Enate Rose Ann
Enate Rose Ann
Enate Rose Ann
February 2022
Research II.
February, 2022
This study focus on the role of the effective teacher leadership on the
certain school structure among the teaching staff of Sagayen National High
School. The types of school structures investigated are role clarity, physical
from Sagayen National High School using google form. This study made use of
survey was analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the
relationship between the role of effective teacher leadership and a specific school
the predictive value of each of the components of School Structure. Each of the
organizational structure.
This work would not have been possible without the patience, help and
Dr. Sidney B. Daray, my research adviser, for all his advice, tips,
guidance, and for sharing his learnings. He kept me on track and motivated.
Ms. Shiela L. Suarez, for her unending support, encouragement and for
Sagayen National High School Teachers, for their time and cooperation in
my parents who never get tired of guiding me and my siblings, for their financial
To my sister, Josie Enate, who never get tired of supporting and loving
me, who always have trust on me and the one who provides for my study.
Background of the Study 1
Research Hypothesis 4
Theoretical Framework 10
Conceptual Framework 11
Definition of Terms 14
Research Design 16
Research Subject 17
Research Instrument 18
School Structure 21
Summary of Findings 26
Conclusion 27
Recommendation 28
A. Research Questionnaire 32
B. Curriculum Vitae 34
Table Pages
1 Distribution of Respondents 17
2 School Structure 21
3 Effectiveness of Teacher Leadership 23
4 Relationship of School Structure and Effectiveness 24
of Teacher Leadership
Figure Pages
1 Conceptual Paradigm 12
2 Map 17
Chapter 1
strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality,
peace, and stability. The role of the effective of teacher leadership on the school
education. The school structure is the central aspect of each national school
system. It is the foundation on which the school system is built. The structure
convincing the people that the K-12 program will uplift the quality of education in
that every teacher had a regular and representative way to register judgment
upon matters of educational importance, with assurance that this judgment would
roles should challenge the traditional structure of schools and school systems
leadership. However, Teacher leaders are currently untapped resource for school
improvement. With that Barth (2001) proposed that “Most would agree that
schools attempt to utilize teacher leaders to bring about school reform without
restructuring the school organization to support their new roles. The study utilized
a new instrument developed by the researcher limiting the known reliability and
Leadership also collected the perception of teacher leaders and therefore only
included the assumption that survey participants were honest in their responses.
The findings are also limited by the size and nature of the sample group which is
the 68 teaching staff of Sagayen National High School for the school year 2021-
leadership have been qualitative, however , this study utilized survey data to
and support adult learning without paying close attention to structure of the
school. This study is propose to add to the available knowledge about teacher
Statement of the Problem
findings of this study would add effectiveness of teacher leadership and could be
It aims to determine
Teacher Leadership.
Research Hypothesis
High School.
Review Related Literature
How can teacher leaders know if they are effective? How can teacher -
intended users.
effectiveness is the extent to which the leader’s organizational unit performs its
task successfully and attains its goals”. Elmore (2000) was more specific when
into the effect on classroom instruction and student achievement in the teacher
leaders own classroom and the classrooms of their colleagues. This focus on
changes in instruction and improved student achievement aligned with the first
assumption of Bolman and Deal’s (2003) assumptions of the structural frame,
School Structure
Public schools are facing unprecedented demands, and the time has
at Risk report, educational experts such as Crowther et al. (2002) were still
supports are needed for this significant change in the organization’s leadership
support effective teacher leadership. In support of the study, this literature review
chapter included a review of current literature related to: (a) the current need
forward school change, (b) the need for distributed leadership in schools, (c)
Role Clarity
The need for role clarity is supported by the second assumption of the
specialization and a clear divisionof labor” (p. 45). As early as 1995, Little
recognized that role clarity was a barrier to effective teacher leadership. She
The focus of her study was on the tradition of subject specialism in high
schools, but her findings about teacher leadership in these two high schools
means for illuminating dilemmas for role ambiguity and conflict that mark the
The need for space and building configurations that support teacher
number five of the structural frame, as described by Bolman and Deal (2003).
goals, technology, workforce, and environment)” (p. 45). The physical structure of
with colleagues. Bolman and Deal (2003) found, “If the efforts of individuals or
groups are too autonomous, people often feel isolated and unsupported. School
teachers feel lonely and without support as a result of working in self-contained
opportunities for meeting, observing, and working alongside people who had
more or different expertise, and for forming relationships that might provide
feedback, support or advice” (p. 270). This need for schools to design spaces for
communication and collaboration was also recognized by Silva et al. (2000) who
found most schools are not committed to providing space for important
conversations. “This is a barrier that is often present in schools that are not truly
learning organizations. Teachers can only become leaders within schools when
the school culture is clearly committed to providing support for the learning of all
its members”
Organizational Structure
order to support teacher leadership aligned with assumptions three and four of
the structural frame, as identified by Bolman and Deal (2003). They are as
follows: (3) “Appropriate forms of coordination and control ensure that diverse
efforts of individuals and units mesh,” and (4) “Organizations work best when
Policies. School policies dictate the organization and hierarchy of roles and
The hierarchical structure of most schools does not lend itself to
and horizontal divisions are particularly strong, information and knowledge rarely
flow in a free manner. Different sectors of the organization thus often operate on
the basis of different pictures of the total situation, pursuing subunit goals almost
and keep a predefined place within the whole, and are rewarded for doing so.
leadership? Riordan (2003) explained what distributed leadership would look like
variety of ways and by a host of individuals at different levels, and portrays how
practice and performance, regardless of role”. Gronn (2002) also discussed the
emerging new forms of role interdependence and coordination which have
agents can reach a state of “conjoint agency” In this state, roles often overlap, or
leadership tasks as potentially stretched over the practice of two or more leaders
and followers”.
Theoretical Framework
allows teachers to lead, access to resources and the community outside the
school. The teacher must have a “particular processes and identities”. The author
more assertive and academic institution of higher learning should support the
schools. They coined the term “enabling school structures”, which they defined
as “an Order of authority and a system of rules and regulations that help rather
than prevent the teaching learning mission of the school.” Hoy and Sweetland
become the key to a successful method by which teachers are more motivated,
working environments are healthier, and stratified authority can coexist with the
individuals at different levels, and portrays how leadership functions are actually
defined teacher leadership as teachers who lead inside and outside the
the school leaders. Therefore, teachers need to understand and master the
necessary skills to become teacher leaders and practice these skills within their
Teacher leadership is not a new concept and many research studies
teachers who (a) role clarity, (b) physical structures, and (c) organizational
studies were utilized to develop the SSTLQ (School Structures and Teacher
Conceptual Paradigm
Significance of the Study
leaders and the structure of the schools in which they lead. Along with being
experts in their field, teacher leaders are also adept at facilitating change.
and learning”. Bowman (2004) explained that teachers aid the cause of reform
through their influence over other teachers. “Successful teachers as leaders are
Silva et al. (2000) reported, “Recent calls for teacher leadership have appeared
that suggest that teacher leadership is not only necessary for the profession but
also critical to educational reform efforts as well”. In order for teacher leaders to
with their peers. Doyle (2000) found that collaboration among teachers was
necessary for improvement, while Riordan (2003) pointed out that lead teachers
Definition of Terms
effectiveness is the extent to which the leader’s organizational unit performs its
task successfully and attains its goals” (p. 10). For teacher leaders this translates
into the effect on classroom instruction and student achievement in the teacher
leaders own classroom and the classrooms of their colleagues. For the purposes
instruction and student achievement through the School Structure and the
School Structures
structures: (a) role clarity, (b) physical structures, and (c) organizational
structures. These categories formed the structure of the School Structure and the
Role Clarity
defines Clarity as the alignment between people and tasks to achieve team
goals. Role clarity allows your high-performing team to be effective and march in
the same direction. And, it's up to the leader to ensure roles and responsibilities
Physical Structures
structures: (a) physical layout of hallways and proximity of classrooms, and (b)
Organizational Structures
organizational structures: (a) scheduling, (b) team structures, and (c) other
Research Design
was selected to collect data for quantitative measure, beccause the data that is
need to collect should come directly from the people. A survey will be
conducted to the 68 Sagayen National High School Teachers. The google forms
the independent variable which is the School Structure and another one for the
determine the relationship between specific school structures and teacher leader
National High School. A permission will be asked first from the Principal of the
school before conducting the survey. All of the 68 teachers from different
department will be invited to answer the researcher’s made questionnaire
Distribution of Respondents
Table 1
Research Locale
Research Instrument
included items aligned with (a) Role Clarity, (b) Physical structure and (c)
is about role clarity, four for physical structure and 6 for organiztional structure,
school structure data fit into one of three subscales: (1) role clarity, (2) physical
Likert-type scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree, was used to
determine agreement with a series of statements. Data from the survey will
analyzed using the average weighted mean, pearson correlation coefficient and a
forward multiple regression analysis. Each of the four research questions was
The researcher will ask for permission to conduct study to the school
principal before conducting the survey. After the approval and permission of the
was administrated to the respondents of the study which is the teaching staff of
the use of google form through private message on facebook.The researcher will
tabulate the data that gathered from the online google form using an appropriate
Statistical Tool
The answer to the questionnaire will be analysed and will be interpreted
using the appropriate statistical treatment as follows:
Mean – It will be the value that will help summarize the whole set of numbers.
This will use to determine the extent of school structure on the effectiveness of
when the variances are known in the sample size is large. It is also help to
High School.
relationship between variables and for modelling the future relationship between
them. This is a set of statistical method used for the estimation of the relationship
Chapter 3
In this chapter, the researcher presents, analyzes and interprets the data
terms of role clarity, physical structure of the building and organizational structure
of the building. The indicator “Organizational Structure of the Building” got the
indicator is the “Role Clarity” got a mean of 3.94 with an interpretation of Agree.
The Lowest indicator got a mean of 3.94 is “Physical Structure of the Building”
The overall mean of 3.9 indicates that the relationship of School Structure
in terms of role clarity, physical structure of the building and organizational
structure of the building was observed most of the time. The findings have
significance for school leaders as they develop and implement programs to
support teacher leaders.
School Structure
Organizational Structure of the Building had the highest correlation and was
study indicated physical structure was the least important structural element
news for schools since changes to the physical layout of a building would be cost
prohibitive for most districts. Three of the nine qualitative studies found elements
study found space for collaboration to have a slightly higher correlation with
teacher leader effectiveness than physical layout.The quantitative data indicated
that organizational structures had the closest relationship with teacher leader
Agree. This means that the extent of the effectiveness of teacher leadership in
teacher leadership for many reasons, but paramount among those is to help with
school reform efforts (Beachum & Dentith, 2004; Crowther et al., 2002;
Lieberman & Miller, 2004; Silva et al., 2000; Webb et al., 2004). In today’s
means to that end (Mangin, 2005). Silva et al. (2000) postulated, “Recent calls
for teacher leadership have appeared that suggest that teacher leadership is not
only necessary for the profession but also critical to educational reform efforts as
Table 4
n a= 0.05 on H0 On
School There is a
Structure significant
between school
structure and
the effectiveness
of teacher
of Teacher Correlation
high positive correlation. The coefficient of determination (r²) signifies that 62% of
the variation in the school structure could be attributed to the variation in the
effectiveness of teacher leadership. The remaining 68% are the other factors that
The null hypothesis is rejected since the computed p-value of 0.00 is less
than the 0.05 level of significance. This means that there is a significance on the
Chapter 4
Summary of Findings
Each of the subscales: (a) role clarity, (b) physical structure, and (c)
regression analysis Of the three sub scales, organizational structure was found
2. The level of the Effectiveness of Teacher Leadership in Sagayen National
high School has an overall mean of 3.83 with the descriptive equivalent of
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made.
effective teacher leadership. Teachers who take on these new roles need clear
articulated to everyone in the school building. Once the roles are clearly defined
and understood by all, teachers leaders need appropriate organizational
This study was unique in that it utilized the structural frame to analyse
Bolman and Deal (2002) suggested that leaders need to analyse their
administrators and executives are more successful when they can look at
things from more than one angle. The best leaders use multiple fames or
culture, rather than structures. But both are vital, as Silva et al. (2000) pointed
out, “We must change the culture and structure of schools so that they value
relationship to teacher leader effectiveness, but the findings are limited to the
extent they only included 68 participants from one school. Replicating this study
in a larger setting which included more participants or more than one study
role definitions. The literature includes many references to the lack of role
definition, and the vagueness of those definitions that are in use. Riordan
(2003), along with several other researchers emphasized that teacher leader’s
roles are often ambiguous. The field of education needs additional research on
how best to model and define these new roles for teachers because teacher
Barth, R. S. (2006). Improving relationships within the schoolhouse.
Beachum, F., & Dentith, A.M. (2004). Teacher leaders creating cultures of
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2002). Reframing the path to school leadership:
A guide for teachers and principals. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Mangin, M. M. (2005). Distributed leadership and the culture of schools:
Patton, M.Q. (1997). Utilization focused evaluation: The new century text (3rd
1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree This means that a significant
relationship between School
Structure and the Effectivenessof
Teacher Leadership was not
A. Role Clarity
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
1. My role as a teacher leader is formal and includes a
2. My role as a teacher leader is clearly defined.
3. My role as a teacher leader is described in some type
of school document.
4. Other teachers in my building clearly understand my
role as a teacher leader
5.Other administrators in the district support my role as a
teacher leader.
B. Physical Structure
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
1. The physical layout of my building facilitates teacher
2. The physical layout of my building facilitates frequent,
informal conversations with other teachers
3. My building has mostly self-contained classrooms with
four walls and a door.
4.There are few open areas in my building.
C. Organizational Structure
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
1.The daily schedule in my building allows time for
teacher collaboration
2. The weekly schedule in my building allows time for
teacher collaboration.
3. Sufficient time is included in the schedule for teacher
4. Teachers in my building are organized into formal
5. Building policies support teacher collaboration.
6. Building policies support my role as a teacher leader.
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
1. My role as a teacher leader has significantly improved
instruction in my own classroom.
2. My role as a teacher leader has significantly improved
instruction in other buildings.
3. Student achievement in my classroom has improved
as a result of my role as a teacher leader.
4. Student achievement in other classrooms in my
building has not been affected by my role as a teacher
5. Your involvement in the development of policies and
procedures is related to student achievement
6. Teacher leadership (TL) contributes significantly to
organizational learning(OL). The school structures and
leadership processes that promote OL also promote TL,
but indirectly.
Appendix E
Weight: 49kg
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Rudy F. Enate
Mother’s Name: Teresita F.Marquez
Sagayen National High School
Sagayen, Asuncion, Davao del Norte
April 2020
Sagayen Elementary School
April 2016