Elet4612k Industrialautomationandprocesscontrol
Elet4612k Industrialautomationandprocesscontrol
Elet4612k Industrialautomationandprocesscontrol
11. Approvals:
This change was approved by: Date
D. Rationale: Industrial automation and process control has wide application in industry.
G. Prerequisites: Mechatronics ICET 3302, PLC ELET 4101K, Process Control ICET 205 and
J. Textbook Selection (include title, author and ISBN#): “The primary textbook for this
course is “Industrial Automation and Process Control” by Jon Stenerson, ISBN 0-13-033030-2
L. Bibliography:
Department of Electronics Engineering Technology
Savannah State University
ELET 4621K: Industrial Automation and Process Control
Name and Title: Asad Yousuf, Electronics Engineering Technology
Meeting Times:
Office Telephone/E-mail:
(912)351-6490; yousufa@savannahstate.edu
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Industrial Automation and Process Control. The course will
provide comprehensive and accessible coverage of the evolving field of mechatronics for electrical engineering
technology students. Students will explore Programmable Logic Controllers, Sensors, Robotics, Process Control and
Computer Numerical Control Machines – all which are fundamental to the understanding of Industrial Automation
and Process Control.
Credit Hours:
3 credit hours
Mechatronics ICET 3302, Programmable Logic Controllers ELET 4101K, Process Control ICET205, SCADA
ICET 206
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are:
Gain a understanding of basic industrial automation.
Learn how to understand and apply programmable logic controllers.
Learn the basics of sensors.
Learn how to program and interface programmable logic controllers
Learn the theoretical and practical aspects of robotics.
Learn the basics of process control system theory, design, and application.
Become proficient with using laboratory instrumentation.
Gain experience designing and constructing basic PLC and Control Systems.
Methods of Instruction:
Lecture, hands-on laboratory exercises, problem solving sessions, and discussion are the primary means
of instructing students in this course. Students are encouraged to record the lecture and save them on
1. The students will be divided into teams. Each team is required to identify a team leader. Leadership
can alternate throughout the semester. Teams will alternate their responsibilities of getting all
equipments set and ready for the designated assignment as well as cleaning the lab after the
assignment is completed.
2. Upon the completion of the laboratory exercise, students are required to submit a written report in
accordance with the handouts presented for that lab. The lab report is due the following week
unless prior arrangement is made.
3. The lab hours will be utilized for:
Hands- on laboratory exercises
Introduction to safe use of Lab Equipment
Introduction to Rockwell Automation Addressing and instructions
Timers and Counters
Industrial sensors
Application of Robotics
Process Control using LabView Table top trainer
Input/ Output modules wiring
Grading Policy:
A 90 – 100
B 80 – 89
C 70 - 79
D 60 – 69
F < 59
Instructor Policy:
1. Attendance is mandatory. Each student is required to be on time. Any student who is absent for
more than 5-hours during the semester will be given an “F” grade.
2. Students cannot miss any lab. In case of an extreme emergency an excused absence can be granted
to the student. However, it is the responsibility of the student to get in touch with the team
members in order to redo the lab. The missing lab and lab report must be completed within a week.
Statement on Disabilities:
If a student has a documented and or declared disability, reasonable accommodations will be provided if
requested by the student according to the recommendations of the office of Counseling and Disability
Services (CDS): (912) 356-2285 / (912) 303-1650 / (912) 356-2202
Course Schedule:
Course Matrix
Timeline Lecture Topics Reading Homework Labs
Week 3 Overview of Programming Logic Controllers Chapter 3 & 4 Chapter 3 & 4 Lab 1
Fundamentals of Programming Problems Lab 2
Week 4 Test 1
Chapter 9 Problems
Week 12 Fundamentals of Process Control Chapter 12 & Chapter 12 & 13 Lab 7
Week 13 Process Control Systems 13 Problems Test 3