Taller Daily Routine
Taller Daily Routine
Taller Daily Routine
1. Read Sarah Anderson's talk about her daily routine. Is your daily routine similar to
hers? / Lea a Sarah Anderson hablar acerca de su rutina diaria. ¿La rutina de Sarah
Anderson es parecida a la suya?
Script / Guión:
Read again and decide if the following statements are true or false: / Lea una vez
más y decida si los enunciados son verdaderos o falsos:
1. Sarah is married. F T F
3. Complete the following daily routine with the verbs from the box. Remember to use the
verbs in the correct form./complete la siguiente rutina con los verbos en el cuadro,
recuerde usar los verbos de la forma correcta (tercera persona)
My day starts very early. I wake up at 5:00 am. My sister take a shower at 5:15
am and I make my bed. I have breakfast at 5:50 am. My sister and I go to school
at 6:20 am because school star at 7:00 am. We arrive home at 3:00 pm. We do
our homework at 4:00 pm and then we watch TV or we play sports. At 7:00 pm
we have dinner and we go to sleep before 9:00 pm
Using IN ,AT, ON to complete the email./utilice IN, ON y At para completer el correo las
puede escribir en debajo de la imagen.
1. on
2. at
3. at
4. in
5. at
6. on
In the morning I wake up at 5:40 (twenty to six) then I have a shower and make breakfast at 6:00(six
o´clock) I have breakfast and brush my teeth. I go to sena at 6:30 (half past six) I finish class at 12:30
(half to twelve) . on the afternoon I have a lunch at 1:00 (one o´clock) I take a nap at 1:30 (half past one) I
star class at 2:30 (half to two) I finish class at 6:00 (six o´clock) then I go home.