Bokaian 1988
Bokaian 1988
Bokaian 1988
The problem of lateral vibrations of beams under axial loading is of considerable practical
interest, and has a wide application in civil, mechanical and aircraft industry. For example,
in the design of certain spacecraft structural components it sometimes becomes necessary
to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of beam type components which
are in a state of preload or prestress. Another example is the effect of compressive forces
on some nuclear reactor fuel pins. In most of the cases an exact solution for the modes
and frequencies of the system would be intractable, and recourse would be made to one
of the many approximate solutions such as the Rayleigh-Ritz method, Galerkin’s tech-
nique or the finite element method [l].
However, there exists a class of structures for which the problem becomes simpler.
This class consists of uniform beams under a constant axial load with various types of
simple end conditions. This type of structure may represent some structural components
reasonably well for preliminary design information. Even in those cases where it does
not adequately model the structure, the modes obtained for these cases can be used to
obtain Rayleigh-Ritz or Galerkin types of solution.
Because of its important practical applications, the problem of uniform single-span
beams under a constant axial load has been the subject of considerable study in the past
[2-61, a summary of which has been given in reference [7]. Based on Amba-Rao’s study
[4], Galef [8] developed the following formula: fundamental natural frequency of com-
pressed beam/natural frequency of uncompressed beam = (1 - compresive load/Euler
t Professional address of A. Bokaian: NDA, Canute Court, Taft Road, Km&ford, England.
0022-460X/88/190049+ 17 %03.00/O @ 1988 Academic Press Limited
Characteristics of beams under compressive axial loads
Boundary conditions
Beam description Left-hand end
(1) (2)
Free-free T- -T d2 Y(0)
dx2 ’
d’Y(O) I T WO)_O
dx3 EI dx
Sliding-free T--~-I--T
d Y(O)
d3Y(O)_ o
dx ’ dx3
Clamped-free T-~---T
d Y(O)
Y(O)=O, FdJ
d2 Y(0)
Y(O)=O, 7=0
Y(0) = 0,
d*Y(O)_ o
Pinned-pinned T-A-J- T dx2
Clamped-pinned T-g-h-T
Y(0) = 0, dYo=O
Clamped-clamped T- -T
Y(0) = 0, dYo=O
Clamped-sliding T-#-&--T
dY(0) =.
Y(0) = 0,
d Y(O) d3 Y(0) _ o
Sliding-pinned T-@-A-T dxzo7
d Y(O) d” Y(0) _ o
Sliding-sliding T-#-&-T dx=” dx’
Boundary conditions
Right-hand end Characteristic equation
(3) (4)
dx’ ’
d’Y(U I 7 dYW_O
dx3 El dx
d3 Y(1)
dx3 EI dx
d’Y(0 I T dY(O_O
dx’ El dx
d’Y(I) =.
dx2 ’
d3Y(U I T dW)_O
dx3 El dx
Y(I)=O, dx’=O
Y(I)=O, 7=0
Y(I)=O, x=0
dYWzO d3Y(0_0
dx ’ dx3
Y(I)=O, --p=O
dY(l) d3Y(I)_0
dx ’ dx”
TABLE l-continued.
Free-free T- -T
i*iT* 7?EI
2 I2
Sliding-free T-d- -T
Pinned-free ‘-h-‘-T
i27r2 lr2EI
Pinned-pinned T---A-- T
2 I2
Clamped-sliding T-~-@-T
2 I2
Sliding-sliding T-@-‘-T
2 I2
0, fi with 0 ’i c2 c3 c.I
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
- 1
N3(-cash M+cos N) N M*N(cos N-cash M)
N3 sinh M + MS sin N G N3 sinh M + M3 sin N
N sinh M
(4i-1); - 0 1 0 ---
M sin N
M + MN sin N M M2 sinh M + MN sin N
(2i-1); - 1 - M2 sinh
M2 cash M + N’cos N -z M* cash M + N2 cos N
M2 sinh M
(4i+l)$ - 1 0 -- 0
[ 3’ N’ sin N
(ilr? ji=Jl- 0 0 1 0
- 1 -tanh M - ztan N
[ (4i+l);
M sin N - N sinh M M M sin N - N sinh M
(2i+l)q - 1 -
N (cash M-cos N) -% N (cash M -cos N)
M (cash M -cos N) M M (cash M-cos N)
(4i-1); - 1 -
MsinhM+Nsin N -% MsinhM+NsinN
I2 fiEJJ1 0 0 0
(ia? n=Ji-z 0 0 0
buckling load) “2 . This approximate relationship was subsequently used in the study of
beams subjected to end and axially distributed loading [9]. However, the above investiga-
tions of natural frequencies of beams are all very limited. Further, the procedures that
were used in these investigations for non-dimensionalization of the numerical data make
the application of their results to engineering situations difficult. These serious shortcom-
ings instigated the research work reported here, in which the influence of a constant
compressive load on both natural frequencies and mode shapes of a uniform beam with
a variety of end conditions has been studied. In the sequel Galef’s approximate relation-
ship is checked against the new numerical evidence of this work.
Column 1 of Table 1 depicts uniform beams of length 1 with ten different combinations
of end constraints subjected to a constant compressive force T. Consider the beam clamped
at one end and pinned at the other as shown in row 6 of this table. Under the assumptions
that the beam material is linearly elastic and that the shear deformation and rotary inertia
are negligible, the differential equation of motion for small deflections is
where cl, c2, c3 and c4 are constant coefficients, and M and N are defined as
in which U = 77”/2EZ is the relative axial force, Kl = w12/(Yis the relative natural frequency
and the parameter (Y= m.
At the left-hand end of the beam the deflection and slope are both equal to zero: that
is, Y(0) = 0 and d Y(O)/dx = 0. At the right-hand end, the deflection and bending moment
both vanish: i.e., Y(Z) = 0 and d2 Y( Z)/dx’ = 0. Implementing these conditions on equation
(3) results in the following relationships:
600 - I / , I I , I I c
500 -
400 -
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO
0.2 -
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 05 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 I.0
This set of homogeneous equations will have a non-trivial solution if its determinantal
equation becomes zero. This results in the following characteristic equation:
-(~+~~~+~~)“~sinh(-~+~~~+R~)~‘~~~s(~+~~~+~~)’~~=~. (6)
To find the mode shape it is assumed without loss of generality that c, = 1. From
equations (5) it is concluded that c2 = -tanh M, c3= -M/N and cd = (M/ N) tan IV.These
coefficients are functions only of U and R.
At a sufficiently large compressive force the natural frequency becomes zero and the
beam transversely buckles. The value of the critical buckling load T,,,i corresponding to
vibration mode i can be obtained by putting 0 = 0 in equation (6) which results in the
relationship tan a = a, where ZJmj= T,,J2/2EZ. At buckling the value of U,,,, is
large and an approximate solution to this equation may be written in the form U,,,,=
[(2i+ l)~r/2]*/2. For the first mode U,,,, =?s7~’or T,,,, = 2.25 IT’EZ/I*. This value is only
slightly different from the exact value of Tb = 2.057r2EZ/ Z*[7], as indicated in column 6
of Table 1. The variation of Z-J,,,,with i is plotted in Figure 1.
For U = 0 the characteristic equation (6) is reduced to tanh ,@? = tan fl which is the
classical equation for the natural frequencies of a clamped-pinned beam under no axial
load. The roots of this equation may be approximated [7] as L!i = wil*/a = [7r{(4i + 1)/4}12.
When the beam is under compressive loading, its natural frequency may be obtained by
solving the transcendental equation (6) numerically by using the method given in reference
0.6 T=0.8 r,
Ii 0.5'r
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 I.00 0.2 O-4 0.6 0.6 I.0
Figure 3. Variation of p with (’ for a clamped-pinned beam. (a) i = 1; (b) i = 2; CC)i =3.
[lo]. The results for ten vibration modes are plotted in Figure 2, showing the normalized
natural frequency fi = n/0, versus the normalized axial force 0 = U/ Umi (equivalent
to compressive force divided by the critical buckling load associated with the mode
concerned). The above observations are conveniently tabulated in row 6 of Table 1.
Indicated in Figure 3 is the effect of axial loading on the mode shapes of the beam. This
figure shows the normalized amplitude v, defined as the vibration amplitude divided by
the maximum amplitude along the beam length, against the beam co-ordinate l for the
first three modes, when the compression T is equal to 0.8 of the critical buckling load
Tb. The corresponding results for beams with other types of end conditions are similarly
presented in Table 1 and drawn in Figures 1 and 4-12.
The above observations indicate a number of interesting points. Firstly, the relative
critical buckling load U,,,i is the same for sliding-free, clamped-free and sliding-pinned
beams, and similarly for free-free, pinned-free, pinned-pinned, clamped-sliding and
sliding-sliding beams. The value of the former group is smaller than that of the latter.
This latter value is smaller than the corresponding value of the clamped-pinned beam
which is in turn smaller than that of the clamped-clamped beam. Secondly, fom
pinned-pinned, sliding-pinned and sliding-sliding beams, the equation d = 41- r/
defines the variation of the normalized natural frequency with the normalized compressive
force for all modes. This is because, for these beams, the vibration mode under no axial
load and the buckling mode are identical [ll]. The mode shape coefficients of these
beams are constant values, those of the last two beams being identical. Thirdly, the
normalization procedure suggested in this paper makes the variation of fi versus ij in
high modes almost identical, with the exception of a region close to buckling (Amba-Rao
[4] and Shaker [5] presented the variation of fl with T/ Tb for the fundamental frequency
of the clamped-clamped, clamped-pinned, pinned-pinned and clamped-free beams, and
for the first three modes of all beams respectively, while Gorman [6] incompletely plotted
the variation of fi against TI’/dEI for the fundamental frequency of the clamped-
clamped and clamped-free beams). As expected a compressive force has the effect of
decreasing the vibration frequency. Fourthly, Figure 2 shows that, in some modes of the
clamped-pinned beam, the buckling occurs at a value of r/ somewhat different from
unity. This is because, for the sake of consistency and simplifying the presentation, a
closed-form but approximate solution was used for the calculation of U,,,i rather than
exact numerical values. A similar reason underlies the fact that for a clamped-free beam
at u = 0 the value of fi is different from unity. Figures 3, 11 and 12 show that the effect
of axial force is greatest on the fundamental mode, and this effect rapidly decreases as
the mode number increases. The most pronounced effect occurs for the pinned-free beam
(see Figure 12). However, all other cases exhibit this effect as the compressive load
approaches the critical buckling force.
0.6 -
0.6 -
0.2 Y.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 04 0 5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 I.0
-0.4 *.
-0.6 i
- o+l / i___L _j
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O-6 0
Figure 11. Variation of v with [ for a sliding-free beam. (a) i = 1; (b) i = 2; (c) i = 3.
Figure 12. Variation of p with [ for a pinned-free beam. (a) i = 1; (b) i=2; (c) i=3.
An attempt was made to compare the variation of the normalized natural frequency
fi with the normalized axial force 0 for beams with different end constraints. This was
done by replotting the data associated with the first, second, third and the tenth mode
of Figures 2 and 4-10 in Figure 13. It is seen that in the fundamental mode, in spite of
different characteristic equations, the clamped-clamped and clamped-sliding beams have
0.6 -
0.4 -
0 I I 1 c-1 IO
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 O-l 0.5 06 0.7 0.8 0.9 I.0
Figure 13. Variation of fi with ii for the first, second, third and the tenth mode. 0, Sliding-free; x,
pinned-free; 0, clamped-pinned; 0, clamped-clamped; 0, clamped-free; A, clamped-sliding; +, free-free;
-, pinned-pinned or sliding-pinned or sliding-sliding.
Figure 14. Variation of d with 0 for the fundamental mode with exact numerical values for 0, and U,,,.
Key as Figure 13.
almost identical variation of fi with c These two data sets lie slightly above the curve
ji = Jl - fl. The sliding-free data fall slightly above all these data. Similarly, the clamped-
pinned and pinned-free beams have almost the same variation of fi with ii, except in a
region close to buckling. For low and moderate values of d the free-free beam data fall
slightly above these two data sets, but for large values the results are oice versa. The scatter
of data is reduced from the first mode to the second and is further reduced in the third.
In higher modes such as the tenth, apart from a region close to buckling, all data fall
onto one another as all beams modes approach a multi-sine waves shape. The variation
of d with 0 can be described satisfactorily by the concise equation fi =Jl - 0.
Galef [8] plotted the numerical results of Amba-Rao [4] in the form of d a&t u.
He found that the data may closely be approximated by the equation fi = 41 - 0. He
assumed this formula to be valid for the fundamental natural frequency of beams with
all types of end conditions. To check this assumption the first mode data of Figures 2
and 4-10 are replotted in Figure 14 in the form of fi against 0. To be consistent with
Amba-Rao’s observations, exact numerical values were used in the calculation of fii and
U,; (which affect only the clamped-pinned and clamped-free data). It is seen that Galef’s
approximate relationship is valid not only for clamped-clamped, clamped-pinned,
pinned-pinned and clamped-free beams upon which his equation is based, but also for
sliding-free, clamped-sliding, sliding-pinned and sliding-sliding beams. This is probably
because, for these beams, the vibration mode with no axial force and the buckling mode
are similar. Galef’s expression is not, however, valid for pinned-free and free-free beams.
A uniform single-span beam under a constant compressive axial loading displays a number
of interesting features. The relative critical buckling load is found to be the same for
sliding-free, clamped-free and sliding-pinned beams, and similarly for free-free, pinned-
free, pinned-pinned, clamped-sliding and sliding-sliding beams. The variation of the
normalized natural frequency fi with the normalized axial force ii for inned-pinned,
pinned-sliding and sliding-sliding beams is observed to be d = ? 1 - 0. In the funda-
mental vibration mode, the variation of fi with fl is found to be the same for clamped-
clamped and clamped-sliding beams, and roughly the same for clamped-pinned and
pinned-free-s. The former variations fall in a very narrow region bounded by the
curve fi = 41 - U and the data associated with the sliding-free beam. The latter variations
lie below that of the free-free beam for low and moderate values of u, but oice versa for
high values. Galef’s formula, previously assumed to be valid for beams with all types of
end conditions, is observed to be valid only for a few. The results indicate that the effect
of end constraints on natural frequency of a beam is significant only in the first few
modes. For higher modes, mode shapes of all beams approach multi-sine waves, and the
equation fi =x&?? gives the variation of d with t? for all beams.
This work was carried out during the author’s fellowship at Rice University, Houston,
Texas. The author is thankful to Dr W. F. Walker, the former Chairman of the Mechanical
Engineering and Material Science Department, and particularly to Dr J. L. Margrave,
the former Vice President of this University, for supporting the author’s fellowship. Thanks
are extended to the two reviewers for many useful comments and criticisms.
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5. F. J. SHAKER 1975 NASA Lewis Research Centre Report NASA-TN-8109. Effects of axial load
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7. R. D. BLEVINS 1979 Formulas for Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes. New York: Van
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A cross-sectional area
parameter as defined in text
; parameter as defined in text
cl mode shape coefficient
c2 mode shape coefficient
c3 mode shape coefficient
C4 mode shape coefficient
E Young’s modulus
_. a constant value as defined in text
j-(t) a function of time
z second moment of area
vibration mode number
f beam length
M parameter as defined in text
N parameter as defined in text
T axial compressive force
Tb critical buckling load in the first mode
TIn! critical buckling load associated with vibration mode i
t time
u relative axial force, TZ2/2EZ
U normalized axial force, V/ V,,,
umi normalized critical buckling load associated with vibration mode i
X distance from the left-hand end of the beam
Y(X) modal displacement
F normalized vibration amplitude defined as the vibration amplitude divided by the maximum
amplitude along the beam length
transverse displacement, y(x, t)
dimensionless oarameter. m
relative natural frequency of beam under axial load, w12/a
relative natural frequency of beam under no axial force in vibration mode i
normalized natural frequency of beam, n/n,