Jung5Drive WorkingPaper
Jung5Drive WorkingPaper
Jung5Drive WorkingPaper
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1 author:
Ginger Grant
Humber College
All content following this page was uploaded by Ginger Grant on 21 February 2016.
considerable risk. And yet, risk must be taken in order to produce innovative
work. How to find a balance between the two? The balance can be maintained
and held using archetypal psychology, which contains both traditional and
collective that provides the cultural component to our existence. As DNA is the
foundation of our physical reality, archetypes are the foundation of our psychic
pattern of ideas or archai, which are the birthing force of an organization. This
mythology. Accordingly, here I will try and delineate the steps I would take in
The lens by which I view the world was formed and continues to be
inspired by the prolific work of Carl Gustav Jung, in particular, his work on
psychic drive theory. Jung maintained that Psyche contains both physical
reality and psychic reality, inner and outer, the external being manifested
(Jung, CW8: 248), which I will here treat as self-evident and three
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introverted. The third modality is again through the lens of the individual,
whether through matter or spirit, through the body or through the mind. The
first lens is the one to which I address this paper as it specifically applies to
that represents a critical interest and area of search” (27). This point defines
mythology does this corporation live by?” and how it can be captured in words
that will reduce its power, yes, but also aid in increasing the awareness of that
power to all concerned. If the initial question is viewed within the lens of Jung’s
theory, it would be in the framework of “what does the corporation hunger for
This is not a system that can be evaluated primarily by logos or logic, the state
of the psyche is expressed and measured by our feeling function, and our
This is where a psychic hunger originates. What has fueled the creation
of this corporation? Who gave birth to it? If the originator is still present and
someone else has taken over the company. The mythology also will shapeshift if
a merger or acquisition has taken place, causing two mythologies to collide and
impact each other. Do they blend? Is one assimilated? These are some of the
initial questions that must be asked in order to ascertain the living structure of
the organization. To find the mythos will not be easy as a psychic drive is an
archetypal force in its own right. What do you hunger for that you cannot
The key factor is to note is self-preservation and its locus of control. If internal,
metaphors are the manifestation of the psychoid materials that construct the
reminds us: “The curious difficulty of explaining just what archetypes are
suggest something specific to them. That is, they tend to be metaphors rather
“Once the question is discovered and its terms defined and clarified, the
researcher lives the question in waking, sleeping, and even dream states”
own personal hammer and the entire world is now a nail. How does the psychic
the next drive that manifests itself in psychic structure. How does that affect a
when they are relaxed and comfortable in their work environment. It matters
The sexual instinct enters into combination with many different feelings,
emotions, affects, with spiritual and material interests, to such a degree
that, as is well known, the attempt has been made to trace the whole of
culture to these combinations. (CW8: 238)
(CW9i: 80). To recognize what motivates an individual will also inform the type
To ask questions in this realm provides many different responses that again,
change can occur. The responses gathered will again shapeshift the questions
Job function can be expressed in the third drive, that of activity. The
workplace as a society.
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After the first two drives have been appeased, an individual will begin to focus
on the type of work performed and the relationship with others in the
that of the play instinct, again, one that may be overlooked. Nothing produces
psychic necessity. The expression “work hard and play hard” is no accident.
mythology. At this point, the researcher needs to evaluate the data that has
from the intense, concentrated focus on the question” (28). Such incubation
the creative source in each individual. Anything that has been constructed by
Jung states that “another instinct, different from the drive to activity and so far
another aspect of our psyche that must be fulfilled. (CW8: 241). Reflection, if
we so choose, leads us to our creative source. The ability to imagine and re-
organizational theory.
open to the possibilities that arise from the reflection on the mythology of the
is one that occurs naturally when the researcher is open and receptive to tacit
remembering. Indeed, Jung felt that the creative impulse was strong enough to
The richness of the human psyche and its essential character are
probably determined by this reflective instinct. Reflection re-enacts the
process of excitation and carries the stimulus over into a series of images
which, if the impetus is strong enough, are reproduced in some form of
expression. This may take place directly, for instance in speech, or may
appear in the form of abstract thought, dramatic representation, or
ethical conduct; or again, in a scientific achievement or a work of art.
(CW8: 242)
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the creative act to take place. The use of the imaginal is self-evident whether it
begin as ideas; all our material power derives from ideational power” (Hillman
be able to focus on the imaginal of what yet might become. As a result, unused
witness the multifaceted layers of meaning that arise. “The purpose of the
potential for creativity is an archetypal force in its own right. We need to bring
back the language of the imaginal into the hallowed halls of business.
In order to open the mind for psychological reflection, I cannot “think” my way
creativity will express itself through me. To operate at this level of creativity is a
form of soul making, specifically the soul of the corporation itself. Hillman
reminds us:
In reflecting upon the work fantasized and then performed, the challenge is to
suggests that it “can only be achieved through tacit and intuitive powers” (31).
organization takes time and patience. It would be easy to stay in the superficial
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realm of marketing gimmicks, but that does not touch the force that drives the
From a cultural perspective, then, the essence of the leader’s job is not
how to create an organizational culture but how to manage the diversity
of subcultural forces that are already operating, that is, how to integrate
and evolve a highly differentiated organization, and how to enhance
elements of the culture that are congruent with new environmental
realities while changing dysfunctional elements of the culture. (Schein
theory is a construct that can contain the tension of polarities that come from
examining a corporate entity and also can provide metaphorical language that
Works Cited
Hillman, James. Kinds of Power. A Guide to its Intelligent Uses. New York:
Doubleday. 1995.
Jung, C.G. Translated by R. F.C. Hull. The Structure and Dynamics of the
Psyche. CW8. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1960. 2nd Edition 1969.
Jung, C.G. Translated by R. F.C. Hull. The Archetypes and the Collective
Unconscious. CW9i. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1959. 2nd Edition, 10th
Printing 1990.
Schein, Edgar H. The Corporate Culture Survival Guide. San Francisco, Jossy-
Bass Inc. 1999.