Fin Irjmets1657705673
Fin Irjmets1657705673
Fin Irjmets1657705673
Various electronic meters have been developed and are still being developed. However, the use of GSM in this
particular system provides numerous advantages over methods that have been previously used. IOT is used in
this system, that will help to see the amount of power consumption. This project implements the prepaid billing
system. It means first we have to recharge the card. The power supply will be given to the user until there is a
balance on the card. If the balance on the card is below the minimum, the power supply will automatically turn
off. Alert SMS will be used to recharge. This entire data set will be stored on the server. Thus, this project
explains the basic structure and system for IOT-based energy meter billing and monitoring systems. This
artificially explains the basic blocks and components used in this system. The system is very helpful in avoiding
power theft. In this system, consumers can do power management by knowing energy leakage from time to
time. Using this system, we can provide a real-time bill monitoring system.
[1] T .Narmada, “Design and Development of Raspberry Pi based System for Prepaid Electricity Meter” IEEE
Xplore Digital Library.Nov 2017.
[2] Nabil Mohammad,, “A smart prepaid energy metering system to control electricity theft”, IEEE
Xplore Digital Library.
[3] Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklous and Thomas Stober, Pervasive Computing 2001.
[4] Luo Yonggang,”The design of Prepayment Energy Meter ”, IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
[5] M.Wassim Raad, “ A smart Card Based Prepaid Electricity system”, IEEE Xplore Digital Library.