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J1.6-2.0XMT (J30-40ZT) [J160]

PART NO. 1554627 1300 SRM 1074

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity
to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric
lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet
or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force
to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the
unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are
flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and
when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from
the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Transaxle Table of Contents


Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 1
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Discharging the Capacitors........................................................................................................................... 1
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Transmission.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Traction Motor ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Maintenance....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Oil Level Check.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Oil Change ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Transaxle Assembly ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Traction Motor and Covers ....................................................................................................................... 6
Brake Assembly and Gears....................................................................................................................... 8
Planetary Gears and Drive Axle............................................................................................................... 9
Clean and Inspect .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Planetary Gears and Drive Axle............................................................................................................... 11
Brake Assembly and Gears....................................................................................................................... 12
Traction Motor and Covers ....................................................................................................................... 13
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................. 16

This section is for the following models:

J1.6-2.0XMT (J30-40ZT) [J160]



1300 SRM 1074 Introduction

GENERAL Legend for Figure 1

This section contains the removal, disassembly, re- A. LEFT SIDE

pair, inspection, assembly, and installation instruc- B. RIGHT SIDE
tions for the transmission and traction motor that
make up the transaxle assemblies used on these mod-

Some components associated with the transaxle are WARNING

not covered in this section because they are more DO NOT make repairs or adjustments unless
closely associated with other systems. you are properly trained and have authoriza-
See the section Brake System 1800 SRM 1076 for tion to do so. Improper repairs and adjust-
information on the electric brake and the service ments correct can create dangerous operating
brake lines and master cylinder. conditions. Do not operate a truck in need of
See the section Periodic Maintenance 8000 repair. Report the need for repairs to your
SRM 1079 for information on the tire and wheel supervisor immediately. If repair is necessary,
assemblies. attach a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the steering
wheel and disconnect the battery connector.
DO NOT make repairs or adjustments unless WARNING
you are properly trained and have authoriza- Disconnect the battery before opening the
tion to do so. Improper repairs and adjust- electric compartment cover or inspecting or
ments correct can create dangerous operating repairing the electrical system. If a tool causes
conditions. Do not operate a truck in need of a short circuit, the high current flow from the
repair. Report the need for repairs to your battery can cause personal injury or equip-
supervisor immediately. If repair is necessary, ment damage.
attach a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the steering
wheel and disconnect the battery connector.
Throughout this section, forward will refer to travel Some checks and adjustments are performed
in the direction of the forks and left and right will be with the battery connected. DO NOT connect
determined by sitting in the seat facing forward. See the battery until the procedure tells you to do
Figure 1. so. Never wear jewelry or other metal items on
your fingers, arms, or neck when performing
service to the lift truck. Metal items can ac-
cidentally make an electrical connection and
cause injury.

Block the lift truck drive tires to prevent unex-
pected movement before performing any tests
or adjustments.

The capacitor in the transistor controller can
hold an electrical charge after the battery is
disconnected. To prevent an electrical shock
and personal injury, discharge the capacitor
Figure 1. Truck Orientation

Introduction 1300 SRM 1074

before inspecting or repairing any component

in the electrical compartment. Wear safety
glasses. Make certain that the battery has
been disconnected.

To avoid controller damage, always discon-
nect the battery and discharge the capacitor
before performing service or repairs inside
the electrical compartment. NEVER apply
power to the controller when any wires are
disconnected. NEVER short any controller
terminal or motor terminal to the battery. Al-
ways use proper procedure when servicing the

1. Block load wheels to prevent lift truck from mov-

2. Turn the key switch to the OFF position and dis- 2. NEGATIVE CONNECTION (B )
connect the battery. 3. INSULATED JUMPER WIRES
3. Open the electrical compartment:
Figure 2. Discharging the Capacitors
a. Remove two screws securing the electrical (Standard)
compartment door.

b. Pull the compartment door open on its


DO NOT short across the motor controller ter-
minals with a screwdriver or jumper wire.

NOTE: Some lift trucks are equipped with a premium

controller, which controls the hydraulic motor as well
as the traction motors.

4. Discharge the capacitor in the controller by con-

necting a 200-ohm, 2-watt resistor across the
controller’s BT+ and B terminals for 10 seconds
using insulated jumper wires. See Figure 2.

5. On the premium controller, also connect the 200-

ohm, 2-watt resistor across the controller’s P+
and B terminals for 10 seconds using insulated 1. POSITIVE CONNECTION (BT+)
jumper wires. See Figure 3. 2. NEGATIVE CONNECTION (B )
6. Remove the 200-ohm, 2-watt resistor before re- 4. 200-OHM, 2-WATT RESISTOR
connecting the battery. 5. POSITIVE CONNECTION (P+)

Figure 3. Discharging the Capacitors


1300 SRM 1074 Description

TRANSMISSION Legend for Figure 4

The lift truck uses two transmissions. One transmis- 1. LEFT TRANSMISSION
sion is mounted on each side of the lift truck frame 2. TRACTION MOTORS
beneath the cowl. The transmission is an in-line
gear set that incorporates a wet disk brake assembly
within the transmission housing. The traction mo-
tor is mounted on one side of the transmission, and The traction motor is a three-phase AC induction mo-
the drive wheel and tire assemblies are mounted to tor. DC battery current is converted into AC current
the other side of the transmission. See Figure 4. The in the motor controller and then supplied to the trac-
transmission is secured to the lift truck frame using tion motor. The traction controller controls motor
a series of five capscrews. The transmission housing speed and direction. Each traction motor contains
provides the mounts needed to attach the mast to the a speed encoder device that provides continuous mo-
lift truck. tor speed and direction information to the motor con-
troller. Each traction motor also contains a tempera-
Power from the traction motor is transmitted to the
ture sensor that continually monitors motor temper-
transmission through an internal spline in the input
ature and communicates that information to the mo-
gear. The input gear drives the first reduction gear.
tor controller. See Figure 5.
The input and first reduction gear are helical gears.
The first reduction gear acts as the power input to
a three-planet, single-reduction, planetary gear set.
This planetary gear set drives the output (wheel hub)
to rotate the drive tire and move the lift truck.

Figure 5. Traction Motor

Figure 4. Transmission Mounting

Maintenance 1300 SRM 1074

OIL LEVEL CHECK 1. Raise and safety-chain the mast to access the
transaxle assemblies. See Periodic Mainte-
Each transaxle has a separate oil supply which must nance 8000 SRM 1079.
be maintained. See Figure 6. Make sure the lift truck
is parked in a level area. To check the oil level, re- 2. Turn the key switch to the OFF position and dis-
move the oil fill plug. The oil should be level with connect the battery. Block the wheels to prevent
the bottom of the oil fill hole. If necessary, add oil unexpected movement.
through the oil fill hole until the oil is level with the
bottom of the hole. Replace the oil fill plug and torque 3. Place a drip pan with at least a 3.8 liter (4 qt)
to 40 N•m (30 lbf ft). Check the oil level in both capacity under each transaxle.
transaxles every 500 hours or every three months.
4. Remove the fill plugs on each transaxle. See Fig-
ure 7.

5. Remove the drain plugs on each transaxle.

Disposal of lubricants and fluids must meet lo-
cal environmental regulations.

6. After both transaxles have drained completely,

replace the drain plugs and torque to 40 N•m
(30 lbf ft). Remove the drip pans and dispose of
waste oil properly.

7. Fill the transaxles with oil until level with the

bottom of the oil fill holes. See Figure 6.

8. Install the fill plugs and torque to 40 N•m

1. OIL FILL PLUG (30 lbf ft).

Figure 6. Transaxle Oil Fill Plug


The oil is hot at normal operating tempera-
tures. Be careful when draining the oil.

NOTE: Operate the lift truck for 5 minutes or until

the transaxle is warm to the touch. Oil is thick and
will drain easier and more thoroughly when it is 1. BRAKE BLEED VALVE
warm. Each transaxle uses separate, self-contained 2. TRANSAXLE HOUSING
oil supplies. The oil in the transaxle should be 3. DRAIN PLUG
changed after the first 200 hours of operation and
every 1000 hours or every six months thereafter. Figure 7. Transaxle Drain Plug

1300 SRM 1074 Transaxle Assembly

Transaxle Assembly
REMOVE d. Allow the oil to completely drain from the
transaxle and properly dispose of the waste
The lift truck must be put on blocks for some 9. Loosen, but do not remove, the five mounting
types of maintenance and transaxle repair. capscrews and nuts that hold the transaxle as-
The removal of the battery, mast, transaxle, sembly to the lift truck.
or the counterweight will cause large changes
in the center of gravity. Position additional 10. Disconnect the brake line from the master cylin-
blocks under the frame when the lift truck is der at the port on the transaxle. Cap the brake
on blocks, so the lift truck cannot tip over. line and plug the port on the transaxle to reduce
the possibility of contamination entering the
1. Remove the mast assembly. See Mast Repairs, brake system.
2 and 3-Stage Masts 4000 SRM 522 for instruc-
tions on removing the mast from the lift truck.
NOTE: DO NOT remove the battery. The transaxle and traction motor assemblies
are heavy. Be sure that all lifting devices are
2. Turn the key switch to the OFF position and dis- suitable and of adequate capacity to lift the
connect the battery. transaxle and traction motor.
3. Position the front of the lift truck on blocks so 11. Position a floor jack under the transaxle assem-
the drive tires are suspended off the floor. See bly. Make sure the assembly is properly balanced
Periodic Maintenance 8000 SRM 1079 for in- on the floor jack so it will not fall once the mount-
structions on putting the lift truck on blocks. ing capscrews have been removed.
4. Remove the drive tire lug nuts and remove the
drive tire. CAUTION
Check that cables, hoses, and wires do not in-
5. Tag and disconnect the electric park brake con-
terfere with the removal of the transaxle as-
nector from the main wiring harness.
6. Tag and disconnect the motor leads from the ter-
12. Remove the five capscrews and washers securing
minals on the traction motor.
the transaxle to the lift truck frame. Carefully
7. Tag and disconnect the traction motor tempera- lower the transaxle assembly from the lift truck
ture and speed sensors at the traction motor. frame using the floor jack.

8. Drain the oil from the transaxle housing:

a. Place a suitable container under the The transaxle and traction motor assemblies
transaxle. are heavy. Be sure that all lifting devices are
suitable and of adequate capacity to lift the
b. Remove the oil fill plug on the housing cover transaxle and traction motor.
beside the traction motor.
13. Transfer the transaxle assembly from the floor
c. Remove the drain plug from the bottom of the jack onto a clean, smooth, and level workbench
housing. See Figure 7. using an overhead lifting device.

Disposal of lubricants and fluids must meet lo-
cal environmental regulations.

Transaxle Assembly 1300 SRM 1074

DISASSEMBLE a. Remove the snap ring (11) from the traction

motor input (6) on the cover.
Traction Motor and Covers
b. Remove the spacer (9) and the O-ring (8) from
the cover.
Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic c. Remove the seal (10) from the spacer (9).
and can cause skin irritation. When using
cleaning solvents, always follow the solvent d. Remove the shims (7) and race (4).
manufacturer’s recommended safety proce-
dures. NOTE: Removing the cap from the reduction gear
bearing flange is destructive to the cap.

WARNING e. Remove the cap (20) from the reduction gear

The traction motor is heavy. Be sure that all bearing flange of the cover.
lifting devices are suitable and of adequate ca-
pacity to lift the traction motor. f. Remove the snap ring (19) from the traction
motor input (6) on the cover.
1. Remove the four capscrews and washers mount-
ing the traction motor to the transaxle. See Fig- g. Remove the spacer (18) and the O-ring (17)
ure 8. from the cover.

2. Remove the traction motor from the transaxle. h. Remove the shims (16) and race (14).

3. Use solvent to clean the outside of the transaxle

before disassembly.

The transaxle is heavy and can be difficult to
stabilize when positioned with the studs down.
Securely support the transaxle in a stable posi-
tion during these procedures.

4. Carefully position the transaxle with the drive

tire mounting studs down. Support the transaxle
with wooden blocks to stabilize.

5. Remove the eight socket head capscrews holding

the cover to the housing. See Figure 9.

NOTE: The cover is aligned to the housing with 1. RIGHT SIDE TRANSAXLE
dowel pins. Carefully pry the cover from the housing 2. OIL FILL PLUG
equally on both sides until it is clear of the dowel 4. PARKING BRAKE
pins. 5. FRAME
6. Separate the cover from the housing. Disassem- Figure 8. Traction Motor Mounting
ble the cover. Refer to Figure 9.

1300 SRM 1074 Transaxle Assembly


10. SEAL 20. CAP

Figure 9. Transmission Housing and Gears

Transaxle Assembly 1300 SRM 1074

Brake Assembly and Gears removed. Spring washers must be replaced

when the brake is dissembled.
CAUTION 1. Remove the brake assembly components from
Use care removing the brake disks and separa- the mounting dowels one piece at a time and
tors. These parts are matched, and if reused, stack or position them to maintain the correct
must be installed in the same order they were order. See Figure 10.



Figure 10. Brake Assembly

a. Cover the brake pistons using a clean shop
CAUTION cloth to catch the pistons and oil when
The following procedure may cause the pistons ejected.
and oil to forcefully eject from the housing. Use
caution when removing the pistons. Always b. Remove the plug from the brake line port.
wear safety glasses.
c. Carefully apply compressed air into the
2. Remove the brake pistons: brake line port to force the brake pistons

1300 SRM 1074 Transaxle Assembly

out of the housing or use a strong magnet or 5. Remove the lower input race from housing.
suction cup to lift pistons from housing.
6. Remove the reduction gear from housing. This
d. Recover the brake pistons and clean up any will expose the planetary reduction gear set.
spilled oil immediately.
7. Remove the upper and lower bearing cones from
NOTE: Be careful not to damage the gear teeth when the reduction gear using an appropriate puller.
removing the reduction gear and input gear.
8. Remove the lower reduction race from the plane-
3. Remove the input gear assembly from the hous- tary carrier.
ing. See Figure 9.
Planetary Gears and Drive Axle
4. Remove the upper and lower bearing cones from
the input gear using an appropriate puller. Refer to Figure 11, for the following procedures.



Figure 11. Output Shaft

Transaxle Assembly 1300 SRM 1074

13. Remove the planetary carrier from the housing.

Be careful when installing/removing snap 14. Remove inner output bearing cone from the plan-
rings. Use snap ring pliers. Always wear pro- etary carrier using an appropriate puller.
tective clothing and eye protection.
15. Remove both output bearing races from the hous-
1. Remove the snap rings from the gear pins. ing.

NOTE: The chamfer around the edge of the holes in

the thrust plate MUST BE positioned toward the CAUTION
hub. Make note of thrust plate orientation for re- Removal of the ring gear is destructive to the
assembly. ring gear.

2. Remove the upper thrust plate. 16. If removal is necessary, have the ring gear ex-
tracted by a professional machinist. The position
3. Remove the planet gears from the gear pins. of the ring gear requires special training and in-
tricate equipment to replace without damaging
4. Remove the needle bearing assemblies from the the housing. If there is considerable damage to
gear pins. other internal components of the transmission,
NOTE: The chamfer around the edge of the holes in total replacement of the transmission may be a
the thrust plate MUST BE positioned toward the consideration. Discuss the repair options with
hub. Make note of thrust plate orientation for re- your supervisor. Remove the ring gear ONLY if
assembly. inspection determines that replacement is neces-
sary. See Clean and Inspect.
5. Remove the lower thrust plate.
6. Remove bushings from gear pins if necessary.
Clean and inspect all parts for any signs of wear,
7. Securely support the housing in a vise or other cracks, or other defects. Carefully inspect all bear-
suitable holding device. Position the housing to ings to ensure smooth operation as the bearing is ro-
allow easy access to the end of the wheel hub. tated. Check bearing races for grooves, pitting, or
excessive wear. Check gear teeth for cracks or any
signs of excessive wear. Replace seals and any part
showing signs of wear or other defects.
Use a prybar wedged between the studs to hold
the wheel hub stationary. Install lug nuts to the 1. Inspect the splines of the planetary carrier for
studs to protect the threads from the prybar. any signs of wear on the spline teeth. If damage
is noted, replace the planetary carrier.
8. Remove the capscrew from the wheel hub. Use
a prybar wedged between the studs to hold the 2. Inspect the planetary carrier for damage and
wheel hub stationary. check for smooth operation. If the planetary
carrier bearing is damaged or does not rotate
9. Remove the spacer, shims, and O-ring from be- smoothly, remove the bearing using an appropri-
hind the capscrew. ate bearing puller. Replace the bearing and race.
NOTE: Removal of the wheel hub is destructive to the 3. Inspect the internal splines of the wheel hub for
axle seal. signs of damage or wear. If damage or wear is
10. Remove the wheel hub, output bearing, and axle noted, replace the wheel hub.
seal from the housing. 4. Inspect the output shaft bearings for damage
11. Remove the outer output bearing cone from the and check for smooth operation. If the planetary
hub. carrier bearing is damaged or does not rotate
smoothly, replace the bearing and race.
12. Remove the axle seal parts from the housing and
from the hub. 5. Inspect the planet gear needle bearings and bear-
ing seats for damage and check for smooth oper-
ation. If the needle bearings show any signs of

1300 SRM 1074 Transaxle Assembly

damage or wear, replace them and the bearing 3. Heat the output shaft outer bearing cone at ap-
seats. proximately 85 C (185 F) for 10 minutes to pre-
pare for installation.
6. Inspect the reduction gear bearing for damage
and check for smooth operation. If the bearing is NOTE: Quickly install bearing, seal, and hub before
damaged or does not rotate smoothly, replace the the bearing cools.
bearings and races. Remove the bearing races
from the housing using an appropriate puller. 4. Place the output shaft outer bearing cone into the
race using heat protective gloves.
7. Inspect the ring gear for chips, cracks, and other
signs of damage or wear. Have the ring gear re- NOTE: Once the axle seal is installed, it cannot be
moved and installed by a professional machinist, removed without destroying the seal.
if replacement is necessary. See Disassemble -
5. Install the axle seal into the housing. Be careful
Planetary Gears and Drive Axle, Step 16.
not to damage the seal during installation.
NOTE: If there is considerable damage to the ring
6. Install the wheel hub into the housing through
gear and other internal components of the transmis-
the seal and bearing. Make sure the hub is com-
sion, total replacement of the transmission may be a
pletely installed and allow the bearing cone to
consideration. Discuss the repair options with your
cool before continuing.

8. Remove any sealant from the mating surfaces of CAUTION

the housing and cover. Clean the mating surfaces
DO NOT use excessive heat to warm the bear-
of all oil, dirt, and grease to ensure proper seal-
ing. Heating the bearing beyond specification
can weaken the metal.
ASSEMBLE 7. Heat the output shaft inner bearing cone at ap-
proximately 85 C (185 F) for 10 minutes to pre-
Planetary Gears and Drive Axle pare for installation.
1. Install a new ring gear into the housing, if re- 8. Install the inner output shaft bearing onto the
moved. The housing must be heated to 180 C planetary carrier using heat protective gloves.
(356 F) before the ring gear can be installed us- Make sure the bearing is completely seated and
ing a press. It is advisable to have the ring gear allow the bearing cone to cool before continuing.
installed by a professional machinist, or replace
the complete transaxle assembly. 9. Install the planetary carrier into the housing
by sliding the planetary carrier splines into the
WARNING wheel hub.
Allow the housing to cool to room temperature
before proceeding from this point. CAUTION
Use a prybar wedged between the studs to hold
NOTE: Secure the transaxle housing in a vise or an the wheel hub stationary. Install lug nuts to the
appropriate mounting device. Refer to Figure 11 for studs to protect the threads from the prybar.
the following procedures.
NOTE: Install the shims as removed or begin with a
2. Install the inner and outer output bearing races 1.2 mm shim packing if original shims are not avail-
into the housing using an appropriate driver. able.

10. Install the thrust washer, O-ring, shim(s),

CAUTION washer, and capscrew to the wheel hub. Torque
DO NOT use excessive heat to warm the bear- the capscrews to 280 N•m (207 lbf ft).
ing. Heating the bearing beyond specification
can weaken the metal. 11. Check the hub assembly’s rotating torque:

Transaxle Assembly 1300 SRM 1074

a. Install a variable type torque wrench with Brake Assembly and Gears
proper-size socket onto the wheel hub cap-
screw. Refer to Figure 10 for the following procedures.

b. Slowly turn the torque wrench clockwise to 1. Install the lower input bearing race into the
begin turning the wheel hub. housing using an appropriate driver.

c. While rotating the drive wheel hub at a slow 2. Install the lower reduction bearing race into the
and consistent speed, check the amount of planetary carrier using an appropriate driver.
torque registered on the torque wrench.

d. If the torque registered on the torque wrench

is more than 4.5 N•m (40.0 lbf in). Remove Do not use excessive heat to warm the bear-
the capscrew from the wheel hub and in- ings. Heating the bearings beyond specifica-
crease the shimming by 0.050 mm (0.002 in.). tion can weaken the metal.
Repeat steps Step 10 and Step 11.
3. Heat the upper and lower reduction bearing
e. If the torque registered on the torque wrench cones and the upper and lower input bearing
is less than 3.2 N•m (28.0 lbf in). Remove the cones at approximately 85 C (185 F) for 10 min-
capscrew from the wheel hub and decrease utes to prepare for installation. Quickly install
the shimming by 0.050 mm (0.002 in.). Re- heated bearings for best results.
peat steps Step 10 and Step 11.
4. Place the lower reduction bearing cone into the
12. Turn the housing down onto the wheel hub studs race seated in the planetary carrier using heat
and securely support the housing, so it is stable protective gloves.
and cannot fall.
CAUTION Be careful not to damage reduction gear teeth
Do not use excessive heat to warm the bearing. when installing the reduction gear.
Heating the bearing beyond specification can
5. Install the reduction gear to the planet gear set.
weaken the metal.
Make sure the gear shaft is seats in the bearing
13. Heat the gear pin bushings at approximately assembly.
85 C (185 F) for 10 minutes to prepare for instal-
6. Install the upper reduction bearing cone to the
reduction gear using heat protective gloves.
14. Install bushings to the gear pin shafts using heat
7. Install the upper and lower input bearing cones
protective gloves. After installation, allow them
to the input gear using heat protective gloves.
to cool to room temperature before proceeding.
8. Install the input gear into the housing. Check
NOTE: The chamfer around the edge of the holes in
that the input gear properly meshes with the re-
the thrust plate MUST BE positioned toward the
duction gear.
NOTE: Always use new O-rings when removing the
15. Install the inner thrust plate over the gear pins.
brake pistons. Lubricate the O-rings and brake pis-
16. Install the gear pin needle bearings onto the tons with a thin layer of grease for assembly.
bushings and install the planet gears.
9. Install new O-rings into the housing.
NOTE: The chamfer around the edge of the holes in
10. Install the brake pistons into the housing.
the thrust plate MUST BE positioned toward the
hub. 11. Install the brake dowels into the housing.
17. Install the outer thrust plate over the gear pins
and install the snap rings on each pin.

1300 SRM 1074 Transaxle Assembly

f. Install races into the reduction bearing and

CAUTION input bearing flanges of the cover until
If reinstalling the old brake discs, the brake seated on bearing cones.
discs parts be reassembled in the EXACT orien-
tation they were removed from the transaxle. NOTE: Determining the preload requirements re-
Always use new spring washer when assem- quires the use of several special tools (see Figure 12)
bling the brake. in conjunction with some specific conventional tools.
Refer to Table 1 and Table 2 for information regard-
12. Install the brake disc assembly to the brake dow- ing tools needed to determine preload requirements.

a. Install the pressure plate onto the dowels.

b. Install the first sets of new spring washers

onto each brake dowel.

c. Install a brake disc and then a counter plate.

d. Install the next sets of new spring washers

onto each brake dowel.

e. Install the brake disc and then a counter


f. Install the final sets of new spring washers

onto each brake dowel.

g. Install the final brake disc.

Traction Motor and Covers

1. Install cover to housing: A. COUPLER PIN
a. Clean the mating surfaces of the housing and C. SPECIAL WRENCH
cover of all sealant, oil, and dirt.
Figure 12. Special Tools
b. Apply a continuous bead of Loctite® 510
around the mating surface of the housing
circling all dowel and bolt holes. Table 1. Special Tools

c. Align the cover to the dowel pins. Special Tools

NOTE: Press the cover down onto the housing evenly Description Hyster Part Number
and HOLD to compress the brake assembly spring
Coupler Pin 1564269
washers. DO NOT force the cover.
Gauge 1564270
d. Apply Loctite® 270 to the threads of the eight,
socket head capscrews and install to secure Template 1564271
the cover to the housing. Torque to 120 N•m Special Wrench 1564272
(89 lbf ft).

e. Install O-rings into the reduction bearing

and input bearing flanges of the cover.

Transaxle Assembly 1300 SRM 1074

Table 2. Conventional Tools (6) Measure from the top of the gauge to
the plunger using a depth gauge. This
Conventional Tools is value A.
Long Shaft Allen Wrench (6 mm) (7) Remove gauge from the template.
Depth Gauge
b. Determine the input bearing preload (value
Open-end Wrench B):

(1) Insert the coupler pin into the input

2. Measure to find the bearing preload require-
ments using special tools and a depth gauge.
(2) Place the gauge into the input flange.
a. Preset the gauge and determine value A:
Secure using snap ring.
(1) Install the gauge into the template. See
(3) Install special wrench to the gauge.
Figure 13.
(4) Hold the gauge stationary with an open-
end wrench.

(5) Turn the special wrench clockwise until

the plunger of the gauge touches the top
of the bearing.

(6) Remove the special wrench from the


(7) Insert an Allen wrench (6 mm) through

the gauge into the coupler pin and turn
to rotate the gears several times to en-
sure the bearings are properly seated.

(8) Repeat steps Step (3) through Step (7).

B. INSTALLING THE GAUGE TO THE INPUT NOTE: It is preferable to take preload measurements
BEARING FLANGE (VALUE "B") in millimeters to avoid conversions when calculating

Figure 13. Using the Gauge (9) Measure from the top of the gauge to
the plunger using a depth gauge. This
(2) Install the special wrench to the gauge. is value “B”.

(3) Hold the gauge stationary with an open- (10) Subtract value A (see Step a) from value
end wrench. B and add 0.05 mm. This is the input
bearing preload.
(4) Turn the special wrench clockwise un- (B A)+0.05 mm = Input Bearing
til the plunger of the gauge touches the Preload
bottom of the template.
NOTE: The coupler pin should not be removed until
(5) Remove the special wrench from the after the reduction bearing preload has been deter-
gauge. mined.
NOTE: It is preferable to take preload measurements (11) Remove snap ring and gauge from the
in millimeters to avoid conversions when calculating cover.
c. Determine the reduction bearing preload
(value "C"):

1300 SRM 1074 Transaxle Assembly

(1) Place the gauge into the reduction bear- c. Install seal (10) into spacer (9).
ing flange. Secure using snap ring.
d. Install seal and spacer into the input bearing
(2) Install special wrench to the gauge. flange of the cover.

(3) Hold the gauge stationary with an open- e. Install spacer (18) into the reduction bearing
end wrench. flange of the cover.

(4) Turn the special wrench clockwise until f. Install snap rings (11 and 19) into the reduc-
the plunger of the gauge touches the top tion bearing and input bearing flanges of the
of the bearing. cover.

(5) Insert an Allen wrench (6 mm) into the g. Install the cap (20) with Loctite® 270 to the
coupler pin in the input bearing and reduction bearing flange of the cover using
turn to rotate the gears several times to an appropriate driver.
ensure the bearings are properly seated
and are not binding. 4. Install the traction motor to the transaxle:

(6) Repeat steps Step (3) through Step (5). NOTE: Use multipurpose grease #2 with 2 to 4%
Molybdenum Disulfide for normal operations.
NOTE: It is preferable to take preload measurements
in millimeters to avoid conversions when calculating a. Apply grease to the motor shaft splines.
b. Position the traction motor to the transmis-
(7) Measure from the top of the gauge to sion and align the capscrew holes.
the plunger using a depth gauge. This
c. Apply Loctite® 271 to the capscrew threads
is value “C”.
and install to secure traction motor to trans-
(8) Remove snap ring and gauge from the mission.
d. Torque to 48 N•m (35 lbf ft).
(9) Remove the coupler pin from the input

(10) Subtract value A (see Step a) from value WARNING

C and add 0.05 mm. This is the reduc- The transaxle and traction motor assembly
tion bearing preload. are heavy. Be sure that all lifting devices are
(C A)+0.05 mm = Reduction Bearing suitable and of adequate capacity to lift the
Preload transaxle and traction motor.
For the following procedures, refer to Figure 9. 1. Place the transaxle assembly on a floor jack.
3. Assemble cover: Make sure the assembly is balanced and properly
supported so it will not fall during installation.
NOTE: Round the bearing preload values UP to the
nearest 0.05 mm when selecting shims. 2. Carefully raise and align the transaxle with the
mounting holes in the lift truck frame using the
a. Measure shims for individual thicknesses floor jack.
and assemble shims, which together add up
to the necessary input bearing preload. See 3. Remove the cap and plug from the brake line and
Step 2, above. Install shims into the input brake line port fitting. Install the brake line to
bearing flange of the cover. the brake line port fitting.

b. Measure shims for individual thicknesses 4. Apply Loctite® 271 to the five socket head
and assemble shims, which together add up capscrews and washer Install capscrews with
to the necessary reduction bearing preload. washers through the transaxle and into the
Refer to Step 2, above. Install shims into the mounting holes in the frame. Torque to 220 N•m
reduction bearing flange of the cover. (162 lbf ft).

Troubleshooting 1300 SRM 1074

5. Install the power cables to the traction motor 10. Install the drive tire and wheel assembly to
studs as removed. the wheel hub. Install lug nuts and torque to
170 N•m (125 lbf ft).
6. Install the temperature and speed sensor connec-
tors at the traction motor as removed. 11. Lower lift truck from the blocks. See Periodic
Maintenance 8000 SRM 1079.
7. Connect the parking brake connectors and the
traction motor connectors.
8. Fill the transaxle with oil to the proper level: Make sure the resistor used to discharge the ca-
pacitor(s) has been removed BEFORE connect-
a. Install the oil drain plug. Torque to 40 N•m ing the battery connector.
(30 lbf ft).
12. Connect the battery connector, turn the key
b. Fill the transaxle until the oil reaches the switch to the ON position, and test the lift truck
bottom of the oil fill hole. for proper operation.
c. Install the oil fill plug. Torque to 40 N•m 13. Install the mast to the lift truck. See Mast Re-
(30 lbf ft). pairs, 2 and 3-Stage Masts 4000 SRM 522.
9. Bleed the service brakes. See Brake System
1800 SRM 1076.



One drive wheel will not Damage to traction motor. Damage Repair traction motor. Repair gear
move. to gear reduction system. reduction system in the transaxle.

Electrical system fault. Troubleshoot the electrical system.

Noise during operation that Bearing damage. Replace damaged bearings.

is not normal.

Low oil level. Add oil to the correct level.

Noise continues after correct oil Check for wear and damage in the
level. gear reduction system.

Ring and pinion backlash is not prop- Check the backlash.

erly adjusted.

Noise continues. Check that the ring and pinion is a

matched gear set.

1300 SRM 1074 Troubleshooting


Oil leaks. Damaged O-rings or oil seals. Replace the O-rings and oil seals as
necessary. Use new O-rings and oil
seals if the transaxle is disassembled
for repairs.

Drain or fill plug loose. Tighten plug. Torque to 40 N•m

(30 lbf ft).

Oil being ejected through breather Remove oil fill plug and allow excess
due to overfilling. oil to drain until level with bottom of
oil fill hole.























1300 SRM 1074 7/09 (6/04) Printed in U.S.A.

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