Lab Report 2 Finished
Lab Report 2 Finished
Lab Report 2 Finished
Process Engineering
Laboratory Report, 2023/24
Signature: .........................................................
This laboratory experiment employed proximate analysis to assess the moisture, ash, mineral
matter, volatile matter, and fixed carbon contents of both coal and biomass samples. Subsequently,
ultimate analysis was utilised to determine the elemental compositions, including carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, sulphur, and oxygen. The Gross Calorific Value (GCV) was calculated using Dulong's
formula based on the obtained elemental compositions. On air-dried basis the GCV of biomass
calculated was 13.9607 MJ kg-1, and the GCV of the coal sample was calculated to be 12.3015 MJ
kg-1. To further refine the GCV, a bomb calorimeter was employed to measure the GCV. Titration
was performed to correct the GCV for the acids formed during the combustion process. On air-dried
basis the corrected GCV of biomass calculated was 16.3680 MJ kg-1, and the corrected GCV of the
coal sample was calculated to be 25.7646 MJ kg-1. The factors influencing the difference in GCV
calculated from proximate analysis and the bomb calorimeter are discussed. Furthermore, the GCV
was calculated on different basis including dry basis, dry, ash-free basis, dry, mineral matter-free
basis, and moist mineral matter-free basis. This is to see how different measurement bases influence
the GCV. The comprehensive analysis of both proximate and ultimate parameters, along with the
corrected GCV, provides a thorough understanding of the fuel characteristics and energy potential
of the examined coal and biomass samples.
Symbol Quantity SI Unit
Ash Ash content of sample wt %
FC Fixed carbon content wt %
GCV Gross caloric value MJ kg-1
MM Mineral matter content wt %
Moisture Total moisture content of sample wt %
NCV Net caloric value MJ kg-1
QN Correction for the formation of nitric acid J
QS Correction for the formation of sulphuric acid J
V1 Volume of Ba(OH)2 solution required to titrate the bomb washings mL
V2 Volume of HCL solution required to titrate the bomb washings mL
VM Volatile matter content wt %
Weight Sample weight g
m1 Mass of empty crucible and lid g
m2 Mass of crucible, lid and sample before heating g
m3 Mass of crucible, lid and sample after heating g
wC Carbon content wt %
wH Hydrogen content wt %
wO Oxygen content wt %
wS Sulphur content wt %
ΔT Change in temperature °C
Table of Content
1. Introduction................................................................................................................................1
2. Literature Review.......................................................................................................................2
3. Methodology................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Proximate Analysis for Moisture Content.............................................................................4
3.2 Proximate Analysis for Ash Content......................................................................................4
3.3 Proximate Analysis for Volatile Matter Content...................................................................4
3.4 Ultimate analysis.......................................................................................................................5
3.5 Bomb Calorimeter....................................................................................................................5
3.6 Bomb Calorimeter Correction for Acids................................................................................6
4. Results..............................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Proximate Analysis Results on Air-Dried Basis....................................................................7
4.1.1 Moisture Content Calculations........................................................................................7
4.1.2 Ash Content Calculations.................................................................................................7
4.1.3 Volatile Matter Content Calculations..............................................................................8
4.1.4 Fixed Carbon Content Calculations................................................................................8
4.2 Proximate Analysis Results on Dry Basis...............................................................................8
4.3 Proximate Analysis Results on Dry, Ash-Free Basis.............................................................9
4.4 Proximate Analysis Results on Dry, Mineral Matter-Free Basis.........................................9
4.5 Ultimate Analysis Results......................................................................................................10
4.5.1 Ultimate Analysis Air-Dried Basis Calculations...........................................................10
4.5.2 Ultimate Analysis Dry Basis Calculations.....................................................................10
4.5.3 Ultimate Analysis Dry, Ash-Free Basis Calculations...................................................10
4.5.4 Ultimate Analysis Dry, Mineral Matter-Free Basis Calculations...............................11
4.5.5 Ultimate Analysis Moist, Mineral Matter-Free Basis Calculations for Coal.............11
4.6 Bomb Calorimeter Results....................................................................................................11
4.6.1 Bomb Calorimeter Air-Dried Basis Results and GCV Calculations..........................11
4.6.2 Bomb Calorimeter GCV Calculations on All Basis.....................................................12
4.6.3 Bomb Calorimeter NCV Calculations...........................................................................12
5. Discussion..................................................................................................................................13
5.1 Proximate Analysis.................................................................................................................13
5.1.1 Moisture Content.............................................................................................................13
5.1.2 Ash Content......................................................................................................................15
5.1.3 Volatile Matter Content..................................................................................................16
5.1.4 Fixed Carbon Content.....................................................................................................17
5.2 Ultimate Analysis....................................................................................................................18
5.3 Classification of coal...............................................................................................................18
5.3.1 Seyler Classification of coal............................................................................................18
5.3.2 BS ISO 11760 Classification of coal...............................................................................19
5.3.3 ASTM D338 Classification of coal.................................................................................19
5.4 Base Measurement Influence on Fuel Properties and Classification................................20
5.5 Bomb Calorimeter..................................................................................................................20
5.5.1 Difference between uncorrected GCV of coal and biomass........................................20
5.5.2 GCV Acid Formation Correction..................................................................................20
5.5.3 Influence of measurement base on GCV.......................................................................21
5.5.4 GCV of the coal sample compared to other coals of different ranks..........................21
5.5.5 GCV of the biomass sample compared to other types of biomass..............................21
6. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................22
7. References.................................................................................................................................22
1. Introduction
Coal is a non-renewable energy source, it is a non-clastic sedimentary rock, which is the fossilised
remains of plants (Mahmut, 2021). It predominantly composes of carbon, but also contains different
elements such as hydrogen, sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen (Mahmut, 2021). Depending on the type
of plant material, varying degrees of carbonisation, and the presence of impurities, different ranks
of coal are formed, including lignite, sub-bituminous coal, bituminous coal and anthracite (Meij,
1997). Hilt’s law states that the deeper the coal, the higher its rank (composes of more carbon),
because in deeper depths, the material encounters greater temperatures and pressure, and more plant
debris is transformed into carbon (Civek et al, 2008). On the other hand, biomass is a renewable
energy source which is derived from organic material, such as wood shavings from trees. It also
mainly composes of carbon and incorporates other essential elements.
The elemental composition of fuels directly influence their combustion characteristics. The higher
the hydrogen, carbon and/or sulphur contents, the higher the calorific value, which is a measure of
energy released upon combustion. The calorific value of a fuel can be measured using an instrument
called a bomb calorimeter. Hydrogen has the highest impact on the HHV while sulphur has the
lowest impact (Kharasch, 1929). Moreover, although nitrogen can combust into NOx, its impact on
the HHV is negligible (Kharasch, 1929), and O2 does not combust and thus has no impact at all on
the HHV. However, a high content of N2 and/or O2 can effectively dilute the energy content of the
fuel, leading to a lower HHV. Furthermore, combustion of fuels can release various pollutants such
as CO2, SO2 and NOx. The extent of these emissions is influenced by the fuel’s composition. For
instance, coal has a high sulphur content thus it produces more SO2 upon combustion. Therefore,
methods such as Ultimate Analysis is utilised in industry to determine the elemental carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen present in a sample of solid fuel.
Moreover, a fuel’s physical properties affects its suitability for use in industry, this includes the
moisture, ash, mineral matter and volatile matter contents. The moisture content decreases the
calorific value, this is because the energy used to evaporate the water is lost as heat, reducing the
amount of energy available for useful work (Demirbas, 2007). Moreover, higher moisture content
means lower net energy density by mass, owing to the weight of the water (Huangfu, 2014). This
means that transport is also less efficient as a significant proportion of the load is water.
Furthermore, the ash content, which is the residue left after combustion, can negatively impact the
operation of boilers and furnaces due to erosive effects (National geographic, 2022), making fuels
with higher ash content less desirable. Moving on, a higher content of mineral matter decreases the
calorific value. This is due to endothermic reactions of decomposition of the mineral matter
(Shirazi, 1995). Finally, the volatile matter (VM) content aids the ignition of the fuel. Moreover,
VM consists of components that can be readily vaporised and combusted, contributing to increase
the calorific value (Bowen & Irwin, 2008). And therefore, proximate analysis is applied to
determine those physical properties of the fuel.
In this experiment, proximate and ultimate analysis will be utilised to characterise a coal and a
biomass sample. Furthermore, a bomb calorimeter will be used to determine the calorific value of
the 2 solid fuels, while also considering the correction value for the formation of acid gases in the
bomb calorimeter. Comprehending the physical properties and elemental composition of fuels is
paramount in the industrial context, as the inherent characteristics of a fuel play a pivotal role in
determining its suitability for diverse industrial processes and exert a substantial influence on the
overall design of these processes. Moreover, the elemental composition and physical properties of a
fuel play a pivotal role in determining its calorific value, thereby impacting the efficiency and
energy output of industrial operations.
2. Literature Review
As of 2022, coal contributed only 2% to the UK's electricity generation (Macdonald, 2023),
reflecting a deliberate reduction in reliance due to its high carbon intensity and air pollution
concerns. The UK government aims to limit global temperature rise by 1.5 ℃ by phasing out coal
in electricity generation (, 2021). In contrast, biomass generated 11% of the UK's electricity
in 2022 (, 2023). Biomass is considered carbon-neutral as plants absorb CO2 during their
lifetime via photosynthesis (Gaille, 2020). Additionally, biomass is processed from waste products
which reduces landfill (BBC, 2022).
Hydrogen, carbon and sulphur contents affect the fuel’s energy density directly, this can be seen
from Dulong’s formula below (Sath, 2021):
( (
q V , gr , ad=0.3386 × wC , ad + 1.444 × w H ,ad − ))
wO ,ad
+0.09428 × wS ,ad [Equation1]
Equation 1 reveals the contributions to gross calorific value: hydrogen (144.4 MJ/kg), carbon (33.86
MJ/kg), and sulphur (9.428 MJ/kg). These values are divided by 100 as they are multiplied by the
wt % of their elemental compositions. These constant values represent the weighted heat of
combustion of each constituent element (Atkins & Escudier, 2013). Furthermore, the subtraction of
hydrogen by oxygen/8 in Dulong’s formula is specifically related to the combustion process of
hydrogen. When hydrogen burns, 2 atoms of hydrogen combine with 1 atom of oxygen present in
the fuel to form water, meaning that 1 g hydrogen reacts with 8 g of oxygen to give 9 g of water
(Panigrahi, 2020), thus it is subtracted from the total hydrogen. Unlike hydrogen, carbon and
sulphur directly combine with oxygen from the air, eliminating the need to subtract oxygen content
when calculating their contribution to gross calorific value (Hosokai et al, 2016).
It can be seen from Dulong’s formula that hydrogen has the biggest impact on increasing the GCV,
and when hydrogen burns it forms water vapour, which is environmentally benign compared to
other GHGs like CO2 because water vapour does not accumulate in the atmosphere and contribute
to long-term global warming. Instead, it’s part of a fast, natural cycle where it’s regularly condensed
and precipitated out as rain (Gencer, 2021). Therefore, fuels with higher hydrogen content are
preferred. However, higher hydrogen content also increases the risk of flammability and detonation
(Abohamzeh, 2021), introducing safety risks in storage and transportation. Depending on the coal’s
rank, coal can have 0.8-7.5 wt % of hydrogen on dry basis (United Nations, 1998), while biomass
usually has 6 wt % (Baxter et al, 2005).
Moreover, higher carbon content in coal also leads to a higher GCV. However, it also leads to
higher CO2 emissions upon combustion, contributing to global warming (Tajeddin, 2019). Coal
usually composes of 40-98 wt % of carbon on dry basis depending on its rank (Carbon coefficients,
2012). While biomass composes of 45 wt % (Clarke, 2011).
Finally, sulphur also increases the calorific value of a fuel. However, sulphur combusts into sulphur
dioxide which contributes to air pollution and acid rain, which can damage buildings, monuments
and crops (Fino, 2019). Moreover, SO2 can lead to the corrosion of equipment in the power plant.
(Merriman, 2020). Therefore, the risks and problems that the sulphur presence introduces outweighs
its benefits in increasing the fuel’s calorific value. Thus, fuels with a lower sulphur content are
preferred. Coal’s sulphur content varies from 0.5-10 wt % (Pak et al, 2016). In May 2021 in the
UK, it became unlawful to sell domestic coal that contains over 2 wt % of sulphur (, 2020).
However, for coal used in power stations, the focus has been more on controlling the emissions
after combustion using desulphurisation units which capture SOx from the flue gas. (Cheremisinoff,
2012). Moreover, biomass usually composes of less than 0.1 wt % (Forest research, 2022).
Ultimate analysis is a crucial method for determining the elemental composition of solid fuels. It
works by completely combusting the substance and analyse the combustion products, it determines
the carbon, hydrogen, sulphur, and nitrogen content (Ronsse, et al 2015). While the oxygen
composition is indirectly estimated, by assuming that the remainder weight percentage is due to
oxygen. (Mahajan, 1984). This method is essential for understanding the chemical composition of
industrial fuels, aiding in optimising their use and assessing their environmental impact.
Table 1. Shows ultimate analysis results of different coal ranks and biomass samples (Baxter et al, 2005)
A bomb calorimeter can also be used to measure the GCV of a fuel. The process involves burning a
precise measure of the fuel sample in a sealed container, known as a bomb, which is immersed in a
water bath, the bomb is pressurised with oxygen to ensure complete combustion, and an electric
ignition is used to start the combustion reaction, and the heat released from the combustion reaction
raises the temperature of the water bath (Babu, 2019). This temperature change is measured and can
be compared to a reference sample in order determine the GCV (Babu, 2019).
Moving on, moisture content decreases the calorific value, this is because the energy used to
evaporate the water is lost as heat (Demirbas, 2007). In solid fuels, moisture can be present in three
main forms. The first is surface moisture, which is acquired during storage and cleaning, this type
of moisture is usually the easiest to remove through drying (Mahapatra, 2015). The second form
is inherent moisture, which is trapped within the capillary pores of the solid fuel, it is more
difficult to remove than surface moisture and can affect the combustion efficiency of the fuel
(Mahapatra, 2015). The third form is loosely bonded combined moisture, which includes hydrates
and other forms of moisture that are loosely bonded to the fuel, while not as easily removed as
surface moisture, this type of moisture can often be reduced through proper storage and handling
(Clemens, 1996). Each of these forms of moisture can impact the fuel’s combustion efficiency,
handling, and storage characteristics, making the understanding and management of moisture
content in solid fuels an important aspect of fuel utilisation. The moisture content is determined by
heating a sample to 105 °C under nitrogen until the weight becomes stable (Niksa, 2020).
Ash content in fuel represents inorganic, non-combustible material. Higher ash content can reduce
the GCV and impair boiler fan efficiency (Woodyard, 2009). Coal ash primarily comprises silica,
alumina, iron oxide, calcium oxide, and alkali oxides, and biomass ash contains similar oxides, but
the proportions may vary, with higher levels of alkali oxide and silica (Bhatt et al., 2019). Improper
ash management can lead to environmental pollution in groundwater and air (US EPA, 2023).
Determining ash content involves heating coal samples to over 800 °C, while for biomass, where
alkali oxides are volatile, determination is conducted at 550 °C (Reinmöller, 2023).
Finally, volatile matter in fuels refer to the components of the fuel, except for moisture, which are
liberated at high temperature (900 °C) in the absence of air (Bowen & Irwin, 2008). This is usually
a mixture of short- and long-chain hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, tars and some sulphur
(Bowen & Irwin, 2008). The presence and quantity of volatile matter in coal influence its
combustion behaviour, flame characteristics, and the amount of smoke and pollutants produced
during burning (Sha et al, 2021). High-volatile fuels tend to ignite more easily and burn with a more
intense flame (Sha et al, 2021). Thus, the volatile matter content is one of the factors considered in
classifying and characterising different types of fuels for various industrial applications.
3. Methodology
The crucibles utilised in this experiment were already pre-heated at the maximum temperature
employed in each test to eliminate any moisture and combustible matter that might have affected
the analysis data. Subsequently, they were stored in a desiccator, which constituted a sealed glass
vessel containing silica gel granules capable of absorbing water and preventing atmospheric
moisture from settling on the crucibles.
3.1 Proximate Analysis for Moisture Content
The weight of an empty moisture determination crucible with its lid was recorded used an analytical
balance showing in figure 1, followed by the removal of the lid and taring of the balance. Coal 1.0 g
± 0.1 g) was then carefully weighed into the crucible, ensuring even distribution. The weight of the
coal was recorded, then the lid was replaced on the crucible, and it was subsequently removed from
the balance to prevent sample loss through air draughts. A duplicate sample of the coal was
prepared using the same procedure. These steps were then also repeated for the wood biomass
sample. The four samples were then placed on a metal tray with their lids removed and positioned
in a nitrogen-purged electric oven (100 °C ± 5 °C, 1hr). Some coals are susceptible to reactions with
air at relatively low temperatures, so nitrogen was used to prevent misleading data. Afterwards, the
crucibles were taken out from the oven, their lids were replaced, and the samples were transferred to
a desiccator. Following the cooling of the samples to room temperature, they were reweighed
promptly. The calculation of the percent moisture content was then calculated using equation 2.
Figure 1. A sketch of the analytical balance used to measure the samples’ weight (Drawn by author).
room temperature. Each crucible with its lid was re-weighed as soon as it had cooled down, and the
volatile matter was calculated using equation 5.
3.4 Ultimate analysis
The samples were already prepared by the demonstrators an put in a plastic sample tray. The
samples were then loaded into the auto-sampler of a Thermo Scientific Flash EA2000 elemental
analyser by laboratory staff, where the elements in the sample combusted completely and the
combustion products were analysed, determining the elemental compositions of carbon, hydrogen,
sulphur, and nitrogen content in the sample. The oxygen composition was calculated, by assuming
that the remainder weight percentage is due to oxygen.
3.5 Bomb Calorimeter
An air-dried sample of each coal and biomass were provided. A plastic weighing boat was placed
on the analytical balance shown in figure 1, the balance doors were closed, then the balance was
tared. The balance door was then opened, and the coal sample was added to the boat, with a
specified weight range of 0.30 g ± 0.05 g. Firing fine powders can lead to an explosive burn, which
is inefficient and potentially damaging to the bomb. To mitigate this risk, the coal was pressed into
a pellet before analysis using a manual hydraulic press shown in figure 2. Firstly the bottom rod was
placed inside the die hole, then the weighted sample was put into the die hole, then the top pushing
rod was placed inside the die. The die had a vent tube connected to it, which facilitated the removal
of air from the sample and the die cavity during the palletisation process. The die was then placed
on the base of the instrument right under the press head, and the extension screw was twisted until
the press head touched the die. The hydraulic lever pump was then gripped and moved in a
downward and upward motion until the pressure gauge reading went up to 5 tons. The press head
was then lifted up by twisting the ram extension screw and the sample was taken out of the die as a
pellet. This procedure was then repeated for the biomass sample.
Figure 2. A sketch of the manual hydraulic press used to pelletise the samples (Drawn by author).
Following this, a steel calorimetry crucible was placed on the analytical balance, and the balance
doors were closed before the balance was tared. The coal pellet was transferred to the crucible using
tweezers, and the weight was recorded.
In the preparation of the instrument, a 10 cm length of fuse wire was cut and threaded through the
holes on the lid electrodes, forming a U-shaped loop hanging down towards the sample crucible
holder as shown in figure 2. The remaining ends of the fuse wire were wrapped around the
electrodes. Subsequently, 10 ml of deionised water was poured into the bomb body to wet all
internal surfaces and aid in absorbing acid gases. The cleanliness of the bucket was ensured before
placing it on the top-pan balance and taring the weight. The bucket was then filled with deionised
water until the balance read exactly 2000.0 g. Then the full bucket was placed in the calorimeter
carefully to ensure it did not touch the walls, the three indentations on the bucket's bottom were
aligned with the calorimeter's feet. The assembly of the bomb and its pressurisation with pure
oxygen to 30 bar gauge were performed by the demonstrator.
Figure 3. A sketch of the calorimeter bomb components (Drawn by author).
The bomb was then placed in the bucket, and the electrode leads for the ignition wire were
connected by the demonstrator. Subsequently, the bomb was checked for oxygen leakage, and the
calorimeter lid was closed to initiate the firing sequence. The firing process was fully automated
and occurred when the temperature of the water in the bucket became sufficiently stable. The
indication of bomb firing was accompanied by a beeper warning.
3.6 Bomb Calorimeter Correction for Acids
After the temperature of the water in the bucket became sufficiently stable following firing, a
provisional results page was displayed, presenting the temperature rise and GCV. The bomb was
then removed from the calorimeter and placed in a fume cupboard by the demonstrator. This was to
allow sufficient time for the acid gases to dissolve, a waiting period of 10 minutes was observed
after the conclusion of firing. Subsequently, the demonstrator gently released the gas from the
bomb. The bomb was then opened by the demonstrator, allowing for an inspection inside.
Following this, a thorough rinsing of the internal surfaces, electrodes, and crucible was carried out
with deionised water. The washings were collected in the bomb, transferred into a conical flask, and
further rinsing of the bomb was performed multiple times to ensure the complete transfer of the
washings. The aim was to achieve a final volume of approximately 100 ml.
The washings were boiled for 2 minutes to expel carbon dioxide, dissolved as carbonic acid.
Following this, a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added to the hot washings, and
titration was carried out with barium hydroxide solution (0.05 mol/l) while still hot. To avoid burns
or scalds, heat-resistant gloves were used. The volume of Ba(OH)2 required to cause the indicator to
change from colourless to a magenta colour was recorded. This volume was utilised to calculate the
correction needed for the formation of nitric acid. Next, 20 ml of sodium carbonate solution (0.05
mol/l) was added to the warm washings. The precipitate formed was removed by filtering the
washings into a second conical flask while still warm. The first flask was rinsed with deionized
water multiple times to ensure the complete transfer of the sample. The filtrate was allowed to cool,
and two or three drops of screened methyl orange indicator were added to the washings. Titration
with HCl solution (0.1 mol/l) followed, and the colour changed from grey to green due to
phenolphthalein. Despite this colour change, acid was continuously added dropwise until the colour
changed from green to pink/purple. The volume of acid used was recorded and utilised to calculate
the correction needed for the formation of sulphuric acid.
4. Results
4.1 Proximate Analysis Results on Air-Dried Basis
4.1.1 Moisture Content Calculations
The moisture content of the sample on air-dried basis is calculated using the equation below:
Moisture ad= ×100 [Equation 2]
All sample calculations shown are for biomass sample 1 unless stated otherwise, and the same
calculation is carried out for all other samples.
Moisture ad= ×100=8.11878 wt %
Table 2. Results for the moisture content of the samples.
Sample m1 (g) m2 (g) m3 (g) Moisturead (wt %) Moisturead,avg (wt%)
Biomass 1 33.09309 34.18919 34.10020 8.11878 8.04734
Biomass 2 32.69885 33.73585 33.65314 7.97589
Coal 1 32.89119 33.85429 33.22500 8.23279 8.18971
Coal 2 32.99518 33.92710 33.85118 8.14662
The w S , ad , avg value was obtained from the ultimate analysis in section 4.5. And the same
calculation was carried out for coal sample 2.
Table 4. Results for the mineral matter content of the coal samples.
Sample Ashad (wt %) wS,ad (wt %) MMad (wt %) MMad,avg (wt %)
Coal 1 5.63478 10.55706
8.13 10.543705
Coal 2 5.61005 10.53035
4.1.3 Volatile Matter Content Calculations
The volatile matter content of the sample on air-dried basis is calculated using the equation below:
VM ad=
( m2 −m3
m2−m1 )
×100 −Moisture ad , avg [Equation 5]
VM ad= ( 22.27833−21.37564
×100 )−Moisture ad ,avg =75.43767 wt %
wt %
Moisture Ash MM VM FC
biomass coal
Figure 4. Bar chart comparing obtained results from the proximate analysis for the Coal & Biomass
samples on Air-Dried Basis.
Ashd = =0.11421 wt %
(100−8.04734 )/100
The same calculation was used for the other components for both samples. But moisture content is
assumed to be 0 as it is dry-basis.
Table 7. All results for Proximate Analysis on Dry Basis.
Sample Moistured (wt %) Ashd (wt %) MMd (wt %) VMd (wt %) FCd (wt %)
Biomass 0 0.11421 N/A 82.22510 17.66070
Coal 0 6.12395 11.48423 36.63300 57.24305
Sample Moisturedmmf (wt %) Ashdmmf (wt %) MMdmmf (wt %) VMdmmf (wt %) FCdmmf (wt %)
Coal 80
0 6.91849 0 41.38585 53.66989
wt %
B,ad B,d B,daf C,ad C,d C,daf C,dmmf
Moisture Ash MM VM FC
Figure 5. Bar chart comparing obtained results from the proximate analysis for the Coal & Biomass
samples on Air-Dried Basis, Dried-Basis, Dry, Ash-Free Basis, and Dry, Mineral Matter-Free Basis.
4.5 Ultimate Analysis Results
4.5.1 Ultimate Analysis Air-Dried Basis Calculations
The oxygen content of the sample on air-dried basis is calculated using the equation below:
w O , ad=100−( w C ,ad + w H , ad +w N ,ad + wS ,ad + Ashad ) [Equation 10]
Table 10. Recorded results for the elemental weight compositions of samples from ultimate analysis on Air-
Dried Basis, and calculated results of their GCV.
Sample wC,ad wH,ad wN,ad wS,ad wO,ad GCVad
(wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (MJ/kg)
Biomass 1 44.95 4.75 1.88 0.07 48.24 13.3783
Biomass 2 45.92 5.24 1.24 0.00 47.49 14.5431
Coal 1 40.90 3.20 1.85 8.56 39.87 12.0800
Coal 2 42.00 3.24 2.09 7.70 39.35 12.5230
Coal 1 44.55 3.49 2.02 9.32 34.50 14.7682
Coal 2 45.75 3.53 2.28 8.39 33.94 15.2507
Table 12. Calculated results for the elemental weight compositions of samples on Dry, Ash-Free Basis, and
calculated results of their GCV.
Sample wC,daf wH,daf wN,daf wS,daf Ashdaf Ashdaf wO,daf GCVdaf
(wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (MJ/kg)
Biomass 1 48.94 5.17 2.05 0.08 43.77 16.1463
0.11421 0
Biomass 2 50.00 5.71 1.35 0.00 42.95 17.4145
Coal 1 47.45 3.71 2.15 9.93 36.75 15.7316
6.12395 0
Coal 2 48.73 3.76 2.42 8.93 36.15 16.2456
4.5.5 Ultimate Analysis Moist, Mineral Matter-Free Basis Calculations for Coal
Data for the coal sample can be presented in moist, mineral matter-free basis by using the
equation below:
Component ad
w C ,mmmf = [ Equation11]
(100−MM ad )/100
w C ,mmmf = =48.94 wt %
(100−11.48423 )/100
The same equation is used for ash & all other elements except oxygen. Oxygen is calculated using
equation .
Table 14. Calculated results for the elemental weight compositions of samples on Moist, Mineral Matter-
Free Basis, and calculated results of their GCV.
Sample wC,mmmf wH,mmmf wN,mmmf wS,mmmf Ashmmmf MMad wO,mmmf GCVmmmf
(wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (MJ/kg)
Coal 1 45.72 3.58 2.07 9.57 32.78 15.6318
6.28510 10.54371
Coal 2 46.95 3.62 2.34 8.61 32.20 16.1270
The corrected calorific value was then calculated using the equation below:
Q N +Q S
GCV corrected =GCV uncorrected − [ Equation14 ]
(Weight × 1000)
GCV corrected =17.8524− =16.3680 MJ /kg
( 0.33730 × 1000 )
Table 16. Calculated results for the corrected GCV for each sample on Air-Dried Basis.
Sample V1 V2 QN QS GCVad,uncorrected GCVad,corrected
(mL) (mL) (J) (J) (MJ/kg) (MJ/kg)
Biomass 5.7 42 85.8 418.3 17.8254 16.3680
Coal 9.5 48 63 566.3 27.9400 25.7646
Table 18. Calculated results for the corrected NCV for each sample on Dry basis.
Sample GCVd,corrected wH,d wO,d MT NCVd,corrected
(MJ/kg) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (MJ/kg)
Biomass 17.8005 5.435 43.31 8.04734 15.0801
Coal 28.0629 3.51 34.22 8.18971 24.8562
5. Discussion
What does ‘rank’ mean when applied to coals?
The term ‘rank’ when applied to coals refers to the degree of coalification that has occurred. It’s a
measure of the coal’s maturity and is determined primarily by the depth of burial and temperature to
which the coal was subjected over time (Kopp, 2018). The rank of coal indicates its stage of
transformation in the natural series from peat to anthracite (USGS, 2021). This transformation,
known as coalification, involves the buried plant matter changing into an ever denser, drier, more
carbon-rich, and harder material (USGS, 2021). The four major ranks of coal are lignite,
subbituminous, bituminous, and anthracite, and each rank has distinct characteristics and uses.
Finally, the loosely bonded combined moisture in wood biomass is affected by several other factors.
Environmental conditions such as air temperature and humidity can affect the moisture content.
Low air temperature causes less evaporation and thus a higher moisture content. Higher humidity
causes more moisture to be absorbed (Trimble, 2022). Humid conditions in storage can also cause
an increase in loosely bonded combined moisture. Table 19 shows how the humidity of the location
in-use of growing the plant species affects its moisture content. Lastly, soil conditions such as
temperature, soil moisture, nutrient availability, soil type and compaction can also affect the
moisture content (Trimble, 2022).
Table 19. Shows the effect of environment humidity on biomass moisture content (Loffer, 2020).
On the other hand, the inherent moisture content in coal is influenced by factors such as coal rank,
geological conditions during formation, and coal composition. As coal rank increases (from lignite
to sub-bituminous, bituminous, and finally to anthracite), the coal undergoes metamorphism, which
involves the gradual removal of moisture and volatile matter under conditions of high temperature
and pressure over millions of years, this process leads to a decrease in moisture content, so high-
rank coals like anthracite typically have lower moisture content (Dasgupta, 2021). Furthermore,
coal beds formed in wet environments also exhibit elevated moisture levels (Lee et al, 2017). The
chemical composition of coal, including the presence of oxygen and hydrogen, influences its
inherent moisture content. Coals with higher oxygen and hydrogen content tend to have higher
inherent moisture (Wagner, 2021). Furthermore, conditions under which coal is stored and handled
can affect its moisture content. Exposure to humidity, rainfall, or inadequate storage practices can
lead to moisture absorption by coal (University of Kentucky, 2023). Moreover, the methods used
for coal mining, such as open-pit mining or underground mining, can influence the exposure of coal
to external moisture, improper mining practices that allow water ingress can contribute to higher
inherent moisture (University of Kentucky, 2023).
Loosely bonded moisture content in coal, is also affected by storage and handling conditions, with
exposure to humid or damp environments during storage leading to increased loosely bonded
moisture (Schobert, 1995). The particle size distribution of coal also affects this moisture content,
with finer particles having a larger surface area and being more prone to moisture absorption (Xi et
al, 2022). Moreover, grinding coal for industrial applications may expose fresh surfaces, potentially
increasing moisture absorption sites (Tanhua, 2022). Strategies to minimise loosely bonded
moisture involve proper storage practices, particle size optimisation and effective coal washing, all
crucial for enhancing the handling, transportation, and combustion characteristics of coal in
industrial processes.
How does moisture content influence combustion?
Higher moisture content decreases the calorific value, this is because the energy used to evaporate
the water is lost as heat (Demirbas, 2007). Thus, managing moisture content is crucial for industrial
applications like combustion for power generation because high moisture content can impact
calorific value and combustion efficiency. Therefore, solid fuel drying and proper storage practices
are employed to mitigate moisture effects.
adhere to regulatory standards. Furthermore, efficient combustion is essential for minimising ash-
related challenges, such as slag formation, corrosion, and particulate emissions, which can affect the
longevity of equipment and environmental compliance (Abelha et al, 2019). To mitigate these
challenges and reduce ash content, industries often employ advanced technologies and processes. In
the case of coal, methods like coal washing can be utilised to remove impurities and lower ash
content (Luttrell, 2012). Similarly, biomass feedstocks can undergo pre-processing treatments, such
as sieving or washing, to reduce mineral content (Koppejan, 2019). Additionally, advancements in
combustion technologies, such as fluidised bed combustion and gasification, contribute to more
effective ash management (Pettersson et al, 2013). The integration of these strategies enables
industries to enhance energy production efficiency while minimising the environmental footprint
associated with ash content in fuels.
How does volatile matter content influence combustion?
Volatile matter content significantly influences combustion dynamics in wood biomass and coal.
Higher volatile matter facilitates easier ignition, flame stability, and increased energy release during
combustion (Sha et al, 2021). In wood biomass, industries may select species with inherently higher
volatile matter or optimise drying processes to enhance combustibility (Sha et al, 2021). In coal,
beneficiation techniques such as washing and selective mining can increase volatile matter content.
Controlling particle size, a common strategy in both materials enhances surface area and
combustion efficiency (Sha et al, 2021). Advanced combustion technologies also play a role in
optimising volatile matter release. Industries strategically tailor these factors to improve combustion
efficiency and overall performance in various applications.
One of the earliest classifications of coal that is still in use, Seyler plotted the carbon content against
hydrogen content on a dmmf basis using the Parr formula to produce a “coalification band” that is
dependent on rank. Seyler also related the elemental composition of typical coals to properties such
as VM content. After some modifications Seyler’s coal chart was developed, as shown in Figure 6.
As can be seen from table 17 in section 4.6.2, the average GCV of the 2 coal sample replicates in
mmmf basis calculated was 28.8 MJ kg-1. This result shows that the coal sample falls in the II
Bituminous class, in the high volatile B bituminous group. Furthermore, section 4.4 shows that
the VM and FC contents are 41.39 and 64.67 wt % dmmf respectively. Those values are not
available in the table provided by ASTM D388, which do not contradict the possibility of the coal
sample being in the high volatile B bituminous group.
5.5.4 GCV of the coal sample compared to other coals of different ranks
The calorific value of coal varies with its rank, which denotes the degree of coalification that the
original plant material has undergone. The GCV of coal increases as the rank increases. The sample
tested had a GCVmmmf of 28.8 MJ kg-1, and was ranked as a II Bituminous class based on the
ASTM D338. In order for a coal to be ranked as a I Anthracitic, the ASTM D338 suggests that it
must have a GCVmmmf higher than 32.6 MJ kg-1, and then satisfy a minimum of 86 and 8 wt % of
FCdmmf and VMdmmf respectively. Furthermore, the ASTM D338 suggests that for a coal to be ranked
as III Sub-bituminous, it must have a GCVmmmf in the range of 19.3 to 26.7 MJ kg-1. Finally the
ASTM D338 suggests that for a coal to be ranked as an IV Lignitic, the GCVmmmf must be lower
than 19.3 MJ kg-1.
Measuring the GCV in coal is of paramount significance for the industrial sector. The GCV serves
as a key parameter for optimising combustion processes, ensuring efficient energy production, and
managing costs associated with coal utilisation. Industries rely on GCV data to design and operate
boilers and furnaces effectively. It also plays a crucial role in emissions control, helping industries
adhere to environmental regulations. Coal quality control, feasibility studies, and compliance with
energy standards are facilitated by accurate GCV measurements. In negotiations and contracts for
coal procurement, GCV information is pivotal for securing a consistent and reliable supply. Overall,
GCV measurements are fundamental for informed decision-making regarding the utilisation of coal
in industrial applications.
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