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Empowered To Expand - Part 2 Member

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I. Introduction
Learning Outcomes:
We attend services week after week. What do you think it is the most Understanding, Attitude
important component in a Christian service? Worship, announcement,
offering, sermon, prayer or altar call? Discuss.
At the end of this lesson, you
will be able to:
1. Identify the most
important factor in
Sometimes, worship in the services simply takes off while at other worship.
times, it seems to hit a wall. What do you think is the single most 2. Desire to worship God
important factor for powerful and meaningful worship to happen in our from the heart.
services? Good worship leaders, good musicians, right songs, sensitivity 3. Practise singing a new
to the Holy Spirit etc? Discuss. song unto the Lord and
meaning it from your

II. The Act of Worship

Most of us operate in a western paradigm of music where we rehearse

and perform what we have practiced. To be a biblical worshipper, we
need to re-program our thinking with the Word of God thinking.

God is the author of the Hebrew paradigm of worship where He looks at

the heart. But the Westerner or a Greek paradigm looks at the outward

In view of this, what should be our attitudes and goals be when we

enter into a corporate time of worship?

How does this translate to practical actions during worship in services?

In worship, we go vertical and get connected with God.

Karaoke is not worship. Just to sing along with the worship leader
doesn’t mean you are worshipping. We must mean it!

III. The Power of A New Song

18 Do not get
Singing or worship plays a big part in the life of a Christian. It’s no drunk on wine,
which leads to
longer a song with words; it’s a song sung from the heart. Singing is
part of the rhythm of life as a worshipper. He wants all of us to sing. Instead, be filled
with the Spirit.
Paul talks about three types of songs in Eph 5:18-19. You may also 19 Speak to one
want to cross reference it to Col 3:16 if you like. another with
psalms, hymns
What does it mean to you to “sing and make music in your heart to the and spiritual
Lord” as commanded by Paul? songs. Sing and
make music in
your heart to the
Lord, 20 always
giving thanks to
God the Father
for everything,
in the name of
our Lord Jesus

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Eph 5:18-20
The meaning of the three types of songs are as follows:
 Psalms -(psalmos) – means a striking with the fingers on musical
instruments - (chords) as a sacred song, sung to musical
 Hymns – (humnos) singing praises to God for who He really is and 14 For if I pray in a tongue,
what He has done. Eg. those that are found in Psalms 113-118. my spirit prays, but my
mind is unfruitful. 15 So what
shall I do? I will pray with my
 Spiritual songs (pneumatikos): It is singing in tongues because spirit, but I will also pray with
“spiritual” means “all that is produced and maintained among men my mind; I will sing with my
by the operations of the Spirit of God” (Vines concordance). Paul spirit, but I will also sing with
my mind. 16 If you are
explains that singing in tongues is singing with your spirit not with
praising God with your
your understanding as you don’t understand the words. spirit, ……
(1Cor.14:14-16) 1 Cor 14:14-16

Isaiah 42:10 says, “Sing to the Lord a new song.” Why does God want
us to sing a “new song” to Him?

Why do we need to sing a new song to the Lord?

A. Singing a new song helps us to step into the Pentecostal
experience. Keep on singing when the writing on the wall
disappears! It’s the opportunity to step into spirit song and sing
your own song to the Lord.

B. Singing a new song helps us to experience victory. Israel

experienced many victories through songs. It’s the secret to
David’s worship life.

C. Singing a new song helps us to do warfare. God is enthroned in the

praises of His people (Ps. 22:3). When “the high praise is in our
mouth and the two-edge sword in our hands,” darkness has to be

Is worship for man or for God?

La-Mar Boschman: In heaven, every tongue and every tribe will sing
in their own languages. It will be all frequencies, all people, all
simultaneous, all spontaneous. That’s the sound from heaven.
Suddenly, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. We need this to
happen in all our lives.

IV. Conclusion

God hears the heart, not the art. Sing to Him and release your voice to

Whatever situation you are facing right now, put your faith into action
and sing a new song to the Lord. Sing it from your heart. God’s
presence will come and you will take on the wings of the eagle high in
the sky.

For those who have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the
evidence of speaking in tongues, let take time to pray for the release of

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the gift of tongues so that you may sing in tongues “a new song.”

Let’s enter into a time of spontaneous, sincere worship. Make up your

own spirit songs. Try it now!


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