Course objectives: National Service Scheme (NSS) will enable the students to:
1. Understand the community in general in which they work.
2. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem –solving.
3. Develop among themselves a sense of social & civic responsibility & utilize their knowledge
in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
4. Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities & gain skills
in mobilizing community participation to acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.
5. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters & practice national integration
and social harmony in general.
NSS scheme & syllabus for 2022 scheme from 3rd sem to 6th sem
Student/s in individual or in a group Should select any one activity in the beginning of each semester till end of that
respective semester for successful completion as per the instructions of NSS officer with the consent of HOD of the
At the end of every semester, activity report should be submitted for evaluation.
NSS scheme & syllabus for 2022 scheme from 3rd sem to 6th sem
Pedagogy – Guidelines, it may differ depending on local resources available for the study
as well as environment and climatic differences, location and time of execution.
1. Organic farming, Indian May be Farmers Site selection /proper Report should Evaluation as
Agriculture (Past, individu land/Villages/ roadside consultation/Continu be submitted by per the rubrics
Present and Future) al or / community area/ ous monitoring/ individual to the Of scheme and
Connectivity for team College campus etc….. Information board concerned syllabus by NSS
marketing. evaluation officer
2. Waste management– May be Villages/ City Areas / Site selection /proper Report should Evaluation as
Public, Private and Govt individu Grama consultation/Continu be submitted by per the rubrics
organization, 5 R’s. al or panchayat/ public ous monitoring/ individual to the Of scheme and
team associations/Governme Information board concerned syllabus by NSS
nt Schemes officers/ evaluation officer
campus etc….. authority
3. Setting of the May be Women empowerment Group selection/pro Report should Evaluation as
information imparting individu groups/ Consulting per be submitted by per the rubrics
club for women al or NGOs & Govt Teams / consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
leading to contribution team College campus etc….. ous monitoring/ concerned syllabus by NSS
in social Information board evaluation officer
and economic issues. authority
4. Water conservation May be Villages/ City Areas / site selection / Report should Evaluation as
techniques – Role of individu Grama proper be submitted by per the rubrics
different stakeholders– al or panchayat/ public consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
Implementation. team associations/Governme ous monitoring/ concerned syllabus by NSS
nt Schemes officers/ Information board evaluation officer
campus etc….. authority
5. Preparing an actionable May be Villages/ City Areas / Group selection/pro Report should Evaluation as
business proposal for individu Grama per be submitted by per the rubrics
enhancing the village al or panchayat/ public consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
income and approach team associations/Governme ous monitoring/ concerned syllabus by NSS
for implementation. nt Schemes officers/ Information board evaluation officer
campus etc….. authority
NSS scheme & syllabus for 2022 scheme from 3rd sem to 6th sem
6. Helping local schools to May be Local government / School Report should Evaluation as
achieve good results individu private/ aided selection/proper be submitted by per the rubrics
and enhance their al or schools/Government consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
enrolment in team Schemes officers/ ous monitoring/ concerned syllabus by NSS
Higher/ technical/ etc….. Information board evaluation officer
vocational education. authority
7. Developing Sustainable May be Villages/ City Areas / site selection/proper Report should Evaluation as
Water management individu Grama consultation/Continu be submitted by per the rubrics
system for rural areas al or panchayat/ public ous monitoring/ individual to the Of scheme and
and implementation team associations/Governme Information board concerned syllabus by NSS
approaches. nt Schemes officers/ evaluation officer
campus etc….. authority
8. Contribution to any May be Villages/ City Areas / Group selection/pro Report should Evaluation as
national level initiative individu Grama per be submitted by per the rubrics
of Government of India. al or panchayat/ public consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
For eg. Digital India, team associations/Governme ous monitoring / concerned syllabus by NSS
Skill India, Swachh nt Schemes officers/ Information board evaluation officer
Bharat, campus etc….. authority
Bharath, Make in
India, Mudra scheme,
Skill development
programs etc.
9. Spreading public May be Villages/ City Areas / Group selection/pro Report should Evaluation as
awareness under rural individu Grama per be submitted by per the rubrics
outreach al or panchayat/ public consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
programs.(minimum5 team associations/Governme ous monitoring / concerned syllabus by NSS
programs). ///// Social nt Schemes officers/ Information board evaluation officer
connect and campus etc….. authority
10. Plantation and adoption May be Villages/ City Areas / Place Report should Evaluation as
of plants. Know your individu Grama selection/proper be submitted by per the rubrics
plants. al or panchayat/ public consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
team associations/Governme ous monitoring / concerned syllabus by NSS
nt Schemes officers/ Information board evaluation officer
campus etc….. authority
NSS scheme & syllabus for 2022 scheme from 3rd sem to 6th sem
11. Organize National May be Villages/ City Areas / Place Report should Evaluation as
integration and social individu Grama selection/proper be submitted by per the rubrics
harmony events al or panchayat/ public consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
/workshops team associations/Governme ous monitoring / concerned syllabus by NSS
/seminars. (Minimum nt Schemes officers/ Information board evaluation officer
02 programs). campus etc….. authority
12. Govt. school May be Villages/ City Areas / Place Report should Evaluation as
Rejuvenation and individu Grama selection/proper be submitted by per the rubrics
helping them to al or panchayat/ public consultation/Continu individual to the Of scheme and
achieve good team associations/Governme ous monitoring / concerned syllabus by NSS
infrastructure. nt Schemes officers/ Information board evaluation officer
campus etc….. authority
In every semester from 3rd semester to 6th semester, Each student should do activities according
to the scheme and syllabus.
At the end of every semester student performance has to be evaluated by the NSS officer for the
assigned activity progress and its completion.
At last in 6th semester consolidated report of all activities from 3rd to 6th semester, compiled
report should be submitted as per the instructions.
NSS scheme & syllabus for 2022 scheme from 3rd sem to 6th sem
Commencement of activity and its progress - 10 Marks NSS Officer, the HOD and principal.
Sector wise study and its consolidation 10 Marks sent to the university and also to be made
Video based seminar for 10 minutes by each 10 Marks available at LIC visit.