Project Chapter 1
Project Chapter 1
Project Chapter 1
Examination as we know is one of the best methods of evaluating knowledge and grade student’s
ability to understand what he/ she was taught in the classroom. There have been various methods
which students respond within the sort of written answers to a limited choice of previously
unseen examination questions, set beforehand and answered in examination centers where
invigilators (examination supervisors) prevent communication between students and prohibit the
There has been a growing interest in recent years in developing and using Computer-Based Tests
(JAMB), the body responsible for admission into Nigerian University went a step higher in 2013
with the use of Computer-Based tests (CBT) software in conducting her examination. It became
JAMB was established in 1978 and since played a crucial role in the admission process for
Nigerian universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education process and ensure fairness for all
In the ’90s, when students sat for JAMB, it had been kept on a pedestal of fear for many students
but today it's become a norm in our academic sector. The advantages of computers are well-
known and apparent. They offer students the opportunity to improve their productivity and time
one of the advantages offered by computer-based testing (CBT). No matter what the tests’
population size is, CBT helps students to set the same test conditions for all participants. It also
improves all aspects of test security by storing questions and responses in encrypted databases
and enables testers to create randomized questions and answers from vast question pools.
Moreover, offering different exam formats and the immediate presentation of different types of
feedback, either to students or testers, are also some of the great advantages of CBT.
1.2 Motivation
pedagogical methods (OECD, 2010), It is seen as a catalyst for change, bringing about a
Pereira, 2008). To establish valid Computer-Based Test (CBT) the international Guidelines on
Computer-Based and Internet-Delivered Testing (International Test Commission, 2004) state that
equivalent test scores should be established for tests using the conventional paper-based mode
and the new computer-based mode. This set of testing standards is supported by the classical
True-Score Test Theory (Allen & Yen, 1979), which is the basis of both computer-based and
paper-based testing. According to this theory, someone who takes an equivalent test within the
between them. Most secondary schools in Nigeria use paper-based test in assessing student’s
performance from the junior school to Secondary school. Teacher’s supplies question for typists
to type the questions and all students assemble in an examination hall to write and answer
questions using the OMR sheet. The OMR sheet consists of questions mostly 50 questions
having 5 options A, B, C, D, and E. The student uses a pencil to tick the correct option
corresponding to the questions to be answered. After the exams, the teachers are given some time
to individually mark the OMR sheet based on what was there assumed answers.
Scalability and performance: As the number of users and tutorials grow, ensuring that the
system can handle a large volume of data and provide fast and accurate recommendations are
The main objective of the project is to design and implement a web computer-based test
1. To develop a CBT software that can be able to select questions in randomly based on students
2. To develop a CBT software with enhanced security features to avoid exam malpractice.
3. To design a CBT software with real time processing of results for candidates.
1.5 Scope of Study
This study covers the design and implementation of an online computer-based test system, using
conventions, making it difficult to analyze and compare data across different sources or studies.
Reduced accuracy: Unstructured software may introduce errors or inaccuracies during data
entry or extraction.
Computer Based Test (CBT): Is the use of information technology for any assessment-
related activity.
Design: is that the creation of an idea or convention for the development of an object or a