Summer Training

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Effective from Academic Batch: 2020-21

Programme: Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)

Semester: VII

Course Code: 102000701

Course Title: Summer Training

Course Group: Training

Course Objectives: The main objective of summer training is to explore career alternatives prior to
graduation. During their training, students can integrate theory and practice, as well as they can
assess interests and abilities in their field of study. They can also develop work habits, attitudes
necessary for job success, communication, interpersonal and other critical skills in the job interview
process. Summer training can also help to build a record of work experience and acquire
employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following graduation from college.
Teaching & Examination Scheme:
Contact hours per week Course Examination Marks (Maximum / Passing)
Credits Theory J/V/P*
Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
Internal External Internal External
0 0 2 2 NA NA 40/14 60/21 100/35
* J: Jury; V: Viva; P: Practical


The duration of summer training will be of minimum two weeks. It will be after completion of 6 th
semester and before the commencement of 7th semester.

Any one of the following options can be opted by the individual student with prior approval
from the respective department:

1. Offline Training in industry/R & D organizations/other academic institutions subject to

permissions/guidelines along with written consent of the student and parents. Student is
supposed to produce joining letter and certificate of completion once the training is over.
2. Online Training in organizations/institutions which are approved/supported/recommended
by University/AICTE/other competent bodies.
3. Field Survey/Case Study report on systems used in the respective branch of the student. The
work should include the study of catalogues, price list specifications, properties, usage notes
and other technical details and drawings, etc. Work shall be carried out under the guidance of
faculty mentor. A detailed report shall be submitted once the study is over.
4. A Minor Project on suitable recent topic related to respective branch. It can be small
prototype/ experimental results/simulations/application development etc. depending on the
branch of the student.
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Evaluation Guidelines:
1. Student has to submit detailed report duly signed by faculty/industry mentor and head of the
2. Internal Examination will be conducted immediately after training i.e. at the beginning of the
Semester and External examination will be conducted at the end of the semester.
3. Students will be evaluated based on presentation, report and viva voce.
Pedagogy: Following one or more points can be incorporated as relevant pedagogy methods.
 Direct classroom teaching
 Audio Visual presentations/demonstrations
 Assignments/Quiz
 Continuous assessment
 Interactive methods
 Seminar/Poster Presentation
 Industrial/ Field visits
 Course Projects

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory) (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy):

Distribution of Theory Marks in % R: Remembering; U: Understanding; A:
R U A N E C Applying; N: Analyzing; E: Evaluating;
5% 10% 30% 25% 15% 15% C: Creating
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The
actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Course Outcomes (CO):

Sr. Course Outcome Statements %weightage
To demonstrate the application of knowledge and skill sets acquired
CO-1 25%
from the institute.
To communicate and collaborate effectively and appropriately with
CO-2 25%
different professionals in the work environment.
To exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills by analyzing
CO-3 25%
underlying issues to challenges.
To demonstrate the ability to harness resources by analyzing challenges
CO-4 25%
and considering opportunities.

Curriculum Revision:
Version: 1
Drafted on (Month-Year): Jun-22
Last Reviewed on (Month-Year): --
Next Review on (Month-Year): Apr-25

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