
tion. For this purpose, the authors of the publication Mustafa and Jbara used the ARIMA model to forecast
most often use artificial neural networks. For exam- wheat production (Mustafa and Jbara, 2018). Also,

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

Farhan, Hassnain, Irum and Abdul used the ARIMA the historical high dimensional factory floor data to
model for milk production in Pakistan (Farhan et al., make real-time predictions considering future pro-
2011). Alam, Sinha et al. used the hybrid ARIMA duction planning inputs (Lai et al., 2018). To predict
model with the SSN approach to predict rice produc- production in the Chinese automotive industry, Lin,
tion. This hybrid model significantly reduced the Wong and Ho presented three kinds of combined
MAPE compared with ARIMA alone (Alam et al., models based on a grey neural network, namely,
2018). De Oliveira, Mendes-Moreira and Ferreira a parallel grey neural network, series grey neural
(2018) used four methods to forecast grape produc- network, and inlaid grey neural network compared
tion. The selected methods were multivariate linear the single model GM and neural network. The
regression, regression trees, lasso and random forest. experimental results demonstrated that the combined
The selected methods were verified using the mean models had higher forecasting accuracy than the sin-
squared error and the coefficient of variation (de gle model (Lin et al., 2014).
Oliveira et al., 2018). Other publications identified in the database did
Another identified field that uses production not concern production forecasting directly. They
forecasts is the automotive industry. Lin, Wong and mainly concerned demand forecasting (Stanton et al.,
Ho indicated that the process of the production chain 1969; Raine, 1971; Tong and Sun, 2010; Li and Lim,
in the automotive industry is directly dependent on 2018), further sales (Yelland, 2011) and forecasting in
the accuracy of its production forecasting model (e.g., the supply chain (Liang, 2016).
the level of safety stocks, lack of inventory or timeli-
ness). This article presents the Chinese automotive
industry as a case study. The authors present an inte-
2. Research methods
grated model based on the grey neural network,
which is a combination of the GM model (grey To identify methods and areas of forecasting in
model) and a neural network. The GM model can be production engineering, and due to the review nature
used for prediction in non-linear time series. The of the publication, the bibliometric analysis method
model is used especially in situations where the num- was used as a research method. A review of the publi-
ber of observations is insufficient (Chunyan et al., cation was made in the Scopus database. The selection
2016). Experimental results show that integrated of the database was made due to its size and availabil-
models have higher prediction accuracy than a single ity. The first formulation, based on which the database
GM model (grey model) and neural network (Lin et was searched, was forecasting in production engi-
al., 2015). One of the branches of the automotive neering used in article titles, abstracts and keywords.
industry is the production of electric cars. An article As a result of the search, only one publication was
by Wang and Li was found in the database regarding found, entitled “Technological forecasting and pro-
the use of a logistics trend model to forecast the pro- duction engineering research” from 1970. This paper
duction of this type of vehicles. The conclusions describes the qualitative and quantitative methods of
drawn from the forecast indicate that global produc- forecasting technology and presents the results of
tion of electric cars will enter the phase of rapid forecasts using the Delphi method (Merchant, 2018).
development (Wang and Li, 2011). In turn, Ngadono Because no satisfactory results were derived from the
and Ikatrinasari used the ARIMA model to forecast exploration of publications using the above combina-
the production capacity to create a PVB film needed tion of words, the phrase was modified. The aim was
in the process of laminating car glass (Ngadono and to remain as close as possible to the original wording
Ikatrinasari, 2018). In contrast, Subramaniyan, and stay related to the studied subject. The most
Skoogh, Salomonsson, Bangalore and Bokrantz accurate phrase to explore the database was produc-
developed an algorithm for predicting bottlenecks on tion forecasting used in article titles, abstracts and
production lines in the automotive industry. They keywords. The time frame of the analysed period
combined the ARIMA methodology with a real-data- covered the years from January 1970 to June 2018.
based technique, making it easier for engineers to In the second part of the research, the coexist-
manage bottlenecks and achieve higher bandwidth ence of words was assessed as well as their co-classifi-
(Subramaniyan et al., 2018). Lai, Shui and Ni used a cation in publications. The method used to analyse
Two-Layer Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to the coexistence of words was based on counting the
predict bottlenecks on the chassis assembly line. This sequence of words appearing in the text. Using the
neural network-based approach takes advantage of VOS viewer software, a bibliometric map was devel-

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

oped, which is a visualisation of the results of the Most publications were created in the United
word coexistence analysis (Halicka, 2017; Gudanow- States (215 articles), China (69 articles), Canada (57
ska, 2017; Siderska & Jadaa, 2018; Szpilko, 2017, articles) and Great Britain (35 articles). In the next
Winkowska et al., 2019). The size of the circles reflectsstep, it was decided to analyse the interest in the sub-
the number of specific words, while the distance ject matter over the years. The time frame of the ana-
between the circles depends on the number of coex- lysed period covered the years from January 1970 to
istences (Halicka, 2016). This method enabled the June 2018, because the oldest publication came from
creation of the classification of forecasting methods 1970. The number of studies published in individual
in production engineering. years is shown in Fig. 2.
For many years of the analysed period, the inter-
est in the subject of forecasting production was
3. Research results moderate and remained rather low. It was only from
around 2010 that an upward trend could be observed
Exploration of Scopus database resulted in 726 in the context of the number of studies related to the
studies found registered in the database, of which the studied subject. A particularly dynamic increase in
largest part (Fig. 1) was composed of conference
book 0.30% theothers
number of publications started in 2012. In the
book chapter 0.60% 0.50%
proceedings, the number of which was 403 (55.5%), years 2014–2017, the number of articles remained
articles — 278 (38.3%), and conference
review 1.40% reviews — 25 rather steady:
conference paper
conference 55.50%
review 3.40% book 0.30%
book chapter 0.60% others 0.50%

review 1.40%
article 38.30%
conference paper
conference 55.50%
review 3.40%

article 38.30%

Fig. 1. Results of searching the Scopus database — the document type criterion

Fig. 1. Results of searching the Scopus database — the document type criterion

Fig. 1. Results of searching the Scopus database — the document type criterion

Fig. 2. Number of publications in the field of production forecasting in the Scopus database indexed January 1970 to June 2018

Fig. 2. Number of publications in the field of production forecasting in the Scopus database indexed January 1970 to June
2018 27
Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

• 2014 — 71 publications;
• 2015 — 69 publications;
4. Discussion of the results
• 2016 — 66 publications;
• 2017 — 75 publications. The first cluster — A — includes forecasting
However, this is still not much, so it may mean methods in production engineering defined by the
that production forecasting is a topic that has not author as classical. This group includes forecasting
been thoroughly explored yet and is of interest both methods that can be classified as the oldest methods
to researchers, researchers and production managers. used in production engineering, which are strongly
Cooperation between enterprises and scientific insti- represented in the literature. Many studies describe
tutions are the main actions required for successful these methods. It is a group that covers numerical
development (Radziszewski et al., 2016, p. 168). methods, statistical (ANOVA, NARX model, com-
In the next stage, the classification of research prehensive statistical analysis, statistical method),
subareas was created using the VOS viewer software, analytical (analytical technique, analytical produc-
and then, a bibliometric map was developed, which is tion prediction, linearization, nonlinear function),
a visualisation of the results of the word coexistence qualitative models, probabilistic methods (probabil-
analysis. The results of the analysis of articles from istic forecasting approach, probabilistic prediction),
the Scopus database are presented in Fig. 3. time series methods (time series analysis), trend
The word coexistence analysis made it possible to analysis methods, fuzzy time series, regression and
distinguish three clusters — A, B and C. Each cluster autoregression models (mean kriging, non linear
represents a specific group of methods used in fore- regression, ARIMA, ARMA, autoregressive model,
casting in production engineering. The following autoregression), simulation methods (Monte Carlo
subgroups have been identified: simulation, Monte Carlo analysis). It is the most copi-
• Cluster A — classical methods; ous of the three groups of methods identified during
• Cluster B — artificial intelligence methods; the study. Currently, many researchers aiming to
• Cluster C — hybrid methods. determine the most accurate forecast of production,

Fig. 3. Classification of forecasting methods in production engineering

Fig. 3. Classification of forecasting methods in production engineering

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

depart from the use of only one of these methods, of forecasting in production engineering. Tab. 1
favouring a combination. More specifically, the pro- indicates the research subareas of forecasting in pro-
cess of combining methods was described in cluster duction engineering and related emerging research
C. directions and issues.
Cluster B contained artificial intelligence meth- Based on the problems solved using individual
ods. Artificial intelligence is one of the top themes groups of methods, conclusions can be drawn about
these days. It is used in many areas, including fore- their specificity. Classic forecasting methods are used
casting production. Often, artificial intelligence for rather simple issues. On the other hand, methods
methods allow obtaining more accurate predictions from clusters B and C are advanced, intelligent meth-
and smaller errors in production forecasts. The litera- ods that not only allow obtaining information based
ture analysis made it possible to indicate artificial on available data but also allow modelling production
intelligence methods most often used in forecasting processes. According to the author, hybrid methods
in production engineering. Among them were the — the combination of classic methods and artificial
propagation neural network, the backpropagation intelligence methods — allow creating a forecasting
neural network and the grey model. model that uses the advantages of both approaches,
The last cluster — C — covered hybrid methods, which simultaneously increases the accuracy and
i.e., sets of methods that were a mixture of classical quality of the forecast and extends the possibilities of
methods and artificial neural networks, as well as using the model.
ANN–ANN combinations. This can be described as
an integrated approach. Based on the literature analy-
sis, such hybrids could allow obtaining the best results
in forecasting production because such synergies
enable to use the strengths of the selected methods. Forecasting production is one of the key stages
Depending on the type and specifics of the manufac- ensuring the correct course of business. Based on
turing industry and the nature of the data, the appro- information from the forecast, managers make key
priate prognostic method should be chosen. This decisions. Determining the right forecast requires the
indicates a scientific gap that requires further correct use of production data. Forecasts allow com-
research. The literature has no clear indication related panies to maximise profits, reduce the risk of
to the effect made by matching methods, principles improper decisions, errors and losses. The publica-
used to choose methods and factors on the choice of tion aimed to review the literature in the field of pro-
a forecasting method in production engineering. duction forecasting. It was carried out in the Scopus
The co-occurrence analysis and the co-classifica- database, and the time frame of the analysed period
tion of words made it possible to identify three clus- covered 48 years (1970–2018). In the analysed period,
ters that constituted research subareas in the context the initial interest in the subject was low. Increasingly

Tab. 1. Research subareas of forecasting in production engineering

Cluster Group of methods Research subareas Main research issues
• forecasting of the prime cost of production based on the cal-
culation of the complex influence of production factors on
this indicator (Yureneva et al., 2020; Kuladzhi et al., 2017;
the possibility of obtain- Trubaev and Tarasyuk, 2017; Mustavaeva, 2007);
A classical methods ing information that
objectively reflects the • prediction of production volume (Tkachev et al., 2018; Mus-
economic situation of an tavaeva, 2007; Dupré et al., 2020; Artun et al., 2014);
enterprise • operational cost management (Barinova and Shikhova, 2016,
Yureneva and Barinova, 2016; Shim et al., 2009)
• improve management processes (Alva et al. 2020; Tariq et al.,
2019; Sarma et al., 2018; Tariq, 2018; Jain et al., 2018);
artificial intelli- adaptive modelling of
B • predict cycle times of a common operation (Onaran and Ya-
gence methods production processes
nik, 2020; Gyulai et al., 2020; Okubo et al., 2020; Wang and
Jiang, 2019; Susanto et al., 2012; Eraslan, 2009)

predictive modelling and • planning of production volume (Elgharbi et al., 2020; Li et al.,
C hybrid methods
probabilistic forecasting 2018; Wu et al., 2017)

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

more publications were published every year. Until Artun, E., Vanderhaeghen, & M., Murray, P. (2016).
2010, few studies were prepared. Later, the interest A pattern-based approach to waterflood perfor-
mance prediction using knowledge management
grew steadily, and then stabilised since 2014 and tools and classical reservoir engineering forecasting
remained as such until now. In the last stage of the methods. Gas and Coal Technology, 13(1), 19-40.
bibliometric analysis focused on the co-occurrence of Barinova, O. I., & Shikhova, O. A. (2016). Methodologi-
words and their co-classification in publications. The cal problems of milk cost forecasting in operational
word coexistence analysis was made using the VOS cost management. Innovative Way of Development
of Agro-Industrial Complex: Collection of Scientific
viewer software. A bibliometric map was prepared, Works on Materials of XXXIX International Scientific-
and on this basis, the classification of forecasting Practical Conference of the Faculty (pp. 156-161).
methods in production engineering was made. Three Box, G., & Jenkins, G. (1970). Time series Analysis: Fore-
groups of methods were distinguished — classical casting and Control. San Francisco, United States:
methods, artificial intelligence methods and hybrid Holden-Day.
methods, i.e., a mixture of classical methods and Chen, X. J., Tang, Z.-H., & Li, J. F. (2012). Preliminary study
on BIPV grid-connected generation system produc-
artificial neural networks as well as ANN-ANN com- tion forecasting. Dianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/
binations. In the age of the 4.0 industry, the impor- Power System Protection and Control 40(18), 81-85.
tance of prognostic knowledge and knowledge of the Chunyan, L., & Jun, C. (2009). Traffic Accident Macro Fore-
use of artificial intelligence methods increases. cast Based on ARIMAX Model. International Confer-
Employers expect prognostic skills from managers in ence on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Au-
tomation, 3, 633-636.
managerial positions. It is important to understand
Cieślak, M. (Ed.). (2005). Prognozowanie gospodarcze.
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field of science. As the manufacturing industry is ods and applications]. Warszawa, Poland: Wydawnic-
varied, has numerous characteristics and specialises two Naukowe PWN.
in different fields, there is no universal forecasting Clark, A. J., Lake, L. W., & Patzek, T. W. (2011). Production
method that could be used by all manufacturing forecasting with logistic growth models. Proceedings
- SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1,
companies. As a result, various methods are com- 184-194.
bined, and integrated resource modelling is built to Cortez, P., Rocha, M., Machado, J., & Neves, J. (1995).
best match production data and, thus, result in more A neural network-based time series forecasting sys-
accurate forecasts. Aiming to find the criteria for the tem. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on
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Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • 2019

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