Developing A Hybrid Model For Analyzing Students' Academic Performance Using ICT Integration in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case Study of IPRC-HUYE, RWANDA

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Developing a Hybrid Model for Analyzing

Students’ Academic Performance using
ICT Integration in Higher Learning
Institutions: A Case Study of
Marie UMUTONI1, Dr. MUSONI Wilson2
University of Kigali

Abstract:- The integration and use of ICT tools, resources I. INTRODUCTION

and systems in different aspects of the educational process
is the aim of this study on the integration of ICT into The integration of ICT into academic institutions has
higher education institutions. In order to improve the been increasing over the last few years. Educational
performance of students in their studies, successful institutions have been encouraged to move towards ICT as a
integration with ICT at higher education institutions has means of enhancing education and training, given the rapidly
become more and more crucial. However, there's a developing technology and its impact on different aspects of
shortage of comprehensiveness. Research on the specific society. The analysis of the extent to which ICT has been
impact of ICT integration on students' performance incorporated into higher education institutions is covered by
indicators such as academic success, involvement and this issue to provide analysis of the extent to which ICT has
critical thinking skills. In addition, it is necessary to been integrated into high learning institutions, exploring its
identify the factors that contribute to or hinder the benefits, challenges, and potential future developments.
effective integration of ICT into higher education
institutions and to understand how these factors affect the In order to facilitate and support educational activities,
results of students' studies. This research study examined the integration of information and communication
how the incorporation of ICT tools and resources technologies into higher education institutions refers to the
influences students' academic performance, engagement use and application of digital technologies such as computers,
levels, and critical thinking skills. The study also software applications, Internet connectivity and online
examined the challenges and obstacles to effective resources. This integration is inclusive of a wide range of
integration of ICT in learning, as well as explored areas such as classroom instruction, research, student
students' perceptions and attitudes towards using services, administration and communication channels.
information and communication technologies. In order to Improving the quality and efficiency of high learning
assess the impact of ICT integration, this researcher used institutions. By incorporating ICT tools and strategies.
an analytical approach by using surveys, questionnaires
and interviews to gather students and trainers' However, there are also challenges to be addressed with
perspectives on ICT integration and its influence on their regard to the integration of ICT into higher education
engagement. The targeted population was the students institutions. The digital divide, where students from
enrolled at the IPRC (Integrated Polytechnic Regional disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to have access to
College) Huye and their trainers, which is the specific case technology and the Internet which leads to unequal
study institution. Statistical Analysis including opportunities for education, is one of these challenges. The
correlation and regression under python programming seamless integration of information and communication
language will be employed to analyze the collected data. technologies may also be hampered by technical problems
such as system failures, network disruption or compatibility
Keywords:- ICT, High Learning Institutions, Students, issues.
Teacher, ICT Integration, Student’s Performance, Hybrid
Model. Looking ahead, analysis of ICT integration in higher
learning institutions should consider potential future
developments and emerging trends. This includes exploring
the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual and
augmented reality (VR/AR), cloud computing, and big data
analytics on educational practices. Understanding the
potential benefits and challenges associated with these
technologies can guide institutions in their decision-making

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

processes and resource allocation, ensuring they stay at the F. Higher Learning Institution
forefront of educational innovation. A higher education institution is an educational
institution providing post-secondary education. Universities,
A. ICT colleges and other educational institutions offering an
ICT stands for information and communication academic degree or diploma shall be included. By providing
technology. It applies to the creation, storage, processing, people with knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the
transmission and retrieval of information through labor market as well as contributing to their own
technologies such as computers, software applications, communities, High Level Initiatives are playing a significant
networks or the Internet. ICT includes a wide range of role in society.
technologies and tools enabling the collection, processing,
and dissemination of information and communication in Higher learning institutions offer a wide range of
different forms, such as text, images, audio and video. programmers, including bachelor's and master's degrees in a
variety of fields, such as the arts and humanities, business,
B. ICT Integration education, engineering, health sciences, law and science.
ICT integration aims to leverage the potential of
technology to enhance and support various aspects of HLIs also offer professional programs that prepare
education and institutional functioning. It involves using students for careers in specific fields, such as accounting,
technology tools and resources such as computers, software nursing, and teaching.
applications, internet connectivity, digital devices, online
platforms, and multimedia resources to facilitate and improve In addition to providing academic programs, HLIs also
the learning experience, administrative efficiency, research offer a variety of other services to their students, such as
capabilities, and communication within the institution. housing, dining, student health services, and career
counseling. HLIs also play an important role in research and
C. Digital Content development.
Digital content means any information, media or data
that is created, stored and disseminated in a digital format. It Here are some examples of higher learning institutions:
includes a variety of types of multimedia content such as text, Universities, Colleges, Polytechnics, Institutes of technology,
images, audio, video, animation and interactive elements. Teacher training schools, Community colleges
Electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets
and other digital platforms are able to access, share or Professional schools: example, law school, medical
manipulate the content. school, business college.

D. Student’s Performance HLIs are typically accredited by a recognized

Performance The achievement of students in different accrediting agency. This means that they have met certain
academic fields is measured by academic performance. In standards of quality and their degrees are recognized by
most cases, classroom performance, graduation rates and employers and other educational institutions.
results of standardized tests are used by teachers and
education officials to measure success. Student’s G. Significance
performance. A study will make a significant contribution by
identifying gaps The study's significance lies in its ability to
E. Hybrid Model showcase how ICT integration in high learning institutions
A hybrid computer is a device designed to provide positively impacts learning outcomes, provides equitable
functions and features in both analogue and electronic access to high learning institution, enhances teaching
computers. The aim of developing a combined or hybrid practices, develops future-ready skills, informs policy
computer model is to create a functional device that decisions, and promotes knowledge sharing and
incorporates the most beneficial aspects of both computer collaboration.
systems. Analog components of the device are in charge of
effectively processing differential equations, whereas II. EMPIRICAL REVIEW
computational parts of the computer address logic operations
associated with the system. Hybrid Model Integration: Because it explains how the study research project
Combine the student performance analysis and ICT connects to earlier studies, the literature review is important.
integration assessment components into a unified hybrid It illustrates the specialness and significance of the research
model. This could involve assigning weights to different question, as well as how this study is different from others
aspects based on their importance, or creating a visualization (Long, 2017).
dashboard that presents the results in a user-friendly manner.
This section deals with studies relevant to the research
objectives. For everyone involved in the IT industry, the
knowledge and skills of ICT are only a few that are essential.
The overall field of information and communication
technology has numerous concepts and themes that any
academic staff in each department should be able to master or

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

at least have a basic understanding of. IT officer help desk, reciprocal relationship between teachers' attitudes and beliefs
digital content officer, and application developers are some and their practice has rarely been investigated in any study.
examples of IT in IPRC-Huye. Information and The question of whether the relationship between preservice
communication technology will better manage best teaching teachers and int'l service teachers is different could be
methodology, best learning methodology and accessing all explored further. How do they feel about their beliefs and how
information related to the courses, (Alexander, 2017; A, do they practice the integration of information and
2017). communication technologies? In assessing this perspective,
comparable studies will be particularly useful.
As it was written from a variety of sources, including
textbooks, references, research papers, encyclopedias, and the III. METHODOLOGY
internet, it was based on the opinions of authors and
researchers with regard to the study. A. Data Collection
A questionnaire as a research tool shall be used by the
There is a case for integrating information and researcher in this study to collect secondary data.
communication technologies into higher education Approaching people with questions is said to be an obvious
institutions. Teachers need to be more creative in adapting way of collecting data from them, both quantitatively as well
and customizing their own teaching materials and strategies as qualitatively. In this study, the survey method is used in
as a result of its use, not only changing traditional teaching order to collect data
methods, but also requiring them to be more creative in
adapting and customizing their own teaching strategies. B. Research Design
The research design has been defined differently by
The most widely used teaching strategies to address the different scholars, Welman and Kruger, 2017. In the context
challenges of ICT use are among all education methods and of this study, a research design will simply understand as a
strategies, collaborative learning, problem-based learning or roadmap or a plan used by the researcher to access the
constructivist approach. research participants and collect information that helped to
explore the research problem under investigation (John,
This is in line with the suggestion of Palak and Walls, 2013).
as well as Tciez, that technology integration will not achieve
its desired effect without a student-centered approach to C. Study Population and Sample Size
learning. Consequently, it is not possible to integrate ICT into In order to make a generalization of the population as a
education on its own. Learning outcomes may be more whole, Odera and Okenyi (2018) argue that this sample
successful when applied in combination with a variety of should be defined as one group which has been chosen from
teaching methods and approaches, particularly the larger groups for study purposes. For the purposes of the
constructionists approach. (Whelan, 2018) study of the representativeness of a precisely defined
population, the sample shall consist of a group of subjects
To improve teachers' professional development in the selected from the population with the purpose of making
use of ICT, schools are also strongly recommended to offer inferences about the overall population Shukla, 2020This
workshops or training courses for teaching staff so that they study utilized it in the following ways:
can enhance their information and communication n = N / (1+Ne2)
technology skills while facing any possible difficulties.
Previous research has indicated that both external and n = No. of Samples
internal factors influence ICT use in education (Al-Ruz and N = Total Population
Khasawneh 2011; Lin, Wang and Lin 2012; Sang et al. 2011; e = Error Margin / Margin of Error
Tezci 2011a). Access to computers and software, lack of time
for course planning or technical deficiencies and D. Data Analysis
administrative support are among the most common external
factors. AlRuz and Khasawneh 2011).  Description of Descriptive Statistics
Kenton, (2019), said that, descriptive statistics are brief
The research appears to have identified all possible descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set,
external and internal factors influencing ICT use (Al-Ruz which can be either a representation of the entire or a sample
2021); however, there has been meager research into the of a population. Descriptive statistics are broken down into
possible relationships between external and internal measures of central tendency and measures of variability
variables, and how these relationships differ according to the (spread). Measures of central tendency include the mean,
variables involved in ICT integration. It would not only help median, and mode, while measures of variability include
teachers and students to understand the challenges of ICT the standard deviation, variance, the minimum and maximum
usage better by examining these relationships. It has shown variables, and the kurtosis and skewness.
that when introducing technology into the classroom, there is
no correlation between teachers' beliefs and their actual
practice. While the influence of teachers' attitudes and beliefs
on real practice has been a focus of many prior studies. The

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Descriptive statistics or frequencies will be used to

summarize the data. The researcher will evaluate the mean by
using these equivalences, which are found in the table
illustrated below. These equivalences of mean will help to
know the perception of each group about the sub-variables.


A. Which ICT Tools or Platforms do you use Most

Frequently for your Academic Tasks (e.g., Online
Learning Platforms, Virtual Classrooms, Digital
The statistical analysis revealed that the rate of EBM
users among VAT payers was on 71.3% in the fiscal year of
2015/2016. Due to the efforts made by the government of
Rwanda, the number of EBM users among VAT payers Fig 3: Impact of ICT Tools
increased to 98% which means that the VAT payers have
successful adopted the government’s wish of using electronic
billing machine.

Fig 4: Hybrid Method

B. Hybrid Model Development

Fig 1: Types of Platforms Hybrid model development is a newer approach to
teaching and learning that combines elements of both
traditional face-to-face and modern online teaching
methodologies. In a hybrid model, students spend some time
learning in a physical classroom and some time learning
online. The teacher may use a variety of tools and
technologies to deliver the material, and students may be
expected to complete both online and offline assignments.

Fig 2: Challenges of ICT

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

C. Comparison of the Three Methodologies

Table1: Comparison of Three Methodologies

Traditional teaching and learning Modern teaching and learning Hybrid model development
methods, such as face to face education methodology by mean of the
Students and teachers meet in a physical Students and teachers interact and Students spend some time learning in a
classroom to learn and interact. learn through an online platform. physical classroom and some time learning
The teacher is responsible for delivering Students have more flexibility in To present the content, a teacher may
the material, and students are expected to terms of when and where they apply different tools and technology while
listen, take notes, and ask questions. learn, but they are still expected to students are required to complete their
meet deadlines and complete assignments on paper or in person.
Students can benefit from the teacher's The flexibility of online learning Students can benefit from the best of both
immediate feedback and the opportunity to and the ability to learn at your own worlds by combining elements of
interact with their classmates in person. pace can benefit students. Traditional teaching and learning methods,
such as face to face education
In a classroom setting, some students may Online learning can be isolating for Hybrid models can be complex to develop
not be able to concentrate and others will some students, and it can be and implement, and it can be difficult to
need more time for learning beyond what difficult to get help from the find the right balance between traditional
is allowed in the standard class schedule. teacher if needed. face-to-face and online learning.

D. Hybrid Model Development Flowchart for Student Analysis Performance

 Hybrid Model of Student’s Analysis Performance: ICT Integration


of teaching and

Traditional face to face Modern online

Physical meeting classroom Online meeting classroom

Online learning platform

Teacher delivering

Digital libraries
Students are listening and ask question

Assessments Online assessment


High level student’s performance


Fig 5: Hybrid Model of Student’s Analysis Performance: ICT Integration

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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