Spotify Wrapped Cheat Sheet

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Spotify Wrapped Bonus Principles

👁 4 bonus psychological principles used in Spotify Wrapped

1. Identity Cards: Barnum-Forer Effect

In 2022, Wrapped introduced identity cards inspired by personality assessments. They

would tell you what kind of music listener you were (e.g. Time-Traveler, The Replayer,
Vampire, and Alchemist), and were on the nose about their inspirations as they included
codes that resembled the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator. These types of personality-based
identifiers are popular because people have an innate drive to
understand themselves and use identity to differentiate from others. But the Barnum-Forer
Effect is hugely at play here, as the identity personas take advantage of the fact that
most people believe in generic personality descriptions that are supposedly tailored to
them. Page 1 of 9
2. Interactive Quizzes: Gamification, Curiosity Gap

In 2020, Wrapped had a feature that quizzed people into guessing which decade, artists, and
genres they most listened to that year. The interactivity helped to invite people to engage
with their Wrapped results more deeply. It’s almost a shame this has been removed from
more recent years in favor of a more passive watch-only experience, lacking now in the kind
of gamification that seeks to close the Curiosity Gap opened by asking the questions that
people have about their listening data. Page 2 of 9
3. Artist Video Messages: Authority Bias, Belonging, Social Proof

Spotify flexed its power in 2023 by giving people what felt like a very personal thank-you
message, strengthened by the handheld phone video format of a lot of the videos, from
their top artists. This allowed all the Swifties who got a message from Taylor Swift to feel
seen and thus united (Belonging) in their fandom. Seeing these well-known artists using
Spotify Wrapped (Social Proof) as a vehicle to express gratitude cemented Wrapped’s
position as the mainstream player of yearly music recaps. Page 3 of 9
4. Social Media Posts: Spotlight Effect

The growing popularity of Spotify Wrapped has to be accredited to the viral nature of lots of
people sharing their results on social media. We noted in the case study that by seeing this
intensity of social media posts, people will likely succumb to the Bandwagon Effect, causing
them to want to do the same — but it’s important to note how the sharing is even triggered in
the first place. Wrapped relies heavily on the Spotlight Effect. By over-indexing on the
amount that other people care about what our artistic tastes are, Spotify Wrapped results
provide us with the perfect presentation formats to share with the world how good our
tastes actually are. Page 4 of 9
🧠 5 Psychology + UX Insights from the case study Page 5 of 9 Page 6 of 9 Page 7 of 9
💡 The Redesign
If you're looking for inspiration Page 8 of 9
💡 Want to use psychology to build better products?
If you're looking for more ways to sharpen your product skills using psychology, check these out:

Product Psychology Course.

If you want to learn how to use psychology to create better
experiences for your customers, check out our course:

Cognitive Biases Cheatsheet.

100+ cognitive biases and design principles that affect
your product experiences. Tons of product examples, tips,
and checklists to improve your user experience:
—Dan Benoni & Louis-Xavier Lavallée

Level up your product skills with bite-sized exercises to do
on your phone every week:
—Dan Benoni & Louis-Xavier Lavallée Page 9 of 9

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