The document provides an overview of early Greek philosophy from approximately 600 BCE to Plato in the 5th century BCE. It discusses the Sophists and key philosophers like Socrates and Plato. For Socrates, it describes his method of questioning beliefs and exposing inconsistencies to help people discover truth. For Plato, it outlines his theory of forms which proposes eternal, unchanging ideas that are the true nature of reality.
The document provides an overview of early Greek philosophy from approximately 600 BCE to Plato in the 5th century BCE. It discusses the Sophists and key philosophers like Socrates and Plato. For Socrates, it describes his method of questioning beliefs and exposing inconsistencies to help people discover truth. For Plato, it outlines his theory of forms which proposes eternal, unchanging ideas that are the true nature of reality.
The document provides an overview of early Greek philosophy from approximately 600 BCE to Plato in the 5th century BCE. It discusses the Sophists and key philosophers like Socrates and Plato. For Socrates, it describes his method of questioning beliefs and exposing inconsistencies to help people discover truth. For Plato, it outlines his theory of forms which proposes eternal, unchanging ideas that are the true nature of reality.
The document provides an overview of early Greek philosophy from approximately 600 BCE to Plato in the 5th century BCE. It discusses the Sophists and key philosophers like Socrates and Plato. For Socrates, it describes his method of questioning beliefs and exposing inconsistencies to help people discover truth. For Plato, it outlines his theory of forms which proposes eternal, unchanging ideas that are the true nature of reality.
discussion and debate People skilled in doing this were called From the Perspective of Sophists, the first teachers of Philosophy the West The Philosophy of the Self “The early philosophers sought to The Self has been defined as understand the nature of human “as a unified being, essentially beings, problems of morality and life connected to consciousness, philosophies” (Price, 2000) awareness, and agency (or, at least, with the faculty of rational choice)“ .Different Socrates philosophers have come up 470-399 BCE with more specific “The unexamined life is not worth characteristics of the Self, and living.” over time, these meanings have Who is Socrates? transformed from pure ● The mentor of Plato abstractions to explanations ● Wanted to discover the that hold scientific evidences. essential nature of knowledge, justice, beauty and goodness APPROXIMATELY 600 BCE (Moore and Bruder, 2002) The Birth of Philosophy or the ● He didn’t write anything, he is “love for wisdom” in Athens of not a writer Ancient Greece The Greeks in ● A lot of his thoughts were only search for knowledge came up known through Plato’s writing with answers that are both (The Dialogues) cognitive and scientific in SOCRATIC METHOD nature (Price, 2000) ● This is Socrates’ method for discovering what is essential in GREEK PHILOSOPHERS IN MILETUS the world and in people ● They chose to seek natural ● In this method, Socrates did explanations to events and not lecture, he instead would phenomena around them ask questions and engage the instead of seeking for person in a discussion supernatural explanations ● He would begin by acting as if from the gods that was passed he did not know anything and down through generations would get the other person to ● These philosophers observed clarify their ideas and resolve changes in the world and logical inconsistencies (Price, wanted to explain these 2000) changes by understanding the ● Using this method, the laws of nature Their study of questioner should be skilled at change led them to the “idea of detecting misconceptions and permanence” (Price, 2000) at revealing them by asking the themselves to their deepest right questions. nature ● His Socratic method allowed him to question people’s The aim of the Socratic Method is to beliefs and ideas, exposing make people think, seek and ask their misconceptions and get again and again. Some may be them to touch their souls angered and frustrated, but what is VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE important is for them to realize that ● Socrates believed that the real they do not know everything, that self is not the physical body, there are things that they are but rather the psyche (or soul). ignorant of, to accept this and to He further posited that the continue learning and searching for appearance of the body is answers (Moore and Bruder, 2002) inferior to its functions. ● Socrates believed that his Good and Evil mission in life was to seek the ● Good highest knowledge and ○ Wealth, status, pleasure, convince others who were social acceptance are willing to seek his knowledge the thing we considered with him the greatest good in life; ● He wanted to discover the ● Evil essential nature of knowledge, ○ ‘all human beings strive justice, beauty and goodness( for happiness, for Moore and Bruder, 2002) happiness is the final end in life. Everything we Be true to thine self do because we think it will make us a happy. True self Therefore, we follow the ● The touching of the soul, may label that what will bring mean helping the person to us happiness is good get in touch with his true self and what will bring us ● The true self, Socrates said, is suffering and pain is evil” not the body but the soul. Virtue Virtue is inner goodness, and ● One supreme good, ultimate real beauty is that of the soul good and moral excellence (Price, 2000) ● Virtue – “a virtuous person is one whose character is made VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE up of the moral qualities ● According to Socrates, real accepted as virtues include understanding comes from courage, justice, prudence, within the person and temperance. ● His Socratic method forces ● Virtue is greatest good in life, people to use their innate for it can alone secure reason by reaching inside happiness ● It is most important of the ● Plato explained that forms state of soul refers to what are real and they Happiness are not object that can be seen ● “human being naturally desires but can only be grasped good as it alone secure intellectually. happiness, with that knowledge 1. The Forms are ageless and they have no choice but to be therefore eternal virtuous” 2. The Forms are unchanging ● When we arrived at the and therefore permanent knowledge of virtue we would 3. The Forms are unmoving and become virtuous and we will indivisible make our soul good and PLATO’S DUALISM beautiful and when we perfect THE REALM OF SHADOWS our soul we will attain true ● Composed of changing, happiness. ‘sensible’ things which are ● Knowledge=virtues=happiness lesser entities and therefore imperfect and flawed THE REALM OF FORMS PLATO ● Composed of eternal things 428 – 348 BCE which are permanent and Wise men speak because they have perfect. It is the source of all something to say; fools because they reality and true knowledge have to say Plato’s View of Human Nature Who is Plato? ● Think more and Know Yourself ● His real name is Aristocles ● Give ourselves a time to think ● He was nicknamed “Plato” about our lives and how to because of his physical built lead them. which means wide/broad ● Strengthen your self knowledge ● Left Athens for 12 years after you don’t get yourself easily the death of Socrates pulled around by feelings by ● When he returned he subjecting your ideas to established a school known as examination rather acting on “The Academy” impulse. THEORY OF FORMS ● According people we just go ● Plato’s Metaphysics along with “doxa” means (philosophical study on the popular opinion. causes and nature of things) ● In honor of his mentor he ● Plato explained that Forms called to process of refers to what are real examination “Socratic ● They are not objects Discussion” encountered with the senses View of human nature but can only be grasped ● He believed that knowledge lies intellectually within the person’s soul ● He considered human beings THEORY OF FORMS as microcosms of the universal macrocosms i.e. everything in ● The story of the cave is an the universe can also be found allegory of the life of on people – earth, air, fire, enlightened people. water, mind and spirit (Price, ● For Plato we are most of our 2000) lives in shadow, many of the Soul things we get excited about like Plato described the soul as having fame, perfect partner, high three components: status job are infinitely less real 1. The Reason is rational and is that we suppose they are for the motivation for goodness the most are phantoms and truth projected by our culture. 2. The Spirited is non-rational and is the will or the drive Theory of Love and Becoming toward action ● Theory of Being 3. The Appetites are irrational ○ In knowing the truth, and lean towards the desire for according to Plato, the pleasures of the body person must become the truth. Plato believed that people are ○ To know for Plato is to intrinsically good. Sometimes be. The more the person however, judgements are made in knows, the more he is ignorance and Plato equates and the better he is. ignorance with evil. (Price, 2000) Plato’s Love ● Plato’s love begins with a Theory of Love and Becoming feeling or experience that there ● ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE is something lacking ○ What people see are only ● This then drives the person to shadows of reality which seek for that which is lacking they believe are real ● Thoughts and efforts are then things and represents directed towards the pursuit of knowledge which is lacking ○ What these people fail to ● The person you need to get realize is that the together with should have shadows are not real for good qualities which you according to Plato, “only yourself lack. the Forms are real” ● For Plato, in a good relationship, a couple should Allegory of the Cave not love each other exactly as ● The most famous allegory in they are right now; rather they philosophy. should be committed to ● The story was intended to educating each other to be the compare “the effect of best version of themselves. education and lack of it on our ● The deeper the thought, the nature”. stronger is the love. Love is a process of seeking higher him answers to questions that stages of being. interested him VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE The GREATER the love, the MORE 1. GOD as the source of all reality intellectual component it will contain. and truth. ○ Through a mystical ● Lifelong longing and pursuit experience, a man is seek even higher stages of love capable of knowing the which lead to the possession of eternal truths absolute beauty (Moore and ○ This is possible through Bruder, 2002) the existence of one eternal truth which is To love the highest according to Plato God is to become the best ○ God is within man and transcends him Christian Philosophers… 2. The sinfulness of man ● Their concern was with God ○ The cause of sin or evil is and man’s relationship with an act of man’s freewill God ○ MORAL GOODNESS CAN ● These Christian philosophers BE ONLY ACHIEVED did not believe that THROUGH THE GRACE self-knowledge and happiness OF GOD were the ultimate goals of man The Role of Love Greek Philosophers “For God is love and he created They see man as basically humans for them to also love” good and becomes evil ● Disordered love results when through ignorance of what is man loves the wrong things good which he believes will give him Christian Philosophers happiness They see man as sinners who St. Augustine explains reject/go against a loving 1. Love of physical objects leads God’s commands to sin of greed 2. Love for other people is not St. Augustine of Hippo lasting and excessive love for them is the sin of jealousy 354 – 436 CE 3. Love for the self leads to the “God loves each of us as if there were sin of people only one of us. “ 4. Love for God is the supreme Who is St. Augustine? virtue and only through loving ● Hippo, Africa God can man find real ● Became a priest and bishop of Hippo ● Initially rejected Christianity for Rene Descartes it seemed to him then that 1596 - 1650 Christianity could not provide “Cogito ergo sum.” Who is Rene Descartes? ● Father of Modern Philosophy John Locke ● One of the Rationalist 1632 - 1704 Philosophers of Europe “No man’s knowledge here can go ● These philosophers considered beyond his experience. truth as universal concept and Who is John Locke? reason is superior to and ● Born in Wrington, England independent of sensory ● Interested in politics; Defender experience of the parliamentary system ● Cartesian Method and Analytic ● At Oxford, he studied medicine Geometry which would play a central role Descartes’ View of Human Nature in his life. ● “I think, therefore I am” ● At 57 years old, Locke ● Descartes believes that to published a book which played doubt is to think. a significant role in the era of ● Skepticism refers to an attitude Enlightenment(Price, 2000) of doubt or disbelief, either in general or toward a particular He believed that knowledge results object, or to any doubting or from ideas produced a posteriori or questioning attitude or state objects that were experienced of mind. ● The cognitive aspect of human 1. The process involves 2 forms: nature is his basis for existence Sensation wherein objects are of the self. experienced through senses 2. Reflection by which the mind View of human nature ‘looks’ at the objects that were Descartes deduced that a thinker is a experienced to discover thing that doubts, understands, relationships that may exist affirms, denies, wills, refuses and also between them imagines and feels (Price, 2000) Locke contended that ideas are not Descartes’ System innate but rather the mind at birth is Through math, he discovered that the a “TABULA RASA” (i.e. Blank Slate) human mind has TWO POWERS: 1. INTUITION or the ability to Locke’s View of Human Nature apprehend direction of certain ● He believed that we are all truths born as tabula rasa (blank 2. DEDUCTION or the power to state) discover what is not known by ● He argued that all knowledge progressing in an orderly way is obtained through from what is already known experience; he rejected the The mind-body problem concept of Rene’s ideas. ● The body, according to ● Locke thought that “we were Descartes, is like a machine born knowing nothing and that is controlled by the will instead all of our knowledge and aided by the mind. comes to us through sensory explain the workings of the data” mind ● Since there are no innate ideas The human mind according to Locke, morals, According to Hume, there are two religious, and political values types of perceptions: IMPRESSIONS must come from experience. immediate sensations of external View of human nature reality IDEAS recollections of the Moral good depends on the impressions conformity of a person’s behavior towards some law In examining the patterns of thinking, There a 3 laws according to Locke: Hume formulated three principles on 1. LAW OF OPINION – where how ideas relate to one another: actions that are praiseworthy ● THE PRINCIPLE OF are called VIRTUES and those RESEMBLANCE are not are VICES ● THE PRINCIPLE OF 2. CIVIL LAW – where right actions CONTIGUITY are enforced by people in ● THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND authority EFFECT 3. DIVINE LAW – set by God on the actions of man Hume’s View of Human Nature Empiricism ● Hume believed that we are ● Belief that sense – experience more influenced by our feelings is the most reliable source of than by reason. knowledge. ● People are more motivated by ● It emphasizes the role of our feelings than any other experience and evidence, analysis and logic. especially sensory perception, ● Hume argued that the idea of in the formation of ideas, and the self doesn’t persist over argues that the only knowledge time. He said there is no you humans can have is a based that is the same person from on experience birth to death. He said the concept of the self is just an David Hume illusion. ● Hume said that the so- called 1711 - 1776 “self” is just a bundle of “A wise proportions his belief to the impressions, consisting of a evidence. “ zillion different things – your Who is David Hume? body, your mind, emotions, ● Born in Edinburgh, Scotland preferences, memories, even ● At the time he was enrolled at labels that are imposed on you the University of Edinburgh, he by others. lost his faith ● It all begins with impressions, ● He relied on the scientific without impressions there will method, believing that it could be no ideas analyze human nature and View of Human Nature In looking for ‘the self’, Hume only ● He concluded that all objects discovered sense of impressions of knowledge, which includes ● He believed that like causality, the self, are phenomenal. ‘the self’ is also a product of In the matter of God, Kant stated that imagination the Kingdom of God is within man ● There is no such thing as ● God is manifested in people’s ‘personal identity’ behind lives therefore it is man’s duty perceptions and feelings that to move towards perfection come and go; THERE IS NO PERMANENT/UNCHANGING Sigmund Freud SELF 1856 - 1939 “The mind is like an iceberg: it floats Immanuel Kant with one seventh of its bulk above 1724 - 1804 water.” “I have no knowledge of myself as I Who is Sigmund Freud? am, but merely as I appear to myself. “ ● Austrian Neurologist; Who is Immanuel Kant? considered as one of the ● Lived in the town of Konisberg pioneering figures in the field in East Prussia (presently of psychology Western Russia) ● His psychodynamic theory has ● Founder of German Idealism characteristics of ● Wrote three books: Critique of philosophical thought Pure Reason, Critique of ● Freud made use of methods Practical reason and Critique like free association and dream of Judgement analysis for his clinical practice
Views of the mind Structures of the mind
Kant argued that the mind is not just In Freud’s illustration, he made use of a passive receiver of sense the typical iceberg to show how the experience but rather actively mind works based on his theorizing participates in knowing the objects it experiences The three levels of the mind are structured by the following View of Human Nature and The Self components: “When the self sees an object, it tends ● ID – based on the pleasure to remember its characteristics and principle applies on it, the forms of time and ● EGO – based on the reality space” principle ● The term he used for this ● SUPER EGO – primarily experience of the self and its dependent on learning the unity with objects is difference between right or TRANSCENDENTAL wrong APPERCEPTION “Man need not be degraded into a machine by being denied to be a ghost in a machine.” Who is Gilbert Ryle? ● English Philosopher ● Contradicted Cartesian Dualism ● Stated that many of the philosophical problems were caused by the wrong use of language ● He wrote the book “The Concept of the Mind” View of Human Nature and Freud in his 1920 book, Beyond the Knowledge Pleasure Principle, he presented 2 ● Ryle thought that freewill was kinds of instincts that drive individual invented to answer the behavior: question of whether an action ● EROS – Life Instinct; the energy deserves praise or blame. is called LIBIDO and urges ● He assumes that “Man’s necessary for individual and actions must be moral for it to species survival like thirst, be free” hunger and sex Ryle touched two types of knowledge: ● THANATOS – Death Instinct; ● KNOWING-THAT behavior that is directed ○ Refers to knowing facts/ towards destruction in the information form of aggression and ● KNOWING-HOW violence ○ Using facts in the View of Human Nature performance of some “Man’s behavior by his pleasure skill or technical abilities seeking life instinct and his “A person may acquire a great bulk of destructive instinct is said to be born knowledge but without the ability to with his ego already in conflict” use it to solve some practical ● He sees man as a product of problems to make his life easier, this his past lodged within his bulk of knowledge is deemed to be subconscious. worthless” ● Man then lives his life balancing the forces of life and Patricia & Paul Churchland death – making mere existence a challenge “There isn’t a special thing called the mind. The mind is just the brain.” - Patricia Churchland Gilbert Ryle 1900 - 1976 Who is Patricia and Paul Churchland? ● Patricia Churchland ○ Born on July 16, 1943 realities of the brain and the extant ○ Canadian-American reality” Philosopher, known for her claims that man’s Maurice Merleau-Ponty brain is responsible for the identity known as the 1908 - 1961 self Who is Maurice Merleau-Ponty? ● Paul Churchland ● French Phenomenological Philosopher ○ Born on October 21, 1942 ● ‘Philosopher of the Body’ ○ Canadian Philosopher. ● Center of his philosophy is the Patricia coined the term emphasis placed on the NEUROPHILOSOPHY, who together human body as the primary with Paul, was dissatisfied with the site of knowing the world particular approach of philosophers ● He focus on the relationship of and instead sought to guide self – experience and scientific theorizing with philosophy experience of other through and guide philosophy with scientific PERCEPTION. inquiry View of human nature According to Merleau-Ponty, The The philosophy of neuroscience is world and the sense of self are the study of the philosophy of the emergent phenomena in the ongoing mind, the philosophy of science, process of man’s ‘becoming’ neuroscience and psychology. ● Aims to explore the relevance In addition he stated that perception of the neuroscientific studies is not purely the result of sensations to the philosophy of the mind nor is it purely interpretation. Rather, consciousness is a process that Patricia claims that the man’s brain is includes sensing as well as responsible for the identity known as interpreting/reasoning ‘the self’ ● It is possible that one object ● The biochemical properties of may be perceived from various the brain according to this perspectives. philosophy is really responsible ● Man, the perceiver, may thus for man’s thoughts, feelings experience all the perspectives and behavior of the object from the other objects in its environment and at the same time perceive all View of Human Nature the other perspective the “Man is endowed with more than just object may have on other physical or neurological objects/being surrounding it. characteristics. Despite research findings, neurophilosophy states that the self is real, that it is the tool that helps the person tune-in to the