Comedk 2006 Phy
Comedk 2006 Phy
Comedk 2006 Phy
Colleges of Karnataka
1. The twinkling effect of star light is d�e to .
total internal reflection -
2) high dense matter of star .
1) 2)
t ..
f speed
3) 4)
· 5. A cyclist starts froi:n the centre O of a circular park �f radius one kilo�etre, reaches the
edge P of the park, then cycles.aloilg the circµmference and returns tothe cent:re afong QO
.as sho�n in figure. lfthe round trip takes ten minute�·, the net displacement and average
-· speed of the cyclist (in metre and kilometre per hour) is .................. •
o, 2.' 0
3) 21.4,; . _ 4) 0, 21.4
·. o
6. When a low flying· aircraft passes over head, ·�e sometimes notice a slight shaking of the·
picture on our TV screen. This is due to
1) diffraction ·of the sign�l received from the antenna.
. 2) interference of the direct signal received by the antenna with the weak signal
reflected by the passing aircraft.
. · 3) change of magnetic flux occuring due to the passage of aircraft.
· 4) vibrations created by the passage of aircraft". ·
7. A beam of light of wavelength 600 nm from a distant source falls on a single slit lmm·wide
and the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 2m away. The distance between
the first dark'fringes on either side of the central bright fringe is
1) 1.2 cm 2) 1.2 inm
3) 2.4 cm 4) 2.4 mm
9. A battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 3 ohm is connected to a resistor. The. current
in the circuit is 0.5 A. The terminal voltage ofthe battery wh�n the circuit is closed is ... ;; .....
1) · 10 V 2) 0 V
3) L5 V 4) 8._5V
10. A galvanometer coil .has a resistance of 15 oh� and gives foll scale deflection for a current
of 4 mA. !'o convert it to an ammeter of range Oto 6 A,
1) 10 mQ 'resistance is to be cortnected in parallel to the gaivanometer.
2) 10 mQ resistance is to be connected in series with the galvanometer.·
3) 0.1 Q resistance is .t� be connected
in parallel to the galvanometer.
. .
12. · A straight wire of mass 200 g and-length 1.5 m carries a cu�rent of 2 A. It is suspended in
. • field B. The magnitude
mid-air by a uniforrri horizontal magnetic
ofB (in tesla) is ....�-........ , ..
(Assumeg = 9.9 ms- ) 2
1.) 2· 2) 1.5
3) 0.55 4) 0.66
13. In the cir�uit shown the value of/ in ampere is ........."... :.: ..
1) 1
4.n. 2) 0.60
3) 0.4
. 4) 1.5
4 V, 1·6.n
15. · A parallel plate air capacitor has a capacitance C. When it is half filled with a dielectric of
·. dielectric constant 5, the percentage increas� in the capacitance will be i.............. .
1) 400 % 2) 66.6 %
:3) 33.3 %
4) �00 %
16. · A comb run through one's dry hair a�tracts small bits ·of paper. Thi� is due t�
1) · comb is a good conductor
2) papen is a good conductor . . .
3) · the atoms in the pap�r get p·olarised by the charged comb.
. . � . ••
17. The top of the atmosphere is •at about 400 kV with respect to the· surface of the earth,
· · corresponding to an electric field that d�creases with altitude. Near the surf ice of the earth,
th� field is about 100 Vm..:1 . Still, we do not get �n electric shock as we step out of our house
into the open because (assume the h�use to be a steel cage so that there is no field inside) ~·
1) then� is a ·pd between our body and the ground
2) 1oovm- 1 is not a high electric field so that we d� not feel the shock.
. . .
18. The specific charge of a proton is 9.6 xl0 7 C kg- 1: The specific charge of an alpha particle
willbe ......... .
19. When light of wavelength 300 nm falls on a photoelectric emitter, photoelectrons are liberated.
For another emitter, light ofwavelength 600 nll,l is sufficient for liberating photoelectrons.
The ratio of the work function of the two emitters is
1) 1: 2 2) 2: 1
3) 4: 1 4) 1: 4
. .
20.. White light is passed through a dilute solution. ofpotassium permanganate. The spectrum
.. produced by the emergent light is
1) · band emission spei::trum .
• . . · 2) _line e�ission $pectrum
3) band absorption spectrum . 4) lin� absorption spectrum
21. If Ai and ,¼ are the Wavelengths' of the first memBers of the Lyman and Paschen series.
(½) rd. · · · : ·. ·
22. Ac6�ity of a radioa tive sample decreases to of its 6riginal value in 3 days. Tl�en, in
� _
9 days its activity will become ............•._. .. : ...
24...· The working of which o( the following is simi�ar to that of a slide projector ?
1) · Electron microscope - 2) Scanning electron microscop� ·
3) Transmission
electron microscope 4) Atomic force
. .
microscope. .
. ·.
. . ' . . . . .
2) a
3} collector being reverse biased, attr�cts less electrons
. . ' '
28. For a given lens, the magnification was found to be twice as large as when the object was
. 0.15 m distant fromit as when the distance was 0.2 m. The focal length.of the lens is
1) 0.15 m· 2) 0:20 m
3) · 0:10 m 4) 0.05 m,
29. To a fish under water, viewing obliquely a fisherman standing on the bank of a lake, the
man looks
1) taller than what he �ctually i� 2) shorter than what he actually is
3) the same height as he actually is _ 4) depends on the obliquity ·
30. A thin prism I\ with angle 4 ° and mad� from a �lass of refractive index 1.54 is combined
with another thin prism, P2 made from glass of refractive index 1.72 to produce dispersion
without deviation. The angle· of the pri�m P2 ·is
1) 5.33°
2) 4°
3) 3
4) 2.6°
3L If white light is used in the Newton's rings experiment, the colour observed in the reflected
· light is complementary · · to that observed in the transmitted light through the same point.
This is due to
1) 90° change of phase in one of the reflected wav�s
2) 180° change of phase in one of the reflected waves
3) 145° change of phase in one of the reflected waves
4) 45 ° change of phase in one of the reflected waves .
32. Specific rotatio� of sugar solut�on is 0.5 deg m2 kg- 1: 200 ·kgm-3 of impure sugar sol�tion is
taken in a sample polarimeter tuJ:?e of length.20 cm and optical rotation is found to be 19°. ·
· The perc;entage of purity of sugar is ................. : ·
1) 20 % 2) 80 %
3) 95 % 4) 89 %
. .
33. A simple pendulum has a·lerigth land the niass of the bob ism. The bob is given a charge q ·
coulomb. The pendulum is suspended between.the vertical plates of a charged parallel plate
. capacitor. IfE is the electric field
· strength between the plates, the time period of the pendulum
· · · ·
'is given by
2n '
1) 21rf¼. 2) jpi
. g+-
· . m
2 2n
3) /H 4)
2) 4PF
3) 6.36PF
4). 12.72·PF.
. . . '
35� A satellite in :a circular ·orbit .of radius R has a period of 4 hours. Another satellite with
. orbital radius 3 R around the.same planet will have a period (in hours)
1) 16 2) .4 .
· ✓.
· 3) 4✓27 4) 4
36. The freezer in a refrigerator is located at the top section so that
)) · the entire chamber of the refrigerator is cooled quickly due to convection. ,
2) the motor is not heated
· 3) 'the heat gained from the environment is high
· 4) . · the heat gained from the environment is low.
. . , .
(¾) · .
th . . . · .·
38. A mono�tomic gas is udde compressed t� : of its initial volume adiabatically. The
ratio of its finai pressure to the 'init al pressure of
· is (given the · · ratio
· of the specific heat · the
given gas to be 5/3)
1) 32 2) 4
. %
4) �.
3) 2_ 4/
- 15
. 39. A Carnot .heat engine take� heat from a rese�oir at 627 °C · an:d' rejects heat to a sink at
27°C. Its efficiency·wili b�
¾ · 2)
. 3) ½ ,
4) . 0%09
A 30 V, 90 W lamp is to be operated oh a 120 V D.C. line. For proper glow, a resistor of ........ .
. .· .
40. .
41. · A battery consists of a variable irumber (n) of identical cells,, each havi�g·an internal
resistance r connected iri series. The terminals of the ha ttery are short-circuited. A gr�ph of
· current (I) in the cir�uit verses the number of cells will be as shown in figure.
1) 2) I
' . .
. .
' .
. .
.. n
42. A tuning fo�k A produces 4 beats _per second with another tuningfork B of frequency··
320Hz. On filing one of the prongs ofA,4.J:>eats per second are again heard whensounded
. .
. \ .
43. Whep. the length of the· .vibrating segm�nt of a sonometer wire is inc:reas�d by 1 %, the
percentage c;:hange in its frequency is
100 99
1) 2
101 ) 100
3) 1 4) 2.
. . .
44. The sprinkling of water reduces slightly the temperature of a closed room because
1) -temperature o�water is less than that of the room
· 2) specific heat of water �s �igh
3) water has large latent hea_t of vapourisation ·
· 4) ·wate�·is a bad conductor of heat
. , . . .n .· . .
·. 45� The equation of a simple harmonic
. wave is y=5Sin -'- (100t
. . . wherex
-x) ·' andy are .·-
' . . . '
2 ·.
in metre and time is in second. The p�riod of the wave in s.econd will be
1), .0.04. · 2) 0.01
.3) 1 4) 5_
46. The loudness and pitch of a sound note depends on
1) intensity and frequency 2) frequency and number of harmonics
3) intensity and velocity 4) 'fr�quency and velocity
, \
47. For ordinary terrestrial experiments, the observer in an inertial frame in the following
cases is ...............
1) a child revolving in a giarlt wheel
2) a driver i:ri a sports car moving with a constant high·speed of 200 kmh-1 on a
straight road
3) the pilot of an aeroplane which is taking off -
4) a cyclist negotiating a sharp curve.
. . .
A rectangular vessel when full of water, takes 10 minutes to be emptied through an orifice
in its bottom. How much time will it take to be �mptied when half filled'with water?
1) 9 minutes 2) 7'minutes
3) 5 miriutes 4) 3 minutes ·
49. If there were· no gravity, which of_the following will not be there for a fluid?
1) visco�ity .· 2) surface, tension .
3) pressure 4) Archimedes' upward thrust
50. In aLCR series circuit, the pd between the terminals of the inductance is 60 V, between the
terminals of the capacitor is 30 V and that across the resistance is 40 V. Then, the supply
voltage will be equal to
1). 50 V 2) · 70 V
3) 130 V 4) · 10 V
51. When dueterium a�d helium are subjected to an accelerating field simultaneously then,
. ' .
52. · Asolenoid 1. 5 m long and .O .4 crri in diaipeter possesses 10 turns per cm length. A current of
·5 A flows through it. The m.agnetic field at the axis inside the solenoid is
1) 2nx10-3 T
3) 4nx10-2 T
53. A wir� PQR is bent as figure and is placed in a regi�n of uriiforni magnetic field B. .
The length of PQ =QR-= l. A current I ampere .flows through.the wire as shown. The
. �agnitude of the force on PQ and QR will be
R 1). Bll, 0
2) 2 Bil, 0
13 ) L 3) 0, Bil
4) 0, 0
p Q,
54. · A choke is preferred to a resistance for limiting current :in AC circuit because:
· 1) choke is cheap ·_ 2) there is no wastage of power
3) choke 'is compact in size 4) choke is a good absorber of heat
55. A current of 6 A e_nters one corner P of an equilateral triangle PQR having 3 wi_res of
- rei:;istances 2 Q each and leaves by the corner R: Then the current _/1 and /2 are
I . . '
6A 1) 2A,4A
2) 4A,2_A
3) 1A,2A
4). 2,A,3A
Q 2..0.
56. To a germanium crystal equal nu:mbei- of aluminium and ing.ium atoms are added ..Then,
1) it remains an intrinsic semiconductor 2) it. becomes a n·-type semiconductor
3) it becomes a p-type semiconductor 4) it b�comes an ins\llator
57.. Maxi_ml:lm velocity of the photoelectrons emitted by a metelsurface•is 1.2 _x 106 �s-1.
Assuming the specific charge of the electron to be 1.8 x 1011 C kg-1,'the value of the stopping.
potential in vcilt will be· · · ·· · ·
. I .
1) 2 · 2) 3
3). 4 . 4) 6,
58. Which ·of the following figure represents the variation of particle nrnmentum �d associated
de Broglie wavelength ? · . \ ·
. -· 1)
Pt Ptlk_
3) 4)
·➔I\ ➔1>-·
59. The term liquid crystal refers to. a �tate that is int��edi�te betwee�
1) crystallil).e solid and amorphous liquid
. .
2) crystalline solid·and vapour ·· .
3) amorphous liquid and its vapour
4) a crys�al immersed in a liquid ·
60. If r 1 and r2 are the radii of the atomic.n_uclei of mass n:imbers 64 and 125 respectively, then
. '( r, ]
the ratio ...!. is
. _ . r2
64 -
1) ,2 )
5. 4
3) 4) 5