Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person
bring out the natural beauty of surroundings and able to act or choose without hindrance.
and contribute to the well-being of living Freedom of Choice – deals with the ability to
that meets the needs of the present without hold, and express one’s thoughts or beliefs
Principles of Sustainability
1. Environmental Integrity – any human Human Act – actions that are perform
activities should not disrupt the environment. consciously, intentionally, and involves free
minimum to zero waste in using natural Act of Man – actions that are involuntary,
Martin Buber – our sense of who we are Death is Certain – we are all born in the
becomes clear through relationship with world governed by time and whether we like it
Several Ways by which We Relate to live the best life that we can for we never
1. The I-I Relationship – people make Death is One’s Property – the death of the
themselves the center and don’t listen to person belongs to him and nobody can
a. People treat others into the status of an 1. Physical Suffering – comes from
their patients as objects of investigation. discomfort, hunger, distress and pain caused
b. I-It relationship with clear bad intent or by injury, disease and lack of basic needs
3. The I-Thou Relationship – genuine and mental states caused by sudden changes
sharing of one another where you treat others in lifestyle, loss of employment, stressful
as another person who is different from self. situations and grief caused by death of love
conversation and communication is central to and disinterest in relating to God due to some