Lab 3 Oop

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College of Computing Informatics & Media

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons.) Netcentric Computing


Object Oriented Programming

Task: Lab Assignment 3

Name Khairil Hazmie Bin Abdul Razak

Student ID 2022697564
Group RCDCS2513A
Lecturer Sir Nizam Bin Osman
1. Salesperson class

public class Salesperson


//Data Members
private String Name;
private int Id;
private double Sales;

//Method members

//Default Constructor
public Salesperson()
Name = "";
Id = 0;
Sales = 0;

//Normal Constructor
public Salesperson(String NM, int Ix, double SL)
Name = NM;
Id = Ix;
Sales = SL;

//Copy Constructor
public Salesperson(Salesperson s)
Name = s.Name;
Id = s.Id;
Sales = s.Sales;

//Mutator/Setter method
public void setName(String NM)
Name = NM;

public void setId(int Ix)

Id = Ix;

public void setSales(double SL)

Sales = SL;
public String getName()
return Name;

public int getId()

return Id;

public double getSales()

return Sales;

public double CommissionRate()

double commission = 0;
if (Sales < 500) {
commission = 0.1* Sales;
else if (Sales >= 500 && Sales < 1000) {
commission = 0.15* Sales;
else if (Sales >= 1000 && Sales < 2000) {
commission = 0.2* Sales;
else if (Sales >= 2000) {
commission = 0.25* Sales;

return commission;

public String toString()
return "\n\nName: " + Name + "\nId: " + Id + "\nSales: " +
SalespersonApp main.

import java.util.*;

public class SalespersonApp

public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(;

//Step 1 Declare array of object

System.out.print("Enter size of array: ");
int size = scan1.nextInt();
Salesperson sp[] = new Salesperson[size];

//Step 2 Create/ Instantiate array of object

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)
sp[i] = new Salesperson();

//Step 3 Input

for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++)


System.out.print("Enter name: ");

String NM = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter id: ");

int Ix = scan1.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter sales: ");

double SL = scan1.nextDouble();



//normal Constructor

sp[i] = new Salesperson(NM,Ix,SL);


// Step 5 Manipulation

//i) Print a slip for each salesperson

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)
System.out.println(sp[i].toString() + "\nCommission: RM"

//ii)The total sale for all saleperson

double totSale = 0;

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)

totSale += sp[i].getSales();
System.out.println("\nTotal Sales: RM" + totSale);

//iii) the maximum and minimum

double maxSale = sp[0].getSales();
double minSale = sp[0].getSales();

for(int i=0 ; i <size ; i++)

if(sp[i].getSales() >maxSale)
maxSale = sp[i].getSales();

if(sp[i].getSales() < minSale)

minSale = sp[i].getSales();

System.out.println("The maximum Sales: RM " + maxSale);

System.out.println("The minimum Sales: RM " + minSale);

//to calculate total commision and average

double totComm=0;
for(int i=0; i<size ; i++)
totComm += sp[i].CommissionRate();

double avgComm = totComm/size;

System.out.println("Total commission:RM " + totComm +

"\nAverage commission: RM " + avgComm);

• Input & Output

Figure 1: Example of input and ouput 1.

Figure 2: Example of input and output 2.

2. Cloth Class
public class Cloth

//Data Members
private String Name;
private double Price;
private double Length;

//Method members

//Default Constructor
public Cloth()
Name = "";
Price = 0.0;
Length = 0.0;

//Normal Constructor
public Cloth(String NM, double PR, double LG)
Name = NM;
Price = PR;
Length = LG;

//Copy Constructor
public Cloth(Cloth c)
Name = c.Name;
Price = c.Price;
Length = c.Length;

//Mutator/Setter method
public void setName(String NM)
Name = NM;

public void setPrice(double PR)

Price = PR;

public void setLength(double LG)

Length = LG;

public String getName()
return Name;

public double getPrice()

return Price;

public double getLength()

return Length;

public double calcPayment()
double GST;
double totPrice;

GST = (Price * Length) * 0.06;

totPrice = GST + (Price * Length);

return totPrice;

public String toString()
return "\n\nName: " + Name + "\nPrice per meter: " + Price +
"\nLength in meter: " + Length;

ClothApp main

import java.util.*;

public class ClothApp

public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(;

//Step 1 Declare array of object

Cloth ct[] = new Cloth[100];

//Step 2 Create/ Instantiate array of object

for (int i=0; i<100 ; i++)
ct[i] = new Cloth();

//Step 3 Input

for (int i = 0 ; i < 100; i++)


System.out.print("\nEnter name: ");

String NM = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter Price: ");

double PR = scan1.nextDouble();

System.out.print("Enter Length: ");

double LG = scan1.nextDouble();

//Step 4 Store data onto object



//normal Constructor

ct[i] = new Cloth(NM,PR,LG);

// Step 5 Manipulation

//i) Print a slip for each customer and all customers

double totAll = 0.0;

for (int i=0; i<100 ; i++)

double totalPayment = ct[i].calcPayment();

totAll += totalPayment;


System.out.println("Price needed to be paid: RM " +


System.out.println("\nTotal price: RM " + totAll);

• Input & Output

Figure 3:Example of input and output 1.

Figure 4:Example of input and output 2.

3. AlumniSTJ class

public class AlumniSTJ


//Data Members
private String Name;
private String Ic;
private char Gender;
private int Batch;
private boolean Employment;
private String Education;

//Method members

//Default Constructor
public AlumniSTJ()
Name = "";
Ic = "";
Gender = '\0';
Batch = 0;
Employment = false;
Education = "";

//Normal Constructor
public AlumniSTJ(String NM, String Ix, char GD, int BA, boolean EM, String ED)
Name = NM;
Ic = Ix;
Gender = GD;
Batch = BA;
Employment = EM;
Education = ED;

//Copy Constructor
public AlumniSTJ(AlumniSTJ a)
Name = a.Name;
Ic = a.Ic;
Gender = a.Gender;
Batch = a.Batch;
Employment = a.Employment;
Education = a.Education;

//Mutator/Setter method
public void setName(String NM)
Name = NM;
public void setIc(String Ix)
Ic = Ix;
public void setGender(char GD)
Gender = GD;
public void setBatch(int BA)
Batch = BA;
public void setEmployment(boolean EM)
Employment = EM;
public void setEducation(String ED)
Education = ED;

public String getName()
return Name;
public String getIc()
return Ic;
public char getGender()
return Gender;
public int getBatch()
return Batch;
public boolean getEmployment()
return Employment;

public String getEducation()

return Education;

public int calculateAge()
int age = 0;
String icString = String.valueOf(Ic);
int birthYear = Integer.parseInt(icString.substring(0, 2));

if (birthYear >= 00 && birthYear <= 15)

age = 2015 - (2000 + birthYear);

else if (birthYear <= 99)

age = 2015 - (1900 +birthYear);

return age;

public double calculateFees()

double fees = 0.0;

if (Employment == true)
fees = 30;
else if (Employment == false)
fees = 15;

return fees;

public String toString()
return "\nName: " + Name + "\nIc number: " + Ic + "\nGender: " + Gender + "\nBatch :" +
Batch + "\nEmployment: " + Employment + "\nEducation Level : " + Education;

AlumniSTJApp main

import java.util.*;

public class AlumniSTJApp

public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(;

//Step 1 Declare array of object

System.out.print("Enter size of array: ");
int size = scan1.nextInt();
AlumniSTJ al[] = new AlumniSTJ[size];

//Step 2 Create/ Instantiate array of object

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)
al[i] = new AlumniSTJ();

//Step 3 Input
for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++)
System.out.print("\nEnter name: ");
String NM = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter ic: ");

String Ix = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter gender: ");

char GD =;

System.out.print("Enter batch: ");

int BA = scan.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter employment: ");

boolean EM = scan.nextBoolean();

System.out.print("Enter education: ");

String ED = scan.nextLine();


//normal Constructor
al[i] = new AlumniSTJ(NM,Ix,GD,BA,EM,ED);

// Step 5 Manipulation

//i) Count and display the number of male and female members.

int countF = 0;
int countM = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< size; i++)

if(al[i].getGender() == 'F')
else if(al[i].getGender() == 'M')

System.out.println("\nThe number of females members: " + countF);

System.out.println("The number of males members: " + countM);

//ii) Count and display the number of employed and unemployed members.

int countEmp = 0;
int countUnEmp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< size; i++)
if(al[i].getEmployment() == true )
else if(al[i].getEmployment() == false)

System.out.println("The number of employed members: " + countEmp);

System.out.println("The number of unemployed members: " +

//iii) Display the member information from SPM batch year 1995.

System.out.println("\nMember information from SPM batch year


for (int i = 0; i< size; i++)

if (al[i].getBatch() == 1995)

//iv) Display the member information who age >= 50 years old.

System.out.println("\nMember information who age >= 50 years old.");

for (int i = 0; i< size; i++)

if (al[i].calculateAge() >= 50)

//v) Calculate and display the total of fee paid by the members.

double totalFees = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< size; i++)
double fees = al[i].calculateFees();
totalFees += fees;
System.out.println("\nTotal Fees: RM" + totalFees);

//vi) Find the oldest member and display the information.

int oldest = al[0].calculateAge();

int oldestMemberIndex = 0;

for (int i=0 ; i <size ; i++)

int age = al[i].calculateAge();
if(age > oldest)
oldest = age;
oldestMemberIndex = i;

System.out.println("\nOldest Member Information: ");

• Input & Output

Figure 5: Example of input and output for AlumniSTJ program.

4. Furniture class.

public class Furniture


//Data Members

private String furnitureType;

private String material;
private double pricePerUnit;
private int quantity;

//Method members

//Default Constructor

public Furniture()
furnitureType = "";
material = "";
pricePerUnit = 0.0;
quantity = 0;

//Normal Constructor
public Furniture(String FT, String MT, double PU, int QT)
furnitureType = FT;
material = MT;
pricePerUnit = PU;
quantity = QT;

//Copy Constructor
public Furniture(Furniture f)
furnitureType = f.furnitureType;
material = f.material;
pricePerUnit = f.pricePerUnit;
quantity = f.quantity;

//Mutator/Setter method
public void setfurnitureType(String FT)
furnitureType = FT;

public void setmaterial(String MT)

material = MT;

public void setpricePerUnit(double PU)

pricePerUnit = PU;

public void setquantity(int QT)

quantity = QT;

public String getfurnitureType()
return furnitureType;

public String getmaterial()

return material;

public double getpricePerUnit()

return pricePerUnit;

public int getquantity()

return quantity;


public double calcPriceFurniture()

double totPrice = 0;
if ("Wood".equals(material))
totPrice = pricePerUnit * quantity * 0.80;
else if ("Rattan".equals(material))
totPrice = pricePerUnit * quantity * 0.85;
else if ("Metal".equals(material))
totPrice = pricePerUnit * quantity * 0.90;
else if ("Bamboo".equals(material))
totPrice = pricePerUnit * quantity * 0.95;
return totPrice;

public String toString()
return "\nFurniture Type: " + furnitureType + "\nMaterial: " + material + "\nPrice Per Unit: " +
pricePerUnit + "\nQuantity:" + quantity;
Furniture main.

import java.util.*;

public class FurnitureApp

public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(;

//Step 1 Declare array of object

System.out.print("Enter size of array: ");
int size = scan1.nextInt();
Furniture arrFurniture[] = new Furniture[size];

//Step 2 Create/ Instantiate array of object

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)
arrFurniture[i] = new Furniture();

//Step 3 Input
for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++)
System.out.print("\nEnter Furniture Type : ");
String FT = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter material: ");

String MT = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter Price Per Unit: ");

double PU = scan.nextDouble();

System.out.print("Enter quantity: ");

int QT = scan.nextInt();


//normal Constructor
arrFurniture[i] = new Furniture(FT,MT,PU,QT);

// Step 5 Manipulation
//i) Total sale of each type of material.
double totPriceWood = 0.0;
double totPriceRattan = 0.0;
double totPriceMetal = 0.0;
double totPriceBamboo = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i<size; i++)
totPriceWood += arrFurniture[i].calcPriceFurniture();
else if(arrFurniture[i].getmaterial().equals("Rattan"))
totPriceRattan += arrFurniture[i].calcPriceFurniture();
else if(arrFurniture[i].getmaterial().equals("Metal"))
totPriceMetal += arrFurniture[i].calcPriceFurniture();
else if(arrFurniture[i].getmaterial().equals("Bamboo"))
totPriceBamboo += arrFurniture[i].calcPriceFurniture();
System.out.println("\nTotal price for wood material: RM " + totPriceWood);
System.out.println("\nTotal price for rattan material: RM " + totPriceRattan);
System.out.println("\nTotal price for metal material: RM " + totPriceMetal);
System.out.println("\nTotal price for bamboo material: RM " + totPriceBamboo);

//ii) Highest price of wood furniture.

double highestPrice = 0.0;
int indexName = 0;

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)

if (arrFurniture[i].getmaterial().equals("Wood"))
if(arrFurniture[i].calcPriceFurniture() > highestPrice)
highestPrice = arrFurniture[i].calcPriceFurniture();
indexName = i;
System.out.println("\nWood material with highest price: " +

• Input & Output

Figure 6: Example of input and output for Furniture program.

5. Laptop class.

public class Laptop


//Data Members

private String brand;

private double price;
private int RAM;
private int USBport;

//Method members

//Default Constructor

public Laptop()
brand = "";
price = 0.0;
RAM = 0;
USBport =0;

//Normal Constructor
public Laptop(String BR, double PR, int R, int USB)
brand = BR;
price = PR;
RAM = R;
USBport = USB;

//Copy Constructor
public Laptop(Laptop l)
brand = l.brand;
price = l.price;
RAM = l.RAM;
USBport = l.USBport;

//Mutator/Setter method
public void setbrand(String BR)
brand = BR;

public void setprice(double PR)

price = PR;

public void setRAM(int R)

RAM = R;

public void setUSBport(int USB)

USBport = USB;

public String getbrand()
return brand;

public double getprice()

return price;

public int getRAM(){

return RAM;

public int getUSBport(){

return USBport;


public double upgradeRAM()

double totPrice = 0.0;

if (RAM == 8)
totPrice = price + 98.0;
else if (RAM == 16)
totPrice = price + 299.0;
totPrice = price;
return totPrice;

public String toString()
return "\nBrand: " + brand + "\nNet Price: " + price + "\nRAM: " +
RAM + "\nUSB port:" + USBport;
Laptop main

import java.util.*;

public class LaptopApp

public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(;

//Step 1 Declare array of object

Laptop Laptops[] = new Laptop[100];

//Step 2 Create/ Instantiate array of object

for (int i=0; i<100 ; i++)
Laptops[i] = new Laptop();

//Step 3 Input

for (int i = 0 ; i < 100; i++)


System.out.print("\nEnter Laptop Brand : ");

String BR = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter price: ");

double PR = scan.nextDouble();

System.out.print("Enter RAM: ");

int R = scan.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter USB Port: ");

int USB = scan.nextInt();



//normal Constructor

Laptops[i] = new Laptop(BR,PR,R,USB);


// Step 5 Manipulation

//i) Total price for Acer laptops.

double totPriceAcer = 0.0;

for(int i = 0; i<100; i++)

totPriceAcer += Laptops[i].upgradeRAM();
System.out.println("\nTotal price for Acer laptops: RM " +

//ii) Laptop that provides 4 USB ports.

for(int i = 0; i<100; i++)

if(Laptops[i].getUSBport() == 4)
System.out.println("\nLaptops brand that has 4 USB
ports: " + Laptops[i].getbrand());

• Input & Output

Figure 7:Example of input and output for Laptop program.

6. StudentVehicle class.

public class StudentVehicle


//Data Members

private String stickerNumber;

private String studentNumber;
private String studentProgram;
private String plateNumber;
private String vehicleType;

//Method members

//Default Constructor

public StudentVehicle()
stickerNumber = "";
studentNumber = "";
studentProgram = "";
plateNumber = "";
vehicleType = "";

//Normal Constructor
public StudentVehicle(String IN, String UN, String UP, String PN,String VT)
stickerNumber = IN;
studentNumber = UN;
studentProgram = UP;
plateNumber = PN;
vehicleType = VT;

//Copy Constructor
public StudentVehicle(StudentVehicle v)
stickerNumber = v.stickerNumber;
studentNumber = v.studentNumber;
studentProgram = v.studentProgram;
plateNumber = v.plateNumber;
vehicleType = v.vehicleType;

//Mutator/Setter method
public void setstickerNumber(String IN)
stickerNumber = IN;

public void setstudentNumber(String UN)

studentNumber = UN;

public void setstudentProgram(String UP)

studentProgram = UP;

public void setplateNumber(String PN)

plateNumber = PN;

public void setvehicleType(String VT)

vehicleType = VT;

public String getstickerNumber()
return stickerNumber;

public String getstudentNumber()

return studentNumber;

public String getstudentProgram()

return studentProgram;

public String getplateNumber()

return plateNumber;

public String getvehicleType()

return vehicleType;
public double CalcStickerCharge()

double price = 0;

if ("motorcycle".equals(vehicleType))
price = 2;
else if ("car".equals(vehicleType))
price = 4;
return price;

public String toString()
return "\nSticker Number: " + stickerNumber + "\nStudent Number: " +
studentNumber + "\nStudent Program: " + studentProgram + "\nPlate Number: " +
plateNumber + "\nVehicle Type: " + vehicleType;
StudentVehicle main.

import java.util.*;

public class StudentVehicleApp

public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(;

//Step 1 Declare array of object

System.out.print("Enter size of array: ");
int size = scan1.nextInt();
StudentVehicle studVeh[] = new StudentVehicle[size];

//Step 2 Create/ Instantiate array of object

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)
studVeh[i] = new StudentVehicle();

//Step 3 Input

for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++)

System.out.print("\nEnter sticker number: ");
String IN = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter student number: ");

String UN = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter student program: ");

String UP = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter plate number: ");

String PN = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter vehicle type: ");

String VT = scan.nextLine();



//normal Constructor
studVeh[i] = new StudentVehicle(IN,UN,UP,PN,VT);

// Step 5 Manipulation

//i) Count number of motorcycle

int countMotorcycle = 0;

for (int i=0; i<size ; i++)

countMotorcycle ++;

System.out.println("\nNumber of students that use mototrcycle: " + countMotorcycle);

//ii) Total charge of sticker

double totCharge = 0.0;

for (int i = 0; i<size; i++)

totCharge += studVeh[i].CalcStickerCharge();
System.out.println("\nTotal charge for vehicle sticker: RM " + totCharge);
• Input & Output

Figure 8: Example of input and output 1 for student vehicle program.

Figure 9:Example of input and output 2 for student vehicle program.

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