AG Presentation 2nd Annual Board Training 11 June 2021 Final

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The Role of the Board in Understanding

and Contributing to Improvement of

Audit Opinions

CPA Nancy Gathungu, CBS

Auditor-General of the Republic of Kenya

ICPAK 2nd Annual Board Training Forum


Mandate of OAG

Responsibility for Financial Reporting

Board Financial Oversight

Audit Opinions – Board Involvement


Mandate of the Office of the Auditor-General

• The Office of the Auditor-General is established as an Independent Office

under the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya.
• Operationalized by the Public Audit Act,2015
• The Constitution and the Public Audit Act, 2015 mandates the Auditor-
General to;
• Audit the accounts of all public entities and
• Confirm whether public funds have been used in a lawful and effective
• Conduct investigations on own initiative or complaint by a member of
the public
• Conciliation, mediation and negotiation

Ultimately, our mandate is to influence the development of our nation

and the delivery of quality and sustainable services to the people
Who is Responsible for Financial Reporting?

- Prepare BoD External
Financial Stakeholders
Statements - Approve Auditors
Financial Make decisions
-Effective ICS Statements Audit based on
-Oversight Financial financial
financial reporting statements

Review financial statements and oversee the performance of the Board and external
Financial Reporting Responsibility
• The Board has ultimate responsibility for overseeing the organization’s
financial affairs
• This requirement is even anchored in law
• Companies Act
• Sec 145 – Duty of care
• Sec 635 and 653 – Responsibility for preparing financial statement and
directors report
• Sec 652 – Approval of financial statement
• Sec 717/ 721 – Appointment of auditors
• Mwongozo Governance Principles
• Timely preparation of accurate financial statements
• Establishment of effective processes and systems of risk management and
internal controls
• Cost effective procurement that delivers value for money

Board Financial Oversight
• All directors in the Board are collectively responsible for meeting
their obligations in relation to annual financial reporting.
• Three critical roles of the Board
1. Establishing and ensuring the organization’s compliance with proper
financial systems and controls;
2. Regularly evaluating the organization’s financial health; and
3. Ensuring that the organization is on a financially sustainable path.
• This requires the Board to have access to complete and accurate
information about the financial position of the company and the
underlying value drivers to enable them steer the company in the
best long-term interests of shareowners
• Therefore, every Board Member is required to understand the
financial information being presented and the processes behind
the preparation of such information
Board Financial Oversight Responsibilities
budget and
set internal
audited Monitor
financial financial
statements performanc
are filed e against
with budget

Approve Review draft

financial financial
statements statements

Engage with
Adopted from: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, 2017
The Board and the Audit Process
• The Board has a primary responsibility for the provision of
information to investors and other users of the financial
statements provided, to enable them make informed decisions.
• The information provided must be;
• This is mainly achieved through provision of audited financial
• Annual audits demonstrate transparency in corporate financial
Audit Process
Letter of Beginning of the audit cycle
End of audit cycle understanding
sent to the
audited entity
Follow-up of
implementation of Entrance meeting held
audit the Management of the
recommendations entity


Final audit report issued

Follow-up Execution Audit queries raised
to Parliament/ Board/
and feedback sought


Draft audit report issued

to auditee and response Exit meeting held with
sought Management
Letter issued to
Management and
response sought
Audit Opinions

• Audit opinion/report is the ultimate product of the audit process

• Auditors use opinions/ reports to alert the public as to the
transparency, reliability and accountability of entities
• An audit opinion is a reflection of the integrity of the audit report
and projects an image of the company/ organization
• Public sector audit goes beyond the audit opinion;
• Conclusion on lawfulness and effectiveness in use of public resources
• Conclusion on effectiveness of internal controls, risk management and
• Value for money

Types of Audit Opinions
Unmodified/Unqualified Opinion
• A clean report
• Auditor “ I am satisfied with the company’s financial reporting”
• Board “What we expect to receive”

Modified/Qualified Opinion
• Negative opinion about a company’s financial status
• Auditor “ I am not confident about a specific process or
transaction” e.g application of accounting principles and policies
Adverse Opinion
• Red flag, gross misstatements and potential for fraud
• Auditor “company’s records haven’t been prepared according to
accounting standards, principles, policies and practices

Disclaimer of Opinion
• Auditor “I cannot provide any opinion at all related to the financial
• Why? Management limited auditors ability to conduct a thorough
audit or they couldn’t get satisfactory explanations for their
questions 11
How Board Involvement can Lead to Improved
Audit Opinions

✓Approving the annual budget and monitoring adherence to the

✓Regular financial reporting review processes at each Board
✓Ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, policies and
✓Regular meetings with the auditors (internal/external) (Audit
Committee) - before, during and after audit
✓Strengthening the internal control system
✓Enhancing independence of the internal audit function
✓Assessing and managing financial risks
How Board Involvement can Lead to Improved Audit

• Reviewing and approving the financial statements to

• whether the financial statements are prepared using the appropriate
financial reporting framework
• Reviewing the appropriateness of accounting policies and
judgements used by Management in preparing financial
• Monitoring, tracking and follow-up of implementation of
external auditor’s recommendations – through Internal Audit

• Directors are instrumental in how well an entity fulfils its financial
reporting obligations
• Directors are primarily and collectively responsible for the quality of
the financial report
• Directors are not expected to be accounting experts, but they are
required to understand;
• the financial information being presented
• the process behind the preparation of such information
• Sufficient and current knowledge of financial management and
reporting requirements is key for high level review
• Acquire the knowledge or procure the knowledge


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