Kong 2017

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2700819, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics


A Detector-aware LDPC Code Optimization for Ultra-High Density

Magnetic Recording Channels
Lingjun Kong1,4 , Kui Cai2 , Pingping Chen3,2 , and Bing Fan4
1 College of Telecommunication & Inform. Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Nanjing, China
2 Department of Science, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore 487372
3 College of Physics and Information Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China
4 Center for Memory and Recording Research, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

In this paper, a detector-aware low-density parity-check (LDPC) code optimization algorithm is proposed for the ultra-high
density magnetic recording channel, such as bit-patterned magnetic recording (BPMR) and two-dimensional magnetic recording
(TDMR), where a 2D detector (2D-DET) is employed to combat 2D-ISI effects, by acquiring the variance of the 2D-ISI channel
log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) corresponding to the specific 2D-DET. The new parameter builds a bridge of LDPC code optimization
between the ISI-channel and AWGN channel. Numerical results show that our proposed algorithms are more efficient in running
time than another recently proposed optimization algorithms. Moreover, the protograph based quasi-cyclic (QC) codes using the
proposed optimization strategy, which have a low-complexity QC encoder structure with an effectual parallelizable protograph
decoder composition, enjoy up to 1 order of magnitude performance gain in bit error rate (BER) over the other random codes that
suffer from high error floors.

Index Terms—low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, protograph LDPC codes, quasi-cyclic (QC) LDPC codes, two dimensional
(2D) intersymbol interference (ISI) channels

I. I NTRODUCTION indispensable for dense magnetic recording. Existing LDPC

codes optimized for symmetric, AWGN-like channels are
IMING at further increasing the data-storage density be-
A yond 1Tb/in2 [1], bit-patterned media recording (BPMR),
shingled writing (SW)/two-dimensional magnetic recording
not optimal for magnetic recording channels due to channel
asymmetry. In [9], the authors designed LDPC codes opti-
mized for partial response channels (PRCs) by means of a
(TDMR) have been emerging as new promising technologies.
density evolution (DE) analysis. Recent works [10] provide
However, with the reduction of the track pitch, inter-track
a comprehensive analysis of the error floor along with code
interference (ITI) becomes a major impairment for these mag-
optimization guidelines for structured and regular non-binary
netic recording systems. ITI combined with the conventional
(NB) LDPC codes in magnetic recording channels.
(down-track) inter-symbol interference (ISI) forms a two-
Not much work has been done on LDPC codes optimized
dimensional (2D) ISI that severely degrades the performance
for 2D-ISI channels. In [11], new LDPC codes optimized for
of data storage systems [2]-[3].
2D-ISI channels detected using the symbol-based BCJR 2D-
A number of approaches have been proposed to com- DET have been designed, and are shown to achieve better
bat 2D-ISI effects, including the use of 2D detectors (2D- performance than the LDPC codes optimized for AWGN
DETs) [4]-[8] that mitigate the interference in 2D directions channels. However, the LDPC codes in [11] were designed
and advanced error-correcting coding (ECC) schemes. The for use with the full 2D-DET, which is highly complex.
symbol-based Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) [4] 2D-DET LDPC codes optimized for 2D-ISI channels detected using
provides optimal detection over such channels, but it has the IRCSDFA-GA detector in [12], exhibit excellent error-
prohibitive complexity for the typical 2D data size [5]. In [8], correction capabilities, especially for high codeword lengths.
the well known suboptimal 2D-DET, iterative row-column soft However, the ISI-optimized LDPC codes are designed for a
decision feedback algorithm (IRCSDFA) [6], has been further 2D-ISI channel detected by the specific 2D-DET, and code
simplified using Gaussian approximation. optimization procedure should be operated again for a new
By applying the turbo principle to 2D-DET and decoder, detector. Moreover, the 2D-DET Extrinsic Information Trans-
ECC also provides a significant means to combat 2D-ISI [9]- fer (EXIT) curve cannot be expressed in the closed form, it
[14]. Low-density parity-check (LDPC) code that is well- is required to statistically average over a large number of 2D
known for its capacity-approaching ability in the additive detection by Monte Carlo simulation, and the computational
white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is believed to be burden remains a bottleneck of the optimization approaches.
In this paper, we present a detector-aware LDPC code
Corresponding author: Lingjun Kong (email: [email protected]). This
work is supported by China NSF for Young Scientists (Grant No. 61501250, optimization algorithm for a 2D-ISI channel, acquiring the
61401099), Singapore A*Star Public Sector Research Funding (PSF) and variance of the channel log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) corre-
SUTD-MIT IDC research grant, the Natural Science Foundation for Young sponding to the specific 2D-DET. The new parameter which
Scientists of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. BK20140879), SRF for ROCS,
SEM., Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institu- captures the error characteristics of magnetic recording builds
tions (Grant No. 14KJB510021), NUPTSF (Grant No. NY214015). a bridge of LDPC code optimization between the ISI-channel

0018-9464 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2700819, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics


and AWGN channel. According to the proposed approach procedure [11], the effective mutual information of variable
that has lower computational complexity, the existing code node decoder (VND) combined with the 2D-DET IE,V N D is
optimization techniques previously developed for the AWGN DL DL
channel which are not effective can be re-used in 2D-ISI div
IE,V N D = λi ×IE,V ND = λi ×
channels. i=1 i=1
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II r ! (4)
2 div 2
presents the 2D-ISI channel model. Section III introduces the J (div − 1) × [J −1 (IA,V N D )] + [J −1 (IE,DET )]
detector-aware LDPC code optimization for 2D-ISI channels
and then the computational complexity is analyzed. The pro- di
where λi = (1−Rcv)×dc ×ςi , ςi is the fraction of nodes incident
posed schemes are validated in Section IV. Finally, conclu-
sions are drawn in Section V . to variable nodes of degree div , dc denotes the check node
degree, J(·) and J −1 (·) are given in [11], and IE,V N D de-
notes the combined 2D-DET and VND Extrinsic Information
II. 2D-ISI CHANNEL MODEL Transfer (EXIT) function of a degree−div variable node.
The 2D channel response before detection can be repre- Fig.2 shows the conditional probability density functions
sented by an LM × LN channel response matrix H2D : (PDFs) of the output LLRs of symbol-based BCJR 2D-DET
in an information bit density of 4Tb/in2 channel using Monte
  Carlo simulations, where a LDPC code with rate of 8/9 is
h(0,0) h(0,1) ··· h(0,LN −1)
 h(1,0) h(1,1) ··· h(1,LN −1)  employed. It is easy to observe that the re-modeled symmetric
H2D =  .. .. .. ..  Gaussian distribution with mean k and variance $ = 2k and
 . . . .

the LLRs of 2D-DET are well matched for transmitted coded
h(LM −1,0) h(LM −1,1) ··· h(LM −1,LN −1) bit 0s and 1s, respectively. Thus, we conclude that the LLRs
of a 2D-DET can be approximated by a symmetric Gaussian
where LM and LN denote the interference lengths in the
distribution giving a specific 2D-DET and the EXIT chart can
vertical and horizontal directions, respectively.
be applied to optimize LDPC codes for such 2D-ISI channels.
The binary data distributed in an array with M rows and
Then the (4) can be written as (5),
N columns is denoted by x(i, j) ∈ {−1, +1}, with i =
1, 2, · · · , M , and j = 1, 2, · · · , N . Then, the received signal X q 
i −1 2
at position(i, j) can be expressed by IE,V N D = λi ×J (dv − 1) × [J (IA,V N D )] + $
M −1 LX
LX N −1 (5)
∗ ∗ where $ is the estimated variance of output LLRs of 2D-DET.
r(i, j) = h(m, n)x(i , j ) + w(i, j) (2)
m=0 n=0 The LDPC code optimization problem can be accomplished
by means of linear programming [11]. Following the pro-
where i∗ = i − m + dM and j ∗ = j − n + dN . Here, dM and
posed procedure, protograph-based QC-LDPC codes can be
dN are non-causality offsets, and w(i, j) is the AWGN with
2 constructed according to the optimized degree sequences for
zero mean and variance σw . In the coded 2D-ISI channel, the
2D-ISI channels, where the QC structure is maintained while
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per information bit is defined as
maximizing the girth of the Tanner graph in the progressive
M −1 LXN −1 edge-growth (PEG) algorithm [11]. The proposed strategy of
2 2
Eb /N0 = 10×log10 |h(m, n)| /2σw /Rc (3) detector-aware codes design is summarized in Algorithm 1.
m=0 n=0

where Rc is the code rate. B. Computational complexity analysis

Normally, the offsets are set to be dM = LM2−1 and dN = The symbol-based BCJR 2D-DET trellis has 2M (LN −1)
LN −1
2 . It is also assumed that a boundary of −1 around the
states and 2M input and output branches for each state,
data block for initializing the 2D-DET, i.e., x(i, j) = −1 for therefore its complexity is O(N · 2M LN ). The complexity of
(i, j) ∈
/ {(i, j) |1 ≤ i ≤ M, 1 ≤ j ≤ N }. the IRCSDFA-GA, whose state space dimension of the ISI
trellis of either component detector is reduced enormously by
employing the GA, is O(ICD · M N · ((LM − 1)LN 2LN +
LM (LN − 1)2LM ), where ICD denotes the iteration number
In this section, we present a detector-aware LDPC code between two component detectors in the IRCSDFA-GA de-
optimization approach for 2D-ISI channels and compare the tector [8]. In [11]-[12], the 2D-DET EXIT curve cannot be
computational complexity with the methods in [11]-[12]. expressed in the closed form, so it is essential to statistically
average over a huge number of 2D detection simulations.
Specifically, once the a-prior mutual information IA,DET and
A. Detector-aware LDPC Code Optimization 2D-ISI channel output sequence r are generated, the 2D-
In the 2D-ISI channel, the soft information messages gener- DET is run. The 2D-DET output LLRs are used to calculate
ated by the 2D-DET are exchanged within the LDPC decoder the IE,DET (see [11]), which is measured by estimating the
iteratively to perform joint detection and decoding, where p(ζ|x =1 ) and p(ζ|x =−1 ) from a histogram of the extrinsic
the block diagram is given in Fig.1. In the code design information values, where ζ denotes the element of LLRs.

0018-9464 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2700819, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics


Algorithm 1 Detector-aware LDPC code design algorithm TABLE II

1: Initialize: code rate Rc , code length Nc , initial chan- T HE OPTIMIZED DEGREE SEQUENCES OF LDPC CODES

nel Eb /N0 , the step ∆s , target cost Tcost . λ =

λ2 λ3 λ7 λ8 λ9 λ10 λ15
(λ2 , λ3 , · · · , λDL ) and ρ = (ρ2 , ρ3 , · · · , ρDR ).
The proposed 0.0644 0.5953 0.2267 0.1136
2: Run the 2D-DET once and calculate the a-posteriori
Scheme 1 0.1445 0.8146 0.0378 0.0031
mutual information of the 2D-DET.
Scheme 2 0.0622 0.4016 0.5362
3: Model the distribution of LLRs as an Gaussian with
variance $
4: Based on (5), select the best λ sequences to fit the check
node decoder (CND) EXIT curve as closely as possible
to the EXIT curve of the combined 2D-DET and VND. In this section, we present the simulation results with the
5: Design LDPC parity check matrix according the optimized LDPC schemes proposed in Section III. The symbol-based
degree sequences. Go to next step if protograph-based QC- BCJR-aware code optimization is proposed and verified for a
LDPC code is to be presented, or END. 4Tb/in2 2D-ISI channel, however, it can easily be extended
6: Adjust the degree sequence based on the code length for other 2D detector-aware schemes. In the simulations, we
Nc , code rate Rc and replication fact J, and obtain the set the maximum number of iterations between the symbol-
protograph base matrix Hp (Lpm × Lpn ). based BCJR 2D-DET and the LDPC belief-propagation (BP)
7: Permute the edges of the nodes in the J replicas of the decoder to 10, and the maximum number of BP iterations
base protograph matrix Hp : in LDPC decoder to 30, all codes have rate of Rc = 8/9.
8: for i = 1 to Lpn do The 2D channel response matrix (CRM) is assumed to be (6),
9: for j = 1 to J do corresponding to a magnetic recording density of 4Tb/in2 [11].
10: if (j == 1) then  
0.0368 0.1435 0.0368
11: Select the check nodes with larger local girth based
H4T =  0.2299 0.8966 0.2299  (6)
on the modified PEG algorithm
0.0368 0.1435 0.0368
12: else
13: //Cyclically shift others to get the new position Llj . In Fig.3, we compare the BER performance of our proposed
14: for l = 1 to Nid do LDPC codes with the 2D-ISI-optimized (Scheme 1) [11] and
15: //Nid is the number of connections of the check AWGN-optimized (Scheme 2) for two different code lengths
nodes connected with nodes v i of Hp . in a 2D-ISI channel with recording density of 4Tb/in2 , where
the optimized degree sequences of the LDPC codes are given
16: Llj = j−1J × J + Llj−1 + 1 mod J
17: end for in Table II. Fig.3 shows that the proposed LDPC codes (red
18: end if lines) has a performance gain of about 0.2 dB over the codes
19: end for of Scheme 2 (blue dashed lines) at BER of 10−5 for all
20: end for two different code lengths (N c = 4608, 9216) in a 2D-ISI
channel with recording density of 4Tb/in2 . Furthermore, there
is only small loss in performance of the proposed codes when
compared to the codes which are designed by the significantly
more complex optimization approach (Scheme 1) at BER of
10−5 for all two different code lengths, and the proposed codes
Optimization schemes Computational complexity have a lower error floor at high SNR region.
2D BCJR-based Opt. [13] O(Lλ · L~ · N · 2M LN ) To further evaluate the validity of the proposed detector-
Proposed BCJR-aware Opt. O(N · 2M LN )
aware LDPC code optimization algorithm, we design the
protograph based QC-LDPC code according to Algorithm 1
O(Lλ · L~ · I · M N · ((LM − 1)LN 2LN
2D GA-based Opt. [14] as described in Section III. Fig.4 shows the BER comparison
+LM (LN − 1)2LM ))
between the protograph-based QC-LDPC code and random-
O(I · M N · ((LM − 1)LN 2LN like protograph LDPC codes [15]. As shown, the proposed
Proposed GA-aware Opt.
+LM (LN − 1)2LM )) protograph based QC-LDPC code is able to provide up to
1 order of magnitude performance gain relative to the other
random codes that suffer from high error floor, and no error
floor is observed down to a BER of about 10−8 . Note
Instead of running the 2D-DET Lλ · L~ times, we ap- that the protograph based QC structure only causes a slight
ply the 2D-DET once in the proposed optimization scheme, performance degradation compared with others.
where Lλ is the interval of IA,DET and L~ is the 2D-
DET running time for the histogram to estimate the p(ζ|x =1 )
and p(ζ|x =−1 ). The computational complexities of the 2D
BCJR-based optimization, 2D GA-based optimization, and A low-complexity detector-aware LDPC code optimization
corresponding detector-aware ones are listed in Table I which algorithm has been proposed for dense 2D-ISI magnetic
are for off-line optimization of the designed codes. recording channels. The new variance of the channel LLRs

0018-9464 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2700819, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics




Proposed Protograph QC−LDPC code
Random LDPC code [13]
Random Protograph code: 2D−P1 [15]

10 Random Protograph code: 2D−P2 [15]


Fig. 1. Block diagram of joint 2D-DET and decoding for a 2D-ISI channel. −7

0.12 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4

Fig. 4. BER performance for the protograph-based QC-LDPC code and
random-like LDPC codes in a 4Tb/in2 channel.

original extrinsic LLR for bit 0


estimated N(k0,2k0) for bit 0

original extrinsic LLR for bit 1
estimated N(k ,2k ) for bit 1
1 1
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0018-9464 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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