3 Coding Assignment 1 Aero 2

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Numerical Thin Airfoil Analysis on NACA

0010-34 Airfoil
Muhammad Arviano Yuono Jonwin Fidelis Fam Hafizh Renanto Akhmad
Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung Institut Teknologi Bandung Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—This report is a coding assignment of small section of the vortex sheet induces a infinitesimally
Aerodynamics II Course (AE 3210) about Numerical Thin small velocity 𝑑𝑉 at point 𝑃. [2]
Airfoil Theory. Under this report, a calculation of lift and Cl at
0° angle of attack and compare between numerical thin airfoil Γ 𝛾𝑑𝑠
theory, analytical thin airfoil theory, and experiment results. 𝑉𝑃 = − ⇒ 𝑑𝑉 = − ()
2𝜋𝑟 2𝜋𝑟
The airfoil that is analyzed is a modified NACA 0010-34 airfoil.
Hence, the incremental velocities induced at P by different
Keywords—Aerodynamics II, Numerical Thin Airfoil Theory, sections of the vortex sheet must be added vectorially.
NACA 0010-34 Because of this, it is sometimes more convenient to deal with
the velocity potential, which can be determined as (2)
An airfoil is the section of a wing cut by a plane parallel 𝑑𝜙 = −
𝜃 ⇒ 𝜙(𝑥, 𝑧) = −
1 𝑏
∫ 𝜃𝛾𝑑𝑠 ()
to the xz-plane [1]. Within the assumed inviscid flow, the lift 2𝜋 2𝜋 𝑎
and moments on the airfoil are due from pressure distribution
below the stall region. Under these conditions, a theoretical
estimation of airfoil lift and moments can be predicted. In
order to do so, further conceptual understanding regarding the
vortex sheets must be done.
A. Source Sheet
A source sheet is an infinite number of line sources side
by side, with the strength of each line source being
infinitesimally small. For vortex flow, consider an analogous
situation. Imagine an infinite number of straight vortex
filaments side by side, where the strength of each filament is
infinitesimally small. These side-by-side vortex filaments Fig. 2. Tangential velocity jump across a vortex sheet
form a vortex sheet, as shown in perspective in the upper left
of Fig. 1. If we look along the series of vortex filaments For vortex sheet, there is a change in the directional of
tangential vector across the vortex sheet due to the strength of
the sheet. [2] The dashed path enclosing a section can be
illustrated as Fig. 2. From the definition of circulation, the
circulation around the dashed path is:

Γ = ∫ 𝛾 𝑑𝑠 ()

𝑑Γ = (𝑢1 − 𝑢2 ) 𝑑𝑠 + (𝑣1 − 𝑣2 ) 𝑑𝑛 ()

Because the top and bottom of dashed line approached the

vortex sheets so that 𝑑𝑛 is approaching 0, the local jump of
tangential velocity across the vortex sheet can be estimated as:

𝛾 = 𝑢1 − 𝑢2 ()
Fig. 1. Vortex Sheet
B. Airfoil Theory
(looking along the y axis in Fig. 1), the vortex sheet will
appear as sketched at the lower right of Fig. 1. Any airfoil with arbitrary shape can be estimated using the
vortex sheet approach. The variation of variable strength 𝛾(𝑠)
Let 𝑠 be the distance measures along the vortex sheet in from replacing the airfoil surface with vortex sheet will make
the edge view. Define 𝛾 = 𝛾(𝑠) as the strength of the vortex the vortex sheet (hence the surface of airfoil) as a streamline
sheet, per unit length along 𝑠 . Thus, the strength of an of the flow. The resulting circulation is estimated by (3),
infinitesimal potion ds of the sheet is 𝛾 𝑑𝑠. This small section which the lift will be given by Kutta-Joukowski Theorem.
of the vortex sheet can be treated as a distinct vortex of However, as there is no general solution of 𝛾(𝑠), the solution
strength γ ds; the cartesian coordinates of P are (x,z). The is done numerically with digital computer. Airfoil must adhere
to the Kutta Condition, which states that:
1) For a given airfoil at a given angle of attack, the value C. Classical Thin Airfoil Theory
of Γ around the airfoil is such that the flow leaves the trailing Besides numerical methods, further assumption can be
edge smoothly. done to create an analytical equation for the thin airfoil. The
2) If the trailing-edge angle is finite, then the trailing fundamentals of the vortex sheet can be applied to this airfoil.
edge is a stagnation point. For the camber line to be the streamline, the velocity normal
3) If the trailing edge is cusped, then the velocities to the camber line should be zero at all points along the camber
leaving the top and bottom line. The velocity at any point in the flow is the sum of the
Consider that from (5), a finite trailing edge satisfies both uniform freestream velocity and the velocity induced by the
2nd and 3rd Kutta Condition, therefore the relation (6) can be vortex sheet. [3]
determined. 𝑉∞,𝑛 + 𝑤 ′ (𝑠) = 0 (11)

𝛾(TE) = 0 () With 𝑉∞,𝑛 as the freestream velocity component normal to

the camber line, and 𝑤’(𝑠) as the indued velocity at the
The Kutta condition states that the circulation around an camber line by the vortex sheet on the chord line. With
airfoil is just the right value to ensure a smotth flow leaves geometry expressions made in Fig. 3, the fundamental
the trailing edge. Recalling that the substantial dericative equations of Thin Airfoil Theory (12) can be determined. Note
gives time rate of change following a given fluid element, that during the integration process, a transformation from ξ to
ciruclation around a closed curve must remained constnat. θ must be done by (13).
This presents the Kelvin’s circulation theorem as (7). 1 𝑐 𝛾(𝜉)𝑑𝜉 𝑑𝑧
∫ = 𝑉∞ (𝛼 − ) (12)
𝐷Γ 2𝜋 0 𝑥 − 𝜉 𝑑𝑥
=0 ()
𝐷t 𝑐
𝜉 = (1 − cos 𝜃) (13)
As the flow over an airfoil is started, the large velocity 2
gradients at the sharp trailing edge result in the formation of Note that for symmetrical airfoil as NACA 0010-34, the
a region of intense vorticity which rolls up downstream. This value dz/dx is 0. From the mathematical theory of integral
starting vortex has associated with it a counterclockwise solution, the rigorous solution from (12) can be state as (14).
circulation. Therefore, as an equal-and-opposite reaction, a
2𝛼𝑉∞ (1 + cos 𝜃)
clockwise circulation around the airfoil is generated. The 𝛾(𝜃) = (14)
Kutta-Joukowski theorem can be applied. sin 𝜃
To calculate the lift coefficient for thin symmetric airfoil,
𝐿′ = 𝜌∞ 𝑉∞ Γ () total circulation around the airfoil can be transformed along
the polar coordinates, which upon further simplification from
As in fundamental aerodynamics, lift per unit span can be (3) and (13), the lift coefficient slope and lift coefficient of a
derived as (9) symmetric airfoil can be expressed as (15) and (16). Note that
for symmetrical airfoil, the lift coefficient at 𝛼 = 0° is 0. [3]
𝐿′ = 𝜌∞ 𝑉∞2 𝑐𝑙 𝑐 () 𝑑𝑐𝑙
= 2𝜋 (15)
With 𝑐 as the chord and 𝑐𝑙 as the lift coefficient, (8) and 𝑐𝑙 = 2𝜋𝛼 (16)
(9) can be joined to find the value of 𝑐𝑙 from Γ in (10).
D. NACA 0010-34
𝑐𝑙 = 1 () NACA 0010-34 is a modified our-digit Wing Section. This
𝑉 𝑐
2 ∞ modifies the standard Four-digit Wing Section, either with
thinner nosed and blunter nosed sections. NACA Four-digit
Wing Section has a name nomenclature of ABXX, which A
defines the maximum camber in percentage of chord, B
defines the location of the maximum camber in tenths of
chord, and XX defines the maximum thickness of the airfoil
in percentage of chord. In standard NACA Four-digit Wing
Sections, the thickness distribution was selected to correspond
closely for these wing section under the equation (17)
±𝑦𝑡 = (0.2969√𝑥 − 0.126𝑥 − 0.3516𝑥 2
+0.2843𝑥 3 − 0.1015𝑥 4 ) (17)
The shape of the mean lines can be analyzed as two
parabolic arcs tangent, equations defining the man lines were
taken to be as follows. Equation (18) defines the y coordinates
forward of maximum ordinate, while (19) aft of maximum

Fig. 3. Determination of the component of freestream velocity

normal to the camber line
𝑚 1
𝑦𝑐 = (18) 𝑅= (22)
𝑝2 (2𝑝𝑥 − 𝑥 2) 2𝑑2 + 6𝑑2 (1 − 𝑚)
𝑦𝑐 = [(1 − 2𝑝) + 2𝑝𝑥 − 𝑥 2 ] (19) II. RESULTS OF NUMERICAL THIN AIRFOIL THEORY
(1 − 𝑝)2
A. Coding Results
Although the main objective is to calculate lift and cl at
zero angle of attack, this report will explore further to

Fig. 5. NACA 0010-34 Airfoil Shape

Modified versions consist essentially of changes of the
position of maximum thickness from the normal position at Fig. 6. NACA 0010-34 Vortex Sheet Distribution
0.3c. The first integer following the dash indicates the relative
magnitude of the leading-edge radius. The normal leading- determine the results of the slope and other parameters.
edge radius is designated by 6 and a sharp leading edge by 0. Firstly, Fig. 4, and 5, shows the shape of the airfoil and its
The second integer following the dash indicates the position vortex sheet distribution along the camber line.
of maximum thickness in tenths of the chord. The modified Results show that in 0° angle of attack, the value of the
thickness forms are defined by the following two equations: circulation strength Γ is 0, thus the lift force and lift coefficient
is also 0. If using the analytical calculations in (16) and
±𝑦𝑡 = 𝑎𝑜 √𝑥 + 𝑎1 𝑥 + 𝑎2 𝑥 2 + 𝑎3 𝑥 3 (20)
±𝑦𝑡 = 𝑑0 + 𝑑1 (1 − 𝑥) + 𝑑2 (1 − 𝑥)2 + 𝑑3 (1 − 𝑥)3 (21)
Note that (20) defines the y coordinates forward of
maximum ordinate, while (21) aft of maximum ordinate. Four
coefficients (d0, d1, d2, d3) are determined from the following
conditions: [4]
1) Maximum thickness, t
2) Position of maximum thickness, m
3) Ordinate at the trailing edge, x=1, y1=0.01t
4) Trailing-edge angle, define by the following table:


𝒎 , (𝒙 = 𝟏)
0.2 1.000 t
0.3 1.170 t
0.4 1.575 t
0.5 2.325 t
0.6 3.500 t

Four coefficients (a0, a1, a2, a3) are determined from the
following conditions: [4]
1) Maximum thickness, t
2) Position of maximum thickness, m Fig. 4. NACA 0010-34 Experimental Lift Coefficient Slope [5]
3) Leading-edge radius, rt=a02/2, rt=1.1019(tI/6)2, where
I is the first integer following the dash in the designation and experimental results shown in Fig. 6, also shows the values to
value of I does not exceed 8. be also 0. Note that because of the circulation strength is
4) Radius of curvature R at-the point of maximum already zero, the lift and lift coefficient values in all Reynolds
thickness Number, is zero as long as in 0° angle of attack.
B. Further Exploration
Since these MATLAB codes might be inaccurate with one
experiment, this report explore the case of numerical airfoil
theory with several angle of attack, that being at -5°, 3° and
10°. This experiment is done on Reynolds Number 9 × 106.
The results is shown in Table 2. Results are further illustrated
in Fig. 7, 8 and 9.


𝜶 𝚪 𝑳 (𝐍) 𝒄𝒍

-4° -28.833574 -4705.360416 -0.438293

14.425575 2354.114271 0.219280
71.776815 11713.282189 1.091064 Fig. 7. NACA 0010-34 γ distribution in α = -4°

occasion, only the value of cl is compared. Furthermore,

III. COMPARISON OF NUMERICAL THIN AIRFOIL THEORY illustration of the discoveries is further expressed in Fig. 10
Comparing the numerical thin airfoil theory with analytic
and experimental results can be summarized on Table III. TABLE III. LIFT COEFFICIENT COMPARISON TABLE
However, since experimental results given is only on the form
of Fig. 6, possible errors due to reading inaccuracies may 𝜶 Numerical Analytical Experimental
-4° -0.547616 -0.5483113 ≈-0.4
0° 0 0 0
2° 0.219280 0.219324 ≈0.2
10° 1.091064 1.096623 ≈0.8

The results show that the results between the numerical

and analytical is fairly similar, however shows a different
results comparing with the experiment shown in Fig. 6.
Moreover, further analysis can show the lift-curve slope of
each method, shown in Table 4.


𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍

Fig. 8. NACA 0010-34 γ distribution in α = 10° 𝑑𝛼
(/deg) 0.108864 0.1096623 ≈0.1

It shows that although the numerical and analytical values

affect a disrepancies in real value experimented. In this has similar lift, the experimental value is different. This
reaffirms that in theoretically, the numerical and analytical
values is the same, while the experimental values show a
different results. The numerical lift and lift-coefficient slope
can be seen on Fig. 10 and 11.
This discovery can be explained with the experiment’s
possible shortcomings. Firstly, the experimented airfoil might
have limited Aspect Ratio (AR) during their testing. Low AR
can affect the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil, most
notably a less efficient effect on all parameters (smaller slope
magnitude). Moreover, material deformities and irregularities
might alter the pressure distribution of the foil, which might
have changed the aerodynamic parameters. Lastly, an
experiment done during the book’s writing (circa 1959), might
have outdated method of experiment, which might affect
accuracy of the results, in comparison to modern testing.
Overall, analytical values are great simplification of the
numerical values with high precision, especially in the case of
Fig. 9. NACA 0010-34 γ distribution in α = 2° NACA 0010-34. However, note that these values might differ
with experimental values or on-field values, as on-field values
Fig. 10. NACA 0010-34 Lift Plot in RE = 9×106

Fig. 11. NACA 0010-34 Lift Coefficient Plot in RE = 9×106

are affected by various environmental parameters, many of

which can alter the aerodynamic parameters of the airfoil.
The code listing is shown after references in the form of
Appendix. This report uses MATLAB as the application for
the coding, and all computing languages uses the MATLAB

[1] J. D. Anderson and C.P Cadou, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 7th

ed., New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 327-328.
[2] J. D. Anderson and C.P Cadou, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 7th
ed., New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 338-340.
[3] J. D. Anderson and C.P Cadou, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 7th
ed., New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 351-356.
[4] I. H. Abbott and A. E von Doenhoff, Theory of Wing Sections, 2nd ed.,
New York: Dover Publications, pp. 114-118.
[5] I. H. Abbott and A. E von Doenhoff, Theory of Wing Sections, 2nd ed.,
New York: Dover Publications, pp. 456.

See next page.
%% Coding Assignment 1 by Group 3
clear, clc

%% Define the BCs

% Initialize angle of attack
AoA =-4; % degree

% Initialize air density

rho = 1.225; % kg/m3

% Initialize freestream velocity

RE = 9000000;
mu = 1.802*10^-5;

magVinf = RE*mu/rho; % m/s

Vinf = V(magVinf, AoA);

% Initialize NACA 4-digit series

nacaSeries = "0010-34";

% Initialize number of panels

Np = 1000;

% Generate the airfoil

[airfoil, camberline, ~, ~] = generateNACA4(nacaSeries, Np, 1);

Xv = camberline(1, :);
Zv = camberline(2, :);

dZdX = zeros(1, Np);

for j = 1:Np
dZdX(j) = (Zv(j+1) - Zv(j)) / (Xv(j+1) - Xv(j));

% Plot the airfoil


title(append("NACA ", nacaSeries, " Airfoil Shape"))

hold on

xlim([0 1])
ylim([-0.5 0.5])

grid on


%% Compute the control points

Xvl = zeros(1, Np);
Xcp = zeros(1, Np);
Zvl = zeros(1, Np);
Zcp = zeros(1, Np);
for i = 1:Np
Xvl(i) = 0.25*(Xv(i+1)-Xv(i)) + Xv(i);
Xcp(i) = 0.75*(Xv(i+1)-Xv(i)) + Xv(i);
Zvl(i) = 0.25*(Zv(i+1)-Zv(i)) + Zv(i);
Zcp(i) = 0.75*(Zv(i+1)-Zv(i)) + Zv(i);

% Plot the control points


title(append("NACA ", nacaSeries," Vortex Sheet Distribution"))

hold on

scatter(Xv, Zv)
scatter(Xvl, Zvl)
scatter(Xcp, Zcp)

xlim([0 1])
ylim([-0.5 0.5])

grid on
%% Compute the panel length
dS = zeros(1, Np);

for i = 1:Np
dS(i) = sqrt((Xv(i+1)-Xv(i))^2 + (Zv(i+1)-Zv(i))^2);

%% Compute the influence coefficient

A = zeros(Np, Np);
b = zeros(1, Np);

for i=1:Np
for j=1:Np
A(i, j) = dS(j) / (Xvl(j) - Xcp(i));

for i=1:Np
b(i) = 2*pi*(Vinf(1) * dZdX(i) - Vinf(2));

gamma = A\b';

w = zeros(Np, Np);

for i=1:Np
for j=1:Np
w(i,j) = A(i,j)*gamma(j);
% Plot gamma distribution

title({append("NACA ", nacaSeries), "\gamma Distributon in "+num2str(AoA)+"

hold on

plot(Xv(1:Np), gamma)
yscale log
xlim([0 1])

grid on

Gamma = trapz(Xv(1:Np), gamma);

fprintf('The Circulation Strength in %d angle of attack is as follows: %5f
\n',AoA, Gamma)

The Circulation Strength in -4 angle of attack is as follows: -28.833574

%% Compute the load

L = 0;

for i=1:Np
L = L + rho * magVinf * gamma(i) * dS(i);
fprintf('The Lift Force in %d angle of attack is %5f N \n',AoA,L)

The Lift Force in -4 angle of attack is -4705.360416 N

CL = L / (0.5 * rho * magVinf^2);

fprintf('The Lift Coefficient in %d angle of attack is %5f',AoA,CL)

The Lift Coefficient in -4 angle of attack is -0.438293

%% Plot the Lift and Coefficient Lift Distribution

AoAmin = -15; %degrees
AoAmax = 15; %degrees
increments = 1; % degrees
data = (AoAmax-AoAmin)/increments;
Lplot =zeros(data,2);
for k = AoAmin:increments:AoAmax
Vinf = V(magVinf, k);
% Compute the influence coefficient
A = zeros(Np, Np);
b = zeros(1, Np);
for i=1:Np
for j=1:Np
A(i, j) = dS(j) / (Xvl(j) - Xcp(i));

for i=1:Np
b(i) = 2*pi*(Vinf(1) * dZdX(i) - Vinf(2));

gamma = A\b';

w = zeros(Np, Np);

for i=1:Np
for j=1:Np
w(i,j) = A(i,j)*gamma(j);

% Compute the load

Lplot(m,1) = k;
Lplot(m,2) = 0;
for i=1:Np
Lplot(m,2) = Lplot(m,2) + rho * magVinf * gamma(i) * dS(i);
CLplot(m,2) = Lplot(m,2) / (0.5 * rho * magVinf^2);

%% Plot CL and CD

title({append("NACA ", nacaSeries), "Lift v \alpha ", "Reynolds Number:

hold on
plot(Lplot(:,1), Lplot(:,2))
grid on

p = polyfit(CLplot(:,1), CLplot(:,2),1);
title({append("NACA ", nacaSeries), "Lift Coefficient v \alpha", "Reynolds
Number: "+num2str(RE)})
hold on
plot(CLplot(:,1), CLplot(:,2))
caption = sprintf('C_L = %10f * α + %10f', p(1), p(2));
text(0, -0.1, caption, 'Color', 'k');
grid on
%% Functions
function Vinf = V(magVinf, AoA)
Vinf = magVinf * [cosd(AoA); sind(AoA)];

function [airfoil, camberline, upperline, lowerline] = generateNACA4(series,

num, spacing)
% Generate Coordinate for NACA 4-digit and modified 4-digit airfoil
% Input:
% series: name of the series
% num: number of data points
% cosine_space: turn on for half-cosine spacing, otherwise unfirom
% spacing
% Output:
% AF: coordinates of the airfoils

series = char(series);
len = length(series);

if (spacing)
beta = linspace(0, pi, num+1);
x = (1 - cos(beta)) / 2;
x = linspace(0, 1, num+1);

if (len == 4)
% Normal NACA 4-digit series
m = str2double(series(1))/100;
p = str2double(series(2))/10;
t = str2double(series(3:4))/100;
yc = zeros(1, length(x));
dycdx = zeros(1, length(x));
yt = zeros(1, length(x));

xU = zeros(1, length(x));
yU = zeros(1, length(x));
xL = zeros(1, length(x));
yL = zeros(1, length(x));
for i=1:length(x)
if (x(i) < p)
yc(i) = m/p^2 * (2*p*x(i) - x(i)^2);
dycdx(i) = 2*m/p^2 * (p - x(i));
yc(i) = m/(1-p)^2 * ((1-2*p)+2*p*x(i)-x(i)^2);
dycdx(i) = 2*m/(1-p)^2 * (p - x(i));

yt(i) = t/0.2 * (0.2969*sqrt(x(i)) - 0.1260*x(i) - 0.3516*x(i)^2

+ 0.2843*x(i)^3 - 0.1015*x(i)^4);

theta = atan(dycdx(i));

xU(i) = x(i) - yt(i)*sin(theta);

xL(i) = x(i) + yt(i)*sin(theta);
yU(i) = yc(i) + yt(i)*cos(theta);
yL(i) = yc(i) - yt(i)*cos(theta);

airfoil = [xL flip(xU); yL flip(yU)];

camberline = [x; yc];
upperline = [xU; yU];
lowerline = [xL; yL];
% Modified NACA 4-digit series
t = str2double(series(3:4))/100;
m = str2double(series(7))/10;
I = str2double(series(6));

if (I > 8 || m < 0.2 || m > 0.6)

airfoil = NaN;

yt = zeros(1, length(x));

mset = [0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6];

dydxx1 = [1 1.17 1.575 2.325 3.5]*t;

d0 = 0.01*t;
d1 = dydxx1(mset==m);

M = [(1 - m)^2 (1-m)^3; 2*(1-m) 3*(1-m)^2];

T = [t/2 - d0 - d1 * (1 - m); -d1];
D = M^-1 * T;

d2 = D(1);
d3 = D(2);

a0 = sqrt(2*1.1019*(t*I/6)^2);

A = ([0 2 6*m; 1 2*m 3*m^2; m m^2 m^3])^-1 * [2*d2 + 6*d3*(1-m) +

a0/4 * m^(-3/2); -a0 / (2*sqrt(m)); t/2 - a0 * sqrt(m)];

a1 = A(1);
a2 = A(2);
a3 = A(3);

for i=1:length(x)
if (x(i) < m)
yt(i) = a0*sqrt(x(i))+a1*x(i)+a2*x(i)^2+a3*x(i)^3;
yt(i) = d0+d1*(1-x(i))+d2*(1-x(i))^2+d3*(1-x(i))^3;

airfoil = [x flip(x); yt flip(-yt)];

camberline = [x; zeros(1,length(x))];
upperline = [x; yt];
lowerline = [x; -yt];

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