RPP Brochure Final
RPP Brochure Final
RPP Brochure Final
The primary aim of the institute is to cater the To facilitate the continuous enhancement of
requirements of the country for technological manpower technical expertise to meet innovative challenge in
One-Day for development and research programs comparable to the research and infrastructure development.
Workshop best in the world. The college offers BTech courses in 10
on disciplines of engineering, namely Civil, Chemical,
“Research Practice and Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics and Mission of the Department
Publication” Communications, Information Technology, Mechanical,
To produce competent Civil Engineers by
7th April, 2024 Metallurgy, Mining, and Production. All the courses are
approved by the All-India Council of Technical
inculcating the advance knowledge and modern
Education, New Delhi (AICTE). Also, most
Guest Speaker undergraduate programs are accredited by the National
promoting quality educations, research, and
Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi.
consultancy for industrial and societal needs.
developing leadership qualities by providing
About the Department human values, ethical and moral responsibility.
The Department of Civil Engineering was started in the providing human values, ethical and moral
year 1957.The department offers UG & PG courses with responsibility.
Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering and
Structural Engineering as specializations. The About the Workshop
department also offers adequate facilities for R&D
works and thus provides a vital impetus in growth of the This one-day course on research practice and
Jharkhand state. Both undergraduate and postgraduate publication, in the form of workshop, provides the
students are trained in computer applications of Civil right knowledge and the proper skills for achieving
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shukla Engineering and the latest software. The students of the the excellence in teaching, research and professional
Founding Editor-in-Chief, International Journal department actively pursue R&D under the guidance of consultancy within a short period without depending
of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering,
faculty members funded by Government Bodies and on the failure/success approach.
Springer Nature, Switzerland