Pgdhe Research Project Report 2021-22 Ignou
Pgdhe Research Project Report 2021-22 Ignou
Pgdhe Research Project Report 2021-22 Ignou
2022, 5:11
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Programme: PGDHE
Assistant Professor
Submitted by
Gauri Pai
Assistant Professor
Submitted to IGNOU
Post-Graduation Diploma in
Higher Education
2. Index 4
3. Introduction 5
6. Research Objectives 7
8. The Hypothesis 9
10. Methodology 13
11. Conclusion 14
11. Bibliography 15
The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning Union. It is an ancient system of
physical and psychic practice that originated during the Indus Valley civilization in South Asia.
The first written records of this methodology appeared around 200 BC in Yoga sutra of
Patanjali. The system consisted of the 8-fold path or Ashtanga yoga. In contemporary literature,
yoga has been described in several ways. In a more modern context, yoga has been defined as
“a systematic practice and implementation of mind and body in the living process of human
beings to keep harmony within self, within society, and with nature.”
The traditional practice of yoga was quite rigorous, arduous, entailed lifelong devoted practice,
and adherence to strict austerities. Today, many schools of yoga have simplified the techniques
making these more suitable for users in different walks of life. The 8 conventional steps
of Ashtanga yoga consist of Yama (rules for living in society), Niyama (self-restraining
rules), Asana (low physical impact postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Pratyahara
Mind and body are interrelated. If the mind is relaxed, the muscles in the body will also be
relaxed. Stress is a complex, dynamic process of interaction between a person and life. Stress
is a normal response towards difficult situations of life. Stress produces a state of physical and
mental tension. Yoga, developed thousands of years ago, is recognized as a form of mind-body
medicine which helps in dealing with stress. In yoga, physical postures and breathing exercises
improve muscle strength, flexibility, blood circulation and oxygen uptake as well as hormone
functions. In addition, the relaxation induced by meditation helps to stabilize the nervous
system. Physiological benefits which follow, help yoga practitioners become more resilient to
stressful conditions.
The practice of yoga involves forming various body postures, slow stretching
movements, breathing exercises that can at times lead to progressive relaxation and meditation.
Various techniques in yoga have been documented to help in stress management. These
techniques work at an individual level and also at a collective level to ensure that there
is significant respite from the condition of extreme stress. They help in relieving the physical
as well as the psychological negative effects of the problem by ensuring a healthy and
productive response to the stress stimuli. All these specific techniques are meant for a specific
purpose and they culminate into a higher awareness of what is happening to oneself during
In the present study the researcher is keen to know the causes of stress and role of yoga practices
in managing stress among degree college students because after completion of degree the
students are going to enter the work sector, they need to manage work as well as their life. The
knowledge gained will be beneficial to the students to cope up with stress by adopting yoga
The statement of the problem is; “Effectiveness of Yoga in Stress management among degree
college students.”
Stress is the way that we react physically, mentally and emotionally to various conditions,
changes and demands in our lives. Many students experience varying levels of stress each
semester. Forgetfulness, loss of mental concentration, anxiety and fear, depression, extreme
anger and frustration, family conflict, social withdrawal, and loss of interest in activities,
techniques of time management may help a person to control stress. Yoga can improve
digestion, strengthen immunity, help in effective elimination of toxic wastes and also
increase lung capacity. Effective use of this practice can also reduce the chances of stress
culminating in anxiety and depression. Yoga is termed as a “Stress Management Tool” and
nowadays it is being used in Western world too as a major alternative to allopathic drugs.
technique), in this technique an individual does slow and steady breathing steady- like
inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through another. Besides there are fast breathing
movements like intake of air through nostrils and exhaling through mouth at fast pace,
this way air is passed properly through blood capillaries and the person feels himself /
herself in light mode i.e. he / she feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul. Dhyana
(Meditation) is also a good method of controlling stress, in this part of Yoga a person
Hence it is the need of the hour to understand the power of yoga to cope up with stress of day
to day life.
1.To find out the causes of stress among degree college students.
2. To study the effectiveness of yoga in managing stress among degree college students.
3. To compare the perspective on effectiveness of yoga in coping with stress among degree
college students.
4.To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college
5.To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college
postures. It is internal concentration with the goal of being in the moment and clearing away
thoughts and worries. It is constantly taking the practitioner a step closer to being aware of the
Stress management: - The ability of managing stress by using stress coping strategies such as
yoga, meditation is termed as stress management. Stress is the natural reaction of the individual
towards life situations. It is caused by various factors such as family pressure, peer pressure,
Degree College Students: - Degree college students are the students who have passed 12th
Standard and now they have to study three years to complete their graduation.
It is assumed that the students would respond honestly and to the best of their knowledge.
1. Data for the present study will be collected using a self-prepared questionnaire.
2. Information on the effectiveness of yoga will be gathered from degree college students.
3. The data will be collected from English medium degree college students.
2. There is no significant relationship between yoga and stress management among degree
college students.
3. There is no significant relationship between yoga and stress management among degree
● A literature review was published in 2011 that looked at all the randomized controlled
trials and clinical trials till that time which has studied the effects of yoga on stress
management. The study summarized the results from 8 such trials and found positive
effects of yoga though there were methodological shortcomings and the number of
studies was too small. Since 2011, several additional studies have been published in
this area. Hence, the purpose of this review was to look at these additional studies and
examine whether yoga can be an alternative and complementary approach for managing
● The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has raised health
concerns worldwide. Medical and allied health professional schools are seeking ways
to alleviate stress and improve the quality of life among students. The effects of yoga
have proven to be successful against stress. The authors reviewed existing literature and
official documents, which mostly focussed on the effect of yoga among students.
Mental stress among students is known to be higher than that of the general population.
Sudden changes due to the pandemic are likely to have a significant impact on students.
Uncertainties concerning teaching, learning and assessment generate stress and anxiety,
and social distancing further contributes to loneliness. Yoga has gained recognition not
only in improving mental health and quality of life, but it also helps in improving
respiratory and immune health. Although many published studies examined the
the COVID-19 crisis, the use of yoga for stress reduction and immune modulation
yoga into college curricula to prepare physically fit and mentally sound prospective
● Sheela Joice P P, Khaleel Ahmed Manik, Sudhir PK (2018) studied the influence
Methods: A total of 100 healthy medical students in the age group of 17–23 were
considered for the study. They were trained to practice yoga technique for 12 weeks,
and their attention, concentration, and memory were assessed using Postgraduate
Institute memory scale before and after intervention at Annapoorana Medical College,
attention, concentration, and memory of yoga group (P < 0.001) when compared with
the control group. This study suggests that after practicing yoga there was a significant
that medical students who practiced yoga have improved attention, concentration, and
memory. The result of improved concentration may be due to personality
Sahebkar, (2017); Call, Miron, & Orcutt, (2014) researchers have found out that
college students often endure high levels of stress while completing their coursework.
This can negatively impact their mental and physical health, resulting in problems
including high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, and depression. Most public
students due to factors including a lack of funding, low space, and staffing issues.
Yoga is a practice that involves linking the breath to movement, and previous studies
students (N=8) ages 18-40 years who were recruited using purposive, convenience
Maine during the time of this study. Subjects completed two online questionnaires--a
questions. Data was analyzed using SPSS and thematic analysis. Three major themes
were drawn from the data, including how students define stress management, types of
universal experiences for college students is that of stress. Stress, in the right amount,
exists to keep people safe. However, experiencing chronic stress puts individuals at
risk for developing severe physical and mental health problems like heart disease,
high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and anxiety and depression..
● Saleh, Camart, & Romo, (2017) through their study mentioned that University
students often face different stressful situations and preoccupations: the first contact
with the university, the freedom of schedule organization, the selection of their
master's degree, very selective fields, etc. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a
evaluated by a battery of six scales that was accessible online during 3 months. A total
of 483 students, aged between 18 and 24 years (Mean = 20.23, standard deviation =
1.99), was included in the study. The results showed that 72.9, 86.3, and 79.3% of
them were suffering from psychological distress, anxiety and depressive symptoms,
respectively. More than half the sample was also suffering from low self-esteem
efficacy and psychological distress were the most important predictors of stress.
particular has become a prominent issue for thousands of college students in the
United States. Balon et al. (2015) found that an average of one in six college students
is being treated for an anxiety disorder, and research conducted on nearly 500
university students revealed that 86% had high levels of anxiety and nearly 73%
● Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Rajesh Kumar (2016) conducted research which helps in
understanding how yoga can improve mood, reduce stress and control anti- social
behaviour in human beings as compared to those who lack meditation sessions in their
routine, all the more in women in prison, since women (and men) prisoners need
constant emotional and psychological therapies to guard their anti- social instincts in
future. The result indicated positive and encouraging changes in the health of female
prisoners in Delhi reported after practicing meditation, yoga and such techniques aiding
stress management.
● Rani et al. (2011) investigated the impact of Yoga Nidra on psychological wellbeing
University, Lucknow. The authors studied the association of menstrual symptoms with
anxiety and depression in female students. The frequent occurrence of one menstrual
symptom causes discomfort affecting the Performance. The practice of Yoga Nidra has
been reported to relieve pain associated with dysmenorrhoea and excessive level of
premenstrual tension. The participants in the Yoga Nidra program had a decreased level
of anxiety, depression and increased positive wellbeing, general health and vitality
● Method of the study- Researcher will make use of single factor design.
● Sample of the study- Degree college students studying in thane city will be randomly
selected to collect data for the present study. The sample size will be 80 degree college
● The techniques of yoga comprise of physical postures (asanas), breath expansion and
with philosophy of simple and natural lifestyle management. Yoga and Meditation is a
Meditation and Yoga reduces the effects of stress among the students and induces a
feeling of calm and peacefulness, combats depression and anxiety, thus increases self
– esteem. In the present study the researcher is keen to understand the role of yoga in
managing stress among degree college students. The findings of the study will help the
● Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So Relax.
● Acharya Raj Kumara Jain, (1997). Yoga and Ayurveda Pranavayu Shodha Sanschona.
● Yogendra. Yoga and Physical Education, Seventh Edition. The Yoga Institute Santa
Cruz, Bombay
Online References:
Programme: PGDHE
Assistant Professor
Submitted by
Gauri Pai
Enrolment No.: 2101663983
Submitted to IGNOU
Post-Graduation Diploma in
Higher Education
This is to certify that the project work entitled “Effectiveness of Yoga in Stress
partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of “Post Graduate Diploma
Ulhasnagar 421003
I hereby declare that this project report is the result of my own research workand
the same has not been previously submitted to any examination of this or any
other universities. I also declared that no other chapter of this script in whole orin
part is lifted and incorporated in its report from any earlier work done by me or
others. Whenever reference has been made to previous work of others it has
Place: Mulund
Date: 15/12/2022
I take the opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my Guide
teacher Dr. (Mrs.) Bhakti M. Jaisinghani, Assistant Professor, Seva Sadan’s College of
Education, Ulhasnagar for her guidance and help given to me from time to time.
I wish to express my warm and sincere thanks to Dr. (Mrs.) Beena Khemchandani,
Principal, Seva Sadan’s College of Education, Ulhasnagar for her valuable inputs and
I will be failing in my duty, if I fail to acknowledge the library staff of the college and
my students for the help, they have given me during my research. I am grateful to the
I thank each and every one for their support and guidance.
3. Declaration iv
4. Acknowledgement v
5. Table of Contents vi
Ch 1 The Introduction 25
Ch 4 Findings 61
Ch 6 Suggestions 67
Ch 7 Implications of study 69
Ch 9 Bibliography 76
Ch 10 Appendices 79
1 45
Table No. 1 Showing Analysis based on causes of stress among
degree college students
2 53
Table No. 2 Showing effectiveness of yoga in stress management
3 58
Table No.3 Showing comparison between perspective of degree
college students towards the effectiveness of yoga in coping with
4 59
Table No. 4 Showing relationship between yoga and stress
management among degree college students
5 59
Table No. 5 Showing relationship between yoga and stress
management among degree college students as per gender
9 Figure No. 9. Showing analysis about sharing problems with 50
12 Figure No. 12. Showing analysis about role of yoga in coping with 52
19 57
Figure No. 19 Showing percentage that yoga increases
concentration in studies
The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning Union. It is an ancient system of
physical and psychic practice that originated during the Indus Valley civilization in South Asia.
The first written records of this methodology appeared around 200 BC in Yoga sutra of
Patanjali. The yoga system is consisted of the 8-fold path or Ashtanga yoga. In contemporary
literature, yoga has been described in several ways. In a more modern context, yoga has been
defined as “a systematic practice and implementation of mind and body in the living process
of human beings to keep harmony within self, within society, and with nature.”
The traditional practice of yoga was quite rigorous, arduous, entailed lifelong devoted practice,
and adherence to strict austerities. Today, many schools of yoga have simplified the techniques
making these more suitable for users in different walks of life. The 8 conventional steps
of Ashtanga yoga consist of Yama (rules for living in society), Niyama (self-restraining
rules), Asana (low physical impact postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Pratyahara
Mind and body are interrelated. If the mind is relaxed, the muscles in the body will also be
relaxed. Stress is a complex, dynamic process of interaction between a person and life. Stress
is a normal response towards difficult situations of life. Stress produces a state of physical and
mental tension. Yoga, developed thousands of years ago, is recognized as a form of mind-body
medicine which helps in dealing with stress. In yoga, physical postures and breathing exercises
improve muscle strength, flexibility, blood circulation and oxygen uptake as well as hormone
In addition, the relaxation induced by meditation helps to stabilize the nervous system.
Physiological benefits which follow, help yoga practitioners become more resilient to stressful
conditions. Although people take yoga as an ancient art, it is still important today. It has several
benefits for students, including helping in weight management, boosting the immune system,
improving memory and concentration, and reducing stress and depression. It comprises a set
of spiritual, physical, and mental practices that can help one to channelize their body and its
Some of the stark benefits of yoga that college students can experience while practicing it
routinely are:
Improving Memory, Improves Metabolism, Managing Time, Better Posture and Strengthens
Endurance. The student who is doing yoga on a regular basis would have a lot of advantages
compared to those who don’t do yoga. Compassion, Curiosity, Perseverance are also th benefits
for regular yoga practitioner. When it comes to yoga, you need to have a strong commitment
The practice of yoga involves forming various body postures, slow stretching
movements, breathing exercises that can at times lead to progressive relaxation and meditation.
Various techniques in yoga have been documented to help in stress management. These
techniques work at an individual level and also at a collective level to ensure that there
is significant respite from the condition of extreme stress. They help in relieving the physical
as well as the psychological negative effects of the problem by ensuring a healthy and
productive response to the stress stimuli. All these specific techniques are meant for a specific
purpose and they culminate into a higher awareness of what is happening to oneself during
In the present study the researcher is keen to know the causes of stress and role of yoga practices
in managing stress among degree college students because after completion of degree, the
students are going to enter the work sector they need to manage work as well as their life. The
knowledge gained will be beneficial to the students to cope up with stress by adopting yoga
The statement of the problem is; “Effectiveness of Yoga in Stress Management among
Stress is the way that we react physically, mentally and emotionally to various conditions,
changes and demands in our lives. There are numerous causes of stress for college students.
Many students experience varying levels of stress each semester. Forgetfulness, loss of mental
concentration, anxiety and fear, depression, extreme anger and frustration, family conflict,
social withdrawal, and loss of interest in activities, headaches, sweaty palms, anxiety,
The effects of Stress are summarised in two forms; (1) Physical effects of stress: Low energy
levels,Headaches,Stomach Aches and nausea,Insomnia,Chest pains, Frequent colds or other
illnesses, Shaking or sweating hands,etc. (2) Physiological effects of Stress:
Depression,Anxiety,Problems with cognitive functioning (being unable to concentrate or learn
as well as you normally would),Changes in behaviour ,such as being irritable, angry, hostile,
frustrated or withdrawn, etc.
Yoga is termed as a “Stress Management Tool” and nowadays it is being used in Western world
too as a major alternative to allopathic drugs. Yoga provides a unique way of managing stress
through pranayama (A breathing technique), in this technique an individual does slow and
steady breathing steady- like inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through another.
Besides there are fast breathing movements like intake of air through nostrils and
exhaling through mouth at fast pace, this way air is passed properly through blood
capillaries and the person feels himself / herself in light mode i.e. he / she feels that there
Dhyana (Meditation) is also a good method of controlling stress; in this part of Yoga
a person sits comfortably and thinks of a favourite place. The calming and the extra dose
of oxygen increases the brain’s thinking ability. Some techniques of time management may
help a person to control stress. Yoga can improve digestion, strengthen immunity, help in
effective elimination of toxic wastes and also increase lung capacity. Effective use of this
practice can also reduce the chances of stress culminating in anxiety and depression.
Hence it is the need of the hour to understand the power of yoga to cope up with stress in day
to day life. It is observed that Stress not only affects the academic achievement of the students
at any level of education but it affects the overall personality of the students and they are not
able to cope up with the stress in their education and with changing situations of the life.
Researches have proved that Yoga is much helpful in stress management not only to deal with
academic challenges but it helps the individual in every walk of life. So the researcher is
interested to know the effectiveness of Yoga in managing stress among degree college students
2. To study the effectiveness of yoga in managing stress among degree college students.
4. To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college
5. To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college
physical postures. It is internal concentration with the goal of being in the moment and
clearing away thoughts and worries. It is constantly taking the practitioner a step closer
to being aware of the divinity residing in their inner heart and soul.
● Stress management: - The ability of managing stress by using stress coping strategies
such as yoga, meditation is termed as stress management. Stress is the natural reaction
of the individual towards life situations. It is caused by various factors such as family
pressure, peer pressure, academic pressure, physical health, life situations etc.
● Degree College Students: - Degree college students are the students who have passed
12th Standard and now they have to study three years to complete their graduation.
It is assumed that the students would respond honestly and to the best of their knowledge.
1. The present study is based on the effectiveness of yoga in coping stress among degree
college students.
4. The relevant data for the study is collected from English medium degree college students.
2. There is no significant relationship between yoga and stress management among degree
college students.
3. There is no significant relationship between yoga and stress management among degree
A literature review was published in 2011 that looked at all the randomized controlled trials
and clinical trials till that time which has studied the effects of yoga on stress management. The
study summarized the results from 8 such trials and found positive effects of yoga though there
were methodological shortcomings and the number of studies was too small. Since 2011,
several additional studies have been published in this area. Hence, the purpose of this review
was to look at these additional studies and examine whether yoga can be an alternative and
The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has raised health concerns
worldwide. Medical and allied health professional schools are seeking ways to alleviate stress
and improve the quality of life among students. The effects of yoga have proven to be
successful against stress. The authors reviewed existing literature and official documents,
which mostly focussed on the effect of yoga among students. Mental stress among students is
known to be higher than that of the general population. Sudden changes due to the pandemic
are likely to have a significant impact on students. Uncertainties concerning teaching, learning
and assessment generate stress and anxiety, and social distancing further contributes to
loneliness. Yoga has gained recognition not only in improving mental health and quality of
Although many published studies examined the psychophysiological effects of yoga among
students; only a few colleges have incorporated yoga into an integrated curriculum for a holistic
approach. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the use of yoga for stress reduction and immune
integrate yoga into college curricula to prepare physically fit and mentally sound prospective
Some of the research studies related to the present study are presented below;
MA. (2021), has emphasised that Yoga is now valued and recognised as an integrated science
in global health sectors, especially in medical education. In 2014, the General Assembly of the
United Nations proclaimed June 21 the 'International Day of Yoga' to raise awareness of global
mental health. Yoga deserves a prominent place in the curriculum of all health professional
education. Incorporating yoga in health sciences education will help future professionals to
take a positive healthcare approach and disperse this positivity to their patients and
communities. In India, the land where yoga originated, the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda,
Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) integrated yoga in health
implement this, various universities in India developed integrated curricula with all the medical
and health professional sciences to build a holistic integration with positive outcomes.
Tripathi, M. N., Kumari, S., & Ganpat, T. S. (2018), reviewed studies and concluded that
Stress affects college students’ physical, mental, social, and intellectual health. College
students will not always possess the necessary stress management skills and coping strategies.
Physical activity is one coping strategy that is perhaps underutilized by many college students.
Many systematic reviews and different studies on effects on yoga for stress management in
college students revealed positive effects of yoga (as a mind-body intervention) on stress
management, and wellness in college students. It was reported that Pranayama training
decreases sympathetic activity, resulting in mental relaxation and decreased autonomic arousal
thereby, decreasing force fluctuations during isometric contraction. In addition, it was revealed
that regular practice of yoga has beneficial effects on both phases of the menstrual cycle by
sensitivity, sustained attention, mental performance and balanced personality traits among
students, thus paving the way for their academic excellence. Yoga also reduces perceived stress
and negative effects in college students thereby improving psychological well-being in them.
Based on the yoga therapy could be suggested for college students and may include following
yogic practices:
● Prayer and Kapalbhati Kriya (frontal brain cleansing), Agnisar Kriya (activating the
digestive fire)
● Hands in and out breathing, hands stretch breathing, ankle stretch breathing
● Jogging, forward and backward bending, side bending, twisting
● Tadasan (palm tree pose), Vrikshasana (tree pose), Padahastasan (hand to foot pose),
(locust pose)
● Om Meditation
● Closing Prayer.
Sheela Joice P P, Khaleel Ahmed Manik, Sudhir PK (2018), studied the influence of yoga
in attention, concentration, and memory of medical students. Materials and Methods: A total
of 100 healthy medical students in the age group of 17–23 was considered for the study. They
were trained to practice yoga technique for 12 weeks, and their attention, concentration, and
memory were assessed using Postgraduate Institute memory scale before and after intervention
at Annapoorana Medical College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. The results showed statistically
significant improvement in attention, concentration, and memory of yoga group (P < 0.001)
when compared with the control group. This study suggests that after practicing yoga there was
a significant improvement in attention, concentration, and memory. These changes may be due
Rachel E. Maddux Daiva Daukantaite and Una Tellhed (2017) , conducted a study on the
effects of yoga on stress and psychological health among employees: an 8- and 16-week
intervention study. This study investigated the effects of 8- and 16-week gym yoga on stress
and psychological health. Design and Method: Ninety individuals reporting moderate-to-high
stress were randomly assigned to 16 consecutive weeks of yoga, or to a waitlist crossover group
who did not practice yoga for 8 weeks then practiced yoga for 8 weeks. Stress and
psychological health variables were assessed at baseline, 8 weeks, and 16 weeks. Results:
Significant reductions in stress and all psychological health measures were found within the
Yoga group over 16 weeks. When compared to the control group, yoga practitioners showed
significant decreases in stress, anxiety, and general psychological health, and significant
increases in well-being. The group who did not practice yoga showed significant decreases in
stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia after they crossed over and practiced yoga for 8
weeks. Conclusions: Gym yoga appears to be effective for stress amelioration and promotion
Saleh, Camart, & Romo, (2017), through their study mentioned that University students often
face different stressful situations and preoccupations: the first contact with the university, the
freedom of schedule organization, the selection of their master's degree, very selective fields,
etc. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a model of vulnerability to stress in French college
students. Stress factors were evaluated by a battery of six scales that was accessible online
during 3 months. A total of 483 students, aged between 18 and 24 years (Mean = 20.23,
standard deviation = 1.99), was included in the study. The results showed that 72.9, 86.3, and
79.3% of them were suffering from psychological distress, anxiety and depressive symptoms,
respectively. More than half the sample was also suffering from low self-esteem (57.6%), little
optimism (56.7%), and a low sense of self-efficacy (62.7%). Regression analyses revealed that
life satisfaction, self-esteem, optimism, self-efficacy and psychological distress were the most
important predictors of stress. These findings allow us to better understand stress-vulnerability
Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Rajesh Kumar (2016), conducted research which helps in
understanding how yoga can improve mood, reduce stress and control anti- social behaviour in
human beings as compared to those who lack meditation sessions in their routine, all the more
in women in prison, since women (and men) prisoners need constant emotional and
psychological therapies to guard their anti- social instincts in future. The result indicated
positive and encouraging changes in the health of female prisoners in Delhi reported after
practicing meditation, yoga and such techniques aiding stress management. Participation in
physical activity on a regular basis is one of the primary factors in maintaining sound health in
modern society.
Stress affects college students’ physical, mental, social, and intellectual health. College
students will not always possess the necessary stress management skills and coping strategies.
Physical activity is one coping strategy that is perhaps underutilized by many college students.
Many systematic reviews and different studies on effects on yoga for stress management in
college students revealed positive effects of yoga (as a mind-body intervention) on stress
Through the study conducted by Yaribeygi, Panahi, Sahraei, Johnston & Sahebkar, (2017);
Call, Miron, & Orcutt, (2014), researchers have found out that college students often endure
high levels of stress while completing their coursework. This can negatively impact their
mental and physical health, resulting in problems including high blood pressure, heart disease,
anxiety, and depression. Most public universities offer inadequate, inaccessible services to
support the needs of their students due to factors including a lack of funding, low space, and
staffing issues. Yoga is a practice that involves linking the breath to movement, and previous
studies suggest that it can be instrumental in managing stress. This mixed-methods study
sought to understand yoga’s impact on stress management. Participants were college students
(N=8) ages 18-40 years who were recruited using purposive, convenience sampling and
enrolled in a bachelor's-level yoga class at the University of Southern Maine during the time
of this study. Subjects completed two online questionnaires--a pre-test (N=8) and a post-test
(N=2)--that consisted of scale and short-answer questions. Data was analysed using SPSS and
thematic analysis. Three major themes were drawn from the data, including how students
define stress management, types of stress-management activities, and the benefits of a regular
yoga practice. Due to limitations including small sample size, attrition, and poor
Method of the study- Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing
Good, “Research is a careful, critical, disciplined inquiry, varying in techniques and methods
according to the nature and conditions of the problem identified, directed towards the
clarification or resolution or both of the problem". In the words of Redman and Mory,
Researcher has made use of the Experimental method and single factor design for the present
variable can be studied by this experimental method. In this type of research the researcher
manipulates one variable to study the effect of the manipulation of another variable. According
to L. R. Gay “In experimental manipulate at least one independent variable controls other
relevant variables and observes the effect on one or more dependent variables”.
Single factor method is Experiments in which one and only one predictor variable’s level is
Population- In order to collect the requisite data for any research problem, the researcher has
to sample the population concerned. A population refers to any collection of specified groups
units, geographical areas and salary drawn by individuals. After defining a population and
listing all data for the units the researcher selects a sample of units from the overall list. The
study process of such a selection is called sampling. In order to serve a useful purpose, sampling
participants for a study in such a way that they represent the longer group from which they are
selected. In the present study the researcher selected degree college undergraduate students
Sample of the study- Sample comprises a small proportion of individuals, items or events
selected for the study from a larger group referred as a population. By observing the
characteristics of the sample, inferences can be made about the characteristics of the entire
population from which it is drawn. The researcher used a random sampling method for the
present study. The college was English medium, degree college students of Arts, Science and
Commerce located in Thane region. Degree College Students studying in Thane city were
randomly selected to collect data for the present study. The sample size for the present study
Tool of the study- Survey was conducted through Questionnaire (Pre test and Post test) in
google form as a tool for the present study in order to collect relevant data for present research,
due to Covid 19 restrictions. The questions were of a general nature and hence were relatively
A yoga module [prayer, Surya namaskar, yogasana + pranayama + meditation ] was shared
daily for an hour in the afternoon with the experimental group for 30 hours/3 days a week/45
min. In the beginning , a survey was done with a questionnaire, considered as a Pre-test where
A yoga course was conducted for 30 hours and then after the course was completed, again a
1. Do you feel confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?
9. How often do you share your personal problems with your friends?
10. Are you afraid that your parents will not like you if you don't fulfill their expectations?
11. Do you freely discuss your problem with your family members?
12. Do you feel yoga will help you in coping with stress?
2. Duration
4. Do you think practicing yoga is good for your health and mind?
8. Are you aware that yoga practice helps your body withstand stress,tension and fright against
11.Do you think that yoga practice has increased your concentration in studies?
The study was conducted on a sample of 80 undergraduate students studying in Thane city.
Survey was conducted through a google form questionnaire which was circulated among the
students. The questions were of a general nature and hence were relatively free of content
A yoga module [prayer, Surya namaskar , yogasana + pranayama + meditation ] was shared
daily for an hour in the afternoon with the experimental group for 30 hours/3 days a week/45
min. In the beginning , a survey was done with a questionnaire, considered as a Pre-test where
80 students were asked to fill the form. It was considered a Pre-course. A yoga course was
conducted for 30 hours and then after the course was completed, again a survey through
questionnaire was conducted, Post-test – Post Course. 30 degree college students completed
The relevant data collected from degree college students was analysed on the basis of
(I) Objective based Analysis:-
Objective 1-To find out the causes of stress among degree college students.
Table No. 1 Showing Analysis based on causes of stress among degree college students
in your hobbies?
about you?
score less?
problems with your friends?
10. Are you afraid that your parents will not 27.1 35.3 37.6
12. Do you feel yoga will help you in coping 52.9 10.6 36.5
with stress?
Statement No. 1 Do you feel confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?
For the above question 51.8% of the degree college students felt that they can handle their
personal problems with confidence while 41.2% were not that confident and 7.1% were not
Statement No. 2 Do you get the feeling of loss of interest in your hobbies?
For this 57.6% students felt that sometimes there is loss of interest in hobbies while 14.1% felt
In this 48.2% answered as they felt their worthlessness sometimes while 18.8% felt it always.
Statement No. 4. Do you feel that nobody is bothered about you?
Figure No. 4. Showing feeling among degree college students that nobody is bothered
15.3% students feel that nobody is bothered about them, 56.5% feel that it happens sometimes
Figure No. 5. Showing analysis about fear of examination among degree college students
30.6% students have the fear of examinations always, while 51.8% have it sometimes.
Statement No. 6 Do you plan to study before your exam?
55.3% students always plan for studying before exams, while 32.9% do it sometimes and
23.5% students feel inferior when they score less in exams, 55.3% feel it sometimes while
Statement No. 8 Do your friends tease you when you score less?
On this 69.4% have replied that their friends never tease them for less score,but 25.9% replied
Statement No. 9. How often do you share your personal problems with your friends?
61.2% students do share their personal problems with their friends but sometimes while 15.3%
Statement No. 10 Are you afraid that your parents will not like you if you don't fulfill their
27.1% of the students are afraid of the fact that their parents will not like them if they don’t
Statement No. 11 Do you freely discuss your problem with your family members?
Figure No. 11. Showing analysis about discussing problems with family members
35.3% students are sometimes hesitant to discuss their problems with their family members,
23.5% never discuss their problems with their parents while 41.2% always discuss it as they
Statement No. 12. Do you feel yoga will help you in coping with stress?
Figure No. 12. Showing analysis about role of yoga in coping with stress
Pretest questions were pertaining to checking the stress level that students are going through
and by asking the questions about yoga and its importance. Here the students have answered
52.9% of students answered that yoga will always help them in coping with stress.
36.5% students said that it will help them sometimes while 10.6% students responded that it
Objective 2 - To study the effectiveness of yoga in managing stress among degree college
Post Course questionnaire designed to check the stress level after the Yoga course:
Yes Maybe/ No
4. Are you aware that yoga practice helps 87.9 8.8 3.3
6. Do you think that your anger is controlled 61.5 11 27.5
by practising yoga?
Figure No. 13 Showing number of degree college students who attended yoga course
31.9% of degree college students attended the Yoga course from the students who had
Figure No 14. Showing percentage of students who practice yoga
Those students who practiced yoga even before the course were 26.4% ,56.5% practiced it
Figure No. 15 Showing analysis that practicing yoga is good for health and mind
Here the students informed that nearly 94.9% think that practicing yoga is good for health.
Figure No. 16 Showing percentage that Yoga helps body to withstand stress,tension and
Here the students informed that 87.9% know that Yoga practice helps our body to withstand
stress etc. while 8.8% are not sure and 3.3% are not aware.
62.6% of the students say that they are able to manage their stress, after the course and
Figure No. 18 Showing analysis that anger can controlled by practicing yoga
61.5% of the students say that they can control their anger by practicing yoga.
Similarly, 61.5% of students say that their concentration in studies increased due to their yoga
(II) Hypothesis Testing:-
students towards effectiveness of yoga in coping with stress among degree College
Table No.3 Showing comparison between perspective of degree college students towards the
Interpretation: It is indicated from the above table that t calculated value is less than t tabulated
perspective of degree college students towards the effectiveness of yoga in coping with stress.
Above table indicates that Post Test Mean value is more than Pre Test Mean value.
Objective 4 - To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among
Table No. 4 Showing relationship between yoga and stress management among degree
college students
Interpretation: Above table shows that r calculated value is greater than r tabulated value at
0.05 level. Hence Hypothesis 2 is rejected. That means there is relationship between yoga and
Objective 5 - To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among
Table No. 5 Showing relationship between yoga and stress management among degree
Interpretation: Above table indicates that z score calculated value is greater than z score
tabulated value. Hence Hypothesis 3 is rejected. That means there is a significant difference in
the relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college students as per
● Agreed that practicing yoga is good for your health and mind
● Answered that Yoga practice helps the body withstand stress,tension and fright against
● They also felt that yoga helped them in coping with stress.
● Practice Yoga.
● They were afraid that their parents would not like it if they didn't fulfill their
● Felt worthlessness
● Felt that nobody is bothered about them.
● They answered that their friends tease when they score less marks in the exam.
The study also revealed interesting data related to yoga asanas practiced by degree college
The post test findings shows that 5.5% of the degree college students practised yoga asanas for
46.2% students consider yoga as physical activity, 25.6% consider it as psychological activity,
7.7% consider it as emotional activity, 2.53% consider it as social activity while 17.9% term it
as spiritual activity.
the effectiveness of yoga in coping with stress. Post Test Mean value is more than Pre
Test Mean value that means Yoga Practices are effective in dealing with stress.
● There is a significant relationship between yoga and stress management among degree
college students.
The findings of the study show that degree college students were having more academic stress
in comparison to parental, peer and personal Stress. Almost all college students agreed that
practicing yoga is good for your health and mind. They also responded that yoga practice helps
the body withstand stress,tension and fright against stress related pain.Many degree college
students replied that anger is controlled by practicing yoga and agreed that yoga practice
It was also found that there is a significant relationship between yoga and stress management
among degree college students. Students who experienced yoga courses performed better. The
results are in tune with the earlier studies, which found that meditation, practiced over long
periods, produces definite changes in perception, attention, and cognition. Other studies
showed that yoga techniques are helpful in management of anxiety and improvement in
It is also found that there is a significant decrease in perceived stress among students. This
clearly demonstrates the beneficial effects of yoga training on perceived stress among
undergraduate students. So it is suggested that yoga modules should become a regular feature
in schools and colleges. Yoga has proved to be a blessing for the people suffering with stress
even in the present modern world. Swami Ramdev, Yoga Synergy in Medical Science (2007)
revealed that Yoga and Pranayama are not merely physical exercises but they strongly
influence our consciousness. Yoga has a direct positive impact on our thinking. Yoga has led
★ Examinations conducted in the college should be on time. Give a time gap between two
★ Teachers don’t give too much workload to students that will increase their pressure.
★ Don’t feel inferior on scoring less , make use of learning strategies to improve academic
★ Family members should try to understand their interests, specialties, and abilities so as
to avoid having too high expectations of them and causing them additional stress.
★ Under stress time, use any stress releasing strategy like talking to friends, listening to
Faculties take care of students, and they will try to be good with students
★ Practice good sleeping habits to ensure that you are well-rested. Sleep deprivation can
cause many physical and mental problems and can increase stress.
★ Family support is helpful for students faced with stress, no matter how they are
adaptable to the stress. While college students should take advantage of family support.
★ Exercise regularly that Physical activity can help to burn off the energy generated by
❖ Colleges are thus suggested to design a flexible course of career education based on
students’ future career development. This course must cover psychological, mental,
social, and cultural contents and be incorporated into formal curricula of each
❖ College authorities should take care while preparing rules and regulations. It will not
❖ Colleges should provide more support and care to help students cope with various
stressors and identify students having stress reactions as soon as possible. Besides,
through use of emotion related questionnaires, colleges can keep a close eye on
student’s physical and mental conditions and provide consulting services to avoid
❖ Use Stress Reducing Techniques in a regular daily routine. Some of the techniques
● Deep breath helps you get plenty of oxygen and may give you instant stress
relief. For better results, as you breathe out, speak "rel-a-a-a-a-a-x" in your
mind very slowly. You can speak anything like 1-2-3-4-5 or Om or 5-4-3-2-1
● Talk to your colleagues, friends, family members, teachers, neighbours, or
● Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of
stress. Take a walk for example Or do any activity that you like most.
mowing grass, playing with your dog or cat, or similar activities. Such
● Eat healthy, nutritious, soft foods like vegetables and fruits daily.
● Take a look at your relationships with your colleagues - do you treat each
other with respect and consideration? If not, try to find a way to improve
● Listen to Soft music like Devotional music, Classical music or melody songs.
Stress is an inevitable part of today’s fast life. In this age of globalization everywhere we feel
competition due to this people take any risk in order to win. Stress in academic institutions can
have both positive and negative consequences if not well managed. Yoga offers an effective
method of managing and reducing stress, anxiety and depression and numerous studies
demonstrate the efficacy of yoga on mood related disorders. Yoga and Meditation is a scientific
College stressors have wide varieties, from academic work to uncertainty about the future, from
and the list goes on. The techniques of yoga comprise of physical postures (asanas), breath
It is observed that Stress not only affects the academic achievement of the students at any level
of education but it affects the overall personality of the students and they are not able to cope
up with the stress in their education and with changing situations of the life. Researches have
proved that Yoga is much helpful in stress management not only to deal with academic
challenges but it helps the individual in every walk of life. So the researcher is interested to
know the effectiveness of Yoga in managing stress among degree college students in the
present study.
In the present study the researcher is keen to know the causes of stress and role of yoga practices
in managing stress among degree college students because after completion of degree, the
students are going to enter the work sector they need to manage work as well as their life. The
knowledge gained will be beneficial to the students to cope up with stress by adopting yoga
practices in their day to day life. Researcher conducted study on the Effectiveness of Yoga in
2. To study the effectiveness of yoga in managing stress among degree college students.
4. To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college
5. To study the relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college
Experimental method and single factor design was used for the present research. The
researcher used a random sampling method for the present study. The college was English
medium, degree college students of Arts, Science and Commerce located in Thane region.
Degree College Students studying in Thane city were randomly selected to collect data for the
present study. The sample size for the present study was 80 degree college students studying
in Thane city.
Survey was conducted through Questionnaire (Pre-test and Post-test) in google form as a tool
for the present study in order to collect relevant data for present research, due to Covid 19
restrictions. The findings of the study revealed that degree college students were having more
academic stress in comparison to parental, peer and personal Stress. It was also found that there
is a significant relationship between yoga and stress management among degree college
The results obtained in the study were in tune with the earlier studies, which found that
meditation, practiced over long periods, produces definite changes in perception, attention, and
cognition. It is also found that there is a significant decrease in perceived stress among students.
This clearly demonstrates the beneficial effects of yoga training on perceived stress among
undergraduate students. So, it is suggested that yoga modules should become a regular feature
in schools and colleges. Yoga has proved to be a blessing for the people suffering with stress
Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So Relax.
● Acharya Raj Kumara Jain, (1997), Yoga and Ayurveda Prana Vayu Shodha
Sanschona, Delhi
of yoga based lifestyle intervention on state and trait anxiety, The Indian Journal
● Swami Ramdev, August, (2007), Yog in Synergy with Medical Science, Divya
10(2), 60-63
● Yogendra, Yoga and Physical Education, Seventh Edition. The Yoga Institute Santa
Cruz, Bombay
Online References:
Pre Course Questionnaire:
1. Do you feel confident about your ability to handle your
personal problems? Never Sometimes Always
2. Do you get the feeling of loss of interest in your hobbies? Never Sometimes Always
4. Do you feel that nobody is bothered about you? Never Sometimes Always
7. Do you feel inferior when you score less? Never Sometimes Always
8. Do your friends tease you when you score less? Never Sometimes Always
9. How often do you share your personal problems with your
friends? Never Sometimes Always
10. Are you afraid that your parents will not like you if you
don't fulfill their expectations? Never Sometimes Always
11. Do you freely discuss your problem with your family
members? Never Sometimes Always
12. Do you feel yoga will help you in coping with stress? Never Sometimes Always
Post Course Questionnaire:
1. Did you attend a Yoga Course? Yes Sometimes No
2. Duration
3. Do you practice Yoga? Yes Sometimes No
4. Do you think practicing yoga is good for your health and Maybe/
mind? Yes Sometimes No
5.How often do you practise yoga?
6. For you yoga is what type of activity?
7. Which yoga asanas do you practice? Yes Sometimes No
8. Are you aware that yoga practice helps your body withstand Maybe/
stress,tension and fright against stress related pain? Yes Sometimes No
9. Are you able to manage stress? Yes Sometimes No
10.Do you think that your anger is controlled by practising Maybe/
yoga? Yes Sometimes No
11.Do you think that yoga practice has increased your Maybe/
concentration in studies? Yes Sometimes No