F2 Physics Pre National Musoma-1
F2 Physics Pre National Musoma-1
F2 Physics Pre National Musoma-1
1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
2. Answer all questions in the space provided.
3. All writings must be in black or blue ink except diagrams which must be in pencil.
4. All communications devices and calculator are not allowed in the examination room.
5. Write your Examination number at the top right corner of every page.
6. The following constants may be used
Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10m/s2
Density of water, ρw = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
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xiii) When a ball is displaced on a flat surface it will demonstrate ______ equilibrium.
A. Stable C. Neutral
B. Unstable D. Dynamic
xiv) The surest way of testing charges is
A. Attraction C. Induction
B. Repulsion D. Stroking
xv) Mr. Juma can raise a heavy load through a height of 5m in a short time than Mrs. Juma.
This shows that
A. Mr. Juma is powerful C. Men are tough
B. Mr. Juma is energetic D. Women are weak
xvi) Beacause of _________ oil can be used as lubricant
A. Capillarity C. Elasticity
B. Viscosity D. Porosity
xvii) A body weighs 3.6N in air and 2.4N when fully immersed in water. The density of the
body in g/cm3 is
A. 0.4 C. 2.0
B. 3.0 D. 0.02
xviii) A weight of 10kg is raised to a height of 5m using an inclined plane of the length of 6m.
if the plane is frictionless the total work done is
A. 50J C. 500J
B. 300J D. 60J
xix) Because of ________ law of motion, a soldier has to lay down when firing a gun
A. Newton’s first C. Newton’s third
B. Newton’s second D. Inertia
xx) Electricity is due to the flow of
A. Protons C. Neutrons
B. Electrons D. Atom
2. Match each item in list A with a correct response in list B by wring its letter below the number
of the corresponding item in the table provided.
List A List B
(i) High center of gravity A. Stable
(ii) Centre of gravity B. Two similar object
(iii) Center of mass C. A point where the amount of a substance act
(iv) Couple D. Action of center of gravity to increase the speed
(v) Bending forward when E. Unstable
running F. Two opposite
G. A point where the weight seem to act
H. To avoid falling when running
I. Amount of substance a body contains
List A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
l List B
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3. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in space provided.
(i) Moment of a force is defined as ……………………………………………………………
(ii) The current of 1.0A passing a point in a conductor in 1.0 second is called ………………
(iii) ……………………………….. is a sudden loss of consciousness.
(iv) ……………………………… Is a process of preventing the magnetic line of force from
passing through a certain region.
(v) During ……………………………… both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.
5. (a) Some forces are action in contact and some are long range one.
(i) Name and define a force which is a an action in contact
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(ii) List down the fundamental force
(b) (i) Define a hydrometer
(ii) Name the part of a hydrometer which is responsible for keeping it upright.
(c) Relative density of silver is 10.8. What is the density of silver in its SI unit?
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(c) Lisa paddled her bicycle to attain a velocity of 6m/s in 30 seconds from rest to 4m/s in next 5
(i) Draw the velocity – time graph for the whole motion.
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(c) Write down the factors affecting the resistance of the resistor
10. (a) Draw a clinical thermometer and state its function
(b) What do you understand by renewable energy source? Give two examples.
(c) Write one application for each of the following
i) Pascal’s Principle
ii) Law of Flotation
iii) Pressure increases with depth
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