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The Influenceof Train Depot Sharingonthe Numberof Trains Usedin Urban Rail Transit

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The Influence of Train Depot Sharing on the Number of Trains Used in Urban Rail

Chapter · June 2022

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-2259-6_9

0 47

5 authors, including:

Baohua Mao
Beijing Jiaotong University


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The Influence of Train Depot Sharing on the Number
of Trains Used in Urban Rail Transit
Mingshu Yang, Baohua Mao, Qi Xu, Qi Zhou, Shu Yang
Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport
Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing, China
18810491958@163.com; bhmao@bjtu.edu.cn; xuqi@bjtu.edu.cn; 18114062@bjtu.edu.cn; 19120934@bjtu.edu.cn

Abstract—When two or more lines of urban rail transit share aspects of manual labour, land, maintenance and layout of
the same train depot and the train types are compatible, the operation equipment and facilities, etc[4,5]. the research on the
sharing of train depot provides a basis for the preparation of a sharing of train stocks is still needed. In terms of the
unified train turnover plan of multiple lines. There are some optimization of train stocks operation plan, the theoretical
differences in the directional characteristics of passenger flow on system of train stocks operation under network operation has
urban rail transit lines, which provides an optimization not been formed, the research on the collaborative optimization
opportunity for the coordination and complementation of train of multiple lines is still less, and the research on the
utilization between lines. In order to improve the utilization rate optimization of train stocks operation considering the tidal
of urban rail transit train stocks and reduce the operation cost,
characteristics of urban rail transit passenger flow is less. On
we makes use of the difference in the direction of urban rail
transit passenger flow under the premise of sharing train depots,
the basis of the existing research, this study considers the
takes the minimum number of train stocks required as the unbalanced characteristics of line passenger flow distribution
optimization objective, compiles a unified multi-line train stocks in different directions[6,7,8,9]. Under the condition of tidal
turnover plan. Then we calculates the number of saved trains, so passenger flow, the traditional balanced transportation
as to reflect the sharing effect of train depot. Finally, the organization mode is easy to cause the waste of train capacity
effectiveness of the optimization method and algorithm is verified in the off -peak direction, and the operation of non-paired train
by a specific example. The results show that: when the two lines diagram is conducive to improve the utilization efficiency of
connected by the shared depot run non-paired diagram, some transport capacity[10,11]. This study is based on the condition
trains can go to another line through the depot to continue to of obvious tidal passenger flow, assuming that the two lines
perform the task, so as to save train stocks, and the more obvious connected by the same depot are running non-paired operation
the imbalance of passenger flow in different directions, the more diagrams, the calculation models of the number of used trains
trains can be saved. under the separate operation and shared operation are
established respectively. The changes of the total number of
Keywords—Urban rail transit, depot sharing, tidal passenger used trains before and after the sharing of the depot are
flow, non-paired train diagram calculated, so as to analyze the sharing effect of the train depot
I. INTRODUCTION under the condition of tidal passenger flow.
With the development of urban rail transit, the single line II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
construction is gradually developing to network, and the When the line runs non-paired operation diagram, due to
relationship between lines is increasingly close. However, the the different number of trains running in the up and down
land resources of cities in China are scarce and expensive. In
directions, there will always be the process of returning to
this case, the shared train depot emerges as the times require.
Two or more rail transit lines share the same depot, which not
and leaving the depot during the turnover. In the mode of
only saves land, but also creates a good prerequisite for the shared depot, when the passenger flow imbalance of the two
sharing of rail transit resources. At present, there are cases of lines meets certain conditions, the train just realizes the
train depot sharing in some cities such as Beijing, Shanghai complementary use through the depot, so as to greatly
and Guangzhou, but they are mainly land sharing and function improve the utilization rate of the train stocks.
sharing[1]. Trains are not shared, and the connectivity between For the urban rail transit line S, the length of the line is
lines is not strong. In some foreign cities such as London,
Tokyo[2], Munich[3],there are not only train depots sharing Ls , the number of trains required is N S , the travel speed
but also train stocks sharing through shared depot or tie lines, s
of trains on the line S is V , and the research time period is
which greatly saves operating costs and improves operational
efficiency of urban rail transit. set as two hours in the morning peak hours. The calculation
model of the number of trains on the line during the peak
At present, Most of the research on the resource sharing of hours when the line is running unpaired operation diagram
urban rail transit is qualitative research, which only stays in the is established, and the following assumptions are made:


(1) It is assumed that both terminals of the line are Define the train number set of the line:
connected to the train depot; I = 1, 2,3,... represents the train number set in the

(2) It is assumed that after the peak times, the headway direction of large passenger flow(up direction), and
in off-peak times is less than or equal to the headway in I s - = 1, 2,3,... represents the train number set in the
both two directions;
direction of small passenger flow(down direction):
(3) The direction of larger passenger flow is symbolized
as "+", and the direction of smaller passenger flow is Departure train number:
symbolized as "-"; + s−
I sfrom - de ( I from - de ) represents the number of trains
(4) All trains are connected nearby. As shown in Fig. 1, departing from the depot in the direction of large (small)
when the train 1 and train 3 can be connected with train 4, passenger flow of line s;
priority is given to train 3 and train 4.
+ s−
I sfrom − z ( I from − z ) represents the collection of trains from
the turn-back station in the direction of large (small)
passenger flow of line s;
Arrival train number:
I tos +-de ( I tos −-de ) represents the number of trains returning
to the depot after arrival in the direction of large (small)
passenger flow of line s;

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of nearby connection I tos +− z ( I tos −− z ) represents the number of trains on the large
(small) passenger flow direction of the line s without
returning (turning back).
Station A and station B are set as terminal stations,
where the train completes turn back. The operation diagram of As shown in Fig. 2, assume that the upward direction is
trains is shown in Fig. 2. Due to the different departure the direction of large passenger flow and the headway is
headway between up and down lines, it is always necessary to small, while the downward direction is the direction of
increase trains from the depot in the direction of large small passenger flow and the headwayis large. Some trains
passenger flow to meet the departure interval requirements, in the downward direction starting from station a are sent
while the small passenger flow direction will always have out from the depot, and the others are sent out after turning
trains returning to the depot. Therefore, the starting train back from the turn back station. Since the number of
number is divided into two parts, that is, the train number arriving trains at station a is greater than that of departing
starting from the depot and the train number starting from the trains, it is no longer necessary to depart from the depot in
turn back station. Similarly, the arrival train number can also the down direction after the first train arrives. Thus, the
be divided into two parts, that is, the train number of returning number of trains in this direction is calculated as the number
to the depot and the train number of turning back after arriving of trains sent from the depot in this period, that is, the sum
at the station. of the arrival time of the up train plus the turn back time
divided by the down interval.
Depot +
Tos(1)− Time In the upward train number starting from station B,
Station A similarly, some trains depart from the depot and the others
I from−de − depart from the turn back station. Since the arrival train
I sfrom −z
s+ s+ number is always less than the departure train number, in
I to − z
I to - de
order to ensure the departure interval of the departure train
number, even if there is a train arriving at the station, it still
needs to depart from the depot. The calculation method of
the number of trains required in this direction is the total
I sfrom I sfrom −z number of trains minus the turn back number, in which the
- de

Station B
turn back number is the number of trains arriving and
Tos(1)+ −
Tds(1) Time turning back before the last train number departs.
Depot The total number of trains required is the sum of the
number of trains in the direction of large passenger flow and
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of unpaired operation the number of trains in the direction of small passenger flow.
Assume that i  I s + , j  I s − , I s = I s +  I s − , other  tlvs +t zs − 
parameters used in the model and their related meanings are N =  s−  + 1 (6)
shown in TABLE. Ⅰ  h 


I sfrom  s− s s+
− z = j | Td ( j ) + t z  To ( I s+ )  (7)

h s+ ( hs- ) Minimum headway in the direction of

large(small) passenger flow of line s N s + = I s + − I sfrom
−z (8)
T0 Peak start time of line s
Equation(1) is the number of trains sent out in the direction
T1 Peak end time of line s, T1 − T0 indicates
of large passenger flow and small passenger flow, (2) and (3)
the duration of peak hours are the starting time and ending time of the ith train on the
Ls direction of large passenger flow of line s, (4) and (5) are the
t s
t = s
Travel time of line s, lv starting time and ending time of the jth train on the direction of
V small passenger flow of line s, (6) is the number of trains
required in the down direction (small passenger flow), (7) is
t zs + ( t zs - ) Turn back time in the direction of large(small) the collection of up trains from the turn back station, (8) is the
passenger flow of line s number of trains in the direction of large passenger flow, where
ab Time to cross line a and line B, stands for the number of trains in the collection.
t k a, b  S , a  b The number of trains required is shown in (9):
Departure time of the first train in the
TS + ( TS − ) direction of large(small) passenger flow
during peak period of line s N s = N s+ + N s− (9)
s+ s+ Arrival time of the ith train in the direction of
T o (i ) ( T d (i ) ) large(small) passenger flow of line s
B. Calculation model of the number of trains used in the
To( j ) ( Tds(−j ) ) Departure time of the ith train in the direction
of large(small) passenger flow of line s sharing mode
Suppose that two lines share the same train depot, and the
III. MODEL BUILDING sharing mode is shown in Fig. 3.
Based on the premise of the non-paired operation diagram
of the line, we explains the passenger flow conditions required
when the train stocks can be shared, and respectively
establishes the calculation model of the number of used trains
under the mode of non-sharing and sharing in the depot, so as
to obtain the number of trains saved.

A. The calculation model of the number of trains used when Station

the line is operated separately
When the operation diagram is non-paired, the headway of Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of depot sharing mode
the up and down directions is different. The calculation model
of the number of trains is as follows: The schematic diagram of train operation in shared mode is
shown in Fig. 4.
T − T  T − T 
I s+ =  1 s+ 0  , I s− =  1 s− 0  (1)
 h   h 
Tos(+i ) = TS + + h s +  (i − 1) (2)

Tds(+i ) = TS + + h s +  (i − 1) + (3)
Tos(−j ) = TS − + h s −  ( j − 1) (4)

Tds(−j ) = TS − + h s −  ( j − 1) + (5)
 a−
Td (i ) + t z  T1

Station A  a+ (11)
To (i )  T1

I sfrom−de −
I sfrom −z
I tos +− z I tos +-de
Line a In the direction of large passenger flow, the collection of
train numbers arriving within the peak hours is shown in

= i | Tda(+i )  T1
I sfrom I sfrom −z a+
Station B
- de
I arr (12)
s+ −
T o (1) Tds(1) Time
Shared The train numbers returning to the depot in the direction
depot +
Tos(1)− Time of large passenger flow is shown in (13):
Station A
I toa +−de = I arr
− I toa +− z

I sfrom−de

I sfrom
s+ s+ −z
I to − z I to - de

2. The number of trains that need to depart from the

Line b depot in the up direction of line b
I sfrom
The train numbers set sent from turn back station in the
I sfrom −z
- de
up direction of line b is shown in (14):
Station B

− z = i | 0  To ( i ) − (Td ( j ) + t z )  h 
Tos(1)+ −
Tds(1) Time + b+ b− b+
Depot I bfrom b
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of line operation under train sharing In the direction of large passenger flow of line b, the
train numbers sent out from the depot is as shown in (15):
The model first solves the number of trains that can meet
+ b+ +
the condition of cross line on line a, then Then the number of I bfrom − de = I − I bfrom −z (15)
trains that need to depart from the depot on line b is solved. As long as the time when the train on line a arrives at
Finally, the train number set on line a and line b can be line b is less than the departure time of the up train number
of line b, it can run across lines, so as to realize train sharing.
successfully connected is solved, and the number of trains can
be calculated, which is the number of trains that can be saved. The 0-1 variable a is introduced to indicate whether the
The parameters and there meanings are shown in TABLE Ⅱ. train has successfully crossed the line. If the conditions are
met, X i' =1 , otherwise, X i' =0 , the model objective
function is as shown in (16), which is to maximize the
Category Symbol Meaning number of trains successfully crossed the line. The
The number of trains arriving at the terminal constraints are (17) and (18), where (17) is the constraint of
Train I arr within the peak hour in a certain direction of
the cross line connection successfully, and (18) is the cross
number line S
definition Set of train number successfully connected line proportion constraint of the train. According to relevant
I kab between line a and line b data, the proportion of cross line trains shall not exceed 20%
N kab Number of trains successfully connected of the total number of trains.
Quantity between line a and line b
N ab Total number of trains required for line a and N kab = max  X j ' (16)
line b under depot sharing mode
X j' 0-1 variable s.t.
 Cross line ratio index of train
0, Tda(+i ') + tkab  Tob(+i ")
1. The number of trains returning to the depot in the up X i' =  a + b+ (17)
1, Td (i ') + tk  To (i ")
direction of line a ab

The set of train numbers that do not return to the depot

in the direction of large passenger flow is shown in (10): i '  I toa +− de , i "  I bfrom
− de

I toa +− z = i | 0  Toa(+i ) − (Tda(−j ) + t za )  h a +  (10)

X i'
 N a  (18)
In order to ensure that the research period is within the
range of peak hours, (11) should also be met: Set the train number as M, then each train corresponds to
its train task, the corresponding relationship is expressed as:
M = i1 , i2 ...  I a + , j1 , j2 ...  I a -  I  i1' , i2' ...  I b + , j1' , j2' ...  I b-  (19)

Equation(19) indicates that the train respectively

corresponds to the train number on line a or line b. If the
train only runs on line a, i ' , j ' = 0 ; if the train only runs on
line b, then i, j = 0 .


A. Tidal passenger flow characteristics
As shown in Fig. 5, the location relationship between
subway FS line and line 9 of a certain city is connected by
GGZ station, and GGZ train depot is shared by the two lines.
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively show the passenger flow on the
morning and evening peak hours of FS Line and Line 9 on a Fig. 7. Late peak section passenger flow
working day in January 2018, A-L and 1-13 represent the
stations of Fangshan Line and line 9 respectively. Obviously, the tide phenomenon of passenger flow of FS
line and line 9 is obvious, and the cross-section passenger flow
in the direction of entering the city (up) in the early peak and
out of the city (down) in the evening peak is large. Thus,
Depot A during the early peak hours, some of the upstream trains of FS
GGJTG Station
line can return to the shared depot and continue to go to line 9
to perform tasks. During the evening peak hours, some of the
City center
down trains of line 9 can return to the shared depot and
continue to go to line FS to perform tasks. The number of
Line 9
trains running across the line is the number of used trains saved.
As shown in Fig. 4, line FS can be regarded as line a, line 9
GGZ Station can be regarded as line b, during the early peak hours, some
trains go from the FS line to the depot, and then go to Line 9 to
GGZ Depot
continue to perform the task. The cross line connection ratio is
set as 20% of the total number of trains[4], the peak headway
Line FS of FS line is 4 minutes, and the peak headway of line 9 is 3
minutes. According to the actual passenger flow data, the
Fig. 5. Location of FS line and line 9 and their Depots
maximum section passenger flow ratio of up and down
direction during the early peak period of FS line reaches 16.3,
then the up and down headway are 4 minutes and 65 minutes
respectively when running the non-paired operation diagram.
Set the legal maximum headway to 10 minutes, it is found that
the headway of up and down directions is 4 minutes and 10
minutes. The maximum cross-section passenger flow rate in
the up and down direction during the morning peak of Line 9 is
2.2, so the headway of up and down directions is 3 minutes and
9 minutes. Using MATLAB programming to solve, calculate
the number of saved operating trains, the basic parameters of
the line and other parameters in the calculation model as shown


Fig. 6. Early peak section passenger flow FS line Line 9

Line length 25.4km 16.5km
Minimum turn back
4min 3min

Train type and Type B, 6-car Type B, 6-car

formation formation formation

Average running speed 36km/h 36km/h


Parameter Value Parameter Value flow in the up and down directions of the line changes
gradually, so as to provide a reference for the actual operation.
T0 7:00 tkab 15min
A. Calculation of headway under different passenger flow
T1 9:00  10% conditions
Based on the passenger flow data and line data of Subway
TS + 7:00 h a + , hb + 4min,3min
FS line and Subway Line 9, the case analysis is carried out.
a− b−
TS − 7:00 h ,h 10min,6min Under the condition that the total passenger flow remains
unchanged, change the ratio of the maximum passenger flow
section in the up and down directions to change the headway
B. Analysis of depot sharing effect ratio in the up and down directions one by one, so as to further
The results are shown in TABLE Ⅴ. In the mode of no explore the change of the number of trains saved.
sharing depot, the total number of trains to be used is 58, and In order to simplify the calculation, take the headway as an
the number of trains to be used after the depot sharing is 49, integer. Under the condition that the total passenger flow of the
and the number of trains saved is 9. The effect of saving is line remains unchanged, change the unbalanced coefficient of
obvious. its direction to obtain the corresponding headway as shown in
TABLE Ⅵ, where the legal maximum headway is 10 minutes,
TABLE V. SOLUTION RESULTS and the minimum headway is limited by the minimum turn
Before sharing After sharing
back time of the line.
Up Down Up Down
direction direction direction direction UP AND DOWN SECTIONS
FS line 22 5 27 22 5 27
Maximum section
Headway of FS line Headway of line 9
Line 9 25 6 26 16 6 22 ratio of passenger
(up: down) (up: down)
flow (up: down)
Total 47 11 58 38 11 49
4:1 4:10 3:10
3.5:1 4:10 3:9
For the convenience of calculation, the operation time is 3:1 4:10 3:8
converted to minute, such as 0:00 for 0, 1:00 for 60min, 2:00 2.5:1 4:10 3:7
2.4:1 4:10 3:7
for 120min, and the train operation diagram is shown in Figure 2.3:1 4:9 3:7
8. 2.2:1 4:9 3:6
2.1:1 4:9 3:6
2:1 4:9 3:6
1.9:1 4:8 3:6
1.8:1 4:8 3:6
1.7:1 5:8 3:5
1.6:1 5:7 3:5
1.5:1 5:7 3:5
1.4:1 5:7 3:5
1.3:1 5:7 4:5
Do not meet the
1.2:1 5:6
Do not meet the
1.1:1 5:6

B. Calculation of the number of trains saved under different

passenger flow conditions
Change the unbalanced coefficient of the up and down
passenger flow direction of FS line and line 9 respectively, that
is, change the headway, and find out the total number of trains
to be saved after sharing the depot, as shown in TABLE Ⅶ,
Fig. 8. Train operation diagram (part) where A represents the headway of FS line, B represents the
headway of line 9, and the number of trains saved under the
V. THE IMPACT OF PASSENGER FLOW CONDITIONS ON THE different headway is shown in Fig. 9. The number of trains
NUMBER OF TRAINS SAVED saved under different passenger flow ratios of up and down
When the line passenger flow condition changes, the sections is shown in Fig. 10.
number of trains saved will also change. We makes an in-depth
study of the impact of passenger flow conditions on the TWO LINES
number of saved trains, and studies the law of the number of
saved trains when the ratio of the maximum section passenger Headway A=4:10 A=4:9 A=4:8 A=5:8 A=5:7 A=5:6
B=3:10 10 9 8 5 4 2
B=3:9 10 9 8 5 4 2 line conditions is relatively increased, resulting in an increase
B=3:8 10 9 8 5 4 2 in the number of trains saved.
B=3:7 9 9 7 4 3 2 VI. CONCLUSION
B=3:6 9 9 7 4 3 2 The sharing of urban rail transit resources is conducive to
B=3:5 9 9 7 4 3 2 coordinated operation between lines, while reducing operating
B=4:5 7 7 5 3 3 1 costs. The above research results show that when the two lines
connected by the shared depot run non-paired operation
diagrams, some trains can go to another line through the depot
to continue to perform the tasks, thereby saving the number of
trains in use. In addition, the imbalance of passenger flow has a
certain impact on the number of saved trains: the more obvious
the imbalance of the passenger flow direction, that is, the
greater the ratio of the maximum cross-sectional passenger
flow in the upstream and downstream directions, the greater
the number of trains that can be saved.
This research is supported by the Research on railway
development strategy for China's medium and long term (2035)
(KTJB719002536). The authors appreciate the Key Laboratory
of comprehensive transportation big data application
technology transportation industry.
Fig. 9. Number of trains saved under different headway
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Authors’ background

Your Name Title* Research Field Personal website

Mingshu Yang master student Transportation planning and management
Baohua Mao full professor Transportation planning and management
Control science and Engineering
Theory and technology of comprehensive
Qi Xu Associate professor Transportation planning and management
Control science and Engineering
Qi Zhou Phd candidate Transportation planning and management
Shu Yang master student Transportation planning and management

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*Title can be chosen from: master student, Phd candidate, assistant professor, lecture, senior lecture, associate professor, full

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