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Mark Scheme (Results)

November 2020

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Chemistry (4CH1) Paper 2C

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Autumn 2020
Publications Code 4CH1_2C_2011_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2020

General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same

treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in
exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates
must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do
rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme
not according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark
scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award
zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of
credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded
and exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application
of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team
leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the
candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.

Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) B filtration is the correct answer because it will 1
enable sand to be separated from salt solution comp

A is not correct because crystallisation will not

enable sand to be separated from salt solution

C is not correct because fractional distillation will

not enable sand to be separated from salt solution

D is not correct because simple distillation will not

enable sand to be separated from salt solution

(b) (i) X is a thermometer 3

Y is a (Liebig) condenser

Z is a beaker

(ii) salt 1

Total for Q1 = 5

Notes Marks

2 (a) A substance S is the correct answer because S 1

only contains one dye as it produces only one spot comp

B is not correct because T does not only contain

one dye as it produces two spots

C is not correct because U does not only contain

one dye as it produces three spots

D is not correct because V does not only contain

one dye as it produces two spots

(b) explanation containing following points 2

M1 (V contains) blue/B and red/R (dyes)

M2 because V has spots at same height as those

from blue/B and red/R OWTTE

(c) (i) M1 correct measurement of distance moved by ALLOW 5.7-6.1

spot Y 3
M2 correct measurement of distance moved by ALLOW 8.7-9.1

M3 use and evaluation of

Rf = distance moved by spot Y ALLOW 1-4 sig fig

distance moved by solvent ALLOW ECF from M1 M2
only if Rf < 1

(ii) spot from yellow food dye/Y does not move as far ORA 1
as spot from red food dye/R OWTTE exp

Total for Q2 = 7

Answer Notes Marks
3 (a) (i) magnesium ALLOW Mg 1

(ii) explanation including the following points 2

M1 silver

M2 because it is the least reactive (of the metals) ALLOW it is very


(b) explanation including the following points: 3

M1 Method 1/ heating the metal oxide/lead(II)
oxide with carbon

M2 (because) lead is less reactive than iron (and ALLOW carbon is more
iron is obtained from iron oxide by carbon reactive than lead
ACCEPT reverse

M3 2PbO + C  2Pb + CO2 ALLOW PbO + CO  Pb

+ CO2
ALLOW PbO + C  Pb

Answer Notes Marks
3 (c) Explanation containing the following points 4
Pure metal: REJECT molecules once
M1 (particles/ions/atoms are same size in a regular
arrangement so) layers can easily slide over each


M2 diagram of alloy structure showing minimum of

three layers with at least one different sized circle

M3 (having different sized particles/ions/atoms) ALLOW disrupts the

disrupts/breaks up regular arrangement OWTTE lattice / layers / rows
(of particles/ions

M4 so hard(er) for layers to slide over each other ALLOW layers cannot
slide over each other

IGNORE references to
strength/breaking of
forces/(metallic) bonds

Total for Q3 = 10

Answer Notes Marks
4 (a) CH3OH IGNORE displayed 1
formula grad

(b) (i) fermentation 1


(ii) Explanation including four from

M1 fermentation/reaction/respiration needs to be ALLOW exp
anaerobic M1 in air ethanol would
react with oxygen / be

M2 because in air / aerobic conditions ethanol not M2 in air ethanol would

produced form ethanoic acid

M3 because in air / aerobic conditions CO2 and H2O

are produced

M4 (if temperature above 40 ℃/too high) enzymes

(in yeast) become denatured/lose their structure

M5 causing fermentation/reaction to slow down ALLOW reference to

/stop optimum temperature
(between 30 ℃ and
40 ℃)

Answer Notes Marks
4 (c) (i) 3


M2 C3H6O2

M3 butanoic acid

(ii) carboxylic (acids) 1


(d) (i) (acid acts as) a catalyst/to speed up reaction IGNORE references to 1
activation energy grad



M1 ester linkage

M2 rest of molecule fully correct M2 DEP M1

(iii) M1 (Property:) distinctive/sweet/fruity smell ALLOW volatile 2

M2 used in perfumes/flavourings ALLOW any correct use
eg in making soaps/ in
solvents (for

Total for Q4 = 15

Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) Explanation including following points 3
M1 (unsaturated because) ALLOW contains C=C
contains (carbon to carbon) double bond(s)

M2 (hydrocarbon because) REJECT molecules

contains (the elements/atoms) carbon and hydrogen

M3 only M3 DEP on carbon and


(b) (i) from orange to colourless ALLOW yellow for 1

orange or any grad
combination of
IGNORE clear

(ii) calculation including following steps 4

M1 calculation of energy involved in bond breaking in reactants

M2 calculation of energy involved in bond making in products

M3 evaluation of difference ECF from M1 and M2

M4 correct answer and sign

Example calculation

M1 2(612) + 1(348) + 6(412) + 2(193) OR 4430 IGNORE signs in M1 and


M2 3(348) + 6(412) + 4(276) OR 4620 ACCEPT

2(612) + 2(193) OR 1610
for M1 and
2(348) + 4(276) OR 1800
for M2

M3 (4620 - 4430 = ) 190 IGNORE sign

ACCEPT (1800 – 1610 = )
M4 -190
M3 M4 ECF from M1 and

If M1 > M2 answer for

M4 must be positive
If M1 < M2 answer for
M4 must be negative

-190 with or without

working scores 4
(+) 190 with or without
working scores 3

(c) (i) 2 C4H6 + 7 O2 2C + 4 CO + 2 CO2+ 6H2O 1


(ii) Explanation including 2

M2 DEP M1 correct or Exp
M1 CO/carbon monoxide missing

M2 is poisonous/toxic/reduces capacity of blood to carry oxygen ACCEPT prevents blood

OWTTE from carrying oxygen
ALLOW correct
explanation in terms of
haemoglobin eg
OR prevents haemoglobin
from carrying oxygen /
M1 CO2/carbon dioxide forms
M2 is a greenhouse gas/contributes to global warming/
contributes to climate change OWTTE

(iii) 4

M1 horizontal line below level of reactants with 8 CO2 + 6 H2O

M2 profile curve rising from reactants level to form “hump” and

then falling down to products level

M3 activation energy correctly shown and labelled ALLOW double headed

REJECT arrow pointing

M4 H correctly shown and labelled ALLOW double headed

REJECT arrow pointing
ALLOW -3446 for H
an endothermic
reaction profile can
score M2 M3 M4 ECF
Total for Q5 = 15

Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) (i) zinc would react with sulfuric acid/solution X IGNORE zinc is too 1
reactive grad

(ii) bubbles ALLOW fizzing / 1

effervescence grad
IGNORE gas evolved
IGNORE incorrectly
named gas

(iii) B a burning splint gives a squeaky pop is correct 1

because this is the test for hydrogen comp

A is incorrect because a glowing splint relights is

not the test for hydrogen

C is incorrect because a burning splint goes out is

not the test for hydrogen

D is incorrect because limewater turns cloudy is

not the test for hydrogen

(b) description including

M1 add barium chloride/BaCl2 ACCEPT barium 2

nitrate/Ba(NO3)2 Grad
IGNORE references to
adding (dilute)

M2 white ppt forms M2 DEP M1

(c) (i) (graduated) pipette ALLOW burette 1


(ii) calculation with following steps

M1 setting out of how to calculate n(KOH)

M2 evaluation

Example calculation

M1 n(KOH) = 0.125 x 25 ÷ 1000

M2 = 0.003125 / 3.125 x10-3 ALLOW any number of 2

sig figs except one Exp

If no division by 1000
giving answer of 3.125
award 1 mark

correct answer with no

working scores 2

(iii) calculation with following steps 3

M1 calculate n (H2SO4) = M2 from (i) ÷ 2

M2 calculate vol H2SO4 = (M1 x 1000) ÷ 0.10

M3 evaluation of volume

Example calculation

M1 0.003125 ÷ 2 = 0.0015625 / 1.5625 x10-3

M2 0.0015625 x 1000 ÷ 0.10 Mark ECF from M1

M3 = 15.625/15.63/15.6 /16 (cm3) Mark ECF from M2

ALLOW any number of

sig figs except one

correct answer with no

working scores 3

Do not penalise not

multiplying by 1000 in
(iii) if they have not
divided by 1000 in (ii)

31.25/31.3/31 scores 2
62.5/63 scores 2
Total for Q6 = 11

Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) calculation with following steps 3
M1 calculation of n(K2CO3)

M2 deduction of n(CO2) and

vol(CO2) by multiplying by 24 (dm3)

M3 correct evaluation of volume in cm3

Example calculation

M1 n(K2CO3) = 6.9 ÷ 138 OR 0.05

M2 vol(CO2) = 0.05 x 24 (dm3) Mark ECF from M1

M3 1200 (cm3) correct answer with no

working scores 3

1.2 scores 2 marks

(b) (i)
M1 higher yield of CO ACCEPT more CO is 2
produced Exp

M2 because (equilibrium shifts to the right as the IGNORE references to

forward) reaction is endothermic Le Chatelier’s Principle
eg increasing
temperature favours
the forward reaction

M2 DEP M1 correct or

(ii) M1 no effect (on yield) OWTTE 2

M2 because equal numbers of moles/molecules (of M2 DEP M1 correct or
gas) on both sides missing

Total for Q7 = 7

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