HRMC001 - Managerial Communication - Both

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9/12/22, 6:57 PM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

Managerial Communication Question Answer 2021

By Avanindra Rai - March 17, 2021

the glossary is the list of

technical terms used in the report

social media audiences differ from those of traditional media because

none of these

which of these reports involves the checking of a piece of equipment

a presenter can reach to large or specific group of viewers of remote locations through


conflict is

all of these

using communication skills effectively will help you to

all of these

What is the term for the set of behaviours and tasks member of the group is expected because he
or she is a member of the group

Group roles

In presentation the ideas can be presented in the order


In a group discussion we should be 1/26
9/12/22, 6:57 PM Managerial Communication Question Answer MBA First Semester

1. Assertive
2. Dominatic
3. Subjective
4. Callous

Formal reports are not classified into





Reports include breakdown of machinery





A letter of application email message ideally should be addressed to

A specific individual

The hr department

Whom it may concern

The company

Unsolicited email advertising is known as 2/26
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Junk ads


None of these


Which of these should be avoided in pre listening analysis

Mental disciplines





A __ report must contain rational information





As the definition of social media develops, what is one underlying element

The intersection btwn technology, social interaction and sharing information 3/26
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Microsoft is the primary developer

Use of the various elements is free

All of the above

In which of these does the listener pick up special features of the speech

Listening in conversational interaction

Listening to structured talks


Team listening

Which of the following will most likely be emphasized by an instrumental communicators


Message content

Body language


Use narrative style of presentation with anecdotes if the

Group is small and informal

Group is small and formal 4/26
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Group is big ang knowledgeable

Group is large and informal

The following room create for dealing with touch violation

assuming the first touch violation is accidental

Including complete information about your references on a resume

Is optional, since a list of references can typically be provided after a successful interview

Which statement is correct in case of presentation

Synchronise your speech and visuals

Rohan is sending a resume 2 and Advertising

I would appreciate an opportunity

If you are Speaking with someone has a hearing impairment what should you do

Make sure you face them when you are talking

Definition of social media develops what is one underlined element

The interaction between Technology social interaction and sharing information

In block text format you do not ___ each paragraph


The most important reason for teens to utilise agenda and minutes is that

Participants know what is expected of them and can track 5/26
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According to berne we cannot directly ego States but we can observe

Life position

A good business letter is simple and Straightforward without being


Which of these are vital for any organisation

Group discussions

The following are valid conclusions based on research gestures and cultures

Illustrators come naturally two individuals from all cultures

Form letters are also known as

Persuasive sales letters

Which of the following is not one of the reasons frequently

Assuming that others use similar reasonings processes

Which of these is not mentioned in progress report

Right choice of instruments

Achieving good cross cultural relations is hampered peoples perception


Dash is an extra item offered to the consumer usually in exchange for some proof

Premium 6/26
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Which of the following is not one of the reason that language frequently causes miscommunication
during international business situations

Meanings conveyed through body language

Which of these types of listening is followed by skill release Ness

Evaluative listening

Which of these is not a quality of good debator

Interrupting their opponent’s speech

Which of these should the listener be able to make connections between different segments

Listening to structured talks

Which of the following most likely to be emphasized by an instrumental communication


The central appeal in a persuasive letter

All of these

The minutes books are the ___ book of the company


It is this strategy of winning against other party

Win-Win approach of negotiation

What is the last rule of thumb when creating an effective presentation

Minimise text on slides 7/26
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What needs to be complete in order to have effective communication

Both sending and receiving of the message

Using your whole body to communicate is called what

Body language

Stories can be used by Business leaders

All of these

This is the most complex type of transaction


The following is a chatbot platform


What is the term for the set of behaviours and task number of the group is expected phone
because he or she is a member of the group

Group roles

The following is the best tool to communicate new information about the organisation whether it is
about product or services


Social media audiences differ from those traditional media

Traditional media audiences consume material created for them

Why should you keep text to a minimum on slides

Show the focus is on you as the speaker 8/26
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What is meant by voting by poll

Where each shareholder or their proxies present at the meeting

A resume summarises information related to job’s requirements the application letter

Interpret the resume in terms of employer benefits

Guidelines for effective meetings include

Limiting length and frequency

Good business letters are characterized by following personal quality of the writer


When speaking on the phone what type of communication is being used

Verbal and tone of voice

What is the following linguistic characteristics also apply to nonverbal communication

None of these

Report provides rational findings


What percentage of shareholders is needed to pass special resolution

Not less than 75%

___ refers to the repeating sequences of transactions that leads to a result subconsciously

ans- Game analysis 9/26
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Which of these is not a part of a report

Gender report writer

The correct use of open body language in a restaurant includes

Open gestures towards sitting and menu items

When companies try to create viral videos aur make grassroots blogs the practice is called


__ is authentic direct reality-based fact seeking and problem solving

Adult Ego state

One of the best ways to show customers you are listening is

Appropriate eye contact

It is formal and impersonal

Report writing

Social media platform has maximum users


The time frame for the desired impact that the covering letter must meet is

Less than 1 minute

————The concept of “urban legends” (a story that appears mysteriously and spreads
spontaneously in various forms and is usually false posted on the Internet) and Internet scams are
a real problem for some businesses. Gerber Baby Foods was flooded with 1 million letters and
80,000 phone calls from parents responding to an e-mail about a phony class-action lawsuit.
Another urban legend about Costa Rican flesh-eating bacteria that affected banana shipments cost
that industry more than $30 million. Procter & Gamble had to deal with claims that its Febreeze
product contained Agent Orange, a dangerous chemical. Many companies choose to ignore these 10/26
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myths created by angry customers or rabble-rousers, but experts believe this is the worst possible
action to take. Companies should instead do everything possible to reassure its customers.

-Refer to Urban Legends. __, or personality-, psychology-, and experience-based differences,

determine how consumers respond to Internet scams.

ans- Perceptual filters

-Refer to Urban Legends. Top managers who encouraged subordinates to do everything in their
power to assure customers that Internet myths about their companies were false engaged in __.

ans- downward communication

-Email users who received the e-mail about P&G Febreeze would have used —— to understand


-The angry P&G consumer who started the rumor about Febreeze would have used __ to create
the initial e-mail message.

Ans- encoding

-Refer to Urban Legends. Many urban legends are transmitted through the Internet, which could
be described as a(n) __.

ans- communication medium

-“script” in transactional analysis is developed during

ans- early childhood

-information and analytical reports are

ans- transformational

-annual reports of all public and private companies must have 11/26
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ans- CSR

-Which of these is not a deterrent to the listening process?

ans- confidence

-_______ Report provides rational findings

ans-Interpretative reports/recommendation

-Automated mailing list administrators that allow for easy subscription, subscription cancellation,
and sending of e-mails to subscribers on the list are called

ans- Listservs.

-What should never be discussed on social media?

1. (Workplace politics
2. Clients in the facility
3. How you feel about management
4. How much you dislike your job)

ans- All of the above

-____ is a monitor of a group discussion.

ans- A moderator

-in which of these the listener puts himself in place of the speaker

ans- empathatic

-Which of these qualities are important in a group discussion?

ans-Emotional stability

-The conclusion or ending paragraph should bring the communication to a polite and _____ close

ans-businesslike 12/26
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-If you assume that every member of a society or subculture has the same characteristics or
traits, you are guilty of ________.


-A well organised talk is a ____ talk


-Who makes sure the meeting is functioning correctly?


-In social media, what type of marketing has become important for advertisers?

ans- Word-of-mouth, or buzz marketing.

-you can set the list of dos and don’ts by using


-_______ was one of the first uses of the Internet and is still the most popular use, accounting for
most of the traffic on the Internet.

ans- E-Mail.

-Which of these is not a type of listening?

Explanation: Listening can be of six types- superficial listening, appreciative listening, focused
listening, evaluative listening, attentive listening and empathetic listening.


-Which of these are vital for any organisation?

ans-Group discussions 13/26
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-Your relationship partner is under a lot of stress lately, and his/her outbursts of anger are
beginning to trouble you greatly. Which of the following are ways to manage the anger of your

ans- all of the above.

(a. validate your partner

1. be asymmetrical
2. probe
3. all of the above)

-As the definition of social media develops, what is one underlying element?

ans- The intersection between technology, social interaction, and sharing information

-To communicate competently with nonverbal communication

ans- all of the above.

( a. observe multiple nonverbal cues before drawing any conclusions about a person’s

1. try to match nonverbal and verbal communication to avoid mixed messages

2. monitor your own nonverbal communication
3. all of the above)

-An employer is likely to interpret a writing style or punctuation error on your résumé or letter of
application as an indication that

ans- all of above

(- You pay little attention to detail and do your work hastily

– You have shortcomings in basic education

– You lack pride and respect)

-when working to create and maintain a favorable relationship with a receiver a sender should

ans-positive wording

-What is the last Rule of Thumb when creating an effective presentation? 14/26
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ans-Keep it simple

-___ was one of the most visited websites in India and Brazil in 2008


-it is the strategy to winning against other party

ans- win-win negotiation

-using communication skills effectively will help you

ans- all of above

-____ refers to give some recognition to others

ans- stroking

-The terms of reference for producing a specific report are given by the:


-what percentage of shareholders is needed to pass special resolution

ans-atleast 75%

-the formal greeting with which a business letter is called


-Nonverbal and verbal communication are interconnected in which of the following ways?

ans- all of the above.

-stories can be used by business leaders

ans- all of above 15/26
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-how can a person correctly communicate

ans- all of above

-The central appeal in a persuasive letter

ans-emphasizes on how the reader will benefit from the request

-Including complete information about your references on a resume…

ans- Is optional, since a list of references can typically be provided after a successful interview

(A)-analysis of self awareness is primary concern of transactional analysis

(R)-according to self awareness self can be described in terms of image which includes both
concious and unconcious

ans- both a and r is true and r is the correct explanation of a

-Which of these reports is written before starting a new project?

ans-Feasibility report

-Blogs or weblogs are

ans- Web pages of short, frequently updated postings by an individual that are arranged

-Which of these reports provide information without any evaluation?

ans- Informational

-What are the two parts to communication?

and- When someone says something, and the other person has understood

-highlight your qualities 16/26
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ans- job application

-Verbal communication refers

ans- when someone is talking and other is listening

-which of the given statement is true about ego states

ans- all of above

-the résumé summarizes information refers to a jobs requirements, application letter is

ans- interprets an employer in terms of benifits

Check if you have stressed this in the covering letter

Select one:

1. knowledge and skills over degress and qualications <<

2. Degrees and qualications over knowledge and skills
3. Qualications over Skills
4. Degrees over skills

You and your partner have had a heated disagreement. Emotions are raw, and feelings have been
hurt. You approach your partner after a

brief silence: “I’m sorry I attacked you like that. I got angry and said things I didn’t mean.” This is
an example of the collaborating tactic called

Select one:

1. Expanding the pie

2. Confrontation
3. Smoothing <<
4. Integration

Which of the following is a tactic of avoiding conict?

Select one: 17/26
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1. Stonewalling <<
2. Autonomy
3. Competing
4. Compromising

Which of these is not used to organise a seminar?

Select one:

1. Exchange of ideas
2. Recommendations <<
3. Oral reports
4. Written reports

Posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact are examples of ________.

Select one:

1. Paralanguage
2. Oculesics
3. Kinesic behavior <<
4. Proxemics

Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural
communication barriers?

Select one:

1. Observe culture dierences and etiquette

2. Be alert to cultural dierences in customs and behavior
3. Use commonly accepted business jargons <<
4. Listen for understanding. Not agreement

A sure sign of ethnocentrism in a business deal would be which of the following assumptions by an
American banker?

Select one:

1. Japanese products usually have equal or better quality than American products.
2. Foreign currency trading can be a good investment even if you do not buy the U.S. Dollar.
3. The U.S. Dollar is the best most stable currency in the world and any other currency carries a
higher risk. <<
4. The euro dollar currency has an equal likelihood of returning a reasonable rate depending on
market conditions, just as the U.S.

dollar. 18/26
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Members of a society who value ____________are more concerned with their careers than with
the good of the rm.

Select one:

1. Formality
2. Informality
3. Individualism <<
4. Collectivism

Decisions passed by shareholders are known as:

Select one:

1. Articles
2. Memorandums
3. Resolutions <<
4. Provisions

Information in the ………. should be organized.

Select one:

1. Notices
2. Presentation <<
3. Memo
4. Circular

_________ is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted at the meeting.

Select one:

1. Invitation
2. Agenda <<
3. Minutes
4. Resolution

What can happen when employees are NOT involved in decision-making during a meeting?

Select one: 19/26
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1. Most employees have little interest in being part of a decision in meetings.

2. The employee will perform as expected regardless of whether he/she was involved in the
3. The employee is less likely to follow-up on tasks. <<
4. The employee is more likely to follow-up on tasks.

Curriculum vitae is a ____ word.

Select one:

1. Indian
2. German
3. Latin <<
4. French

The lack of pitch variation and unpromosing body language makes ….

Select one:

1. Cool zone speaker

2. Hot zone speaker
3. Dull zone speaker <<
4. Boring zone speaker

Which of the following is not one of the seven dimensions of cultural values that help us
understand how cultures dier from each other?

Select one:

1. Materialism versus concern for others

2. Internal locus versus external locus <<
3. High-context versus low-context
4. Formality versus informality

Groups which are formed as the consequence of organisational structure and work division are
known as:

Select one:

1. Informal groups
2. Operational groups
3. formal groups <<
4. Target groups

Which of these letters are in response to an advertisement? 20/26
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Select one:

1. Letters of enquiry
2. Solicited letters <<
3. Letters of complaint
4. Unsolicited letters

When is the worst time to break into a discussion?

Select one:

1. When one person is talking

2. When there is less time left
3. When two or three people are talking simultaneously <<
4. When everyone is silent

Where is the name and address mentioned in a Job- Description CV?

Select one:

1. Top left corner <<

2. Top right corner
3. Bottom right corner
4. Bottom left corner

Which of the following is not an easy to read font?

Select one:

1. Times New Roman

2. Calibri
3. Arial
4. Sego Script <<

In a group discussion, the discussion must be directed to its ___________

Select one:

1. Opponents
2. Competitors
3. Final conclusion
4. Logical conclusion <<

Which of these must not be mentioned in your CV? 21/26
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Select one:

1. How you helped your previous employer

2. Special recognitions
3. Salary you are looking for <<
4. Out of turn promotions

Which of these is not an ingredient of the speech process?

Select one:

1. Audience
2. Feedback
3. Message
4. Reading comprehension <<

___________ is the compliant part of the personality that conforms to the wishes and demands of
parental gures.

Select one:

1. Critical parent
2. Antideterministic
3. Adaptive child <<
4. Redecision school

To whom should a presentation be aimed?

Select one:

1. The highest authority in the room, regardless of where they are

2. The people in the closest rows
3. Your best friend in the room
4. The entire audience <<

Synchronising your speech with …………. is crucial in presentation.

Select one:

1. Notes
2. Visual aids <<
3. Gestures
4. Actions 22/26
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In Johari window, ________ is known to others and self; whereas, ________ is unknown to self
but known to others.

Select one:

1. Hidden; unknown
2. Blind; open
3. Open; blind <<
4. Open; unknown

When presenting, your pose should be:

Select one:

1. Condent and relaxed <<

2. Shy
3. Nervous and angry
4. Annoyed

___________ is an ego state, producing an unexpected response

Select one:

1. Ulterior transaction
2. Crossed transaction <<
3. Angular transaction
4. Parallel transaction

Negotiating the price of a car, you are probably using a ________ bargaining strategy.

Select one:

1. Simulated
2. Distributive <<
3. Closed
4. Open

the ____ of business letter is called layout

all of these

A __ written by feeling in a blank form

Non-formal 23/26
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The considerable variation between Americans and Chinese in the use of silence is an impact of


Cross training cultural training program might include which of the following

All of these

Classifying content in social media happens through an activity such as


Which of these is not a type of text for reading?

Reference material

Body of the letter is divided into

Three parts

Which of the following is not true about monochronic cultures

People change plan frequently

In third party negotiations a third-party with authority to dictate and agreement is known as


The following is the best tool to communicate new information about the organisation


In Win-Win approach it is __ versus __ that brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue

We,problem 24/26
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Refers to giving some recognition to others


It discusses in a small group or original Research


Which of the following is suggested way of improving cross Cultural Relation


Key barrier to good relation is


In an office and employee communicates horizontally with his


Why is an agenda important

And shows important topics are covered

When speaking on the phone you need to ensure that you do not

Breach confidentiality

Combination of assumption about oneself and another person is called

Ans- Life positions

Eric Berne developed

Ans- The concept and paradigms of transactional analysis in the late 1950s

___ refers to the repeating sequences of transactions that leads to a result subconsciously 25/26
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ans- Game analysis

Avanindra Rai 26/26
1/16/22, 12:51 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Started on Sunday, 16 January 2022, 12:02 PM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 16 January 2022, 12:50 PM
Time taken 47 mins 23 secs
Grade 13.00 out of 15.00 (87%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A written draft that has a stamp of authority and has to be accepted is a:

Select one:
a. Order
b. Memo
c. Email
d. Notice 1/16
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Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A business letter is written to achieve goals like:

Select one:
a. All of these
b. Making enquiry
c. Creating goodwill
d. Selling product

Question 3

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If someone has a trouble speaking, for example had a stroke, what should you do?

Select one:
a. Teach them sign language
b. Guess what they are trying to say
c. Allow them time to answer
d. Use other forms of communication 2/16
1/16/22, 12:51 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If you are speaking with someone who has a hearing impairment, what should you do?

Select one:
a. Give them paper and pen and write to each other
b. Just mouth the words as it is easier for them to read your lips
c. Make sure you face them when you are talking
d. You should learn sign language to communicate with them

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Ria was very upset on receiving a complaint from customer. Should she:

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Calm down and reply after some time
c. Stay silent
d. Reply immediately 3/16
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Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What forms the basis of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Body language nd expression without words
b. Grammar
c. Syntax
d. Literacy

Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Twitter you may have how many tweets per day?

Select one:
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 2 4/16
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Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which listening barriers occurs when the coarse language of the speaker offends a listener?

Select one:
a. External
b. Being self absorbed
c. Emotional
d. Physical

Question 9

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which report is prepared on a single or special occasion?

Select one:
a. Special Report
b. Informal report
c. Formal report
d. None of these 5/16
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Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Most of our waking time goes in …..

Select one:
a. Reading
b. Speaking
c. Hearing
d. Writing

Question 11

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Non-verbal communication involves … .

Select one:
a. space
b. silence
c. all the above
d. gestures 6/16
1/16/22, 12:51 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A written statement that you prepare specially for a person or committee in order to give them information about a particular matter, it is
called a:

Select one:
a. Memo
b. Business letter
c. Circular
d. Notice

Question 13

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When someone writes rude complaint letter you must:

Select one:
a. stay passive
b. stay silent
c. Reply calmly
d. Reply rudely 7/16
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Question 14

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Memo is derived from the latin word that means:

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Memoir
c. Memoi
d. memorare

Question 15

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills

Select one:
a. Frankness
b. Attention
c. Fakeness
d. Clear perception 8/16
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Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Instagram you may have how many posts per day?

Select one:
a. 4 or 5
b. 2 or 3
c. 1 or 2
d. 3 or 5

Question 17

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In a complete-block style, all parts of the letter, except the printed letter head, are aligned with the:

Select one:
a. Left margin
b. bottom aligned
c. top aligned
d. right margin 9/16
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Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Giving non-verbal messages is …

Select one:
a. spontaneous
b. tutured
c. dramatic1
d. deliberate

Question 19

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Listening, like speaking, reading and writing is a …..

Select one:
a. art
b. habit
c. gift of nature
d. skill 10/16
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Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are:

Select one:
a. top aligned
b. Right aligned
c. Left aligned
d. Indented

Question 21

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is being used?

Select one:
a. Verbal and body language
b. Verbal
c. Verbal and tone of voice
d. Face to face 11/16
1/16/22, 12:51 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A writer must not convey information with ___________

Select one:
a. Precision
b. Clarity
c. Truth
d. Randomness

Question 23

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What are the two channels of communication?

Select one:
a. Horizontal &amp; upward
b. Written and Oral
c. Upward &amp; Downward
d. Formal and Informal 12/16
1/16/22, 12:51 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Rita is talking to Sheela but Sheela is not actively listening. Rita probably feels:

Select one:
a. Cheerful
b. Frustrated
c. Ashamed
d. Relaxed

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When employees are encouraged to voice their opinion and share their views it is called:

Select one:
a. Horizontal Communication
b. Lateral Communication
c. Upward Communication
d. Downward Communication 13/16
1/16/22, 12:51 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The communication that is meant for all employees across various levels of business units/department is called:

Select one:
a. Corporate Communication
b. Corporate Communication
c. Organisational Communicato
d. Management Communication

Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A letter can be:

Select one:
a. Only Business
b. Personal &amp; Business
c. Business
d. Personal 14/16
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Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

___________ refers to the awareness of the sound of another person talking, without really processing what is being said

Select one:
a. Listening
b. Evaluating
c. Speaking
d. Hearing

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What percentage of a person's communication is of non-verbal nature?

Select one:
a. 93
b. 29
c. 43
d. 67 15/16
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Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What are the number of components of Communication?

Select one:
a. seven
b. four
c. six
d. two

  16/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Started on Saturday, 27 November 2021, 5:00 PM

State Finished
Completed on Saturday, 27 November 2021, 5:50 PM
Time taken 50 mins
Grade 9.00 out of 15.00 (60%)

Question 1
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on LinkedIn you may have how many posts per day?

Select one:
a. 5
b. 1
c. 2
d. 4 1/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 2
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Corporate communication is considered successful when it:

Select one:
a. provokes changes in knowledge, attitude and behaviour of employees and customers/consumers.
b. Improves CSR
c. Brings profitability
d. Reduces turnover

Question 3
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A written draft that has a stamp of authority and has to be accepted is a:

Select one:
a. Memo
b. Email
c. Order
d. Notice  2/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 4
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Pinterest you may have how many pins per day?

Select one:
a. 11
b. 12
c. 3
d. 10

Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

What are the two channels of communication?

Select one:
a. Formal and Informal
b. Horizontal &amp; upward
c. Written and Oral
d. Upward &amp; Downward  3/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 6
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

_____________ contains the date of submission, the name and designation of the writer and the name of the authority

Select one:
a. Acknowledgement
b. Preface
c. Objectives
d. A forwarding letter

Question 7
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The 5 W's and 1 H stand for:

Select one:
a. Whom, What, When, Where, Why, How
b. Who, What,When, Where,Will, how
c. Whose, What,When, Where,Why, how
d. Who, What,When, Where,Why, how  4/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 8
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Disseminating news about the organisation to the stakeholders, media etc is

Select one:
a. Group communication
b. Transformational communication
c. Mass communication
d. Organisational communication

Question 9
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

___________ refers to the awareness of the sound of another person talking, without really processing what is being said

Select one:
a. Evaluating
b. Hearing
c. Listening
d. Speaking  5/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 10
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills

Select one:
a. Clear perception
b. Frankness
c. Attention
d. Fakeness

Question 11
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Feedback to the communication sent can be:

Select one:
a. Can be oral, written or silence
b. Only Oral
c. Can be oral or written
d. Only Written  6/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 12
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Non-verbal communication involves … .

Select one:
a. gestures
b. silence
c. space
d. all the above

Question 13
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A writer must not convey information with ___________

Select one:
a. Clarity
b. Precision
c. Randomness
d. Truth  7/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 14
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Giving non-verbal messages is …

Select one:
a. dramatic1
b. spontaneous
c. deliberate
d. tutured

Question 15
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Memo is derived from the latin word that means:

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Memoi
c. memorare
d. Memoir  8/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 16
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are:

Select one:
a. Indented
b. Left aligned
c. top aligned
d. Right aligned

Question 17
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

What are the number of components of Communication?

Select one:
a. seven
b. four
c. two
d. six  9/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 18
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

The main idea of the letter is conveyed in the:

Select one:
a. Complimentary clos
b. Subject line
c. Main Body
d. signature line

Question 19
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Most of our waking time goes in …..

Select one:
a. Hearing
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Speaking  10/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 20
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Which report is to be prepared and presented according to the form and procedure laid down by law?

Select one:
a. Informal Report
b. Routine report
c. None of these
d. Statutory Report

Question 21
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Positive signals are body signals that make you look ….

Select one:
a. hurtful
b. arrogant
c. nervous
d. relaxed  11/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 22
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Twitter you may have how many tweets per day?

Select one:
a. 15
b. 2
c. 5
d. 10

Question 23
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The interpretation of non-verbal communication, may differ due to difference in …

Select one:
a. height
b. age
c. none of these
d. culture  12/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 24
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Listening, like speaking, reading and writing is a …..

Select one:
a. habit
b. gift of nature
c. skill
d. art

Question 25
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What forms the basis of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Literacy
b. Body language nd expression without words
c. Grammar
d. Syntax  13/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 26
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Ria was very upset on receiving a complaint from customer. Should she:

Select one:
a. Reply immediately
b. Stay silent
c. Calm down and reply after some time
d. None of these

Question 27
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

______________ helps the reader to search and locate relevant information in the original source

Select one:
a. Annexure
b. Preface
c. none of these
d. List of References  14/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 28
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors.

Select one:
a. Upward communication
b. Downward communication
c. Horizontal communication
d. Parallel communication

Question 29
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When someone writes rude complaint letter you must:

Select one:
a. Reply rudely
b. stay silent
c. Reply calmly
d. stay passive  15/16
12/9/21, 5:00 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 30
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Kinesics includes …

Select one:
a. eye contact
b. All of these
c. facial expression
d. gestures

  16/16
Assignment - 1: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

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Assignment - 1: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 5 N+'-"$'/&"'$"+"#$%&9')D'ACD/"$"+/'8)*',#8'&#O"'&)K',#D8'-CD+'-"$'7#8P

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Question 7 N'K$C//"D'+/#/","D/'/&#/'8)*'-$"-#$"'+-"%C#..8'5)$'#'-"$+)D')$'%),,C//""'CD')$7"$
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Question 8 WWWWWWWWWWW'$"5"$+'/)'/&"'#K#$"D"++')5'/&"'+)*D7')5'#D)/&"$'-"$+)D'/#.1CDJ9'KC/&)*/
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Question 9 6&"',#CD'C7"#')5'/&"'."//"$'C+'%)DO"8"7'CD'/&"@

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Assignment - 1: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 10 ()$-)$#/"'%),,*DC%#/C)D'C+'%)D+C7"$"7'+*%%"++5*.'K&"D'C/@

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Question 13

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Assignment - 1: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 15 Q&C%&'$"-)$/'-$"+"D/+'5#%/+'-"$/CD"D/'/)'#D'C++*"')$'#'+C/*#/C)DP

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Assignment - 1: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 20 6&"'CD/"$-$"/#/C)D')5'D)D_O"$=#.'%),,*DC%#/C)D9',#8'7Ce"$'7*"'/)'7Ce"$"D%"'CD'f

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Assignment - 1: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

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Assignment - 1: Attempt review

1 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

2 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

3 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

4 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

5 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

6 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

7 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

8 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

9 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

10 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 1: Attempt review

11 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Started on Sunday, 2 January 2022, 9:46 PM

State Finished

Completed on Sunday, 2 January 2022, 10:35 PM

Time taken 48 mins 41 secs

Grade 13.00 out of 15.00 (87%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
If you mention your Achievements, Honours, Awards etc in your CV

Select one:

a. It gives a positive impression of our personality and your candidature becomes


b. You are just increasing the length of your resume, it is of no use

c. Is not essential as jobs are given on your qualifications and experience and not the
awards you have won

d. Spoils your impression as recruiters think you are boasting

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it is preferable to use:
Select one:

a. Dark text on a dark background

b. Dark text on a light background

c. Light text on a light background

d. background with pictures

Question 3

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The Objective Statement of your resume should be

Select one:

a. Anything who reads it and who believes it

b. Should be taken from some HR Professional or Recruiter, they can only understand it

c. What is your aim of corporate life and what you want to achieve during your
professional journey

d. Can be copied from internet as many good objective statements are available on net

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Select one:
a. audience based

b. optional

c. necessary

d. useless

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the following parameters

Select one:

a. all the above

b. confidence

c. verbal and non-verbal communication

d. clarity of expression

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
While addressing the Job Application one should always mention

Select one:

a. Name, Designation, Company Name and Address of the addressee

b. Name and Designation of Addressee

c. Name, Designation and Company name of addressee

d. Name of Addressee

Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict?

Select one:

a. Perceived interference for outside parties

b. Perceived incompatible goals

c. Independent parties

d. Expressed struggle

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural
communication barriers?

Select one:

a. Be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior

b. Use commonly accepted business jargons

c. Observe culture differences and etiquette

d. Listen for understanding. Not agreement

Question 9

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving cross-cultural relations?

Select one:

a. Focus on the individual

b. Participate in diversity Training

c. Develop cultural sensitivity

d. All of these

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Distributive bargaining involves:

Select one:

a. Limited amount of resources and a short term

b. Varying amounts of resources

c. A win-win situation

d. The long term

Question 11

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
It is a long-term process, not a one-time event.

Select one:

a. Managing conflict

b. Communicating assertively

c. Negotiation

d. Avoiding conflict

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A well drafted professional resume can

Select one:

a. Can make a good impression on Recruiters and HR Professionals

b. All of these

c. Open the doors of your success in the corporate world

d. Enhance your chances of being called for interview

Question 13

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In business communication, it is useful to have …

Select one:

a. meetings

b. discussions

c. All of these

d. seminars

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The participants of a board meeting are…

Select one:

a. directors

b. outsiders

c. members

d. members and directors

Question 15

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
While mentioning your qualifications in your resume, you should

Select one:

a. Should not mention as jobs are given on experience and not on qualifications

b. Only mention Educations Qualifications

c. Only mention Professional Qualifications

d. Should mention both Professional and Academy qualifications in order of latest one
of highest one on top

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The major contribution of Transactional Analysis is based on published ‘psychological’
works of

Select one:

a. I’m OK – You’re OK by Dr. Tom Harris

b. All of these

c. Games People Play by Dr. Eric Berne

d. Born to Win by Dr. Dorothy Johgeward

Question 17

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that brings the two sides to a healthy

Select one:

a. You, Problem

b. I, You

c. We, You

d. We, problem

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Transactions in Transactional Analysis means

Select one:

a. Dealings of Parents with their Children

b. Games played in politics in Oganisations

c. Interpersonal interactions between ego states of parent, adult and child

d. Interpersonal Relations of employees in an organisation

Question 19

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Assuming that you wanted to start a good working relationship with a person from a
high-context culture, which of the following would be an effective strategy?

Select one:

a. Don't be concerned about building a relationship.

b. Be very conscious of time, rush to get started.

c. Provide written communication so that your proposal is formally presented.

d. Use nonverbal communication channels to get your message across and use body
language extensively to communicate.

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves

Select one:

a. making a sweeping glance of the audience from left o right in the front rows of the

b. staring at each audience member

c. looking above the audience's heads

d. making a sweeping glance of audience from left to the right and front to back of the

Question 21
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following characteristics would likely be included in a training program that
is designed to teach individuals about diversity in organization?

Select one:

a. All of these

b. Weight status

c. Hair status

d. Abilities

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In the group discussion, it is most important to …

Select one:

a. raise your voice

b. shout and get attention

c. improve your argument

d. repeat your points

Question 23

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A Job Application is a

Select one:

a. Resume

b. One page Application for Job along with resume

c. Descriptive Curriculum Vitae

d. Detailed Bio Data

Question 24

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To make a presentation effective, you should use:

Select one:

a. jargon

b. a simple and active form of sentences

c. complex sentences

d. passive sentences

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to

Select one:

a. lead others

b. confer with others

c. control others

d. argue with others

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
This is the best approach in negotiation

Select one:

a. Bargaining approach

b. Win-win approach

c. Compromise approach

d. Lose-lose approach

Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The record of the meeting is called …

Select one:

a. directions

b. minutes

c. agenda

d. invoice

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The photograph on your Resume should be

Select one:

a. Coloured professional photograph in formal dress like business suit and tie

b. Any photograph of picnic where you are looking handsome

c. Any photograph of yours which is lucky for you and will help you to get a job

d. Colored photograph of any marriage party where you are looking happy and smiling

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the below options is the first to be mentioned in a notice?

Select one:

a. date

b. notice details

c. name of the organization

d. agenda

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best when he/she is with …

Select one:

a. elderly people

b. peers

c. seniors

d. children

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Assignment - 1

Recorded video lecture of Session 1-Batch-01-PGDM-18 April'21

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Copyright to IMT CDL

Assignment - 2: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

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Question 1 6&"'J=K"%/DL"'!/#/","E/')5'8)*$'$"+*,"'+&)*.7'="

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Question 2 R&D%&')5'/&"'5)..)QDEO'%&#$#%/"$D+/D%+'Q)*.7'.D1".8'="'DE%.*7"7'DE'#'/$#DEDEO
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Question 3 6&"'-#$/D%D-#E/+')5'#'=)#$7',""/DEO'#$"U

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Question 4 R&D%&')5'/&"+"'7"/#D.+'#$"'E)/',"E/D)E"7'DE',DE*/"+T

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Assignment - 2: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 5 P++*,DEO'/&#/'8)*'Q#E/"7'/)'+/#$/'#'O))7'Q)$1DEO'$".#/D)E+&D-'QD/&'#'-"$+)E'5$),
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Question 6 6)'%)E/$#+/'/"Y/')E'#'-$"+"E/#/D)E'+.D7"'5)$'="//"$'LD"QDEO9'D/'D+'-$"5"$#=."'/)'*+"@

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Question 7 6&D+'D+'/&"'="+/'#--$)#%&'DE'E"O)/D#/D)E

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Question 8 P'Q"..'7$#5/"7'-$)5"++D)E#.'$"+*,"'%#E

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Question 9 6&"'-&)/)O$#-&')E'8)*$'N"+*,"'+&)*.7'="

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Assignment - 2: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 10 <D+/$D=*/DL"'=#$O#DEDEO'DEL).L"+@

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Question 11 6&"'O$)*-'7D+%*++D)E'"L#.*#/"+'/&"'%#E7D7#/"+'#=D.D/8'/)

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Question 12 `E'=*+DE"++'%),,*ED%#/D)E9'D/'D+'*+"5*.'/)'&#L"'U

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Question 13 !*=K"%/'^DE"')5'#E'",#D.'+"E/'/)'#'$"%$*D/"$'5)$'#'-)+D/D)E9'+&)*.7'%)L"$

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Question 14 6&"'$"%)$7')5'/&"',""/DEO'D+'%#.."7'U

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Assignment - 2: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 15 6&"'E"O)/D#/D)E'-$)%"++'&#+'/&$""'+/#O"+3'R&D%&')E"')5'/&"'5)..)QDEO'D+'VJ6'#
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Question 16 6&"'DE/"$'-"$+)E#.'="&#LD)$'/$#D/+')5'#'%#E7D7#/"'+*$5#%"+'="+/'Q&"E'&"b+&"'D+'QD/&
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Question 17 <*$DEO'/&"'O$)*-'7D+%*++D)E9'/&"'%#E7D7#/"'D+')=+"$L"7')E'/&"'5)..)QDEO
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Question 18
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Question 19 6)'="'#=."'/)'ODL"'#'O))7'-$"+"E/#/D)E9'#'5*..'$"&"#$+#.'D+

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Assignment - 2: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 20 6&"',#K)$'%)E/$D=*/D)E')5'6$#E+#%/D)E#.'PE#.8+D+'D+'=#+"7')E'-*=.D+&"7
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Question 21 `5'8)*',"E/D)E'8)*$'P%&D"L","E/+9'M)E)*$+9'PQ#$7+'"/%'DE'8)*$'(W

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Question 22 P'-$"+"E/#/D)E'D+'#'5)$,')5')$#.'%),,*ED%#/D)E'DE'Q&D%&'#'-"$+)E'+&#$"+'5#%/*#.
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Question 23

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Question 24 6$#E+#%/D)E+'DE'6$#E+#%/D)E#.'PE#.8+D+',"#E+

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Assignment - 2: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 25 R&D%&')5'5)..)QDEO'D+'E)/')E"')5'/&"'+*OO"+/"7'/"%&EDj*"+'5)$')L"$%),DEO'%$)++X
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Question 26 B$)-"$'"8"'%)E/#%/'QD/&'/&"'#*7D"E%"'Q&"E'7".DL"$DEO'#'-$"+"E/#/D)E'DEL).L"+

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Question 27 6&"'#++*,-/D)E+')5'6$#E+#%/D)E#.'PE#.8+D+'#$"

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Question 28
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Question 29 ()EkD%/'D+

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Assignment - 2: Attempt review 24/01/22, 9:01 PM

Question 30 P'%$)++'/$#DEDEO'%*./*$#.'/$#DEDEO'-$)O$#,',DO&/'DE%.*7"'Q&D%&')5'/&"'5)..)QDEOT

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()-8$DO&/'/)'`06'(<^ h"/'/&"',)=D."'#-- Page 7 of 7
Started on Thursday, 30 December 2021, 8:01 PM
State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 30 December 2021, 8:42 PM
Time taken 40 mins 52 secs
Grade 14.00 out of 15.00 (93%)

Question 1
A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. specific
b. small
c. large
d. mixed

Question 2 In business communication, it is useful to have …
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. All of these
b. seminars
c. meetings
d. discussions

Question 3 The Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from Parents or parent figures are known as
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Child Ego State
b. Transactional Analysis
c. Adult Ego State
d. Parent Ego State
Question 4 A well drafted professional resume can
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Enhance your chances of being called for interview
b. All of these
c. Open the doors of your success in the corporate world
d. Can make a good impression on Recruiters and HR Professionals

Question 5 The negotiation process has three stages. Which one of the following is NOT a stage?
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Preparation
b. Settling on details

c. Action
d. Strategy confirmation

Question 6 To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. audience based
b. useless
c. optional
d. necessary
Question 7 Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. making a sweeping glance of audience from left to the right and front to back of the room
b. staring at each audience member
c. making a sweeping glance of the audience from left o right in the front rows of the room
d. looking above the audience's heads

Question 8 A Good Resume prominently shows

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Your Experience
b. Your hobbies, interests and personal data

c. All of these
d. Your Qualifications

Question 9 The participants of a board meeting are…

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. directors
b. members
c. outsiders
d. members and directors
Question 10 Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers?
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Use commonly accepted business jargons
b. Be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior
c. Listen for understanding. Not agreement
d. Observe culture differences and etiquette

Question 11 How a Recruiter can quickly get to know the purpose of mail / letter that you have send?
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Recruiters only get Job Applications
b. Through Subject Line

c. Through the intent of the letter
d. Through the content of the letter

Question 12 The record of the meeting is called …

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. directions
b. agenda
c. invoice
d. minutes
Question 13 The assumptions of Transactional Analysis are
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Everyone is responsible for themselves
b. All seek Physical and Emotional Nurturing so our Behavior is modified to achieve this
c. Everyone is born OK and has a right to be in this world and to be accepted as they are
d. All of these

Question 14 During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the following parameters
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. clarity of expression
b. confidence

c. verbal and non-verbal communication
d. all the above

Question 15 The photograph on your Resume should be

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Coloured professional photograph in formal dress like business suit and tie
b. Colored photograph of any marriage party where you are looking happy and smiling
c. Any photograph of picnic where you are looking handsome
d. Any photograph of yours which is lucky for you and will help you to get a job
Question 16 It is a long-term process, not a one-time event.
Mark 0.00 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Managing conflict
b. Communicating assertively
c. Avoiding conflict
d. Negotiation

Question 17 The Objective Statement of your resume should be

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Anything who reads it and who believes it
b. Can be copied from internet as many good objective statements are available on net

c. What is your aim of corporate life and what you want to achieve during your professional journey
d. Should be taken from some HR Professional or Recruiter, they can only understand it

Question 18 While addressing the Job Application one should always mention
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Name, Designation and Company name of addressee
b. Name and Designation of Addressee
c. Name, Designation, Company Name and Address of the addressee
d. Name of Addressee
Question 19 To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it is preferable to use:
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Dark text on a light background
b. background with pictures
c. Dark text on a dark background
d. Light text on a light background

Question 20 The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. confer with others
b. lead others

c. argue with others
d. control others

Question 21 In the group discussion, it is most important to …

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. shout and get attention
b. improve your argument
c. raise your voice
d. repeat your points
Question 22 Assuming that you wanted to start a good working relationship with a person from a high-context culture, which of the following
Complete would be an effective strategy?
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50 Select one:
a. Use nonverbal communication channels to get your message across and use body language extensively to communicate.
b. Be very conscious of time, rush to get started.
c. Provide written communication so that your proposal is formally presented.
d. Don't be concerned about building a relationship.

Question 23 In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue.
Select one:

Mark 0.00 out
of 0.50
a. We, You
b. I, You
c. We, problem
d. You, Problem

Question 24 Professionally written Job Application

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Give you a Promotion
b. Increase chances that Recruiter will open your resume to read
c. Is more than enough and Resume is not required
d. Guarantees you a Job
Question 25 To whom should a presentation be aimed?
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. The highest authority in the room
b. The entire audience
c. Your best friend in the room
d. The people in the closest rows

Question 26 Members of a society who value ____________are more concerned with their careers than with the good of the firm.
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Informality
b. Formality

c. Collectivism
d. Individualism

Question 27 Transactions in Transactional Analysis means

Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Interpersonal Relations of employees in an organisation
b. Dealings of Parents with their Children
c. Games played in politics in Oganisations
d. Interpersonal interactions between ego states of parent, adult and child
Question 28 A cross training cultural training program might include which of the following?
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Communication techniques
b. Negotiation styles
c. All of the above.
d. Business etiquette

Question 29 Which of the following characteristics would likely be included in a training program that is designed to teach individuals about
Complete diversity in organization?
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50 Select one:
a. Weight status 
b. Abilities
c. All of these
d. Hair status

Question 30 Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving cross-cultural relations?
Mark 0.50 out Select one:
of 0.50
a. Focus on the individual
b. Participate in diversity Training
c. Develop cultural sensitivity
d. All of these


 Assignment - 1 Recorded video lecture of Session 1-Batch-01-PGDM-18 April'21 

Assignment - 2: Attempt review

1 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

2 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

3 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

4 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

5 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

6 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

7 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

8 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

9 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

10 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
Assignment - 2: Attempt review

11 of 11 09-02-2022, 18:25
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Started on Friday, 18 February 2022, 9:48 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 18 February 2022, 9:58 PM
Time taken 10 mins 44 secs
Grade 15.00 out of 15.00 (100%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Transactions in Transactional Analysis means

Select one:
a. Interpersonal Relations of employees in an organisation
b. Interpersonal interactions between ego states of parent, adult and child
c. Games played in politics in Oganisations

d. Dealings of Parents with their Children 1/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A Job Application is a

Select one:
a. Detailed Bio Data
b. One page Application for Job along with resume
c. Descriptive Curriculum Vitae
d. Resume

Question 3

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the below options is the first to be mentioned in a notice?

Select one:
a. agenda
b. name of the organization
c. notice details
d. date 2/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the following parameters

Select one:
a. all the above
b. verbal and non-verbal communication
c. clarity of expression
d. confidence

Question 5

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A press report refers to …

Select one:
a. reports in newspapers
b. oral communication
c. written communication
d. report through letters 3/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue.

Select one:
a. I, You
b. We, problem
c. We, You
d. You, Problem

Question 7

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Assuming that you wanted to start a good working relationship with a person from a high-context culture, which of the following would be
an effective strategy?

Select one:
a. Don't be concerned about building a relationship.
b. Be very conscious of time, rush to get started.
c. Provide written communication so that your proposal is formally presented.
d. Use nonverbal communication channels to get your message across and use body language extensively to communicate. 4/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The participants of a board meeting are…

Select one:
a. members and directors
b. members
c. outsiders
d. directors

Question 9

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves

Select one:
a. looking above the audience's heads
b. making a sweeping glance of audience from left to the right and front to back of the room
c. staring at each audience member
d. making a sweeping glance of the audience from left o right in the front rows of the room 5/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In business communication, it is useful to have …

Select one:
a. seminars
b. All of these
c. discussions
d. meetings

Question 11

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The negotiation process has three stages. Which one of the following is NOT a stage?

Select one:
a. Settling on details
b. Strategy confirmation
c. Preparation
d. Action 6/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To whom should a presentation be aimed?

Select one:
a. The highest authority in the room
b. The people in the closest rows
c. Your best friend in the room
d. The entire audience

Question 13

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to

Select one:
a. argue with others
b. lead others
c. confer with others
d. control others 7/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To make a presentation effective, you should use:

Select one:
a. complex sentences
b. a simple and active form of sentences
c. passive sentences
d. jargon

Question 15

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

It is a long-term process, not a one-time event.

Select one:
a. Communicating assertively
b. Avoiding conflict
c. Managing conflict
d. Negotiation 8/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best when he/she is with …

Select one:
a. elderly people
b. children
c. peers
d. seniors

Question 17

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The major contribution of Transactional Analysis is based on published ‘psychological’ works of

Select one:
a. I’m OK – You’re OK by Dr. Tom Harris
b. Born to Win by Dr. Dorothy Johgeward
c. Games People Play by Dr. Eric Berne
d. All of these 9/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

While addressing the Job Application one should always mention

Select one:
a. Name of Addressee
b. Name and Designation of Addressee
c. Name, Designation and Company name of addressee
d. Name, Designation, Company Name and Address of the addressee

Question 19

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Select one:
a. necessary
b. audience based
c. optional
d. useless 10/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Distributive bargaining involves:

Select one:
a. Varying amounts of resources
b. A win-win situation
c. The long term
d. Limited amount of resources and a short term

Question 21

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The word 'discuss' has been derived from … language.

Select one:
a. Latin
b. English
c. Pali
d. Sanskrit 11/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Conflict is

Select one:
a. An unavoidable fact of life
b. A destructive force in relationships if continually avoided
c. Sometimes constructive
d. All of these

Question 23

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience

Select one:
a. large
b. mixed
c. small
d. specific 12/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers?

Select one:
a. Be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior
b. Listen for understanding. Not agreement
c. Observe culture differences and etiquette
d. Use commonly accepted business jargons

Question 25

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

While mentioning your qualifications in your resume, you should

Select one:
a. Should mention both Professional and Academy qualifications in order of latest one of highest one on top
b. Only mention Educations Qualifications
c. Should not mention as jobs are given on experience and not on qualifications
d. Only mention Professional Qualifications 13/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

This is the best approach in negotiation

Select one:
a. Compromise approach
b. Bargaining approach
c. Win-win approach
d. Lose-lose approach

Question 27

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A well drafted professional resume can

Select one:
a. Can make a good impression on Recruiters and HR Professionals
b. Open the doors of your success in the corporate world
c. All of these
d. Enhance your chances of being called for interview 14/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from Parents or parent figures are known as

Select one:
a. Child Ego State
b. Parent Ego State
c. Adult Ego State
d. Transactional Analysis

Question 29

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following characteristics would likely be included in a training program that is designed to teach individuals about diversity in

Select one:
a. Hair status
b. Weight status
c. All of these
d. Abilities 15/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict?

Select one:
a. Perceived interference for outside parties
b. Expressed struggle
c. Perceived incompatible goals
d. Independent parties

   16/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Started on Monday, 21 February 2022, 11:52 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 22 February 2022, 12:05 AM
Time taken 12 mins 19 secs
Grade 15.00 out of 15.00 (100%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

While addressing the Job Application one should always mention

Select one:
a. Name of Addressee
b. Name, Designation, Company Name and Address of the addressee
c. Name and Designation of Addressee

d. Name, Designation and Company name of addressee 1/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Select one:
a. necessary
b. audience based
c. optional
d. useless

Question 3

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The word 'discuss' has been derived from … language.

Select one:
a. Sanskrit
b. Pali
c. English
d. Latin 2/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves

Select one:
a. staring at each audience member
b. making a sweeping glance of the audience from left o right in the front rows of the room
c. looking above the audience's heads
d. making a sweeping glance of audience from left to the right and front to back of the room

Question 5

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving cross-cultural relations?

Select one:
a. Focus on the individual
b. Develop cultural sensitivity
c. Participate in diversity Training
d. All of these 3/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue.

Select one:
a. I, You
b. We, problem
c. We, You
d. You, Problem

Question 7

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The record of the meeting is called …

Select one:
a. agenda
b. invoice
c. directions
d. minutes 4/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The photograph on your Resume should be

Select one:
a. Any photograph of picnic where you are looking handsome
b. Any photograph of yours which is lucky for you and will help you to get a job
c. Coloured professional photograph in formal dress like business suit and tie
d. Colored photograph of any marriage party where you are looking happy and smiling

Question 9

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it is preferable to use:

Select one:
a. Dark text on a dark background
b. Dark text on a light background
c. background with pictures
d. Light text on a light background 5/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Conflict is

Select one:
a. A destructive force in relationships if continually avoided
b. An unavoidable fact of life
c. All of these
d. Sometimes constructive

Question 11

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following characteristics would likely be included in a training program that is designed to teach individuals about diversity in

Select one:
a. All of these
b. Hair status
c. Weight status
d. Abilities 6/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In the group discussion, it is most important to …

Select one:
a. improve your argument
b. repeat your points
c. shout and get attention
d. raise your voice

Question 13

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To make a presentation effective, you should use:

Select one:
a. a simple and active form of sentences
b. complex sentences
c. jargon
d. passive sentences 7/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The assumptions of Transactional Analysis are

Select one:
a. All of these
b. All seek Physical and Emotional Nurturing so our Behavior is modified to achieve this
c. Everyone is responsible for themselves
d. Everyone is born OK and has a right to be in this world and to be accepted as they are

Question 15

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience

Select one:
a. small
b. specific
c. large
d. mixed 8/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to

Select one:
a. control others
b. confer with others
c. argue with others
d. lead others

Question 17

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Members of a society who value ____________are more concerned with their careers than with the good of the firm.

Select one:
a. Individualism
b. Formality
c. Informality
d. Collectivism 9/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In business communication, it is useful to have …

Select one:
a. discussions
b. meetings
c. All of these
d. seminars

Question 19

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

This is the best approach in negotiation

Select one:
a. Win-win approach
b. Lose-lose approach
c. Compromise approach
d. Bargaining approach 10/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the following parameters

Select one:
a. confidence
b. verbal and non-verbal communication
c. all the above
d. clarity of expression

Question 21

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

It is a long-term process, not a one-time event.

Select one:
a. Managing conflict
b. Avoiding conflict
c. Communicating assertively
d. Negotiation 11/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Professionally written Job Application

Select one:
a. Guarantees you a Job
b. Give you a Promotion
c. Increase chances that Recruiter will open your resume to read
d. Is more than enough and Resume is not required

Question 23

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Distributive bargaining involves:

Select one:
a. Varying amounts of resources
b. Limited amount of resources and a short term
c. The long term
d. A win-win situation 12/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best when he/she is with …

Select one:
a. peers
b. seniors
c. elderly people
d. children

Question 25

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict?

Select one:
a. Perceived incompatible goals
b. Perceived interference for outside parties
c. Expressed struggle
d. Independent parties 13/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The Objective Statement of your resume should be

Select one:
a. Anything who reads it and who believes it
b. Should be taken from some HR Professional or Recruiter, they can only understand it
c. Can be copied from internet as many good objective statements are available on net
d. What is your aim of corporate life and what you want to achieve during your professional journey

Question 27

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To whom should a presentation be aimed?

Select one:
a. The highest authority in the room
b. The people in the closest rows
c. Your best friend in the room
d. The entire audience 14/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The participants of a board meeting are…

Select one:
a. directors
b. members and directors
c. outsiders
d. members

Question 29

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If you mention your Achievements, Honours, Awards etc in your CV

Select one:
a. You are just increasing the length of your resume, it is of no use
b. Is not essential as jobs are given on your qualifications and experience and not the awards you have won
c. It gives a positive impression of our personality and your candidature becomes stronger
d. Spoils your impression as recruiters think you are boasting 15/16
2/22/22, 12:05 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers?

Select one:
a. Be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior
b. Use commonly accepted business jargons
c. Listen for understanding. Not agreement
d. Observe culture differences and etiquette

   16/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Started on Sunday, 13 February 2022, 11:57 AM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 13 February 2022, 12:02 PM
Time taken 5 mins 10 secs
Grade 13.50 out of 15.00 (90%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The word 'discuss' has been derived from … language.

Select one:
a. English
b. Sanskrit
c. Pali
d. Latin 1/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict?

Select one:
a. Perceived incompatible goals
b. Expressed struggle
c. Perceived interference for outside parties
d. Independent parties

Question 3

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best when he/she is with …

Select one:
a. peers
b. children
c. seniors
d. elderly people 2/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The photograph on your Resume should be

Select one:
a. Any photograph of yours which is lucky for you and will help you to get a job
b. Colored photograph of any marriage party where you are looking happy and smiling
c. Any photograph of picnic where you are looking handsome
d. Coloured professional photograph in formal dress like business suit and tie

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
The assumptions of Transactional Analysis are

Select one:
a. Everyone is born OK and has a right to be in this world and to be accepted as they are
b. All seek Physical and Emotional Nurturing so our Behavior is modified to achieve this
c. All of these
d. Everyone is responsible for themselves 3/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the following parameters

Select one:
a. all the above
b. verbal and non-verbal communication
c. clarity of expression
d. confidence

Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Professionally written Job Application

Select one:
a. Give you a Promotion
b. Increase chances that Recruiter will open your resume to read
c. Guarantees you a Job
d. Is more than enough and Resume is not required 4/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

How a Recruiter can quickly get to know the purpose of mail / letter that you have send?

Select one:
a. Through the intent of the letter
b. Recruiters only get Job Applications
c. Through Subject Line
d. Through the content of the letter

Question 9

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
If you mention your Achievements, Honours, Awards etc in your CV

Select one:
a. Is not essential as jobs are given on your qualifications and experience and not the awards you have won
b. It gives a positive impression of our personality and your candidature becomes stronger
c. You are just increasing the length of your resume, it is of no use
d. Spoils your impression as recruiters think you are boasting 5/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience

Select one:
a. small
b. mixed
c. large
d. specific

Question 11

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Members of a society who value ____________are more concerned with their careers than with the good of the firm.

Select one:
a. Collectivism
b. Formality
c. Informality
d. Individualism 6/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it is preferable to use:

Select one:
a. Dark text on a light background
b. Dark text on a dark background
c. Light text on a light background
d. background with pictures

Question 13

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50 
In the group discussion, it is most important to …

Select one:
a. repeat your points
b. improve your argument
c. raise your voice
d. shout and get attention 7/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A Job Application is a

Select one:
a. Resume
b. One page Application for Job along with resume
c. Detailed Bio Data
d. Descriptive Curriculum Vitae

Question 15

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
To whom should a presentation be aimed?

Select one:
a. Your best friend in the room
b. The entire audience
c. The highest authority in the room
d. The people in the closest rows 8/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What sort of Words or language should be used in a Job Application

Select one:
a. Diplomatic words and language
b. Positive words and progressive language
c. Straight forward words and language
d. Plain language with any jargons

Question 17

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
The record of the meeting is called …

Select one:
a. agenda
b. minutes
c. invoice
d. directions 9/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Conflict is

Select one:
a. Sometimes constructive
b. A destructive force in relationships if continually avoided
c. An unavoidable fact of life
d. All of these

Question 19

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50 
It is a long-term process, not a one-time event.

Select one:
a. Communicating assertively
b. Avoiding conflict
c. Negotiation
d. Managing conflict 10/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that brings the two sides to a healthy dialogue.

Select one:
a. We, You
b. I, You
c. You, Problem
d. We, problem

Question 21

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Assuming that you wanted to start a good working relationship with a person from a high-context culture, which of the following would be
an effective strategy?

Select one:
a. Provide written communication so that your proposal is formally presented.
b. Use nonverbal communication channels to get your message across and use body language extensively to communicate.
c. Be very conscious of time, rush to get started.
d. Don't be concerned about building a relationship. 11/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Distributive bargaining involves:

Select one:
a. Varying amounts of resources
b. The long term
c. Limited amount of resources and a short term
d. A win-win situation

Question 23

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Which of these details are not mentioned in minutes?

Select one:
a. Venue of the meeting
b. date of the meting
c. Name of the chairman
d. Age of chairman 12/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The first objective in a group discussion is to

Select one:
a. create sub-groups
b. act as a self-appointed leader of the group
c. prove your superiority
d. catch the group's attention

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Select one:
a. audience based
b. optional
c. useless
d. necessary 13/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 26

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers?

Select one:
a. Be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior
b. Use commonly accepted business jargons
c. Listen for understanding. Not agreement
d. Observe culture differences and etiquette

Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
All of the following are ways of improving Cross-cultural relations except:

Select one:
a. Focus on groups
b. Participate in diversity training
c. Value cultural differences
d. Develop cultural sensitivity 14/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving cross-cultural relations?

Select one:
a. Focus on the individual
b. Develop cultural sensitivity
c. Participate in diversity Training
d. All of these

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Transactions in Transactional Analysis means

Select one:
a. Games played in politics in Oganisations
b. Interpersonal Relations of employees in an organisation
c. Dealings of Parents with their Children
d. Interpersonal interactions between ego states of parent, adult and child 15/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to

Select one:
a. argue with others
b. confer with others
c. control others
d. lead others

  16/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Started on Friday, 18 February 2022, 9:30 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 18 February 2022, 9:45 PM
Time taken 15 mins 11 secs
Grade 14.00 out of 15.00 (93%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What forms the basis of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Syntax
b. Literacy
c. Grammar

d. Body language nd expression without words 1/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Ria was very upset on receiving a complaint from customer. Should she:

Select one:
a. Stay silent
b. Reply immediately
c. None of these
d. Calm down and reply after some time

Question 3

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Rita is talking to Sheela but Sheela is not actively listening. Rita probably feels:

Select one:
a. Ashamed
b. Frustrated
c. Relaxed
d. Cheerful 2/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In a complete-block style, all parts of the letter, except the printed letter head, are aligned with the:

Select one:
a. right margin
b. bottom aligned
c. top aligned
d. Left margin

Question 5

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Kinesics includes …

Select one:
a. facial expression
b. gestures
c. All of these
d. eye contact 3/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A writer must not convey information with ___________

Select one:
a. Truth
b. Precision
c. Clarity
d. Randomness

Question 7

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A written draft that has a stamp of authority and has to be accepted is a:

Select one:
a. Order
b. Memo
c. Email
d. Notice 4/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

______________ helps the reader to search and locate relevant information in the original source

Select one:
a. Preface
b. List of References
c. none of these
d. Annexure

Question 9

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What are the two channels of communication?

Select one:
a. Upward &amp; Downward
b. Written and Oral
c. Formal and Informal
d. Horizontal &amp; upward 5/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors.

Select one:
a. Downward communication
b. Horizontal communication
c. Upward communication
d. Parallel communication

Question 11

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which step in the listening process involves focusing on a particular sound or message

Select one:
a. understanding
b. selecting
c. remembering
d. attending 6/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What percentage of a person's communication is of non-verbal nature?

Select one:
a. 93
b. 29
c. 43
d. 67

Question 13

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Positive signals are body signals that make you look ….

Select one:
a. arrogant
b. relaxed
c. nervous
d. hurtful 7/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Facebook you may have how many posts per day?

Select one:
a. 3
b. 1
c. 2
d. 4

Question 15

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Most of our waking time goes in …..

Select one:
a. Speaking
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Hearing 8/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The 5 W's and 1 H stand for:

Select one:
a. Who, What,When, Where,Why, how
b. Whom, What, When, Where, Why, How
c. Whose, What,When, Where,Why, how
d. Who, What,When, Where,Will, how

Question 17

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which listening barriers occurs when the coarse language of the speaker offends a listener?

Select one:
a. External
b. Emotional
c. Physical
d. Being self absorbed 9/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Twitter you may have how many tweets per day?

Select one:
a. 15
b. 5
c. 2
d. 10

Question 19

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are:

Select one:
a. Left aligned
b. top aligned
c. Indented
d. Right aligned 10/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Corporate communication is considered successful when it:

Select one:
a. provokes changes in knowledge, attitude and behaviour of employees and customers/consumers.
b. Improves CSR
c. Reduces turnover
d. Brings profitability

Question 21

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The main idea of the letter is conveyed in the:

Select one:
a. Subject line
b. signature line
c. Main Body
d. Complimentary clos 11/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When someone writes rude complaint letter you must:

Select one:
a. Reply rudely
b. stay passive
c. stay silent
d. Reply calmly

Question 23

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Instagram you may have how many posts per day?

Select one:
a. 3 or 5
b. 1 or 2
c. 2 or 3
d. 4 or 5 12/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The communication that is meant for all employees across various levels of business units/department is called:

Select one:
a. Corporate Communication
b. Corporate Communication
c. Organisational Communicato
d. Management Communication

Question 25

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Feedback to the communication sent can be:

Select one:
a. Only Written
b. Can be oral or written
c. Can be oral, written or silence
d. Only Oral 13/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 26

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

___________ refers to the awareness of the sound of another person talking, without really processing what is being said

Select one:
a. Speaking
b. Hearing
c. Listening
d. Evaluating

Question 27

Complete 
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills

Select one:
a. Attention
b. Frankness
c. Fakeness
d. Clear perception 14/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Non-verbal communication involves … .

Select one:
a. silence
b. space
c. gestures
d. all the above

Question 29

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following statement is true for an oral report?

Select one:
a. provides permanent record
b. Can be referred to again
c. Lacks authenticity
d. None of these 15/16
2/23/22, 12:44 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of these is not an element of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. written words
b. eye contact
c. personal appearance
d. posture

   16/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Started on Monday, 21 February 2022, 10:27 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 21 February 2022, 10:45 PM
Time taken 17 mins 29 secs
Grade 15.00 out of 15.00 (100%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Disseminating news about the organisation to the stakeholders, media etc is

Select one:
a. Group communication
b. Organisational communication
c. Transformational communication

d. Mass communication 1/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which listening barriers occurs when the coarse language of the speaker offends a listener?

Select one:
a. Physical
b. Emotional
c. External
d. Being self absorbed

Question 3

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are:

Select one:
a. top aligned
b. Indented
c. Left aligned
d. Right aligned 2/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Giving non-verbal messages is …

Select one:
a. spontaneous
b. dramatic1
c. deliberate
d. tutured

Question 5

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

_____________ contains the date of submission, the name and designation of the writer and the name of the authority

Select one:
a. A forwarding letter
b. Preface
c. Objectives
d. Acknowledgement 3/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The communication that is meant for all employees across various levels of business units/department is called:

Select one:
a. Corporate Communication
b. Management Communication
c. Corporate Communication
d. Organisational Communicato

Question 7

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which report is to be prepared and presented according to the form and procedure laid down by law?

Select one:
a. Statutory Report
b. Informal Report
c. None of these
d. Routine report 4/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Non-verbal communication involves … .

Select one:
a. all the above
b. silence
c. gestures
d. space

Question 9

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of these is not an element of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. eye contact
b. written words
c. personal appearance
d. posture 5/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A business letter is written to achieve goals like:

Select one:
a. Selling product
b. Creating goodwill
c. Making enquiry
d. All of these

Question 11

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Positive signals are body signals that make you look ….

Select one:
a. arrogant
b. relaxed
c. nervous
d. hurtful 6/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What forms the basis of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Syntax
b. Grammar
c. Body language nd expression without words
d. Literacy

Question 13

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

As per the research, on Pinterest you may have how many pins per day?

Select one:
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 3 7/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What are the number of components of Communication?

Select one:
a. seven
b. six
c. four
d. two

Question 15

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Ria was very upset on receiving a complaint from customer. Should she:

Select one:
a. Stay silent
b. Reply immediately
c. Calm down and reply after some time
d. None of these 8/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When someone writes rude complaint letter you must:

Select one:
a. Reply calmly
b. stay passive
c. Reply rudely
d. stay silent

Question 17

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following statement is true for an oral report?

Select one:
a. None of these
b. provides permanent record
c. Lacks authenticity
d. Can be referred to again 9/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Feedback to the communication sent can be:

Select one:
a. Can be oral, written or silence
b. Can be oral or written
c. Only Written
d. Only Oral

Question 19

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors.

Select one:
a. Horizontal communication
b. Upward communication
c. Downward communication
d. Parallel communication 10/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

______________ helps the reader to search and locate relevant information in the original source

Select one:
a. none of these
b. Annexure
c. List of References
d. Preface

Question 21

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In a complete-block style, all parts of the letter, except the printed letter head, are aligned with the:

Select one:
a. Left margin
b. right margin
c. bottom aligned
d. top aligned 11/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Rita is talking to Sheela but Sheela is not actively listening. Rita probably feels:

Select one:
a. Cheerful
b. Frustrated
c. Relaxed
d. Ashamed

Question 23

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is being used?

Select one:
a. Face to face
b. Verbal and tone of voice
c. Verbal and body language
d. Verbal 12/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If someone has a trouble speaking, for example had a stroke, what should you do?

Select one:
a. Guess what they are trying to say
b. Use other forms of communication
c. Teach them sign language
d. Allow them time to answer

Question 25

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which report is prepared on a single or special occasion?

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Informal report
c. Special Report
d. Formal report 13/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills

Select one:
a. Attention
b. Clear perception
c. Fakeness
d. Frankness

Question 27

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The interpretation of non-verbal communication, may differ due to difference in …

Select one:
a. age
b. culture
c. height
d. none of these 14/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The main idea of the letter is conveyed in the:

Select one:
a. Subject line
b. Main Body
c. signature line
d. Complimentary clos

Question 29

Complete 
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Good listeners concentrate on:

Select one:
a. important words
b. the speakers every word
c. minor details
d. the speakers main thought 15/16
2/21/22, 10:46 PM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Kinesics includes …

Select one:
a. eye contact
b. facial expression
c. gestures
d. All of these

   16/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Started on Sunday, 13 February 2022, 11:26 AM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 13 February 2022, 11:35 AM
Time taken 8 mins 15 secs
Grade 13.50 out of 15.00 (90%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Non-verbal communication involves … .

Select one:
a. silence
b. gestures
c. all the above
d. space 1/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills

Select one:
a. Frankness
b. Fakeness
c. Attention
d. Clear perception

Question 3

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
If someone has a trouble speaking, for example had a stroke, what should you do?

Select one:
a. Allow them time to answer
b. Teach them sign language
c. Use other forms of communication
d. Guess what they are trying to say 2/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A business letter is written to achieve goals like:

Select one:
a. Creating goodwill
b. Selling product
c. All of these
d. Making enquiry

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
___________ refers to the awareness of the sound of another person talking, without really processing what is being said

Select one:
a. Speaking
b. Evaluating
c. Hearing
d. Listening 3/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is being used?

Select one:
a. Verbal and body language
b. Face to face
c. Verbal
d. Verbal and tone of voice

Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors.

Select one:
a. Downward communication
b. Parallel communication
c. Horizontal communication
d. Upward communication 4/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Which step in the listening process involves focusing on a particular sound or message

Select one:
a. attending
b. remembering
c. selecting
d. understanding

Question 9

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Feedback to the communication sent can be:

Select one:
a. Only Written
b. Only Oral
c. Can be oral, written or silence
d. Can be oral or written 5/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When employees are encouraged to voice their opinion and share their views it is called:

Select one:
a. Upward Communication
b. Lateral Communication
c. Downward Communication
d. Horizontal Communication

Question 11

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
As per the research, on Facebook you may have how many posts per day?

Select one:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4 6/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When someone writes rude complaint letter you must:

Select one:
a. Reply rudely
b. stay passive
c. stay silent
d. Reply calmly

Question 13

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are:

Select one:
a. Indented
b. Left aligned
c. Right aligned
d. top aligned 7/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What percentage of a person's communication is of non-verbal nature?

Select one:
a. 43
b. 67
c. 29
d. 93

Question 15

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
A letter can be:

Select one:
a. Personal &amp; Business
b. Only Business
c. Personal
d. Business 8/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following statement is true for an oral report?

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Lacks authenticity
c. Can be referred to again
d. provides permanent record

Question 17

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50 
What are the two channels of communication?

Select one:
a. Written and Oral
b. Formal and Informal
c. Upward &amp; Downward
d. Horizontal &amp; upward 9/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What forms the basis of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Body language nd expression without words
b. Syntax
c. Literacy
d. Grammar

Question 19

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
The main idea of the letter is conveyed in the:

Select one:
a. Main Body
b. Complimentary clos
c. signature line
d. Subject line 10/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Memo is derived from the latin word that means:

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Memoir
c. memorare
d. Memoi

Question 21

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Which of these is not an element of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. written words
b. personal appearance
c. posture
d. eye contact 11/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Rita is talking to Sheela but Sheela is not actively listening. Rita probably feels:

Select one:
a. Ashamed
b. Relaxed
c. Frustrated
d. Cheerful

Question 23

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
The interpretation of non-verbal communication, may differ due to difference in …

Select one:
a. culture
b. age
c. height
d. none of these 12/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Disseminating news about the organisation to the stakeholders, media etc is

Select one:
a. Transformational communication
b. Group communication
c. Organisational communication
d. Mass communication

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
Kinesics includes …

Select one:
a. gestures
b. facial expression
c. All of these
d. eye contact 13/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Giving non-verbal messages is …

Select one:
a. dramatic1
b. deliberate
c. tutured
d. spontaneous

Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50 
As per the research, on Pinterest you may have how many pins per day?

Select one:
a. 10
b. 12
c. 3
d. 11 14/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Most of our waking time goes in …..

Select one:
a. Hearing
b. Speaking
c. Writing
d. Reading

Question 29

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50 
What are the number of components of Communication?

Select one:
a. two
b. seven
c. six
d. four 15/16
2/20/22, 12:59 AM Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If you are speaking with someone who has a hearing impairment, what should you do?

Select one:
a. Give them paper and pen and write to each other
b. Make sure you face them when you are talking
c. Just mouth the words as it is easier for them to read your lips
d. You should learn sign language to communicate with them

  16/16
Started on Sunday, 2 January 2022, 9:46 PM

State Finished

Completed on Sunday, 2 January 2022, 10:35 PM

Time taken 48 mins 41 secs

Grade 13.00 out of 15.00 (87%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
If you mention your Achievements, Honours, Awards etc in your CV

Select one:

a. It gives a positive impression of our personality and your candidature becomes


b. You are just increasing the length of your resume, it is of no use

c. Is not essential as jobs are given on your qualifications and experience and not the
awards you have won

d. Spoils your impression as recruiters think you are boasting

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it is preferable to use:
Select one:

a. Dark text on a dark background

b. Dark text on a light background

c. Light text on a light background

d. background with pictures

Question 3

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The Objective Statement of your resume should be

Select one:

a. Anything who reads it and who believes it

b. Should be taken from some HR Professional or Recruiter, they can only understand it

c. What is your aim of corporate life and what you want to achieve during your
professional journey

d. Can be copied from internet as many good objective statements are available on net

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Select one:
a. audience based

b. optional

c. necessary

d. useless

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the following parameters

Select one:

a. all the above

b. confidence

c. verbal and non-verbal communication

d. clarity of expression

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
While addressing the Job Application one should always mention

Select one:

a. Name, Designation, Company Name and Address of the addressee

b. Name and Designation of Addressee

c. Name, Designation and Company name of addressee

d. Name of Addressee

Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict?

Select one:

a. Perceived interference for outside parties

b. Perceived incompatible goals

c. Independent parties

d. Expressed struggle

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural
communication barriers?

Select one:

a. Be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior

b. Use commonly accepted business jargons

c. Observe culture differences and etiquette

d. Listen for understanding. Not agreement

Question 9

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving cross-cultural relations?

Select one:

a. Focus on the individual

b. Participate in diversity Training

c. Develop cultural sensitivity

d. All of these

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Distributive bargaining involves:

Select one:

a. Limited amount of resources and a short term

b. Varying amounts of resources

c. A win-win situation

d. The long term

Question 11

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
It is a long-term process, not a one-time event.

Select one:

a. Managing conflict

b. Communicating assertively

c. Negotiation

d. Avoiding conflict

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A well drafted professional resume can

Select one:

a. Can make a good impression on Recruiters and HR Professionals

b. All of these

c. Open the doors of your success in the corporate world

d. Enhance your chances of being called for interview

Question 13

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In business communication, it is useful to have …

Select one:

a. meetings

b. discussions

c. All of these

d. seminars

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The participants of a board meeting are…

Select one:

a. directors

b. outsiders

c. members

d. members and directors

Question 15

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
While mentioning your qualifications in your resume, you should

Select one:

a. Should not mention as jobs are given on experience and not on qualifications

b. Only mention Educations Qualifications

c. Only mention Professional Qualifications

d. Should mention both Professional and Academy qualifications in order of latest one
of highest one on top

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The major contribution of Transactional Analysis is based on published ‘psychological’
works of

Select one:

a. I’m OK – You’re OK by Dr. Tom Harris

b. All of these

c. Games People Play by Dr. Eric Berne

d. Born to Win by Dr. Dorothy Johgeward

Question 17

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that brings the two sides to a healthy

Select one:

a. You, Problem

b. I, You

c. We, You

d. We, problem

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Transactions in Transactional Analysis means

Select one:

a. Dealings of Parents with their Children

b. Games played in politics in Oganisations

c. Interpersonal interactions between ego states of parent, adult and child

d. Interpersonal Relations of employees in an organisation

Question 19

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Assuming that you wanted to start a good working relationship with a person from a
high-context culture, which of the following would be an effective strategy?

Select one:

a. Don't be concerned about building a relationship.

b. Be very conscious of time, rush to get started.

c. Provide written communication so that your proposal is formally presented.

d. Use nonverbal communication channels to get your message across and use body
language extensively to communicate.

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves

Select one:

a. making a sweeping glance of the audience from left o right in the front rows of the

b. staring at each audience member

c. looking above the audience's heads

d. making a sweeping glance of audience from left to the right and front to back of the

Question 21
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following characteristics would likely be included in a training program that
is designed to teach individuals about diversity in organization?

Select one:

a. All of these

b. Weight status

c. Hair status

d. Abilities

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In the group discussion, it is most important to …

Select one:

a. raise your voice

b. shout and get attention

c. improve your argument

d. repeat your points

Question 23

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A Job Application is a

Select one:

a. Resume

b. One page Application for Job along with resume

c. Descriptive Curriculum Vitae

d. Detailed Bio Data

Question 24

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To make a presentation effective, you should use:

Select one:

a. jargon

b. a simple and active form of sentences

c. complex sentences

d. passive sentences

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to

Select one:

a. lead others

b. confer with others

c. control others

d. argue with others

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
This is the best approach in negotiation

Select one:

a. Bargaining approach

b. Win-win approach

c. Compromise approach

d. Lose-lose approach

Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The record of the meeting is called …

Select one:

a. directions

b. minutes

c. agenda

d. invoice

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The photograph on your Resume should be

Select one:

a. Coloured professional photograph in formal dress like business suit and tie

b. Any photograph of picnic where you are looking handsome

c. Any photograph of yours which is lucky for you and will help you to get a job

d. Colored photograph of any marriage party where you are looking happy and smiling

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the below options is the first to be mentioned in a notice?

Select one:

a. date

b. notice details

c. name of the organization

d. agenda

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best when he/she is with …

Select one:

a. elderly people

b. peers

c. seniors

d. children

Finish review

Assignment - 1

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Managerial Communication-Assignment 2

Management information system (Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad)

Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university

Downloaded by anish das ([email protected])

Started on Sunday, 1 August 2021, 12:37 PM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 1 August 2021, 12:45 PM
Time taken 7 mins 39 secs
Grade 15.00 out of 15.00 (100%)
Question 1
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
During the group discussion, the candidate is observed on the following parameters

Select one:
a. verbal and non-verbal communication
b. clarity of expression
c. all the above
d. confidence

Question 2
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A Good Resume prominently shows

Select one:
a. Your Qualifications
b. All of these
c. Your hobbies, interests and personal data
d. Your Experience

Question 3
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Downloaded by anish das ([email protected])


Flag question

Question text
A cross training cultural training program might include which of the following?

Select one:
a. All of the above.
b. Communication techniques
c. Business etiquette
d. Negotiation styles

Question 4
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
While mentioning your qualifications in your resume, you should

Select one:
a. Should not mention as jobs are given on experience and not on qualifications
b. Only mention Professional Qualifications
c. Only mention Educations Qualifications
d. Should mention both Professional and Academy qualifications in order of latest one of
highest one on top

Question 5
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text

Downloaded by anish das ([email protected])


A press report refers to …

Select one:
a. report through letters
b. oral communication
c. written communication
d. reports in newspapers

Question 6
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The group discussion evaluates the candidates ability to

Select one:
a. lead others
b. confer with others
c. argue with others
d. control others

Question 7
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from Parents or parent figures are known

Select one:
a. Transactional Analysis
b. Adult Ego State
c. Child Ego State

Downloaded by anish das ([email protected])


d. Parent Ego State

Question 8
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Members of a society who value ____________are more concerned with their careers
than with the good of the firm.

Select one:
a. Individualism
b. Formality
c. Informality
d. Collectivism

Question 9
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Select one:
a. audience based
b. useless
c. optional
d. necessary

Question 10
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Downloaded by anish das ([email protected])


Flag question

Question text
How a Recruiter can quickly get to know the purpose of mail / letter that you have send?

Select one:
a. Recruiters only get Job Applications
b. Through the content of the letter
c. Through the intent of the letter
d. Through Subject Line

Question 11
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Question text
To whom should a presentation be aimed?

Select one:
a. The people in the closest rows
b. The highest authority in the room
c. Your best friend in the room
d. The entire audience

Question 12
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Question text

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This is the best approach in negotiation

Select one:
a. Lose-lose approach
b. Bargaining approach
c. Compromise approach
d. Win-win approach

Question 13
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of these details are not mentioned in minutes?

Select one:
a. Age of chairman
b. Name of the chairman
c. Venue of the meeting
d. date of the meting

Question 14
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves

Select one:
a. making a sweeping glance of audience from left to the right and front to back of the
b. making a sweeping glance of the audience from left o right in the front rows of the

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c. looking above the audience's heads

d. staring at each audience member

Question 15
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The record of the meeting is called …

Select one:
a. invoice
b. directions
c. agenda
d. minutes

Question 16
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
All of the following are ways of improving Cross-cultural relations except:

Select one:
a. Focus on groups
b. Value cultural differences
c. Participate in diversity training
d. Develop cultural sensitivity

Question 17

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Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict?

Select one:
a. Expressed struggle
b. Independent parties
c. Perceived incompatible goals
d. Perceived interference for outside parties

Question 18
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The word 'discuss' has been derived from … language.

Select one:
a. Pali
b. Sanskrit
c. English
d. Latin

Question 19
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text

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To contrast text on a presentation slide for better viewing, it is preferable to use:

Select one:
a. background with pictures
b. Dark text on a dark background
c. Dark text on a light background
d. Light text on a light background

Question 20
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Distributive bargaining involves:

Select one:
a. The long term
b. Varying amounts of resources
c. A win-win situation
d. Limited amount of resources and a short term

Question 21
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In business communication, it is useful to have …

Select one:
a. seminars
b. meetings
c. discussions

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d. All of these

Question 22
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual
information with an audience

Select one:
a. specific
b. large
c. mixed
d. small

Question 23
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
While addressing the Job Application one should always mention

Select one:
a. Name, Designation and Company name of addressee
b. Name of Addressee
c. Name, Designation, Company Name and Address of the addressee
d. Name and Designation of Addressee

Question 24
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Flag question

Question text
The negotiation process has three stages. Which one of the following is NOT a stage?

Select one:
a. Settling on details
b. Action
c. Preparation
d. Strategy confirmation

Question 25
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The assumptions of Transactional Analysis are

Select one:
a. All seek Physical and Emotional Nurturing so our Behavior is modified to achieve this
b. Everyone is born OK and has a right to be in this world and to be accepted as they
c. All of these
d. Everyone is responsible for themselves

Question 26
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Question text

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To make a presentation effective, you should use:

Select one:
a. jargon
b. a simple and active form of sentences
c. complex sentences
d. passive sentences

Question 27
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The first objective in a group discussion is to

Select one:
a. catch the group's attention
b. prove your superiority
c. act as a self-appointed leader of the group
d. create sub-groups

Question 28
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Professionally written Job Application

Select one:
a. Is more than enough and Resume is not required
b. Give you a Promotion
c. Guarantees you a Job

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d. Increase chances that Recruiter will open your resume to read

Question 29
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Question text
Which of the following characteristics would likely be included in a training program that
is designed to teach individuals about diversity in organization?

Select one:
a. Hair status
b. Abilities
c. All of these
d. Weight status

Question 30
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving cross-cultural relations?

Select one:
a. Participate in diversity Training
b. Focus on the individual
c. Develop cultural sensitivity
d. All of these

In win-win approach, it is ___________ Vs ___________ that brings the two sides to a

healthy dialogue.

Select one:

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a. I, You

b. You, Problem

c. We, You

d. We, problem

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Question text
Conflict is

Select one:

a. An unavoidable fact of life

b. Sometimes constructive

c. A destructive force in relationships if continually avoided

d. All of these

Question 3

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Question text

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Transactions in Transactional Analysis means

Select one:

a. Interpersonal interactions between ego states of parent, adult and child

b. Interpersonal Relations of employees in an organisation

c. Dealings of Parents with their Children

d. Games played in politics in Oganisations

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Question text
A Good Resume prominently shows

Select one:

a. All of these

b. Your Experience

c. Your Qualifications

d. Your hobbies, interests and personal data

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Flag question

Question text
This is the best approach in negotiation

Select one:

a. Lose-lose approach

b. Win-win approach

c. Compromise approach

d. Bargaining approach

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
While mentioning your qualifications in your resume, you should

Select one:

a. Should not mention as jobs are given on experience and not on qualifications

b. Only mention Educations Qualifications

c. Should mention both Professional and Academy qualifications in order of latest one of
highest one on top

d. Only mention Professional Qualifications

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Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To make a presentation effective, you should use:

Select one:

a. passive sentences

b. jargon

c. complex sentences

d. a simple and active form of sentences

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The Objective Statement of your resume should be

Select one:

a. Anything who reads it and who believes it

b. Can be copied from internet as many good objective statements are available on net

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c. What is your aim of corporate life and what you want to achieve during your
professional journey

d. Should be taken from some HR Professional or Recruiter, they can only understand it

Question 9

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves

Select one:

a. staring at each audience member

b. making a sweeping glance of the audience from left o right in the front rows of the

c. looking above the audience's heads

d. making a sweeping glance of audience from left to the right and front to back of the

Question 10

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In the group discussion, it is most important to …

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Select one:

a. shout and get attention

b. repeat your points

c. raise your voice

d. improve your argument

Question 11

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

Select one:

a. optional

b. necessary

c. audience based

d. useless

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

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Question text
The record of the meeting is called …

Select one:

a. directions

b. invoice

c. agenda

d. minutes

Question 13

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Subject Line of an email sent to a recruiter for a position, should cover

Select one:

a. Salary expected

b. Notice period

c. Introduction of Sender

d. Position applied for

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Flag question

Question text
A Job Application is a

Select one:

a. Resume

b. Descriptive Curriculum Vitae

c. One page Application for Job along with resume

d. Detailed Bio Data

Question 15

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In business communication, it is useful to have …

Select one:

a. discussions

b. meetings

c. All of these

d. seminars

Question 16

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Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The inter personal behavior traits of a candidate surfaces best when he/she is with …

Select one:

a. children

b. elderly people

c. seniors

d. peers

Question 17

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The first objective in a group discussion is to

Select one:

a. act as a self-appointed leader of the group

b. catch the group's attention

c. create sub-groups

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d. prove your superiority

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
What sort of Words or language should be used in a Job Application

Select one:

a. Plain language with any jargons

b. Positive words and progressive language

c. Diplomatic words and language

d. Straight forward words and language

Question 19

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of these details are not mentioned in minutes?

Select one:

a. Age of chairman

b. Name of the chairman

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c. Venue of the meeting

d. date of the meting

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from Parents or parent figures are known

Select one:

a. Parent Ego State

b. Child Ego State

c. Transactional Analysis

d. Adult Ego State

Question 21

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the below options is the first to be mentioned in a notice?

Select one:

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a. name of the organization

b. agenda

c. date

d. notice details

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Assuming that you wanted to start a good working relationship with a person from a
high-context culture, which of the following would be an effective strategy?

Select one:

a. Don't be concerned about building a relationship.

b. Provide written communication so that your proposal is formally presented.

c. Be very conscious of time, rush to get started.

d. Use nonverbal communication channels to get your message across and use body
language extensively to communicate.

Question 23

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

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Question text
The participants of a board meeting are…

Select one:

a. members

b. directors

c. outsiders

d. members and directors

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Members of a society who value ____________are more concerned with their careers
than with the good of the firm.

Select one:

a. Formality

b. Informality

c. Collectivism

d. Individualism

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is not a characteristic of conflict?

Select one:

a. Expressed struggle

b. Independent parties

c. Perceived incompatible goals

d. Perceived interference for outside parties

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The word 'discuss' has been derived from … language.

Select one:

a. Pali

b. Latin

c. Sanskrit

d. English

Question 27

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Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A well drafted professional resume can

Select one:

a. Enhance your chances of being called for interview

b. Can make a good impression on Recruiters and HR Professionals

c. Open the doors of your success in the corporate world

d. All of these

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following is/are suggested way(s) of improving cross-cultural relations?

Select one:

a. Focus on the individual

b. All of these

c. Participate in diversity Training

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d. Develop cultural sensitivity

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Distributive bargaining involves:

Select one:

a. A win-win situation

b. Limited amount of resources and a short term

c. The long term

d. Varying amounts of resources

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A cross training cultural training program might include which of the following?

Select one:

a. All of the above.

b. Communication techniques

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c. Business etiquette

d. Negotiation styles

What are the number of components of Communication?

Select one:

a. two

b. six

c. seven

d. four

Question 2

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
In a Semi-block style the paragraphs of the letter are:

Select one:

a. Left aligned

b. Indented

c. top aligned

d. Right aligned

Question 3

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Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
What are the two channels of communication?

Select one:

a. Horizontal &amp; upward

b. Written and Oral

c. Formal and Informal

d. Upward &amp; Downward

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Rita is talking to Sheela but Sheela is not actively listening. Rita probably feels:

Select one:

a. Relaxed

b. Cheerful

c. Frustrated

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d. Ashamed

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Non-verbal communication involves … .

Select one:

a. silence

b. gestures

c. all the above

d. space

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which of the factors do not enhance listening skills

Select one:

a. Attention

b. Frankness

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c. Clear perception

d. Fakeness

Question 7

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which step in the listening process involves focusing on a particular sound or message

Select one:

a. attending

b. remembering

c. understanding

d. selecting

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A business letter is written to achieve goals like:

Select one:

a. Creating goodwill

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b. All of these

c. Making enquiry

d. Selling product

Question 9

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Feedback to the communication sent can be:

Select one:

a. Can be oral or written

b. Only Written

c. Only Oral

d. Can be oral, written or silence

Question 10

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
As per the research, on Facebook you may have how many posts per day?

Select one:

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a. 4

b. 1

c. 3

d. 2

Question 11

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Which listening barriers occurs when the coarse language of the speaker offends a

Select one:

a. Emotional

b. Being self absorbed

c. External

d. Physical

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Question text

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Kinesics includes …

Select one:

a. facial expression

b. eye contact

c. All of these

d. gestures

Question 13

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The 5 W's and 1 H stand for:

Select one:

a. Who, What,When, Where,Will, how

b. Who, What,When, Where,Why, how

c. Whom, What, When, Where, Why, How

d. Whose, What,When, Where,Why, how

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Flag question

Question text
Listening, like speaking, reading and writing is a …..

Select one:

a. gift of nature

b. habit

c. art

d. skill

Question 15

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
As per the research, on Twitter you may have how many tweets per day?

Select one:

a. 10

b. 15

c. 2

d. 5

Question 16

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Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Good listeners concentrate on:

Select one:

a. the speakers every word

b. minor details

c. the speakers main thought

d. important words

Question 17

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
As per the research, on LinkedIn you may have how many posts per day?

Select one:

a. 4

b. 2

c. 5

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d. 1

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A written statement that you prepare specially for a person or committee in order to give
them information about a particular matter, it is called a:

Select one:

a. Business letter

b. Circular

c. Notice

d. Memo

Question 19

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
A written draft that has a stamp of authority and has to be accepted is a:

Select one:

a. Memo

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b. Order

c. Notice

d. Email

Question 20

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The communication that is meant for all employees across various levels of business
units/department is called:

Select one:

a. Corporate Communication

b. Management Communication

c. Organisational Communicato

d. Corporate Communication

Question 21

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The main idea of the letter is conveyed in the:

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Select one:

a. Subject line

b. Complimentary clos

c. Main Body

d. signature line

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Positive signals are body signals that make you look ….

Select one:

a. arrogant

b. hurtful

c. relaxed

d. nervous

Question 23

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

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Question text
As per the research, on Pinterest you may have how many pins per day?

Select one:

a. 11

b. 10

c. 12

d. 3

Question 24

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Most of our waking time goes in …..

Select one:

a. Reading

b. Speaking

c. Writing

d. Hearing

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

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Flag question

Question text
Giving non-verbal messages is …

Select one:

a. tutured

b. spontaneous

c. deliberate

d. dramatic1

Question 26

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is being used?

Select one:

a. Verbal and body language

b. Verbal

c. Verbal and tone of voice

d. Face to face

Question 27

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Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Memo is derived from the latin word that means:

Select one:

a. Memoir

b. Memoi

c. None of these

d. memorare

Question 28

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
The interpretation of non-verbal communication, may differ due to difference in …

Select one:

a. culture

b. height

c. none of these

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d. age

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Flag question

Question text
Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors.

Select one:

a. Upward communication

b. Parallel communication

c. Downward communication

d. Horizontal communication

Question 30

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

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Question text
When employees are encouraged to voice their opinion and share their views it is called:

Select one:

a. Lateral Communication

b. Horizontal Communication

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c. Downward Communication

d. Upward Communication

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