Buddhist psychology increasingly informs mental healthcare Buddhism; psychotherapy;
through therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) cognitive behavioral therapy;
and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), as well as explicitly dialectical behavior therapy;
Buddhist therapies. The central tenets of Buddhist psychology
are explored in the Abhidharma, a collection of psychological
works from the traditional canon. The Abhidharma includes
detailed expositions of the structure of consciousness; the nat
ures of active cognitive processes and passive states; the rela
tionships between material and mental phenomena,
conditionality, and “dependent arising”; and the practice of
meditation. These concepts are increasingly relevant owing to
the continued emergence of psychotherapeutic practices (e.g.,
mindfulness) with significant roots in Buddhism.
Mindfulness-based therapies are now mainstream therapeutic tools in many
areas of mental health care, most notably for the prevention of relapse of
depressive illness (Creswell, 2017; Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2013; Seshadri
et al., 2021). Mindfulness, which finds its roots in Buddhist psychology, helps
inform therapeutic approaches such as cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT)
(Kumar, 2002) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) (Palmer, 2002).
Buddhist approaches have also been described as adjunctive strategies for
other disorders, including anxiety disorders, substance misuse, and psycholo
gical aspects of physical disorders (Kelly, 2008).
Recent decades have seen the emergence of “Buddhist psychotherapy” in
Western societies, often combining Buddhist practice with certain elements of
western therapeutic traditions (Brandon, 1976; Campos, 2002; Epstein, 1995).
Relevant models include “Cognitively-Based Compassion Training” (CBCT®),
a secular, compassion-based training program adapted from the Indo-Tibetan
Buddhist traditions of lojong (mind training) and lamrim (stages of the path of
spiritual development) (Ash, Harrison, Pinto, DiClemente, & Negi, 2021);
“Dharma therapy,” a Buddhist teaching-based therapeutic intervention using
CONTACT Brendan D. Kelly [email protected] Department of Psychiatry, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity
Centre for Health Sciences, Tallaght University Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin 24 D24 NR0A, Ireland
© 2022 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
72 B. D. KELLY
the Buddhist model of ending suffering to assist clients dealing with psycho
logical issues (Hung & Wa, 2021); and the “Note, Know, Choose” model,
a three-phase psycho-spiritual treatment approach based on Buddhist teach
ings to improve skillfulness of mind (Lee & Tang, 2021). While detailed
consideration of these models is beyond the scope of the present paper, it is
notable that these developments have occurred alongside growing interest in
the neuroscience of meditation, especially the use of brain imaging to identify
physical correlates of meditation and mindfulness practices (Fox et al., 2014;
Lutz, Greischar, Rawlings, Ricard, & Davidson, 2004; Tang, Hölzel, & Posner,
As a consequence of these developments, mindfulness is ubiquitous in
popular media, with the result that the background, nature, and consequences
of mindfulness are often simplified, misunderstood, and over-stated (Purser,
2019). Notwithstanding these concerns, evidence continues to grow support
ing the usefulness of mindfulness, once it is practiced correctly and with an
understanding of its context. Against this background, and in order to assist
with contextualizing mindfulness and related therapies, this paper examines
the broader field of Buddhist psychology, with particular emphasis on the
“Abhidharma” or higher teaching of Buddhist thought, and how this situates
and contextualizes mindfulness practices today.
The version of the Abhidharma chosen for this analysis is “A
Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma: The Philosophical Psychology of
Buddhism” (Bodhi, 1999), owing to its standing in the field as well as its clarity,
availability, and accessibility for mental health professionals. Against this
background, this paper presents a description of already existing traditional
ideas found in Buddhist writings in order to assist mental health professionals
to understand and explore these concepts further.
reportedly received by Sāriputta, a disciple, who then taught them to his own
pupils (Gethin, 1998). As with most canonical traditions, there are now
interesting textual differences between different versions of the Abhidharma
associated with different schools of Buddhism. Despite these divergences,
there is substantial overlap between most extant versions of the text, and
there are several shorter “manuals” of Abhidharma that provide introductions
to the common principles of Buddhist psychology and summarize teachings
upon which most major schools are agreed (Bodhi, 1999).
According to the Theravada tradition within Buddhism, the Abhidharma
is divided into seven “books.” The first book, the Dhammasangani, provides
an overview or framework of the Abhidharma, outlining the categorization
of states of consciousness and material phenomena, as well as explanations
of important Abhidharma terminology. The second book, the Vibhanga,
outlines detailed analyses of a range of important Buddhist concepts such
as sense bases, dependent arising, mindfulness, the Noble Eightfold Path,
types of knowledge, and dhammahadaya (the essence of the doctrine). The
third book, the Dhātukathā, provides an analysis of all phenomena in rela
tion to the essential Buddhist concepts of sense bases, aggregates and
The fourth book of the Abhidharma, the Puggalapannatti, examines differ
ent kinds of individuals and levels of spiritual development, using an approach
more similar to that of the Suttas (or more general teachings) than the
traditional Abhidharma. The fifth book, the Kathāvatthu, comprises
a manual of debatable or undecided points in Abhidharma teachings (gener
ally ascribed to the Elder Moggaliputta Tissa) and the sixth, the Yamaka,
concerns the use of Abhidharma terminology and resolution of ambiguities
in relation to a range of areas, including sense bases, latent dispositions, and
Finally, the seventh book of the Abhidharma, the Patthāna, also known as
the “Great Treatise,” provides a lengthy analysis of the inter-relations between
different teachings within the Abhidharma, according to twenty-four varieties
of conditional relations. The Patthāna presents an enormously detailed, sys
tematic overview of much of Buddhist psychology and, in many ways, forms
the heart of the teachings of the Abhidharma.
While each of these books contains considerable detail about particular
aspects of Buddhist teachings, the current paper will focus only on those
elements of the Abhidharma that are most germane to an introductory under
standing of Buddhist psychology as it applies today, starting with the structure
of consciousness.
first two planes (the woeful and sensuous blissful planes) correspond to the
sense-sphere plane (outlined above) and the two remaining planes (the fine-
material-sphere and immaterial-sphere planes) represent higher planes of
consciousness attained, as previously outlined, through adherence to the
Noble Eightfold Path and the practice of meditation.
This section of the Abhidharma also contains analysis of rebirth (a belief
central to traditional Buddhism) and a classification of “kamma” or volitional
action into productive, supportive, obstructive, and destructive categories.
Productive kamma produces its own result and may be wholesome or unwho
lesome, while destructive kamma prevents other kamma from producing its
own result, and may also be wholesome or unwholesome.
Note on terminology
Much of the original Buddhist canon was written in the Pali language,
although there is also a considerable literature in Sanskrit. In this paper, rather
than adhering to one particular language or one school of Buddhist terminol
ogy, I have tried to use the most commonly recognizable terms, in order to
optimize clarity.
The author is very grateful to the reviewers for their comments and suggestions.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
The author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the work featured in this article.
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