Summer Training
Summer Training
Summer Training
Semester: VII
Course Objectives: The main objective of summer training is to explore career alternatives prior to
graduation. During their training, students can integrate theory and practice, as well as they can
assess interests and abilities in their field of study. They can also develop work habits, attitudes
necessary for job success, communication, interpersonal and other critical skills in the job interview
process. Summer training can also help to build a record of work experience and acquire
employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following graduation from college.
Teaching & Examination Scheme:
Contact hours per week Course Examination Marks (Maximum / Passing)
Credits Theory J/V/P*
Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
Internal External Internal External
0 0 2 2 NA NA 40/14 60/21 100/35
* J: Jury; V: Viva; P: Practical
The duration of summer training will be of minimum two weeks. It will be after completion of 6 th
semester and before the commencement of 7th semester.
Any one of the following options can be opted by the individual student with prior approval
from the respective department:
Curriculum Revision:
Version: 1
Drafted on (Month-Year): Jun-22
Last Reviewed on (Month-Year): --
Next Review on (Month-Year): Apr-25
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