Unit Test Final Ncma 217

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1. The nurse is planning care for an 18-month-old 10.

Which of the following is a statement about

child. Which of the following should be included in normal growth and development on which effective
the child’s care? nursing care is based?
- Encourage the child to feed himself finger food. - Success in one phase of growth and development
affects the ability to complete later phases
2. A maternity nurse is providing instruction to a successfully.
new mother regarding the psychosocial
development of the newborn infant. Using Erikson’s 11. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive
psychosocial development theory, the nurse would development, a child aged 7 to 11 years
instruct the mother to: demonstrates concrete operations when he or she:
- Allow the newborn infant to signal a need - Recognizes that friends may perceive things
3. The nurse is assessing a four-month-old infant.
The nurse would anticipate finding that the infant 12. The nurse teaches parents how to help their
would be able to: children learn impulse control and cooperative
- Hold a rattle behaviors. This would occur during which of the
stages of development defined by Erikson?
4. The nurse is observing children playing in the - Initiative versus guilt
hospital playroom. She would expect to see 4-year-
old children playing 13. During which stage of cognitive development
- Cooperatively with other preschoolers does the individual's thinking move to abstract and
theoretical subjects and possibly venture into such
5. A mother of a 3-year-old tells a clinic nurse that topics as achieving world peace, finding justice, and
the child is rebelling constantly and having temper seeking meaning in life?
tantrums. The nurse most appropriately tells the - Formal Operations
mother to:
- Set limits on the child’s behavior 14. Moral development theory differs from cognitive
development theory in what way?
6. The parents of a 2-year-old arrive at a hospital to - Moral development theory characterizes the value
visit their child. The child is in the playroom when system of people and their respect for others.
the parents arrive. When the parents enter the
playroom, the child does not readily approach the 15. The parents of a 2-year-old child are concerned
parents. The nurse interprets this behavior as that the child wants to do everything by himself and
indicating that: seems to be rejecting their authority. The nurse's
- This is a normal pattern response should be based on which of the
7. The mother of a toddler asks a nurse when it is - The independence displayed by the child is a
safe to place the car safety seat in a face-forward normal result of maturation.
position. The best nursing response is which of the
following? 16. You're assessing a 10-month-old infant. You
- When the toddler weighs 20 lbs note on examination the anterior fontanelle is open.
The nurse will:
8. A clinic nurse assesses the communication - Document this as a normal finding because this
patterns of a 5-month-old infant. The nurse fontanelle closes at about 18 months
determines that the infant is demonstrating the
highest level of developmental achievement 17. An infant weighed 8 lbs. at birth. How many lbs.
expected if the infant: should the infant weigh at 6 months?
- Uses monosyllabic babbling - 16 lbs

9. During which stage of moral developmental 18. An infant was 21 inches at birth. How many
identified by Kohlberg is the individual's moral inches should the infant be at 6 months?
reasoning based on personal gain? - 24-27 inches
- Postconventional
19. During an assessment of a 10-month-old infant, 26. You’re developing a plan of care for a 3-year-old
you note on the infant's gum line two teeth that that includes play activities. What type of play does
have erupted. These are the only teeth present in a child participate in at this age?
the infant's mouth. These teeth are known as the?
- Associative
- Lower central incisors

27. A nurse is preparing to care for a five (5)-year-

20. You note a 10-month-old is using the pincer old who has been placed in traction following a
grasp. Which option below best describes this fracture of the femur. The nurse plans care,
milestone? knowing that, which of the following is
- The infant is able to grasp small objects with the the most appropriate activity for this child?
index finger and thumb.
- Crayons and Coloring books

21. A 3-week-old infant is exclusively breastfed.

What will you include in the patient education to the 28. A 16-year-old is admitted to the hospital for
mother during this clinic visit? acute appendicitis, and an appendectomy is
- The infant needs to be supplemented with Vitamin performed. Which of the following nursing
D (400 IU) daily. interventions is most appropriate to facilitate normal
growth and development?
- Allow the child to participate in activities with other
22. Your patient is 4 years old. According to individuals in the same age group when the
Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development the condition permits
child should develop ______ by the end of their
developmental stage.
- Purpose 29. Which age group would have a tendency
towards eating disorders?
- Adolescence
23. Fill in the blank: According to Piaget's Theory of
Cognitive Development a 10-year-old child would 30. The nurse caring for a hospitalized adolescent
be in the _______ stage. can best meet the adolescent's developmental
needs by:
- Concrete Operational
- Explaining procedures and including the
adolescent in decision-making
24. A 7-year-old child is able to recognize that even 31. A 10-year-old fifth grader enjoys having his
though one glass is short while the other is tall they artwork displayed on the family refrigerator. This
both contain the same amount of liquid. According behavior is indicative of which developmental stage
to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, the as described by Erikson?
ability to reason this among the liquid in the glasses - Industry versus inferiority
in known as?
- Conservation 32. Which statement below is false about the
puberty changes for the adolescent?
- Due to the activation of the apocrine glands, acne
25. A preschooler is in what stage of development can develop in the teenager.
according to Piaget's Theory?
33. The mental health nurse is assessing an
- Preoperational adolescent patient for signs of risk of suicide. Which
statement by the patient requires immediate
- “I’ve got out a plan on how to get out of this life.”
34. According to Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial 41. To respect a client’s personal space and
Development, the adolescent is in the ___vs. ____ territoriality, the nurse:
stage with a goal to develop ____ - Explains nursing care and procedures
- Identity vs. Role Confusion; fidelity
42. A confused client who fell out of bed because
side rails were not used is an example of which type
35. The nurse is working with parents of a seriously of liability?
ill newborn. Surgery has been proposed for the
infant, but the chances of success are unclear. In - Negligence
helping the parents resolve this ethical conflict, the
nurse knows that the first step is: 43. The nurse is obligated to follow a physician’s
- Collecting all available information about the order unless:
situation - The order is an error, violates hospital policy, or
would be detrimental to the client.

36. A health care issue often becomes an ethical

dilemma because: 44. Nurses agree to be advocates for their patients.
- the choices involved do not appear to be clearly Practice of advocacy calls for the nurse to:
right or wrong. - Assess the client’s point of view and prepare to
articulate this point of view.

37. Ethical dilemmas often arise over a conflict of

opinion. Once the nurse has determined that the 45. The most important factor in providing nursing
dilemma is ethical, a critical first step in negotiating care to clients in a specific ethnic group is:
the difference of opinion would be to:
- Communication
- Gather all relevant information regarding the
clinical, social, and spiritual aspects of the dilemma. 46. Which statement about an institutional ethics
committee is correct?
- The ethics committee is an additional resource for
38. Which activity would not be expected by the clients and health care professionals.
nurse to meet the cultural needs of the client?
- Expect the family to keep an interpreter present at 47. The branch of philosophy concerned with the
all times to assist in meeting the communication distinction between right and wrong on the basis of
needs all day and night while hospitalized the body knowledge, not only on the basis of
- Ethics
39. What should the nurse do when planning
nursing care for a client with a different cultural 48. This means no matter what a patient's
background? The nurse should: insurance status or financial resources may be, or
what gender identification, age or ethnicity they are,
- Identify how these cultural variables affect the they have the right to fairness in nursing decisions.
health problem
- Justice

40. In most ethical dilemmas, the solution to the 49. An example of nurses demonstrating this
dilemma requires negotiation among members of principle includes avoiding negligent care of a
the healthcare team. The nurse’s point of view is patient.
valuable because:
- Nonmaleficence
- Nurses develop a relationship to the client that is 50. An example of a nurse demonstrating this
unique among all professional health care ethical principle is by holding a dying patient's hand.
51. The nurses do not influence the patient's 60. TRUE OR FALSE. According to some Filipino
choice. beliefs, Soup made of meat and vegetables is also
believed to help promote wound healing.
- Autonomy

52. This occurs when there is a conflict between

two or more ethical principles.
- Ethical Dilemma

53. This is the process of thinking through what one

should do in an orderly and systematic manner to
provide justification for action based on principles.
- Ethical Reasoning

54. A pediatric nurse feels transferring a little boy to

another hospital would further traumatize him and
his family, already devastated by a flood, so the
nurse speaks up on their behalf.
- Advocate

55. These committees develop and establish

policies and procedures to facilitate the prevention
and resolution of dilemmas.
- Ethics Committee

56. The patient was starting chemotherapy and

asked about the side effects, a nurse practicing
veracity would be honest about the side effects they
could expect with chemotherapy.
- Veracity

57. _____ care for couples and families who seek

counselling or treatment options related
reproductive health.
- Fertility consultant

58. ________ provide guidance and support for

mothers through the pregnancy and childbirth
- Doulas

59. TRUE OR FALSE. According to some Filipino

beliefs, cravings for food during pregnancy should
be satisfied.

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