CKT202 Circuit Theory-II

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Module Code and Title : CKT202 Circuit Theory II

Programme : BE in Electrical Engineering

Credit : 12
Module Tutor : Cheku Dorji

General objectives:

This module introduces coupling circuits, linear networks, and two-port networks along with the
properties of their components. It teaches students how to analyze and design circuits with
specific transient responses in both the frequency-domain and the time-domain. The skills
acquired in this module can be applied to many engineering domains, such as electronics,
telecommunications, and industrial control systems.

Learning outcomes:

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

1. Understand the magnetic coupling circuits and tuned circuits.
2. Identify the various types of transient input and output signals.
3. Represent physical systems into differential equation forms.
4. Apply Laplace transform to first and second order network equations.
5. Calculate time domain response of transient circuits with different initial conditions.
6. Distinguish driving point and transfer functions of different forms of two-port networks.
7. Calculate two port network parameters.
8. Formulate the interconnection of two-port networks to form more complicated networks.
9. Distinguish different types of network functions, zeros and poles.
10. Analyse the stability concepts of networks using positive real functions and Hurwitz

Learning and teaching approach:

Type Approach Hours per week Total credit hours

Contact Lecture/ Flipped 3

Tutorial 1

Independent study Self-directed learning 2 30

Assignments 2 30

Total 8 120

Assessment Approach:
The assessment will be 50% continuous assessment comprise of theory and semester end
examination of 50 % as described below:
A. Mid - Term tests: 15%
Each student will appear one scheduled mid - term test for 1 hour long which will be out of
15 marks. The mid - term test will be at the end of 8th week from unit I till unit III.
B. Assignments: 10%
Each student will submit at least 3 numerical assignments. In this assessment, students will
be assessed on their ability to analyse and solve the numerical problems.
C. Quiz: 10 %
Quizzes will be given after completion of each unit, or at least minimum of 3 quizzes of
10 MCQ for 30 minutes duration, summing average of weightage of 10.

D. Case Study; Mini Project/Simulation work (15 %)

The class will be divided into groups and carry out a mini project focused on either
developing a hardware prototype or simulations. This project will involve the analysis and
synthesis of linear networks, RLC transient works, coupling circuits, and the computation of
port network parameters.

Assessment criteria (Report- 7 marks)

0.5 Abstract-
1 Introduction
2 Technical content/work report
2 Findings/results/problems caused
1 Conclusions/recommendations
0.5 Reference

Assessment criteria (Presentation 8 marks)

1 Organisation
1 Style
2 Content depth
1 Content accuracy
1 Use of visual aid
2 Responsiveness to audience

E. Semester End Examination: 50%

Students will undertake a semester-end examination for 3 hours of 50 marks covering the
units taught. The question paper will be set as per the prescribed format of the College.

Overview of the assessment approaches and weighting

Mode of Assessment Nos. Marks (%)

A. Mid-Term Test 1 15
B. Assignments At least 3 10
C. Quiz End of each
Unit or at 10
least 3
D. Mini Project/ Simulation works 1 15
E. Semester Examination (Closed book 3 hours) 1 50
Total 100

Pre-requisites: CKT201 Circuit Theory I

Subject matter:

Unit I: Coupled Circuit

1.1. Introduction to Coupled Circuits
1.2. Difference between Self Inductance and Mutual Inductance
1.3. Co-efficient of Coupling and its significance
1.4. Dot Convention Analysis of Coupled Circuits
1.5. Ideal Transformer.
1.6. Tuned Circuits
1.6.1. Analysis of Single Tuned Circuits
1.6.2. Analysis of Double Tuned Circuits

Unit-II: Analysis of First and Second Order Transient Circuits Network

2.1. Review of basic continuous time signals - unit step, ramp, impulse and sinusoidal
2.2. Review of Laplace Transform, Incorporating initial conditions; Initial and final value
2.3. Transient Concepts;
2.3.1. General form of response equations - first and second order equations
2.3.2. Differential equation approach or state variable approach- solution to transient
2.3.3. The step-by-step approach- to find unknown variables in the network
2.4. Transient response analysis of RL, RC and RLC series and parallel circuits
2.5. Transient Response and steady state response of networks for different excitations
(step, ramp, exponential, sinusoidal, impulse and damped functions)

Unit-III: Model for Two-Port Networks

3.1. Driving point and transfer functions
3.2. Characterization of multi-port networks by driving point and transfer impedance &
3.3. Generalized representation of loop and nodal analysis
3.4. Characterization of Two-Port networks by different parameters

2.4.1 Open-circuit impedance (Z), short circuit admittance (Y), Hybrid (h), Inverse hybrid
(g), Transmission (T) and inverse transmission (g) parameters
3.5. Relationship between Two-Port parameters
3.1.1 Z-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.2 Y-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.3 T-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.4 T’-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.5 h-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.6 g-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.2. Interconnection of Two-Ports: Series, parallel and tandem connections
3.3. Two-port model of power transmission lines and calculation of ABCD parameters

Unit-IV: Frequency Domain Analysis

4.1 Concept of poles and zeros of network functions
4.2 Restrictions on pole and zero locations for driving point and transfer functions
4.3 Time domain Behaviour from the pole and zero plot
4.4 Stability of active networks

Unit-V: Elementary Synthesis Techniques

5.1. Causality and Stability
5.2. Hurwitz Polynomials
5.3. Positive real functions and their properties
5.4. Tests for positive real functions
5.5. Synthesis of one port RC, RL & LC networks by Foster and Causer forms.
Unit VI: Simulation of linear circuits and RLC transient responses
6.1 Computer aided D.C and A.C. analysis of linear networks
6.2 RLC Transient response and analysis of port networks, using appropriate software like
PSpice, Matlab

Reading list:

Essential Reading:
Chattopadhyay, D., & Rakshit, P.C. (2004). Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Theory (6th ed.).
S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Irwin, J. D., & Nelms, R. M. (2008). Basic Electrical Engineering Circuit Analysis (9th ed.).
Wiley Student Edition.
Kuo, F.F. (2008). Network Analysis and Synthesis (2nd ed.). John Wiley & sons.
Soni, K.M. (2013). Circuits and Systems (9th ed.). S.K. Kataria & Sons.
Van-Valkenberg, M.E. (2002). Network Analysis (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

Additional Reading:
Badrinarayan, S., & Nandini, U. A. (2004). Electric Circuit Theory (1st ed.). Scitech
Publications Pvt Ltd.
Choudhury, D. R. (2002). Networks and Systems (1st ed.). New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
Dorf, R.C., & Svoboda, J. A. (2004). Introduction to Electric circuits (6th ed.). John Wiley and
Sons Pvt Ltd.
Edminister, J. A. (1996). Electric Circuits (1st ed.). Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company.
Gupta, S. C., Bayless, J. W., & Peikanri, B. (2001). Circuit Analysis (1st ed.). New Age
International Private Ltd.
Van-alkenberg, M. E. (1994). Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis (1st ed.). Wiley
Eastern Ltd.

Date: September, 2023

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