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Detailed Lesson Plan For Grade 8

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Distinguish among types of journalistic writing ( News report)

Time frame: 20 minutes
Prepared by: Maria Theresa Hinoguin Brillantes


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an
expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types;
reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding
strategies; and use of information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported
speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.

B. Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents
of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and

C. Learning Competencies

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to;

 Cognitive: Discuss news report.

 Affective: Make realizations about the importance and purpose of News report in
real life situations.
 Psychomotor: Write their own news lead related to what is happening inside the
school using Five W's and one H and the basic structure of News.

A. Topic - Distinguish among types of journalistic writing ( News report)

B. Reference - Internet
C. Materials - Traditional visual aids


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Drills

Good morning, Teacher Theresa!

Good morning, grade 8 Crystal!

I hope you all are doing great. So, how is We’re fine, ma'am !

Wow! I’m glad to know that everyone is

doing great! No? Especially, a lot of us
are still experiencing some of the effects
of COVID-19 to our education and also to
our society.

Okay class, let’s proceed to our prayer. (The students may or may not raise their
Who wants to lead the prayer? hands, but the teacher will call a name
who will lead the prayer if none of the
students volunteer.)

Can you please lead the prayer miss Okay, ma'am !

In the name of the father, and of the son,
and of the holy spirit. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Thank you, Miss Shiana! Everyone, (The students will arrange their chairs
Before you take your seat, please and pick up all the trash that they find.)
arrange your chairs first and pick up all
the trash that you will find under your

Thank you! You may take your seats

now. For attendance, please raise your
hand and describe your feeling right now Yes, Ma'am!
in one word. Understood?

(The students raise their hands and say

(The teacher call each names of the what they feel once the teacher calls
students alphabetically.) their names.)

2. Review

Now, this morning class we will have a (Students raise their hands.)
new lesson but before that let us have
first a review of the discussion that we
had yesterday

Our lesson yesterday was about

Yes, Mr. Ral. What was our lesson formulate the W & H questions.

Yes, precisely! You may now your seat. Thank you, ma'am!

B. Motivation
So, before we proceed to our discussion,
I prepared here an activity entitled
"Guess me, fill me" In this activity, all you
have to do is to guess the word with
missing letters to give you a hint for our
next topic. Now, the twist in this activity
is that everyone will have 10 points but
once your number will be picked
randomly, your points depends on the
answer you gave. Spell the word and
read again the word. Is that okay, Class?
Yes, Ma'am!

Okay, thank you!

(The teacher will present the activity

"Guess me, fill me" by randomly picking a (If their numbers are called, the students
folded paper with numbers written and will provide the correct spelling of the
then call names of those who owns the word and read it out loud in front of the
number. ) class.)

1. News report
 Accuracy
 Concise
 Clarity
Very good! All of you got the correct
answer. Let's give a round of applause to
thod who are called and to ourselves.

C. Discussion

Before we proceed to our topic, let us

take a look first on the objectives of our

First is
Discuss news report.

Make realizations about the importance
and purpose of News report in real life

Write their own news related to what is
happening inside the school using Five
W's and one H and the basic structure of

But, in order for us to really achieve (The students enumerate the rules in
these objectives, we must obey our three unison)
classroom rules. What are the three
classroom rules again? 1. Listen carefully and avoid having
discussion to others while the teacher
2. Refrain from using gadgets during the
discussion and make sure it is on a silent
3. Raise your hands if you have any
questions, clarification, addition, or

Now, let us proceed to our topic. So, our

topic for this day is One of the types of
Journalistic writing which is News report.
When you hear the word news what
comes first to your mind?
Anyone in the class? (Students raise their hands.)

Yes, Mr. Absin. News is information about current


How about the word Journalism?

(Students raise their hands.)

Yes, I can see that you're rasing your

hand Ms. Suico? Journalism is the activity of gathering,
assessing, creating, and presenting news
and information.
Very Good!

(The teacher will post the Visual aid on

the board.)

Okay, students! Can you please read in

chorus what is in the visual aid? News reports are found in newspapers
and their purpose is to inform readers of
what is happening in the world around

Okay! Thank you!

News articles are written to inform and

educate readers on current
affairs/events. They are used to provide
readers with information they
need/want to know about the world
around them.

Did you understand?

Yes, Ma'am!
Very good!

Now, let us proceed to the

Characteristics of News
(The teacher will post the Visual aid on
the board.)

May I request the right row to please

read the what's written in the visual aid?

Characteristics of News:
1. Accuracy
2. Objective
Thank you, Class. 3. Factual
4. Balance
(The teacher will explain about the 5. Concise
characteristics) 6. Timely

What are again the characteristics of

(The students answer in chorus)
Accuracy, Objective, Factual, Balance,
Excellent! let's give ourselves an Concise , and Timely ma'am!
excellent clap!

Next, we have here the Two general

Kinds of News.

1. Straight news - It is also called

hard news
2. News feature - it is also called
soft news.

Moving on, let us have the Basic

structure of News

What have you noticed in the picture?

Yes, Mr. Binahon.

Yes, precisely! 3 claps for Mr. Binahon!

Class, we should always remember that
in journalism, the inverted pyramid
refers to a story structure where the
most important information (or what (Students raise their hands)
might even be considered the
conclusion) is presented first. The who, It is an inverted pyramid ma'am.
what, when, where, why and how appear
at the start of a story, followed by
supporting details and background

Did you understand?

So after knowing the Basic structure of

News let us now have Angling in News
Writing. Anyone from the class who
wants to read?

Yes, Ms. Magan.

Yes, ma'am !

So class, the news angle is your specific

hook. This is where you determine the
specific facts upon writing your news (The learners raise their hands.)
report. Did you understand, class?

Let's take for Example when Angling: Angling in the process of placing the
most important data at the beginning of
Here is the Gathered data: kindly read it the lead to make it more interesting to
aloud class. the reader.

Yes, ma'am !

What: hanging to death

Who: an old man
Where: inside his sister's house in
Quezon city
When: yesterday
1. Angling using the What lead Why: unable to find work and could not
-Hanging himself , an old man was found go home to his family in Sultan Kudarat
dead yesterday inside his sister's house How: by hanging himself using an iron
in Quezon city. cord

2. Angling using the who lead

-An old man was found dead after
hanging himself yesterday inside his
sister's house in Quezon city.

3. Angling using the Where lead

-Inside his sister's house in Quezon city ,
and old man was found hanging himself
to death yesterday.
4. Angling using the When lead
Yesterday , an old man was found
hanging himself to death inside his
sister's house in Quezon city.
5. Angling using the Why lead
Unable to find work and could not go
home to his family in Sultan Kudarat , an
old man hung himself to death yesterday
inside his sister's house in Quezon city.
6. Angling using the how lead
-Using an iron cord , an old man hung
himself to death inside his sister's house
in Quezon city yesterday after he failed
to find work and could not go home to
his family in Sultan Kudarat.

Are we clear, class?

Lastly, for us to be guided here are some

tips in News report

1. Write the news as soon as you

have gather the facts Yes, ma'am !
2. List down facts according to their
descending importance
3. Use simple words
4. Do not involve yourself in the
news by using first person
5. Be objective. Present facts
without bias

Did you understand?

Yes, ma'am!
D. Application

For your activity, you will be divided into

two groups so this will be the group 1
and this will be the group 2. The
instruction is very simple, I will going to
give you facts sheets each group and all
you have to do is to make a news out of
it. Remember that the factsheet contains
scrambled information and you have to
arrange it accordingly. Is that okay,

You will only be given 10 minutes for this

activity and each groups will have two
representatives to present it to the front.
Are we clear?
Yes, ma'am!
Do you have any questions?
Clarifications? Or any violent reaction?

None so far, ma'am!

Okay! You may now start your activity.

(The time has run out.)

Okay, are you all done?

Good job! Let's give the group 1 a round

of applause!
(The group 1 learners present their
output in front of the class.)

Good job, group 2! Let's give them also a

round of applause! (The group 2 learners present their
output in front of the class.)
E. Evaluation.

So, for your quiz, you will going to

answer this one on a one fourth paper.

1-6. Enumerate the six characteristics of

News report.

7-8. What are the two general Kinds of


9-14. What does 5 W's and 1 H stands


15. What type of pyramid is need to

follow in writing news report? (The students answer the quiz)

Okay, Are we all done?

Okau you may pass your paper to the Yes, ma'am!

person at your front in the count of 5.
Thank you!
F. Generalization

So what is News report again? News reports are found in newspapers

and their purpose is to inform readers of
what is happening in the world around
them. News reports have a certain
structure that you need to follow. This
structure is sometimes called the
Inverted Pyramid

Straight news and News feature, ma'am!

Very good! So what are the two general
Kinds of News report? These are who, what, where, when, why,
and how, ma'am !
How about the 6 questions in writing
news. What are those? The inverted pyramid, ma'am!

Lastly, upon writing news what is the

basic structure we need to follow?
Very good! Let's give ourselves a round
of applause.


Now for your assignment class, write your own news report, only the lead and that will
be written in a clean sheet of bondpaper. Handwritten and make sure it is readable. The
topic will be all about the things that happened to our school lately. Are we clear? Do
you have further questions? Clarifications? Violent reactions? If there's none. Then, class



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