VR and Theories of Learning

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The use of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Interdisciplinary Research and Education

Tiffany LEUNG
School of Computing, Queen’s University
Kingston, ON, Canada

School of Computing, Queen’s University
Kingston, ON, Canada

Haruna ISAH
School of Computing, Queen’s University
Kingston, ON, Canada

ABSTRACT olfactory, gustatory, or thermal senses. The keywords to VR are

visualization, which is concerned with presenting data in ways
Virtual Reality (VR) is increasingly being recognized for its that make them perceptible and natural interaction, which allows
educational potential and as an effective way to convey new an easier responds to the computer [2].
knowledge to people, it supports interactive and collaborative
activities. Affordable VR powered by mobile technologies is VR is transforming education and learning by reshaping the
opening a new world of opportunities that can transform the ways taught process into an interactive experience embodied in the
in which we learn and engage with others. This paper reports our objects of the virtual environment [3]. According to Chen et al.
study regarding the application of VR in stimulating [4], VR offers various capabilities that can provide promising
interdisciplinary communication. It investigates the promises of support for education. Some of these capabilities include the
VR in interdisciplinary education and research. The main ability to allow the learners to experience, manipulate, and
contributions of this study are (i) literature review of theories of articulate their understanding of the virtual environment in real-
learning underlying the justification of the use of VR systems in time, interact with 3D virtual representation, and visualize
education, (ii) taxonomy of the various types and abstract concepts and the dynamic relationships between several
implementations of VR systems and their application in variables in the virtual environment. The system also allows
supporting education and research (iii) evaluation of educational individuals to collaborate with each other in a virtual
applications of VR from a broad range of disciplines, (iv) environment as well as to visit and interact with events that are
investigation of how the learning process and learning outcomes unavailable or unfeasible due to barriers such as distance, time,
are affected by VR systems, and (v) comparative analysis of VR cost, or safety factors. With VR headset students can explore 3D
and traditional methods of teaching in terms of quality of spaces and experience dangerous, expensive or inaccessible
learning. This study seeks to inspire and inform interdisciplinary places and events. VR can be utilized to simulate emergencies,
researchers and learners about the ways in which VR might witness volcanic activity from close-by, to walk through ancient
support them and also VR software developers to push the limits cities, and fly through the solar system. Those studying
of their craft. Architecture can evaluate their buildings in new ways, pilots
training can be simulated, power engineering students can
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Learning, Interdisciplinary Research simulate surge and how to control it in electric power systems,
and Education, VR Systems. and medical students can learn about the body in 3D as shown
Fig. 1 [5].


Virtual Reality (VR) refers to interactive scenes in which

people's’ viewpoint could be moved or manipulated around in a
virtual three-dimension and then presented as a two-dimensional
image on a computer screen. From the standpoints of
communication researchers, VR is simply defined as real or
simulated environment in which a perceiver experiences
telepresence or an apparent participation in distant events [1]. VR
is one of the many components of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) that support interactive and
collaborative activities, it can transform the ways in which we
learn and engage with one another. It allows for action,
movement, and sometimes speech on the part of users. In theory,
it may be any or a combination of visual, auditory, haptic,
Fig. 1. The use of VR to manipulate objects in a virtual world [6]
With the continued escalation of affordable computing the virtual environment and then interactively examine the
equipment, VR has the potential to become a powerful tool in resulting configuration. Alternatively, users can switch FOR to
engineering education [7]. The growing need of learner-centered become a tiny charged particle enhancing the saliency of force
education in recent years has motivated the application of virtual and energy as crucial variables. Students demonstrated more in-
reality learning environment as an approach via engaging depth understanding of electrostatic concepts and attributed
problem-solving activities [8]. This study seeks to explore the immersive 3-D representations interactivity. The ability to
potential of VR in interdisciplinary research and education by alternate between multiple perspectives (FORs) proved to be
investigating the educational scenarios and impacts of VR. The influential to the learning process. Students reported that they
rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents a thought MW was a more effective and motivating method of
background on the use of VR in education containing a concise learning electrostatic concepts than either textbooks or lectures.
review of the related literature and some popular taxonomies of Researchers evaluated the learning outcomes between MW and a
VR found in the literature. Section 3 discusses the education highly regarded and widely used computer application called EM
applications of VR systems. Section 4 highlights the impacts of Field (EMF), which uses 2-D representations and quantitative
the use of VR over traditional approaches. Section 5 introduces values to indicate strength [19]. Pre and post lesson assessments
the application of VR in interdisciplinary research and finally, indicated MW students developed significantly better
Section 6 provides an overview of this study and a pointer to understanding of concepts than EMF students did.
lessons learned and future work.
The studies by Lange and Bell et al. [5, 7, 20] identified key steps
to be followed and questions to be answered in the development
2. BACKGROUND and implementation of VR based educational modules. Beyond
just education, VR is beginning to gain traction in
This section presents a concise literature review of the interdisciplinary research. This is the main contribution of this
educational impact offered by VR systems and the taxonomies of study, we want to explore the potential of VR in supporting
VR found in the literature. interdisciplinary communication, which is vital for
interdisciplinary education and research.
2.1 Literature Review
VR generates simulated environments to enable interactive, 2.2 VR System Taxonomies
intuitive, and self-exploratory methods of learning [9]. Real-time Chengling et al. [21] identified the following types of VR
interactivity is a critical feature of VR which allows learners to systems: Immersive, Desktop, Collaborative, Projected Reality,
more effectively engage with the learning system [10]. The and Telepresence. In Immersive VR, the systems perceptually
learner can directly interact with virtual objects, test their ideas, surround the user, replacing the sensory information from the
and observe the results in real time. The virtual environment physical world with sensory information in the virtual
provides an ideal problem space for learners to find their own environment. The user is equipped with a head mounted display,
solutions by changing the state of the objects in the virtual world. trackers, and input devices that work together and are immersed
Multiple studies [11,12,13,14] have identified immersion as the through a variety of channels [22]. In a Desktop VR, the system
key-added value of VR. Immersion creates a sense of immediacy displays a 2-Dimensional (2D) or 3-Dimensional (3D) virtual
and control through visual, auditory, or haptic devices that reflect environment on a computer screen rather than a head mounted
scene changes in response to user activity. Another display. Despite the elimination of the immersive feature, the
distinguishing feature of VR is the ability to interact with spatial user can still experience the virtual world in a first-person
representations from various frames of references (FOR), which perspective by navigating freely through the space and
can deepen the learner’s understanding by providing different interacting with the virtual environment using a controller such
and complementary insights of the knowledge [15]. Users can as a joystick or a standard computer mouse. In Collaborative VR,
develop a strong conceptual understanding of the knowledge and normally implemented on the immersive or desktop VRs, the
the relationship between its components by engaging with system involves a multi-user virtual environment in which
information from multiple roles and perspectives. VR increases participants interact with each other via avatars for instance
motivation and mindful engagement by offering challenging, through the tracking of each other’s movements, gestures,
interactive, realistic, and immersive environments to learn from expressions, and sounds. Projected Reality, however, provides a
[13, 16]. High schools have effectively deployed VR to stimulate second-person experience in which the user stands outside, but
interest in algebra, geometry, science, and the humanities using can see themselves as part of the virtual world superimposed onto
only the crudest equipment [17]. These environments may also a computer monitor. A video camera serves as the input device
be artificial environments that simulate aspects of the real world and is used by the users to view themselves inside a computer-
which may not be accessible through direct experience [18]. For generated virtual world presented on a screen. Finally,
example, Immersive VR systems can model abstract phenomena Telepresence allows users at one site to control a robot or another
(e.g., quantum mechanics) that do not have real-life referents device located at a remote site. This is achieved by using a variety
because they cannot be experienced in practice or perceived by of devices such as cameras, microphones, and tactile and force
human senses. feedbacks to simulate the feeling of being at another location
(e.g., space or undersea).
MaxwellWorld (MW) is a 3-D immersive VR system [14]
designed to help learners understand electrostatic concepts. The study by Yao et al. [9] categorized current VR systems based
These concepts are difficult to comprehend since they are on their features into four types: Desktop, Immersion,
abstract, three-dimensional, and lack real life referents to which Reinforcement, and Network Distributed. The Desktop type
learners can anchor their understanding. In MW, users can create utilizes PC as virtual environment generator while a computer
electrostatic forces and explore electrostatic fields without other screen is the window by which participants observe the virtual
phenomena interfering with their perceived effects. Users can environment. The Immersion type basically utilizes high-grade
release positive and negative charges of varying magnitudes into
workstations, high performance graphics acceleration cards and the axioms of constructivist learning theory, situated learning
interactive devices to immerse totally into the virtual world. The theory, embodied cognition theory, and social cognition theory.
Reinforcement type allows the participants to see objects in real
environment, and at the same time, graphics in virtual
environment are stacked on the real objects. Finally, the Network 3.1 Constructivist Learning Theory
Distributed type is a large distributed interactive simulation According to the VR literature reviews by Chen [4] and Fokides
network system composed of the previous types, which is usually et al. [24], constructivist philosophy holds that knowledge is
used in accomplishing more complicated tasks. constructed through an individual’s interaction with the
environment and that people learn better when they are actively
Another taxonomy of VR systems was proposed by Muhanna et involved in constructing knowledge in a learning-by-doing
al. [23]; two factors that were taken into consideration in the situation. VR provides a controlled environment in which
classification include the type of technology used in building the learners can navigate, manipulate, and observe the effects of
VR system and its level of mental immersion. In terms of virtual objects found within. As such it is very well suited for
technology, VR systems that require special hardware facilities providing exploratory learning environments for learning
were categorized as Enhanced while those VR systems which do through experimentation. Both Chen and Fokides described
not require such facilities are said to be Basic. In terms of constructivism as the underlying learning theory that fits well
immersion, the authors suggested that a system that does not with the characteristics of VR technology. As such the
provide any level of mental immersion should not be considered characteristics of VR and the axioms of constructivist learning
as a VR system, they then categorized VR systems into three theory are entirely compatible. Chen [4] proposed a VR
levels of immersion, which included (i) lowest level, which only instructional design and development model that offers explicit
applies to the basic VR systems (ii) higher level, experienced in guidance on how to produce an educational virtual environment
partially immersive VR systems and (iii) highest level, based on the constructivist theory. Fokides [24] discussed the
experienced in fully immersive VR systems. Fig. 2 shows a advantages and disadvantages of the use of VR in Road Safety
graphical layout of the taxonomy including the examples. Education, which depends heavily on the development of motor
skills, and perception and time judgements based on the
constructivist theoretical and cognitive perspective. One of the
fundamental attributes of the multimedia and hypermedia
applications that renders them compatible with the theory of
constructivism is that they permit students to freely select their
courses by allowing non-linear access to the contents.

3.2 Situated Learning Theory

Many teaching practices implicitly assume that conceptual
knowledge can be abstracted from the situations in which it is
learned and used, however Brown et al. [25] argued that this
assumption inevitably limits the effectiveness of such practices.
According to the situated learning theory proposed by Lave et al.
[26], learning is situated in a specific context and embedded
within a particular social and physical environment; rather than
Fig. 2. Taxonomy of VR systems proposed in [23] just an abstract knowledge in a classroom, learning should be
embedded within activity, context and culture in which it occurs.
Yao et al. [9] categorized VR main features into (i) multi- Situated learning enables learner to takes on active role in the
sensation, which include visual sensation, auditory perception, learning context in system being studied [8]. VR can enhance the
touch perception, motion perception, taste sensation, and smell scaffolding of situated learning through the simulation of the real
sensation; (ii) existence sensation, also known as immersed world and integrating authentic tasks, thereby allowing users to
sense, which means the reality level that users exist in the learn in the context where the knowledge would be applied. Some
simulated environment in the leading role; (iii) interactivity, of the features of VR that can facilitate situated learning include
which refers to the operational level where participants operate (i) the control and modification abilities of the environmental; (ii)
the objects in the simulated environment, and to the natural level the contextually rich and highly realistic nature of the learning
where participants get feedback from the environment, and (iv) environment; (iii) the flexibility of allowing users to adjust the
autonomy, which means the level where objects in simulated difficulty of the problem, and thereby, building their knowledge
environment move independently based on the operator’s and skills, and finally (iv) the opportunity for multiple practices,
requirements according to their models and regulations. including interdisciplinary collaborations and practices where
different variables are enforced. Brown et al. [25] described some
3. EDUCATIONAL APPLICATIONS OF VR SYSTEMS examples of mathematics instruction (e.g. the magic square
problem and story problems for teaching multiplication) that
Before substantiating the application of VR in enhancing exhibit certain key features of situated learning theory to
multidisciplinary education, Chen et al. [4] first outlined some teaching. Yasin et al. [8] described an avatar implementation in
theoretical foundations which are imperative in establishing a VR environment using situated learning. The project was
connection with theories of learning. Forming such theoretical designed to guide learners through virtual reality environment as
framework can be used to categorize the experiences and they participated in a role-based problem solving that was
potential uses of different VRs in education [5]. The targeted at Hajj candidates or trainees. For those interested in
characteristics of VR, especially the immersive type, align with many uses cases, Dawley et al. [27] provide a detailed review of
recent examples of virtual worlds and immersive simulations
either designed or adapted to support situated learning teaching reported by Imam et al. [33]. Road safety education
experiences for educational purposes. depends heavily in the development of motor skills, perception
and time judgements. The course material consists of
multimedia/hypermedia applications and focuses on knowledge
3.3 Embodied Cognition Theory acquisition. More so, training in conditions as close to real traffic
Embodied cognition is the idea that the mind alone does not as possible seems to be probably the only effective teaching
dictate a worldview, instead, cognition is shaped by the method available. The study was an attempt to evaluate whether
relationship between the mind and the body to inform and VR has clear advantages compared to other conventional ICT
navigate the world, make meaning from the environments, and based alternatives. It concluded that VR can be a great tool of use
ultimately to result in learning [28]. Goldin-Meadow [29] found in road safety. The main benefits that can be realized through
that simple gesturing demonstrates knowledge not found in using VR for Road Safety Education include (i) training needs to
speech and can potentially change and improve the knowledge of be done in a manner very close to real traffic conditions; (ii) the
elementary students. Teachers use embodied cognition in the possibility to simulate traffic situations that are very complicated
classroom whenever they instruct students to interact with the to be presented in real life, or extremely dangerous for students
environment, for instance by conducting science experiments. to be exposed to; (iii) the chance to test alternative approaches in
Cowart [30] outlined the historical perspective of the theory. VR a traffic situation through the use of elevated degree of
is one of the promising tools for delivering learning through interactions with the virtual world, and to experiment and learn
embodied cognition. Portnoy [28] gave an illustration of an ideal from their mistakes; (iv) the fact that VR applications are very
high school science classroom where after reading about cells, similar to the modern computer games, and as such, can stimulate
students entered a virtual environment where they were able to students' interests by giving them extra incentives for learning,
push past the membrane gates and get their first glimpse of a cell and (v) the possibility to implement different teaching styles, for
and its components. Multi-sensory cues can complement example, the teacher can be present in the virtual world and can
embodied cognition by utilizing visual, auditory, and haptic cues allow for collaboration between students or between a student
in gathering information. Embodied cognition states that the and a guided tutoring. Unlike the real life Road Traffic education,
knowledge we form is attributed to a broader system involving this scenario is also perfect for interdisciplinary learning. It can
the brain, body, and environment. Users can interpret multi- allow many different professionals (health, safety, psychology)
sensory cues to gather information while using their to be brought together into the learning environment. However,
proprioceptive system to navigate and control objects in the in VR, the students may miss, to a large extent, the benefits
synthetic environment. This can potentially deepen learning and offered by first person experiences.
recall because the environment involves senses and bodily
activity. Basketball teaching has been performed for a long time by
teachers interpreting and demonstrating, however, for a quick
and changeable group item, the application of only the traditional
3.4 Social Cognition Theory
teaching method can have certain limitations. VR was introduced
Social cognitive theory is a learning theory that is based on the to improve this situation and its feasibility was analyzed by Yao
idea that people learn by observing others, with the environment, et al. [9] to provide a scientific reference for basketball teaching
behavior, and cognition acting as primary factors that influence reform. Some of its benefits are as follows: (i) VR eliminates
development in a reciprocal triadic relationship. The theory sports injury in basketball teaching; (ii) it can make up for a
revolves around knowledge acquisition or learning processes that conditional shortage of basketball teaching and (iii) limits of
are directly correlated to the observation of models. In other room and time could be broken thoroughly.
words, when learners observe a model performing a behavior and
the consequences of that behavior, they remember the sequence The VR system proposed by Yasin et al. [8] showcased an
of events and can use it to guide subsequent behaviors [31]. immersed 3D virtual world implementing avatar for hajj trainers,
Although the theory originated in pure Psychology, it now finds some of the benefits of this VR approach over traditional training
application in Education and in Business. According to the study methods included the following: (i) increased understanding of
by Didehbani et al. [32], VR is well suited for social cognition the tawaf ritual; (ii) better visualization of the tawaf activity
training interventions. The authors utilized VR technology to compared to the situation at the training center; (iii) flexibility,
enhance social skills, social cognition, and social functioning in for example, having the VR system as an assistant or part of the
young adults with autism spectrum disorders. Imam et al [33] content; while conducting the Hajj course, the trainer can
presented another VR application in mediated learning, which simultaneously instill the learning process at the same time
was aimed to identify the VR interventions used for the lower highlighting the participation of trainees socially during the tawaf
extremity rehabilitation in stroke population and to explain their activity; (iv) significant potential for fostering situated learning,
underlying training mechanisms using theoretical social in other words, the 3D virtual learning using the avatar allowed
cognitive and motor learning frameworks. Results obtained learners to actively immerse with the situated role based
suggested that VR applications used mediated learning environment, and (v) interdisciplinary learning beyond tawaf
environment by facilitating task-oriented learning. activity, in other words, with the combination of high-end user
graphical interface, learners could be motivated and empowered
4. VR vs TRADITIONAL LEARNING APPROACHES to collaborate, interact with a wide range of target learners.

Researchers in various disciplines have studied the use of VR For individuals with autism spectrum disorders, transition into
systems for learning. This stems from the ability of VR to adulthood is often a challenging time. Didehbani et al. [32]
implement contexts and relationships not possible to achieve in a observed young adults diagnosed with high-functioning autism
traditional learning setting [31]. Here, we highlight the benefits completed 10 sessions of social cognition training with VR
of VR systems in facilitating learning over traditional methods. technology across 5 weeks and reported a significant increase on
First, let’s consider the use of VR as a tool for Road Safety social cognitive measures of theory of mind and emotion
recognition, as well as better social and occupational functioning VR was utilized to represent objects and scenes within the
in real life after the training. According to the authors, previous industrial heritage conservation, and to serve as an effective
interventions outside the realm of VR quantified social skills and communication and educational tool for rediscovering history
cognition over time using a variety of techniques and measures and exploring of new scientific values by a wider range of users.
and had mixed success. As such these findings suggest that the
VR is a promising tool for improving social skills, cognition, and Engineers in complex automated factories often encounter
functioning in autism. Again, stroke is a global, debilitating communication and comprehension problems. Ulewicz et al. [37]
problem which is increasing both in prevalence and incidence. provided a typical case study where mechanical, electrical, and
Imam et al. [33] attempted to explain the underlying training computer engineers worked on a high-tech project in a team, with
mechanisms of VR interventions in stroke population based on each party lacking an understanding of the tasks performed and
the social cognition theory. According to the reports, results complex information created by the other party in the other
obtained demonstrated a significant improvement in outcomes in discipline. While their specific expertise was necessary for the
favour of the VR group compared to the control group. project success, the integration of the different disciplines was
imperative for reaching a working end result. This is particularly,
Durbin [34] presented a study that was conducted by two a difficult interdisciplinary communication situation that VR is
organizations in China to take a look at the different ways VR well suited for. The authors attempted to use VR technology to
can make public education more effective. Compared to the instill a mutual understanding of engineering artefacts and the
traditional learning approaches, VR-based learning can boast the connections among development teams stemming from
ability to make abstract problems concrete. It is vivid, supports heterogeneous domains and working at different locations.
theoretical thinking very well, and helps sharpen students’ According to the report, the concept seemed very promising, yet
operational skills. It makes learning more fun, secure and active many aspects needed to be investigated and developed in more
by providing an immersive learning experience and enhancing detail.
students’ involvement in the class. In teaching abstract courses
or subjects such as astrophysics, in which learners may not be In this section we presented some recent case studies of the use
able to conduct experiments in the classroom but often will have of VR in interdisciplinary research. More such systems are
to understand through their imagination and teachers’ expected in the near future as the related technology improves to
explanation, simulations with VR makes it possible to present to leverage VR in interdisciplinary research and education.
the learners the abstract aerospace in a 3D projection.
The convergence of learning theories with VR technology
“Interdisciplinary research, education, and communication are permits learning to be enhanced by the ability to directly
inherently related to each other, potentially supported by manipulate objects in a virtual world. The unique affordances of
complexity studies and ICT”1. Interdisciplinary communication VR are aligned with the components of the theories of learning
is vital to the success of every interdisciplinary research and on which educational applications can be developed on VR
education and VR technology is one of those ICT tools that has systems. Beyond just education, VR is beginning to gain traction
the potential of revolutionizing it. Multiple viewpoints are in interdisciplinary research. This study investigates the extents
critical in interdisciplinary matters. Courses and modules are to which VR technology is offering various capabilities that are
now beginning to evolve in the academia that cuts across various able to provide promising support for education. We have also
disciplines. For example, the principles that guided the highlighted the benefits of VR systems in facilitating learning
construction of the course “Introducing Virtual Reality for over traditional methods. Despite the potential of VR, there are
Interdisciplinary Applications” in the study by Molvig [35] is still some challenges that should be addressed before
the desire to mix future engineers with future non-engineers to implementation and deployment. We hope to look into these
solve problems together. Various faculties from across challenges in our future work and also develop a VR-based
Vanderbilt University are serving as mentors in disciplines environment for our projects which are mostly interdisciplinary
ranging from Art, History, and Computer Science, thereby in nature. Once again, this study is intended to inspire and inform
creating interdisciplinary teams to tackle interdisciplinary interdisciplinary researchers and learners about the ways in
projects. Other similar initiatives include the summer program which VR might support them, and also VR software developers
for interdisciplinary research and education at the Iowa State to push the limits of their craft.
University Virtual Reality Applications Center2 and the VR
Learning Lab3 in Leiden, Netherlands. Hain et al. [36] discussed REFERENCES
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