Basic Computer Training TTLM

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For Short Term Training

Course Title: Basic Computer Training

Unit of Competence: Operate Personal Computer

Level: I

March, 2016
Addis Ababa
Course Objective: After completing this course, trainees will be able to handle
office automation duties for the production of various types of documentary and
informative materials for various purposes and at various levels effectively.

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This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required operate a personal computer, including starting the
PC, logging in, using and understanding desktop icons and their links to underlying programs, navigating a directory
structure, saving work, printing, closing down the PC and word processing.

Module Contents
LO1 Start the computer LO5 Organize files for user and/or organization
1.1 Introduction to external hardware requirements
peripherals 5.1 Working with system browser/windows
 Peripheral devices explorer
 Input devices  Searching drives
 Output devices 5.2 Working with files
 Secondary storage  Creating files
1.2 Checking input voltage  Opening files
1.3 Powering on and off the Computer  Renaming files
LO2 Access basic system information  Moving files between directories
2.1 Creating user accounts  Moving files to disk
2.2 Setting security measures  Deleting files
 Restoring files
2.3 Accessing basic system information
2.4 Using online help functions 5.3 Erasing and formatting disk
LO6 Printing information
LO3 Navigate and manipulate desktop
environment 6.1 Adding a printer
3.1 Customizing desktop icons  Working with printer settings
LO7 Operate application soft wares
3.2 Working with icons
 Selecting icons
7.1 Introduction to application software
 Introduction to word processor
 Opening icons
 Working with word
 Closing icons
LO4 Organize basic directory or folder structures
 Working with
4.1 Working with folders formatting
 Creating directory structure  Working with
 Accessing directory structures tables
 Copying and moving directories  Working with mail
 Renaming directories merge
 Deleting directories  Printing
4.2 Identifying attributes of directory  Introduction to Spread sheet
 Read-only  Introduction to Database Application
 Back up  Introduction to PowerPoint
 Visible or hidden application
 Introduction to E-mail

Information Sheet Receiving and Following Instructions

Microsoft Windows 7 Operating system

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Operating system is a software application that controls the activities of the computer. Behind the
scenes, it accepts input from devices, such as the keyboard and mouse, and directs output to the monitor
and speakers. It keeps track of your files and folders on storage devices, such as disk drives and flash
drives. It provides security for your computer system. It communicates with the other software
applications you have on your computer and enables them to work together.

Microsoft Windows is one of the Operating systems. It is a product of Microsoft Company. It is a

graphical user interface (GUI) operating system. One of a series of Microsoft Windows OS is Windows

To start Windows 7 OS just start your computer. If Windows 7 is installed, it will start working after
your computer checks itself.

The following image shows the first screen when you turned on your computer.

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What is Desktop?
 Is the first screen that displays once you have turned on the computer
 responded to prompts for your user name and password.
 It is where you manage tasks on the computer.
 Your software opens on the desktop.
 You manipulate your files and folders on the desktop.
What are icons?
Icons are small pictures that represent programs, files, folders, or other things on the desktop.
For example:
is a recycle bin icon on desktop where deleted items are put in

What is a taskbar?
A taskbar
• is a horizontal bar that appears at the bottom of the screen
• provides you with access to the software applications
• enables you to move between the applications
• gives you access to system resources.

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Start button is a button on the left side of taskbar. It enables you to open start menu.
What is Start Menu?
The Start menu:
• is accessed with a click on the Start button
• lists the programs, folders and utility applications that are available on your computer.

How to operate your mouse?

You use mouse for
1. Clicking (single-clicking)
Clicking is used to select an item or open a menu.
To click an item
 point to the item on the screen
 Then press and release the left button.
2. Double-Clicking
Double-clicking is most often used to open items on your desktop
To double-click an item
- point to the item on the screen and
- then click twice quickly
3. Dragging
- Is used to move files and folders to a different location
To drag an object

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- point to the object on the screen
- press and hold the left button
- move the object to a new location
- then release the left button.
4. Right-Clicking
Right-clicking is clicking on item using right button of the mouse. Right-clicking an item displays a list
of things you can do with the item.
For example, right-clicking on recycle bin icon produces the following menu.

5. Scrolling
To scroll through documents and web pages use scroll wheel.

1. Click Start Button to open start menu
2. Open one object on desktop by double-clicking. For example open Recycle bin by double-
3. Move Recycle Bin icon to the right of the screen by dragging
4. Right-click on Computer icon and click on open. What happens?

Customizing the Desktop

To change desktop icons size
1. Right-click on empty space of desktop
2. Point to View
3. Select
 Large icons
 Medium icons or
 Small icons

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To Auto-arrange desktop icons
1. Right-click on empty space of desktop
2. Point to View
3. Check/uncheck Auto-arrange icons
To Show/Hide desktop icons
1. Right-click on empty space of desktop
2. Point to View
3. Check/uncheck Show desktop icons
To Sort desktop icons
1. Right-click on empty space of desktop
2. Point to Sort By
3. Select
 Name
 Size
 Item Type
 Date modified
To Change Background image
1. Right-click on empty space of desktop
2. Click on personalize
3. Select any image
Similarly, you can set screen saver.

Start Menu
Use the Start menu to do activities
 Start programs
 Open commonly used folders
 Search for files, folders, and programs
 Adjust computer settings
 Get help and support
 Turn off the computer
 Log off from Windows or switch to a different user account

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To open a program from start menu
1. Click Start button
2. Click the program from the left pane to open it. Or If not on the left pane
3. Click All Programs
4. Click the program you want to open
For example, to open a Calculator
Click start All programs Accessories Calculator

The search box

The search box allows us to find items on our computer.

For example, search “Sample pictures” on your computer and open it.

Shutdown button
To turn off your computer
To display more options click on arrow next to shutdown button

All windows share common components. These components make it easier for you use the applications.
 The title bar, at the top of every open window provides the name of the file or folder, as well as
the application name.
 Located on the right side of the title bar, the control buttons enable you to minimize the
window to the taskbar so you don’t see it, maximize it to fill the screen, or close the window.
When you have a window maximized, the middle control button becomes a restore button which
returns the window to a smaller size.

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Working with Folders and files
What is a file?
 Are collections of information
 Each file is given a name with extension. The extension identifies the file type. A file can be text,
document, image, spreadsheet etc.
 You can create, rename, copy, print, delete files

What is a folder?
A folder is used to store and manage files. You can create, rename, delete, copy, and move a folder.
Examples of windows 7 folders are Documents and Computer.

Computer folder
A computer folder opens a window where you can access disk drives (like local disk C, or local disk d,
dvd drive etc.)
To open computer from start menu:
 From Start Menu right pane click on Computer
When it is opened it look like the following

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To open the drives you just double click on the drive name in the right pane.
To be familiar with each of the folders on the left pane (Documents, Music, Pictures, Video) even
Desktop click on their name and visualize what are the items under them which will be displayed on the
right pane. These folders are the same as the one on start menu.
To create folder on Desktop
1. Right-click on empty space of desktop
2. Point to New
3. Click on Folder
4. Type a name for the folder
5. Press Enter key
Example: Create a folder on desktop by your name

To create a folder under Local disk (D: or E:)

1. Click Start button Computer
2. A new window will appear
3. From left pane click Local Disk (D: or E: ) under Computer folder
4. Right click On empty space of the right pane
5. Point to New Click folder
6. Write the new name
Remark: There are also other methods of creating folders.
Example: Create a folder called MySecondfolder on Local disk (D: )

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To rename a folder
1. Right-click on the folder name
2. Click on Rename
3. Type a New name for the folder
4. Press Enter key
Example: Rename the folder you have created on desktop as “MyFirstfolder”
To delete a folder
1. Right-click on the folder
2. Click on Delete
3. click yes
Remark: All delete items will be stored in Recycle Bin. You can permanently delete, or restore items
from recycle bin.
Example: Delete the folder you have already created on Local Disk (D: ).

Copy, cut and paste folder

1. Right click on the folder
2. Choose copy (to duplicate) or cut (to move the folder)
3. Go to the location where you want to paste
4. Right click on the empty space
5. Choose paste
1. Create a folder by the name HARDWARE on the local disk (D: or E: )
2. Copy the folder
3. Go to desktop
4. Paste it
Creating a text file in Windows 7
In windows 7 you can create a text file using Notepad or WordPad
1. Create a folder by your name on the desktop
2. Open notepad
3. Write your full name
4. Save the file in the folder. Use filename: Myfile
To save the file: Click File SaveSet Save in location and give its name in filename box click save
Rename, delete, Copy, cut and paste a file are similar to Rename, delete, Copy, cut and paste a folder.

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LAP Test Practical Demonstration

Practice 1
1. Create a folder by the name INPUT on the DESKTOP
2. Copy the folder
3. Go to local disk (D: or E: )
4. Paste it
Practice 2
1. Open Notepad program
2. Type “ I am learning windows 7 OS”
3. Save the file by the name learn on the HARDWARE folder on the local disk (D: or E:)
Practice 3
1. Create a file by the name word on the local disk (D: or E: )
2. Copy the file
3. Go to the desktop
4. Paste on the empty space.
1. Create a folder called RVU on the local disk(D: or E: )
2. Copy the folder RVU to desktop and rename as RVU2.
3. Open WordPad and type “ To be one of the best private educational institutions”. Save the file by
the name “vision” under RVU folder you created.
4. Copy the file vision from RVU in to RVU2.
5. Open the file vision under RVU and format as follows.
 Font: ARIAL
 Font Size: 14
 Font-Color: Yellow
 Text highlight Color: Green
 “ best” – Bold and underline
 “educational institutions” – Italic
6. At the end of the text insert any picture
7. Save the changes.
8. Create a folder called RVU3 on desktop
9. Move the file vision from RVU2 to RVU3.
10. Which folder is empty? (RVU2 or RVU)

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11. Delete RVU2 folder
12. Where can you get RVU2?
13. Restore RVU2 folder.

User Account
User Account defines what a user can do using Windows 7. There are three types of user accounts.
 Administrator Account: - administrator can do everything with the computer, controls over the
entire computer including other accounts. Administrator account can never be disabled or
 Standard Account:- This account can install programs and hardware, change pictures, personal
data and password.
 Guest Account:- This does not require a password, can’t add/remove programs from the
computer. It is disabled by default.

To create a user account

1. Click Start button  Control Panel
2. Click User Accounts and family safety
3. Click user account Manage Another Account
4. Click “Create new account”
5. Type account name
6. Select a type the account
You can also set a password and a picture for your account.
Exercise: Create an account with a name “AcctStudent”

To log in with your user accounts

1. Click Start button
2. Click downward next to shutdown button
3. Click Switch user/log off
4. Click your user account
5. Type the password if any and press enter

Information Sheet Receiving and Following Instructions

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Microsoft Office Word 2007

Microsoft Office Word 2007 is a word processing program that is used for creating and editing
documents. It has features like inserting tables, charts & pictures into our document, checking spelling
and grammar. The electronic files you create using Word are called documents.
Microsoft Word files have the file extension DOC or DOCX.
Starting Microsoft Word
You can start Word 2007 in a number of ways.

Way No. 1.
1. Click on the Start button in the bottom left corner of the screen
2. Choose All Programs then Microsoft Office (from the sub-menu which appears)
3. Finally click on Microsoft Office Word 2007
Way No. 2

1. Find the Microsoft Word icon on the Desktop.

2. Double Click the icon to open the Microsoft Word.
Way No. 3.
1. Click the Start button.
2. Under Search Dialog, Type WINWORD
3. Press Enter

The parts of Microsoft Word

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 The title bar holds the office button (the top left corner), Quick Access Toolbar (next to office
button )displays the name of the document and the name of the program (at the top middle) and
control buttons (at the top right corner).
o Office button can be used to open, save and print your document
o Quick Access Toolbar contains icons to a few commands, like save and undo, and to
which you can add further buttons.
o Name of the document is temporary until you give a different name.
o Control buttons are resizing buttons and the program Close button. These buttons are
common to all Windows programs. (Minimize, Maximize/Restore and Close buttons)
 Below the title bar are tabs, which provide one-click access to the groups of commands on the
Ribbon. The tabs are Home, Insert, Page Layout etc. The tabs we see may change depending on the
task we are currently performing.
 Ribbon provides access to commands that are grouped according to the tasks you perform in word.
 The horizontal ruler displays left and right document margins as well as the tab settings and
paragraph indents, if any, for the paragraph in which the insertion point is located.
 The vertical ruler displays the top and bottom document margins.
 The vertical scroll bar and the horizontal scroll bar are used to display different parts of the
document in the document window.
 The scroll bars include scroll boxes and scroll arrows, which you can use to scroll through a
 Insertion point – shows where characters will appear when you start typing.
 Paragraph mark – marks the end of a paragraph
 The status bar displays the page number of the current page, the total number of pages and words in
the document, and the status of spelling and grammar checking.
 The view buttons on the status bar allow you to display the document in Print Layout, Full Screen
Reading, Web Layout, Outline, or Draft view.
 The Zoom level button and the Zoom slider provide quick ways to enlarge and decrease the size of
the document in the document window, making it easy to zoom in on a detail of a document or to
view the layout of the document as a whole.

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How to create new document?
Each time you open Word, a new blank document appears; however, you will also need to know how to
create new documents while an existing document is open.
1. Click the Microsoft Office button.
2. Select New. The New Document dialog box appears.
3. Select Blank document under the Blank and recent section. It will be highlighted by default.
4. Click Create. A new blank document appears in the Word window.

Entering Your Text

1. Type in a few words, pressing the <spacebar>once after each word to separate them.
2. Continue typing across the screen - the words will automatically spill onto a new line when you reach
the right-hand side (this is known as wraparound)
3. Continue typing until you have at least three lines of words then press <Enter>to mark the end of the
IMPORTANT: When using a word processor, do NOT press the <Enter>key at the end of each line. If
you need your work double spaced then you simply change the paragraph's line spacing. Press
<Enter>only when you want to start a new paragraph.

A jagged red (or occasionally green) line may appear beneath your text. Word is telling you that what
you typed is not recognized (the words are not in the dictionary) or that the grammar may be incorrect.

Correcting Mistakes
Use the <Backspace>key and <Delete> key to correct character mistakes.
 To delete a character before insertion point press <Backspace>key
 To delete a character after insertion point press <Delete>key.
How to save document?
It's important to know how to save the documents you are working with. There are many ways you share
and receive documents, which will affect how you need to save the file.
1. Click the Microsoft Office button.
2. Select Save / Save As from the menu.
3. Type the new file's name into the "Save as" box. Change the location of your file, if necessary.
The location is indicated by the selections you make in the main body of the dialogue window.
The location appears in the field called "Save in."
4. Click on the Save button.

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How to open document?
You use the standard computer command Open to fetch a document that you previously saved as a file
in Word 2007. To grab a file from your disk drive in Word 2007 - to open it - you follow these simple
1. Click the Office Button and choose the Open command from the menu.
2. Click a document’s name with the mouse.
- The Open dialog box contains a list of documents previously saved to disk. Your job is to
find the one you want to open.
3. Click the Open button.
- Word 2007 opens the highlighted file, carefully lifting it from your disk drive and slapping it
down on the screen
Selecting the Text
Selecting can be done in several different ways, depending on how much text is involved. Any selected
text can be de-selected by clicking on the mouse button once.
 A single word - point to it using the mouse then double click on the mouse button - your
selected word should be highlighted. Click once on the mouse to de-select it
 A single line - position the mouse pointer in the left-hand margin (where its shape changes to an
arrow pointing inwards) and click once
 A whole paragraph - either double click in the left margin or click three times within the text
 The whole document - either click three times in the left margin or press <Ctrl a>
 A sentence - hold down <Ctrl>and click anywhere within the sentence
 A short piece of text - drag through the text to be selected
 A long piece of text - click at the start of the text to be selected then move down, using the scroll
bars, and hold down <Shift> as you click at the end of the selection
 To modify an existing selection - hold down <Shift>and use the arrow keys

Selecting more than one piece of text

Select the first piece of text and hold down the Ctrl key before selecting the next piece.

Note that if you select a picture, or a table you will only be able to select another picture or another
Deleting Text
1. Move the cursor to the character which you wish to delete. If there is more than one character
ensure that all characters are highlighted.
2. Press the Delete key.
Note: you can select more than one area before pressing the delete key

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Quickly zoom in or out of a document.
1. On the status bar, click the Zoom slider.
2. Slide to the percentage zoom setting that you want.

Choose a zoom setting in Microsoft Office Word

Do one of the following:
1. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom 100%.
2. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click One Page, Two Pages, or Page Width.
3. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom, and then enter a percentage or choose any
other settings that you want.

Check Spelling and Grammar

1. Open a Word document that needs to be checked.
2. On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click Spelling & Grammar.
3. In the Spelling and Grammar dialog box appears, and the first suggested correction is
4. Choose one of the options on the right side Ignore Once, or others
Correcting as you type
When you see a word underlined in red you can take immediate action to correct it by clicking with the
right mouse button over the word. A menu will appear showing alternative spellings. Click one of these
to change your original, or click Ignore all if it is an acceptable word.
Cut, Copy and Paste

Cut - Copy - Paste - Format Painter -

The above buttons are visible on the far left of the Home tab in the Clipboard group.
Moving text around a document is done by:
i. Selecting it
ii. Cutting or copying it from its present position
iii. Pasting it back to its new one

To copy or to cut
1. Select the text
2. Click on the Cut button to move the text/ copy button to duplicate the text. Once this is done text has
been copied onto the clipboard

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3. Click at the location where to put the text
4. Click on the [Paste] button - your original text will be pasted into its new position
Tip: You can also use <Ctrl x>to issue a cut command - <Ctrl c>gives copy; <Ctrl v>paste.
Note: You can also use right click on selected text and choose Cut or Copy from the shortcut menu,
then move to the new position and finally right click there and choose Paste from the shortcut menu.
Drag and Drop
If you wish to move text a short way then you can use the drag and drop technique:
1. Select some text - a few words is sufficient
2. Move the mouse pointer into the highlighted area then hold down the mouse button (the pointer
becomes an arrow with a box attached and in the left-hand corner of the Status Bar at the bottom of your
Word window it says Move to where?)
3. Keeping the mouse button held down, drag the text to a new place in your document (as you move the
cursor a faint dotted line appears - this is where the selected text will be dropped)
4. Release the button - the text will be moved to its new position

Changing the Text Style or font

1. Under Home Tab, and go to

2. Click on the down arrow to select a font.
Changing the Text Size
1. Under Home Tab, and go to
2. Click on the down arrow to select a font size.
Character Formatting
You can apply different formatting, such as bold and italic, to improve the look of your text in Word
2007. The Font group on the Home tab lists the most common character formats.

Bold Button.
- Make the selected test bold.
- Shortcut: Ctrl + B
Italic Button
- Italicize the selected text
- Shortcut: Ctrl + I

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Underline Button
- Underline the selected text
- Shortcut: Ctrl + U
- Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
- Shortcut: No shortcut
- Create a small letters below the text baseline
- Shortcut: Ctrl + =
- Create a small letter above the line of the text.
- Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + +

Format Painter button is used to copy the format (font and/or paragraph settings) from one piece of text
to another:
1. Select the text (or paragraph) whose format you wish to copy - try the text you made bold earlier
2. Click on the [Format Painter] button (the pointer becomes a paintbrush)
3. Drag through another piece of text - release the mouse button and it too becomes bold
This can be especially useful in the case where you notice that a paragraph looks different from the rest
of the paragraphs on that page, maybe because it is in a different font. You can use the [Format
Painter] button to quickly correct this problem.

Formatting a Paragraph
Formatting paragraphs allows you to change the look of the overall document. You can access many of
the tools of paragraph formatting by clicking the Page Layout Tab of the Ribbon or the Paragraph
Group on the Home Tab of the Ribbon.

Change Paragraph Alignment

The paragraph alignment allows you to set how you want text to appear. To change the alignment:
1. Click the Home Tab
2. Choose the appropriate button for alignment on the Paragraph Group.
- Align Left: the text is aligned with your left margin (Ctrl + L)
- Center: The text is centered within your margins (Ctrl +E)
- Align Right: Aligns text with the right margin (Ctrl + R)
- Justify: Aligns text to both the left and right margins. (Ctrl + J)
To indent paragraphs, you can do the following:
- Click the Indent buttons to control the indent.
- Click the Indent button repeated times to increase the size of the indent.

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Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Bullets - Numbering -
It is often useful to create lists using either bullets or numbers.
1. Click where to start bulleted/numbered lists
2. Click on the [Bullets] button (to list with bullet) or on the Numbering button (to list numbered lists)
on the Home tab in the Paragraph group
3. Type a couple of words against each bullet/number point, pressing <Enter>once after each one
4. Press <Enter>twice at the end to turn the bullets/numbers off
Modifying Page Layout
You may find that the default page layout settings in Word are not sufficient for the document you
want to create, in which case you will want to modify these settings. In addition, you may want to
change the page formatting depending on the document you're creating.
To change page orientation:
1. Select the Page Layout tab.
2. Click the Orientation command in the Page Setup group.
- Landscape format means everything on the page is oriented horizontally
- Portrait format means everything is oriented vertically.
To change the paper size:
1. Select the Page Layout tab.
2. Click the Size command, and a drop-down menu will appear. The current paper size is
To format page margins:
1. Select the Page Layout tab.
2. Click the Margins command. A menu of options appears. Normal is selected by default.
1. Select Custom Margins from the menu. The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2. Enter the desired margin size in the appropriate fields.

Working with Tables

A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Tables can be customized and are useful for
various tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data.
Inserting Table using Insert Table Button
1. Select the Insert tab.
2. Click the Table command.

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- A drop-down menu appears, displaying a table grid.
3. Drag the mouse down and across the grid until the correct number of columns and rows are
4. Release the mouse button.
Inserting Table using Insert Table Command
1. Select the Insert tab.
2. Click the Insert Table button in the Tables group.
3. Specify the number of columns and rows you want to create in the Number of Columns and
Number of Rows fields.
4. Click OK Button.
To add a row above an existing row:
1. Place the insertion point in a row below the location where you want to add a row.
2. Right-click the mouse. A menu appears.
3. Select InsertInsert Rows Above.
Note: You can also add rows below the insertion point. Follow the same steps, but select Insert Rows
Below from the menu.

To add a column:
1. Place the insertion point in a column adjacent to the location where you want the new column to
2. Right-click the mouse. A menu appears.
3. Select InsertInsert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right. A new column
To delete a row or column:
1. Select the row or column.
2. Right-click the mouse. A menu appears.
3. Select Delete Cell.
4. Select Delete Entire Row or Delete Entire Column
5. Click OK
To apply a table style:
1. Select the table. A Table Tools Design tab now appears on the Ribbon.
2. Select the Design tab to access all of the Table Styles and Options.
3. Click through the various styles in the Table Styles section.
Merging cells in your Word 2007 table
1. Select Design Tab
2. Click the Eraser command button.
3. Click a line that you want to erase from your table.
4. When you’re done, click the Eraser command button again.

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Splitting cells in your Word 2007 table
1. Select Design Tab
2. Click the Draw Table button.
3. Click and drag the pointer across a cell, either vertically or horizontally.
When you’re done, click the Draw Table command button again.
Inserting Page Numbers
To add page numbers to your document:
1. On the Insert tab click on [Page Number] in the Header & Footer group
2. Choose the option Top of Page or Bottom of Page then the layout you prefer
It is also possible to insert pictures, shapes, clip arts or charts to your document. These are commands
under Insert tab.

LAP Test Practical Demonstration

Exercise 1
1. Create Train folder under the desktop
2. Create a subfolders of 202bus, 302bus, 400bus, 500bus under train folder
3. Create the following document in Word and save it under 500buss folder in the name of train file name
I am so delighted to participate at such an august. Forum, the Third International
Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum, and to deliver a statement on the
National Railway Development in Ethiopia, opportunities and challenges for a win-
win partnership.

S.NO Train Number Initial Destination Cost

1 202 Hayat Kaliti 5
2 302 Megenagna Abyot 2
3 400 Bole Kotebi 4
4 500 Sidist Kilo Bole 5
4. Insert DriverName column between Train number and Initial and add ‘abebe, kebede, tesfaye, henock
5. Insert one row between 302 and 400 train number and add 3, 308, Daniel, Kazanches, mexico, 3
6. Move the trainfile from 500bus folder to desktop
7. Delete trainfile from desktop
8. Restore the file

Exercise 2

I. Create folder software in desktop

II. Write the following text in word program and save it in software folder under desktop by the
name software

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Is software that is designed to perform tasks in specific areas. It is developed using language software
and includes a set of related programs designed to carry certain task.Application Software includes
programs that do real work for user.

Water is represented as H2O Formatting

This is a double strikethrough

 Payroll systems,
 Inventory Control, Bulleting
 Manage student database,
 Word Processor,
 Spreadsheet and Database Management System

System Software Application Software
Operating Language Creates Creates
System Software word mathematica
software document l data and
Windows C++ Word Excel
12000 10000 5000 2500
Memory Types

1. Primary Memory
1.1. RAM

1.2. ROM
2. Secondary Memory
2.1. Magnetic
2.1.1.Magnetic disk
2.1.2.Magnetic tape
2.2. Optical
I. Write Your first name as header and page no as footer
II. Make the body font size as 14, font name times new roman
III. Type ‘HAPPY BIRTH DAY’ in word Art and put it at the end of the document
IV. Insert any picture inside the document in square wrapping text
V. Make the first paragraph in three columns
VI. Change the text “example’ in upper case

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Information Sheet Receiving and Following Instructions

Introduction to Computer Application

Lab- MS Excel 2007
After performing this lab, students should have the knowledge of:
Microsoft Excel’s working environment
Modifying an spreadsheet
Working with Formulas
Designing Charts
Microsoft Excel’s Working Environment
Excel is a spreadsheet program in the Microsoft Office system. You can use Excel to create and format
workbooks (a collection of spreadsheets) in order to analyze data and make more informed business
decisions. Specifically, you can use Excel to track data, build models for analyzing data, write formulas to
perform calculations on that data, pivot the data in numerous ways, and present data in a variety of
professional looking charts.

Opening Microsoft Excel:

Most of toolbar icons and interfaces are similar to Microsoft word. You may have a shortcut to Excel on
your desktop, if so double click the icon and Excel will open. If not follow the steps below:
1. Click on the Start button
2. Highlight Programs
3. Highlight Microsoft Office
4. Click on Microsoft Excel 2007
A window like the following will appear:

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Getting Started 2. From the Insert tab, click one of the Chart
To create a new worksheet
At the bottom of the screen, right-click on a current
To sort data or text
worksheet tab and select Insert. 1. Select the cells to sort.
or 2. From the Data tab, click on the Sort button.
Next to the current worksheet tabs, select the New
Worksheet button. Keyboard Shortcuts
CTRL+ C Copy the selected text or object
CTRL+ X Cut the selected text or object
To open a workbook CTRL+ V Paste text or object
From the Office Button click the Open button. CTRL+ Z Undo the last action
CTRL+ Y Redo the last action
To save a workbook CTRL+ S Save a workbook
From the Office Button click the Save button. F2 Edit a cell
or Enter Accept data entry and move downward
From the standard toolbar, click the Save button. Shift + Enter Accept data entry and move upward
Tab Accept data entry and move to the right
Shift + Tab Accept data entry and move to the
To format numbers CTRL + DEL Delete text to the end of a line
From the Home tab, click on the Number menu. Alt + Enter Start a new line within a cell
or F11 Create a chart of data for the current range
Highlight the cell(s), right-click, select Format Cells, CTRL + Display the formula of a cell
and adjust the Number tab. F5 Display Go To dialog box
Shift + F5 Display Find dialog box
To wrap multiple lines of data in a cell
F8 Anchor the cursor when selecting cells
From the Home tab, click the Wrap Text button.
CTRL + Enter Fill selected range with current entry
CTRL + Home Move to the beginning of the
worksheet (cell A1)
To insert a Function Home Move to beginning of a line (column A), or,
From the Home tab, click the Function button. while editing, to the beginning of a line within a cell
CTRL + End Move to the last filled cell in a
worksheet (bottom right corner of the work area)
To total the value of a group of cells Alt + Starts a sum function
1. Highlight the cells you want to sum. MS Excel automatically sets the print area of a
2. From the Home tab, click the SUM button. worksheet based on filled cells. To change the print
area, select the range of cells you want to print, then
on the Page Layout tab, select Print Area > Set
To insert a series (such as sequential Print Area.
1. Enter the starting value(s) and highlight those
2. Hold your mouse over the small square at the
bottom right corner of your selection.
3. When a small plus sign appears, click and drag
your selection to all of the cells you’d like to fill.
From the Home tab, click on the Fill button.

To create a chart
1. Highlight the cells you want to chart.

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LAP Test Practical Demonstration




1. Open MS Office-MS Excel – File – New

2. Select 3 column and 3 rows at the center of the beginning- right click-Format cells - click select the
alignment tab- tick Merge cells option- ok- Type the Heading.
3. Enter the 4 column Heading and 10 row heading by clicking the cursor on to the particular cell.
4. Enter the data for the 4 columns.
5. Select the first column whole data, except the heading and click Σ (auto sum) in the standard tool bar-
this will add the column’s data and places the result at the end.
6. Repeat the same for remaining 3 columns.

1. Open MS Office-MS Excel – File – New
2. Select few column and few rows at the center of the beginning- right Click- Format cells - click select
the alignment tab- tick Merge cells option- ok-Type the Heading.

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3. Enter the column Headings. Enter the data of following columns manually Sl No, Name, Employee Id,
Basic, CCA (100 for all the employee) and LIC.
4. Enter the following formula to calculate the respective values.
DA (60% of BASIC) =D5*0.6
HRA (7.5% of BASIC) =D5*0.075
Gross =SUM (D5:G5) or D5+E5+F5+G5
GPF (7% of BASIC) =D5*0.07
KGID (8% of BASIC) =D5*0.08
Tot Deduction =SUM (I5:K5) or I5+J5+K5
Net Salary =H5-L5
5. After Writing each formula select the cell and drag to the entire column to apply.

1. Open MS Office-MS Excel – File – New
2. Select few column and few rows at the center of the beginning- right Click- Format cells - click select
the alignment tab- tick Merge cells option- ok-Type the Heading.
3. Enter the column Headings. Enter the data of following columns manually Sl No, Regno, Name,
Science, Maths, English and BCS.
4. Enter the following formula to calculate the respective values.
Total =SUM (D5:G5)
Percentage =H5/4
Result =IF(AND(D5>=35,E5>=35,F5>=35,G5>=35),"PASS","FAIL")
Class =IF (J5="PASS", IF (I5>=75,"DISTINCTION",
IF (I5>=35,"PASS")))),"FAIL")
5. After Writing each formula select the cell and drag to the entire column to apply.

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1. Open MS Office -- MS Excel – File – New
2. Select few column and few rows at the center of the beginning- right Click- Format cells - click select
the alignment tab- tick Merge cells option- ok-Type the Heading.
3. Enter the column Heading and row heading. Enter the data in each Column.
4. Select the complete row and column data including the header.
5. Go to Insert- Chart-Bars-Select the Chart Type - Custom type- Select the type- Next- Select Column
- next – under Title give the Heading at Chart title – under Axes chose the Primary axis – under
Legends chose the Placement – under Data labels chose value- next- select the place chart- Finish.

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1. Open MS Office -- MS Excel – File – New
2. Select few column and few rows at the center of the beginning- right Click- Format cells - click select
the alignment tab- tick Merge cells option- ok-Type the Heading.
3. Enter the column Heading and row heading. Enter the data in each Column.
4. Select the complete row and column data including the header.
5. Go to Insert- Chart- Pie -Select the Chart Type - Next- Select Column – next – under Title give the
Heading at Chart title – under Legends choose the Placement – under Data labels chose value- next-
select the place chart -- Finish.

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