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D-207 Móttekið:


Please fill out this form carefully and remember to sign it. An application form that it not filled out in a satisfactory manner
may result in delays of the procedure or in the application being denied.

Please choose the residence permit you apply for (you can only check one option):
□ Residence permit requiring expert knowledge □ Qualified professionals seeking work
□ Shortage of workers Applies to applications for renewal of a residence permit of a qualified
professional who has lost his/her job for as long as three (3) months since
□ Athletes loss of job or the time his/her employment-termination notice has passed,
□ Collaboration and service contracts in order to enable the relevant person seeking other employment on
grounds of his/her qualifications.

For whom is the application form? Information about the processing fee
The form is only intended for individuals aged 18 or older who have A fee must be paid for the processing of the application for a residence
acquired employment in Iceland. permit. The application will not be processed without payment. An
application that has not been paid for will be returned to the applicant.
What documents must accompany the Further information about the processing fee is in part 13 of the
application? application form and also on the website of the Directorate of
See further information on the website of the Directorate of Immigration.
Immigration about the requirements for accompanying documents and
data regarding renewal of residence permits. Objectives regarding time of procedure and
 Passport photograph (35 mm x 40 mm). process
 Photocopy of the passport
The Directorate of Immigration expedites as possible its processing of
 Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate.
applications in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act no.
 Translation by an authorized translator of a criminal record 37/1993. If the applicant provides all the required information in the
certificate if applicable. application form and submits satisfactory accompanying documents
 Medical-expense insurance. with the application, the processing of the application will take less time.
 Application for appropriate work permit.
 Employment contract.
The Directorate of Immigration contacts the applicant or his/her
representative if further documents are needed for processing the
How is an application submitted? application.
An application may be submitted and paid for at the reception desk of
the Directorate of Immigration or at the office of a district Please note that the reception-desk personnel of the Directorate of
commissioner outside of the Reykjavík Capital Area. If the applicant is Immigration do not assess applications or accompanying documents.
in Iceland he/she must appear in person. If an application is sent by
mail a payment receipt must be enclosed. Other information
Further information is contained on the website of the Directorate
The applicant must appear in person when applying for renewal of of Immigration (
his/her residence permit, either at the reception area of the
Directorate of Immigration or at offices of district commissioners
outside of the Reykjavík Capital Area. The applicant will be
photographed and must submit a sample of his/her signature. The
applicant should bring his/her passport along.

Please note that if the applicant submits an application in person

he/she should bring his/her passport along.
To be filled out by the Directorate of Immigration
Er umsóknin undirrituð af umsækjanda? □ Já □ Nei
Er umsóknin í frumriti? □ Já □ Nei
Hafa allar umbeðnar upplýsingar verið veittar (þ.m.t. heimilisfang, netfang og símanúmer)? □ Já □ Nei
Fylgir ljósrit af persónusíðu og rithandarsýnishorni vegabréfs? □ Já □ Nei
Fylgir frumrit undirritaðrar umsóknar um atvinnuleyfi? □ Já □ Nei
Fylgir frumrit undirritaðs ráðningarsamnings? □ Já □ Nei
Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected]
1 / 11

Rights attached to the permit

Work requiring expert knowledge grounds cannot be reissued until the applicant has stayed
 The applicant may stay in Iceland while applying for the abroad continuously for two (2) years effective from the end
permit and while it is beeing processed provided that of the permit’s period of validity.
his/her visa is vaild and his/her stay in the Schengen Area  The residence permit does not contain a right to family
does not exceed 90 days in the past 180 day period. reunification.
 The applicant may not begin working before a work  The residence permit can be the basis of a permanent
permit has been granted and he/she may not work for residence permit.
other employer than the one on which the work permit is
granted. Athletes
 A residence permit may be granted for up to two (2) years,  The applicant may stay in Iceland while applying for the
however, not longer than the period of validity of the work permit and while it is beeing processed provided that
permit. his/her visa is vaild and his/her stay in the Schengen Area
 A residence permit may be renewed for as long as two (2) does not exceed 90 days in the past 180 day period.
years at a time, provided the requirements of the permit  The applicant may not begin working before a work permit
are still being met, however, not longer than the period of has been granted and he/she may not work for other
validity of the work permit. employer than the one on which the work permit is
 A residence permit of an applicant who has lost his/her granted.
job may be renewed for as long as three (3) months from  The first residence permit may be granted for up to one (1)
the date of unemployment or the time when the year, however, not longer than the period of validity of the
employment-termination period has passed, to enable work permit.
the applicant to find new employment on grounds of  A residence permit may be renewed for as long as two (2)
his/her qualifications/expertise. years at a time, provided the requirements of the permit are
 A renewed residence permit must be applied for at least still being met, however, not longer than the period of
four (4) weeks before the permit’s period of validity validity of the work permit.
expires.  A renewed residence permit must be applied for at least
 The residence permit contains a right to family four (4) weeks before the permit’s period of validity
reunification for the applicant’s spouse or cohabitant expires.
after at least one year of cohabitation, applicant‘s children  The residence permit contains a right to family reunification
younger than 18 years old and applicant‘s parents who are for the applicant’s spouse or cohabitant after at least one
67 years of age or older. year of cohabitation, applicant‘s children younger than 18
 The residence permit can be the basis of a permanent years old and applicant‘s parents who are 67 years of age
residence permit. or older.
 The residence permit can be the basis of a permanent
residence permit.
Shortage of workers
 An applicant to whom a visa requirement applies may not
be in Iceland when applying for the permit and while the
Collaboration and service contracts
application is being processed. An applicant who is  The applicant may stay in Iceland while applying for the
exempt from the visa requirement may be in the country permit and while it is beeing processed provided that
when applying for the permit and during its processing for his/her visa is vaild and his/her stay in the Schengen Area
as long as the non-visa requirement applies. does not exceed 90 days in the past 180 day period.
 The applicant may not begin working before a work  The applicant may not begin working before a work permit
permit has been granted and he/she may not work for has been granted and he/she may not work for other
other employer than the one on which the work permit is employer than the one on which the work permit is
granted. granted.
 A first residence permit may be granted for up to one (1)  The residence permit may be granted for as long as six (6)
year, however, not longer than the period of validity of months, however, not longer than the period of validity of
the work permit. the work permit.
 A residence permit may be renewed for up to one (1) year  The residence permit may be renewed for up to six (6)
at a time, provided the permit’s requirements are still months on grounds of the same contract, however, not
met, however, not longer than the validity period of the longer than the period of validity of the work permit.
work permit.  A renewed residence permit must be applied for at least
 A renewed residence permit must be applied for at least four (4) weeks before the permit’s period of validity
four (4) weeks before the permit’s period of validity expires.
expires.  The residence permit does not contain a right to family
 If a renewal of application is not submitted before the unification.The residence permit cannot be the basis of a
former permit expires it will result in a gap in the permanent residence permit.
continuity of the applicants permit and a permit on these

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 2 / 11


1. Application for a residence permit and period of validity

State information about the period you wish the permit to apply to and whether this is a first permit or a permit on a new ground.

I apply for: I request the period of validity of the residence permit being:
a) First residence permit ☐ From - start date
b) Renewal ☐ (
c) A permit on a new ground ☐ To - end date
2. The applicant
Given name
Former names (if applicable)
Date of birth (
Gender Maritial status

Male □ Unmarried ☐ Widow/widower ☐

Cohabitation ☐ Separated ☐
Female □ Married ☐ Divorced ☐
Place of birth (city)
Country of birth

Current nationality/nationalities
Former nationality (if applicable)

Are both or one of your parents Icelandic citizens? Both □ One □ Neither □

Address, email and telephone numbers in the home country

This information will be used to contact the applicant; therefore, it is important that this information is correct. If the information changes during the
processing of the application you are kindly requested to notify the Directorate of Immigration of this using the email: [email protected]
Postal code and city
Telephone number
Address, email and telephone in Iceland
A requirement for issuance of a residence permit is that the applicant has stated his/her place of stay in Iceland, cf. Act no. 80/2016 on Foreigners.
The stated address will be registered by Registers Iceland as the applicant’s domicile. The information will be used to contact the applicant; hence, it
is important for such information being correct. If the information changes while the application is being processed, kindly notify the Directorate of
Immigration of this immediately, email [email protected]. After a permit has been issued changes of address will be reported to Registers Iceland.
Postal code and city
Telephone number

☐ Address not yet known. Notification on place of stay submitted after arrival in Iceland (for example, during

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 3 / 11


3. Passport and residence

Please note that a valid passport is required and the period of validity of the passport must be at least three (3) months longer than the validity of the
residence permit. Photocopies of the passport‘s personal information page and (the signature page) must be submited with the application.
Passport number
Other travel documentation, state which
in which the passport is issued
Issued by
Date of issue (
Date of expiry (
☐ Does not have a valid passport (Why not? Kindly explain in part 10 of this form).


Do you have a valid visa into the Schengen-area? Yes □ No □

If yes, what is the period of validity?
Residence abroad

Where have you lived over the last five (5) years?
Country Date from ( Date to (
Residence in Iceland
Only applicable to those applying for a first permit
State the date
When do you intend to come to Iceland?
When did you arrive?
Have arrived in Iceland □ (
Have you ever applied for a visa to come to Iceland? Yes □ No □
Have you previously applied for a residence permit in Iceland? Yes □ No □
Have you been in Iceland before? If yes, when and how long? Yes □ No □

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 4 / 11


4. Applicant‘s spouse or cohabiting partner

If a spouse intends to apply for a residence permit in Iceland, the relevant person must submit his/her own application. Note that in
respect of residence permits on grounds of work, only those holding residence permits on grounds of work requiring expert knowledge
or residence permits for athletes have a right to family reunification.

Applicant‘s spouse or cohabiting partner

I don‘t have a spouse/cohabiting partner □

Given name
Former names (if applicable)
Birth date (
Date of marriage (
Date of the registration of
cohabitation (
Further information on my spouse/cohabitng partner
My spouse/cohabiting partner □ is in Iceland
□ is going to apply for a residence permit
□ does not intend to move to Iceland
5. Applicant‘s children
Please provide information on all your children. If a residence permit for a child is to be applied for a separate application for each child
must be submitted. Note that in respect of residence permits on grounds of work, only those holding residence permits on grounds of
work requiring expert knowledge or residence permits for athletes have a right to family reunification.

Applicant‘s children

I do not have children □

Date of birth Gender Is the child in Iceland?
Given name Surname Nationality
( Female Male Yes No
1. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
5. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
6. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Are you also applying for your child/children? Yes □ No □

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 5 / 11


6. Applicant‘s parents
If a parent intends to apply for a residence permit in Iceland, the relevant person must submit his/her own application. Note that in
respect of residence permits on grounds of work, only those holding residence permits on grounds of work requiring expert knowledge
or residence permits for athletes have a right to family reunification.
Applicant‘s father
Given name
Former name (if applicable)
Date of birth (
Date of death (,
(if applicable)
Postal code and city
Applicant‘s mother
Given name
Former name (if applicable)
Date of birth (
Date of death (,
(if applicable)
Postal code and city
7. Language skills and education
Language skills
Native language

Other languages

Education level
Check every box that applies to you, however, only completed studies.

☐ None or less than primary school

☐ Primary school - Year of graduation:
☐ Secondary school - Year of graduation:

☐ Secondary school, additional levels - Year of graduation:

☐ University, less than BA/BS degree - Year of graduation:

☐ University, BA/BS degree - Year of graduation:

☐ University, master’s degree - Year of graduation:
☐ University, doctor’s degree - Year of graduation:

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 6 / 11


Fields of study, highest education

Check only one box.
☐ General studies ☐ IT and communication

☐ Education ☐ Civil engineering, production and construction

☐ Arts and humanities ☐ Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary studies
☐ Social science, journalism and information theory ☐ Health
☐ Business, administration and law ☐ Welfare

☐ Science, mathematics and statistics ☐ Service

8. Stay abroad
Only applies to those renewing their residence permit.
List all travels abroad during the period of validity of your latest residence permit until the date this application is submitted.
A permit holder may not stay abroad for more than three (3) months per every 12-month period while the residence permit is valid.
The Directorate of Immigration decides whether a residence permit should be rescinded if a permit holder has stayed abroad for more
than three (3) months.
Where have you stayed during the stated period?
Date of departure Date of arrival
Number of
Country from Iceland in Iceland Purpose of stay abroad
days abroad
( (




9. Criminal record
Please submit a criminal record certificate from the country or countries where you have resided over the last five (5) years. The criminal
record certificate must be received in original format, be lawfully confirmed (i.e. apostille or double confirmation), and may not be older
than six (6) months when submitted to the Directorate of Immigration. If the certificate is in another language than English or one of the
Nordic languages, a translation must accompany the original, translated by an authorized translator. See further
A. Have you been fined or sentenced to imprisonment?
☐ No
☐ Yes
State the offence:

In what country? When?

What penalty did
you receive?

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 7 / 11


B. Do you have the status of a suspect in a police investigation?

☐ No
☐ Yes
State the offence:

In what country? When?

C. Do you authorize the Directorate of Immigration to check your criminal record with foreign authorities?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If no, state the reason why?

D. Have you been subject to a re-entry ban into the Schengen Area?
☐ No
☐ Yes
In what country?
Is the ban still in effect?
☐ No. When was it in effect?
☐ Yes. When does the ban expire?
10. Additional information
If you have further information of significance regarding your application for a residence permit in Iceland, kindly state it here in the
box below.

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 8 / 11


11. Visa
Applies only to applicants for first residence permit.
If you need a visa to come to Iceland, where do you wish to obtain the visa?
If your application is accepted, the Directorate of Immigration may send a request for a D-visa to Danish or Norwegian embassies
representing Iceland and as listed on the websites of the Directorate of Immigration and the Icelandic embassies in China and Russia.
Á aðeins við um þá sem sækja um fyrsta dvalarleyfi.

12. Applicant‘s representative

An applicant may only have one representative at any time. An applicant wishing to replace his/her representative must submit a form to
this effect to the Directorate of Immigration. If an applicant wishes to withdraw his/her authorization for representation, the applicant
must send a written notification to the Directorate of Immigration stating such change. Please note that the representative may not sign
the application.
Check the box regarding authorizations
I realize that all communication (including correspondence) with the Directorate of Immigration will be with my representative and
that the representative will have access to the information and data in my application.
I realize that my representative, not I, will receive information about the conclusion of my application.
☐ I authorize the following individual to represent me regarding this application,
☐ to receive documents on my behalf,
to appeal a decision by the Directorate of Immigration to the Immigration and Asylum Appeals Board in the event of my
☐ application being refused.

Information about the representative

Given name
ID number (Kennitala)
Postal code and city
Telephone number
Email address

Applicant‘s signature

13. Processing fee

The Directorate of Immigration and district commissioners outside of the Reykjavík Capital Area receive applications for residence permits in return
for the payment of a service fee. The amount of the fee is decided in the Act no.88/1991 on Additional Revenues of the National Treasury.

If the processing fee is not paid, the application will not be processed. An application that has not been paid for will be returned to the applicant.

An application may be submitted on behalf of the applicant and paid for at the reception desk of the Directorate of Immigration or at the offices of
district commissioners outside of the Reykjavík Capital Area. A payment receipt must accompany an application sent by mail and if the applicant is in
Iceland, he/she must appear in person.

Please note that if the applicant submits an application in person he/she should bring his/her passport along.

See further information on the website of the Directorate of Immigration (

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 9 / 11


14. . Did you remember everything?

If the application form is correctly filled out and accompanied by all relevant data, this will expedite the application’s procedure. It
is therefore important that you check whether your application is well filled out, whether correct information is stated and
whether you have submitted all necessary data.

The Directorate of Immigration recommends that you use the checklist below to ensure that your application is satisfactory.

The Directorate of Immigration may request additional data if it feels there is a need to examine whether the requirements for a
residence permit are met.

15. Applicant‘s checklist for a first permit

Payment receipt (if the application has been paid for at a bank). The name of the person for whom payment is being made
☐ must be clearly stated. List the name of the applicant, his/her date of birth as a reference.
☐ Application for a residence permit. In original format, carefully filled out and signed by the applicant.

☐ Passport photo (35 mm x 45 mm).

Photocopies of the personal information page and signature page of your passport. The passport’s period of validity must
☐ be at least three (3) months longer than the period of validity of a residence permit.
Confirmed original criminal record certificate (from all countries where the applicant has resided over the last five (5)
☐ years, not older than six (6) months). A lawful confirmation of the criminal record certificate is required (i.e. apostille or
double confirmation).
Translation by an authorized translator of a criminal record certificate (only applies if a foreign criminal record certificates
☐ is in another language than English or a Nordic language). Certified confirmation is required of the translation if done by a
translator who does not hold formal authorization in Iceland as a translator, i.e. apostile or double confirmation.
Medical expense insurance, valid for six (6) months, minimum ISK 2,000,000 (issued by an insurance company that is
☐ licensed to operate in Iceland).

Application for appropriate work permit. In original format, signed both by the applicant and the employer, and
☐ confirmed by the relevant trade union.

☐ Employment contract. Submitted in original format and signed by both the applicant and the employer.

☐ The applicant has signed the application.

16. Applicant‘s checklist for a renewal of a permit

If a renewal of the residence permit is not applied for before the period of validity expires, the application will be processed as
if this were an application for a first permit, not renewal.
Any accumulated rights in connection with a permanent residence permit and citizenship become void.
☐ Application for a residence permit. In original format, carefully filled out and signed by the applicant.
Photocopies of the personal information page and signature page of your passport. The passport’s period of validity must
☐ be at least three (3) months longer than the period of validity of a residence permit.
Application for the appropriate work permit, in original format, signed by both the applicant and the employer, and
☐ confirmed by the relevant trade union.
☐ Employment contract, if applicable. Submitted in original format and signed by both the applicant and the employer.

☐ The applicant has signed the application.

17. Applicant‘s checklist regarding an application by a qualified expert seeking employment

Photocopies of the personal information page and signature page of your passport. The passport’s period of validity must
☐ be at least three (3) months longer than the period of validity of a residence permit.

☐ Support documents, confirming secure maintenance during the period of stay.

☐ The applicant has signed the application.

Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 10 / 11


18. Date and signature

I hereby apply for an Icelandic residence permit and confirm with my signature that the information I have stated in this
application form, in annexes and the enclosed documents as being true and correct. I understand that giving misleading or false
information to public authorities is punishable according to the Icelandice Penal Code No. 19/1940, and could result in denial or
withdrawal of a residence permit and possibly expulsion on grounds of the Act on Foreigners No. 80/2016. Violations of the Act
on Foreigners are reported to the police.

I am informed of it being permissible to integrate data held by the Directorate of Immigration, the Immigration and Asylum
Appeals Board, Registers Iceland and the police according to the Act on Foreigners. The Directorate of Immigration is
furthermore authorized to obtain information from the tax authorities, the Directorate of Labor and the municipal social services
according to the same law.

I am furthermore informed of how the Directorate of Immigration may obtain further information if necessary because of this
application and as provided for by the Data Protection Act no. 77/2000.

I realize that the information I provide might be used regarding the processing of subsequent applications and/or applications of
family members.

I am informed that the Directorate of Immigration forwards data to Registers Iceland as necessary for registration in Registers

I agree to undergo medical examination within two weeks from arrival in Iceland according to applicable law and as instructed by
health authorities.

Place, date and applicant‘s signature


Date of signature

Applicant‘s signature

Who filled out the application?

☐ Applicant

☐ Representative

☐ Another person, who?

Connection to the applicant

To be filled out by the Directorate of Immigration

☐ Dvalarleyfi veitt til


Útlendingastofnun – – [email protected] Bls. 11 / 11

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