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All-Solid-State Supercapacitors

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Journal of The Electrochemical



All-Solid-State Supercapacitors Based on a Carbon-Filled

Porous/Dense/Porous Layered Ceramic Electrolyte
To cite this article: Xing Hu et al 2018 J. Electrochem. Soc. 165 A1269

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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (7) A1269-A1274 (2018) A1269

All-Solid-State Supercapacitors Based on a Carbon-Filled

Porous/Dense/Porous Layered Ceramic Electrolyte
Xing Hu, YiLian Chen, ZhiChao Hu, Yi Li, and ZhiYuan Ling
Department of Electronic Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou
510640, People’s Republic of China

Solid-state storage devices based on ceramic electrolytes have great potential because of their high security, long cycle life, and
wide working temperature. In the present work, the three-dimensional structure of a carbon-filled porous/dense/porous layered
ceramic electrolyte is designed for a solid-state supercapacitor. A single phase of Li1.3 Al0.3 Ti1.7 P3 O12 (LATP) is obtained by a
one-step solid-state reaction using ammonium polyphosphate (APP) as a PO4 precursor. The densification of the LATP ceramic is
improved by introducing sintering aids of LiMnPO4 (LMP). Porous/dense/porous layered ceramics were then fabricated by sintering
the LATP/LATP-2%LMP/LATP pellet at 825◦ C. Carbon-filled layered ceramics show a large capacitance of 0.13 F cm−1 at a low
scan rate of 2 mV s−1 . The large capacitance for carbon-filled layered ceramics is due to the enhanced contact area between the
electrode and solid electrolyte in the porous structure. The present supercapacitor also shows good cycling stability (∼91% of the
initial capacitance after 600 cycles at a scan rate of 5 mV s−1 ).
© The Author(s) 2018. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/2.0481807jes]

Manuscript submitted February 9, 2018; revised manuscript received April 1, 2018. Published May 1, 2018.

Currently, energy storage devices such as commercial lithium ion to design and integrate the electrode materials and electrolyte in a
batteries and supercapacitors mostly use liquid electrolytes. However, 3D configuration.19,20 In the present manuscript, a three-dimensional
several drawbacks exist with liquid electrolytes, such as expensive structure of an electrode filled with porous/dense/porous layered ce-
sealing agents and inherent hazards of fire and leakages. To improve ramic is designed to obtain an all-solid supercapacitor with improved
the safety of lithium ion batteries, nonliquid electrolyte systems such electrochemical properties.
as gel-polymer electrolytes and dry polymer electrolytes have been
studied.1–4 However, these systems still contain a small amount of
liquid electrolyte to maintain their high ionic conductivity. All-solid Experimental
inorganic batteries have been given attention because of their high re- The Li1.3 Al0.3 Ti1.7 P3 O12 and LiMnPO4 23 powder compositions
liabilities, potential durability against high temperature, and safety.5–8 were synthesized by a conventional solid-state reaction method using
Up to now, there are very limited reports on all-solid inorganic high-purity MnCO3 , Li2 CO3 , TiO2 , Al2 O3 , and ammonium polyphos-
supercapacitors.9 In general, supercapacitors can be divided into two phate (degree of polymerization 1000). The starting materials were
categories according to their energy storage mechanism: one type mixed for 1 h in a ball mill with zirconia balls according to the desired
is the electrochemical double-layer capacitor (EDLC), and the other stoichiometry. For Li1.3 Al0.3 Ti1.7 P3 O12 phase, the mixtures were dried
is the pseudocapacitor.10 Unlike traditional dielectric capacitors, the and fired in an alumina crucible to check the reaction between the
electrostatic charge accumulation occurs at the electrode/electrolyte raw materials in the range of 400–800◦ C for 3 h in air. The calcined
interface for EDLCs. Typical materials based on an electrical double- powders of Li1.3 Al0.3 Ti1.7 P3 O12 and LiMnPO4 were mixed again with
layer mechanism have a limited specific capacitance, typically in the zirconia balls. The dried powders, with 6 wt% PVA (polyvinyl alco-
range of 10–50 μF cm−2 for a real electrode surface.11 However, recent hol) added, were pressed into pellets under a pressure of 20,000 psi,
experiments have reported much larger values of the EDL capacitance and these compacts were sintered at temperatures from 800 to 1050◦ C
in phosphosilicate glasses placed between platinum electrodes.12–14 in air for 3 h. Phase constitutions were identified by X-ray diffraction
Current theories of EDL capacitors, based on the mean-field approach, (XRD) patterns using CuKα radiation (Rigaku D/max-IIIA, Bruker).
fail to explain such a large capacitance. Shklovskii et al.12 proposed The density of the pellets was determined via Archimedes’
an alternate non-mean-field theory of the ionic double layer to explain method.21 There were three measurements that needed to be taken:
such large capacitance values. the dry weight (W1 ), weight of the ceramic body in water (W2 ),
According to experimental results reported by Shklovskii et al.,12,13 and weight of the water-saturated ceramic body (W3 ). Bulk density
the formation of ion accumulation/depletion layers between solid was calculated by W1 /(W3 -W2 ). Apparent porosity was calculated
electrolytes and metallic or semiconducting electrodes can be used by (W3 -W1 )/(W3 -W2 ). To study the mechanical behavior, Vickers
to store charge for supercapacitors. However, for commercial appli- microhardness measurements under 9.8 N were performed (Wolpert
cations, it is essential to choose the right electrode and electrolyte Tukon 2100B, Wilson). SEM analyses of the indented surfaces were
materials for solid-state supercapacitors. In 2016, Kato et al.15 re- also carried out (EV018, Zeiss). The polyimide (PI-B) solution was
ported the highest lithium ionic conductivity of 25 mS cm−1 , found in dipped into porous ceramic and then treated under vacuum, followed
Li9.54 Si1.74 P1.44 S11.7 Cl0.3 . Though higher ionic conductivity is found by solidification at 210◦ C for half an hour. Then, the PI-filled porous
in sulfide systems, oxide systems are still attractive due to their ease ceramic was carbonized in vacuum at 825◦ C for 2 h, at a rate of 2◦ C
of preparation and stability in air.16 One of the important types of min−1 .22 The pore structures before and after carbon coating were in-
inorganic solid-state electrolytes is the NASICON-type electrolyte, vestigated using mercury intrusion porosimetry (Auto Pore 9500 IV,
having the general formula Li1.3 Al0.3 Ti1.7 P3 O12 (LATP).17,18 Micromeritics Instrument (Shanghai) Ltd).
In general, when using ceramic solid electrolytes, a high resistance For the AC impedance measurement, an Au electrode was fab-
is produced, owing to insufficient contact at the interface between the ricated by RF magnetron sputtering on both sides of the ceramics
solid electrolyte and standard electrode sheet.5 Therefore, it is re- (JGP560 ultra-high vacuum multi-function sputtering instrument).
quired to increase the contact area between the electrode and solid Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling were
electrolyte in order to decrease the electrochemical interfacial resis- performed from 0 to 0.8 V, and electrochemical impedance spec-
tance and increase the energy density. One promising approach is troscopy was conducted from 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz (SP-150, Bio-Logic).
The areal capacitance (AC) was calculated by dividing the charge (Q),
by the area of the electrode (A) and the width of the potential window
E-mail: [email protected] (V). The charge is calculated using half of the integrated area of the
A1270 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (7) A1269-A1274 (2018)

Figure 2. Densities of LATP ceramic with different amounts of LMP at vari-

Figure 1. XRD patterns of the mixtures according to LATP at various synthe- ous sintering temperatures.
sis temperatures: a) 400◦ C; b) 500◦ C; c) 600◦ C; d) 700◦ C; e) 800◦ C.

cyclic voltammetry curve or by integrating the discharge current over To check the impurity phase, compatibility tests between the ceramic
time. oxide compounds and the sintering aid were performed. Only the
characteristic peaks of LATP were observed for LATP ceramic with
2% LMP in the XRD patterns of Fig. 3, and that may be attributed to
Discussion and Results the amount of the second phase present being lower than the detecting
LATP is usually synthesized using solid-state reactions, sol-gel, limit of the instrument. When increasing the LMP amount to 10%,
hydrothermal synthesis, coprecipitation, etc. Among those techniques, the LMP phase is observed, as shown in Fig. 3, and the coexistence
the solid-state reaction method is a more developed technology and of two phases is confirmed.
used more frequently since it is a simple synthesis method and is The densities with the sintering temperature of LATP ceramic with
easy to scale up for mass production. When using a traditional PO4 the sintering aid are shown in Fig. 2. The bulk densities of the sin-
precursor such as NH4 H2 PO4 as a raw material, the fired product tered ceramics were measured using Archimedes’ method. With the
is easy to agglomerate and difficult to be crushed. To simplify the increased content of LMP, the sintering temperature for the maximum
synthesis process, ammonium polyphosphate (APP) is adopted as the density decreased. The maximum density was obtained for the LATP
new PO4 precursor. ceramic with 2% LMP (weight percent) at a sintering temperature of
XRD patterns of the product with various synthesis temperatures 825◦ C, and the relative density was more than 98% of the theoretical
are shown in Fig. 1. The XRD results suggested that the following density. The theoretical density (∼2.94 g cm−3 ) used here was calcu-
reactions may occur during calcining: lated from the stoichiometric formula of LATP and unit cell volume
(1301.15 Å3 ) from the XRD pattern (Fig. 1e). The wide sintering win-
2 dow for LATP with 2% LMP is also favorable for mass production.
Li2 CO3 + (NH4 )n+2 Pn O3n+1 −2LiPO3 +2NH3 +CO2 +H2 O [1]
n The results show significant improvement by introducing the sintering
TiO2 + (NH4 )n+2 Pn O3n+1 − TiP2 O7 + 2NH3 + H2 O [2]

1.3LiPO3 +0.15Al2 O3 +0.85TiP2 O7 +0.85TiO2 −Li1.3 Al0.3 Ti1.7 P3 O12

Occurrence of any specific reaction among (1) to (3) and the final
phase constitution are largely dependent on the calcination tempera-
ture. At 400◦ C, Li2 CO3 reacted with the APP, and the LiPO3 (JCPDS
no. 29–0793) phase formed (Eq. 1). The XRD pattern confirmed
the formation of the TiP2 O7 (JCPDS no. 33–0803) phase at 500◦ C
(Eq. 2), and the amount formed increased at 600◦ C. At 700◦ C, though
the dominant phase was LATP, some TiP2 O7 and AlPO4 (JCPDS
no. 11–0500) phases were also found, and the suggested reaction is
shown in Eq. 3. At 800◦ C, all the peaks in Fig. 1e were attributed to
the NASICON phase, and the well-crystallized phase of LATP was
Usually, the heating treatment for LATP ceramic should be lim-
ited in temperature (below 1100◦ C) to limit lithium sublimation and
subsequent decrease in the ionic conductivity. As shown in Fig. 2, it
is difficult to obtain dense LATP ceramic without a sintering aid, even
when local melting is observed at the sintering temperature of 1050◦ C.
In a previous work,23 it was shown that dense LiMnPO4 ceramic could
be obtained by sintering at 750◦ C. Then, LiMnPO4 is introduced into Figure 3. XRD patterns of LATP with different amounts of LMP sintered at
LATP ceramic as a sintering aid to improve the densification process. 825◦ C.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (7) A1269-A1274 (2018) A1271

aids, and the measurement on the pure LATP ceramic failed due to
its poor mechanical properties. The results from the Vickers hardness
measurements are shown in Fig. 4a along with the density, demon-
strating that there is a direct relationship between hardness and the
density of ceramics. The Vickers hardness measured for LATP with
0.5% LMP was 386 HV. There was a 23% increase in hardness to 473
HV for LATP with 2% LMP. SEM analyses on the indented surfaces
are shown in Figs. 4b and 4c. With the sintering aid, the mechanical
properties for the ceramic have been obviously improved.
Electrochemical measurements were carried out on the LATP ce-
ramic with 2% LMP sintered at 825◦ C. As shown in Fig. 5a, the
Nyquist impedance plot is composed of a straight line at low frequen-
cies (0.1 to 3382 Hz), and a depressed semicircle at high frequencies
(5444 to 1 M Hz). The intercept of the semicircle in the high frequency
represents the bulk resistance Rb , and the diameter of the semicircle
is attributed to the grain boundary resistance Rg . The results were
analyzed using an equivalent circuit model shown in the inset of
Fig. 5a. The bulk electrical properties are represented by a simple
series combination of the bulk resistance (Rb ) and the grain boundary
resistance (Rg ), with a constant-phase element CPEg . The impedance
of the constant-phase element (CPE) is given by ZCPE = Q1 (iω)−n with
n≤1. The electrode/electrolyte interface is described by a parallel
combination of an interfacial resistance Rint and a constant-phase ele-
ment CPEint . The CPEint accounts for the nonideal capacitive behavior
Figure 4. (a) Vickers hardness and densities for LATP ceramics with different of the interface, which is often attributed to the distribution of double-
amounts of LMP; scanning electron micrographs of Vickers hardness indenta-
layer capacitances caused by the roughness of the interface.
tion marks in sintered pellets: (b) LATP-0.5%LMP and (c) LATP-2%LMP.
As shown in Figs. 5a and 5b, a good agreement between calcu-
From the viewpoint of practical applications, the solid electrolyte lated lines with the experimental data indicates that the suggested
pellet should have satisfactory mechanical properties.24 Vickers mi- equivalent circuit describes the pellet electrode interface reason-
crohardness measurements under loads of 9.8 N were performed on ably well. The fitted values of different parameters are listed below:
the most dense LATP ceramic with different amounts of sintering Rb = 28.1  cm2 ; Rg = 195.7  cm2 ; ZCPEg = 3.77 × 10−7 (jω)−0.68 ;

Figure 5. Electrochemical behaviors of LATP-2%LMP ceramic sintered at 825◦ C with sputtered Au electrodes: (a) impedance profile (inset: equivalent circuit);
(b) frequency-dependent real part of the capacitance; (c) CV curves and (d) areal capacitance at different scan rates. (Thickness of the LATP plate: 1.09 mm).
A1272 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (7) A1269-A1274 (2018)

Figure 6. Scheme for fabrication of carbon-filled layered ceramic. (a) porous/dense/porous ceramic; (b) PI-filled porous/dense/porous ceramic; (c) carbon-filled
porous/dense/porous ceramic; (d) Optical image of layered ceramic. SEM images of the fracture surfaces of layered ceramic: e) dense layer; f) porous layer; g)
carbon-filled porous layer (inset: enlarged image).

Rint = 9.69 × 105  cm2 ; and ZCPEint = 1.51 × 10−5 (jω)−0.89 . The For both double layer supercapacitors and electrochemical super-
total electrical conductivity of 4.9 × 10−4 S cm−1 is comparable capacitors, the most important parameter to affect the capacitance
to those reported previously for LATP glass-ceramic prepared by a is the available contact area between the active electrode material
solid-state reaction and a sol-gel method.25,26 The n value for CPEint and electrolyte. An effective way to increase the solid-solid contact
was close to 1 and showed the typical capacitor behavior. In addi- area is to obtain a 3D interconnected structure for supercapacitors.
tion to the improved mechanical properties, the LATP ceramic with At the same time, the close contact between electrode and elec-
2% LMP also shows higher electrical conductivity than that for the trolyte should also be achieved to ensure an effective charge transfer
LATP ceramic without or with other types of sintering aids (not given reaction.
here). To increase the contact area, carbon-filled porous/dense/porous
As shown in Fig. 5b, the capacitance decreased with increasing layered ceramics were designed. Two layers of pure LATP and one
frequency, and the bulk capacitance was reflected at high frequencies intermediate layer of LATP with 2% LMP were pressed to pel-
above 10 kHz. With decreasing frequency, C’ increased strongly, and lets with controlled mass. The pellets were sintered at 825◦ C, and
below 10 Hz, there was a levelling-off into a tilted plateau regime porous/dense/porous layered ceramics were obtained as shown in
reflecting the interfacial capacitance. At low frequencies, the mobile Fig. 6a. The introduction of the dense layer could improve the ion
ions can follow the applied oscillating field and file up at the electrode- charge transfer and prevent the electronic short circuit between two
ceramic interface, which results in a large interfacial capacitance. sides of electrode. As shown in Fig. 6b, the polyimide (PI-B) solution
On the other hand, at high frequencies, the ions cannot follow the was dipped into the porous layer following solidification at 210◦ C for
rapidly varying electric field, and hence, the capacitance decreases half an hour, and then, the ceramic with PI was treated in vacuum at
and becomes constant at very high frequencies. 825◦ C for 2 h at a rate of 2◦ C min−1 . As shown in Fig. 6c, the carbon-
Fig. 5c shows the electrochemical characteristics of the ceramic filled layered ceramic was obtained for the supercapacitor application.
with double symmetrical Au electrodes. The CV shapes show the The supercapacitor fabricated for the present investigation consisted
good charge storage characteristics. The voltage window of 0.8 V is of 0.5 mm thick porous electrode layers and a 1 mm thick dense
analogous to that of aqueous electrolyte and much lower than that of electrolyte layer. The optical image of layered ceramic is shown in
organic electrolytes. As shown in Fig. 5d, the areal capacitance (AC) Fig. 6d and the obvious boundaries between dense layer and carbon
value calculated from the CV curves decreased with an increase in filled layer are found. The microstructures of the layered ceramic
the scan rate. The calculated AC value was found to be 52, 41, and are also shown in Figs. 6e–6g. Compared to Fig. 6e for the dense
29 μF cm−2 at scan rates of 2, 10, and 100 mV s−1 , respectively. layer, obvious interconnected pores are observed in Fig. 6f. The grain
The areal capacitance was much smaller than that for phosphosilicate boundary or pore is clearly noticeable in Fig. 6f, while in Fig. 6g,
glass reported by Loth et al.,12,13 which was explained by non-mean the boundary or pores between grains are smoothed by the carbon
field theory. As is well known, materials based on an electrical double coating. The carbon coating was continuous and filled the pores in the
layer mechanism for an aqueous electrolyte have limited specific ca- ceramic. Furthermore, no degradation of LATP phase heating under
pacitance, typically in the range of 10–50 μF cm−2 for a real electrode vacuum is found by the analysis of the XRD pattern (not given here).
surface. The larger capacitance formed at the carbon/ionic conductor The pore structures before and after carbon coating were also
interface reported here could be explained by the smaller effective investigated using mercury intrusion porosimetry, as shown in
capacitor thickness corresponding to mean field theories. However, Table I. A high specific surface area was obtained for porous ceramic
more theoretical work still needs to be done on the double layer at with nanosized pores. After carbon coating, the average pore size of
electrode/solid electrolyte interfaces.27 porous ceramic decreased. Though decreased porosity and pore size
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (7) A1269-A1274 (2018) A1273

Table I. Microstructural properties of the sintered ceramics ceramic shown in the inset of Fig. 5a. The fitted values of different
determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry. parameters are listed below: Rb = 16.9  cm2 ; Rg = 89.3  cm2 ;
ZCPEg = 1.73 × 10−7 (jω)−0.59 ; and Rint = 189.1  cm2 ; ZCPEint =
Porous ceramic Porous ceramic 0.021 × (jω)−0.52 . The total electrical conductivity of 9.4 × 10−4 S
before carbon after carbon cm−1 was calculated by dividing the impedance value by the dense
coating coating layer thickness (1 mm). Compared to that of the dense LATP ceramic,
Total intrusion volume (cm3 /g) 0.234 0.189 the increased electrical conductivity was due to the increased interface
Total pore area (m2 /g) 3.03 3.17 area between the porous electrode layer and dense electrolyte layer.
Average pore radius (nm) 155 119 As shown in Fig. 7b, the dependence of capacitance on frequency
Bulk density (g/cm3 ) 1.86 1.87 could also be analyzed by the fitted equivalent circuit model. The n
Porosity (%) 43.5 35.4 value of 0.52 (close to 0.5) represented the case of semi-infinite linear
diffusion. When the charge carrier of Li ion diffuses through solid
electrolyte, it cannot fully penetrate the layer, even at low frequencies.
revealed the effective carbon coating, carbon filling rate still need to Compared to the n value of dense LATP ceramic as shown in Fig. 5,
be improved in future work. the lower n value for the layered ceramic is due to the lower diffusion
The electrochemical properties of the carbon-filled layered ceramic speed of Li ion in porous structure.
are shown in Fig. 7. The Nyquist impedance plot shown in Fig. 7a was As shown in Fig. 7c, the shapes of CV curves show a remarkable
analyzed using the same equivalent circuit model as that for the dense scan rate dependence. At a high scan rate of 100 mV s−1 , the slope

Figure 7. Electrochemical behaviors of carbon-filled porous/dense/porous layered ceramic: (a) impedance profile (inset: equivalent circuit); (b) frequency-
dependent real part of the capacitance; (c) CV curves and (d) areal capacitance at different scan rates (inset: capacitance retention at scan rate of 5 mV s−1 ); (e)
charge/discharge curves and (f) areal capacitance at different current densities.
A1274 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (7) A1269-A1274 (2018)

and a narrow curve was observed, and the areal capacitance was of 2 mV s−1 . The large increase in capacitance for layered ceramics is
3.3 mF cm−2 , as shown in Fig. 7d. However, it is important to note due to the increased contact area between the electrode and solid elec-
that the large capacitance of 0.13 F cm−2 was obtained at a low scan trolyte in the porous structure. The supercapacitor also shows good
rate of 2 mV s−1 . The capacitance of the layered ceramic before cycling stability (∼91% of the initial capacitance after 600 cycles at
PI impregnation and carbonization was 43 μF cm−2 at scan rate of a scan rate of 5 mV s−1 ).
2 mV s−1 . The areal capacitance of 85 mF cm−2 at a scan rate of 5 mV
s−1 was much higher than that in an all-solid-state supercapacitor
based on a Li2 S-P2 S5 glass ceramic (8.7 mF cm−2 considering the Acknowledgments
area of 1.33 cm2 )9 or LATP-carbon nanotube (CNT) mixture (1.16 mF This work was supported by the Guangzhou Nova Program
cm−2 considering the thickness of 1 mm).19 Higher areal capacitance (2012J2200013).
for carbon-filled layered ceramics could be due to the enhanced contact
area between the electrode and solid electrolyte in the porous structure.
As shown in the inset of Fig. 7d, the present supercapacitor also shows ORCID
good cycling stability (∼91% of the initial capacitance after 600 cycles Xing Hu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3218-599X
at a scan rate of 5 mV s−1 ). Compared to that in the dense LATP YiLian Chen https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7280-5647
ceramic (Fig. 5d), the huge increase in capacitance for the layered
ceramics was due to the increasing contact area between the electrode
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