5.5 A High-Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Multiple Dielectric

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ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 35, No.

2, February 2020 187

A High-Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Multiple Dielectric

Superstrates for WLAN Applications

Niamat Hussain 1, Uktam Azimov 1, Minjoo Jeong 1, Seungyeop Rhee 2,

Seung W. Lee 3, and Nam Kim 1*
Department of Computer and Communication Engineering
Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, 28644, Republic of Korea
* [email protected]
Electronic Communication Engineering
Chonnam National University, Yeosu, 59626, Republic of Korea
Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Abstract ─ This paper presents the design and systems, harbor the promise of fully distributed wireless
characterization of a microstrip patch antenna with computing and communications, anywhere and anytime.
multiple superstrates for performance enhancement Due to the development of information communication
operating at the central frequency of 5.5 GHz for technology, the wireless network uses various frequency
high-gain WLAN applications. The performance of the bands. The frequency bands are assigned based on the
antenna in terms of reflection loss and the gain are technology, purpose, network size, and requirements of
investigated using multiple high dielectric constant the communication. For example, Wireless Local Area
superstrates of Taconic CER-10 (εr=10.2). Numerical Networks (WLAN) bands work with maximum 250 m
results showed that the patch antenna has -10 dB distance, with medium data rates and used in houses,
impedance bandwidth of 2.54% which improves to small offices, factories or corporation areas.
8.43% and 17.43% by employing a single and dual On the other hand, WLAN is mainly used not
superstrate, respectively. The gain of the antenna increases only in industrial fields but also in every house, offices,
from 6.1 dBi to 9.5 dBi using a single superstrate, which and public places. Its usability and application range
further enhances to 13.6 dBi by placing two optimized is expanding because it can be used conveniently
superstrates. Moreover, further increasing the number regardless of location compared to a wired network.
of superstrates did not significantly impact on the Being the key component of the communication
performance of the patch antenna. The final design of systems, the design of the antennas having the desired
the antenna (patch antenna with two superstrates) is characteristics has always been a challenge for the
fabricated and measured. The measured results agree antenna engineers. Microstrip patch antennas offer
well with the simulated results. Due to the good advantages of low-cost, planar structure and easy design
impedance matching, high-gain and desired radiation and have been studied thoroughly in the literature [1].
patterns compared to the other superstrate antennas, However, these antennas have low gain which limits the
this antenna is a good candidate for high-gain WLAN use of microstrip patch antennas in those applications
applications. which require high gain. These low gain antennas are not
suitable for long-range communications and confined
Index Terms ─ Fabry-Perot cavity antenna, gain spaces like corridors, streets, tunnels, and highways.
enhancement, microstrip patch antenna, superstrate For the specific cases described above, high-gain and
antenna, WLAN. directional antennas with low back radiations are needed.
Usually, microstrip antennas are coupled with extended
I. INTRODUCTION hemispherical dielectric lenses to achieve high gain,
The wireless communication revolution is bringing especially at high frequencies [2, 3]. Lens-coupled
fundamental changes and updates to data networking, antennas undergo the disadvantages of fabrication
telecommunication, and is making integrated networks complexity and low radiation efficiencies [4]. On
for future development. By freeing the user from the the other hand, Fabry-Perot cavities [5], and the
cord, personal communications networks, wireless local metasurfaces/metamaterial [6-13] have also been used to
area networks, mobile radio networks, and cellular increase the gain of antennas. However, the metasurfaces

Submitted On: October 4, 2019

Accepted On: November 15, 2019 1054-4887 © ACES
188 ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 35, No. 2, February 2020

unit cells need optimization of complex design having The microstrip patch antenna is then coupled with
huge design parameters. One of the famous and easy a high dielectric constant superstrate to increase the
methods to increase the gain is the use of superstrates, in broadside gain. Conventionally, an electrically thick
which one or multiple dielectrics and printed superstrates superstrate is utilized to focus the radiated field in the
are placed over an optimized distance from the patch broadside direction. Therefore, a planar slab of high
or basic radiator [14-29]. These superstrate antennas dielectric Taconic substrate (εr = 10.2, tanδ = 0.0035)
are getting significant attention of researchers both in having a thickness of hs = 1.6 mm is placed at an
microwave and millimeter waves owing to its intrinsic optimized distance of ha = 4 mm from the antenna, as
advantages of low complexity, high-gain, and conformal shown in Fig. 2. In this stage, only the parameters of
deployment ability. the superstrate (ha and hs) are tuned for optimum
In this paper, we proposed a microstrip patch performance, while all other parameters are kept
antenna with multiple dielectric superstrates to enhance unchanged.
performance, especially the broadside gain at 5.5 GHz
for high-gain WLAN applications. The results show that hs
the impedance bandwidth and gain of the patch antenna
is increased using a single superstrate, which is further Superstrate (εr=10.2)
increased using two superstrates. All the antenna designs
(patch antenna, a patch antenna with one superstrate, z Substrate (εr=2.2)
patch antenna with two superstrates, and patch antenna hp
with three superstrates) are simulated using the finite x
integration time-domain commercial simulator CST
Microwave Studio. A transient time-domain solver with Fig. 2. Side view of the patch antenna with a single
a hexahedral mesh type with an accuracy level of -45 dB superstrate.
is used in the simulation setup. This solver enables the
complete far-field characterization of the antennas at As the air gap is an important parameter in the
broadband frequencies at one simulation run. To ensure design of such antennas. The antenna impedance and
the accuracy of the numerical results, the maximum gain characteristics for the different values of superstrate
mesh type is set as one-twentieth of a free space height (ha) from the patch antenna are shown in Fig. 3.
wavelength at 5.5 GHz. The superstrate height greatly impacted on antenna
performance. The gain and impedance of the antenna is
II. ANTENNA DESIGN improved when the superstrate height is increased from
The geometry of the microstrip patch antenna is 2 mm to 4 mm, however, further increasing the height
shown in Fig. 1. The antenna is consisting of a full decreases the gain. Moreover, the impedance bandwidth
ground plane and a microstrip patch, both of which are is shifted to the higher frequencies for the increment in
patterned on Taconic TLY5 (εr = 2.2, tanδ = 0.0009) due the air gap.
to its low loss tangent and stable dielectric constant
0 14
values at high frequencies. The patch is fed by a 50-ohm 12
microstrip feed line. The optimized parameters of the -10

patch antenna are: A = 50 mm, hp = 1.6 mm, px = 19 mm,

Gain (dBi)


py = 18 mm, g = 4.25 mm, L = 3 mm, ws = 1.5 mm, and 6
ha=2 mm 4
Ls = 44 mm. -30
ha=4 mm ha=2 mm
ha=4 mm
ha=6 mm 2
ha=6 mm
-40 0
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 3. Characteristics of patch antenna with single

px superstrate for different values of superstrate height (ha):
(a) |S11| and (b) broadside gain.

L Ls The patch antenna with single superstrate antenna is
y then modified by adding another identical superstrate for
ws further gain enhancement to make the antenna suitable
for high-gain WLAN applications, as shown in Fig. 4.
(a) (b)
(b) A few antenna parameters are changed to reoptimized
the antenna for two superstrates. The reoptimized
Fig. 1. Geometry of patch antenna: (a) front view and (b) parameters are: hs1 = 1.6 mm, ha = 7 mm, and ha1 = 10 mm,
side view. while all other parameters remain the same.

The antenna characteristics in terms of |S11| and increased 7.5 dBi, while impedance is increased almost
broadside gain of the antenna for the various separations four times.
(ha1) between the two superstrates is shown in Fig. 5. A The radiation patterns of the antenna at 5.5 GHz for
separation of ha1 = 12.5 mm gave the best results for the three cases: antenna without substrate, antenna with one
resonance at the desired frequency of 5.5 GHz with the substrate, and antenna with two substrates are shown in
high-gain and wide impedance bandwidth. Similarly, the Fig. 7. The radiation beam gets narrow with the addition
antenna was optimized for three identical superstrates, of superstrates to increase the gain of the antenna. The
where a third superstrate layer was placed on the antenna half-power beamwidth of the patch antenna is around
with two superstrates. The reoptimized parameters for this 70°, which decreases to 50° and 33° for the antenna with
antenna configuration are as: hs2 = 1.6 mm, ha = 6.5 mm, one superstrate and two superstrates, respectively.
ha1 = 12, and ha2 = 7 mm (hs2 and ha2 is thickness and air
separation of the third superstrate, respectively). 0

-10 10

Gain (dBi)
|S11| (dB)
hs1 -20
Superstrate#2 (εr=10.2)
ha1 2

-40 0
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
hs Patch antenna Antenna + two superstrates
Foam Antenna + one superstrate Antenna + three superstrates
Superstrate#1 (εr=10.2)
(a) (b)
z Substrate (εr=2.2)
x Fig. 6. The performance comparison for antennas with
different configurations: (a) |S11| and (b) broadside gain.
Fig. 4. Side view of the patch antenna with two
Table 1: Performance comparison of antennas with
different number of superstrates
0 14 Antenna |S11| Max. Gain
12 Configuration Bandwidth (dBi)
5.43 - 5.57 GHz
Patch 6.1
Gain (dBi)


ha1=9.5 mm Patch + one 5.0 - 5.7 GHz
ha1=12.5 mm
4 ha1=9.5 mm
ha1=15.5 mm 2
ha1=12.5 mm
ha1=15.5 mm
substrate (13%)
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 Patch + two 4.8 - 6.1 GHz
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) 13.6
substrates (23.8%)
(a) (b)
Patch + three 4.8 - 5.91 GHz
substrates (20.7%)
Fig. 5. Characteristics of patch antenna for the separation
(ha1) between two superstrates: (a) |S11| and (b) gain. yz-plane
0 0
The antenna performance in terms of reflection loss 10
and gain is compared for all cases of the patch antennas 60 60


(a patch antenna with single superstrate, patch antenna
with two superstrates, and patch antenna with three -10

superstrates) is illustrated in Fig. 6. In summary, the -10

overall performance especially impedance bandwidth

and the gain of the patch antenna is improved using



multiple superstrates. The antenna achieved the optimum 10

performance for two superstrates. Further addition of 180 180

Patch antenna Patch + 1 superstrate Patch + 2 superstrate
the superstrates (three superstrates) did not improve
the antenna performance. The detailed performance
comparison of antennas for different superstrates is Fig. 7. Radiation patterns of the patch antenna for the
plotted in Table. 1. The antenna with two superstrates different number of superstrates.
has a high-gain of 13.6 dBi and a wide impedance
bandwidth from 4.8 - 6.1 GHz for |S11| < -10dB covering To explain the radiation mechanism of gain
the entire WLAN band. Compared to the patch antenna, enhancement of the antennas using multiple superstrates,
the gain of the proposed antenna with two superstrates is we computed the E-field of the antennas. The E-field for
190 ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 35, No. 2, February 2020

each antenna configuration in xz-plane is plotted at the antenna achieved a higher gain of 13.6 dBi due to the
central frequency of 5.5 GHz as depicted in Fig. 8. The enhanced beam collimation of multiple superstrates.
superstrate layer acts as a lens to focus the E-filed to The measured and simulation radiation patterns of
increase its intensity in broadside direction, thus the gain the antenna at 5.5 GHz at xz-plane (E-plane) and yz-plane
of the patch antenna is increased for the increasing layers (H-plane) are shown in Fig. 11. The antenna produced a
of superstrates. Meanwhile, the E-field is almost the symmetrical directional radiation pattern with low side
same for the antennas with two and three superstrates. and back lobe levels at both principal planes. The beam-
Therefore, the gain did not increase for three superstrates width became narrow to increase gain and directivity.
even though the superstrates layers were increased. With the aforementioned features of wide bandwidth,
high gain, and directive radiation patterns, the antenna is
Patch + one Patch + two Patch + three
a good candidate for the high-gain WLAN applications
Patch only
superstrate superstrates superstrates at confined places including building corridors, tunnels,
and streets.


|S11| (dB)

Fig. 8. E-filed of the antennas at xz-plane. Measurement

It is noted that in this study, we analyzed the 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
performance of the patch antenna for the different Frequency (GHz)
numbers of superstrate layers, however, the size, (a)
thickness, and dielectric constant of the superstrate
layers remained the same. The antenna with multiple 12
superstrate layers, when the superstrate layers are 10 Simulation
different from each other would be the topic of a separate
Gain (dBi)

8 Measurement
study in the near future.


The proposed antenna design that is the antenna
with two superstrates is fabricated to obtain the
measurement results. A fabricated prototype of the 0
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 9. Frequency (GHz)

Superstrate 2 Fig. 10. Characteristics of patch antenna with two

Superstrate 1
superstrates: (a) |S11| and (b) broadside gain.
0 0

Patch antenna 10

60 60



(a) (b) (c)


Fig. 9. Fabricated prototype of the proposed antenna: (a) -10

Front view of the patch, (b) back view of the patch, and

(c) side view of patch antenna with two superstrates.



Simulation Simulation


Measurement Measurement

The simulated and the measured impedance |S11| and 180 180

gain characteristics of the proposed antenna are shown (a) (b)

in Fig. 10. Simulation and measured results showed
that the antenna has an improved 10 dB impedance Fig. 11. The radiation pattern of the antenna with two
bandwidth from 4.8 - 6.1 GHz (23.8%). In addition, the superstrates: (a) xz-plane and (b) yz-plane.

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[21] K. L. Chung and S. Chaimool, “Diamagnetic University, Suwon, Korea. He is
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5th European Conference on Antennas and Chungbuk National University, Chungju-si, Korea.
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2011. presented paper at Korea Winter Conference. His
[22] Q. Cheng, X. Y. Zhou, B. Zhou, S. H. Xu, and research is mainly focused on lens-coupled antennas,
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Uktam Azimov received his B.S. analysis, microwave circuit design, and wireless power
degree in Communication Engin- transfer.
eering from Uzbekistan, in 2013. He
is currently pursuing the M.S. degree Seung Woo Lee received his
in Information and Communication Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from
Engineering at Chungbuk National the Department of Information
University, Chungju-si, Korea. His and Communication Engineering,
research interests include antenna Chungbuk National University,
design. Cheongju, Korea. Currently, he is a
Senior Researcher at Korea Electric
Minjoo Jeong received his B.S. Power Research Institute, Daejeon,
degree in Electronics Engineering Republic of Korea. His research is focused on antenna
from Chosun University, in 2013 design for the mobile phone applications, microwave
and M.S. degree in LED Fusion circuit design, and wireless power transfer using
Engineering from Pukyong National metamaterials.
University, Korea, in 2015. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree Nam Kim received the B.S., M.S.,
in Information and Communication and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics
Engineering at Chungbuk National University, Chungju- Engineering from Yonsei Univer-
si, Korea. His research interests include EMC, antenna sity, Seoul, Korea, in 1981, 1983, and
design, and EMF. 1988, respectively. Kim is a Member
of the International Advisory
Seungyeop Rhee received his Committee for the World Health
Master’s and a Ph.D. degrees from Organization project on EMF, the
the Department of Electronics Eng- IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety,
ineering, Yonsei University, Korea and the International Electro Technical Commission TC
in 1988 and 1993, respectively. He 106, and he was the President of the Bioelectromagnetics
worked as a Professor at Yeosu Society as well. He has been a Professor in the School of
National University, Korea from Information and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk
1993 to 2006. Currently, he is National University, Cheongju, Korea, since 1989. His
a Professor at Dept. of Electronic Communication scientific interests are focused on optical information
Engineering in Chonnam National University since processing, the health effect of the EMF, wireless power
2006. His research is focused on antenna design and transfer, and antennas for mobile communications.

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