Anointing and Authority
Anointing and Authority
Anointing and Authority
Many seems to walk ignorantly under anointing thinking they have authority, it is a dangerous path, if you walk under
anointing and you're not guided or conscious, if you step out of bond, you'll gave the consequences.
In this last generation it's rare to encounter the authority of God being made manifest in the lives of men, many who
claim to have authority are merely just under the coverage of an anointing.
Anointing is good where there is an urgency to expand the kingdom of God, it is good when you're guided by your mentor
or by the holy spirit into certain territories, specified territories to fulfil the mandate of God's kingdom until He fully
ordains you to be sent to the nations. Jesus, disciples were under the anointing coverage of Jesus, so they were
mistaken they had high level of authority, but Jesus only left them for a little while into the mountain with taking Peter,
James and John with Him. By the time He got back, the remaining disciples were already a mockery, because they step
out of their boundary to cast out a demon they don't have the authority for. That's why Jesus said;
Act 1:4
" Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised."
You need to be empowered, this empowerment is gotten through sacrifices. Having done all thing, after devouring the
word, praying without ceasing, yielding in obedience to the holy ghost, developing your nine fruits of the spirit to a new
dimension of ripeness. Oh! you don't know there is another dimension of the nine fruit of the spirit, all an ordinary
believer has are unripe fruits. It is when you're tried and reforged through the fire by the holy ghost your fruits then
ripens, when you survived the fire, else you'll not be able to manage the weightiness of God's glory, it'll crush you. The
devil will find weakness, you'll not know you still have pride until you're handed power, that's why there is need for
brokenness, this is why God breaks men.
Having being tested and tried, you'll be sent into the wilderness to dethrone the flesh in order to shatter the barrier of the
flesh for the manifest the glory of God. A life of sacrifice, every day, every hour, every second, you die to the flesh to be
resurrected in power and glory. When you're qualified and ready, you'll be ordained by God to yield the authority of God.
This authority is generated on deep intimacy with God built on the foundation of sacrifices, the word and prayers.
Unless you have maximum authority, God's Kingdom mandate will never be entrusted to you. Because you'll need to
exercise the authority of God to cast out, bind and subdue demons and to bypass the laws governing the principalities.
Without authority you can't bring men who are held bound by demons unto salvation, neither can you lead an occult
grand master to Christ.
A girl was told me she can bring a occult man to accept Jesus of Jesus gives her the grace, grace! I laughed. Many
Christians seems to be operating too much on grace and this has brought them many troubles, you can't function
beyond you jurisdiction in Christ Jesus, it's is a spiritual law, spirit functions on law, even God obeys His laws, if you're
low you can never do that, if the grace of God is not sufficient on you, you might end up losing your life.
You need to first break the wall that blocks a man from accepting Jesus, chase away the presence of demons that
keeps a man bound to sin before he can receive salvation. It is the dominating power of God's life overflowing from us
that deals with these barriers. If Jesus can't certain people to salvation through you, then know your level of life is low,
you have low level of authority, go back to the word.
Salvation is not all about words, if you know what bringing men unto salvation is, you'll go back and buckle yourself up,
you'll go back and equip yourself. That's why some pastor end up being downed in a spiritual warfare by a demon, or
venture I to sexual immorality, it's not because they were originally bound to sin, it is because their level of authority is
The man of God delivering the gospel engages In phenomenal battle between light and darkness, there are demons and
angels involved, if you can't chase out the darkness, you can't bring such to accept Christ. Many of us think we are high,
no we're not, it because you encountered men of low ranking spirits of darkness that's why you say you're doing fine
preaching the gospel, winning souls.
I tell you, it is the spirit that keeps a man bound, nothing else, if you can chase out the spirit by the presence of God
overwhelming you don't even think about it. If you carry the weightiness of God's authority, at times you don't even need
to utter any word, that man will see the Jesus in you and he'll follow Jesus whole heartedly.
With anointing you can preach the gospel, many are under the anointing of their apostles, prophet, pastors, before
manifest the authority. Under the jurisdiction and dispensation of the anointing and coverage of the prophet he sends
them and tell them what to do. However, if you do what you're not told to do, then, well that's a sorry story. That’s why the
church is crumbling, many got anointed and went away to establish their own church thinking they've gotten authority.
The devil will use you as a joke, better alone weak than pretend you have high ranking authority.
The day the holy spirit revealed to me that this kingdom mandate is all about life, the fullness of God's life in you, His
authority, I withdrew and went back into His presence digging deeper into His presence to become more intimate Him,
so I can be birthed with His authority. It is when you become more intimate with God you're given.
I gave an example some time ago; it's like a man who got married to a woman, when they weren't yet married, the
woman had restrictions to the man's properties, but when they did, the car she was limited to drive, she can have access
to it if she qualifies for driving. Be more intimate with God and He'll rank you higher in authority.
The gospel is diverse, it is the words in diverse form like healing, deliverance, blessing, salvation, but all these still points
to the same thing " life." If you don't have abundance life, you can't do any of this, even if you do you'll do it with
limitations. We need to understand how much more we need the life of God, it is the fullness of God's life that births His
authority in us. When you're filled with His life, you're headed the path of authority over territories govern by demons and
And when Jesus came down to his disciples, they asked Him why they couldn't drive the demon, and He said unto them;
these ones can only be dealt with through prayers and fasting. Prayer and fasting isn't just about praying on less diet, it
is far more than that, it is journey of sacrifice, well I won't say on this in this message.
Even in sin, anointing still remains, that's the danger of it, you perform miracles, speak good word, but the life isn't there,
because the holy spirit has left you. However, where there is authority, it vanishes where sin lies. This, you know you've
sinned and you've lost the presence of God.