Senior Essay On An Assessment For The Challenges of Solid Waste Management System in Case of Adigrat Town
Senior Essay On An Assessment For The Challenges of Solid Waste Management System in Case of Adigrat Town
Senior Essay On An Assessment For The Challenges of Solid Waste Management System in Case of Adigrat Town
A senior proposal submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the
Bachelor of Art (BA) degree in Geography and Environmental Studies
June 2017
Adigrat University
UN United Nation
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS....................................................................... i
ACRONYM ............................................................ ......... ..ii
1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study ..........................1
1.2. Statement of the problem ........................... 2
1.3. Objectives of the study ............................2
1.3.1. General objective
1.3.2. Specific objective .................................3
1.4. Research questions ............................. .3
1.5. Significance of the study ........................... ..3
1.6. Scope of the study ...............................…3
1.7. Organization of the paper ........................... 3
2.1. Meanings and concepts of solid waste .. ............... .4
2.2. Solid waste management .......................... .4
2.3. Challenges of solid waste management . ................ 4
2.4. Policy option for urban solid waste management ............ 5
2.5. The role of community based management of solid waste. .. ..6
2.6. Methods of solid waste disposal ..................... 6
2.6.1. Landfill
2.6.2. Combustion
2.6.3. Recycling
2.6.4. Incineration
2.6.5. Open burning ..
3.1. Historical Background ............................. .8
3.2. Physical aspect
3.2.1. Location and size ...............................9
3.2.2. Topography
3.2.3. Climate .
3.2.4. Demographic and socioeconomic aspects .............................10 Population size ...............................10
3.2.5. Economic activity
3.2.6. Infrastructure Development …........................11
3.3. Research Methodology .............................11
3.3.1. Research Design ................................11
3.3.2. Source of data .. ............................. .12
3.3.3. Sample size and Technique …........................12
3.3.4. Methods of data collection .......................12
3.3.6. Method of data analysis and presentation ….............13
4.1. General characteristics of respondent ..................…14
4.2. Problems of solid waste management system ............. 16
4.3. Benefit of solid waste management ....................20
5.2. Recommendation ............................... .21
Table 3.1: Rainfall data of Adigrat .................. ....10
Table 4.1: Classification of respondent by age group ...….......14
Table 4.2: Sex structure of the respondents ...............14
Table 4.3: Education status of respondents ............... 15
Table 4.4: Martial status of respondent ….................15
Table 4.5: Distribution of respondent by occupation .........15
Table 4.6: Problems of solid waste management system ..... ... 16
Table 4.7: Challenges of solid waste management ..........16
Table 4.8: Magnitudes of solid waste problem ............…...16
Table 4.9: Degree of solid waste management system ........ .17
Table 4.10: Source solid waste ......................... .17
Table 4.11: Community participation on solid waste management ...…17
Table 4.12: Factors affecting community participation on solid waste management
Table 4.13: Stake holder of solid waste management . ........... 18
Table 4.14: Management of solid waste ..................... 18
Table 4.15: Methods of solid waste management … .. .......... 19
Table 4.16: Benefits of solid waste management ............. …20
Figure 3.1: Location map of the study area ................. ... 9
Figure 3.2: Observation on solid waste sites .................. 13
Figure 4.1: Methods of solid waste management system ......... …19
Solid waste management is becoming a big challenge for the city administration in many
developing countries mainly due to the magnitude of rapid urbanization and increasing
population growth which in turn have greatly accelerated the municipal solid waste generation
rate in the urban environment. The major objective this study is to assess the challenges for solid
waste management system in the case of Adigrat town. The object of the study contains general
objective and specific objective. The specific objectives are identify the major sources of solid
waste generation in Adigrat town, locate the present solid waste site in the Adigrat town, assess
the problems of solid waste management around the solid waste sites on the community and
identify the effects of poor solid waste management system in Adigrat town. In order to achieve
this objective of the study, the researcher use different types of data collection instruments
namely questionnaire, interview and observation. Data is obtained from both primary and
secondary data sources. Primary data sources through questioners, interview and observation.
And also secondary data sources are collect from written materials and documents. There are
two types of sampling techniques, these are random or probability sampling and non-random or
non-probability sampling. Random or probability samplings are simple random sampling,
systematic sampling, stratified sampling and cluster or multistage sampling. For this study
simple random sampling techniques was used the study population. For this study the researcher
take 72 samples out of the quantity in the study area. The result shows that generally poor solid
waste management system is a serious problem in the world. Poor solid waste management
system is a challenge of city authorities in developing countries due to the increasing generation
of waste, lack of understanding about the challenges of solid waste and other problems has their
own challenges for environment and health. To reduce this problem increases the awareness the
people one important issue to manage poor solid waste management. But also effective solid
waste management system is important activities and action required to manage waste from its
inception to the final disposal. This includes among other things collection, transport, treatment
and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation.
2.1. Meanings and concepts of solid waste
The term solid waste means a material such house hold garbage (including recycling) food
waste, yard waste and demolitions or construction derbies. It also includes discarded item like
house hold appliance, furniture, scrap metal, machinery, carport and abounded or junk vehicles
(Grest, 2008).
Solid waste is any garbage, refuse, sludge from waste treatment plant water supply treatment
plant or air pollution control facility and other discarded or salvageable materials including semi
solid or gaseous materials resulting from house hold, industrial, commercial, agriculture
operation and community activities (Grest, 2008).
2.2. Solid waste management
Solid waste management is systematic control, generation, collection, storage, transport, source
separation, processing, treatment, recovery and disposal of solid waste (UN Habitat, 2010). Solid
Waste Management (SWM) is defined as the control, generation, storage, collection, transfer and
transport, processing and disposal of solid waste consistent with best practices of public health,
economic and financial, administrative, legal and environmental considerations (Othman, 2002).
The integrated solid waste management (ISWM) takes on over all approach to crating
sustainable and system that are economically affordable, socially acceptable and the environment
effectible of an integrated solid waste management system involves the usages of different
treatment method and the key function of such system is the collection and the storing of waste.
It’s important is no one single treatment method can managed all the waste material in the
environment effective way.
Thus all the available treatment and disposal option suited to the particular community choosing.
The effective management schemes therefore needed to operate in ways which best meet current
social economic and environmental condition of the municipality (EPA, 2006).
2.3. Challenges of solid waste management
Solid waste management is challenges for cities authorities in developing countries mainly due
to increasing generation of waste, the burden posed on the municipal budget as a result high cost
associated with its management, the lack of understanding over the diversity factor that affect
different stage of solid waste management and linkages that is necessary to enable the entire
handling system of functioning (Anschutze,, 2004).
The challenges caused by different things such as lack of knowledge of treatment system
authorizes is one of the factor that affecting the treatment of waste but also absence of disposal
site around town. Solid waste has significant negative externalities with impact on the
environment and healthful controlled solid waste in cities provides a favorable habitat for insect,
vermin and scavenging animals which proliferate and spread air and water born diseases. Such as
plague, dengue fever and diarrhea among the local population. Solid waste also contribute to
some global challenges such as increase the emission of green house contribute almost 5% total
human based greenhouse emission (Hoornweg and Bhada, 2012).
Solid wastes have become recurring feature in urban environment. It is longer in the doubt that
our cities are unintended with challenges of UN cleared solid waste. Thus urban resident are
often converted with the hazardous impact to their collective and safety. The huge and cry over
the healthy consequence exposed and farming rubbish have not been quantified though their
impact is notable (UNATED NATION REPORT, 2004).
Solid waste management is a challenge for city authorities in developing countries mainly due to
the increasing the generation of waste, the burden posed on municipal budget as result of high
cost associated with to it management, lack of understanding over the diversity of factor that
affects the different stages of waste management and the linkages the that necessary to enable the
entire handling system, absence of an effective waste management, lack of planning at national
level are the challenges of poor solid management (Hoornweg and Bhada, 2012).
2.4. Policy option for urban solid waste management
City leaders faced with decision for the feather either they continue with conventional method of
waste management and the face the result impact or they pursue. An alternative path that
attempts to, present problems to work towards, the transient to more sustainable city. Leaders,
should first address the existing problem by recognize aliments of municipal budget to upgrade
solid waste in the infrastructure service (ECZ, 2004)
The lack of adequate policy and regulatory framework complicate matters even further the
experience lash own that the command and control approach alone can note and will note
improve solid waste management practice, command and control should be supplemented by
market based instrument with initiative and distinctive so as to stimulate investment and enter
premiership to transform solid waste management in to environment sound and socially
acceptable business (Medina, 2008).
2.5. The role of community based management of solid waste.
Community participation in solid waste management covers variety of encompasses several form
of local investment, includes awareness and teaching proper sanitary behavior, contributing cash
good or labor and perception in consultation administration and management function (Chandak,
At the most basic level community participation will be separated waste can be handling over
separated waste at a particular time to the waste collector or granting space to park solid waste
management vehicles with more great public participation of the community can corporate with
public or private entities to set payment rate for the service charge. Community management is
the high level community participation gives the community authority and control over operation
management or maintenance of service benefiting its member (Chandak, 2010).
2.6. Methods of solid waste disposal
2.6.1. Landfill
The most popular methods of solid waste disposal today, this process of solid waste disposal
focus to attention buying the waste in the land. This process used to eliminate the order and the
danger of waste before it is placed in the ground. So, most of people should be prepare landfill to
remove UN wanted material (Al-Yousef, 2009).
Landfill is a common disposal site for waste will be engineered and operated to protect the
environmental and public health. Landfill gas produce the anaerobic decomposition of organic
matter can recovered. Proper landfill often lack, especially in developing countries (Al-Yousef,
2.6.2. Combustion
This also a type of solid waste disposal methods in which solid waste are burned at high
temperature so as to convert them in reside any gaseous product. The main advantages of this
methods are that to reduce the volume of solid to original volume (Alem, R, and Hason,G, 2008).
2.6.3. Recycling
Recycling is the process of converting the waste product in to the new product to prevent the
energy usage and consumption of fresh raw material. This components reduces, reuse the waste
hierarchy. The key advantage these methods reduce the quantity disposal waste and return of
material to the economy. In many developing countries informal waste pickers at a collation
point and disposal site ret cover a significant portion discards (Medina, M, 2008).
2.6.4. Incineration
Incineration of waste (with energy recover) can reduce the volume disposal waste by 90%. This
high volume reduction is seen only in waste streams with very high amount of packaging
materials, paper, plastic and horticulture waste. Typically, insertion without energy recovery or
non out genetic combustion, the need to regularly add fuel is not performed option due to air
pollution associated with low temperature (EPA,2006).
3.2.3. Climate
As per the Ethiopian customary climate classification, the town is classified as “Woina-Degas”
the average annual temperature varies from 15 oc to 20oc with January and June the coldest and
the hottest month of the year. Adigrat has mean maximum and minimum temperature of15.7 0c
and 10.40c respectively. The maximum temperature varies between, 23 0c and 6.60c.the hottest
month is June with a mean maximum temperature of 15.7 0c, a mean of 10.40c.The coldest month,
December is about 10.40c cooler The variation of the temperature cycle from year to year is
small. The main rainy season –Kiremt occur from the month of July and august. The town has
five rainy months: from March to May and from July to August, 48.9% of the rain occurs
between July and August. The main annual rainfall is 659.4 mm, and the maximum rainfall of
175.1mm and minimum of 11.1 occurs at July and January respectively.
Table 3.1: Rainfall data of Adigrat
Month J a n Feb Mar Apr May Jun J u l A u g Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Rainfall 11.1 14.1 58.5 76.6 61.9 61.9 175.1 147.3 12.8 29.9 25.2 19.5 659.4
Source Woreda report, 2006 e.c
3.2.4. Demographic and socioeconomic aspects Population size
According to information from the municipality, 2009 (the current population) of the town is
estimated at 90,658 people. Out of these whom 44,422(49%) males and 46236(51%) females.
The town is deficient in infrastructure development and social service facilities.
Environmental Sanitation infrastructures like water supply, liquid waste and solid waste
management facilities and drainages are of low coverage. However, significant efforts are being
made to improve the environmental sanitation situation in the city.
Institutionalizing the service provisions, enforcements of regulations and close Supervision and
monitoring of mal practices, implementation of infrastructure Facilities and services are
underway. The municipality has been providing waste management services in the town
relatively for longer time; and the city development plan study has identified waste management
issue as one of the major problems. Accordingly, waste management has been prioritized and the
administration has set improvement strategies both for the liquid and solid waste management
3.2.5. Economic activity
The town is mainly woreda and zone Administration, and commercial center. There are 17
manufacturing industries, 915 whole sales trade, 2350 retail trades, 1381 service trades and four
fuel station in the town. There are 10 banks and one microfinance organization called Dedebet
giving financial service in the town. The annual revenue of municipality in 2005 was 9,157,228.5
Birr and the major source of the revenue urban land lease, service charges and various taxes.
The per capita revenue within the same year was 322.99 Birr. The major investment
opportunities in the town are social infrastructure, construction, manufacturing industry and
urban agriculture. According to 2009, economic activity rate was 52.3 for both sexes; 56.4 and
48.2 for males and females, respectively. The rate of unemployment in the same year was 28.9%
for both sexes, while male and female unemployment rates 17.3 and 39.4%, respectively.
Adigrat town has economic linkages with the surrounding areas and mekelle town. The town
gets grain product, livestock supply, natural resources (fuel wood and charcoal), and labor from
surrounding areas and manufacturing and commercial products from mekelle. Manufacturing
products are also sent from the town to other areas.
3.2.6. Infrastructure Development
Regarding infrastructure, the town has asphalt and gravel roads connecting it to different weredas
in the Zone, surrounding Zones, towns in the region and Addis Ababa. In the town there are three
main roads while the remaining roads are secondary, collector and local streets. The distribution
of the roads as per the type of the construction materials shows that 15.65 km are asphalt,
24.7km gravel, 17.4 km cobble stone and 187.2 km compacted earth roads.
3.3. Research Methodology
3.3.1. Research Design
In order to the catch objective of the study and answer the research question qualitative and
quantitative research design was employed. So the researcher was used both open and closed
ended question forms used to gathered information of important data based on the respondent
This chapter concerned with analysis and interpretation of the result of the firsthand information
data collected from study area. The data were gathered on personal background, challenges of
solid waste management, factors affecting solid waste management, solid waste disposal method
and stake holder perception in solid waste management system.
4.1. General characteristics of respondent
This explains to the background of personal information to community of Adigrat town. The
respondent was both male and female from both age group and the level educational status.
Table 4.1: Classification of respondent by age group
Age Male Female Number of respondent Percentage
15-25 4 12 16 22%
25-35 20 4 24 33.33%
35-45 9 9 18 25%
45-55 4 2 6 8.3%
Above 55 4 4 8 11.15%
Total 72 100%
Source, field survey (2017)
At represented the above table 4.1. most of the respondent found in between 25-35 age group
which account 33.33%.The remaining 22%, 25%,8.3% and 11.15% of the total respondent are
found in age 15-25,25-35,35-45,45-55 and55 years old. So most the community those participate
in solid waste management system found in age 25-35 years old. Beside the table refers to in all
age group males the most dominant percipient on solid waste management practice. These
account 41 respondents are male from 72 respondents.
Table 4.2: Sex structure of the respondents
Sex Number of respondent Percentage
Male 41 57%
Female 31 43%
Total 72 100%
Source, field survey (2017)
As indicated the above table 4.2, Shows 57% of the respondent are male. The remaining 43% are
female. So this implies that most of the male are participate in solid waste management practice
in the study area.
Table 4.3: Education status of respondents
Level of education Number of respondent Percentage
Illiterate 8 11%
Primary level 17 24%
Secondary level 28 39%
High level 19 26%
Total 72 100%
Source, field survey (2017)
As indicate the above table 4.3, Show that 39% of the respondents are secondary level. The
remaining of 24%, 26% and 11% of the respondents are primary level, high level and illiterate.
So this implies that most the respondents are secondary level.
Table 4.4: Martial status of respondent
Marital status Number of respondent Percentage
Married 39 54%
Unmarried 21 29%
Divorce 12 17%
Total 72 100%
Source, field survey (2017)
The above table 4.4, Shows 54% of the respondents are married. The rest of 29% and 17% of the
respondent are unmarried and divorce respectively. So this implies that most of the respondents
those participate on the solid waste management practice are married.
Table 4.5: Distribution of respondent by occupation
Occupational status Number of respondent Percentage
Daily worker 27 37.5%
Peasant 10 13.90%
Civil servant 13 18.05%
Merchant 22 3o.55%
Total 72 100%
Source, field survey (2017)
From table 4.5, shows 37.5% of the respondents are daily labor. The remaining 13.90%, 18.05%
and 30.55% of the respondents are peasant, civil servant and merchant respectively. So this
implies that most of the respondents those participate on solid waste management practice are
daily labor.
18. What are the effects of poor solid waste management system in Adigrat town ?
19. What are the factors affecting community participation on solid waste management system in
Adigrat town? _____________________________________________________________
20. What are the causes of solid waste generation in the Adigrat town?
21. What are the methods of the solid waste management system in the Adigrat town?
22. Is there any benefits of solid waste management in Adigrat town?
A) Yes B) No
23. If you r answer is yes for the above question (22) what are the benefits?
24. Is there any support you have gotten to manage solid waste?
25. Is there any challenges toward poor solid waste management? What kind of solution to have