Detailed Lesson Plan For Grade 8
Detailed Lesson Plan For Grade 8
Detailed Lesson Plan For Grade 8
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an
expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types;
reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding
strategies; and use of information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported
speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.
B. Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents
of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning Competencies
1. Drills
I hope you all are doing great. So, how is We’re fine, ma'am !
Okay class, let’s proceed to our prayer. (The students may or may not raise their
Who wants to lead the prayer? hands, but the teacher will call a name
who will lead the prayer if none of the
students volunteer.)
Thank you, Miss Shiana! Everyone, (The students will arrange their chairs
Before you take your seat, please and pick up all the trash that they find.)
arrange your chairs first and pick up all
the trash that you will find under your
2. Review
Now, this morning class we will have a (Students raise their hands.)
new lesson but before that let us have
first a review of the discussion that we
had yesterday
Yes, precisely! You may now your seat. Thank you, ma'am!
B. Motivation
So, before we proceed to our discussion,
I prepared here an activity entitled
"Guess me, fill me" In this activity, all you
have to do is to guess the word with
missing letters to give you a hint for our
next topic. Now, the twist in this activity
is that everyone will have 10 points but
once your number will be picked
randomly, your points depends on the
answer you gave. Spell the word and
read again the word. Is that okay, Class?
Yes, Ma'am!
1. News report
Very good! All of you got the correct
answer. Let's give a round of applause to
thod who are called and to ourselves.
C. Discussion
First is
Discuss news report.
Make realizations about the importance
and purpose of News report in real life
Write their own news related to what is
happening inside the school using Five
W's and one H and the basic structure of
But, in order for us to really achieve (The students enumerate the rules in
these objectives, we must obey our three unison)
classroom rules. What are the three
classroom rules again? 1. Listen carefully and avoid having
discussion to others while the teacher
2. Refrain from using gadgets during the
discussion and make sure it is on a silent
3. Raise your hands if you have any
questions, clarification, addition, or
Characteristics of News:
1. Accuracy
2. Objective
Thank you, Class. 3. Factual
4. Balance
(The teacher will explain about the 5. Concise
characteristics) 6. Timely
Let's take for Example when Angling: Angling in the process of placing the
most important data at the beginning of
Here is the Gathered data: kindly read it the lead to make it more interesting to
aloud class. the reader.
Yes, ma'am !
Yes, ma'am!
D. Application
Now for your assignment class, write your own news report, only the lead and that will
be written in a clean sheet of bondpaper. Handwritten and make sure it is readable. The
topic will be all about the things that happened to our school lately. Are we clear? Do
you have further questions? Clarifications? Violent reactions? If there's none. Then, class