PE4 Midterm Examination Reviewer

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PE4 Midterm Examination Reviewer  Back set- Set delivered behind the

 Baseline- The back boundary of the
William G. Morgan of Holyoke City, court. Also called the end line.
Massachusetts created a game called  Block - One of the 6 basic skills. A
Mintonette in February 9, 1895 defensive play by one or more front-row
players meant to intercept a spiked ball.
Dr. Alfred Thompson Halstead renamed it to
The combination of one, 2 or 3 players
jumping in front of the opposing spiker
Elwood S. Brown introduced it in the and contacting the spiked ball with the
Philippines in 1910 hands
 Center line- The boundary that runs
1964 Tokyo Olympics – volleyball was first under the net and divides the court into
played as demonstration sport in the two equal halves.
1947 - the Federation Internationale De Volley-  Cross-court attack- An attack directed
Ball (FIVB) was founded in Paris. diagonally from the point of attack. Also
called an angle hit.
Set and Spike – were introduced in 1916, in the  Deep- Refers to sending the ball away
Philippines, an offensive style of passing the ball from the net, toward the baseline of the
in a high trajectory to be struck by another opponent’s court.
player  Double block- Two players working in
Santa Monica Florida - In 1930 where the first unison to intercept a ball at the net.
two-man beach game was played  Forearm Pass- Sometimes referred to as
the “pass,” “bump” or “dig”.
VOLLEYBALL TERMS  Front-row- Three players whose court
 Ace - A serve that results directly in a position is in front of the attack line
point, usually when the ball hits the (3M/10 Foot), near the net. These
floor untouched on the receiving team’s players are in positions 2, 3 & 4 on the
side of the court. court.
 Assist --helping a teammate set up for a FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT
 Attack- The offensive action of hitting  Playing Area – It includes the playing
the ball. court and the free zone. It shall be
 Attacker- Also “hitter” and “spiker.” A rectangular and symmetrical. Playing
player who attempts to hit a ball court is a rectangle measuring 18 x 9 m,
offensively with the purpose of surrounded by a free zone which is a
terminating play. minimum of 3 m wide on all sides
 Attack Block -The defensive team’s  Net - placed vertically over the center
attempt to block a spiked ball. line whose top is set at the height of
 Back row/court- Space from baseline 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women.
(endline) to attack line. There are 3 It is 1 m wide & 9.50 to 10 m long,
players whose court positions are in this made of 10 cm square black mesh. An
area (positions 1, 6 & 5 on court). antennae is a flexible rod 1.80 m long
and 10 mm in diameter. It is fastened at  Blocking - to stop the ball from crossing
the outer edge of each sideband the net as a result of an opponent's
 Posts - posts supporting the net are attack. A block is effective if it
placed at a distance 0.50 -1.00 m immediately places the ball back into
outside the sidelines. They are 2.55 m the opponent's court or if it temporarily
high and preferably adjustable. slows down the ball in order for a
 Balls - ball shall be spherical, made of a defender to make a dig.
flexible leather or synthetic leather case
with a bladder inside made of rubber or
a similar material. Its circumference is  Serving Specialist- A serving specialist is
65-67 cm and its weight is 260-280 g. a player who subs in just to serve. These
players typically have a very tough or
very consistent serve, and they come in
 SERVING -Used to put the ball in play. for a player who is less strong behind
The action is done with arm swing that the service line.
sends the ball over the net into the  Libero- Liberos wear a jersey of a
opponent's court. different color and play in the back row
o Underhand Serve - a type of five out the six rotations, usually
serve in which the player holds subbing in for both middle blockers.
the ball in one hand, swings the When the libero comes in for another
other in an arc motion below player, it does not count as a
the waist and strikes the ball substitution. Liberos are defensive and
from the bottom with a fist to serve-receive specialists who are
put it in play. typically fast and are able to change
o Overhand/Overhead Serve - direction quickly, they are not permitted
most popular serve in high to attack above the net.
school and college. The two  Setter- The setter is the playmaker,
main overhand serves are the point guard or the quarterback of the
top spin and float. Overhand volleyball team. A setter’s responsibility
serving is similar to throwing a is to run the team’s offense and build up
ball offensive scoring opportunities for the
 Passing/Forearm Pass - Used to receive team. Also the backbone of the offense
the ball from your opponents, as in and makes the decisions about who
service, or as a technique to accurately gets the ball when
control the ball in a way that eliminates  Middle Blocker- the team’s best
lifting or carrying the ball blockers, and they hit mostly fast-tempo
 Setting - This passing technique let’s sets from the middle of the court and
you move the ball in every direction on behind the setter.
the court, take high serve balls and  Outside hitter ( left side)- hits from the
most importantly set the ball for the left side of the court. The left side of the
attacker to spike. court is the strong side for right-handed
 Spiking - to put the ball into the players. The outside typically gets the
opponent's court in order to earn a most sets, especially when the setter is
point or side out. out of system, due to the fact that the
outside set is one of the easier options
to set.
 Opposite Hitter/right side hitter- hits
from the right side of the court. -The
right side of the court is the strong side
for left-handed players.

Official Hand Signals for Volleyball

Line Judges Official Flag Signals Procedures

 Only the 1st and 2nd referees may blow

a whistle during the match:
 the 1st referee gives the signal for the
service that begins the rally;
 The 1st or 2nd referee signals the end of
the rally, provided that they are sure
that a fault has been committed and
they have identified its nature.
 They may blow the whistle when the
ball is out of play to indicate that they
authorize or reject a team request.
 Immediately after the referee’s whistle
to signal the completion of the rally,
they have to indicate with the official
hand signals:
 if the fault is whistled by the 1 st
referee, he/she will indicate in order:
o the team to serve,
o the nature of the fault,
o the player(s) at fault (if
 The 2nd referee will follow the 1
referee’s hand signals by repeating
 If the fault is whistled by the 2nd
referee, he/she will indicate:
o the nature of the fault
o the player at fault (if necessary)
o the team to serve following the
hand signal of the 1st referee

Referring corps and Procedures 1st Referee Responsibilities

The referring corps for a match is composed of 1. Prior to the match, the 1st referee:
the following officials: a. inspects the conditions of the
playing area, the balls and other
 the 1st referee equipment
 the 2nd referee b. performs the toss with the
 the scorer team captains
 four (two) line judges c. controls the teams' warming-up
2. During the match, he/she is authorized:
a. to issue warnings to the teams
b. to sanction misconduct and PRIOR TO THE MATCH AND SET, THE SCORER:
 registers the data of the match and
teams (names and numbers, signatures
of captain and coaches)
2nd Referee Responsibilities
 records the starting line up of each
At the start of each set, at the change of courts team from the line up sheets
in the deciding set and whenever necessary, the
2nd referee checks that the actual positions of
the players on the court correspond to those on  records the points scored
the line-up sheets.  control the intervals between sets
 controls serving order
 During the match, he/she decides,
whistles and signals: a ) AT THE END OF THE MATCH, THE SCORER:
o penetration into the opponent's
court, and the space under the  records the final result
net  signs the score sheet, before obtaining
o positional faults of the receiving the signatures of the team captains and
team the referees
o the faulty contact of the player LINE JUDGES
with the net primarily on the
blocker’s side and with the Depending on what type of game is being
antenna on his/her side of the played, there are two or four linesmen that
court stand on only two or all four corners of the
o completed block by back row volleyball court.
players or the attempted block When there are two official linesmen one
by the Libero; or the attack hit stands at the corner where the sideline and the
fault by back row players or by service line meet on one side and the other
the Libero linesman stands in the same place on the
o the contact of the ball with an opposing team's side
outside object
o At the end of the match, he/she When there are two official linesmen one
checks and signs the score stands at the corner where the sideline and the
sheet. service line meet on one side and the other
linesman stands in the same place on the
SCORER opposing team's side
He/ she keeps the score sheet according to the
rules, co-operating the 2nd referee. He/she uses
a buzzer or other sound device to notify  perform their functions by using flags
irregularities or give signals to the referees on  the ball in or out whenever the ball
the basis of his/her responsibilities lands near their lines
 foot fault of the server
 any contact with top 80 cm of the
antennae on their side of the court by
any player during his/her action of ROTATION AND POSITION
playing the ball
 Players must be positioned within their
Rules and Regulations in Volleyball court in rotational order, with front row
players occupying positions 5 (back-
FAULTS - server's violation of the service order
left), 6 (backcenter), and 1 (back-right).
results in a fault, requiring the player to take
 Back-row players must be further back
their correct position. Faults include not
from the venter line than front-row
executing the service properly, not serving the
ball over the net, hitting the ball to the antenna,
 Teams must rotate clockwise after the
or hitting it outside the playing area
service hit.
 Teams have six players on the court,
 Players are prohibited from touching
with rotation orders maintained
the ball twice in a row, lifting the ball,
throughout the set.
touching the net, crossing to the other
 game starts with a service, with 3 or 5
team's side, stepping over while
serving, taunting, and making
 Players can touch the ball 3 times,
hitting any part of the body.
 Points are granted if the other team
 Front row players can attack at any
cannot follow procedure, including
height, while back row players can
palm of hands, double contact, and
attack if the ball is lower than the top of
the net.
 Two timeouts are allowed every set, OFFICIATING AND PLAYING STRATEGIES
and two substitutions are allowed.
 officiating strategies involve
 The game continues until one team
maintaining professionalism, being
scores 25 points and 2 points ahead.
impartial, knowing and applying the
SCORING SYSTEM rules, and communicating effectively
with the team members and coaches.
A team scores points by successfully grounding
 Playing strategies for volleyball include
the ball on the opponent's court, committing
setting, attacking, blocking, digging,
faults, or receiving penalties. To win a game, a
defensive positions, and serving
team must win 3 sets with a score of 25
strategies, all of which are essential for
PLAYING THE BALL team success.

Touching the ball in an attempt to block is not

considered touch, and contact must be brief
and instantaneous. Good hits are those from
below the ball, and open hands are not a fault.
Attacking the ball on the opponent's side, being
a libero, or having an attack hit are not allowed.

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