Hip Hop
Hip Hop
Hip Hop
The word hip-hop was derived from the word “hep”, an African-American
vernacular English language since 1904 which means “current”. It was apparently
invented by a New York rapper Kevin Donovan, (known as Afrika Bambaataa), who
was dubbed as the Grandfather of Hip-hop. During the 80’s and 90’s, hip-hop dance
competitions became increasingly popular with the emergence of “battles”, one-on-
one freestyle competition on the dance floor surrounded by a circle of fans.
Improvised battles soon led to advertised battles and a higher level of competition. It
also developed a social nature wherein participants are encouraged to interact with
spectators and other dancers. Hip-hop dance, on the other hand, refers to street dance
styles primarily performed with hip-hop music, or that have evolved as part of hip-
hop culture.