PhilipsAnnualReport2022 MessageFromTheCeo
PhilipsAnnualReport2022 MessageFromTheCeo
PhilipsAnnualReport2022 MessageFromTheCeo
from the CEO
Message from the CEO
“2022 was a very disappointing year for Philips and its stakeholders, and we are taking firm action to strengthen
patient safety and quality, improve our execution and step up performance with urgency in 2023.”
Roy Jakobs CEO Royal Philips
Dear Stakeholder,
Philips is a company with strong market leadership positions, an extensive customer base, We will also implement all measures agreed with the US Food & Drug Administration
strong innovation portfolio, talented employees, and a global purpose-driven brand. (FDA) and US Department of Justice, including a consent decree, and rebuild ties with
Yet, as our 2022 performance underlines, we are not extracting the full value of our the FDA and other national regulators. We have put the leadership and end-to-end
businesses and have disappointed many stakeholders. organization in place and have invested significantly in doing so. Across the company,
we have assigned the highest priority to making the necessary step-up in patient safety
My priority as CEO is to address operational challenges, improve performance, and and quality management and have elevated leadership of patient safety and quality to
drive progressive value creation through a strategy of focused organic growth and an Executive Committee level.
innovation model shift to increase the impact of patient- and people-centric innovation
at scale. Execution will be the key value driver, with three clear priorities around An integral aspect of quality is the ability to deliver and install equipment on time and to
improving patient safety and quality, creating more reliable and resilient supply the required specifications. To this end, we are taking decisive action to make our supply
chains, and simplifying the way we work, so we are more agile and competitive. chain more reliable and predictable, by securing near-term supply, redesigning and
pruning our portfolio, and moving from a ‘one size fits all’ supply chain structure to a more
Addressing priority challenges – improved execution as key value driver agile, tailored value chain model per business, with dedicated and upgraded domain
Our first priority is to rebuild Philips’ reputation around patient safety and quality. expertise. This will secure more deliveries, drive faster order-book conversion and build
The recall of specific Respironics sleep therapy devices and ventilators let down the down inventory.
patients who depended on them, and the doctors caring for those patients. We apologize
deeply for that and are working hard to restore trust with all stakeholders. By year-end, We are also simplifying the way we work to drive accountability and agility, with the aim
following the substantial ramp-up of capacity, Philips Respironics had completed around of unlocking significant productivity and margin gains. This simplification – with end-to-
90% of the production required for the delivery of replacement devices to patients. end businesses with single accountability and more focused targets, supported by a much
leaner enterprise layer, strong regions and a reinvigorated culture of patient- and
In consultation with regulators around the world, we have also been conducting a people-centricity, innovation impact and clear accountability – is a primary enabler to
comprehensive test and research program to better understand the potential health risks drive flawless execution.
associated with the use of affected devices. I am very conscious that 18 months is long, but
this work had to be done thoroughly. I am encouraged by the test results for the first- The set of measures we have taken includes the very difficult, yet necessary decisions
generation DreamStation devices, that account for over two thirds of the registered announced in October 2022 to reduce our workforce by 4,000 roles globally, and then in
affected devices: the prevalence of visible foam degradation is low, and the emission of January 2023 by a further 6,000, as we drive a major step-up in productivity. We will strive
the detected volatile organic compounds and particulates are within the applicable safety to implement these reductions with due respect for every employee affected and in line
limits and not expected to result in appreciable harm to health in patients. with all local rules and regulations.
We are fully committed to completing the Respironics recall and testing program in 2023. We believe that, together, these measures will help us establish the culture, capabilities
and infrastructure needed to consistently execute and deliver as a reliable patient- and
peoplecentric health technology company.
Focused organic growth in Diagnosis & Treatment, Connected Care Delivering on our ESG commitments
and Personal Health Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) are three key dimensions defining our approach
As well as restoring our reputation as a responsible patient- and people-centric innovation to doing business responsibly and sustainably. In 2022, we reached 1.81 billion people
leader in health technology, we urgently need to get back on course to create value with with our products and services, including 202 million in underserved communities – taking
sustainable impact. To do this, we will drive organic growth through scale and leadership: us a step closer to our goal of improving 2 billion lives per year by 2025, including 300
million in underserved communities.
• Focusing investments to accelerate growth in Image Guided Therapy, Ultrasound and
Monitoring, where we have strong #1 or #2 positions, and expand our leadership We continued to work hard to deliver on our other key ESG commitments. For example,
position in Personal Health our updated carbon reduction targets were approved by the Science Based Targets
• Scaling our new Enterprise Informatics business initiative (SBTi), and we were included in CDP’s climate action ‘A-List’ for the 10th year in a
• Driving margin improvement in Diagnostic Imaging row. We see increasing momentum within the healthcare industry and on the part of our
• Restoring the Sleep & Respiratory Care business customers to reduce their environmental impact, and we are well placed – with
innovations such as our BlueSeal magnet for helium-free-for-life MR and our Circular
We will leverage our distinctive market positions, especially our strong presence in North portfolio – to support that trend and help create a sustainable infrastructure for the
America and many international markets, while further localizing to support our future of healthcare.
leadership position in China.
Looking ahead
Patient- and people-centric innovation at scale We remain cautious in light of the subdued economic outlook for the year, staffing and
We will continue to invest significantly in innovation, but are making a number of inflationary pressures facing our customers, geopolitical risks, supply and demand
important changes to increase the impact of our patient- and people-driven innovation. volatility, and uncertainties around ongoing consent decree negotiations, litigation and
Focusing our resources on fewer, better-resourced and more impactful projects, we will Department of Justice investigations. Nevertheless, we expect that, by prioritizing patient
concentrate a higher proportion of our R&D resources in the businesses to ensure that safety and quality, tightening our focus on innovation and strengthening our category
innovation is done closer to our customers. We will scale and accelerate innovations, leadership areas, while at the same time improving execution and taking a disciplined
driven by the business and supported by rightsized corporate research, with patient approach to capital, we will be able to progressively create value with sustainable impact.
safety, quality and sustainability at the core of innovation design. The technological Against this background, and reflecting the importance we attach to dividend stability,
and business model innovation that Philips brings to healthcare across care settings – we propose to maintain the dividend at EUR 0.85 per share, to be distributed in shares.
often as part of long-term partnerships – is critical, making care delivery more convenient
and sustainable. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to acknowledge, once again, that
2022 has been very disappointing and we carry accountability for the plan to bring Philips
2022 performance back to where it belongs. I want to thank our customers and their patients for their
Looking back on last year, sales increased nominally to EUR 17.8 billion, while several understanding – and our suppliers and ecosystem partners for their support – over this
factors weighed down on profitability. Performance was impacted by our efforts to past year. I appreciate our employees’ hard work and willingness to embrace change and
mitigate supply chain and inflationary pressures and the revenue and cost consequences drive performance improvement. And I wish to thank our shareholders and other
of the Philips Respironics sleep recall, whilst at the same time dealing with global stakeholders for their continued support in these challenging times.
challenges such as the COVID situation in China, volatile demand and supply, and the war
in Ukraine. As we worked through the operational challenges, we progressed on our I am honored to have been tasked with leading our company and am heartened by the
execution priorities in the fourth quarter and saw initial signs of improvement. support I have encountered from our employees and customers, investors and other
stakeholders. I am realistic about the challenges we face, but have full confidence in our
I find it greatly encouraging that, despite our recent difficulties, Philips’ purpose, strategy plan of action and am firm in my resolve to lead Philips back to a position of strength in a
and solutions resonate strongly with customers, as evidenced by the around 100 long- world that needs meaningful innovation.
term strategic partnerships we entered into with hospitals and health systems around the
world in 2022, and by the continued strength of our order book. Roy Jakobs
Chief Executive Officer
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