CKT202 Circuit Theory-II
CKT202 Circuit Theory-II
CKT202 Circuit Theory-II
General objectives:
This module introduces coupling circuits, linear networks, and two-port networks along with the
properties of their components. It teaches students how to analyze and design circuits with
specific transient responses in both the frequency-domain and the time-domain. The skills
acquired in this module can be applied to many engineering domains, such as electronics,
telecommunications, and industrial control systems.
Learning outcomes:
Assignments 2 30
Total 8 120
Assessment Approach:
The assessment will be 50% continuous assessment comprise of theory and semester end
examination of 50 % as described below:
A. Mid - Term tests: 15%
Each student will appear one scheduled mid - term test for 1 hour long which will be out of
15 marks. The mid - term test will be at the end of 8th week from unit I till unit III.
B. Assignments: 10%
Each student will submit at least 3 numerical assignments. In this assessment, students will
be assessed on their ability to analyse and solve the numerical problems.
C. Quiz: 10 %
Quizzes will be given after completion of each unit, or at least minimum of 3 quizzes of
10 MCQ for 30 minutes duration, summing average of weightage of 10.
Subject matter:
2.4.1 Open-circuit impedance (Z), short circuit admittance (Y), Hybrid (h), Inverse hybrid
(g), Transmission (T) and inverse transmission (g) parameters
3.5. Relationship between Two-Port parameters
3.1.1 Z-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.2 Y-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.3 T-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.4 T’-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.5 h-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.1.6 g-parameters in terms of other parameters
3.2. Interconnection of Two-Ports: Series, parallel and tandem connections
3.3. Two-port model of power transmission lines and calculation of ABCD parameters
Reading list:
Essential Reading:
Chattopadhyay, D., & Rakshit, P.C. (2004). Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Theory (6th ed.).
S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Irwin, J. D., & Nelms, R. M. (2008). Basic Electrical Engineering Circuit Analysis (9th ed.).
Wiley Student Edition.
Kuo, F.F. (2008). Network Analysis and Synthesis (2nd ed.). John Wiley & sons.
Soni, K.M. (2013). Circuits and Systems (9th ed.). S.K. Kataria & Sons.
Van-Valkenberg, M.E. (2002). Network Analysis (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
Additional Reading:
Badrinarayan, S., & Nandini, U. A. (2004). Electric Circuit Theory (1st ed.). Scitech
Publications Pvt Ltd.
Choudhury, D. R. (2002). Networks and Systems (1st ed.). New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
Dorf, R.C., & Svoboda, J. A. (2004). Introduction to Electric circuits (6th ed.). John Wiley and
Sons Pvt Ltd.
Edminister, J. A. (1996). Electric Circuits (1st ed.). Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company.
Gupta, S. C., Bayless, J. W., & Peikanri, B. (2001). Circuit Analysis (1st ed.). New Age
International Private Ltd.
Van-alkenberg, M. E. (1994). Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis (1st ed.). Wiley
Eastern Ltd.