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9SCI Summative Criterion D - Infectious Diseases

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Infectious Diseases

HBS II Summative task - Criterion D

Various diseases caused by a range of

pathogens affect different body systems.
Some of these diseases have had major economic and social impacts. With the development of
scientific interventions, some of these diseases have been controlled. Others have been
eliminated altogether. In all cases, there are things that can be done to reduce the transmission
of these diseases.

In this task you will be assessed on your ability to gather and analyse information, and to
effectively communicate ideas, findings and arguments in a well-structured manner. Scientific
research explains how science and society affect each other through many factors, hence it
plays an important role in society and contributes to the advancement of humanity.

You will choose one of the following infectious diseases, all of which have had a major global
impact either now or in the past:

Syphilis Cholera Smallpox

Malaria Tuberculosis HIV/AIDS
Polio HSV or HZV Epstein-Barr
Campylobacter Ebola Gonorrhea
Polio E. coli Measles

YOUR TASK To research one transmissible disease and explain how it impacts the
reproductive or excretory system in detail. The only requirement is to record your
(Some ideas could be: talk show, podcast, video, etc. Be creative and do NOT
forget the assessment criteria!)

GROUPING Individually or in groups of no more than 2 people

DUE DATE Draft for peer review: Thursday 18th May

Final submission: Tuesday 23rd May

TIME GIVEN 4 classes

SUBMISSION Upload your work on ManageBac individually

HOW TO ● The presentation of the final product must be recorded
PRESENT ● Duration: between 4 and 6 minutes long.
● Each member will present and all of the members need to know the full
content of the presentation.

WHAT DO I For your chosen disease you should address the following:
INCLUDE IN MY ✓ State the name and type of the pathogen (what causes the infection/disease)
FINAL ✓ Explain how the infection is acquired, how it attacks your body and the effect
PRODUCT? of this infection in your body (symptoms)
✓ Explain how the infection is treated and how it can be prevented.
✓ Discuss and evaluate the implications of the treatment (choose one of the
following factors: economical, social, ethical).
✓ Use clear and precise scientific language both in your product and
✓ Document your sources completely using MLA.

Simplified version…
For your chosen disease you should address the following:
✓ State the name and type of the pathogen (what causes the infection/disease-
what is the name of the virus/bacteria/etc?)
✓ Explain how the infection is acquired (How is it transmitted?)
✓ What systems, organs, tissues or cells are attacked?
✓ How does it attack your body? How are the systems, organs, tissues or cells
✓ Which are the symptoms?
✓ Explain how the infection is treated. (treatments to cure or to deal with the
✓ How can it be prevented?
✓ Discuss and evaluate the implications of the treatment (choose one of the
following factors: economical, social, environmental).
○ Economical: what is the cost of the treatment? Is it affordable for
everyone? Are governments giving people the treatment for this
disease free? Has the disease or the treatment impacted the
countries’ economy? If so, how? Are there economic factors that
cause this disease to spread?
○ Social: are people being discriminated against because they have
the disease or because they treat patients with the disease? How
are families impacted by the treatment/ disease?
○ Environmental: what is the impact of the treatment for the
environment? Are any other organisms poisoned with the
medicine used to treat the disease? If so, how? Are there social
factors that cause this disease to spread?
✓ Use clear and precise scientific language both in your product and
✓ Document your sources completely using MLA.

HOW DO I You are free to design your final product as you wish. Be creative and just make
DESIGN MY sure it is clear and has all the required information including images as
FINAL appropriate.

WHAT WEBSITES There are many websites with very good information about infectious diseases.
SHOULD I USE? Here’s a list of some you can use for STIs. When you look up information choose
sites that have scientific background and reference their information. Remember
to fully reference using MLA. You need to have at least 3 different sources.

7- 8 5-6 3-4 1-2 0

Explain: Describe: Summarize: Outline: Does not

-the ways in - the ways in -the ways in -the ways in reach a
which the which the which the which the standard
infection is infection is infection is infection is identified by
acquired, acquired, acquired, acquired, any of the
-how it attacks -how it attacks -how it attacks -how it attacks descriptors.
ADDRESS your body and your body and your body and your body and
SPECIFIC the problem it the problem it the problem it the problem it
creates. creates. creates. creates.
-how the infection -how the infection -how the infection -how the infection
is treated and is treated and is treated and is treated and
how it can be how it can be how it can be how it can be
prevented. prevented. prevented. prevented.

Discuss and Discuss the Describe the Outline the Does not
evaluate the implications of implications of implications of reach a
IMPLICATIONS implications of the treatment and the treatment and the treatment and standard
SCIENCE the treatment and how it interacts how it interacts how it interacts identified by
how it interacts with a factor with a factor with a factor any of the
with a factor descriptors.

Consistently Usually apply Sometimes apply Apply scientific Does not

apply scientific scientific scientific language to reach a
language to language to language to communicate standard
communicate communicate communicate understanding identified by
SCIENTIFIC understanding understanding understanding but does so with any of the
LANGUAGE clearly and clearly and (brochure and limited success descriptors.
precisely precisely presentation) (brochure and
(brochure and (brochure and presentation)
presentation) presentation)

Document Usually Sometimes Document Does not

sources document document sources with reach a
DOCUMENTING completely (MLA) sources correctly sources correctly limited success standard
SOURCES identified by
any of the

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