Guidance To Industry Classification of Digital Health Technologies 2023jun05
Guidance To Industry Classification of Digital Health Technologies 2023jun05
Guidance To Industry Classification of Digital Health Technologies 2023jun05
Brandon Wade
Health Advances, LLC
Jeff Abraham Megan Coder
Classification of Digital Health Technologies
June 2023 Vice President Vice President Chief PolicyPage Officer
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
The digital transformation of healthcare is in full swing. With this rapid pace of innovation comes a
complicated and overlapping array of digital technologies that is difficult for patients, clinicians, payers,
and policymakers to differentiate, evaluate, and ultimately benefit from. As the leading international
organization on digital therapeutic thought leadership and education, the Digital Therapeutics Alliance
(DTA) has partnered with Health Advances, a life sciences strategy consulting firm, to assist in defining
and classifying the full spectrum of digital health technologies (DHTs). By offering robust categorizations
and precise definitions, this guidance aims to foster a unified and consistent understanding of the digital
landscape for all stakeholders interacting with and hoping to benefit from digital products.
We performed comprehensive external benchmarking of how DHTs are currently defined and classified.
Our research was informed by the latest publications from regulatory bodies (e.g., the United States
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the United Kingdom’s National Institute for Consumer Education
(NICE)), trade organizations (e.g., DTA, Digital Medicine Society (DiME)), analysts and investors (e.g.,
Rock Health), as well as the global landscape of innovative digital health companies crafting their own
definitions and messaging (Figure A). By identifying key points of differentiation across DHTs, we revised
the DTA’s classification framework to better reflect the landscape of DHTs today and one that better
services where the industry is headed. We then pressure tested the revised classifications with US
physicians, US commercial and government payers, and DTA member companies to arrive at this
guidance for industry (Figure B).
Given the rapid development of digital products and pioneering companies in this space, we aim to
consistently revisit and update this guidance to consider novel technologies and incorporate feedback
from the broader healthcare industry.
Digital Health Technologies (DHTs) represent an exciting and wide array of products used across the
healthcare ecosystem. From patient-facing wearables to electronic medical record (EMR) software and
digital clinical trial (DCT) tools, DHTs are either directly used by or impact nearly every stakeholder in
healthcare, including patients, healthcare professionals (HCPs), administrators, payers, regulators, and
industry professionals. It is more important than ever to ensure there is a consistent understanding of
these significantly impactful technologies. To achieve this goal, the combined efforts of the Digital
Therapeutics Alliance and Health Advances have sought to classify DHTs into clearly defined and
actionable categories.
While several categorizations have been attempted in the past, none have sought to broadly categorize
technologies across what we believe are the most important criteria. A deep understanding of how the
technologies will be used, what benefits they claim to make, the rigor by which they support their
claims, and how they ultimately deliver value are paramount to implementing digital products and
realizing their clinical and economic potential. As such, we have developed our categorization based on
the following segmentation criteria:
Such criteria have led us to structure our classification around eight major categories, ranging from
patient-facing Digital Therapeutics (DTx) to a host of software products for hospitals, health systems,
payers, industry players (e.g., pharmaceutical and medical device companies), and other stakeholders in
the healthcare industry. This classification includes:
1. Digital Therapeutics
2. Digital Diagnostics
3. Care Support
4. Patient Monitoring
5. Health & Wellness
6. Health System Clinical
7. Health System Operational
8. Non-Health System Solutions
The goal of this report is to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of DHTs and create
actionable categories that will accelerate the awareness, assessment, and ultimate adoption of various
digital products. We intend for this guidance to be used by the variety of stakeholders in the ecosystem
who are currently evaluating, buying, using, and benefiting from DHTs. While they may vary in practice,
some potential use cases may be to:
1. Patients / Caregivers
o Discover and adopt new DHTs that can be used for self-management of various diseases
and/or general health and wellness
o Better understand the role of DHTs they may already be using
As new technologies and products are developed, we hope to evolve our understanding of these
categories to fit the ever-changing landscape. Additionally, we encourage an open dialogue with all
stakeholders regarding the defining criteria of these DHT categories. By doing so, we aim to foster a
more comprehensive understanding of the field and promote widespread adoption of digital products.
The first factor considered in our classification is the end user of the DHT. The end user is of primary
importance as there is a significant gulf in adoption, validation, and regulation between DHTs intended
for patients and those intended to be used by other healthcare stakeholders to impact clinical,
operational, and/or financial outcomes. The next three classification factors are inherently linked to the
claims a DHT is making (be it clinical or non-clinical) that directly result in the level of regulatory scrutiny
to which a product is subject, and the resulting strength of evidence required to meet regulatory
requirements. These three criteria are extremely important for all stakeholders to understand given the
massive impacts on what a product can and cannot do when utilized in the real world. Lastly, the final
classification factor focuses on the unique mechanisms by which products can directly provide or impact
the delivery of care.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “What Is Digital Health?,” September 22, 2020,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
On the left side of Figure 1.1, we have identified three additional categories that primarily service non-
patient stakeholders, including healthcare providers, health system and hospital administration, and
other stakeholders in the healthcare industry (e.g., original equipment manufacturers,
biopharmaceutical companies, employers, and payers). While these solutions may also contain patient-
facing elements (e.g., Electronic Medical Record (EMR) patient portals like Epic’s myChart), the majority
are more akin to enterprise software since they are often centrally adopted and indirectly impact
patient care.
On the right side of Figure 1.1, we have identified five categories of patient-facing DHTs. These are
products that are primarily intended for a patient to use and will have patient-facing features (e.g.,
mobile app, computer software, wearable), even though these products can also incorporate features
that are physician-, payer-, or health system-facing. This subset of products is presented from left to
right in order of increasing impact on clinical management, which is a core orienting principle for how
patient0facing DHTs are evaluated, regulated, and paid for. Along with increased impact on clinical
management comes a higher bar for evidence required for adoption, greater regulatory scrutiny, and
increased stakeholder willingness to pay—all of which are secondary concepts examined in this report.
Regulatory No regulatory oversight ̴ May require regulatory ̴ May require regulatory Regulated solution with Regulated solution with
approval and labeling approval and labeling label for indication, usage, label for indication, usage,
Implications evidence, warnings, etc. evidence, warnings, etc.
Patient-facing DHTs are primarily differentiated by their proximity to the patient and their potential to
directly impact clinical outcomes. Patient-facing technologies, through marketing and/or labeling, will
state a variety of claims on their impacts on outcomes and other measures. It is the presence of these
claims, and their specific language, that directly confers a product’s potential value and also the various
regulations they had to meet to legally make such statements. Across patient-facing DHTs, we see three
dimensions of claims: those with clinical claims, those with non-clinical claims, and those without any
specific clinical or non-clinical claims at all (Figure 1.2).
DHTs with clinical claims are intended to be used in the context of patient care, are regulated,
and are more likely to seek reimbursement by payers or health systems due to the value they
offer to the patient. Clinical benefits covered in the product claims are directly attributable to
the DHT itself.
DHTs with non-clinical claims may still be used in the context of patient care and reimbursed by
payers or health systems as these claims can still provide value to these stakeholders (e.g.,
improved medication adherence, enable monitoring of key health measures like blood
pressure). Since these products do not make explicit claims of clinical improvement, any
outcomes are considered indirect and not attributable to the DHT.
DHTs without claims are largely consumer-based products. While these products may promote
general wellness or patient experience, any clinical outcomes are not attributable to the DHT
The method by which DHTs influence care or the delivery of care to generate value directly ties to claims
(Figure 1.2). This not only determines where stakeholders should look to evaluate causality of outcomes,
DHTs that do not impact medical interventions are largely used in a consumer context and do
not aim to deliver health outcomes, but instead aim to arm patients with information about
their health and general wellbeing to promote healthier living.
DHTs that indirectly impact medical interventions may be used in the context of patient care to
monitor patients or make standard of care recommendations for patients to take, but improved
outcomes are delivered indirectly and are dependent on integration with an HCP’s clinical
practice model and/or a patient taking step to better manage their care.
DHTs that serve as medical interventions inherently improve outcomes through the efficacy of
the intervention delivered – Digital Therapeutics are the only category that deliver a medical
intervention directly by the software / product.
DHTs that drive medical interventions are a subset of Digital Therapeutics that directly impact
and drive a medical intervention (e.g., real-time diabetes monitoring product impacting the
amount and timing of insulin delivery).
In order to make the claim that DHTs are directly responsible for their outcomes, OEMs must provide
evidence in the form of either randomized-controlled clinical trials (RCTs), randomized pragmatic clinical
trials (PCT), real-world evidence (RWE), or a combination of the three. Evidence requirements are
regional and set by local regulatory bodies based on the claims made by a DHT. The International
Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) lays out a framework for regulation based on claims and
disease severity that has, to date, been in line with the approaches of regulatory bodies across the
world. As the evidence requirements directly stem from the claims made by a DHT, those that make no
claims require no evidence relating to regulatory, while those that make non-clinical and clinical claims
must provide evidence to support those claims (Figure 1.2).3 It is also important to note that, while
evidence requirements for DHTs represent a floor for validation, physicians and payers may impose
higher evidence requirements to garner adoption and reimbursement, respectively. Accordingly, OEMs
may collect additional layers of evidence to strengthen the value of their DHTs.
International Medical Device Regulators Forum, “‘Software as a Medical Device’: Possible Framework for Risk
Categorization and Corresponding Considerations,” September 14, 2014,
Further work is necessary to standardize the list of potential components that may be incorporated into
multi-feature DHTs and the respective standards and expectations affiliated with each component.
Digital Components
Product #1 Product #2 Product #3 Product #4 Product #5 Product #6
(Not Exhaustive)
Higher Therapeutic X
Scrutiny Diagnostic X
Decision Support X
Clinical Analytics X X X
Patient Monitoring X X X
Clinical / Standard of
Care Recommendations
Clinical Education X X
Non-Clinical Analytics X
Operational X
Scrutiny Communication
Guided Wellness
2.1.1: Definition
Solution user base also includes
healthy individuals looking to better
manage their general health
Evidence Requirements
Health & Wellness DHTs have no evidence requirements since they do not make specific medical claims.
Some companies may choose to develop supporting evidence to showcase their product’s potential
health benefits and build towards making medical claims, but this is not a requirement, and these
studies may lack the rigor of randomized clinical trials or formal real-world evidence studies.
Because Health & Wellness products do not make medical claims or cover specific diseases, they are not
considered to be medical devices and do not require regulation. The FDA’s Wellness Guidance indicates
that Health & Wellness products are intended for only general wellness use and present a low risk to
safety of users and other – as such, does not intend to examine low risk general wellness products to
determine whether they are medical devices. Even though users may consider some data captured,
stored, or transmitted to be health data, it is not considered protected health information under HIPAA
in the United States as the applications are not intended for use in a medical context and the data is not
being collected on behalf of a covered entity such as a healthcare provider or insurer. 4 As such, these
products only incorporate basic consumer privacy and security features as mandated by the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC), and though some companies work to ensure HIPAA compliance, this is
ultimately not required. 5
Educational Materials
Educational content highlights best practices for healthy living agnostic to specific clinical conditions.
These materials may be shared with patients through different mediums, such as articles, audio, or
video and contain content such as healthy recipes or recommendations to sleep better.
Health Diaries
Health diaries store and capture patient-reported information on physical fitness, mood, diet, and sleep
patterns. For example, the wellness app MyFitnessPal allows users to track their physical activity during
the day and provides a diary to log what a user has eaten in a day.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, “Health App Use Scenarios & HIPAA,” February 1, 2016,
U.S. Federal Trade Commission, “Mobile Health App Interactive Tool,” December 1, 2022,
Motivational Tools
Motivational Tools include automatically generated reminders or notifications that prompt a user to
engage with the DHT, such as to review educational materials or input data in the health diary.
Health Coaching
Health Coaching is a variation on educational materials that are intended to be interactive, enabling
users to provide feedback on the content they are consuming and for the content to direct their health
and wellness behaviors. The app Down Dog, for example, provides customizable guided yoga sessions.
2.2.1: Definition
The data must be collected by a patient-facing Monitoring may either be continuous
device that does not require the supervision of a (e.g., continuous glucose monitor) or recorded
healthcare provider supervision intermittently at the patient’s discretion
(e.g. genomic or medical imaging data)
Evidence Requirements
Patient Monitoring products collect a wide variety of data but do not interpret this data in the context of
disease, which means that evidence requirements focus on the accuracy and precision of the product.
For products that collect patient reported outcomes, this can look like basic usability and analytical
validation of the software; however, for sensor-based biometric measuring technologies (BioMeTs),
Goldsack et al. (2020) have proposed a more robust three-component “V3” validation framework. The
framework is comprised of (1) verification, (2) analytical validation, and (3) clinical validation. As Patient
Monitoring products do not interpret biometrics in the context of disease, the requirement for clinical
validation is reduced, with (1) verification and (2) analytical validation being the most important
standards to achieve.6
(1) Verification refers to the ability of a Patient Monitoring product to demonstrate it can capture
sample-level data with reasonable accuracy, precision, consistency, and uniformity, which is especially
critical for sensor-based Patient Monitoring products.7 The verified sample-level data eventually serves
as the foundation for algorithms that can process the raw sensor signal into behaviorally or
physiologically meaningful biometrics, such as heart rate variability or movement during sleep. The
performance of such algorithms is then subject to (2) analytical validation, or the process of discerning
whether an algorithm can accurately and precisely measure the biomarker in the clinical population of
interest. The final component of the V3 framework Patient Monitoring tools are not subject to, (3)
clinical validation, consists of determining whether the biometric collected by a digital tool is clinically
meaningful in a specified patient population and context of use.8
Regulation of Patient Monitoring products varies depending on potential role in providing patient care.
Those that “collect, analyze, or display medical information to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical
conditions” are considered software as a medical device (SaMD) and are subject to regulation, while
those intended for patient self-monitoring are typically exempt from regulation.9
Jennifer C. Goldsack et al., “Verification, Analytical Validation, and Clinical Validation (V3): The Foundation of
Determining Fit-for-Purpose for Biometric Monitoring Technologies (BioMeTs),” Npj Digital Medicine 3, no. 1 (April
14, 2020): 55,
Note: While the V3 framework from Goldsack et al. (2020) was designed to evaluate evidence from biometric
monitoring tools, verification and analytical validation can be used to evaluate evidence for sensor-based Other
Data Monitoring products as well.
Goldsack et al., “Verification, Analytical Validation, and Clinical Validation (V3).”
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Software as a Medical Device (SaMD),” December 4, 2018,
To ensure that SaMD are reviewed with the same rigor worldwide regardless of the regulatory body, the
International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) established a framework to further categorize
potential risk (Figure 2.2.2). Depending on the severity of the underlying condition and whether the
Patient Monitoring product is used to drive or inform clinical management, these products may be
considered anywhere from Category I to III, with higher ranking products likely to encounter a greater
degree of regulatory scrutiny. Currently, the regulatory burden for certain Category I SaMD is reduced in
the US under FDA enforcement discretion for lower-risk SaMD.11
Patient Monitoring tools are also often used for clinical development where they are colloquially
referred to as digital biomarkers. Within the context of clinical development, regulatory requirements
vary based on whether the collected data is intended as an exploratory, secondary, or primary endpoint.
There are no explicit rulings as to whether Patient Monitoring products used as exploratory endpoints
require regulatory clearance. Thus, while many studies use FDA-cleared products such as ActiGraph’s
CentrePoint Insight Watch or iRhythm’s ZioPatch, others use devices that hold a CE-mark but are not
FDA-cleared such as the Oura Ring. For secondary and primary endpoints, such as 95 th percentile stride
velocity in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has stated that a
‘suitable device’ should be CE-marked.12 To date, the only FDA-endorsed primary endpoint, Moderate-
to-Vigorous Physical activity in Pulmonary Hypertension and Interstitial Lung Disease, is assessed via an
FDA-cleared device, but no explicit recommendations have been made by the FDA. 13
International Medical Device Regulators Forum, “‘Software as a Medical Device’: Possible Framework for Risk
Categorization and Corresponding Considerations.”
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Examples of Software Functions for Which the FDA Will Exercise
Enforcement Discretion,” September 29, 2022,
European Medicines Agency, “Draft Qualification Opinion for Stride Velocity 95th Centile as Primary Endpoint in
Studies in Ambulatory Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Studies,” February 20, 2023,
ActiGraph. “Case Study: Digital Outcome Measures of Physical Activity Approved as Primary Endpoint in Pivotal
Cardiopulmonary Study,” May 10, 2023,
Physiologic Monitoring
Physiologic Monitoring tools constitute perhaps the most recognizable class of Patient Monitoring
products, consistent with the American Medical Association’s definition of remote Patient Monitoring
digital products.14 Such tools are used to capture physiologic data related to a diagnosed medical
condition that may or may not be actively managed by a healthcare professional. This subcategory does
not include data collected from tools that are not patient facing, such as those used in genomics, in vitro
diagnostics, or medical imaging. Physiologic data collection may either be continuous (e.g., continuous
glucose monitor, actigraphy for sleep monitoring), through which multiple data points are automatically
collected for an extended duration, or intermittent, through which data points are collected on an ad
hoc basis at the patient, caregiver, or healthcare provider’s discretion (e.g., connected blood pressure
cuff or a connected scale). Physiologic monitoring data may be automatically transmitted to the
patient’s healthcare provider to support the clinical management of a disease, medical condition, or
health outcome.
American Medical Association, “Remote Patient Monitoring Playbook,” 2022,
Can include self-management of logistics Does not include claims to improve primary
(e.g., care coordination and appointment health outcomes but may improve
scheduling) and/or disease management metrics such as patient
(e.g., techniques for symptom management) experience and medication adherence
Content can be tailored to the end-user based on Recommendations may be delivered by (1) the
patient-specific inputs and should be based on software itself as interactive (guided exercises,
standard of care and/or peer-reviewed literature alerts) and non-interactive material (articles, videos)
or (2) a medical or non-medical professional
Evidence Requirements
While the Care Support tool itself does not make any product-specific claims, any educational resources
or self-management techniques provided must have a foundation in peer-reviewed literature. Biogen’s
Aby application for multiple sclerosis (MS), for example, does not have any evidence supporting the
efficacy of the app itself. However, Aby includes exercise and wellness programs that incorporate
techniques that are part of an evidence-based protocol for MS patients.
While a company may conduct studies to validate the basic accuracy of a Care Support tool’s data
collection or the functionality of its algorithm, such evidence generation is not a prerequisite for a
product to be part of the Care Support category.
On the other hand, as soon as a product begins to make claims about the efficacy of the product itself,
then it will be subject to additional regulatory scrutiny. For instance, if a Care Support tool claims to
improve adherence to medication or adherence to a rehab program, the product will have to produce
robust data demonstrating said improvement. If a Care Support tool wanted to make disease-specific
treatment claims, it would enter Digital Therapeutics territory (see Digital Therapeutics section) and
could be classified as such should it meet DTx requirements.
Like Patient Monitoring products, regulation of Care Support products varies depending on the potential
role in patient care. Many Care Support products such as educational apps or patient self-management
tools are not intended to collect, analyze, or display medical information to diagnose, monitor, or treat
medical conditions and are thus not considered medical devices. Those that directly play a role in care
decisions (e.g., diagnosing, monitoring, or treating medical conditions) such as a symptom tracker that
can escalate to a healthcare provider are considered SaMD and are subject to regulation by local
International Medical Device Regulators Forum, “‘Software as a Medical Device’: Possible Framework for Risk
Categorization and Corresponding Considerations.”
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Examples of Software Functions for Which the FDA Will Exercise
Enforcement Discretion.”
2.4.1: Definition
Algorithmic analysis of data, often from Inform, drive, or deliver screening
wearables or connected devices, but or diagnostic results by
may also include patient-reported data, autonomously detecting disease
imaging, and/or molecular tests early signs and/or symptoms
Digital biomarkers* can form the basis of digital diagnostics and assessment tools
Digital Diagnostics vs. Patient Monitoring and Clinical Decision Support: Unlike Patient
Monitoring or clinical decision support technologies, Digital Diagnostics are validated to provide
a standalone conclusion about a patient’s health status that does not require an HCP to further
interpret the result. While the other product categories can inform clinical decision-making, a
digital diagnostic is able to drive clinical decision-making by making a diagnoses with clear
Figure 2.4.2: Evidence for Digital Diagnostics, Clinical Decision Support, and Patient Monitoring
Evidence Requirements
Given the variety of claims made by Digital Diagnostics, these tools must have a body of supporting
evidence specific to the claims being made prior to marketing. As discussed within the Patient
Monitoring section, the “V3” validation framework for biometric monitoring technologies also applies to
Digital Diagnostics, with these products requiring clinical validation in addition to verification and
analytical validation of all input measures.17 The general experimental design of satisfactory clinical
validation for each claim is outlined in Figure 2.4.3; however, given the wide range of input data and use
cases possible for Digital Diagnostics satisfactory evidence is likely to be judged on a case-by-case basis.
In addition to common diagnostic statistics such as sensitivity and specificity, the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality outlines four additional domains across which diagnostics should provide evidence
Goldsack et al., “Verification, Analytical Validation, and Clinical Validation (V3).”
Digital Diagnostics are used to drive clinical decision making and therefore are considered SaMD subject
to regulation by most national regulatory bodies. The degree of regulatory scrutiny is guided by the
digital diagnostic’s categorization in the IMDRF framework, which would be Categories II - IV depending
on (1) the severity of relevant disease and (2) whether the diagnostic directly indicates diagnosis or
treatment or if it is used to drive clinical management.20
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, “Chapter 7: Grading a Body of Evidence on Diagnostic Tests,” in
Products, 2012,
Andrea Park, “Verily Loses FDA Bid to Add Parkinson’s Assessments to Clinical Research Smartwatch,” Fierce
Biotech (blog), June 8, 2021,
International Medical Device Regulators Forum, “‘Software as a Medical Device’: Possible Framework for Risk
Categorization and Corresponding Considerations.”
Monitoring /
Screening/Diagnosis Pharmacological Prognosis
Determines the nature of
Quantifies an individual’s Predicts an individual's future
a disease or disorder and
disease status such as response disease course (i.e., risk of
Claims distinguishes it from other
to therapy or worsening of recurrence, response to
possible conditions in
disease therapy)
symptomatic individuals
Prospective longitudinal
Prospective studies validating Prospective longitudinal studies
studies validating ability of
ability of diagnostic to validating ability of diagnostic to
diagnostic to predict future
Evidence distinguish between healthy correlate with changes in other
course of disease as
controls and patients with generally accepted measures of
measured by generally
disease disease
accepted measures of disease
Diagnosis or Screening
Diagnosis or Screening tools primarily work to reduce the burden of identifying relevant patients for
treatment. As such development of these tools to date have focused on large indications presenting in
primary care such as Digital Diagnostics’ LumineticsCore diagnostic for diabetic retinopathy.
Prognostic tools provide insight into a patient’s future disease course, whether that be response to
therapy or rate of progression. These tools are most useful for diseases with significant heterogeneity
and are some of the most difficult to validate due to the need for long-term health outcomes data.
Hypothetical examples could include a diagnostic to predict the severity of major depressive disorder in
response to a prescribed monoamine antidepressant regiment or a diagnostic that predicted rate of
disability progression in ALS patients.
2.5.1: Definition
Evidence Requirements
DTx are required to have clinical evidence to support their efficacy claims. However, unlike conventional
therapeutics, there is a greater variety of acceptable evidence given the lower-risk nature of digital
interventions, specifically in their safety profiles. While randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have long been
the gold standard of clinical evidence for pharmacotherapies, real-world evidence (RWE) is also highly
valuable for DTx given the potential impact of culture, language, socioeconomic class, and method of
DTx must adhere to guidelines put forward by regulatory bodies to support their product claims. Since
DTx are health software that deliver medical interventions, the majority are considered SaMD and
regulated according to their place in the IMDRF framework. Certain DTx may also be regulated as
software in a medical device (SiMD). As DTx are intended as interventions to actively treat patients, they
are considered Category II – IV based on the severity of the relevant disease. 21
Regulatory bodies leverage the IMDRF categorization to understand how to regulate DTx within their
own country.
In the US, the FDA classifies DTx as medical devices in line with the IMDRF’s SaMD framework. Certain
DTx may also go through the SiMD pathway. However, the nuances of the FDA’s classification are
continually shifting. Recent years have seen certain DTx categories benefit from enforcement discretion
and reduced regulatory burden, particularly those that are considered lower-risk DTx (i.e., for non-
serious conditions).22 DTx for mental health conditions were also given special consideration during the
COVID-19 public health emergency from 2020 to 2023.23 Despite these exceptions, DTx primarily
leverage one of the three paths for approval/clearance:
1. Class II SaMD, De Novo: Namely for novel devices of low to moderate risk that do not have
a valid predicate device. The clinical evidence presented is more closely examined with this
2. Class II SaMD, 510k: Must demonstrate that the DTx is marked as safe and effective,
substantially equivalent, to a legally marketed device that is not subject to a Premarket
Approval (PMA). This is typically regarded as the most straightforward path even though it
requires a predicate device to build evidence against.
3. Class III SaMD, PMA: Most stringent market submission application to demonstrate safety
and effectiveness for DTx, making it the least used. A prospective clinical trial is generally
International Medical Device Regulators Forum.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Policy for Device Software Functions and Mobile Medical Applications:
Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff,” September 28, 2022,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Enforcement Policy for Digital Health Devices For Treating Psychiatric
Disorders During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency,” April 1, 2020,
• Digital product that employs • Changes in • Video and audio stimuli directly
DTx designed to produce various mechanisms by physiology impact alter brain chemistry and serotonin
2 physiologic change which to directly change a or are themselves production to reduce depressive
patient’s physiology a clinical outcome symptoms
Digital Therapeutics Alliance, “Understanding DTx / DTx By Country,” 2023.
2.6.1: Definition
Primary users are clinicians although
other stakeholders such as hospital
administrators or patients may also Main objective is to
interact with solutions support and ease
the provision of
patient care
Clinician-facing HIT and digital health platforms and other
software intended to provide clinicians with support managing
their patient populations, ranging from platforms that
capture and visualize data to clinical decision support solutions.
2.6.3: Subcategories
Health System Clinical Software can be segmented into four key buckets that each possess their own
capabilities: Clinical Documentation & Image Archiving, Communication Support, Clinical Decisions
Support, and Telehealth (Figures 2.6.2 and 2.6.3). These buckets and their features are defined below
and ordered by the level of impact on patients.
2.7.1: Definition
Software-forward solutions with minimal hardware
involved that impact all hospital departments
2.7.3: Subcategories
Health System Operational solutions span the gamut of passive back-end integration engines to active
use in revenue cycle management. Five key buckets help define the range of operational software
capabilities: Integration/interoperability, Security/Data Management, Business Analytics, Resource
Management, and Revenue Cycle Management (Figures 2.7.2 and 2.7.3).
2.8.1: Definition
Several operational tools are often combined
into one system for each player
Includes enterprise
resource planning Systems of tools for OEMs, CDMOs, biopharma, MedTech,
and inventory
management payers, employers, pharmacies, and similar players to manage
operations, data analysis, sales & finances, quality &
compliance, and customer engagement.
Includes tools for analysis of Includes hub services for patient and HCP
internally-collected data and engagement, remote data collection platforms,
third-party RWD / RWE and patient-facing self-service portals
2.8.3: Subcategories
Given the large range of solutions encompassed under Non-Health System Software, the category is
most efficiently subcategorized by the intended end user. Software for OEMs (medical device and
biopharmaceutical companies), for example, includes solutions that support stakeholder engagement,
data aggregation and analytics, digital clinical trial logistics, enterprise resource planning, and so on
(Figure 2.8.2).
Software systems for traditional payers and employers are used to promote population health, manage
patient policies, automate billing, and offer member self-service platforms (Figure 2.8.3). Retail
pharmacy solutions, on the other hand, use various digital tools to organize, control, and monitor
medication expensing; scan prescriptions; manage inventory; support point of sales; and facilitate tech-
enabled care.
Solutions used to track Tools used to perform Patient Manage automatic refills and
Care & Policy and manage patient Data & value, pricing, and risk Management e-prescriptions from provider
Management policies, inform care, and Analytics analyses and/or manage
improve patient outcomes value-based contracts
Products used to organize,
control, and monitor
Consolidates financial
Automation medication dispensing
transactions across Self-service platform for
Accounting multiple departments and patients to view benefits
Rx Image Scan, read, and store hard
facilities and automates Portal and access claims copies of prescriptions
billing Scanning electronically
- ActiGraph. “Case Study: Digital Outcome Measures of Physical Activity Approved as Primary Endpoint in
Pivotal Cardiopulmonary Study,” May 10, 2023,
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. “Chapter 7: Grading a Body of Evidence on Diagnostic
Tests.” In Products, 2012.
- American Medical Association. “Remote Patient Monitoring Playbook,” 2022.
- Digital Therapeutics Alliance, “Understanding DTx / DTx By Country,” 2023.
- European Medicines Agency. “Draft Qualification Opinion for Stride Velocity 95th Centile as Primary
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Brandon Wade works in the intersections between the Health IT and Digital Health,
Biopharma, and MedTech practices with a specific focus on cross-sector healthtech
strategy. Brandon co-leads the Health IT and Digital Health practice along with the
Musculoskeletal practice at Health Advances.
Brandon has built a robust breadth and depth of expertise across sectors based on
more than a decade of consulting at Health Advances where he has completed
hundreds of client engagements.
Brandon works with digital, biopharma, and medtech clients to develop transformative corporate,
franchise, and product growth strategy that is able to meet the needs of stakeholders in the evolving
marketplace. Understanding the challenges from all angles and the needs of clients across sectors,
Brandon is well-positioned to work with clients to develop innovative commercial and growth strategies
as well as evaluate specific investment opportunities. His clients range from small digital start-ups to
some of the largest biopharmaceutical companies and private equity firms in the world. While
knowledge across multiple therapeutic areas, Brandon has targeted clinical expertise in cardiovascular,
metabolic, renal, oncologic, respiratory, mental health, and orthopedic diseases.
Brandon holds a BS in Biochemistry and a BA in Biology from the University of Virginia (Go Hoos!).
Jeff Abraham co-leads the Digital Health and Health IT Practice at Health Advances.
His 15-year career in healthcare spans digital health and therapeutics, medtech,
biopharma, and healthcare services. He holds extensive expertise related to
commercialization, global market access, product development, and evidence
Prior to joining Health Advances, Jeff held executive roles in market access, trade, and
commercial functions at Akili Interactive, an industry leading digital therapeutics
company. During his time at Akili Interactive, Jeff focused on payer strategy,
reimbursement, pricing, strategic partnerships, evidence generation, distribution, launch planning and
In addition to his work at Akili, he has served as a Digital Therapeutics task group co-lead for the
National Council of Prescription Drug Programs and a Scientific Leadership Board Member for the Digital
Medicine Society.
Prior to his time at Akili Interactive, Jeff served as Senior Director for the Medicines Company in their
Value Development department. He supported commercialization and global launch of novel drug
device combo and the development of additional perioperative and cardiovascular products. Prior to
The Medicines Company, Jeff served as a consultant for GfK working in global market access and
commercialization. His work spanned numerous therapeutic areas across drug, devices, and diagnostics.
Jeff holds a Master of Science in Physical Therapy and an MBA with a specialization in Health Sector
Management from Boston University.
Megan founded DTA in 2017 and remains instrumental in developing the foundations
for this quickly evolving industry. She leads DTA’s efforts related to thought leadership,
global policy, international standard development, and the Alliance’s DTx Value
Assessment & Integration Guide.
Trained as a pharmacist, Megan graduated from the University of Wisconsin—Madison and completed
an Executive Residency in Association Management & Leadership with the American Pharmacists
Association Foundation. Prior to DTA, Megan worked with Voluntis, Iodine, the Pharmaceutical Care
Management Association, and the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.
Caroline Conforti was a Senior Analyst at Health Advances at the time of authorship and
a member of the Digital Health practice. Prior to joining Health Advances, Caroline
worked as a Senior Commercial Analyst at Pear Therapeutics. She holds a BA in
Economics and Political Science from Williams College.
Additional support from: Andy Molnar (CEO, DTA), Jessica Hauflaire (COO, DTA), Omar Osman, PhD
(Senior Analyst, Health Advances), Shaheen Madraswala (Senior Analyst, Health Advances), Carla Achcar
(Analyst, Health Advances), Xiang Yu (Summer Intern, Health Advances)